Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 In Your Prayers Please Remember The Sick and Hospitalized Members Of Our Parish Community MASS INTENTIONS Monday, April 6th ~ Monday within the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Bernadine Stamm (d) Carmel Carleo, Theresa Carlisi, Michael Falcone, Fletcher Gately, Kathleen Haller, Barbara Kretkowski, Kevin Ledwith, Claire Parisi, Marguerite Quinn, Ann Schimmenti, Mateo Ventrudo, James Virgadamo The names will remain for six consecutive weeks unless the Rectory Office is notified. Tuesday, April 7th ~ Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Deceased Members of the Amico Family Wednesday, April 8th ~ Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Mr. Hill (d) Our Parishioners Serving In The Military Please keep all our Military and Support Personnel in your prayers especially: Thursday, April 9th ~ Thursday within the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Phyllis Marrow (d) Friday, April 10th ~ Friday in the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Bert Simmerlein (d) United States Air Force 1st Lt. William F. Cosgrove United States Navy LT Michael Annunziata Lt. Geoff Hendrick IC2 Bryanne Heim Iddings LTJG Ryan Patrick Mahon United States Army Spc Andrew J. Baez Major Thomas Barrett Spc Lotachukwu Okoye United States Marine Corps L Cpl Kristofer Katzenberger CWO-4 Kris Kurrus “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.” Saturday, April 11th ~ Saturday in the Octave of Easter 9:00 am Marie Devita (d) Conversion of Political Leaders to the Culture of Life Mary Dolores Casserly (d) 5:00 pm Domenick Iadevaio (d) ************************* Please let us know if any of our Military and Support Personnel have returned home safely, so that we may update our prayer list. Pray for Priests Sunday, April 12th ~ Sunday of Devine Mercy 7:30 am Raymond Loew (d) 9:30 am John McCarren (d) 11:00 am Rita & George McLaughlin (d) 12:30 pm For Our Parishioners Vera Vitaliani (d) Allen Hoffman (d) Teresa Carfora (d) To Thank the Lord Lorraine Vigliotti (d) 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the Florentino & Mandato Families God, our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all for the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph. We pray that the Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around your priests, and through her intercession strengthen them for their ministry. We pray that Mary will guide your priests to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells you.” (Jn 2:5) May your priests be holy, filled with the fire of your love, seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of souls. Amen. Sunday Rev. Ryszard Ficek Monday Rev. Joseph Fitzgerald Tuesday Rev. Sean Gann Wednesday Rev. Francisco Garcia Thursday Rev. Gerard Gentleman Friday Rev. Frank Grieco Saturday For all priests The Sanctuary Lamp burns In Memory of All Deceased Members of Our Lady of Lourdes Requested by Malverne Walsh Funeral Home ** Schedule Changes ** Time, Talent & Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary March 29, 2015: $13,912 Last Year: $13,530 Page 1 Because the First Friday of April is Good Friday, the Prayer Hour for Life will not be held that day, but has been rescheduled for Friday, April 10th. Because the first Saturday of April is Holy Saturday, the Human Life Committee meeting will not be held that day, but has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 11th. Because Easter Sunday is April 5th, the Renewal of Marriage Vows for those celebrating their anniversary during the month of April has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 12th at the 12:30 pm Mass. From the Pastor’s Desk In the name of our entire parish staff I would like to wish you and your family a Happy and Blessed Easter. It is our prayer that the love and joy of the season will remain with you always! There is much for us to rejoice in as we gather to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord during this Easter season. Signs of Our Lord’s life and love are all around us. From the beauty in nature as grass, trees and flowers come to life to the good times we share with family and friends, we know just how deeply our God cares for us. I thank you for all the sacrifices of time, talent, and treasure you have made to enable us to continue to proclaim to all in word and deed that the Lord is truly risen. Hopefully the cold days of winter have finally given way to the warmth of springtime. It is our intention to continue with our facilities preservation projects by completing paving of the parking lot around the church and replacing the sidewalks on the east side of Sheehy Place. I thank you for your patience and continue prayerful and financial support as we continue to refurbish the parish grounds. Peace, Father Frank Easter Blessing Reflection for next Sunday, April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter / Sunday of Divine Mercy Fr. Frank J. Parisi Fr. Michael Aggrey Fr. Richard R. Donovan Fr. Chux Okochi Fr. James Mannion Deacon Francis X. Cove Deacon Richard H. Portuese The Parish & School Staff First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35 Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6 Gospel: John 20:19-31 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” Focus Questions: 1. Relate an experience when Jesus entered through the locked doors of your heart. 2. Describe an experience in your life when you became aware of God’s presence. 3. Jesus says, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” These words apply to us today. What helps you believe in Jesus when you have not seen Him? Wish all of our parish family the Blessings of this beautiful season and thank you for your continued love and support! Children and Family Reflection Sometimes believing in God can be difficult. What would you say to someone who has trouble believing in God? Grant eternal peace to those whom You have called unto yourself, O Lord Anna Milani Page 2 Thursday, April 9th Adoration Noon to 5:00 pm Benediction 4:45 pm Divine Mercy Sunday “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Come Celebrate Sunday, April 12th ~ 3:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church On the Road to Emmaus 13 Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles[a] from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus Himself came up and walked along with them; 16 but they were kept from recognizing Him. First Friday Evening Devotions April 10th ~ 8:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Prayer Hour for Life 17 He asked them, “What are you discussing to- The Real Presence of Christ is the gift He gave us at the Last Supper and when we come to church, we are truly in the presence of our God, our Creator and our Redeemer. On the First Friday of each month, we gather before our Eucharistic Lord to pray that the culture of life will prevail over the culture of death, that respect for all human life from conception to natural death will be restored in the hearts and minds of all God’s children. Please join us for a Holy Hour of prayer before Jesus in the Eucharist on the First Friday of each month from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. It may be a sacrifice to set aside this time, but time spent in the presence of the Lord is its own reward. gether as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast. 18 One of them, named Cleopas, asked Him, “Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?” 19 “What things?” he asked. Luke 24:13-19 New International Version (NIV) Nocturnal Adoration Because the First Friday of April was Good Friday, the Nocturnal Adoration Society will meet for Adoration this coming Friday, April 10th from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Wednesday Words of Wisdom “Road to Emmaus” April 8th We invite all our parishioners to join us to pray for our families, our parish and our country. Offer this hour for the poor and lonely. After the 9:00 am Mass and Novena Remember what Jesus asked his Apostles that first Holy Thursday night: “Could you not watch one hour with Me?” All Welcome ~ DVD ~ 30 minutes Light refreshments, Coffee and Tea Friday, April 10th from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 On Sunday, April 12th at the 12:30 pm Mass, all couples who are celebrating their anniversary during the month of April are invited to renew their marriage vows and receive a special blessing for married couples. We encourage all to participate in this very special tribute. Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. To work that love into practical things nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask for forgiveness as well as forgive. Dear Lord, we put our marriage onto your hands. Amen. All parishioners are invited to volunteer to be a part of the offertory procession at the Mass which you attend. This may be especially appropriate if the Mass is being offered for a relative or friend! Please see one of the ushers before Mass begins to make your intention known. Diocese of Rockville Centre Office of Worship This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at a liturgy on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of Maria Regina, Seaford The liturgy will begin at 2:30 pm. A registration form and complete instructions can be obtained by calling Fr. Frank at the Rectory (599-1269). Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by April 13th for the April 26th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions, you may call 516-678-5800, extension 207. Wedding Banns Banns II Jason David Freeman of Middle Village & Christine Mary Natoli of St. Margaret, Middle Village St. Monica’s Intercessory Group As we are made in God’s image, so may we live in God’s Likeness. Pro-Life Corner Saturday, April 18th Come pray for those you love to “Come home to the Catholic Faith” Regarding euthanasia and abortion: If we sit by and become complacent and put our heads in the sand, then we’re complicit. We must all work together to end the unrelenting attack on life in America. ALL ARE WELCOME In the Church Hall after 9:00 am Mass Together we will pray for the conversion of all God’s children, by entrusting them to God our Father, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and St. Monica. For further information contact: Geri Lecessi at 887-9252 Join us in prayer in the Church Hall every third Saturday or list the names of those that you would like us to pray for. Return to the Rectory or place in the collection basket: St. Monica’s Intercessory Group Please pray for: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ We offer opportunities for donations to be made on special occasions in memory of loved ones both living and deceased through the placement of Altar Flowers in the sanctuary or by memorializing the Sanctuary Lamp that burns near the Tabernacle, the Altar Bread, and the Altar Wine for the week. Donation: Main Altar Flowers: $80 Tabernacle Bouquet: $30 each Sanctuary Lamp: $25 Altar Bread: $25 Altar Wine: $25 An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the Sunday bulletin. Please come to the Rectory Office to make arrangements! (The next available date for flower intentions is April 26, 2015.) Page 6 Religious Education Principal’s Corner “In all my ventures where I succeed, You bring me hope anew, and through the failures I endure, this deepens my trust in You. When I am happy, I know You’re there—I feel Your spirit within; it restores my faith, soothes my soul, where doubt and fear had been. In all the great triumphs of man, as all I’ve ever dreamed, I see the steadfast love of God, and in Him my life’s redeemed.” May Christ’s blessings be with you and your families at this joyous Easter time! School will be closed this week for Easter recess. “Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed.” First Holy Communion The students in our Religious Education Program will receive their First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 25th at the following times: 11:30 am ~ Ms. DeMarco’s class, Mrs. Hayes class and Mrs. Ward’s class 1:30 pm ~ Ms. Fitzgerald’s / Ms. Mamounis’ class, Mrs. Pennipede’s class and Mrs. Reilly’s class. Our Lady of Lourdes Youth Ministry Presents . . . CAMP LOURDES Our Lady of Lourdes students will receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 2nd at 11:30 am. Confirmation News Confirmation Interviews will be held on Tuesday evening, April 14th beginning at 6:30pm. The interview schedule was sent home with the students this past week. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on Wednesday, May 20th at 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm by Bishop Brennan. All 7th and 8th grade students in the Confirmation Preparation Program will continue writing in their Mass Journal booklets for Saturday evening or Sunday Mass. Check to see each week if one or two pages are to be completed and fill in all the answers. Do not forget your booklets must be completed on Easter and all holydays of obligation. “”Follow the Signs of Peace” June 29th to July 10th A Summer Bible Camp for Ages 4 to 9 When: weekdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Where: At OLL School and Church Cost: $110 for two weeks *See Parish Website for Registration Form www.ollchurchmalverne.org For additional information call: Linda Baldacchino at 241-1896 The Religious Education office will be closed starting on Thursday, April 2nd and will reopen on Monday, April 13th in Observance of the Easter Holiday. Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00 am—8:00 am on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 FM on Long Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 pm on Sirius Radio Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 pm on XM Satellite, Channel 117. To listen online or receive more information www.ReligionandRock.com. Molloy College Spring Open House 1000 Hempstead Avenue, Rockville Centre 516-323-4000 All Parish & School Volunteers At the insistence of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please be aware that No Group or Organization will be able to schedule their events until we have an updated roster of volunteers from each group. Every parish & school volunteer must have completed the following: Background check Virtus Workshop Code of Conduct To register for VIRTUS go to: www.virtus.org or website at: www.ollchurchmalverne.org If you or someone you know has experienced an incident of sexual abuse by clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please contact the office for the Protection of Children and Young People. The office maintains a special phone for these situations: 516-594-9063. Sunday, April 26th at 1:00 pm Page 7 St. Vincent de Paul Rosary Altar Society Our Lady of Lourdes Thrift Shop will be open on Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Saturday dates are: April 18, May 2 and 16, June 6 and 20. This is the time for spring and Easter seasonal items. Women and children’s clothing, jewelry and household items are here for you. Please visit soon. Our Annual Communion Brunch will be Sunday, April 19th after the Rosarian Mass at 11:00 am. It will be held once again at the Hempstead Golf and Country Club. Our hostess is Noreen Kearney. Our guest speaker will be Kevin P. Connolly a parishioner, former Naval Aviator and current airline pilot. He was once chosen to fly St. Pope John Paul II. He will speak on things that are “Hidden in Plain Sight”. Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show the love of the Risen Christ by bringing your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Food Pantry: Tuna in water, Peanut Butter (supply exhausted), Spaghetti, Jars of Tomato Sauce, Grape Jelly, Dry Potatoes, Fruit Cups, Bathroom Soaps, Tea Bags, Cereals, Baked Beans, Jars of Baby Food Thank you to Gerard LoDuca for his generous donation of $500.00! Boy Scouts Of America girl scouts gold award Billy Buckridge of Troop 24 and Janine Baron of Troop 2458 The event Chairperson is Gerry Graetzer who will be collecting reservations ($35pp) and seating requests. Please mail your reservation to Gerry at: 15 Ogston Terrace, Malverne, NY 11565 by April 13th. We hope to see everyone there. Be sure to invite a friend. Thursday afternoon at 12:30 pm, May 21st is our next Open Meeting in the Church Hall. Doris Laxton is planning a “Spring Picnic”. Mark your calendar. Coming Up This Week Monday, April 6 7:30 pm ........... Al-Anon ......................................................... Rectory Dining Room 7:30 pm ........... Beginner Al-Anon................................................. Rectory Room #2 Tuesday, April 7 9:30 am ........... Cenacle Meeting ............................................. Rectory Dining Room 9:30 am ........... Legion of Mary .................................................... Rectory Room #2 1:30 pm ........... Scripture Study/Intercessory Prayer Meeting ..... Rectory Dining Room 4:30 pm ........... Tiger Cub Meeting ........................................................ Church Hall 7:00 pm ........... Boy Scout Meeting .......................................... Rectory Dining Room Wednesday, April 8 9:30 am to 2:30 pm—RAS Thrift Shop 9:30 am ........... Wednesday Words of Wisdom ........................................ Church Hall 7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room 8:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room Thursday, April 9 12:00 pm ......... Thursday Adoration .............................................................Church 7:30 pm ........... Rosary Altar Society Board Meeting .................. Rectory Dining Room Friday, April 10 8:00 pm ........... First Friday Adoration ...........................................................Church 8:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room Saturday, April 11 9:45 am ........... Human Life Committee Meeting ..................................... Church Hall After 5:00 pm Mass ...................................... Boy Scout & Girl Scout SVDP Collection 7:00 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room Sunday, April 12 8:00 am ........... Folk Group Rehearsal .................................................... Church Hall 10:30 am ......... RCIA ............................................................. Rectory Dining Room 12:30 pm ......... Renewal of Wedding Vows ...................................................Church 3:00 pm ........... Divine Mercy .......................................................................Church 7:15 pm ........... AA................................................................. Rectory Dining Room Page 8 Will be working on a joint project to build a community vegetable garden which will benefit our St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, as well as food pantries of the neighboring community. A collection will be held after each Mass during the weekend of April 11th to help fund this project. Any assistance you can give will be greatly appreciated! Welcome to Our New Parishioners Mr. & Mrs. Peter Auwarter Mr. & Mrs. Vito Avvinti Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brand Mrs. Francesca Carlino Mr. & Mrs. Benny Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Friscia Mr. & Mrs. Chad Hughes Mr. & Mrs. James Merritts Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Salamanca Mr. & Mrs. Renzo Serrado Ms. Michele Shelly Ms. Carmella Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Watkins Easter Flowers have been donated in Memory of … Stanley & Walter by Alfred & Blanche Schutte ** Martin Gibson by Patricia Gibson ** Richard J. Bell & the Cook & Muller Families by Ms. Patricia M. Cook ** Virginia Meyran by Mr. & Mrs. G. Meyran ** James Keady & Kathleen Bradley by Mrs. Shelia Keady ** Richard J. & Beatrice C. Keegan by The Kayne Family ** Edward & Frances Cooke, Michael & Teresa Grieco, William Scala by Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Bruzzese ** Donovan & McGarry Families by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGarry ** Salvador Santiago by Mrs. Emerita Santiago ** Deceased members of the Signora & Ostrow Families, Joseph V. Paterno by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Signora ** Pagano Pasqualina, Boccia Michael by Giovanna DeVivo ** Members of the Incontro & Rello Families by Incontro Family ** William C. Hannon by Mrs. Jeanne Hannon ** Thomas E. Hynes by Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hynes ** Deceased members of the Gurlich & Intravuovo Families by The Intranuovo Family ** The Kellett & Hart Families by Joseph & Joan Kellett ** Amodio & Scheidecker Family by Rose Scheidecker ** All Our Loved Ones by Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nupp ** Fred Fulgieri by Joan Fulgieri ** The Euler, Farenga & Spagnola Families by Kathleen Spagnola ** Charles & Natalie Lapp by Natalie Lapp ** Deceased members of the Montanile Family by Annette Montanile ** Marie Cushing, Millie Curran by James & Mary Miller ** Dominic Marzano by Mrs. Rosemarie Marzano ** Jennie & Ralph Iervolino by Connie & Mario Strano ** Deceased members of the McCarren Family by Maureen McCarren ** The Scire & Pocchio Family by Mr. & Mrs. J. Scire ** Matarazzo & Kucher Families by Michael & Rosemary Kucher ** Beloved Husband Bill Leahy by Helen Leahy ** Harold Petersen by Petersen Family ** Marina & Elliot Kraemer by Brady & Higgins Family ** The Resch & Lapina Families by Audrey & Joe Resch ** Ronald Schimmenti by Bob Schimmenti ** Anne E. Leyendecker, Elizabeth A. Caliendo by Mr. James Leyendecker ** Anna Zitani by Tatiana Penninipede ** Emma Cotta by Mr. & Mrs. L. Zenie ** Paul & Rose Mamounis & Margaret Harth by Mamounis Family ** L. Gregory Family & S. Yablonski Family by Mr. & Mrs. James Gregory ** Gibbons & Serynek Families by William & Mary Serynek ** Alfredo Moneta by Lucia Moneta ** Deceased Family Members by Mary Sweeney ** John Murray, John & Elizabeth Teale by Mrs. Kathleen Murray ** Vito & Rosaria Passalacqua, Gaetano & Giuseppa LaFata by Mr. & Mrs. George Abdilla ** The White Family by Maureen Mugan ** Cathy Donovan McCarthy by Mrs. Edmund Donovan ** Mary & William Hoffmann, Dr. Lewis Cuni by Rosemary Hoffmann ** Deceased members of the Mallen & Rello Families by Mallen Family ** Connolly & Collins Families by Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Connolly ** Mary & Fred Angliss by B. Gilligan ** Joseph Bajor by Scalia Family **Alfred DiGiorgio by Doris DiGiorgio ** Aurora Acevedo by Myrna Martinez ** Juan & Aurora Acevedo by John Acevedo ** McKenna & Cantwell Families by Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McKenna ** Kathleen Kelly, Michael O’Connell by the Carew Family ** Giuseppe DiMarco by Salvatore DiMaggio ** Florence Acquasanta & Emma Tammaro by Terry E. Schmidt ** Joseph & Maryann Murtha, John & Bernadine Stamm by Mrs. Joseph Murtha ** Juanita Rivera, Jorge Rodriguez by Mr. & Mrs. Angel Ithier ** Kevin Murphy, John & Rita Sullivan by Suzanne R. Murphy ** Pearl & Ernest Deacle by Eveline McCloskey ** The Innella & Mickus Families by June Innella ** Victor & Elizabeth Brotons by Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Diaz ** DiCesare & Panico Families by Mr. & Mrs. Nick DiCesare ** Vincent Esselborn Family & Friends by J. Esselborn ** Richard Costa by Marie Costa ** Agnes & Jeremiah Murphy by Miss Kathleen Murphy ** Barrett & Esoff Families by Brian & Jennifer Barrett ** Vincent Mattone by Mattone Family ** Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Lino Castellani by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howard ** Giuseppina Cirelli by Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Cirelli ** Dorothy Neuman by Sharon Frohne ** John & Elizabeth Teale, John & Catherine Byrne, Beatrice Young by Byrnes Family ** Our Loved Ones by Araneo Family ** Patrick J. Quinn by Peggy Quinn ** Concetta Dalmeto, Pasquale Chiafari, Angela Mannino by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chiafari ** Deceased members of the Pascale Family by Concetta Pascale ** John Mallalieu Sr. & John Mallalieu Jr. by Phyllis Mallalieu ** Millie & Tony Infantino by Scott Mallalieu ** Clara & Bill Brush, Dorothy & Bob Reinhardt by Claire & Bob Reinhardt ** Elsie Marie by Jemma Hanson ** William Gorman by Louise Gorman & Family ** Donna Cicio by Mr. Michael Revlock ** DellAnno & Bellacosa Families by Mr. & Mrs. Richard DellAnno ** Deceased Family Members & Friends by Mr. & Mrs. Carmine M. Rosa ** George & Bridget Camisa by Marilee Camisa ** Raymond & Dolores Doucette, Nicholas & Anna St. John, Richard Doucette by Nicholas & Suzanne St. John ** Lester Poggioli by John Hassett ** Deceased members of the Hassett & Lusardi Families by Mr. & Mrs. John Hassett ** Rizzuto & Greco Families by Mr. & Mrs. A. Greco ** Deceased members of the Dolce & Rotondi Families by Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Rotondi ** Bart Varsalona, Anna Artim, Peter Artim by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Artim ** Michael & Bernadette McGovern by Ruddin Family ** All Deceased Parishioners by Marian Cullen ** Anne McGeever by Mr. Cornelius O’Donnell ** Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Kreppein by C. & D. Kreppein ** Consolo, Mostel & Poggioli Families by Frances M. Poggioli ** Deacon Ted Van de Ven by The Baron Family ** Helen & William Flynn by Flynn Family ** Scarola & Quinlan Families by Patricia & Michael Scarola ** Matthew & Katherine Klein, Matthew & Lora Klein by Klein Family ** Salvatore, Anthony & Antoinette Galasso by Janet Bonadonna ** Roggio & Belviso Families by Belviso Family ** AnnMarie Sortino, Louise Markferdon by Mr. & Mrs. John R. Zappa ** My Mother Eloisa Suarez by Nilda Pinales ** Enrico Corrado by Gerardina Corrado ** Jose Maria Pabon by Samuel Pabon ** Dorothy & Louis Forte, Angela & Ted Zammit by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Forte ** The Egan Family by Mr. & Mrs. John Egan ** Landisi & Giovanniello Families by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Landisi ** Daniel Nugent Family, Esposito Family, LoBriglio Family by Elizabeth Nugent ** Ulicny Family by Deirdre Remppel ** Rose Marie Dama by Caroline & Victor Pisaniello ** Frank & Lucy Contarino by Catherine Contarino ** Mary Grace Gelo, Lucille Gelo, Settimio Gelo, Dolores & George Lowenhaupt, Francine Moore, Kathy Gelo by Monica & Charles Gelo ** Joyce, Crowley & Delio Families by Maureen Crowley ** Kenneth J. Coley by Karen Piccirillo ** Domenick, Angelina & Barbara Anne Iadevaio, Julia Composto by Composto Family ** Deceased members of the Katuna & Hickey Families by Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Katuna ** Sugrue & Shaw Families by Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Shaw ** Stephanie Anne Kieran by Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Esposito ** Anna & Michael Mlock, Rose & Carlo Vecchione by Louis Vecchione ** Walsh, Gannon & Brogan Families & Sgt. 1st cl. James Walsh, MIA Korean War since Nov. 2, 1950 by Miss Kathleen Walsh ** Frances Lavelle by Michael Lavelle ** Rose, JoJo, Rosemarie & Marie Buonomo, Tony Marino, Jeanette Werfel by Guy Buonomo ** Curatelli, Guthoff, Accardi & Canny Families by Robert & Rosemary Guthoff ** Joanne Shini by Mrs. Ann Quinn ** Elizabeth & Edwards Honis, Joseph Harns, Emily & Lloyd Graley by Mrs. Elizabeth McLoughlin ** Kimberly Gualtieri & Norma Thunelius by Arlene Sinkkanen ** Deceased members of the Varrichio Family by Mrs. Dorina Varrichio ** Gennaro & Maria by Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Melisi Easter Flowers donated by … Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo Carpinelli ** Mr. & Mrs. John Stone ** Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ching ** Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Dauscher ** Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Doherty ** Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wood ** Mrs. Michelle Walsh ** Mrs. Patricia Pizzo ** Mr. & Mrs. William Buckridge ** Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kost ** Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Fasciani ** Mr. & Mrs. James Maloney ** Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Pernett ** Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carr ** Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Woods ** Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cooney ** Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. McNamara ** Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Montuori **Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jenulis ** Mr. & Mrs. John Guerriero ** Mr. & Mrs. John F. DelGuidice ** Mr. & Mrs. Vito Passalacqua ** Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Glassing ** Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canzoneri ** Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell ** Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Maffia ** Miss Carol Benes ** Mr. Thomas Earvolino ** Mr. & Mrs. Brian Grady To be Continued ... Page 9 Community News American Legion Malverne Post 44 Franklin Avenue & Legion Place Atlantic City Bus Trip to Bally Casino Thursday, April 16th Arrival Time: 8:15 am Free Parking, Rolls, Bagels, Donuts & Coffee Before departure Enjoy a relaxing round trip ride in a comfortable coach bus with movie and games Price: $40 per person Receive a $30 gaming voucher on arrival Makes checks payable to: American Legion Post #44 PO Box 44, Malverne, NY 11565 Must call by: April 13th for reservations Bob Guarneri: 483-5631 John Hassett: 887-7473 Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s / Maris Stella Council #2228 78 Hempstead Avenue, Lynbrook Atlantic City Bus Trip to Resorts Monday, April 20th at 9:00 am Free Parking at rear of Council Free continental breakfast at 8:00 am Resorts Package: $25 (subject to change) Cost: $40 Call Bruno Arena at 516-507-2368 for reservations ASAP Dominican Village: 565 Albany Avenue, Amityville; 631-8426091; [email protected]; sponsored by the Sisters of St. Dominic; Independent Retirement Community, Assisted Living Residence; Respite Care. Contact us to schedule a tour at your convenience! Open House from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: April 11, 16 and 25; May 7, 16, 21 and 30. Spirituality For Singles: 2015 Spring Singles Dance, Saturday, April 11th from 8:30 pm to 12 midnight; St. Aidan Parish, Msgr. Kirwin Hall, 525 Willis Avenue, Williston Park; hot buffet, free wine and beverages, snacks and dessert included. Dancing all evening to Live Music by : “Our Generation”. All singles ages 30+ are welcome, $25 per person; info: Ray at 516-561-6994 or [email protected]. South Nassau Communities Hospital—Volunteers Needed: South Nassau Communities Hospital is looking for adults ages 18 and over to give of their precious time to the community as a volunteer in our hospital. We are looking for volunteers to join our team who are willing to work a four hour shift each week with a minimum of 100 hours a year. Assignments may be patient related—in areas such as nursing, emergency department, oncology and physical therapy where volunteers assist staff in non-clinical ways. Volunteers in administrative offices such as Human Resources, Business Office, Medical Records, Administration, Medical Library and Admitting provide clerical services. In addition, volunteers support the nursing units by delivering newspapers and magazines and running errands throughout the hospital. Volunteer Benefits: Annual Award luncheon, $1.75 voucher for the cafeteria per day, inclusion in hospital special events, new friends, exploring new interests and experiencing the satisfaction of helping others. Become a Volunteer: To become a volunteer you need to complete an online application by visiting www.southnassau.org, Interview, attain medical clearance and attend an orientation. Please contact Nassau Communities Hospital for more information at (516) 632-3928 St. Joseph Renewal Center: 1725 Brentwood Rd, Bldg #4, Brentwood, NY 11717. (631) 273-1187 ext 123. Upcoming programs: Restaurants Boardwalk Shopping Page 10 Men 2 Men Gathering. Apr. 11 from 8:00 am—9:30 am. Offering $20, incl. breakfast. Presenters Michael Dunn & participants from the group. A Spiritual Gathering of Women. Apr. 14 from 10am to noon. Offering $15. Presenters Tina Cafaro & Joan Vessio “Tending the Soil of the Heart” Morning of Reflection. Apr. 16 from 10am to 12 noon. Offering $15. Presenters Suzanne LePre, RSM & Margaret Valenti. Wellness Retreat Weekend. Apr. 24—26. Offering $190 includes accommodations and meals. Facilitators: Josephine Daspro, CSJ and a team of experts in each of the fields (Nutrition, exercise, prayer, rest, reading, sleeping, recreation and relationships) that it will cover. 11th Step Prayer. Apr. 26; 2—4 pm—free will offering; presenters: Josephine Daspro, CSJ and Linda Oristano.
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