Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 1 Yarn Matters Stitch n’ Chicks Newsletter Website: titchnchicks/ Blog: Email: Volume 2011 Issue 4 & 5 A Word from your Chattering Chick [email protected] Hello … WOW “Holy Sassafras” [see meaning on last page] as my mom always said am I Group Leader: Debb Asst leader: Denise Treasurer: Patricia Website Updates: Open Hospitality: Denise Communications: Pat Historian: Open behind ehind on newsletters newsletters! This past summer has been a real busy one for me with vacations, Red Hat events, and family obligations, but I am back on track and this newsletter will cover June June-Aug.. I will then get back on track with the rest of this year. Phew…. Meetings are held 2x a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday’s of each month at Hof’s Hut on the patio 6:30-9:00 p.m. Call or email Debb: [email protected] [562]7561556 Yarn Matters is published bi- monthly, the 1st meeting of the following month. Contact [email protected] if you have an article you wish to have published. Articles presented in Yarn Matters reflect the opinion of the authors, not necessarily the views of the entire group. SnC seek to publish accurate articles and information but do not assume responsibility in the event of a claim for loss or damages resulting from any publication. Highlights: Chattering Chick 1 Meeting Recaps 2 Tips & Ideas Share a Pattern 7 10 5 Hook n Needle Chatter 3 7,8 Stitch n’ Cluck 4 Munchies Corner 11 Ads & Sponsors &Answers 12 Yarn Tips and Ideas 6 Calendar & Events 10 Extra Patterns: -------------------------------------------- Newsletter Editor: Debb Denise was our SnC of the Year, and her regular award she received a chef’s hat and 2 storage bags, her title “The Stash Gobbler Mogul” lol…. Patricia received yarn, lips to put a smile on her face, and a puzzle to keep her calm, her title, “Smiling in the Face of Adversity”… she also was noted for having the most stitches on her body in the past year…lol… Donna received “deadly” knitting needles,to protect her stash and a key chain, to proudly show off her award, she was given the, “Go Get Um Lady” award…lol…. Lauren our excuse gal got an “excuse jar” filled with excuses, and a handmade book of granny squares, to give more afghan ideas, her award, “The Mad Afghaner Excuse Maker”…lol… M Pat received a collage with all her costumes of the past, a bumper sticker with “The Best Theme Participate” and some chocolate for fuel to think up more costume ideas, her award, “The Best Theme Participate”…lol… Debb received a gavel to call order at meetings, and a camera “gabby” bag to carry her camera, her award “The Big Kahuna Kahuna-Gabby Photographer” …lol.. Colleen Colleen,, who got her award at the next meeting, received a wig, mask, and “Just Say No” booklet, the wig and mask to disguise herself and the booklet to give her info on saying no…her award, “The Escape Artist” …lol Be sure not to miss out on the fun and plan to be at next year’s year’ anniversary luncheon!! Book Reviews and Yarn Pictures We had our Anniversary Awards Luncheon at Marie Calendars’ and it was really nice. There were 6 of us there, Colleen we hope you will join us next year! The lunch was excellent; the patio dining was private with our own very attentive waitress. Everyone had a fun time with the awards this year. Instead of serious we had “fun” awards. If you think you might want to go on a Yarn crawl be sure to let me know and I can schedule hedule a field trip. The Santa Monica yarn crawl is all planned out when we are ready to go???? Remember the Norco Craft Fair and the Christmas Lights Walk is coming up. This year we are going to “Candy Lane” in Palo Verdes. It is a fantastic neighbor so be sure to come and have some fun. The house that is always on the Internet with the lights that dance to the music is there. [a not to be missed site] Finally no more construction at Hof’s so the traffic should be much lighter. ☺ Halloween poem: “When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween.” ~Author Unknown~ As always ladies, remember that; “Life is a stitch of happiness, so try ry not to drop one.” Some True and Funny Labels on Products: Sears’s hairdryer: “On the tag of a reversible jacket: "Wash inside insideout" (w (which way would that be??...). ☺ Crochetoholic Debb Monthly Funny: What do you get when you add monsters and ghosts, ghost and witches and broomst sticks? ☺ [ans last pg] ~Meeting Minutes~ Minutes~ Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 2 The group has 7 members. We have openings for 4-5 new members members. If you know of anyone that might be interested in joining us us, invite them to a meeting. If you would like to host a party or help please let Debb know!! Or if you would like to do a field trip let Debb know and just plan it out and let the group know when and where! Stitch n’ Chick of the Year” “ News: Old News ~ New Happy “B” Day Patricia and raffle winner s , Birthdays • Sept 10th-Lauren Oct 19th- Donna Anniversaries • Luncheon 7/2012 Announcements: o Dec 15th-Thurs -6pmChristmas Lights Walk in “candy Lane” in PV o Dec 4th-Sun- Christmas Fair in Norco Sharing a Funny Story An extremely modest man was in the hospital for a series of tests, the last of which had left his system upset. Upon making several false-alarm trips to the bathroom he decided the latest was another and stayed put. He suddenly filled his bed with diarrhea and was embarrassed beyond his ability to remain rational. Losing his presence of mind, he jumped up, gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window. A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him. He started yelling, cursing, and swinging his arms wildly, which left the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet. As the drunk stood there staring down at the sheets, a security guard who had watched the whole incident walked up and asked, "What the heck was that all about?" Still staring down, the drunk replied: "I think I just beat the heck out of a ghost!" LoL ☺ Pat won, Lauren won, Patricia won Debb’s computer was down so newsletter is late and will be for 4 months June June-Sept Picnic at El Dorado Park was fun KFC was the food of choice, Pat, Patricia, and Debb LA Fair Pat Patricia and Debb went Debb and Pat both won ribbons.. Rainbow skein still due Oct Halloween alloween Party Check out our website Does not look like we can actually talk on the website, there is a forum but it is difficult for some members to talk on it and it does not ot notify you when an email comes in…so yahoo will have to stay our way of posting for now.. The website though can be used to read other info that was hard to access on the yahoo site… Discussed craft fairs coming up over the next few months Our Retreat was a blast photos in the next newsletter Reminded about upcoming Christmas light walk walk… Happy September “B” day Lauren Our Guests: None this month… Find the yarn ball hidden in each issue and the location to be found on tthe last page of the following month! ☺ • No new Members • But we did get a treat and had a meeting at Colleen’s lovely home. Who’ss under that hat??? [ans last page] Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 Let’s Help Our Hands with Simple Exercises This exercise ball has a crochet carrying handle… cute! 7@N00/316357188 What is this? [ans last pg] These two hats are too cute..sorry no patterns More cool hats 22256 Keeping our hands and wrists pain pain-free free can be hard with working on the computer and knitting/ crocheting all day or crafting. Try these exercises or stretches to keep your hands from cramping up and feeling stiff. Berroco also has a great Handeze warm up up, which you can print PDF directions: Download the Hand Stretch Excercise PDF Another great way to relieve the Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is with Yoga. Has is a terrific and informative site with free videos demonstrating basic hand exercises to increase strength and flexibility of your hands and fingers. One of the biggest challenges is to take breaks and rest re your hands. We all get on a roll with our projects and it becomes hard to put it down giving our hands the proper rest they crave. It’s a good lesson in moderation – one we should always remind ourselves to do. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a repetitive stress s injury, or an RSI, where tingling, numbness or a pins and needles sensation is felt in the wrist and hand. It is common with those who perform repetitive, daily tasks with their fingers or hands. Some common activities that can trigger carpal tunnel syndrome include: knitting, sewing, crocheting, computer typing and using a computer mouse to point and click, house cleaning, playing a stringed instrument and using hand tools, especially those for turning or twisting, like a screwdriver or wrench. If no nott properly treated, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause irreversible nerve damage and permanent disability in various degrees. Typically, the chiropractic treatment includes manipulation of the affected wrist and elbow, as well as manipulation of the upper sp spine. ine. Ice packs may also be used, as well as heat, hand exercises, ultra sound therapy and even acupuncture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The most wasted day is one in which we have not laughed.” This is actually a crochet dog toy…too cute.. ** You know you crochet too much when….. “When you can’t go with your friend to lunch before the mail comes because your new “Crochet” magazine is due in the mail! ☺ 3 Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 4 ~Did Did you know that that~ Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33! 39 Wow! ~Ever ver wondered why~ stores sell hot dogs in packs of 10 and buns in packages of 8? How about people who order double cheeseburgers, rs, fries and then a Diet coke! ☺ ~Ever wondered why~ if airports are so safe then why the airports are called “terminals?” ☺ ~Ever wonder why~ we leave our cars worth thousands in the drive drive-way way and then put our useless junk in the garage. ☺ And why is it the time of day with the slowest is called the “rush hour?” ☺ ~ Did you know~ that most lipstick contains fish scales…yuck!! ~Did you know~.85% 85% of plant life is found in Oceans…wow…and look at all the green around you. ~Did you know~ the names of all cont continents inents both start and end with the same letter, think about it…Europe, America, Asia, ~Did you know~ how BOOB(s) got Their Name Name? ☺ A. Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating?. B. How do witches keep their hair in place while flying? . Monthly Riddle???? *Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one. *Michael J. Fox has a small one. *Madonna doesn't have one. *The Pope has one but doesn't use it. *Clinton uses his all the time. *Obama is one. *Mickey Mouse has an unusual one. *Liberace never used his on women. *Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his. *Cher claims that she took on 3. *We never saw Lucy use Desi's. C. Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road? Look closely what do you see in this photo? [ans last page] What is a cow co in knit socks? ☺ Cute Halloween Costume What is it? ☺ [ans last pg] • Monthly Trivia: Ann Orr, one of America's most popular and prolific crochet designers of the early 20th century, became the principal editor and designer for Coats & Clark's needlework publications while still only a teenager. Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 What animal is this? [Ans on last Pg to this strange animal] knit flu mask or Dr Halloween mask These both came from “What not to Crochet” blog all crocheted - Wow! New Book Review “The Girl in the Cellar” A knit “Spirals French” bag on Rivalry Guess what this is? [ans last pg] Cover of The Girl in the Cellar by Patricia Wentworth. This was the last Mill Silver book and was originally published in 1961. (Courtesy Ulverscrot Late Print Books) By Patricia Wentworth “ Pokemon” character I discovered “Miss Silver” in the 1980s when many of the “Miss Miss Silver” Silver novels were being reprin reprinted ted in the United States. I liked them so much that I bought all thirty-two thirty of them, some as lucky finds in secondhand bookshops. You will want to reread them many times. You’ll enjoy them for many reasons, but a delightful bonus will be that “Miss Miss Silver Silver” knits. Knitting is not that common in literature, and it usually serves as a sort of stage prop, like a style of dress, to indicate something about the character of the knitter: that she is old old-fashioned, fashioned, or industrious, or a harmless old lady. While “Miss Silver Silver” is both old-fashioned fashioned and industrious, she is not a harmless old lady. She is aware that her knitting conveys an impression that helps her in her profession. She takes advantage of that, but her knitting is not a prop. She is a real knitter and takes her knitting wherever she goes. In a given book, we may watch her cast on a garment, finish it, assemble and trim it, and immediately cast on for the next one. Patricia Wentworth wrote a series of 32 crime novels (classic (classic-style style whodunits) many featuring featu “Miss Silver,” the first of which was published in 1928, and the last of which was published in the year of her death. “Miss Silver” is sometimes compared to Jane Marple, Marple the elderly detective created by Agatha Christie. “Miss Silver” is a retired gov governess erness who becomes a private detective. She works closely with Scotland Yard, especially Inspector Frank Abbott. She is fond of quoting the poet Tennyson. Cost: paperback used….$15.99 Crochet and padded earrings etsy-pickof-day-fudumudu.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Those Naughty Bad Words” “You never really learn to swear, until you ou can’t find the yarn for your next chosen project!” 5 Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 6 Some Helpful Hints!! For the man in your life??? Part One: How do you attach afghan squares? A knit turkey esent-day.html There are several sites to see " "ABCs of Knitting" " is excellent for knitting ideas and "know hows". Also try "Free " Crochet" for all the abbreviation explanations, videos, and free patterns. My favorite for learning "Crochet Crochet 911 & Knit 911 911" " A few options to connect are: sewing with a whip stitch, cross stitch, running stitch, back stitch or another variation, crocheted slip stitch, single crochet, knitted 3 3-needle bind-off. There are dozens of choices!To choices sc them together; you start with square A in the 1st st and sc, ch 1, then sc in square B, in the 1st st, ch 1, sc, next st in square A, ch 1, sc in the 2nd stitch of square B, and so on around, when you get to the corners sc in both A and B in the corner stitch then ch 1 and sc in the next stitch back and forth between square A and square a “W”. The overcast seam, as illustrated in Weave Weave-It It manuals, is easy e to execute and challenging to make look decent decent—at at least for me. I tend to get either a hard, ugly ridge, or one that’s full of holes. If you choose to use it, take your time in experimenting with seam yarn, which doesn’t have to be the same yarn that you y weave with. Nasty looking pumpkin The lacy stitch seam is just a variation of an overcast seam, going through fewer loops. I do like this seam for felted items because it’s quick and the seams pretty much disappear in the felting process. (However, I stitch having all pieces in the same orientation, not mirrored as pictured below.) It Cross Stitch Seam Weave-It What tool is this? [ans last pg] What is this? [ans last pg] If you want your seam to be highly decorative and visible, the cross stitch seam has much to recommend it. Be aware that the method illustrated in Weave-It We and Weavette booklets only crosses in the front. My cross stitch seam is crossed on both sides and is completely reversible. Next month: Part Two July 2011 Ever Ponder WHY ??? • They're che “The man who invests all your money is called a broker?” Halloween Jokes: A. What is a vampire's favorite sport? B. How do monsters tell their future? What does the old word “” mean??? ??? What do you call a cat with eight legs that likes to go swimming? [Ans. Last pg] Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 Halloween Projects [Click photos for website or click “Ctrl + click] I love Halloween: This is a cute Halloween bag This is a free pattern Halloween afghan Here is another cute afghan For Halloween buy pattern This spider hat is spooky use this pattern with bulky yarn And attach it with glue to a headband /2009/10/along /2009/10/along-came-spider.html Yuck this one looks real… Thought for the day - "We are cups, constantly and quietly uietly being filled with patterns and yarn yarn. The trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful projects flow out." ☺ 7 Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 Pet Corner: Granny Square “Halloween Dog Sweater” from the new issue of “Crochet Today” All meetings at Hof’s Hut 4 annual pot-lucks/parties lucks/parties at Debb’s house; Oct 27th Halloween Party-pot-luck luck [costume] Dec 1st Christmas Party [wear Christmas colors] March 2012 Spring Pot Luck June 2012 Summer Fun If you have an idea for an event or party or want to help or host one just let Debb know! A special thank you to member Patricia, for bringing the goodie bags to our get togethers! together Club Events Skull Scarf cute 1. Oct 27th- Halloween Costume Party-Pot Pot luck @ Debb’s househouse wear any costume-games-prizes-fun 2. Nov 3rd & 17th- meetings @ Hof’s Hut 3. Dec 1st-Christmas Party-wear wear your Christmas colors-bring colors a gift to exchange-food provided by club-songs--fun 4. Dec 4th- Norco Fair- Yummy Gingerbread cookies-lunch cookies at Bob’s Big Boy 5. Dec 15th- 5:30 pm-9pm- Christmas Lights WalkWalk at “Candy Lane” in Palos Verdes-hot hot choc and pie @ Non-Club Events: Free instructions Tiger costume easy 6. Oct 6th-9th-Sugar Plum Fest- OC Fairgrounds, bldg 11, FREE $5 parking fee [Thurs-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am--5pm] 7. Nov 5th- Craft Fair- United Methodist Church-Woodruff Church & Willow-FREE-lots of goodies [10am-??] 8. Nov 10th -12th—Sugar Plum Fest-OC Fairgrounds, FREE $5 parking fee [Thurs-Fri-9am-9pm, 9pm, Sat 9am-5pm] 9am 9. Dec 9th-11th –Gem Faire-OC Fairgrounds, Bldg 10-$7- $5 parking fee[fri-noon-7pm, Sat- 10am-6pm, 6pm, Sun 10am-5pm] 10am What was the most popular TV show in the 1990s? 1990s Wrap yourself up in foam and be an Alien for Halloween [Ans. see last pg] What year was the movie “2001: Space Odyssey” released? [Ans: see last pg] 8 Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 9 A Halloween Costume ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Man in the Casket” An easy Halloween alloween costume. First create a fake casket out of cardboard and cut a hole in the bottom. Next make a set of fake legs and place them in the coffin. Use newspaper or packing chips to stuff legs of an old pair of jogging pants with socks and tennis shoes. Then make a fake monster head with wig and connect it to the top of the coffin. The cape is the part that hides the hole and where you will enter the box. Slip into a sweatshirt and pull it over the fake body in the box. The fake hands can be handmade al also so but you can find monster hands that would look much better. Place them so it looks as though they are carrying the coffin. This should look like a monster is carrying a coffin with a man in it. You are the head and hands in the coffin. The cape is attached attac to the sides of the coffin along with the fake hands. The monster can be anything, an alien, animal, wolf man, whatever you like. Sitting might be a bit awkward but this is too funny. Spider Hat This one is cute…All you need to make this spider hat are a a $1 store black plastic hat, two large sheets of black construction paper or even better use black foam piping wrap from the hardware store, and a pair of self-adhesive self extra large wiggle eyes. Simply fold each sheet of construction paper lengthwise into in four strips (for a total of eight legs). Cut the strips apart. Each strip should be folded twice -- once in the middle and once near the end -- and then unfolded again to make the legs appear segmented. Next, attach the strips to the hat. We didn't even have to use glue -- we simply tucked them into the hat band. Stick on the eyes et voilà! A spider hat. A black sweatshirt and black pants, draped with spider webs would complete the look. If you are using the foam cut 8 legs the same length and then sew them hem onto the hat or onto the tee’s sleeves…be sure to dress all in black, and then put a large red spot on your back if you want to be a Black Widow… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whoa those “girls” are busting out!!! . Snake hat Here's an easy little project you can turn around in a couple hours if you need a costume hat in a hurry you will need: • Little vinyl snakes (two bags) • Old baseball cap • black thread • hot melt glue The only things needed to buy for this project are a the bags of snakes. Get them online at the link above or check out the $1 store. Glue on and sew together the snakes onto hat. Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 10 Extra Pattern Ruffle Scarf This ruffle scarf is very simple and easy to crochet. All you need to do is make a nice l approximately the length of the scarf and keep doubling the number of crochet stitches scarf. You can even alternate colors or add a small edging for the last row to make a ni fashion statement with this fun and vibrant crocheted scarf. Finished Size: 58” (137 cm) long, 5 ½” (14 cm) wide Materials: Medium Weight Yarn Crochet Hook H (5.00 mm) Yarn Needle Gauge: not really important Crochet Pattern: Ruffle Scarf, Row 1: ch 203, tr in third ch from hook, tr in each row ch across, Row 2 – 4: ch 3, turn, 2 tr in each tr across, Row 5: ch 1, turn, sc in each tr across, finish off, For a thinner scarf, simply make fewer rows that indicated in the pattern. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doggie Scarf Head (make 14), Row 1: with A ch 12, sc in 2nd ch from hk, sc in each ch across, turn. (11), Row 2: ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc across to last st, 2 sc, turn. (13), Row 3: rep row 2. (15), Row 4: ch 1, sc across, turn., Row 5: ch 1, dec sc over first 2 sts, sc across to last 2 sts, dec sc, turn. (13), Row 6: rep row 5. (11) ,Row 7: rep row 5. (9), Row 8-12: ch 1, sc across, turn., Row 13: rep row 5. (7), Row 14: rep row 5. (5), Rnd 15: ch 1, sc across now continue down side of head with sc in each row end and then across with sc in each st, sc up other side with sc in each row end, join in beg sc. Fasten off., Dog Ears (make 14 left and 14 right), Left Ear, Row 1: with D ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hk, sc across, turn. (3) Row 2: ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in next st, 2 sc in last st, turn. (5) Row 3-8: ch 1, sc across, turn. Row 9: ch 1, dec sc over first 2 sts, sc across, turn. (4) Row 10: ch 1, sc across to last 2 sts, dec sc, turn. (3) Row 11: rep row 9. (2) Row 12: ch 1, dec sc, turn. (1) Rnd 13: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each row end and sc around ear like you did for the head. Fasten off and stitch to head. Right Ear Row 1: with D ch 4, sc in 2nd ch from hk, sc across, turn. (3) Row 2: ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in next st, 2 sc in last st, turn. (5) Row 3-8: ch 1, sc across, turn. Row 9: ch 1, sc across to last 2 sts, dec sc, turn. (4) Row 10: ch 1, dec sc over first 2 sts, sc across, turn. (3) Row 11: rep row 9. (2) Row 12: ch 1, dec sc, turn. (1) Rnd 13: ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each row end and sc around ear like you did for the head. Fasten off and stitch to head. Nose (make 14) Row 1: with B ch 2, 3 sc in 2nd ch from hk, turn. (3) Row 2: ch 1, 2 sc in first st, 3 dc in next st, 2 sc in last st, fasten off. Stitch nose to face. Bone (make 2) Rnd 1: with C ch 9, sc in 2nd ch from hk, sc in 7 ch, ch 1, (sc, 3 dc, 2 sc, 3 dc, sc) in side of sc just made, sc in each of next 6 sc across bottom, ch 1, (sc, 3 dc, 2 sc, 3 dc, sc) in bottom of last sc, working across top sc in 6 sts, join bot first sc of end group. Fasten off. Finishing Stitch dog heads together with 2 halves of 7, stitch the 2 halves together. Stitch the bones to the nose of each dog on the ends. Lightly Block scarf before adding eyes Blocking scarf – To block scarves use hot iron and kitchen size towel wet. Lay scarf on iron board or hard surface and place wet towel over scarf, lightly press iron on towel, do not move but just quick press. This steams the scarf and flattens it out so it lays nice. Repeat for full length of scarf. As you steam press be sure you shape if needed. Let dry for at least 15 minutes. If you leave iron on to long or press hard you can ruin scarf. Glue eyes to heads and let dry Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 11 Extra Pattern & Stitch : Free Red Hat Patterns Here is a Black Cat Ears Headband. Just switch up the ears for other characters, like a devil, bear, bunny, or a puppy. You get the idea. This takes about 30 minutes to do. Kitty Cat Headband 1. 2. 3. One plastic headband Bulky weight yarn Patons Shetland Chunky, in charcoal. Size G crochet hook 4. Scissors 5. Yarn Needle Start out by chaining 40. Make chain long enough to cover the teeth on the headband. The teeth prevent the yarn from shifting and sliding. Now you're going to single crochet in each chain enclosing the headband as you go. When you've worked all the chain stitches, fasten off. Next skip eight sc, join yarn with a slipstitch into 9th sc. *Single crochet in next seven sc. Chain one and turn. Skip first sc, single crochet in next 6 sc. Chain one and turn. Skip first sc, single crochet in next five sc. Chain one and turn. Continue this way until you have one single crochet left, and fasten off.* For second ear, skip next six single crochet and join yarn with slip stitch in seventh sc. Repeat from * to *. Fasten off and work in yarn ends. sc = single crochet You are done! This doesn't have to be just for Halloween either. It would be fun for dress up play anytime of the year, for little people and big people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do you do the Crazy Stitch, (a/k/a Brick Stitch, a/k/a Crazy Shell Stitch)? A: . Starting Chain: Crochet a chain of length needed. Row 1: 3 double crochet in 4th chain from hook, * skip 3 chains, single crochet in next chain, chain 3, 3 double crochet in same chain. The photo at left shows the first of these 3 double crochet in progress. Row 1, cont. Repeat from * across row. End with: single crochet in next chain. Row 2: Chain 3 to turn. 3 double crochet in single crochet of previous row single crochet in next chain-3 space of previous row, chain 3, 3 double crochet in same chain-3 space. Repeat from * across row. End with single crochet in last chain-3 of previous row. Repeat row 2 until desired length is reached. What is??? [Ans. Last pg] How many zeros are in a Trillion dollars? [See the last page for ans] Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 12 Extra Pattern: Making T T-shirt Yarn: T-shirt shirt yarn can only be made from the stretchy fabric of normal tt-shirts. shirts. Any shirts with embellishments like screen-printing, printing, embroidery, decals, or textured designs cannot be used. T-shirts T with breast pockets can only be used up to the pocket level. Both adult and children's t-shirts shirts can be used to create t-shirt t yarn. Of course, kid's tshirts will only yield small amounts of this yarn. They are great for small crafts and accents for larger la projects. Creating the T T-Shirt Yarn Creating the t-shirt shirt yarn is simple to do. Start at the bottom of the t-shirt t and cut off the sewn hem. Then, use your sharp scissor to cut into the tt-shirt shirt at an angle. Cut a strip of the fabric about one inch wide. e. Continue cutting around the whole tt-shirt shirt at a slight angle. You will have a continuous strip of t-shirt t yarn starting to form. After the entire t-shirt shirt is cut from hem to just under the arms, snip the end and get ready to form the yarn. This works best with t-shirts shirts that are actually woven knit pattern. Most of them are, so do not worry. Grab the end of the t-shirt t yarn and pull it gently. It will automatically wind itself into a tube of fabric with the cut ends inside. Wind this into a ball just as yo you u would regular yarn. Your t-shirt t yarn is ready to use. Crochet a Baby Blanket with “Curl “Curlique ique” edging.. Start with a foundation row of s sc, After finishing your foundation row, make 1ch and turn. Work 1sc into each of first 2 sts *Make 10ch, Work 3sc into 2nd chain from hook, Work 3sc into each of remaining 8ch** From * to ** is one curl, Next: *** Work 1sc into each of next 4 sts of your ffoundation oundation row. Make 1 curl**** Repeat from *** to **** until edging is finished, ending with 1sc into each of last 2 stitches of foundation row Great plant hanger crochet http://crochetnuts hangers.html Crochet your pet a sweater to keep them warm this winter This sweater can be used for a smaller dog or cat.. Sweater on the kitty…. This knit market bag is so nice the pattern is free on Ravelry --market-bag Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 13 Extra xtra Pretty Knit and Crochet Projects: A different Beaded Fish. Cute free pattern Crochet button Collar Scarf Download free pattern Scary Green Halloween “Dino” hats free pattern These crochet felted kitty bags are adorable it’s a free Lyon Brand pattern http://www.americaskn Knit bag free pattern purse-pattern This is beautiful and great for the fall 1/monster 1/monster-crochet-blog.html “Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "Scary," "Spooky," "Haunted," or "Forbidden" orbidden" in the title.” ~From Scooby-Doo Doo~ What is the most common used letter in the alphabet? [Ans see last page] Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 14 Extra Recipe an Easy Snack: Garlic Pumpkin Seeds What you’ll need: 1 tablespoon canola oil, 1/2 teaspoon celery salt , 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder , 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt , 2 cups fresh pumpkin seeds Directions: In a small bowl, combine the oil, celery salt, garlic powder and seasoned salt. Add pumpkin seeds; toss to coat. Spread a quarter of the seeds in a single layer on a microwave-safe safe plate. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 1 minute; stir. Microwave 2-3 minutes longer or until seeds are crunchy and lightly browned, stirring after each m minute. inute. Repeat with remaining pumpkin seeds. Serve warm, or cool before storing in an airtight container. Yield: 2 cups. ____________________________________________________________ Decorate Spooky Cup Cakes This eight eight-legged cupcake cutie sports a friendly grin for any festive occasion. Licorice pieces help create the lengthy legs and sweet smirk. 1. Cover a cup cupcake with chocolate icing and sprinkles. 2. Attach sourball halves to circle mints using icing. 3. Place the eyes and a chocolate chocolate-candy candy nose onto the cupcake. 4. Form a smile with a s small piece of red licorice. 5. Use eight long slivers of black licorice for legs and two short slivers for pinchers; cut into points and insert into cupcake To make the cupcake,, follow these steps: 1. Hollow out the center of a chocolate cupcake to form a cauldron. 2. Ice around the crevice and sides ides of the cupcake with chocolate frosting; cover in chocolate cookie crumbs. [Oreos work well] 3. Fill the top opening with green green-dyed dyed vanilla pudding, and then decorate with green gel, an array of green sprinkles, and a few pieces of small green candy. 4. Bend a small strip of licorice from one side of the cupcake to the other to form the cauldron's handle. Add a chocolate stick stirrer, if desired desired.. To make Cauldron Sticks Sticks: Put a wire rack on top of wax paper, you will need pretzel sticks and semi-sweet semi chocolate pieces: melt in microwave semi semi-sweet sweet chocolate pieces in a small bowl dip pretzel sticks and then lay on rack to dry. Stick in cupcakes when solid. This frightful cupcake is sure to be a monster hit at your Halloween get-together. get Big eyes and spiky hair transform a plain cupcake into a special Hallow's Eve treat. To make the cupcake, follow these steps: 1. Insert sour candy corn in the frosting for hair. 2. Cut one thin candy wafer in half and place at the top of baking cup for eyes. 3. Use frosting to stick two blue mini candy candy-coated d chocolates to thin candy wafer for pupils. Why did the Vampire get fired from the Blood Bank? He was caught drinking on the job. “A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.” Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 Stitches in Thought ☺ Crocodile Stitch- can be stacked or alternating. Stacked: Ch 15 +3 (18) DC in 3rd chain from hook. Ch 2, sk 3, ch 2, DC, in ch, repeat across until you have 6, 2 DC posts. Ch 1, 5 DC in side of 1st DC of 2 DC post, ch 1, turn work 180 degrees, work 5 DC in 2nd DC of 2 DC post. Sk next set of 2DC posts, turn work make 5 DC in side of 1st DC, ch 1, turn work 180 degrees, work 5 DC in 2 part of DC post. Sk next 2 DC posts. Work 3rd “Crocodile” st (5 DC, ch 1, turn 180 degrees work, 5 DC in 2nd DC post). SS in top of last 2 DC post. Ch 3, (do not turn) DC in same spot. Ch 2, 2 DC in hole of “crocodile” st. Ch 2, 2 DC in center of 2 DC (that was skipped) repeat across. Do not turn. Begin 5 DC in last DC made, ch 1, turn 180 degrees, 5 DC in 2nd DC of post. Sk next 2 DC post. 5 DC in post directly above 2nd “crocodile” st. Continue across (3 crocodile st). SS in top of last DC. Ch 3, repeat rows 1 and 2 until desired size. See video: CaY4mfTo4 The word of the month: “Bumfuzzle”: \¦bəm¦fəzəl\ verb: to confuse or fluster, as in, Pat always gets “bumfuzzled” when she makes her animal feet! ☺ M unchies Corner Eye Ball Taco Salad Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-1/2 pounds lean ground beef (90% lean) 3/4 cup water 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce 1 envelope taco seasoning 1 package (12-1/2 1/2 ounces) nacho tortilla chips, crushed 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded Monterey Jack cheese 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese 4 cups torn iceberg lettuce 1 medium red onion, finely chopped 10 slices tomato, halved 1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream 10 whole pitted ripe olives, halved Directions Directions: 1. In a Dutch oven, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Stir in the water, tomato sauce and taco seasoning. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, ffor 15 minutes. 2. Place tortilla chips in a greased 15-in. x 10-in. x 1-in. baking pan; sprinkle with Monterey Jack cheese. Spread meat mixture over top; sprinkle with cheddar cheese. Bake at 325° for 25 25-30 30 minutes or until bubbly. 3. Top with lettuce and onion. Cut into ten 55-in. x 3-in. in. pieces. On each piece, arrange two tomato slices for eyes; top each with a dollop of sour cream and an olive half. Yields: 10 servings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Creepy “Halloween” Salad Bar This is called a “Crocodile” stitch crochet “Hoodie Cowl.” Get the book ode=871123&source=CLDWED Below is another pattern with this stitch Turn a simple salad bar into a haunting Halloween meal when you label the ingredients with spooky names and toss the salad with a blood-red blood dressing. Dressing mix ¼ c. ketchup with 1 c. Italian salad dr dressing, essing, label the vegetables. Creepiest Salad Stuff 8 cups spring mix lettuce blend (weeds and grass) 1 cup green bell pepper strips (goblin fingers) 1/2 cup shelled sunf sunflower seeds (witch's teeth) 1 cup cherry tomatoes (vampire eyeballs) 1 cup sliced mushrooms (sliced toadstools) 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (mummy's bandages) 1 cup bbroccoli florets (ogre curls) 15 Stitch n’ Chicks Newsletter Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 16 Address: P O Box 265 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 PHONE: (562) 756-1556 FAX: (562) 799-2913 Point Breeze Designs Handmade items for everyone! E-MAIL: [email protected] We’re on he web see us at: Fall is Here! Answers: Pg [1]: “Holy Sassafras” my mom used to say this to show a “golly gee” type of amazement. The word Sassafrass is actually the name of a tree that is used as a spice. The young leaves and twigs are quite mucilaginous, and produce a scent similar to lemons when crushed. More Pg [1] MF: A Monster Match! ☺ Pg [2]: Q: Who’s under the hat? A: That’s Pat and she crocheted all the flowers too! Pg [6] Q: Find the yarn ball last month: A: it is on page 4 in the 4crocheted people standing photo. ☺ Pg [6]:Q: What is a cat with 8 legs that goes swimming? A: An Octopuss ☺ Pg[4] Q:What do you see in this photo? A: it is Einstein and Marylyn MonroePg [4]: A. Women can see right through them B. With “scare” spray. C. It had no guts! ☺ Pg[5]: The word “blag”: Means to bluff tell a tall story, “The yarn was spun from the hair of 3 witches in order to get it this black!” lol ☺ Pg[5]: Guess what this is? Ans: a crochet beaded bracelet. Pg [10]: What year was the movie 2001: Space Odyssey released released? Ans: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is a landmark, science fiction classic - and probably the best sciencefiction film of all time about exploration of the unknown. It was released, coincidentally, at the he height of the space race between the USSR and the US. It appeared at the same time as NASA's exploratory Apollo Project with manned Earth orbiting missions - a prelude to orbiting and landing on the Moon with Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. And it prophetically showed the enduring influence that computers would have in our daily lives. Pg [1]: Sassafrass: Various parts of the tree came to be widely used in food and medicine. Sassafras oil, extracted from the root bark, was used to flavor many things. Root beer was named for the beverage’s major flavoring agents which, were the roots combined with fermented molasses People also ingested gallons of sassafras tea, healthful and delicious. Leaves used as“filè” “filè” powder, a major Cajun seasoning Science discovered that what made Sassafras oil so tasty was a chemical compound “safrole” found in at least 70 plants, Sassafrass has a high concentration of the chemical in the root bark. 1960’s the FDA banned safrole’s it caused liver cancer ncer in rats, and miscarriages in humans. 1970’s, sale of safrole-containing safrole sassafras tea was banned. Today, leaves, which are low in safrole (or don’t contain it at all), are sold as “filè” powder. It was used in candy, beverages, perfumes, soaps, and the like. Old safrole, products just do not have the same aroma or flavor. flavor So, it is true: root beer does not taste as good as when the baby boomers and their parents were kids. notions/bone-crochet-hooks.htm d-crochet-bracelet-pattern.html Pg 6: Halloween Jokes: A: Casket-ballB: They read their horror-scope. Pg [17]: Q: What Tool is this? A: It’s a vintage crochet hook holder. Pg [6]: What is this? It is a crochet diaper 09/crochet-diaper-cover-up.html Pg [11]:Q: What is this? A: It’s a Pg [11]:Q: How many zeros are in a Trillion dollars? A: $1,000,000,000,000 that’s 12 zeros. Made you think huh? ☺ Pg [10]: What was the most popular TV show in 1990s? Ans: Friends beat them all, but there were several others that hit the spotlight, “Alli McBeal” “Sex in the City”"Party of Five," "Northern Exposure," "The Larry Sanders Show," "Homicide: Life on the Streets," "Mad About You," and "Home Improvement." Pg[14]: Q:Why did the Vampire get fired? A: he was caught drinking on the job! ☺ It’s Berry B Benson: This is excellent for the hands an “ergonomic” crochet hook Patte Pattern: ------------------------------------------------------Pg 4: What is this? Ans: It is called “Fan Fare Cowl” from “Inside C Crochet magazine the June issue. ml -Bee Movie is about a bee, Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) who is an average honeybee. Despite having recently received his diploma from Bee College and being virtually guaranteed a bright future in honey, Barry feels he has the skills to pursue a number of different career paths and resents the fact that his employment opportunities are limited to honey. When he leaves the hive, he meets a city bee and falls in love with her and finds out the human race has been stealing honey from the hives. He decides to sue the humans and messes up the eco system and all the plants begin to die. Pg [ 16]:Q: What is the most common used letter? A: the letter “e” is used the most where the letter “q” is used the least. Be sure re to t patronize our advertisers! Stitch n’ Chicks June-Aug 2011 17 Bonus Section for E-mail mail Newletter Members: The “Berry” Stitch: Ch 3, insert hook in next st (A), yo, pull through stitch, yo, pull through 2 lps on hook (B), continue with pattern. When working row immediately following berry st row, work as indicated across to ch-3, ch sk ch-3, work as indicated in next st, push ch-3 3 to RS of work (C). Halloween Fun!!!! The photo on the left is called, “Pumpkin War” the one on the right is creative and called, “Aliens” and the one in the middles is just too funny! Happy Halloween All!!! Are you a ““Yarn Snob?” The answer is “yes” if when you run into an old friend at a restaurant you never skip a stitch during the whole conversation.” conversation ☺ We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police. LOL ☺
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