EXAMINATIONS HANDBOOK 2014-2015 EXAMINATION DATES/ TIMES The GCSE Summer 2015 exam season will run from 11 May to 24 June 2015. Morning and afternoon exams start at the following times: • Morning 9:10am • Afternoon 1:50pm Candidates must ensure they arrive on time for every examination – we recommend you arrive at least 10 minutes early in order to be seated. Once the summer exam season has started, should you have an afternoon exam you will be dismissed at the end of the exam and sent directly home. You will not be required to return to normal lessons. Please note: there could be times during the summer exam season when you may have exams that finish later than 3.30 pm. Please check your summer exam timetable to see if this applies to any of your exams and whether alternative arrangements regarding transport home need to be made. EXAMINATIONS TIMETABLE Individual exams timetables will be issued to candidates in the Spring term. It is essential that every candidate checks their exams timetable thoroughly to ensure they have been entered for the correct exams including level/tier (foundation/higher). Should you have any queries with your timetable you must report this to the Exams Officer immediately. It is the candidates responsibility to know the exact dates and times of all their examinations. EXAMINATION SEATING PLANS Seating plans for morning and afternoon exam sessions will be displayed on the exams boards outside the Exams Office on a daily basis. Candidates need to check the display boards prior to each exam to ensure their name is on the board and make sure they know which exam room they need to be in. Candidate cards will already be placed on your exams desk where you will find your candidate number listed. All candidates should familiarise themselves with the location of the Exams Office in the main school building well in advance of the exam season. IMPORTANT EXAMINATION INFORMATION All candidates must do the following… • Arrive in plenty of time for all your exams. • Ensure you have read and fully understand the JCQ ‘Warning to Candidates’ and ‘Mobile Phone’ notices. These will be displayed outside the exam room and you can also find them on the JCQ website or on the BBHS website under Examinations. • Bring a black ball point pen with you to every exam. Please note NO gel pens are allowed. • Listen carefully to the invigilators instructions and make sure you remain under examination conditions from the moment you enter the exam room until the moment you have left the exam room. • Read all the instructions carefully on the front of the exam paper. Take note of how many questions you have to answer and plan your time well. • If you finish an exam early please read through your answers. Candidates are not allowed to leave the exam room early – you must remain in the exam room for the full duration. • Should you have a query in the exam room please inform the invigilator immediately. Please note that if you have any issues these must be reported to the invigilator while you are in the exam room. It is too late to report an issue after the exam has finished and when the exam room has been dismissed. All candidates must adhere to the JCQ rules and regulations relating to examination procedures. Any candidate(s) who breaks these rules runs the risk of disqualification from all exams. The school MUST report any breach of the regulations to the Exam Board. EXAMINATION PROCEDURES The following provides a brief guide to the do’s and don’ts relating to examination procedures… DO… • • • • • • • • • • • Arrive on time for your exams. Form an orderly queue outside the exam room. Listen carefully to the invigilator’s instructions. Ensure any mobile phones or electronic devices are switched off and placed in your bag. Place all personal belongings in the area indicated by the invigilator. Find your seat promptly and sit in silence. Check you have the correct exam paper in front of you and that you are sitting the correct exam tier (foundation/higher). Make sure you report any issues to the invigilator and raise your hand if you have a query. Read the instructions carefully on the front of the exam paper. Complete the exam paper to the very best of your ability and check through your answers if you have time. Remain calm and focused throughout the exam. DON’T… • Communicate with any other candidate in the exam room. • Leave the exam room for any reason without consulting the invigilator. • Have any unauthorised material, equipment or items in your possession. This includes mobile phones and any electronic devices. If you are found with a mobile phone in your possession during an exam (whether it is switched on or not) you risk disqualification from the exam and possibly all other exams. PLEASE REMEMBER… Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will result in serious consquences and can lead to disqualification from the exam(s). TOP TEN REVISON TIPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KNOW YOUR SUBJECT Make sure you have revison guides for the correct specification/Exam Board. MAKE A REVISION TIMETABLE Create a revision plan for all your subjects and set yourself daily targets. REVISE EFFECTIVELY Make revision notes and prompt cards to help you remember key information. Always take regular breaks to prevent overloading your mind. FOCUS Focus on one subject at a time – you could set yourself one subject to study in a morning session and after lunch set yourself an afternoon session revising a different subject. PRACTICE QUESTIONS Test yourself using past exam papers and revision websites. THINK POSITIVE Review your revision and note the progress you have made. Make time to reward yourself and do something you enjoy. PREPARE YOURSELF Start preparing early, create an individual revision plan with regular breaks. THE WEEK BEFORE Make time for final revision to review difficult points. THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR EXAM Try to remain calm and relaxed. You have done all the hard work and should now feel prepared for the exam. 10 THE EXAM Do not panic. Follow the instructions carefully, read the exam question(s) fully and know exactly how many questions you need to answer if you are presented with a choice. You may also find some useful revision tips and resources on the following website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/levels GCSE RESULTS DAY Thursday 20 August 2015 GCSE Results for Summer 2015 will be issued to candidates on Thursday 20 August. Results will be available for collection from 9:30am to 1:00pm in the Drama Studio located in the main school building. If a candidate is unable to collect their GCSE results on this day and would like someone else to collect them on their behalf, the candidate will need to provide signed written consent prior to results day. This written consent will need to be presented on collection of the results, along with proof of identification. Exam results can be posted out to candidates if they provide the Exams Office with a stamped addressed envelope. Please note: Exam results are confidential and WILL NOT be handed out to anyone else (including family members) without prior written consent from the candidate. Exam results cannot be given out over the telephone or via email. CERTIFICATE COLLECTION Monday 23 November 2015 GCSE certificates for Summer 2015 will be available for collection from Monday 23 November. Certificates can be collected from the main school office during term time between the hours of 9:00am to 3:30pm. Exam certificates are legal documents and must be collected and signed for in person. Should a candidate be unable to collect their exam certificates, they can arrange for someone else to collect them on their behalf. Signed written consent for this arrangement is required from the candidate and proof of identification must be presented on collection. Candidates must ensure they keep all exam certificates in a safe place as the exam boards will not issue replacements for lost or damaged certificates. BBHS will hold certificates for 12 months and candidates must ensure they have collected them within this period. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Question When do I receive my individual summer exams timetable? Answer Individual summer exams timetables will be issued in the spring term. Question What details should I be checking on my exams timetable? Answer • You need to check your full legal name appears correctly as this will be the name printed on your GCSE certificates. • You must also check your date of birth is printed correctly. • Check all exam entries thoroughly to make sure you have been entered for the correct exams including the correct level/tier. Any discrepancies must be reported to the Exams Officer immediately. Question What should I do if there is a timetable clash and I have 2 exams listed on the same day and at the same time? Answer It is quite common for an Exam Board to timetable certain exams in the same sitting. Should you have a timetable clash you will sit the first paper followed by the second paper. The Invigilator may allow you to take a 5 minute break before you start the second paper. However, you must remain in the exam room and under examination conditions for the full duration. Question My timetable lists Foundation French but I have been studying for the higher paper. What do I need to do? Answer If you think there is an error on your exams timetable you must inform the Exams Officer immediately. The Exams Officer can check with your subject teacher to confirm which tier you should be entered for. If an amendment to an exam entry needs to be made you will be issued with an updated timetable with the amendment clearly highlighted. It is your responsibilty to check your original timetable as soon as you receive it so that any potential errors can be amended. You need to know the date and time of every exam you will be sitting and you are responsible for attending your exams on the correct dates and times given to you. Question Where do I find my candidate number and when will I need to use it? Answer Your candidate number consists of 4 digits and is printed on your candidate card. Invigilator’s will place all candidate cards on the exam desks ready for when you enter the exam room. Your candidate number will need to be written onto the front of your exam papers in the relevant box provided. Your candidate number forms part of your UCI (Unique Candidate Identifier) number which the Exam Boards use to identify candidates. Question Do I have to wear school uniform during the exam season? Answer YES. You must wear full school uniform during all your exams. Question What equipment do I need to bring with me to my exams? Answer You MUST bring a BLACK ball point pen with you to every exam. NO gel pens are allowed. The school will provide you with Maths equipment and calculators as necessary, for Maths/Science exams. However should you wish to bring your own equipment please note the following rules: • Clear plastic pencil cases only • NO Tipp-‐Ex or correcting pens, fluid or tape • Highlighter pens must not be used in your answers (although you may use them to highlight questions, words or phrases within the question paper or question/answer booklet. You may also use a highlighter pen to highlight extracts in any resource material provided) • NO calculator cases/instructions can be brought into the exam room • NO blotting paper You must not lend or share equipment with another candidate during the exam. If you have an item of equipment missing please raise your hand and the invigilator will assist you. Only material/equipment listed on the question paper is allowed in the examination room. You MUST NOT have any other material on your exam desk or in your possession. Question Am I allowed to bring my revision notes into the exam room if I leave them in my pocket? Answer NO. You must not bring any notes into the exam room with you. The only items you should have in your possession when you are seated in the exam room are the items listed on the front of the question paper. Question Will I be given spare paper to do my rough working out? Answer NO. All work, including rough work, must be done on examination stationery. Neatly cross through any rough work but do not make it totally illegibile, as it will be forwarded to the examiner. Question Am I allowed to have my mobile phone in my pocket during an exam if it is switched off? Answer NO. Under no circumstances should you be in possession of a mobile phone in an examination room. Possession of unauthorised items, such as a mobile phone, iPod, MP3/4 player, wrist watch with a data storage device, is a serious offence and could result in DISQUALIFICATION from your examination and your overall qualification. Question Can I bring a drink into the examination room? Answer YES. You are allowed to bring 1 small bottle of water into the exam room with you. However, it must be a clear plastic bottle free of any labels. Please ensure you remove any labels before entering the exam room. Question How do I know where I am sitting my exam? Answer Candidates will be seated in the main examinations hall for the majority of their exams. However, it is important that all candidates check the seating plans posted on the display boards daily outside the Exams Office. You need to check that your name is on the board and ensure you know which exam room you will be in. If you cannot find your name on the board please seek the assistance of the Exams Officer. The exam room will already be set up according to the seating plan so when you arrive to the exam room please form an orderly queue and await further instructions from the invigilator. Please note: Listening examinations do not take place in the main examinations hall so candidates will be seated in smaller rooms for these exams. The seating plans for exams are created according to the JCQ regulations and candidates cannot choose where they sit their exams. Question I missed one of my exams because I got the date wrong. Can I sit it another day? Answer NO. You must attend your exams on the date and time set by the Exam Boards. There is no flexibility with these dates and it is the Exam Boards who regulate the final timetables. It is essential that you check your individual exams timetable each day during the exam season to ensure you do not miss any exams. Question What can I do if I think I am sitting the wrong exam paper? Answer You should always check the front of the exam paper to make sure you are sitting the correct paper. You should check the paper has the correct date and time (am or pm), subject and level/tier (foundation/higher). If you think you may be sitting the wrong exam paper you must raise your hand and inform the invigilator immediately. Question Am I allowed to go to the toilet during an exam? Answer You should always go to the toilet before an exam. If you cannot wait until the exam has finished, you must raise your hand and inform the invigilator. You will be escorted to the toilet but you will not receive additional time when you return to the exam room. Question What happens if I feel unwell during an exam? Answer If you feel unwell during an exam, you must raise your hand and inform the invigilator. Depending on the nature of your illness, the invigilator may ask for assistance or you may be escorted outside the exam room to take a few minutes break. If you feel too ill to continue with the exam you may be eligible for special consideration – you will need to discuss this with the Exams Officer. Question What happens if I am too ill to attend an exam? Answer If you are feeling extremely unwell and you are unable to make it into school to attend your exam, you must contact the school immediately. You will need to produce medical evidence to support this. The school may be able to request special consideration on your behalf. Please note exams can only be taken on the timetabled date so if you miss an exam due to illness, you will not be able to sit it on another date. Question What happens if I have an accident before an exam and my injury places me at a disadvantage? Answer You must inform the school immediately so that we can put arrangements in place to assist you during the exam. You must provide medical evidence to support this. Depending on the severity of your injury, the school may be able to request special consideration on your behalf. Question What happens if the fire alarm sounds during an exam? Answer If the fire alarm sounds during an exam please DO NOT PANIC. The invigilator will instruct you what to do next. You must stop writing, close your exam paper and leave everything on your desk. Remain in silence and if you are asked to vacate the exam room, please form an orderly queue as instructed by the invigilator. You will be escorted to the designated fire assembly point. DO NOT attempt to communicate with anyone else during the evacuation procedure. When you return to the exam room please await further instructions from the invigilator and do not start writing until you are told to do so. All candidates will be allowed the full duration to complete the exam and a report of the incident will be submitted to the Exam Board. Question What is an exams invigilator? Answer An exams invigilator is a member of the exams team who is responsible for supervising the examination room at all times and ensuring that all candidates work in complete silence under examination conditions. An invigilator conducts examinations in accordance with the JCQ rules and regulations and cannot give you any help or guidance with the completion of an exam paper or explain the questions to you. However, an invigilator can assist you with any general queries you may have before or during an exam, for example: • I think I may be sitting the incorrect exam paper. • I need to use the toilet. • I feel unwell. • I do not have a black pen. • I do not have a copy of the text required. • Can I use a calculator? Candidates are expected to behave in a responsible manner and any disruptive or unacceptable behaviour will result in the candidate being removed from the exam room. Question If I arrive late to an exam can I still sit it? Answer If you are late to an exam you should get to the school as soon as possible and report to the main school office. We recommend you contact the school to let them know your approximate arrival time. If you arrive ‘very late’ to an exam the school will need to confirm whether you are able to sit the exam and a report must be submitted to the Exam Board who may decide not to accept your work. You are responsible for arriving to your exams on time so please leave yourself plenty of time to get to school. This should avoid any unnecessary anxiety before you go into your exam. Question Am I allowed to leave the exam room if I finish my exam early? Answer NO. You are not allowed to leave an examination room early. You MUST remain in the examination room under examination conditions for the full duration of the exam. If you are certain that you have finished your exam paper and answered all the required questions, you can use any remaining time to read through your answers. Under no circumstances should you communicate with or distract any other candidate in the exam room. Question Some candidates in the exam room have extra time. Does this mean that I have to wait for those candidates to finish before I am allowed to leave the exam room? Answer NO. The invigilator will seat candidates with extra time towards the back of the exam room where possible, to avoid disruption when other candidates leave the exam room. The invigilator will announce when the normal exam finishing time has elapsed and ask you to stop writing. You are to remain in silence while your exam scripts are collected. The invigilator will then dismiss you from the exam room in small groups. Please leave the exam room in silence and do not communicate with any other candidates until you have left the examination area directly outside the exam room. Please show consideration for those candidates with extra time who may still be working. Question My parents have pre-‐booked a holiday abroad for the summer and I have noticed that I will be away during one of my exams. Will I be able to re-‐sit the exam at a later date? Answer NO. You MUST attend all your exams otherwise you will be awarded ‘0 marks’ for the exam(s) you missed. There will be no opportunity for you to re-‐sit the exam at the school so it is very important that parent(s)/carer(s) check when the summer exam season starts and finishes before booking any holidays. Question How do I know if I am entitled to Special Consideration? Answer Special consideration is only requested in exceptional circumstances where a candidate has been seriously disadvantaged in an exam or they have been affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control. You will need to contact the Exams Officer immediately to discuss the possibility of an application being submitted. You will be required to provide evidence to support the application. Please note that the school can submit an application for special consideration and the exam board will make a decision based on the evidence provided. However, the exam board will not provide any feedback relating to the application or its outcome. Question What can I do if I do not achieve the desired grades for my further education placement (Sixth Form/College)? Answer You will need to contact your chosen Sixth Form/College immediately to inform them of your GCSE results. They should be able to confirm whether you are still eligible for admission. Should you wish to make an enquiry about your results you will need to contact the Exams Officer as soon as possible. If you are unable to do this on Results Day please send an email to the following address [email protected] with details of your enquiry. Please note your enquiry will be responded to when the school re-‐opens in September for the new academic year 2015-‐2016. Candidates who request a re-‐mark of an exam paper need to complete a consent form before the school can submit an application. This form advises candidates that their original grade could be lowered as a result of the enquiry and this will be the new final grade. Please note: Each Exam Board charges a fee per unit for an exam paper to be remarked. (The Exams Office can advise you of the fees for 2014-‐2015). If the grade goes up the fee will be refunded, however, if the grade remains the same or is lowered payment will be processed. There is a strict deadline for all enquiries to be submitted to the board and we advise you to notify us of any enquiries well in advance of Friday 18 September 2015. Any enquiries requested after this date will not be processed. BBHS would like to take this opportunity to wish all our students the very best of luck with their GCSE Examinations. We hope that you and your parent(s)/carer(s) have found this Examinations Handbook a useful tool in answering some of the questions you may have regarding the exam season. Should you have any queries or would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Office. Exams Officer: Miss E Smith Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01502 582312
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