April 2015 E.L. Bing Elementary The Bulldog Bulletin UPCOMING EVENTS 6409 S. 36th Ave, Tampa, FL 33619 (813)744-8088 www.sdhc.k12.fl.us A Hillsborough County Public School Message from the Principal and Assistant Principal Happy Spring! It is hard to believe that there is only one quarter that remains for this school year! It is truly amazing to see how much the students have grown both academically and socially! We continue to urge the importance of students being at school, on time, every day to maximize our time with them. Grade 5 will begin their FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) April 13. This is computer based testing for our fifth graders and we have been providing them opportunities throughout the school year to access testing online. They will also be taking the FCAT 2.0 Science assessment the following week, which is a paper based assessment. Our students and teachers have worked very hard this year! We are looking forward to having our Bing Bash on April 30– from 4:00-7:00, so we hope you can join us for games, food, bounce houses, face painting and more! Please save the date and look for more information coming soon about this exciting event! As a reminder, students may NOT be dropped off before 7:30!! Super vision by Bing Staff begins at 7:30. If you would like information on the morning HOST program, please call 744-8941. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe! Every Monday is Early Release Day at 1:15. If you need to sign out your child for an appointment, the latest you may sign them out is 12:45 on Monday, and 1:45 Tuesday through Thursday. We value every second we have with our students, so unless it is an emergency or an appointment that cannot be made after school hours, please allow your child to stay in school. All students should be at school each day and on time. Student instruction begins at 8:00, so it's very important they are here before the morning bell so they can receive a nutritious breakfast and be in the classroom ready to learn. If you sign your child in late due to an appointment or another reason, please use the Hartford entrance and park in the faculty parking lot. Please do not park in the area outside the fence in the front of the school, or use the bus ramp in the front of the school to park, as these are no parking areas. You are not permitted to walk to your child's classroom with them after 8:00, as instruction has started. For student safety, no transportation changes will be made over the phone. If you need to change your child’s transportation, please write a note to your child’s teacher and sign it with your name and a phone number. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe! Sincerely, Mrs. Cronin and Ms. Hill Important dates for April: April 3 No School April 13 Report Cards go home FSA Testing begins for 5th grade April 14 Grade 3 takes Stanford April 30 Bing Bash from 4:00-7:00 BING BASH WILL BE APRIL 30 FROM 4-7. We need parents to sign up to volunteer. You can earn a PARENT BING BUCK FOR A RAFFLE OF $15 GIFT CARD! If you or your business would like to sponsor or donate prizes for games please write a note to PTA or email PTA at [email protected]. Queridos Padre: Nos gustaría extender el servicio de traduccion por telephone de los papeles de las escuela en Bing. Si reciben informacion la cual no pueden entender en Ingles. Por favor llamen a Bing y pregunten por Ms. Clarke y dejen un mensaje con su numero telefonico para poder devolver la llamada y asi traducirles la informacion. Report your child’s absence by calling: 813-744-8088 Then press 1 Leave the child’s name, date of the absence, reason for absence and a number you can be reached at. Bing is a uniform school. Students may wear blue, white, yellow, green or school spirit shirts on the top, and khaki, blue or jean on the bottom. E.L. Bing Elementary Page 2 WANT TO EARN PARENT BING BUCKS?! Parents will receive Bing Bucks and will be raffled off for $15 gift cards. Ways to earn a PARENT BING BUCK: VOLUNTEER for the PTA Bing Bash on April 30! (1 Bing Buck per hour.) Be a chaperone for a field trip. Donate Supplies to the classroom. Attend a conference with your teacher. VOLUNTEER for Field Day on May 26 and 27 (1 Bing Buck per hour.) VOLUNTEER for the ART SHOW TBA (1 Bing Buck per hour.) VOLUNTEER FOR PBS MUSIC PARTY ON MAY 15. First grade just finished out SAT testing. YEAH!!!! Now back to our normal schedule. In reading we are continuing to work on reading comprehension and fluency. Please make sure your child is reading for at least 20 minutes and completing Istation on the computer everyday. In math we just finished measurement/time and are moving into 3D shapes. In science we are still learning about living and non living things. We do have a field trip scheduled toward the end of April, so be looking out for the permission slips. BullDog Creed Second Grade: Wow, this school year is flying by fast! We ar e now in the four th and final quarter, however, there is still a lot of learning to be done. Please make sure that your child is in attendance daily. When they are absent or tardy they are missing out on valuable information, which leads to gaps in their learning/skills. I will be present, prepared, and ready to learn. I will respect myself, others, and property. I will behave responsibly and accept the consequences of my actions. I will help others to be capable, connected, and contributing. Be sure to sign your child’s agenda daily. This is a very important tool that allows for smooth communication between home and school. Fifth Grade: FSA News We will do raffles for every school event from now to the end of School year! Parent Incentives are sponsored by SAC funds! We are going on a field trip to MOSI on April 10, 2015. Permission slips will be sent home soon. ACADEMICS: Math- Students will identify, describe, and draw triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons. Students will recognize all four sided shapes as quadrilaterals. They will also construct organized displays of data in formats such as tally charts, line plots, picture graphs, and bar graphs. Reading- Describe how characters respond to major events, compare and contrast stories, determine cause and effect relationships, and retell key ideas. Science- Students will begin learning about life science: the organization and development of living things, heredity and reproduction. Fourth Grade: Gr eat things ar e happening in Four th Gr ade! As the school year comes to a close, we want to make sure that all students are prepared and ready for the Fifth Grade! In the coming weeks, your child will be participating in: -Reviewing Math and Reading Standards -Science Experiments -Long Term Investigations -Classroom Projects Additionally, The Battle of the Books will take place in a few short weeks. All students were given a list of books at the beginning of the school year. Each student will have the opportunity to compete against students from other classrooms to show how much they know about each book. The books listed below can be checked out from the Bing Media Center. If you have any questions, comments and concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child homeroom teacher. Thanks for allowing us to be your partner in education. Dorko the Magnificent Magic Marks the Spot Hooper Finds a Family Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Elvis and the Underdogs The Adventures of Beanboy The Adventures of the South Pole Pig Capture the Flag 8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel/1 Dog = Chaos FSA is quickly approaching! It will take place April 13-30. Students will begin bringing home their reading, math, and science journals to study in preparation for the test. Please make sure your child continues to study their multiplication facts and log into istation.com, fcatexplorer.com, and myon.com to continue working on reading skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Science News Science Slam will be coming soon!! Students need to study science concepts using their science notebooks. Students will compete with other 5th grade classes for medals and to be named the Science Slam Champions! E.L. Bing Elementary Page 3 Reading News: As we move into the four th gr ading per iod, all of our students will continue to work toward achieving grade-level standards in reading and writing. Please remember to encourage your child to read at home on a daily basis. If computer and Internet access are available, your child can find thousands of books online at www.myon.com. Attention, Fifth Grade Families: Our fifth grade students will begin taking the FSA (Florida Standards Assessment) the week of April 13. If you would like to get a glimpse of what this assessment will look like, you may access the online training test at www.fsassessments.org. All fifth grade students will have the opportunity to take this practice test at school, but extra practice at home will help them become even more comfortable with this new test! Mastering Mathematics Our 5th graders will be demonstrating their Mathematics proficiency late this month on state-wide standardized testing. Teachers and students are working hard to review all major concepts for the grade level and to reteach areas students may still be struggling with. This year students will see many new item types during their computerized testing. Please join the mission to ensure your student is as prepared as possible. BullDog Creed I will be present, prepared, and ready to learn. I will respect myself, others, and property. I will behave responsibly and accept the consequences of my actions. I will help others to be capable, connected, and contributing. Visit http://fsassessments.org/ Click on parents and students and have your child explore the training tests, so they become more familiar with how to use all the online tools in order to respond correctly to new item types. Additional practice for computerized testing for 5th graders can be found at https:// login4.cloud1.tds.airast.org/student/V105/Pages/LoginShell.aspx?c=SBAC_PT Click sign-in and then be sure to select 5th grade in the drop down to access the program. Keep your eyes on the lookout for information about upcoming after school opportunities to strengthen our 5th Grade Mathematicians problem solving skills. Try-outs for Gr ades 1, 2, & 3 Math Bowl will take place dur ing Apr il. Continue supporting your child in problem solving and encourage them to try-out for the team. Check with your child’s teacher in mid-April for more information. SAC Membership Hello Families of Bing Elementary! We would like you to join SAC, Student Advisory Council, and speak your voice! SAC members consist of Teachers, Parents, Principal, and Business Community Partners. We will have monthly meetings to determine and prioritize the needs of our school, assist in the decision making of the school's SAC budget, monitor School Improvement Plan, and work towards the success of ALL students. For more information about SAC, please email [email protected] or [email protected]. Our next SAC Meeting will be April 19 at 2:30. We will discuss next school year’s A Plus Funds, as well as our School Discipline Data. Hillsborough County Public Schools is currently accepting applications for the We Deliver Award. For the past 9 years, the district, in partnership with the Hillsborough Education Foundation, has honored an employee who has gone above and beyond to deliver excellence to our students. This year, we are looking for someone who has gone the extra mile while dealing with their own personal, life changing struggle maybe they have remained dedicated to our kids while caring for a sick family member, or dealing with their own illness. Anyone can nominate a district employee for the award - community members, employees, parents, students. The winner will receive a check for $10,000 and the honor of representing so many deserving employees who model what this award is all about. To learn more about the qualifications for We Deliver, or to nominate an employee go to our website: ~www.sdhc.k12.fl.us and type We Deliver in the search box. Nominations will be accepted until Friday April 17. District officials as well as staff from the Education Foundation will have the opportunity to surprise the winner in early May.
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