[email protected] GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER , Fax-06622-272230 SUNDARGARH (R&B) DIVISION, SUNDARGARH INVITATION FOR BIDS(IFB) 01. Sl. No 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Identification No. Executive Engineer , Sundargarh (R&B)Division.No.04 of 2015-16. Letter No.2171 Date: 23-04-2015. The Executive Engineer, Sundargarh (R & B) Division on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites percentage rates bids for the construction of works as detailed below from contractors registered with the state Govt. and contractor of equivalent grade/ class registered with central Govt./ MES / Railways for which agreement is to be drawn in P1 Form. The bidders registered under other State Govt./MES/ Central Govt./Railways in equivalent rank may participate in the tender but successful bidder has to register under the State PWD before signing of the agreement. The bidders may submit bids for the following works. Name of the work 2 Construction of shooting shed at Archery Ground of SAI, SAG Sundargarh for 2015-16. Special Repair to CDVO Office at Sundargarh for 2015-16. Special Repair to Bargaon IB (Leak Repair & Compound Wall ) for 201516. Special Repair to Hurticulture Office at Govt College Bye pass Road at Sundargarh for 2015-16.(Roof Changing ) Special Repair to DIET Conference Hall at Sankara, Sundargarh for 2015-16. Special Repair to SP Residence at Sundargarh for 2015-16 (Roof Changing) . Special Repair to Sub-Collector Office , Sadar, Sundargarh for 2015-16. Special Repair to SP Office at Sundargarh for 2015-16 (Leak Repair) . Special Repair to District Treasury Office , Sundargarh for 2015-16 . Value of works `. in Lakhs. (Approxi mately) 3 4.46 4.95 6.93 4.95 4.95 6.93 5.94 9.90 6.93 Special Repair to MVI Qrts. at LIC Colony , Sundargarh for 2015-16. 2.97 Construction of Store Room at CDVO Office, Sundargarh for 201516. 9.90 02. Additional place of sale & Receipt of bid documents Bid security EMD (in `) Cost of tender paper (in ` ) 4 S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Rajgangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division S.E. Keonjhar (R&B) Circle / Gangpur (R&B) Sub-Division 5 6 VAT 5% of Cost of tender paper (in ` ) 7 1% 2000/- 100/- 1% 2000/- 100/- 1% 4000/- 200/- 1% 2000/- 100/- 1% 2000/- 100/- 1% 4000/- 200/- 1% 4000/- 200/- 1% 4000/- 200/- 1% 4000/- 200/- 1% 2000/- 100/- 1% 4000/- 200/- Period of Completi on Class of Contract or 8 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 9 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months 03 (Three ) calendar months Bid documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities and the set of terms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents can be seen in all the offices issuing the documents and the office of the undersigned during office hours every day except Sunday and public holidays till last date of sale and receipt of tender papers. Interested bidders may obtain further information at the same address. ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class ‘D’ & ‘C’ Class 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. The bid documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned as well as additional places as noted in column-4 from 10.00 A.M. of Dt.01/05/2015 to Dt.12/05/2015 upto 1.00 P.M. Bids shall be received in all offices where the bids have been notified to be sold on payment of cost of bid documents either in shape of cash or Demand Draft issued from any Nationalized Bank draw in favour of the Executive Engineer, Sundargarh (R&B) Division payable at State Bank of India, Sundargarh. Bid documents requested by mail be despatched by registered/ speed post on payment of an extra amount of Rs. 500/- over the cost of the documents. The Executive Engineer will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any, in the delivery of the documents or non receipt of the same. The sealed bid documents are to be submitted in sealed cover and shall contain signed DTCN, attested copy of Registration Certificate, PAN Card ,valid VAT clearance certificate, no relation certificate & Original affidavit regarding authentication of documents for a particular work of the Tender Notice, others documents required as per the relevant clauses of the DTCN and special condition if any required amount of EMD in shape of NSC/KVP/POTD/Bank deposit receipt of any Nationalized Bank duly pledged in favour of the Executive Engineer, Sundargarh (R&B) Division without which bid will not be considered .The sealed bid documents will be received in the office of the undersigned as well as other additional places as noted in column no.4 upto 1.00 P.M on Dt. 13/05/2015. The tenderer can also send their tender papers through Registered Post / Speed Post only to Executive Engineer , Sundargarh (R&B) Division , At/Po- Sundargarh , Dist. Sundargarh .Such bids must be received on or before stipulated date & time as mentioned . The bids received late will not be opened . The authority will not be held responsible for the Postal delay if any or non-receipt of the tender documents. The bidders are not required to write their name on the outer cover of the bid but they are required to write the name of the work with name of Office from which bid documents were issued. The Engineer Contractor desires of having EMD exemption benefit must have to produce an affidavit to the effect that, they have not availed such exemption for more than three time during this financial year. Also the engineer contractor will produce his /her Original License at the time of opening of tender so that the tender opening authority will enter the exemption of EMD in his / her License failing which tender shall liable for rejection . The bid received at different offices & will be opened on Dt. 14/05/2015 at 9.00 A.M in the office of the undersigned, in the presence of the bidders wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt /opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be received /opened on the next working day at the same time & venue. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The bid should be duly filled & signed by the tenderer. The authority reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. The work should be completed within the stipulated period of completion and in no case the time extension will be allowed except the reasons not attributable to contractors. In order to ensure that the envelopes are properly sealed, the contractor can seal them with superglue and also add tamperproof tapes as additional precaution.. The tender submitted in the wrong box shall not be taken in to consideration. -Sd(H.S. Majhi) Executive Engineer Sundargarh (R&B) Division Regd. Letter with A/D Memo No .2172 /WE Dt. 23-04-2015. Copy forwarded to the Deputy Director (Advertisement) & Deputy. Secretary to Govt .of Odisha I&PR Department Bhubaneswar with a request to get it Published in two numbers of local Odia News paper at an early date for wide publication & circulation of tender Call Notice. Complimentary copy of the news copy containing the tender call notice may kindly be sent to this office for reference and record. -SdEncl : CD 1 No. Executive Engineer Sundargarh (R&B) Division Memo No .2173 Dt. 23-04-2015. Copy forwarded to the Director, Printing Stationary & Publication Govt. of Odisha Madhupatna, Cuttack-10 for information and necessary action. He is requested to arrange for publication in next issue of Odisha Gazette. -SdExecutive Engineer Sundargarh (R&B) Division
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