B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 1 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN The Senior Scoop Supporting Seniors Today, Tomorrow & the Future Benzie County Council on Aging, Inc. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Directory/Subscription Form 2 From the Executive Director 3 Health and Recipe 4 Menu 5 Dawn’s Dish 6 Calendar of Events 7 The History of Memorial Day 8 Birthdays & Fun 9 Social Security FAQ 10 Medicare News 11 Don’t Forget 12 Donations 13 Happy Mother’s Day 14 May 2015 DID YOU KNOW THAT IN MAY 1965?.... On the 2nd - Pulitzer prize awarded Tennessee Williams for (Cat on Hot Tin Roof) On the 5th - "Damn Yankees" opens at 46th St Theater NYC for 1022 performances On the 13th - Mickey Mantle hits 3 consecutive HRs of at least 463' On the 16th - Rocky Marciano TKOs Don Cockell in 9 rounds for heavyweight boxing title . On the 22nd - Oldest man to drive in the Grand Prix (aged 55) finishes 6th On the 31st - US Supreme Court orders school integration "with all deliberate speed" B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 2 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN DIRECTORY COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phone: 231-525-0600 or Toll Free: 888-893-1102 Fax: 231-325-4855 Email: [email protected] Website: www.benziecoa.org Beverly Holbrook, Chairman Ronald Dykstra, Vice Chairman Denise Favreau, Secretary Jane Elzerman, Treasurer OFFICE HOURS Monday − Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. THE SENIOR SCOOP IS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Benzie County Council on Aging, Inc. 10542 Main Street Honor, MI 49640 Douglas Durand, Executive Director Dawn Schopieray, Editor Niel Haugen Bob McQuilkin Donna Malecki Rosemary Russell Benzie County Council on Aging is funded by Benzie County residents through a property tax millage, federal and state funds through the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging, Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan and private donations and grants. The Council on Aging will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, or political beliefs. MISSION STATEMENT To provide programs for Senior Citizens of Benzie County that promote and encourage opportunities for socialization, education, health, safety, welfare and independent living with dignity. NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION FORM NAME ______________________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/_____ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________ CITY/ST/ZIP _________________________________________ DATE ______________ EMAIL ____________________________________________________________________ If you would like a copy of this newsletter mailed to your home OR emailed to you each month, please mail this form to the COA office, 10542 Main St, Honor, MI 49640. For annual mailing the subscription fee is $10.00 which helps to cover printing and mailing costs. Subscription expiration dates are listed on the bottom of the mailing label. T HE S ENIOR S COOP • MAY 2015 PAGE 3 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Greengs, /ŚŽƉĞĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞŚĂƐďĞĞŶĞŶũŽLJŝŶŐƚŚĞŶŝĐĞƐƉƌŝŶŐǁĞĂƚŚĞƌǁĞŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶďůĞƐƐĞĚǁŝƚŚŽǀĞƌƚŚĞƉĂƐƚǁĞĞŬ͊ǀĞŶ though as I write this arcle, they are predicng some snow showers in the air for a few days, but rest assured ǁĂƌŵǁĞĂƚŚĞƌƐŚĂůůƌĞƚƵƌŶĂŐĂŝŶ͘ As you may know, April was volunteer appreciaon month. We can only imagine what BCCOA would be like if for ŽŶĞĚĂLJŽƵƌǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌƐĚŝĚŶŽƚƐŚŽǁƵƉ͘zŽƵǁŽƵůĚŶŽƚƐĞĞƚŚĞƐŵŝůŝŶŐĨĂĐĞĂƚƚŚĞĨƌŽŶƚĚĞƐŬĂƚdŚĞ'ĂƚŚĞƌŝŶŐ WůĂĐĞ͖ǁĞǁŽƵůĚŶ͛ƚďĞĂďůĞƚŽĚĞůŝǀĞƌƚŚĞŵĞĂůƐƚŚĂƚƐŽŵĂŶLJĨŽůŬƐĚĞƉĞŶĚŽŶ͖ǁĞǁŽƵůĚŶ͛ƚŚĂǀĞĂƐŵĂŶLJŽĨŽƵƌ great acvies; and we wouldn’t be able to assist with your Medicare/Medicaid concerns and problems. As you can see our volunteers help deliver crical services at BCCOA! tĞĂƌĞďůĞƐƐĞĚƚŽŚĂǀĞƚŚĞ^dǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌƐĂƚƚŚĞĞŶnjŝĞŽƵŶƚLJŽƵŶĐŝůŽŶŐŝŶŐĂŶĚǁĞǁŽƵůĚůŝŬĞƚŽd,E< everyone who gives of themselves to keep our agency running smoothly. We will be hosng our Annual Volunteer Appreciaon Dinner this month and we look forward to honoring them all. Now, I’d like to take this me to talk about a great opportunity for folks to a+end the annual “Older Michiganians Day” events taking place on Tuesday, June 2nd. I would like to invite interested people to a+end this event and will be providing free transportaon using our vehicles. ƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞĞǀĞŶƚ͕LJŽƵǁŝůůŐĞƚƚŽŚĞĂƌĨƌŽŵ'ŽǀĞƌŶŽƌ^ŶLJĚĞƌĂŶĚǁĞŚĂǀĞƐĞĐƵƌĞĚĂĐŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƌŽŽŵƚŽŵĞĞƚ with Representaves Ray Franz, Phil Potvin, Bruce Rendon, Larry Inman, Tristin Cole and Lee Chatfield. dŚĞLJ will be informing us of issues facing older adults and this will be a great me to ask quesons of them regarding ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĨŽƌŽůĚĞƌĂĚƵůƚƐ͘ tĞĂƌĞŚŽƉŝŶŐƚŽŚĂǀĞ^ĞŶĂƚŽƌĂƌǁŝŶŽŽŚĞƌŵĞĞƚǁŝƚŚƵƐŝŶŚŝƐŽĸĐĞĂŶĚĂƐĂďŽŶƵƐŚĞŚĂƐĂŐƌĞĂƚǀŝĞǁŽĨ ŽǁŶƚŽǁŶ>ĂŶƐŝŶŐ͊ ĨƌĞĞďŽdžůƵŶĐŚǁŝůůďĞƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚĂŶĚŽƚŚĞƌĞǀĞŶƚƐǁŝůůďĞƚĂŬŝŶŐƉůĂĐĞŽŶƚŚĞĂƉŝƚŽůůĂǁŶĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚŝƐŵŝĚĚĂLJ ĞǀĞŶƚ͘ /ƚǁŽƵůĚďĞŶŝĐĞƚŽƐĞĞĂůĂƌŐĞŐƌŽƵƉĨƌŽŵĞŶnjŝĞŽƵŶƚLJƚŽďĞƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚĂƚƚŚŝƐĞǀĞŶƚ͕ƐŽĐome join other COA’s and other Michigan Seniors from all over our Great State! I also want to wish all of the Moms a Happy Mother’s Day! ƐĂůǁĂLJƐ͕/ǁĞůĐŽŵĞLJŽƵƌƚŚŽƵŐŚƚƐ͘ Take care, Douglas B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 4 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN HEALTH AND RECIPE Food can't cure rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but it can make the disease less painful. The key is eating cuisine that cuts inflammation, is high in essential vitamins and protects your cartilage. You can find these nutrients in fatty fish like salmon, selenium-rich nuts, fruits full of anthocyanins, green tea and more. Leek, Asparagus & Herb Soup Like a bouquet of fresh vegetables, this light but soothing soup is just the thing on a cool spring evening. It is important to cut the green vegetables Preparation into small pieces so they cook quick1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over mediumly, while retaining their bright color. low heat. Add leeks and cook, stirring often, until softened but not browned, about 5 Serves: 6 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 Preparation time: 25 minutes minute. Cook time: 40 minutes Ingredients 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 2 medium leeks, trimmed, washed and finely chopped (1-1/2 cups) 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 pound new potatoes, scrubbed and diced (about 1O cups) 2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth , or vegetable broth 1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1/2-inch pieces (1 1/2-2 cups) 2/3 cup snow peas, or sugar snap peas, stemmed and cut into 1/2inch dice 3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives, divided 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill 2 teaspoons chopped fresh chervil or flat-leaf parsley, plus sprigs for garnish 2 cups 1% milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste Freshly ground pepper, to taste 1/3 cup low-fat plain yogurt, for garnish Nutrition Facts Per serving: 132 calories 4 g fat (1 g sat, 2 g mono) 7 mg cholesterol 17 g carbohydrates 7 g protein 2 g fiber 196 mg sodium 302 mg potassium Nutrition Bonus: 21 mg vitamin C (33% Daily Value) 2. Add potatoes and broth; bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Cover and reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are tender, 10-15 minutes. 3. Increase heat to medium-high and stir in asparagus and peas; simmer, covered, stirring 2 or 3 times, until just tender, 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in 1 tablespoon chives, parsley, dill and chopped chervil (or parsley). Transfer the soup to a blender and blend until smooth. (Use caution when pureeing hot liquids.) 4. Return the soup to the pan. Add milk and bring to just below a simmer, stirring, over medium heat. Stir in lemon juice, salt and pepper. Ladle into soup bowls. Garnish each serving with a dollop of yogurt, a sprinkling of the remaining chopped chives and a sprig of chervil (or parsley). B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 5 ON Menu A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN NOVEMBER MENU Lunch Served Daily from 11:30 to 1:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Jambalaya Black Eyed Peas Turnip Greens Bread Fruit Cocktail 4 5 BBQ Chicken Sandwich on a Bun Tots Mixed Veggies Orange 11 12 Turkey Stew Brussel Sprouts Peas Crackers Orange 18 Chicken Patties Lettuce & Tomato Malibu Blend Bun Baked Apples 25 6 Chicken Fajitas Peppers & Onions Refried Beans Tortillas Baked Peaches Closed Sweet & Sour Meatballs Caribbean Blend Sweet Potato Hawaiian Roll Pineapple 7 Chili Wax Beans Peas Crackers Apple 13 8 Beef Fritters Mashed Potatoes California Blend Bread Pear 14 Goulash Peas Carrots Bread Banana Manicotti Pesto Cauliflower Corn Bread Sticks Strawberry Shortcake 15 BBQ Chicken Cottage Fries California Blend Bread Nectar 19 Swedish Meatballs Mashed Potato Green Beans Bread Banana 20 Chicken Stir Fry Far East Blend Stir Fry Veggies Won Tons Rice Mandarins 21 26 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce Pesto Cauliflower Italian Beans Garlic Toast Banana 27 Smoked Sausage Kraut Cauliflower Bread Watermelon 28 Orange Chicken Malibu Blend Peas Bread Rice Tropical Fruit Rosemary Pork Mashed Potato Broccoli Bread Apple 22 Mac n’ Cheese Broccoli Carrots Bread Pear Clam Linguini Squash &Zucchini Italian Beans Garlic Toast Tropical Fruit 29 Fish Sandwich Normandy Blend Corn Bun Orange T HE S ENIOR S COOP • MAY Dawn’s Dish 2015 Want to take part in a worthwhile cause for Michigan Seniors? Benzie County Council on Aging is heading to Lansing on June 2nd to celebrate Older Michiganian’s Day. Come join other COA’s and Seniors from all over our great state! Hear from keynote speakers; Meet with state legislators; Attend the presentation of both Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Michigan Community Service Award and Senior Citizen of the Year Award. We are scheduled to meet personally with Representatives Ray Franz, Phil Potvin, Bruce Rendan, Larry Inman, Tristin Cole and Lee Chatfield. Governor Snyder is also scheduled to speak. There is no cost for this trip and a lunch is provided! Just bring a little cash for snacks or souvenirs. Call 231-525-0601. We are scheduled to leave at 6:45 a.m. and plan on returning at approximately 6:00 p.m. Our Monday Knitting group (meets at noon) has expanded to include crocheting. All skill levels are welcome. If you have never picked up a pair of knitting needles or crochet hook—no problem! This crew is always happy to teach a newcomer. PAGE 6 Thursday, May 7 —9:00 a.m. Hearing Clinic, sponsored by Miracle Ear. Free hearing tests, check and service hearing aids. Call 800-4595992 for appointment. Thursday, May 21, Fireside Breakfast—9:00 a.m. Free Breakfast Time! Join us for breakfast while learning from a local professional. This month we’re happy to welcome Dave, a Pharmacist with Hometown Pharmacy. Come ready with your questions! Registration is required. Call 231-525-0601 today. Thursdays, May 14 & 28 —9:00 a.m. Little River Casino Trip. Trip fee $10. Receive $20 River Credits & $5 food voucher. Return by 3pm. Call now to reserve your spot on the bus! 231-525-0601 or toll free at 877-2771306. Friday, May 1—Thompsonville lunch and Bingo beginning at 10:30 a.m. Please call 231 -525-0601 to sign up. Zumba is back with an additional class! We have Zumba every Monday at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 8:30 Friday, May 8—Please join us as we celebrate a.m. Each class is $3 and if you only come for the last half hour Mother’s Day during lunch. We’re excited to it’s free! welcome our friends from Honor Historical Society. They’ll be here during lunch to model Monday, May 11—1:00 p.m. Calling all gardeners! Interested in forming a Garden Club? Please join me for a discussion about op- period dresses. Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. All tions for this club. We’re working on some great partnerships with ages are welcome! Grow Benzie and our options are endless! Friday, May 15, Music House Museum Monday May 18—1:00 p.m. The Gathering Place Advisory Coun- Trip—Leave The Gathering Place at 10:00 cil meeting. Please consider taking an hour from your day and join a.m., return approximately 3:30 p.m. The Museum’s unique collection of instruments prous in planning future activities for our senior center. vides guests with a walk through the history, Tuesdays, May 12, 19, 26—1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Matter of Bal- artistry and engineering of automated music. The collection spans from the late 18th centuance Class. This class emphasizes practical strategies to reduce ry to 1950, going from simple music boxes to fear of falling and increase activity levels. View falls and fear of early recorded sound and radio. Hurry! Sign falling as controllable, set realistic goals to increase activity, change your environment to reduce fall risk factors, and exercise to up today as space is limited! Call 231-525increase strength and balance. Your trained coaches just happen to 0601. Trip cost is $15 which includes your be a couple of “Dawns” that you see often. Office Dawn and yours admission to the museum. Stopping at Don’s Drive-In in Traverse City for lunch aftertruly! This class is being held at the Grow Benzie building where we’ll have plenty of room to stretch out. We are taking a van from wards. You are responsible for the cost of food and souvenirs. The Gathering Place to Grown Benzie and back or meet us there. This class will meet every Tuesday for eight weeks. Class size is Friday, May 29– Ol’ Time Gathering! Enjoy limited so please call 231-525-0601 to sign up today! A one-time food, music and fun. Music starts at 6:00 p.m. suggested donation of $15 is appreciated. with a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. donations acWednesdays, May 6, 13, 20, 27 —2:45 p.m. Line Dancing is back! cepted. All ages invited! Let the stompin’ begin. $3 per class. Also Tai Chi start time has We are closed on Monday, May 25 for Memoved to 3:15 p.m. but it’s still every Wednesday at The Gathermorial Day ing Place. T HE S ENIOR S COOP • Monday MAY 2015 PAGE 7 Calendar of Events Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 9:30 BUNCO 10:30 Thompsonville Lunch & Bingo 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Wii Bowling 4 10:00 Yoga 11:30 The Maples Blood Pressure Clinic 11:30 Lunch 12:00 CARDS 12:00 Knitting 2:30 Zumba 5 10:30 Music by The Melody Makers 11:30 Lunch—Cinco De Mayo Party 3:30 Chair Yoga 6:00 Zumba 6 8:30 Zumba 10:00 Floor Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 BINGO 2:45 Line Dancing 3:15 Tai chi 7 9:00 Hearing Clinic 10:00 Bible Study 11:30 Lunch 1:00 BUNCO 8 9:30 BUNCO 11:30 Lunch—Mother’s Day Celebration 1:00 Wii Bowling 11 10:00 Yoga 11:30 Lunch 12:00 CARDS 12:00 Knitting 1:00 Garden Club 2:30 Zumba 12 10:30 Music by The Melody Makers 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Matter of Balance class at Grow Benzie 3:30 Chair Yoga 6:00 Zumba 13 8:30 Zumba 10:00 Floor Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 BINGO 2:45 Line Dancing 3:15 Tai chi 5:00 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 14 9:00 Little River Casino 10:00 Bible Study 11:30 Lunch 1:00 BUNCO 15 9:30 BUNCO 10:00 Music House Trip 11:30 Lunch —Benzie EMS Blood Pressure Clinic 1:00 Wii Bowling 18 10:00 Yoga 11:30 Lunch 12:00 CARDS 12:00 Knitting 1:00 Advisory Council 2:30 Zumba 19 10:30 Music by The Melody Makers 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Matter of Balance class at Grow Benzie NO CHAIR YOGA 6:00 Zumba 20 8:30 Zumba 10:00 Floor Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 BINGO 2:45 Line Dancing 3:15 Tai chi 4:30 Board of Directors Meeting 21 9:00 Fireside Breakfast 10:00 Bible Study 11:30 Lunch 1:00 BUNCO 22 9:30 BUNCO 11:30 Lunch—May Birthday Party 1:00 Wii Bowling 25 26 10:30 Music by The Melody Makers 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Matter of Balance class at Grow Benzie NO CHAIR YOGA 6:00 Zumba 28 9:00 Little River Casino 10:00 Bible Study 11:30 Lunch 1:00 BUNCO 29 9:30 BUNCO 11:30 Lunch 1:00 Wii Bowling 6:00 Ol’ Time Gathering 27 8:30 Zumba 10:00 Floor Exercise 11:30 Lunch 12:30 BINGO 2:45 Line Dancing 3:15 Tai chi www.HTtabernacle.com Join us Sunday at 10:30am 7383 Hoadley Rd. • Benzonia (231) 383-4026 !"#$%&'($)*&+,-)&./0$1*2)30 For more information contact Liturgical Publications Inc at 800-477-4574 – (231) 947-6800 – www.swoggerandbruce.com 10691 East Carter Rd., Ste. 103 Traverse City, MI 49684 For Advertising Information, call EILEEN FRAZIER at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6309 [email protected] Bennett-Barz Funeral Home Kirk B. Barz – Owner/Manager Courtney J. Harris – Licensed Funeral Director ONSITE CREMATORY Funeral & Cremation Services 1417 Beulah Highway • Beulah, MI 49617 Tel: (231) 882-5502 210 Maple Ave. Frankfort, MI 49635 231-352-9674 • Medicare and Medicaid Accepted • Rehab with PT and OT • Respite Care • Hospice • Activities • Transportation to Appointments www.bennett-barzfuneralhome.com For Advertising Information, call LORI ZIELINSKI at LPi today! 800.477.4574 ext. 6342 [email protected] 3-D-5-5 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Benzie Home Health Care’s certified staff works to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our primary focus is to provide high quality, personalized care that offers a sense of security and independence. Services Include: • Registered nurse assessments, care plans, and help with medication management • Home health aide assistance with personal care, meal preparation, light housekeeping, exercise, errands, and companionship • Respite providing much-needed time off with peace of mind for family caregivers • Telephone reassurance calls each weekday morning for seniors who live alone • Free, gently used medical equipment loans Benzie Home Health Care Because There’s No Place Like Home Please contact us directly for your initial consultation and assessment www.4LPi.com (231) 715-3234 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0688/a FREE HEARING SCREENING 231-882-5640 ! If you can’t hear us Come & See us! Senior Volunteer "#$%#&'( “Reconnecting you to the sounds you love!” Developed to provide adults 55 years of age or older a meaningful volunteer opportunity at no cost to themselves and to help meet community needs. )$*+,-..#(!/0**! $2.65 hourly non-taxable stipend .35 per mile reimbursement or a bus pass $2.00 daily meal reimbursement !"#$%&'()%*+,-.%/-(-0+$ We are looking for: • Adults at least 55 years of age • Willing to volunteer 15-20 hrs/wk • Complete pre-service training CALL TODAY 1-800-658-8554 For More Information Please Call 800-477-4574 806 Hastings Street Traverse City, MI 49686 231-943-8777 • 888-470-6591 www.swensenmemorials.com Serving Northern Michigan for Over 100 Years Family Owned and Operated Compassionate Attentive Service Guaranteed Excellence in Workmanship Pre-Planning Consultations Available 1747 Benzie Hwy. Benzonia, MI Corner of M-115 & M-22 • Frankfort 231.325.3000 • BenzieBus.com • Prompt, Courteous Service • Most insurances accepted (231) 882-0254 3-D-5-5 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com 352-9021 We Honor the BCCOA Senior Dining Out Program ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 15-0688/b B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 8 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN THE HISTORY OF MEMORIAL DAY The History of Memorial Day Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers, by proclamation of General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former sailors and soldiers. On May 5, 1868, Logan declared in General Order No. 11 that: The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit. During the first celebration of Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, after which 5,000 participants helped to decorate the graves of the more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery. This 1868 celebration was inspired by local observances of the day in several towns throughout America that had taken place in the three years since the Civil War. In fact, several Northern and Southern cities claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day, including Columbus, Miss.; Macon, Ga.; Richmond, Va.; Boalsburg, Pa.; and Carbondale, Ill. In 1966, the federal government, under the direction of President Lyndon Johnson, declared Waterloo, N.Y., the official birthplace of Memorial Day. They chose Waterloo—which had first celebrated the day on May 5, 1866— because the town had made Memorial Day an annual, community-wide event during which businesses closed and residents decorated the graves of soldiers with flowers and flags. By the late 1800s, many communities across the country had begun to celebrate Memorial Day and, after World War I, observances also began to honor those who had died in all of America's wars. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated the last Monday in May. (Veterans Day, a day set aside to honor all veterans, living and dead, is celebrated each year on November 11.) Today, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery with a ceremony in which a small American flag is placed on each grave. Also, it is customary for the president or vice-president to give a speech honoring the contributions of the dead and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. About 5,000 people attend the ceremony annually. Several Southern states continue to set aside a special day for honoring the Confederate dead, which is usually called Confederate Memorial Day: • Mississippi: Last Monday in April • Alabama: Fourth Monday in April • Georgia: April 26 • North Carolina: May 10 • South Carolina: May 10 • Louisiana: June 3 • Tennessee (Confederate Decoration Day): June 3 • Texas (Confederate Heroes Day): January 19 • Virginia: Last Monday in May T HE S ENIOR S COOP • MAY 2015 PAGE 9 HEADLINE MAY BIRTHDAYS 2 4 4 5 6 8 10 10 11 13 13 14 14 14 15 17 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 28 30 30 31 Joan Wolfe Jill Claybourgh Beverly Holbrook Eugene Heniser Sivert Crawford Lynn Kuehneman Sophie Bryan Mike Sheronick Frank McKeon Hope Clifton Bernard Mick Katie Conley Jane Elzerman Bonnie Fast Rosemary Russell Carolyn Kuerth Ray Tate Steve Tebo Harry Friend Naureen Ruoff Naomi Crawford Sharon McKeon Annabelle Billings Catherine Bright Ann Marie Parson-McNamara Edward Laffleur John Lautner Jack Howell Kathleen Leach Pauline Kraus Patty Adams Richard Hitchingham Joanne Kittendorf B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL PAGE 10 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN SOCIAL SECURITY FAQ Question: Although I stopped working a few years ago, I had additional seasonal earnings after my retirement. Will my monthly Social Security retirement benefit increase? Answer: Possibly. And, you can get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. Each year, we review the records for all working Social Security recipients to see if additional earnings may increase their monthly benefit amounts. If an increase is due, we calculate a new benefit amount and pay the increase retroactive to January following the year of earnings. You can learn more about how work affects your benefits by reading our publication, How Work Affects Your Benefits, at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs. Question: I served in the military, and I’ll receive a military pension when I retire. Will that affect my Social Security benefits? Answer: You can get both Social Security retirement benefits and military retirement at the same time. Generally, we don’t reduce your Social Security benefits because of your military benefits. When you’re ready to apply for Social Security retirement benefits, go to www.socialsecurity.gov/applyonline. This is the fastest and easiest way to apply. For your convenience, you can always save your progress during your application and complete it later. And thank you for your military service! Question: I need proof that I receive Medicare benefits. Where can I get a letter proving that? Answer: If you need proof that you get Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or Medicare, get an instant benefit verification letter online by using your personal my Social Security account. If you don’t receive benefits, your letter will serve as proof that you don’t receive benefits. If you recently applied for benefits, the letter will make that clear as well. The information on your benefit verification letter will include information that applies to your situation. You can set up your secure, personal my Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/ myaccount. T HE S ENIOR S COOP • MAY 2015 PAGE 11 Medicare News Getting help through the Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program Many Medicare beneficiaries have already had the opportunity to receive guidance from a counselor representing the Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program, otherwise known as MMAP. The program provides free help to those who are currently receiving Medicare benefits or are anticipating the magic age of 65, when they first become eligible. MMAP is Michigan’s version of a service that is sponsored nationally by Medicare, and is part of the Federal State Health Insurance Assistance Program, also known as SHIP. All states offer this service and have counseling help in each county. In Michigan, the 16 Area Agencies on Aging are the host for MMAP services. Each MMAP Region is headed up by a Coordinator who manages the program. There are nearly 800 counselors serving throughout Michigan. All trained and certified to provide this specialized type of assistance. Counselors guide Medicare beneficiaries in a wide variety of areas associated with health care insurance. It is nice to have so many insurance options available, however, it can also be very confusing for the person who needs to make a decision on what plan or combination of plans will be best for them. Counselors will help by identifying each of the major type of insurance coverage areas, including the benefits and cost. MMAP representatives will routinely screen clients for eligibility in the various low income assistance programs, including Medicaid benefits and Extra Help. If qualified, they will help with the application process. Counselors also provide assistance with health care billing issues, potential fraud and abuse concerns, explain how Medicare pays for durable medical equipment, and even advise how to apply for Medicare. MMAP representatives explain the programs and provide the options. The beneficiary is in the driver’s seat and is empowered to make their own decisions. The MMAP headquarters for Region 10 is located at the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan, in Traverse City. Currently there are 58 counselors located throughout the 10 county region consisting of Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Manistee, Missaukee and Wexford. About half of the counselors are volunteers and half work for various employers who allow them to provide MMAP services as part of their job function. Fourteen individuals recently completed the rigorous 5 day initial training requirements and are now part a team that will be able to serve even more beneficiaries. Team members take pride in the fact that their help is both unbiased and free of charge. Their counseling services can be valuable to those who need guidance in any aspect of Medicare and Medicaid. Nearly 6,000 people were served throughout Region 10 during the past year. Beneficiaries are satisfied and grateful for the help they get from our team. We are always interested in talking to people who may have an interest in being a volunteer for MMAP. It can be a very rewarding experience to guide those in need through the decision process. If you need assistance or would like to explore the possibility of being part of MMAP, please call our toll free number at 800-803-7174 and leave a message. By: Jim Verville, Region 10 Coordinator Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program Area Agency on Aging, Traverse City, Michigan PAGE 12 B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN We have a class starting Tuesday May 12th from 1-3. Classes will take place at Grow Benzie. Please call the Main Office at (231) 651-0805 to sign up or for more information. Class space is limited. Doris Maddox for donating a BUNCH of bingo cards. LINE DANCING IS BACK! WEDNESDAYS AT 2:45 PM CONTACT Us TUESDAY, JUNE 2ND OLDER MICHIGANIANS DAY CALL 231-525-0601 TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT Douglas Durand—Executive Director (231) 525-0600 ext. 102 Sabra Boyle—Fiscal Manager (231) 525-0600 ext. 101 Dawn Bousamra—Senior Center Coordinator (231) 525-0601 ext. 201 Jeff Stockman—HDM Route Coordinator (231) 525-0601 ext. 202 David Main—Executive Chef (231) 525-0601 ext. 203 T HE S ENIOR S COOP • MAY 2015 PAGE 13 DONATIONS When You Donate. . . You Make a Difference The Benzie County Council on Aging is an independent 501c3 not-for-profit organization that depends upon donations to sustain our programs. We need your support to continue to provide caring and professional services to the seniors of Benzie County and the need is greater than ever as the population over the age of 60 rises and our traditional funding sources diminish. Your support, either large or small, helps us continue this important work! When you make a donation to the Benzie County Council on Aging, you will be helping provide important services and programs to seniors in our county. Some of these services include Home Delivered Meals Program, Homemaking Services, Senior Center Operations, Educational Programs, Chore Service, Snow Removal and more. There are many other ways to contribute to the Benzie Council on Aging, now and in the future, that may fit your interests. Tribute Donations: Tribute gifts of any amount can also be made in memory of a loved one or in honor of an individual to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, end-of-year holiday or special occasion. The Council will send a card acknowledging your gift to the one you have honored, or to surviving family members of the one you have remembered. Planned Giving: As you prepare your legacy for your family and your community, please consider including the Benzie County Council on Aging as part of your plans. Please remember us in your estate planning or simply have your attorney add an addendum to your will. Your bequest to the Benzie County Council on Aging will benefit many seniors and help us to continue vitally needed services for years to come. Your tax-deductible donation can and will make a world of difference in the life of an area senior citizen or disabled individual. You can be assured we will continue to be good stewards of your gifts. If you would like to designate your gift to a specific program or in memory of or honor of an individual, please tell us and we will do our best to meet your wishes. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (231)525-0600 or toll free 888-893-1102. DONOR INFORMATION: Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Check here if you wish to remain ANONYMOUS Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:______________ Zip:_________________ Phone Number:_____________________ Amount Enclosed:__________________________ Make Checks Payable To: “Benzie County Council on Aging” Benzie County Council on Aging is an independent 501c3 not for profit organization. Gifts to the Benzie County Council on Aging are tax deductible under appropriate I.R.S. regulations. Consult your tax or legal advisor for details. PAGE 14 B ENZIE C OUNTY C OUNCIL Benzie County Council on Aging, Inc. 10542 Main Street Honor, MI 49640 ON A GING • H ONOR , M ICHIGAN Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Honor, MI Permit No. #1
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