Contact us: +1.800.969.1623 ARTEMUNDI 2015 [email protected] *Artemundi Group: The World’s Premier Investment and Finance Group Management Company: “AML”-Artemundi Management Limited (Cayman) AML advises on the acquisition, management and sale of fine art objects. AML believes success in the fine art market depends on a well balanced investment art portfolio, maintaining transactional cost at a minimum, keeping very low managements and administrative cost, qualitative criteria gained through experience, as well as accurate quantitative data, combined with the ability to identify and act upon opportunities. Experience *Principals & associates are highly visible art collectors *+ 1/2 Billion US in art advisory *Authorship in the field Appreciation Strategies *Generation of editorial content *Exhibition loans *Media exposure *Geographical arbitrage *Academic Expertise *Profit from inefficiencies in the artmarket Benefits to investors *Portfolio diversification *Access to top intl. market players *Security and transparency *Economies of scale *Specialized Management *Familiar Structure *Superior Returs Funds under management *Currently AGF-1 (winding up May 2015) *Soon: AGF-2, Auction Guarantee and Art Loan Fund, LATAM Art Fund Key-Man: Mr. Javier Lumbreras Few people can be said to have successfully launched a new category of capital investment. Mr. Lumbreras is one of those few who can put forth such a claim. His rich background in art and finance hails from a lineage of art collectors that started in Spain in 1881. He has served as consultant to selected private collectors, guest lecturer at museums, universities, banks and at leading media groups, and as trustee to international art institutions. Additionally, he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Art Fund Association, New York. With a reputation as a pioneer in the field, he is a reliable and respected speaker in matters pertaining to art collecting at large, art as an asset class, and art securitization including portfolio management and estate planning. Among other venues, Mr. Lumbreras has been a speaker at the Alternative Investment Association, the Sotheby’s Institute in London, the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning, the Art Investment Forum, and at Deloitte’s Art & Finance conferences. Mr. Lumbreras is the author of the book The Art of Collecting Art. He is also a skilled and determined art collector in his own right. He founded The Adrastus Collection of contemporary art, a family trust initiative with institutional aims. A XIOMS • Profit in art transactions are made fundamentally at purchase. • Art Instincts trump financial instincts when purchasing Art. • Control the exit strategy. G OLDEN R ULES 1. Purchase art through private collections (as opposed to buying through galleries and auctions); 2. Keep administrative, operations and maintenance costs under control; 3. Minimize transactional costs (such as taxes and redundant commissions); 4. Select art which value can be added (through Artemundi’s appreciation strategies); and 5. Sell art through private collections. *Artemundi Global Fund-1: Artemundi Group’s Flagship Product AGF-1 is a private equity art fund that achieved attractive investment returns through a strategically diversified portfolio covering half a millennium of universally recognized artists. Investment Protocol *Authenticity & Provenance *Marketability *Specific Expertise *Trends Efficiency *Expense ratio: 0.78% *Avg. opex (2010-2014): $284k *Avg. commission (2014): 1.4% *No commission transactions: 62% (arms length) Structure: 5-8 year closed term; Cayman Limited Partnership; co-investment available; potential cash and/or art distributions before wind-up; 80/20 waterfall; Management Fee: 2%; Subscription Amount: $150 Million; Transaction profile: equity; Minimum Investment: $250k (individuals), $1M (institutional) Investment Thesis *Modern, Post-war, Latam, Impressionist, Old Masters *Below FMV acquisition *Positive tendency towards exit AGF-1 Performance 2014 * ROA: 24.7%; ROS: 19.5% *Negative transactions less than 2% *Accumulated Volume: US $131 Million *Revenue: US $25.3 Million *Artemundi: A One-stop Shop for Art-related Financial Services Artemundi has developed, to the benefit of its clients, two new products: (i) auction guarantees that secure the sale of artworks at a minimum price avoiding the catastrophic consequences of a “bought-in” scenario; and (ii) asset-based art loans that allow the asset to be used as a resource for liquidity. Example: Joseph Cornell “Medici Slot Machine” 1943 Christie’s 2014 High Estimate: Low Estimate: Reserve: Price Realized: Hammer Price: Buyer’s Premium: Profit: Guarantor’s 30%: Guarantee Fee: Carried Interest: Investor’s 80%: Investor’s Commitment: ROI: *Auction Guarantees: $3.5M $2,5M $2 $7,781 $6,8M $0.981M $4,8M $1,440M $0,006M $0,288M $1,152M $2M 58% About 25 to 30 percent of the time, the highest bid in art auctions fails to meet the undisclosed reserve price. The lot is “bought in” and is usually viewed as “burned” by the market. Consignors may have to wait between 2 to 6 years to place the artwork for auction again and still be subject to an average discount, on the second appearance, ranging from 14 to 35%. After 6 years -approximately- the BI effect has diluted completely and the artwork appreciates at a regular market rate. Auction price guarantees resolve this problem by issuing a form of insurance that removes risk from the consignor despite what may happen in the sales room. If a lot does not sell above reserve, the guarantor buys the artwork; if a lot sells below floor, the auction house pays the difference; and if a lot sells above floor, the guarantor splits the overage (up to 50% of the same). Guarantee fees range 3% - 5% of the guaranteed amount. *Asset-backed art loans: Collateral: Artworks; Per annum interest rates: 8%-16%;Term: 3-60 Months; Amounts: 2-20 Million; LTV Ratios: 30%
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