APPROVAL BLOCK CAO ____________ DF ____________ DE&DS__________ CITY OF BELLEVILLE Ray Ford, Manager of Engineering/Deputy Director Engineering and Development Services Report No. ENG-2015-07 April 13, 2015 To: Mayor and Members of Council Subject: Request for Proposal ENG2015-07 – Contract Administration and Construction Inspection Services for the City Centre Revitalization Project - Phase 1 Recommendation: “THAT the Request for Proposal submission from LEA Consulting Ltd. be accepted for RFP-ENG2015-07, Contract Administration and Construction Inspection Services for the City Centre Revitalization Project - Phase 1 in the amount of $299,500.00 plus $38,935.00 HST for a total amount of $338,435.00, this being the most qualified proposal received and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the Acceptance Agreement on behalf of The Corporation of the City of Belleville and that the City Clerk be authorized to affix the Corporate Seal.” Strategic Plan Alignment: The City of Belleville’s Strategic Plan identifies nine strategic themes. This report aligns with all of the strategic themes which includes Infrastructure; Industrial and Commercial Development; Residential Development; Transportation and Mobility; City Centre Revitalization; Cultural and Recreation; Tourism and Waterfront Revitalization; Community Health, Safety and Security; and Environment. Report No. ENG-2015-07 -2- April 13, 2015 Background: CONTRACT ENG2015-06 City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 represents the first phase of the Downtown Revitalization and Redevelopment project. This Contract includes the reconstruction of Front Street from Victoria Avenue to Pinnacle Street and Station Street from Pinnacle Street to Church Street. A report recommending award of CONTRACT ENG2015-06 is included on the April 13, 2015 City Council agenda. The resources and expertise required to oversee and administer CONTRACT ENG2015-06, City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1 precludes the use of City staff that are committed to administering current and upcoming capital projects. Furthermore, the business continuity requirements associated with this project require a committed focus by the project management team; which is something that City staff could not provide considering the many other projects underway and commitments made to the downtown community. Therefore a Request for Proposals, RFPENG2015-07, for Contract Administration and Construction Inspection Services for the City Centre Revitalization Project – Phase 1 was issued on March 9, 2015 with an amended closing date of March 30, 2015 that included the following scope of work: Contract administration and field inspection/supervision services as necessary to ensure the works encompassing construction Contract ENG2015-06, City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project Construction Contract Phase 1, are proceeding and is being performed in general conformity with the construction contract documents; and that the construction contract is progressing as expeditiously as possible. Oversee contractor’s activities regarding compliance reporting for all permits issued for the project. Conduct a pre-construction basement inspection program to record service locations and document the preconstruction conditions of the street facing basement walls. Oversee business continuity activities of the project as well overseeing the public access and traffic control activities of the contractor. Participate in public relations activities and managing dispute resolution in fulfillment of the business continuity requirements of the project. Prepare updated record drawings for the project. Report No. ENG-2015-07 -3- April 13, 2015 Financial/Analysis: The following firms responded to the “Request for Proposal ENG2015-07”: Consultant Asterisk Engineering Corporation LEA Consulting Ltd. Noveen Engineering Inc. Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers AECOM Proposal Bid Amount HST Excluded Proposal Tax Amount HST (13%) Total Bid Amount Including HST Net Bid Amount to City* $260,378.12 $33,849.16 $294,227.28 $264,960.78 $299,500.00 $300,190.00 $38,935.00 $39,024.70 $338,435.00 $339,214.70 $304,771.20 $305,473.34 $302,610.00 $39,339.30 $341,949.30 $307,935.94 $358,115.00 $46,554.95 $404,669.95 $364,417.82 *Bid Amount net of all HST rebates and credits The following criteria were used to evaluate the proposal submissions: EVALUATION CRITERIA Overall Submission Quality and Completeness Project Team Qualifications and Experience Project Understanding and Approach, Clarifications, Innovative and Value Added Ideas Cost TOTAL POINTS 10 50 20 50 130 All proposal submissions were evaluated and scored by the following City staff in accordance with the above noted evaluation criteria: Ray Ford, Manager of Engineering/Deputy Director Stan Czyczyro, Project Manager (Build Belleville) Denis Pianarosa, Project Manager (Build Belleville) Upon completion of scoring and evaluation, the final overall rankings for the proposals are summarized as follows: CONSULTANT LEA Consulting Ltd. Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers Asterisk Engineering Corporation Noveen Enginering Inc. AECOM RANKING 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Report No. ENG-2015-07 -4- April 13, 2015 Through their proposal submission, LEA Consultants Ltd. have demonstrated they are fully capable and competent to complete this assignment. In comparison to the other proposals evaluated, the proposal submission from LEA Consultants Ltd. provides the following: Construction Administrator and Construction Inspection staff with more experience on similar projects than some of the other submissions; A very good understanding of the special need to address business continuity during the course of the construction; and Competitive fees; and, A very good understanding of the project and project requirements. It should be noted that LEA Consultants are the design engineers for this project and as the designers it has provided LEA with their demonstrated understanding of the business continuity needs and project requirements. Engaging the design engineer to complete the contract administration activities on this project could also prove to be beneficial to the City in the event that design questions or issues arise during construction, as the designer will be able to promptly respond and address such issues. The City has allocated funding in the amount of $21,050,000 through the Build Belleville capital budget process for this City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment project. The contract administration and construction inspection costs for the City Centre Revitalization and Redevelopment Project were included in the total project budget and are within the expected budget allocations for this work. Conclusion: It is recommended that Request for Proposal, RFP-ENG2015-07 Contract Administration and Construction Inspection Services for the City Centre Revitalization Project – Phase 1 be awarded to LEA Consultants Ltd. in the amount of $299,500.00 plus $38,935.00 HST for a total amount of $338,435.00, as their proposal scored highest in the evaluation and provides greatest value to the City. Respectfully submitted, Ray Ford Manager/Deputy Director Engineering and Development Services RF/pmm
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