Soul's Purpose Analysis For A. H. Researched & Compiled By Bert R. Wells. B. Mphs. Soul's Purpose Aspect: h Ris: W(12/1/2) s 9 (a — E(8/9) q Q q V c 7 (c General Comments : The Ascendant is Rising at 2º, indicating that all of the Soul's Purpose will be revealed in this life, and is progressively revelatory. There are interceptions in the 4th & 10th Houses, indicating restrictions and gifts within the professional and domestic areas of the subject's life. The planets of short term karma (Mars T ), and long term karma ( Saturn U ) are conjunct each other and in Scorpio, although in adjacent Houses. Pluto ( „ ) is also in Scorpio, and whilst not in aspect are related and altogether in the Nadir of the Horoscope, suggesting tremendous transformations toward personality integration. At the time of writing, the subject is experiencing the 1st Saturn Return, transiting Saturn being conjunct it's natal position. The Saturn Return I am reviewing the subject's horoscope from the view of the Soul's Purpose and its intent in this life, While at the exact time the subject is experiencing the First Saturn Return. This is a time when we are stripped bare of youthful dreams and wishes and the harsh realities of life stare us in the face. We no longer have the time to ponder that elusive period of, 'when I grow up', it is a period, now, when we consolidate that which has served us in the past, or that which has served our Soul expression. And we see that which has hindered our soul or Soul's expression and decide that these 'unhelpful', hindering qualities must be dissolved away, out of our personality vehicle. Consolidation, a good Saturn(ian) word, should be borne in mind while we synthesise those qualities and disciplines we have learned in our earlier years. These then become stepping stones, rocks of surety as we tread in the present and make our headway, spiritually speaking, into our future life. The subjects has Virgo Rising (h) and Service is a major word and note of that sign. The Saturn Return is a testing time. The world it seems, our world, is torn asunder and the very ground we stand on seems unable to bear our weight. In ancient mythology, Saturn was also the God of Harvest and in this harvest time, the subject must decide which and what of the crop (10th + h) that lay in the field (h) of his consciousness he will take with him, and that which he must leave on the ground, to dissolve once more into the matter or material world, from which it sprung. A challenging aspect of the subject's natal Saturn position is, firstly that it is retrograde and secondly it is in direct opposition to the natal Moon position in Taurus in the 9th House, the Second Vector in the Soul's Purpose Aspect. The Saturn aspect reads as follows: h Ris: U> k3 (j w Ws9 (a U> U > k 3 3 k3 Ws Opportunities to learn The hard lessons of transmuting & channelling k W W+k (s 10 sexual and emotional desire and security w 9a) into fiery aspiration. For some time, Transiting Saturn has been Retrograde, it is currently Direct. Whereas a retrograde planet offers opportunity, the fact that Saturn is now Direct implies, in fact it stamps the fact, that while conjunct the native's Natal Saturn Retrograde, this is the opportunity par excellence to focus (a) upon this very necessary requirement. Why? This Compound Complex provides a major hint: Asc:(12/1) Someone a a1 (One) is W a9 E 3 tracing your every move This calls to mind the poem by Francis Thompson, 'The Hound Of Heaven': I fled Him, down the nights and down the days; I fled Him, down the arches of the years; I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways of my own mind, and in the midst of tears I hid from Him, and under running laughter up vistaed hopes I sped; and shot, precipitated, adown Titanic glooms of chasmed fears, from those strong feet that followed, followed after. But with unhurrying chase, and unpeturbed pace, deliberate speed, majestic instancy, They beat - and a Voice beat more instant than the feet 'All things betray Thee, who betrayest me'. The above is only the first two stanzas of the whole poem and it is strongly suggested that the subject familiarise himself, if not learn by heart the poem, as it is rich with esoteric and spiritual portent. It would be a useful work to add to the Spiritual Diary, perhaps a stanza per night or week, to be pondered and reflected upon. And all of the above are references to the Saturn Return. With only 2º on the Ascendant, the Soul or Higher Self is at the native's heels. Saturn in this instance refering to the Spiritual Father, symbolised and reflected in the Soul of the native. With Mercury as Ruler of the 9th House in Pisces in the 7th House, and Trine to Pluto Retrograge related to Mars in Scorpio, the Hound of Heaven truly is at the heels: hAsc: „>(6/7)k - Tk e QqEc7 „> k - Tk hAsc Qc7 q The Hound Of Heaven urges the native by the heels to sacrifice Ec 7 h Asc the personality into Service of the Soul h Ris: W(12/1/2) s10 (s t V (9/10) c 7 (c Compound Complex: The Voice Of The Silence speaks: 'This aspect demands Silence in the ranks!' Literally, while meditating on the above aspect, the above command came through the ethers from The Voice Of The Silence. In this case, The Voice of The Ashram. This not just an interesting euphemism, this is a direct command and instruction to the subject to learn to live & walk in the silence and stillness of the Higher Self, the Soul. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the subject practise meditation on a daily regular basis. Meditation twice daily with the Bellows Breath and visualisation upon a meditation symbol: hRis: W(12/1/2) s10 (s t V(9/10)qQ(11/12) c 7 (c 1). The song 'Red Sails In The Sunset', by Louis Armstrong. Red Sails In The Sunset 9th House VqQ c 7th House 2). Vulcan pointing the arrows of aspiration to the heavens in sunset. V V - 9th House h Ris: Ws 10 2). Ceres, the Goddess of wheats & cereals. The first meditation 1). symbol given above, 'Red Sails In The Sunset' was presented to me as a waking Lucigram. As a Taurus Rising, I am frequently presented with a relevant song (Taurus rules singing) upon waking. Virgo and the 6th rules silhouettes and the 7th House rules sunsets. The song itself deals with a boat going out to sea ( the sea of the unconscious), in search of the singer's love, (the Anima) and for the sailor (Mercury E), to the return the beloved to the lover. The second symbol again illustrates a sunset as ruled by the 7th House and particularly the Sun in the 7th. It is interesting to note that the symbol of a sunset is often given to a student via Lucigram, in meditation or as here, found in the horoscope and the Soul's Purpose aspect, to indicate the drawing towards the end of a series of lives. The third symbol is patently clear and shows Ceres, the ancient Goddess bearing the fruits of harvest. And whilst it is not seen, it is the scythe (U Saturn), which is the tool of harvest symbolising the student garnering the fruits of attending to and practising the esoteric disciplines and passing through the Saturn Return with right motive. As a bonus, on another morning the song: 'I've Got You Under My Skin' by Frank Sinatra, was presented. The Bellows Breath The Bellows Breath is strongly suggested in this horoscope, and should be utilised as part of the daily routines prior to and during meditation. Care should be taken not to overdo it as this can lead to tinitus and inflation of the personality, or as in the words of Carl G. Jung, Ego Inflation. This leads to alienation of the personality from the Inner Self. Morphologically, the shape of the nozzle is representative of Libra sack, usually creased is indicative of the Scorpio glyph k. . j , and the air Karma & Previous lives Abraham Lincoln - B. February 12th 1809. D. April 15 1865. Abraham Lincoln was 16th President of the United States of America who preserved (Q t W r I) the Union (I intercepted) and brought about the emnacipation of the slaves (VqEtWswU) Abraham Lincoln had two nicknames, 'Honest Abe' and 'The Great Emancipator'. He was a Civil Rights Activist, a Lawyer and U. S. representative. His high moral views about the absolute wrong of slavery made Lincoln many enemies. That he was completely uncorrupted and unbribable didn't help his case. He was even less popular when he announced as President his: V (9/10) q E(8/9) Emancipation Proclamation This was so unpopular with the slave owners and the Southern States, that he was assassinated while attending the theatre. A further life between that of Lincoln and the present incarnation is indicated by Aries on the Cusp of the 9th House. This is strongly suggestive of the Great War WWI and further information will be revealed when the full implications of the life of Abraham Lincoln have been assimilated. * There is one more symbol for meditation I have for you. 'I want to die with my marching boots on!'* This one of a plethora of symbols I received from the Soul's Purpose Aspect from the subject's horoscope. *That is in Service to the Soul. In that way we can be of best Service to Humanity. The whole theme of this horoscope, is Service before everything. There is another important keyword for Virgo, and that is Duty. The Soul has taken on the duty in this life to be of service to the Ashram and humanity. But this does not mean that we must relinquish our Dharma.
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