NHS Selection Packet Checklist Did you remember to.... Paperclip everything together? Give evaluations to teachers? Include your... Parent/Guardian Consent Form? NHS Selection Packet Cover Sheet? Detailed Leadership Experiences? Detailed Co-curricular Experiences? Detailed Service Experiences? Recognition and Awards? Work Experience? Typed Student Essay? Gather your personal reference forms in envelopes with your student number on the front and their signature placed OVER the sealed envelope flap? DUE Friday May 15th @ 2:30pm! NO EXCUSES!! Details Membership: Selection to the National Honor Society represents the highest honor and trust that can be bestowed upon a student in the junior or senior year of high school. The National Honor Society recognizes students for outstanding CHARACTER, SCHOLARSHIP, LEADERSHIP, and SERVICE. Membership in the society is indicative that the student has attained and is demonstrating and promoting all of these qualities, and is exerting an effort to improve conditions in the school and community. Meeting the grade point average requirement is not the sole criteria for acceptance into the National Honor Society. Schools that select members solely on the basis of scholarship are placing their charters in jeopardy for it violates the Constitution of the NHS. Evidence that you meet the qualifications of LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER, and SERVICE requirements are necessary to be eligible for membership. Selection for membership is by a faculty review of candidates and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Members who resign or are dismissed are no longer eligible for membership or its benefits and they may not reapply for membership. Selection of Members: 1) To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a member of the junior or senior class. 2) The selection of members to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council. Scholarship Requirements: All candidates must have a minimum cumulative non-rounded weighted grade point average (GPA) of 3.5. Character, Leadership, and Service Requirements: Students will be asked to detail their character, leadership, and service experiences while attending Brandon High School. All candidates will be required to submit one essay. Students may be called in for an interview by the faculty council if more information is needed or if clarification is needed. Any conduct violations during enrollment at Brandon High School will impact your eligibility for membership. The following is not an official NHS document. It is to be used as a guide only. It is a list of leadership and service activities compiled by past NHS members. It is not a complete list and is subject to change as the needs of the community and the activities of the students change. If you have questions about a particular activity, please see the NHS advisors. Leadership Each of these activities may or may not exemplify leadership depending upon your role in the activity. ● Class Board/Student Council Officers ● Class Board/Student Council Committee chairs and members-at-large who take on leadership roles. ● Newspaper/Yearbook Editor positions ● Peer Mediation ● Drama club leadership roles ● Band and Choir leadership roles ● Club Officer ● Committee Chair ● Work related leadership roles; manager, team leader, supervisor, etc ● Athletic Team Captains ● Coach/Assistant Coach for youth teams ● Special Olympics Coach ● Summer camp counselors ● Organizing special events; animal shows and holiday parties for special needs children, disabled or elderly, charity concession stands, etc. ● Leadership activities associated with community based, cultural or religious youth groups. Be specific when defining your leadership role in these activities. Activities that do not qualify as leadership activities for NHS. ● Everyday classroom behaviors* ● Classroom/activity role model positions* ● Participation in events and activities* * This does not mean that these are unimportant. Your teachers will score your classroom leadership. Low scores could be the cause of non-selection. Action verbs that may describe leadership: Achieved Administered Advised Appointed Assembled Assessed Assigned Attained Authorized Chaired Challenged Changed Coached Conducted Coordinated Counseled Created Decided Delegated Delivered Designated Developed Devised Directed Distributed Educated Employed Energized Engineered Enlisted Established Executed Expanded Facilitated Finalized Followed through Formed Formulated Founded Generated Governed Grouped Guided Handled Headed Hired Identified Implemented Improvised Incorporated Informed Initiated Instituted Instructed Integrated Intervened Introduced Issued Launched Led Made Maintained Managed Mediated Mentored Motivated Organized Oversaw Planned Prioritized Recommended Scheduled Supervised United Service Service is an important part of NHS. For your selection, you should include all service hours you have completed since the beginning of your 9th grade year. Examples of community service may include: Volunteering at an animal shelter (like MARL K-9 Rescue League) Hospital volunteer Seasonal charity work wrapping presents Individually arranged private tutoring for which no compensation is given Volunteering at a soup kitchen Translator for ESL, brail, etc. Participating in any scheduled DNR workday (Remember that you must bring the waiver found here) Donating blood on your own time Meals on Wheels O.A.T.S. Promise Village CrittenTeen program Working with elderly senior citizens Nursing home volunteer Retirement home volunteer Planting flowers at a nursing home Organizing transportation Delivering groceries Yard work (Snow shoveling, raking leaves, mowing lawns, planting flowers, pulling weeds, etc.) Shelter or hotline volunteers/counselors Salvation Army volunteer Volunteer for Special Olympics Mission trips (counting only the hours spent directly helping others in need) Girl Scout / Eagle Scout projects that benefit the community at large Habitat for Humanity construction build volunteer Church work that reaches beyond a specific denomination and is not preaching in nature (Please note: Church work must reach beyond the church itself and have a direct and clear path as to how the service benefits the community at large. Bible school, singing in the choir, babysitting during services, volunteering as a parking attendant during church events, cleaning your church, Sunday School Teachers, are all applauded, but they are not used for the purpose of NHS community service requirements. Examples that would be appropriate include: Youth groups building homes for Habitat for Humanity, youth groups volunteering at Gleaners food bank, fundraisers where all funds or items collected go directly to a charity serving the community at large, etc.) Exceptions - Activities that are not used for the purpose of meeting community service requirements: Anything for which you were paid. Anything that is a family obligation (babysitting, household chores, etc.). Athletic Team Captains or managers functions performed as a team captain/manager that are routine responsibilities of the team members or coaches; ie, cleaning-up after events or set-up prior. Set-up and clean-up for routine meetings, events, etc for clubs and organizations for which you are a member. Taking part in ceremonies and meetings for organizations for which you are a member even if that organization is a service organization. The planning and leadership functions involved in membership in community service organizations are responsibilities of your membership in the organization and not community service per se. Babysitting for parents, relatives, or neighbors with or without pay. (Babysitting without pay may qualify under special circumstances; to allow adults to participate in service activities, financial, physical or emotional hardships, etc.) Assisting parents with youth groups for younger siblings unless a specific and necessary function is filled: ie, another person other than the parent would have to complete your task. (In general, assisting parents or relatives is not community service.) Giving computer assistance to neighbors unless that neighbor is disabled or elderly and unable to travel to or obtain assistance through normal means. Assisting any person with their paid employment or at their place of employment (i.e. Helping a teacher pack, unpack, clean a classroom, computer help, make copies, grade papers, daycare, teacher assistant, library assistant, secretarial assistant, custodial assistant, etc. or any other task that is part of the individuals paid responsibilities does not qualify for the purposes of NHS approved service.) Fund-raising for an organization, unless the purpose of the fundraiser is to raise funds for charity. Fasting or going without sleep to raise public awareness is not community service. Only the hours in which you were engaged in actual community service activities may be counted. Gray areas exist - to help clarify ask yourself - "Am I participating in this activity for personal reasons other than to help others? Would I do it for myself (friends or family) even if no other persons would benefit?" If so, then you should not count it as service. The following information will help you in completing your NHS packet. 1. Fill out each section completely and to the best of your ability. Do not be modest about your accomplishments. All information will be used to help make your way into NHS. Do not feel limited by the amount of space provided. Please be aware that neatness of presentation is considered. Faculty council will be inspecting the quality and professional look of your finished selection packet. Sell yourself! 2. You MUST have signatures on everything! Ask club sponsors and coaches to sign the page listing extracurricular activities. You must have signatures and phone numbers for all references and any service hours listed. Any activity without appropriate documentation will be considered void. If you cannot get a face-to-face meeting with the person whose signature you need, you may have them scan & email something (either to you or the school). The NHS email address is [email protected]. It is imperative that all four sections (leadership, co-curricular, scholarship, & community service) demonstrate the candidate’s accomplishments. If any of these sections are blank, Faculty Council will summarily reject the packet. 3. You will be known to the faculty council only by student number. Remember, you must be referred to as “this candidate” or by “he” or “she” by those who are completing references for you. No names! This must remain anonymous. Example: “This candidate is an excellent choice for NHS. She exhibits leadership and has volunteered in our community soup kitchen.” 4. Remember, there are 3 teacher recommendations and 3 outside-of-school recommendations. They must be 6 different people who are at least 21 years of age. Recommendations may not be from a relative. The 3 teacher recommendations need to be completed by teachers you had during this school year. You must have been a student for at least one full trimester course. Remember that faculty council is looking for candidates that are well-rounded. We recommend that the letters come from teachers in three different subject areas. Before handing out your teacher evaluations you need to: 1) Fill out the “To be filled out by Candidate” section of the evaluation form. 2) Place the evaluation form in an envelope. 3) Write your name on the front of the envelope. This is the only way your teacher will connect your name to your evaluation form. It is required that you hand in 3 recommendations from individuals who know you well. Identify people in the community or school who can attest to the Leadership, the Character, and/or the Service that you have provided over the past two years. Provide him/her with a copy of the “personal reference form” as well as an envelope that displays your student number on the front and have him/her sign the sealed envelope. Their signature goes OVER the flap indicating they sealed the envelope, not your signature. Return the envelopes with your packet. 5. Plan ahead. Don’t wait until the last minute. This selection packet is due no later than Friday, May 15, 2015 at 2:30pm. ANY candidate who fails to meet this deadline will no longer be considered a candidate for NHS. The induction for candidates selected for membership will be held in the Fall. Additional details will be provided at a later time. Parent/Guardian Consent Form Name of Activity: NHS - National Honors Society Sponsor's Name: Mrs. Mirolli & Mrs. Dzbanski, teachers Sponsor Contact for selection questions: [email protected] Description of Program: NHS is an organization that is built for four areas: leadership, scholarship, service, and character. The Brandon High School Chapter seeks to provide activities and services for the betterment of the entire school community. Criteria/Eligibility Requirements: 3.5 G.P.A. at the beginning of junior or senior year. Selection packet reviewed by the faculty council highlighting the candidate’s outstanding character, service, and leadership. Size of Group: Varies Duration: Before, during, and/or after school Time of Year: Year-Round We have reviewed this packet & the attached cover letter. We are aware of the requirements for selection & recognize that failure to comply with these standards will disqualify student eligibility. We understand that acceptance or rejection is based solely on the candidate informational packet as student numbers are the only means of student identification. We understand that staff appointed by the high school Principal, Mr. Stevens, will review each candidate. We also understand that students selected for the National Honor Society must attend all meetings & functions as required. We recognize that students will be required to perform service hours each month & may be removed from the Society for failing to meet these requirements. If we have questions about anything involving the selections, we will contact Mrs. Mirolli or Mrs. Dzbanski. Completed Packets - due May 15, 2015 at 2:30 pm (NO LATE CANDIDATE PACKETS WILL BE CONSIDERED) Induction Ceremony - Fall of 2011 in the Performing Arts Center. Print Student Name as you’d like it on the certificate:_____________________________________ Student Street Address: __________________________ City: ______________ Zipcode: ________ Parent Name (Please print): _________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________ Student Number:___________________ Parent Signature:__________________________________________________ NHS Candidate Information: Cover Sheet Have you ever been subjected to disciplinary action by BHS? (Please list any detentions and explain the circumstances) □ YES □ NO IF YOU ANSWERED "YES" ABOVE, EXPLAIN FULLY ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. In the space below, please list the names of the three teachers you have asked for teacher evaluations: 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ I understand that submitting this informational packet does not guarantee placement into the National Honor Society at Brandon High School. I have read the membership guidelines and fully understand that if I’m selected I will uphold all responsibilities of the National Honor Society. Included in these responsibilities, but not necessarily limited to, are the following: 1. Punctual attendance at meetings, usually Thursday mornings, 6:50 am at the high school. 2. Completion of 40 service hours from June to May each school year 3. Meeting all documentation deadlines set forth (submission of completed packets, recording of hours, submission of hours, etc.) 4. Attendance at induction ceremonies for new members 5. Payment of Annual Membership Fee of $20.00 Write student ID number on this line to agree to the terms of NHS membership #____________________ Date:______________ For faculty council use only: Date and Time Received: __________________________ Teacher Evaluations: _________ Personal References: ________ Honor Code Violations: Yes or No If yes, description: LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES Please list evidence of LEADERSHIP activities that you have engaged in during high school in order of significance. Please be specific and do not assume the reviewers have knowledge of your leadership activities. LEADERSHIP POSITIONS: List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. In order to count toward the leadership criteria you must: 1) document your leadership role, 2) provide a description of the leadership skills, 3) provide the name and contact information of the adult in charge, and 4) signature of adult in charge. Grades 9,10,11 Name of Leadership Role Detailed description Name of supervising adult and contact information Signature Any additional leadership experiences should be recorded on a separate sheet and attached. CO-CURRICULAR EXPERIENCES CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: List all activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, jobs, musical groups, or other organizations and major accomplishments in each. Signatures are required for each activity listed, and faculty council wants to see diversity. Example: Grade 9,10,11 9 -10 Years 9,10, 11 Name of Activity Football Team Name of Activity Detailed description I participated in scheduled practices and regulation games. There were days when our practices would be cancelled during bad weather so I created a text message fan-out list to better inform players. Detailed description Name of supervising adult and contact information Signature Mr. Pizzala [email protected] Name of supervising adult and contact information Signature Any additional co-curricular experiences should be recorded on a separate sheet and attached. SERVICE EXPERIENCES List any service activities in which you have participated during your high school years. These can be service projects done with a group either in or out of school or done individually. **Generally speaking, service activities are those which are done for, or on behalf of others (not including family members) for which there is no compensation given or course credit received. Please look to the “details - service section for more help in determining what may qualify as service. For each service activity you must provide the following: 1) the name of the charity, organization and/or activity, 2) the number of hours you were engaged in the activity, 3) a detailed description of the service you provided, 4) the name and contact information of the adult in charge, and 5) signature of adult in charge. Date Name of charity Number of hours Detailed description Name of supervising adult and contact information Signature Any additional service experiences should be recorded on a separate sheet and attached. RECOGNITION AND AWARDS List below any honors, awards, or recognition you have received during your high school years that support your bid to be selected for National Honor Society. Please do not repeat participation in other activities if they are listed elsewhere on this form. Grades 9,10,11 Name of Award Detailed description Candidates must provide a digital picture of the award or a copy of the award certificate or letter as proof of recognition. You may include pictures and/or copies of your award certificates and trophies. Please be aware that anything submitted will not be returned. WORK EXPERIENCE List below any job or work experience you have. This work experience may be paid or volunteer. Please include a list of the number of hours spent on the job or activity and a brief description of what you have accomplished. Also, in this section you may include any additional information that is not already noted on the form, which you feel is important for the selection committee to know when they are considering you as a member. Please do not repeat participation in other activities if they are listed elsewhere on this form. Grades 9,10,11 Name of Employer and Your Position Number of hours Job Description Name of supervising adult and contact information Any additional Awards or Work Experiences should be recorded on a separate sheet and attached. Student Essay On a separate piece of paper, type a well developed one to two page essay in response to the following prompt: Leadership, Character, Service, and Scholarship are the four pillars of the National Honor Society. Explain how you exemplify each of the four pillars. Be specific and site examples of past personal experiences. National Honor Society TEACHER EVALUATION Please return to Mrs. Mirolli or Mrs. Dzbanski, by Friday May 15, 2015 To be completed by the Candidate: Teacher's Name: _____________________ Student ID # __________________ Did you have this teacher during 1st semester of the 2014-2015 school year? ______________ For what class? ___________________ To be completed by the Teacher: Date you received evaluation: ______________________ ● Please take some time to complete this form for the student who has asked you for your evaluation. Your judgment will help the Faculty Council determine the membership of the National Honor Society. ● You must refer to the student by their student number. Please do not return this to the student. Please circle the word listed after the characteristic that best describes the student. 1. Capacity for work excellent average poor 2. Self-control excellent average poor 3. Initiative excellent average poor 4. Attitude excellent average poor 5. Ability to work w/ others excellent average poor 6. Reliability excellent average poor 7. General conduct excellent average poor 8. Motivation excellent average poor 9. Attendance excellent average poor Faculty Council needs to know the reason for your rating of poor. Please use the space below to comment or elaborate on any poor rating. I would recommend this student for NHS. (Circle one) YES NO PLEASE GIVE A FEW COMMENTS WHETHER THEY BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. THEY ARE EXTREMELY HELPFUL TO FACULTY COUNCIL. Please do not use the student’s name. Teacher Signature:____________________________________________ National Honor Society TEACHER EVALUATION Please return to Mrs. Mirolli or Mrs. Dzbanski, by Friday May 15, 2015 To be completed by the Candidate: Teacher's Name: _____________________ Student ID # __________________ Did you have this teacher during 1st semester of the 2014-2015 school year? ______________ For what class? ___________________ To be completed by the Teacher: Date you received evaluation: ______________________ ● Please take some time to complete this form for the student who has asked you for your evaluation. Your judgment will help the Faculty Council determine the membership of the National Honor Society. ● You must refer to the student by their student number. Please do not return this to the student. Please circle the word listed after the characteristic that best describes the student. 1. Capacity for work excellent average poor 2. Self-control excellent average poor 3. Initiative excellent average poor 4. Attitude excellent average poor 5. Ability to work w/ others excellent average poor 6. Reliability excellent average poor 7. General conduct excellent average poor 8. Motivation excellent average poor 9. Attendance excellent average poor Faculty Council needs to know the reason for your rating of poor. Please use the space below to comment or elaborate on any poor rating. I would recommend this student for NHS. (Circle one) YES NO PLEASE GIVE A FEW COMMENTS WHETHER THEY BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. THEY ARE EXTREMELY HELPFUL TO FACULTY COUNCIL. Please do not use the student’s name. Teacher Signature:____________________________________________ National Honor Society TEACHER EVALUATION Please return to Mrs. Mirolli or Mrs. Dzbanski, by Friday May 15, 2015 To be completed by the Candidate: Teacher's Name: _____________________ Student ID # __________________ Did you have this teacher during 1st semester of the 2014-2015 school year? ______________ For what class? ___________________ To be completed by the Teacher: Date you received evaluation: ______________________ ● Please take some time to complete this form for the student who has asked you for your evaluation. Your judgment will help the Faculty Council determine the membership of the National Honor Society. ● You must refer to the student by their student number. Please do not return this to the student. Please circle the word listed after the characteristic that best describes the student. 1. Capacity for work excellent average poor 2. Self-control excellent average poor 3. Initiative excellent average poor 4. Attitude excellent average poor 5. Ability to work w/ others excellent average poor 6. Reliability excellent average poor 7. General conduct excellent average poor 8. Motivation excellent average poor 9. Attendance excellent average poor Faculty Council needs to know the reason for your rating of poor. Please use the space below to comment or elaborate on any poor rating. I would recommend this student for NHS. (Circle one) YES NO PLEASE GIVE A FEW COMMENTS WHETHER THEY BE POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE. THEY ARE EXTREMELY HELPFUL TO FACULTY COUNCIL. Please do not use the student’s name. Teacher Signature:____________________________________________ National Honor Society Personal Reference Form Directions to Writer: Brandon High School is in the process of selecting National Honor Society members. Because help to the community is a large part of NHS, this form's purpose is to request your input as a member of the community. We would like your feedback as to the Leadership, the Character, and the Service this candidate has demonstrated. Information you provide will shine light on the background of this NHS candidate. Please refer to the candidate by their number. #____________________________ We do this to ensure the selection process is objective when we evaluate the information provided. This helps the process to be fair and equitable. THANK YOU! Phone Number: Date: Relation: How long have you known the candidate? Please rate this student in the below categories according to how you see fit (4 being the highest, 0 indicating trait poorly displayed, N/A trait is not relevant to this circumstance). Please give reasoning behind your rating. An informational description of the NHS requirements has been placed on page two. Circle Leadership: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Character: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Service: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning Please provide any other information that could help this student’s selection into NHS on the back of this page. This may include: ● The candidate's commitment to service ● The nature of the activities ● How this person demonstrated leadership in events or organizations ● Additional comments about the CHARACTER (honesty, reliability, etc.) of the candidate. Writer's Name: _____________________________________ Signature of Writer: __________________________________ Date:____________ Please seal the envelope, sign over the flap & return it to the candidate in the envelope provided. Personal Reference Pg. 2 LEADERSHIP ● A National Honor Society member is resourceful in purposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions. ● Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities. ● Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideas. Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of school. ● Exemplifies positive attitudes and inspires positive behavior in others. Demonstrates academic initiative. ● Successfully holds school offices and positions of responsibility. Is thoroughly dependable in and responsibility accepted. CHARACTER ● A National Honor Society member takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously. ● Constantly exemplifies desirable qualities of personality. Upholds principles of morality and ethics. ● Cooperates by complying with school regulations. Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability. ● Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others. Observes instructions and rules and punctuality both in and out of the classroom. ● Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies. SERVICE ● A National Honor Society member is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude. ● Participates in some outside activities: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, and volunteer services for the aged and poor. ● Volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to offer assistance. ● Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult and inconspicuous responsibilities. ● Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school. ● Does committee and staff work uncomplainingly. Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students. SCHOLARSHIP ● A National Honor Society member has a grade point average of 3.5 or better. National Honor Society Personal Reference Form Directions to Writer: Brandon High School is in the process of selecting National Honor Society members. Because help to the community is a large part of NHS, this form's purpose is to request your input as a member of the community. We would like your feedback as to the Leadership, the Character, and the Service this candidate has demonstrated. Information you provide will shine light on the background of this NHS candidate. Please refer to the candidate by their number. #____________________________ We do this to ensure the selection process is objective when we evaluate the information provided. This helps the process to be fair and equitable. THANK YOU! Phone Number: Date: Relation: How long have you known the candidate? Please rate this student in the below categories according to how you see fit (4 being the highest, 0 indicating trait poorly displayed, N/A trait is not relevant to this circumstance). Please give reasoning behind your rating. An informational description of the NHS requirements has been placed on page two. Circle Leadership: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Character: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Service: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning Please provide any other information that could help this student’s selection into NHS on the back of this page. This may include: ● The candidate's commitment to service ● The nature of the activities ● How this person demonstrated leadership in events or organizations ● Additional comments about the CHARACTER (honesty, reliability, etc.) of the candidate. Writer's Name: _____________________________________ Signature of Writer: __________________________________ Date:____________ Please seal the envelope, sign over the flap & return it to the candidate in the envelope provided. Personal Reference Pg. 2 LEADERSHIP ● A National Honor Society member is resourceful in purposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions. ● Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities. ● Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideas. Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of school. ● Exemplifies positive attitudes and inspires positive behavior in others. Demonstrates academic initiative. ● Successfully holds school offices and positions of responsibility. Is thoroughly dependable in and responsibility accepted. CHARACTER ● A National Honor Society member takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously. ● Constantly exemplifies desirable qualities of personality. Upholds principles of morality and ethics. ● Cooperates by complying with school regulations. Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability. ● Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others. Observes instructions and rules and punctuality both in and out of the classroom. ● Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies. SERVICE ● A National Honor Society member is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude. ● Participates in some outside activities: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, and volunteer services for the aged and poor. ● Volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to offer assistance. ● Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult and inconspicuous responsibilities. ● Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school. ● Does committee and staff work uncomplainingly. Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students. SCHOLARSHIP ● A National Honor Society member has a grade point average of 3.5 or better. National Honor Society Personal Reference Form Directions to Writer: Brandon High School is in the process of selecting National Honor Society members. Because help to the community is a large part of NHS, this form's purpose is to request your input as a member of the community. We would like your feedback as to the Leadership, the Character, and the Service this candidate has demonstrated. Information you provide will shine light on the background of this NHS candidate. Please refer to the candidate by their number. #____________________________ We do this to ensure the selection process is objective when we evaluate the information provided. This helps the process to be fair and equitable. THANK YOU! Phone Number: Date: Relation: How long have you known the candidate? Please rate this student in the below categories according to how you see fit (4 being the highest, 0 indicating trait poorly displayed, N/A trait is not relevant to this circumstance). Please give reasoning behind your rating. An informational description of the NHS requirements has been placed on page two. Circle Leadership: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Character: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning - Circle Service: 4 3 2 1 0 N/A Reasoning Please provide any other information that could help this student’s selection into NHS on the back of this page. This may include: ● The candidate's commitment to service ● The nature of the activities ● How this person demonstrated leadership in events or organizations ● Additional comments about the CHARACTER (honesty, reliability, etc.) of the candidate. Writer's Name: _____________________________________ Signature of Writer: __________________________________ Date:____________ Please seal the envelope, sign over the flap & return it to the candidate in the envelope provided. Personal Reference Pg. 2 LEADERSHIP ● A National Honor Society member is resourceful in purposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions. ● Demonstrates leadership in promoting school activities. ● Exercises influence on peers in upholding school ideas. Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of school. ● Exemplifies positive attitudes and inspires positive behavior in others. Demonstrates academic initiative. ● Successfully holds school offices and positions of responsibility. Is thoroughly dependable in and responsibility accepted. CHARACTER ● A National Honor Society member takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously. ● Constantly exemplifies desirable qualities of personality. Upholds principles of morality and ethics. ● Cooperates by complying with school regulations. Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability. ● Shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others. Observes instructions and rules and punctuality both in and out of the classroom. ● Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies. SERVICE ● A National Honor Society member is willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude. ● Participates in some outside activities: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, and volunteer services for the aged and poor. ● Volunteers dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to offer assistance. ● Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult and inconspicuous responsibilities. ● Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school. ● Does committee and staff work uncomplainingly. Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students. SCHOLARSHIP ● A National Honor Society member has a grade point average of 3.5 or better.
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