2015 Company Profile www.bienco.biz COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) List of contents 1. ABOUT BIEN 3 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 4 3. VISION & MISSION 5 4. BIEN’S WORKING AREA 6 4.1 CONSULTING SERVICES 7 4.1.1 GEOLOGY 8 4.1.2 PETROPHYSICS 9 4.1.3 GEOLOGICAL MODELLING 10 4.1.4 RESERVOIR ENGINEERING 11 4.1.5 GEOPHYSICS 12 4.2 LABORATORY SERVICES 13 4.2.1 BIEN’S LOCAL LABORATORY 19 4.3 DRILLING SERVICES 23 4.4 TRAINING 28 5. BIEN’S QUALITY POLICY 29 6. BIEN’S HSE STRATEGY 30 6.1 HSE INCIDENCE RATES (2014) 31 7. BIEN’S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 32 8. ORGANIZAITION CHART 33 Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 2 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) mutual 1. About Bien benefits to intensify and diversify 1 Barzin International Energy Novation (Bien ) is a privately joined stack company engaged in various aspects of oil and gas field exploration and development projects as well as the related marketing activities. The company is run according to modern business management system and scope its activities in upstream oil and gas industry development projects. Onshore & Offshore of its activities in different area of oil and gas industry spreads throughout the country. Bien is a member of Mahdas Iranian holding and is Consultancy mainly focused on upstream oil and gas industry projects, in Iran and abroad of it, including Core Analysis petroleum engineering, drilling services, and other related services for both onshore and offshore systems. Bien's team composed of highly experienced petroleum engineers, drilling Geological Studies engineers, geophysicists, geologists, and commercial and marketing experts with a long working knowledge Reservoir Studies both offshore and onshore. Bien is dedicated to provide their client, customer and partner in the oil & gas market with a high quality services. Geophysics Bien Co. has gained strong technical strength and seeks expanding cooperation with other enterprises in the requested fields of expertise on the basis of Geomechanics 1 'Bien' in Spanish & French means 'good' or 'well' Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 3 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 2. General Information Full Name of company Barzin International Energy Novation Date of establishment 2013 Registration ID 430791 Type of organization Private company Type of business Consulting and service provider Summary of main business Consulting in upstream oil and gas, Laboratory measurement, and Drilling services In‐house working languages Persian, English Head office contact 5th Floor, No.53, 3rd Golestan, Paydar Fard St., Address Pasdaran St., Tehran, Iran Telephone +98‐21‐22583601 & 22583207 Fax +98‐21‐22582356 E‐mail [email protected] Web site www.bienco.biz Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 4 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 3. Vision & Mission Our Vision To become a recognized leader company in oil & gas upstream industry in Iran and middle east Our Mission To accelerate our growth by offering innovative consultancies and state of the art technologies to our clients Our Culture Integrity, Teamwork, Humor, Performance, and Learning Our Values We are committed to the following values • Fulfilling Client’s requirements • Costumer Satisfaction • Satisfying the HSE regulations • Compliance with international standards • Grow through creativity, invention and innovation • Accountable for the actions, successes and failures Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 5 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4. Bien’s Working Area Bien’s working area can be divided in 3 sub‐categories. • Geology, Reservoir Engineering, Geophysics, Consulting Petrophysics, Rockmechanics Services • Geological Studies, RCAL, SCAL, Geochemistry, Laboratory Rock‐mechanics, PVT Services Drilling Services • Coring, Fishing, Hydraulic Fracturing, Coiled Tubing, Directional Drilling, Rig Positioning, Hydraulic Snubbing Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 6 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.1 Consulting services Bien Co. through his expert personnel and support of his reputable international partners can provide a comprehensive range of consultancy services to his clients. Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 7 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Geology 4.1.1 Geology • Reservoir Geological Study • Structural study • Petrographical Analysis • Fracture study • Sedimentology • Paleontology & Biostratigraphy study • Diagenesis study • Integrated facies study • Sequence stratigraphy study • Reservoir geological layering • Reservoir heterogeneity definition • Reservoir rock typing • Reservoir rock zonation • Regional geological description study • Regional sedimentary basin study • Regional tectonic study Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 8 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Petrophysics 4.1.2 Petrophysics • Data quality control (QC) • Basic well log interpretation • Especial log Interpretation • Identification of missing well logs • Noise management & reduction • Environmental corrections • Estimating missing logs • Determining petrophysical parameters • Defining fluid types Mineralogy and parameters • QC Results and investigate model consistency • Calibrating results against core, well test and geological data • Cut‐off estimation • Defining initial fluid contacts using logs and pressure data and DST measurements Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 9 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.1.3 Geological Modelling Geological Modeling • • • • • • • • • • • • QC of data Structural framework modeling Isochore/Isopach mapping Fault modeling Effective reservoir girding Fracture modeling Fluid contact modeling Well log up-scaling Facies Modeling Petrophysical property modeling Volumetric Calculation Characterizing uncertainty to help assess risk • Sensitivity analysis • Up-scaling to reservoir simulators Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 10 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.1.4 Reservoir Engineering Reservoir • Routine core analysis (RCAL) • Special core analysis (SCAL) • Determination of flow units & rock types based on core and log data • Transient well test analysis & interpretation • PI Test Analysis • Interpretation of MDT, RFT, etc • PVT Analysis • Production and well performance • Reservoir dynamic modeling and simulation • Preliminary modeling and simulation • Single well modeling and simulation • Sector modeling • Evaluation of original hydrocarbon in place • History matching • EOR modeling & simulation Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 11 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.1.5 Geophysics Geophysics • 2D/3D designing • Optimized seismic designing • Minimizing operational expenditures • QC/Field processing • Seismic data processing (pre/post‐ stack) • VSP design, processing & interpretation • Reservoir Characterization • Seismic Interpretation • Stratigraphic Interpretation • Complex structural analysis • Salt tectonic interpretation • Seismic attribute analysis & interpretation Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 12 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.2 Laboratory Services Bien Co. by itself and through its reputable partners can provide the laboratory services of upstream oil & gas as an integrated service. This helps the clients to have a good indication of reservoir properties during integrated field management. RCAL Upstream Laboratories Rock Properties SCAL Geological Studies PVT Fluid Behavior Flow Assurance Rock Mechanics Geochemistry Formation Damage EOR Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 13 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) • RCAL: Determines basic petrophysical properties of cores including porosity, permeability, fluids saturation, and lithology • SCAL: Provides specific information to characterize a particular rock property and a more complete understanding of a reservoir rock • Geological Studies: performed to characterize reservoir facies including a description of lithologies, fabrics, sedimentary structures, bedding thickness, etc. • PVT Laboratory: includes black oil PVT analysis, volatile oil PVT analysis, gas condensate PVT analysis, gas compositional analysis, water analysis • Flow Assurance: Asphaltene, Wax, Hydrate • Petroleum Geomechanics is an explicit description of the state of stress, pore pressure, and mechanical properties of reservoir rocks • Geochemistry Laboratory: determination of oil quality, Identify source rock type, level of maturity, Hydrocarbon potential, etc. • Formation damage evaluation: Designed to measure the effect on the permeability of reservoir rock samples from various drilling and completion fluids at reservoir pressure and temperature • EOR laboratory studies: EOR is hydrocarbon recovery by the injection of materials not normally present in the reservoir, e.g., Gas Injection (Miscible or Immiscible), Chemical Injection, WAG Injection, Thermal Recovery, etc. Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 14 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 15 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 16 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 17 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 18 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.2.1 Bien’s Local Laboratory Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 19 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 20 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 21 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 22 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.3 Drilling Services Bien Co. through support of his expert personnel and implementation of his reputable international partners can provide comprehensive drilling services in different areas. Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 23 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 24 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 25 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 26 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 27 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 4.4 Training The strength of Bien Co. lies on the expertise, specialized skills, and worldwide petroleum industry experience of its personnel. Therefore, such an expertise can easily be implemented in training courses. In addition, collaborating with the most experienced and famous university and industry’s lecturer is another key capability of Bien. Having a yearly schedule, enables Bien to hold the quality of his training courses as a valuable asset. The course can be classified in elementary, intermediate, and advance level and they can be held in Kish Island, Bali Island (Indonesia), and any other place based on the client wishes. For more information about the schedule of this year or any other issue please contact us via: [email protected] Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 28 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 5. Bien’s Quality Policy Bien is committed to all services provided and products handled within the operations and maintained at a level that meets or exceeds Bien’s high standards as it complies with the requirements of our customers. In addition, Our primary objective is to ensure that all services provided for or on behalf of Nordic safely fulfill their stated contractual requirements and are provided at the agreed time, every time. Bien is committed to work in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and other contractual requirements while raising the standard of excellence in the industry. Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 29 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 6. Bien’s HSE Strategy Bien’s greatest asset is its personnel, which means safety is a top key priority. For this purpose, Bien is committed to pursuing the highest health, safety, and environmental standard level. Bien’s primary and continuing policy is to conduct activities in a manner that will protect the health and safety of our employees and third parties. As responsible community members we believe that accidents and incidents can be prevented, and that good management can ensure that risks are calculated, occupational illnesses avoided, all accidental losses minimized and precluded the impact to the human caused by our activities. We comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental rules and regulations, as well as all safety procedures. Our motto is: “No activity is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely” We consistently promote safe work practices and avoid risk to our employees and the environment. We also implement the programs, training and internal controls necessary to achieve these goals. Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 30 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 6.1 HSE Incidence Rates (2014) The HSE incidence rate is depicted in the following figure Environmental Lost Time=0 Medical Treatment=0 ‐Zero First Aid = 0 Safety ‐zero Observations =0 Lost time accident rate (LTIR) = 0 Total recordable accident rate (TRIR) = 0 Total recordable Man‐Hour = 38400 Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 31 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 7. Bien’s Environmental Policy Through management leadership, employee participation, and professional environmental support, Bien is committed to: • Identify any risk of pollution arising from any of our services • Continually improving Bien’s environmental performance through established procedures & plans • Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and other contractual requirements • Providing all Bien staff with the knowledge and tools needed to prevent negative environmental impacts • Implementing effective pollution prevention and waste minimization programs • Provide a workplace free of recognized hazards and maintain healthy working conditions for all company employees • Ensure that any persons working on our behalf are made aware of and agree to comply with this policy Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 32 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) 8. Organizaition Chart Board of Directors Organization Chart Managing Director (MD) Consultant Secretary Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Chief Operation officer (COO) Laboratory Head Consulting Head Chief Human Resource & Administrative Officer (CHRO) Chief Marketing, Business Development & Contract Officer (CMO) Drilling Head RCAL Geology SCAL Reservoir Eng. Service Coordinators Petrophysics PVT Geophysics Geochemistry Geomechanics Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 33 COMPANY PROFILE|(Apr‐15) Bien Co. | www.bienco.biz 34
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