The Patriot News update for the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society April 2015 In This Issue President’s Message 9th Patriotic Gala 2015 review Copper Sword & Copper Eagle Nominations Did You Know “In Memory Of” Country Store Upcoming Dates . . . April 5, Easter April 8 , 10:00 AM AVHOFS Board Meeting (ADVS) May 13, 10:00 AM AVHOFS Board Meeting (ADVS) May 25, National Cemetery Wreath Presentation. President’s Message The 9th Annual Patriotic Gala was an outstanding success. Congratulations go out to all the award recipients and scholarship winners. The program was packed with patriotic entertainment. If you missed it, you should add it to your to do list for 2016. The Gala continues to grow and improve each year. We were honored to have Governor Doug Ducey and several state representatives attend. Special thanks go to Chuck Schluter and Kathy Laurier, Gala Chairman and Co-Chair and their committee members for all their time and effort put in to make the gala a success. Please consider nominating a deserving individual for the Copper Sword or Copper Eagle award. Check pages 6 & 7 for nomination information. and your interests. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and submit it to be counted. Your voice is very important. We also sent out hard copies of the survey to those who do not have email. “In Memory Of” section I have posted the obituary of Hall of Fame member Jackie Moore Class of 2014 who passed away last month. I ask all members if you know of the loss of a member, that you let one of the board members know. We will try and contact the family to pay the society’s respect with the encased Arizona Flag. I continue to look for an assistant Newsletter Editor and a assistant web site monitor. If interested contact me 480-961-8632 or [email protected] Ron Perkins Class of 2012 “BE SURE TO TAKE THE SURVEY SENT OUT ON THE 22ND OF MARCH” The survey asks you important questions about the direction for the Hall of Fame Society AVHOFS 4980 South Alma School Road Suite A2-619, Chandler AZ 85248 The Patriot Page 2 9th Annual Patriotic Gala Veteran and Student VHP Scholarship Recipients Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton Copper Star Recipient Bullhead City Mayor Jack Kakim Copper Star Recipient Copper Eagle Award to the Pat Tillman Foundation Copper Eagle to Rutherford Diversified Industries Jim Jones sings lyrics “Old Soldier” The Patriot Page 3 9th Annual Patriotic Gala Jim Click accepts the Copper Sword Award Sonny Borelli accepts the Copper Shield Award Jim Click recognizing supporters Past Recipients of Copper Sword and Shield Jesse McGuire Past Sword Recipient Governor Ducey & Bullhead City Mayors Governor Ducey The Patriot Page 4 9th Annual Patriotic Gala Scott & Brook Essex Dick & Debbie Minor Rick Romley Past Society President Proud to be an American Ms Paula Erlene & Mr. Ermal Williamson-”Duke” John Wayne Chuck Schluter Patriotic Gala Chair The Patriot Page 5 9th Annual Patriotic Gala Gordon James master of Ceremonies Ms Paula Erlene Color Guard provided by Sea Cadets Barry Goldwater Jr., Joey Strickland, Sonny Borelli Did You Know APRIL is Month of the Military Child. Nationwide, over 1 million children makeup a part of our military community. This special celebration is a legacy of former Defence Secretary Casper Weinberger and was established to celebrate and honour the important role children play in the Armed Forces community. The rate of military mobility is more than twice that of the civilian population (37% versus 15%). The military child will move an average of 6 - 9 times between kindergarten and graduation. According to Military K-12 Partners, today there are over 1.2 million military children and since 2001 approximately 2 million children have experienced the deployment of a parent. Deployments typically last from 6 - 12 months which leaves children missing their parent for an extended period of time. The Patriot Page 6 Copper Sword Award The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society seeks to recognize a non-veteran whose personal actions contributed significantly to the benefit and well being of our military, our veterans, their families and their survivors, their communities and their neighbors. To be considered for a Copper Sword award, the scale of the individuals contributions and measurable impact upon the veterans community should be extraordinary. Description: The awar d consists of a Copper Swor d accompanied by an engr aved inscr iption which is pr esented in a framed, glass covered case. General: Copper was the fir st metal used in the making of a swor d. Tr adition holds that an upr ight unsheathed sword is the symbol of exceptional bravery and leadership. The sword is representative of the warrior and is indicative of that individual who engages to fight for a cause that is greater than that of his/her own self interest. First presented by the AVHOFS in 2007, a single Copper Sword honoree is recognized annually. The Copper Sword award is the heart of the Society Recognitions Program, and the highest award presented annually. Honorees selected are encouraged and expected to attend the Patriotic Gala and receive their award in person. Exception is at the discretion of the AVHOFS BOD and in unique circumstances alternative recipients may be considered. Nomination: Nominations for the Copper Swor d awar d may be submitted at any time dur ing the calendar year. Nominations on hand on May 31st of each year will be considered for the Copper Sword award for the subsequent year. Administrative: A cover document including the nominee name, contact infor mation (email, mailing address, telephone) and resume or biography is required. Additionally, if selected, a color portrait photograph will be necessary. Format: The nomination will consist of a 750 wor d (or less) text document descr ibing the r eason why the nominee is deserving of the Copper Sword award. The justification will accompany the administrative cover page. The nominee must be a current resident of Arizona and has resided in Arizona for a minimum of five years, and cannot presently be holding elected political office or have done so for at least two years. Selection: A selection committee will evaluate the nominations in accor dance with this Oper ating Instr uction and other guidance, if offered, by members of the BOD. The selection committee may be comprised of the AVHOFS Board of Directors, or a Special Selection Committee appointed by the President, consisting of a minimum of one AVHOFS Officer and four Directors. The selection committee will convene in June and conclude their determinations NLT the first of July each year. In the case where a Special Selection Committee is convened, the Society BOD shall retain the right of concurrence in the recommendations of that committee, with final approval of the recommendation resting with the BOD. Selection focus is upon the nominee’s contributions to community and country in support of humanitarianism, charity and the advancement of veteran causes. The Patriot Page 7 Copper Eagle Award Criteria: The Copper Eagle Awar d was cr eated in Mar ch 2013 by the Boar d of Dir ector s of the AVHOFS to provide a means to recognize deserving private institutions, organizations or corporations whose actions warrant exceptional recognition for services rendered to the Arizona veteran or military community. These entities are those whose efforts had gone above and beyond the call of duty in supporting our military, veterans, their families and survivors. Description: Copper is symbolic of the gr eat state of Ar izona. The eagle symbolizes the str ength and fr eedom of America and the honorable service of our members to our country. The award consists of a metallic Copper colored Eagle trophy mounted on a pedestal with an engraved inscription at the base. General: Among the ser vices and suppor t r equir ements for veter ans ar e education, to include veter an friendly veteran-student programs at universities and colleges, legal assistance and courts that recognize the unique challenges of veterans and job opportunities for veterans and their families. Also included are healthcare and social welfare to include focus on the veteran homeless population and veteran community care. Other focus areas include the unique characteristics of our veteran and military community which include disabled veterans, women veterans and an extensive population of rural veterans. The AVHOFS recognizes that whereas national and state governmental organizations bear the bulk of the responsibility for addressing these needs, it is the non-governmental entities which fill the gaps and render tremendous service and support. It is because these entities render outstanding service and support that we seek to recognize them. This award is an optional award and may or may not be presented annually. No more than two of this award will be presented annually. Nomination: Nominations for the Copper Eagle awar d may be submitted at any time dur ing the calendar year. Nominations on hand on May 31st of each year will be considered for the Copper Eagle award for the subsequent year. The nominee must have been established in the state of Arizona for a minimum of two years. Administrative: A cover document including name of the or ganization nominated, contact infor mation (email, mailing address, telephone) and website are required. Format: The nomination will consist of a 1,500 wor d (or less) text document descr ibing the r eason why the nominee is deserving of the Copper Eagle award. The justification will accompany the administrative cover page. The nominee must be a current resident of Arizona and has resided in Arizona for a minimum of five years, and cannot presently be holding elected political office or have done so for at least two years. Those nominees chosen for selection must be represented in person by an executive level officer when the award is presented. Selection: A selection committee will evaluate the nominations in accor dance with this Oper ating Instr uction and guidance, if offered, by members of the BOD. The selection committee may be comprised of the AVHOFS Board of Directors, or a Special Selection Committee appointed by the President, consisting of a minimum of one AVHOFS Officer and four Directors. The selection committee will convene in June and conclude their determinations NLT the first of July each year. In the case where a Special Selection Committee is convened, the Society BOD shall retain the right of concurrence in the recommendations of that committee, with final approval of the recommendation resting with the BOD. The Patriot Page 8 In Memory Of Jackie Valentine Moore, Feb. 20, 1954 – Mar. 10, 2015. On a beautiful prespring day our wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, commander & leader passed from this world into the arms of her heavenly father after a courageous battle with brain cancer. Jackie passed away peacefully at home in her sleep surrounded by her loving family. Jackie was the second daughter born to Barbara Gleason & Robert G. Valentine. She spent her youth in Brigham City Utah. After graduating from Box Elder High School she put herself through college at Weber State College acquiring a double major before joining the Army. Jackie married Rick Persons and together they had son Jaric & daughter Chelsea. Jackie then met the love of her life & soul mate Tim Moore. They were married on Aug. 15, 1994 in Arkansas with Jackie’s parents Joan & Bob Valentine as their witnesses. Jackie’s Army career allowed her to move to many locations in the world. They lived the longest in Europe, Arizona and California where her son resides. Jackie was so happy to be a mother. She was very proud of her children. She enjoyed watching them grow into successful adults. She guided with a gentle hand. Jaric is involved in a family business in Monterey California. Jackie cherished the area and hoped to one day return. Chelsea gives great tribute to her mom by selecting the Army as her career path. She is currently stationed in Georgia. During Jackie’s 30 year Army career she excelled in everything she was assigned. While stationed in Germany she was with the Tactical Military Division and responsible for collection & translation of intelligence. At the Defense Language Institute Jackie was the Platoon Sargent and Command Sargent Major. Jackie held the position of Command Sargent Major and served as Senior Enlisted Advisor for a 1200 person unit at her last base in AZ. After retirement Jackie was recalled to serve on the Chief of Staff of Army Retiree Council held in Washington DC two weeks a year. After retirement Jackie & Tim settled in Arizona & traveled extensively. They enjoyed many diverse activities together. They made many lifelong friends along the way. After cancer was detected, they made the difficult decision to move back to Utah to be near family. On Feb. 14 2015 Jackie & her husband Tim of 20 years were sealed for time & eternity in the Brigham City LDS temple. This marriage was witnessed by both family & friends. Jackie is survived by her husband Tim, son Jaric, daughter Chelsea, parents Joan & Bob Valentine, sisters Debbie Birch, Patti (Jim) Andersen, Ella (Garth) Olsen, Barbara (Zayne) Valentine-Day, Jeanne (Jack) Andersen and brother Chris (Liz) Valentine and many nieces & nephews. Thoughts & memories Friday March 20, 2015 in the Bear River City, UT LDS Church. Funeral Service Saturday March 21, 2015.“When I am gone it will not matter what type of car I drove or how much money I made or which battalion I led, what will matter most of all is the difference I made in the lives of my children.” Jackie Moore ‘’I received this woman from her father’s arms, and from my arms I give her back to her father in heavens arms to hold and comfort her till I can again receive her from him in heaven.” Tim Moore The Patriot Page 9 Attention avhofs members!!! Country Store Orders Due no later than April 10th !!!!! Order forms on-line at Be ready for Memorial day!!
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