(A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) BARMER LIGNITE MINING COMPANY LIMITED (NIT No - BLMCL/MD/JPR/15-16/003 Dated 15-Apr-2015) Tender Specification For Supply of 3 core, 400 sq mm, 4000 mtr long XLPE Aluminium Conductor power cable in connection with the 6.6 KV / 5 MVA Power Supply from Raj West Power Limited at Kapurdi Lignite Mine, Barmer, Rajasthan (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Office of the Associate Vice President, Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited, B-13, 14, RIICO Industrial Area Opposite Rajasthan State ware House Barmer - 344001 Cost of Tender Document: Rs. 500/- Contact Person at Barmer: Mr. Amrendra Kumar AVP (Operations) Mobile: +91 80940 05350 Phone: +91 2982 221049 Fax: +91 2982 223659 E-mail: [email protected] Contact Person at Jaipur: Mr. Nitesh Gangwal Company Secretary Mobile: +91 99833 20648 Phone : +91 141 2369772 Fax : +91 141 2369774 E-mail: [email protected] (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Ref: BLMCL/MD/JPR/15-16/003 Dated: 15-Apr-2015 Tender Notice Sealed tender is invited from the reputed and experienced Contractors for taking up the following works for Kapurdi Lignite Mining. Sr.No A. Name of work EMD (Rs) Supply of 4000 mtr long 3 Core, 400sq.mm, 6.6KV, Aluminium Conductor, XLPE, FR type, armoured HT Power cable as per the specification given in Annexure-A. 2,00,000 Completion Time 30 Days Tender document can be collected from the office of undersigned and Jaipur Office located at Office No. 2 & 3, 7th Floor, Man Upasana Plaza, C-44, Sardar Patel Marg, CScheme, Jaipur-302001 on payment of Rs. 500/- only (Non-Refundable) through Demand Draft in favour of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited payable at Jaipur, on any working day from 15-04-2015 to 14-05-2015 during office hours from 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM. Tender documents are also available to prospective bidders on portal http://blmcl.in/tenders.shtml for viewing and downloading. The bidders, in their own interest are requested to read very carefully the bid document before submitting the bid up to the time & date as specified above. The bidders downloading the bid from the portal will be required to deposit a bank draft of Rs. 500.00 drawn in favour of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited payable at Jaipur. Such bank draft will be enclosed with documents in Envelop-I. The tender will be received up to 3.30 PM of 15-05-2015 and opened on same day at 5.00 PM in the Jaipur Office. The EMD should be deposited in the shape of Bank draft drawn in favour of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited payable at Jaipur or in the form of Bank Guarantee. Bank Guarantee will be in the standard format and from any Nationalized Bank or a National Level Private Bank but not a Co-operative Bank. Tenders without EMD will be summarily rejected. EMD will not carry any interest. Tender should be submitted in two parts i.e. Envelop-I & Envelop-II duly super-scribed with NIT Nos. Envelop -I will contain the technical offer and EMD Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee while Envelop-II will contain the commercial offer (Price Bid). Both envelops will further be enclosed in a single Envelop which will be super scribed with name and address of tenderer, tender number along with date of opening. (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Terms and conditions of NIT: Envelop No. I should contain following: 1. EMD 2. A certificate to the effect that price bid is unconditional. 3. Attested copy of Articles of Association / Proprietary Certificate / Partnership Deed, as applicable. 4. Photo copy of Power of Attorney / Board Resolution authorizing the person to represent the contractor. 5. Sales Tax Registration Certificate / TIN No. 6. Service Tax Registration Certificate. 7. Copy of PAN and latest Income Tax Return. 8. In case of downloading of tender from BLMCL portal, a bank draft of Rs. 500.00 drawn in favour of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited payable at Jaipur . 9. Proof of similar materials supplied- (Copy of Work Order). The intending tenderer must have in its name as HT Cable Manufacturer/ Dealer of having successfully completed similar works during last 3 years. Eligibility should be either of following: (a) (b) Three similar Work orders of supply HT cables of 6.6KV grade or more, each costing not less than Rs 70.00 Lacs. OR Two similar supply of HT cable each costing not less than Rs. 125.00 Lacs. All document enclosed in part-I must be legible, duly stamped with their company /firm seal and signed properly by the person authorized by the contractor for submission of the bid. Technical specifications of materials for the proposed supply are given in Annexure A. Part-II should contain price bid only, duly printed or typed. Hand written bids will not be accepted. Price bid should be submitted in the proforma enclosed as Annexure-B. Price bid should be unconditional and a certificate shall be submitted as per the proforma enclosed as Annexure-C Price Bids will be considered only in the prescribed form / document as per Annexure-B. Bids not submitted in the prescribed format will be summarily rejected. Also, bidders should refrain from providing the information which is not relevant. All the communication / correspondence including the bid document (Technical and Financial Bid) must be signed and stamped on each page by the designated authorized (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) representative of the bidder failing which the bid will be summarily rejected. BLMCL reserves the complete right to accept or reject in part or full any or all the offers without assigning any reasons whatsoever. No further discussion / interaction will be held with the bidders whose bids have been disqualified / rejected by BLMCL. In case, a dispute arises with regard to interpretation / omission / error in this document, bid submitted, other documents; the decision of the Managing Director, BLMCL will be final and binding upon the bidders. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the office of the Associate Vice President, BLMCL, Barmer or from Jaipur Office of BLMCL, on any working day between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM. Bid shall be kept valid for 60 days from the last date of submission of the bid. Bid with validity for shorter period shall be liable for rejection. The bid shall be a non-conditional bid and a certificate to the effect shall be signed and included in the bid documents. The bidder shall ensure that bid is furnished / submitted strictly in the prescribed manner. Part-II of the bid will be opened only of such bidders who qualify technically after opening of Part-I. Part-II of such bidders, who do not qualify after opening of Part-I, shall not be opened under any circumstances and will not be returned to the bidder. Effective date of contract: The effective date of contract shall be date of signing of LOI / Contract. Terms of Payment: 1. No advance will be paid. 2. 90% Payment will be done after receipt of materials at site on the basis of bills duly certified by authorized representative of BLMCL within 30 days after the submission and certification of bills. Retention Money / Performance Bank Guarantee: 10% of the contracted value shall be kept as retention money against warranty for supply of materials and the same will be released after one year of successful operation of the project. (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Alternatively, the contractor may submit a PBG of 10% of the contracted value for a period of 1 year towards Performance Guarantee. After furnishing of PBG the retention amount will be released by BLMCL. Duties and Taxes: Bid should quote the price inclusive of taxes and duties. Liquidated Damages: Towards Late Completion: If the OEM/Dealer fails to attain the Supply of materials within the Time scheduled or any extension thereof due to reasons attributable to the Contractor, the Liquidated Damages shall be levied, not by way of penalty, but by making deductions from the Contractor’s account or by encashment of contractors Bank Guarantees. The rate of liquidated damages shall be 0.5% of the contract price per complete week of delay or part thereof and maximum LD will be limited to 5% of contract basic price. Quality and Testing: Cable Manufacturer/ Dealer will submit all the test reports (type tests and routine tests) Confirming to IS: 7098(Part-2) for our acceptance. Risk Purchase: Time is the essence of the contract and if at any stage we are of the opinion that delay is taking place or likely to take place in the supply of the materials at the site, we shall have right to procure the materials from alternate source(s) entirely at your risk, cost and expenses including incidental expenses. Patent Liability: The Dealer/OEM shall indemnify and hold harmless the client and its employees and officers from and against any and all suits, actions and administrative proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the client may suffer as a result of any infringement of any patent, utility, model, registered design, trademark, copyright or any other intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing by reason of installation of the facilities by the contractor. Limit of Liability: Maximum 100% of the contract price except for patent liability. (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Insurance: Insurance of the material during transit from manufacturer / supplier to site and during period of erection / commissioning shall be borne by contractor. Any liability / loss of material due to theft etc. during the period of contract till handover of the project shall be the contractor’s responsibility. Litigation The Dealer/OEM shall comply with all conditions of Minimum Wages Act, Workmen Compensation Act and any other statutory provision applicable at the time of execution of contract. In case of dispute matter would be referred to MD, BLMCL whose decision would be final and binding on both the parties. (Amrendra Kumar) AVP (Operations) Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited Near Chamunda Temple, Kishanpura, Gandhi Nagar, NH – 15, Barmer – 344 001 Rajasthan (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Annexure-A List of Material Sr. No 1 Equipment specifications Unit Requirement Supply of 3 Core, 400Sq.mm, 6.6KV(UE), Fire Retardant, Aluminium Conductor, XLPE, PVC Insulated Armoured Cable with following specifications: Short circuit current : 40KA for 1 sec Basic insulation level: 75KV Power frequency withstand voltage: (1) Between conductor and screen:17KV (2) Between adjacent conductors:20KV Confirming to IS: 7098(Part-2) Mtr 4000 Remarks (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Annexure-B Price – Bid (On the letterhead of the Bidder) The price bid will be quoted as below and will be enclosed in Envelop – II: Tender No: BLMCL/MD/JPR/15-16/003 Dated: 15-Apr-2015 Name of Contractor/Bidder: ___________________________________________ Address of Contractor/Bidder: _________________________________________ Contact No. of Contractor/Bidder: ______________________________________ Email Id of Contractor/Bidder: _________________________________________ The price bid will be quoted as below and will be enclosed in envelop-II: S. No 1. 2. 3. Name of work Quoted price (Rs.) Remarks Supply of 3 Core, 400Sq.mm, 6.6KV (UE), Fire Retardant, Aluminium Conductor, XLPE, PVC Insulated Armoured power cable. Taxes & Duties Total (inclusive of taxes and duties) Note: The bidders should quote taxes & duties separately as item no. 2 above. Signature of Bidder / Authorized Representative with Seal (A Govt. of Rajasthan Enterprise) Annexure-C UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE (On the letter head of the bidder) We............................................ (Name of Contractor/Bidder) undertake to unconditionally submit our offer for the cited Tender Enquiry. We undertake to fully abide by the terms and conditions of the tender document. Signature of Bidder / Authorized Representative with Seal
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