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Live, Laugh, Learn
Local Offer
School Overview
March 2015
Staplefield Place,
Haywards Heath,
West Sussex,
RH17 6EQ.
T: 01444 400228
E: [email protected]
[email protected]
A very warm welcome to Brantridge School and thank you for considering our school. At
Brantridge we accept and celebrate difference; and make a difference. We aim to live, learn and
laugh together as a community.
In this brief introduction, we share our special approach and passion that is enabling our pupils
and students to achieve ambitious goals and to live life to the full.
About Our School
We are a learner and family centered, non-maintained special school (NMSS) meeting the
complex educational, health and care needs of boys aged 6 to 13 typically with a primary
diagnosis of social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties and / or autistic spectrum
condition (ASC).
We offer up to 41 placements, either day or part residential (Monday to Friday), depending
on the need of the child. Our pupils are all state funded.
We are one of three RADIUS Trust schools and have an independent governing body made up
of trustees, parents, staff and governors.
Meeting Your Needs
Brantridge School supports the statemented needs and education, health and care plans for children and
young people with a wide range of ability levels and complex special needs.
For example, our current cohort has the range of needs shown below.
However, we will consider the needs of any child and assess whether we are able to meet them.
It is our firm belief that families and family life play an important role in meeting the needs of our children,
hence the term time offer only.
Each child benefits from the skills of specialist teachers, therapists and support staff as well as an in-house nurse.
Our therapists help us to deliver a universal level of therapeutic provision as well as targeted therapy delivered
by teachers and others alongside therapists in the classroom as well as providing one-to-one specialist sessions
in speech and language and occupational therapies.
All our staff members, regardless of their role, are part of a team committed to securing positive outcomes and
meeting the education, health and care needs for each child.
Our Approach
At Brantridge we accept and celebrate our unique identities and respect and value each other for who
we are and what we can achieve as individuals and as a community.
We believe passionately in a multi-disciplinary, ‘blended’ approach to meeting each child’s needs,
resulting in carefully managed groupings, including specialist intervention work from our in house
therapeutic team.
The school works closely in partnership with families, referring authorities and external agencies to
coordinate the best possible education, care, guidance and support for its pupils.
Our Success Rate
Our approach and ethos is about delivering exceptional outcomes for our children. The results are
evident. Last academic year (2013-2014), on average, our pupils have exceeded national mainstream
expectations for progress in reading, writing and maths. National expectations for Key Stage 2 is 3
Average Point Scores per year and at Brantridge School pupils are averaging 5.8. National expectation
for Key Stage 3 is 4 Average Point Scores per year and at Brantridge pupils are averaging 5.5.
We ensure that all of our pupils develop independence, feel secure and are happy. We support them to
manage their own learning and behavior so that they are equipped with the competencies, skills and
strategies to take the next steps into continuing their education and achieving their personal goals. Our
track record in this regard is exceptional with every leaver in the last three years continuing their
education and many going on later to achieve GCSEs and entering further education or employment.
Sats results table
Waking Day Curriculum
Pupils follow a curriculum based on National Curriculum requirements which is adapted to their age, ability
and individual needs. Significant emphasis is placed on developing reading, writing, speaking and listening
and maths skills. In addition we aim to improve attitudes to learning and behaviour and develop
appropriate social skills. The curriculum is individualized for each pupil and targets are set for them to catch
up on learning that they have missed with the ambition that they can achieve or exceed age related
expectations. The skills learnt are transferable, with appropriate planning and support, into the home, the
local community and future placements.
Our Waking Day Curriculum is consistent across both education and care teams and provides each pupil
with the opportunity to access the whole school curriculum, including the National Curriculum together
with individually planned learning programmes linked to continuous monitoring and evaluation of our
Space to Learn,
Rest and Play
Brantridge School is full of tradition and character.
The main house is built in the English country
house tradition and although originally the home
of a wealthy family, it has been a school for over
50 years. New pupils often comment that it is just
like Hogwarts! (from the Harry Potter books). It is
set in beautiful, wooded grounds which offer
plenty of space for gardening, sports and
recreational activities as well as a safe and
therapeutic environment.
All our learning, living and play spaces are on
one site creating a homely feel. The children
also enjoy many escorted visits and
adventures outside the school, either on
educational visits or to pursue their hobbies
and interests or just for fun. Each year pupils
attend a week long residential trip which
enables all pupils to experience staying away
from home as well as allowing them to take
part in a variety of exciting and challenging
The school is set in the Sussex Weald, an area of
outstanding natural beauty, between the towns of
Crawley and Haywards Heath. Brighton and the
Sussex downs are close by. Brantridge School is
well placed to draw upon a wide range of leisure,
recreational and educational facilities, which are
either local or within easy travelling distance
between the Sussex Coast and London. It is easily
accessible by road and by rail. Brantridge School is
35 miles from central London, with excellent
access to the nearby M23 and M25 motorways. It
is often quicker to reach Brantridge than to travel
across London. Trains from London leave London
Bridge (45 minutes) and Victoria (50 minutes),
passing through Clapham Junction and East
Croydon. The nearest station is Haywards Heath(6
miles). Vistors arriving by train can be met and
driven to school by a member of staff.
What do Others Say?
Our latest education Ofsted inspection (January 2015), judged the overall
effectiveness of the school to be ‘Good’ because we are good in the key
areas of: leadership and management, behaviour and safety, quality of
teaching and achievement of pupils.
Our latest welfare inspection (October 2014), judged the overall
effectiveness of the boarding/residential provision to be ‘Good’ because
we are good in the key areas of: outcomes for residential pupils, quality
of residential provision and care, residential pupils’ safety, and leadership
and management of the residential provision.
We embrace the positive feedback from our Ofsted colleagues and have
now embarked on our journey to ‘Outstanding’.
You may also be interested to know what our pupils say
about the school.
‘In other schools you don’t get the responsibility to make
the stuff we make – only the ‘good kids’ got to use the
‘Brantridge has helped me share and use teamwork. I
never used to pass in football, now I play as part of the
‘I have made good friends at Brantridge and am not
treated as a naughty child.’
‘I like the staff, they support you when you are angry and
don’t shout in your face. They listen to you.’
Recap –So Why Brantridge School?
Ten good reasons to consider Brantridge School:
1. Our safe and supportive community, which
celebrates difference, the individual and the
2. Our vision and drive for every pupil to achieve
ambitious goals, enabling them to live life to the
3. Our specialist skills in supporting children to
manage their behaviour and improve their ability
to communicate effectively.
4. Our passion for ‘blended’ educational/therapeutic
5. Our small class sizes with high staff-pupil ratio.
6. Our residential option which provides a unique, 24hour curriculum opportunity.
7. Our results showing better rates of educational
progress for our pupils than expected in
mainstream schools.
8. Our great feedback from Ofsted, parents and
9. Our beautiful, traditional setting and grounds.
10. Our nurturing approach to developing children and
working with families.
Want To Find Out More?
On our website you will find some pupil and parent Questions and Answers that will tell you more about the
school. If you would like to find out more, do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome visits to the school and
would be happy to arrange a visit for you. We would enjoy the opportunity of welcoming you to our wonderful
school community.
Please contact the school office on 01444 400228 or email [email protected]
Enquiries & Admissions
Governance & Headship
Families or the Local Authorities may make initial
contact with the school. We will do our very best to
communicate effectively and promptly in considering
any enquiry or referral.
The Governing Body is appointed by the trustees of
RADIUS Special Educational Trust Ltd.
An assessment, when the pupil visits the school, is
carried out which includes formal testing as well as
informal observation of the child’s general conduct.
Their impact on the wellbeing of the existing pupils
and the dynamics of the groups is also taken into
account in reaching a decision.
A decision is made as to whether the school can meet
the educational, emotional, therapy, social and
(where appropriate) medical needs of the child on
assessment, and consequently whether a place will
be offered. This will be with full consultation with
Brantridge School has a simple fee structure
depending on whether the pupil is day or residential.
Fees are a matter between the school and the pupils
placing Local Authority.
The composition of the school governing body
complies with statutory requirements established by
the Secretary of State for non-maintained
independent special schools.
The required composition includes:
At least one member appointed by an LA
At least one member from teaching employees
At least one member to represent parents of
children at the school
The Trust takes the view that in addition to elected
teacher employees at least one further place on the
governing body is reserved for representative(s) of
residential care and/or support services employees.
The Trust Board formally appoints the Chair and Vice
Chair of each Governing Body and approves all
additional school governors.
For further information, please contact the office on
01444 400228 or email [email protected]
Senior Leadership Team
Parents Questions & Answers
What we do
What we do
We specialise in meeting the needs of pupils with social, emotional and
mental health difficulties and autistic spectrum condition. Your child will
be supported by a multi-professional team using a ‘blended’ provision of
teaching, therapy and care. We offer extended day, and weekly term-time
boarding to Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 pupils. The waking day curriculum
extends experiences, skills and knowledge from the school day into the
social learning environment. This promotes the development of
appropriate communication and interaction and independence.
Who we provide for
Who we provide for
Brantridge School provides for boys between the ages of 6 and 13 all of whom have a statement of special
educational needs. Until recently, Brantridge School’s priority SEN provision was described as being for
children with ‘Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties’ (BESD). In January 2015, the Department for
Education released guidance to help schools like ours reflect the ‘Social, Emotional and Mental Health’ (SEMH)
difficulties our children and young people may experience. There are many reasons for the change from BESD
to SEMH.
‘Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest
themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying
challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health
difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical
symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as
attention deficit disorder, hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.’
(Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 January
2015 (S6.32))
This change in how we describe these particular special educational needs
has been welcomed at Brantridge School. When children and young people
are referred to Brantridge School their statements (or Education, Health
and Care Plans) help us to develop plans to meet their needs. At Brantridge
we are committed to improving emotional well-being in order to bring
about improvements in behaviour and overall positive mental health.
In addition to those children and young people with SEMH difficulties we
also provide for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum
Condition, Speech Language and Communication Difficulties, Social
Communication Difficulties, Atypical Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Specific
Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Attachment Disorder, Attention
Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Pathological
Demand Avoidance, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Fine and Gross Motor Difficulties, Sensory
Processing/Integration Difficulties, Emotional Vulnerabilities, and Low self-esteem. The pupils we admit come
from varying educational backgrounds including mainstream education and Pupil Referral Units. Many have
been out of education for prolonged periods of time because of exclusions. Many pupils have more than one
area of difficulty and an increasing number of pupils are presenting complex needs.
Visiting our school
Visiting our school
Parents and/or local authorities can make direct contact with Brantridge
School and organise an informal visit by contacting our School Business
Manager, Suzanne White.
Before an Assessment is considered
Before an assessment is considered
The school will need to have sight of relevant documentation outlining the
needs of the potential pupil including the statement and any other
relevant reports including national curriculum attainment levels. While
we aim to assess and come to a decision about whether or not to offer a
place as quickly as possible, we frequently find that it takes two or three visits before the child feels relaxed
and secure enough to take part in learning and social activities. We ask that parents/carers bring the child and
remain on-site for the first visit. This gives us all an opportunity to support the child and to discuss and
understand how we might begin to work together.
After an Assessment
After an assessment
Following assessment pupils are discussed at a Pupil/Student Panel meeting by the Senior Leadership Team to
determine suitability of the peer group and the impact of the pupil/student on the peer group.
Parents/Carers/LA will be contacted by the end of the assessment week.
Your Child’s provision
Your Child’s provision
The offer letter will describe the provision that the pupil or student will need. All new pupils complete a range
of baseline assessments within two weeks. This will inform the Individual Care and Education Plan and
Placement Plan which is written by the sixth week. Provision is reviewed throughout the placement and can
be increased or decreased according to need. The school has a robust communication system with an open
door policy with the Key Worker as the primary contact.
Our Blended Personalised Provision
Our Blended Personalised Provision
Brantridge School delivers the National Curriculum in a modified and differentiated format to meet the
individual learning needs of the pupils and students. Brantridge School is a national lead in the ‘blended’
approach to teaching and learning across the waking day curriculum.
The school addresses the social learning needs of the pupils through the use of a Social Communication
Programme ©.
Contact with Brantridge School and your
child’s progress
Parents receive informal contact through telephone calls,
emails or a home school book from teachers and key workers
on a weekly basis. Further information is shared via termly
reports and reports for annual reviews, Individual Care and
Education Plans and Open Day reports. Parents are invited to
an Open Day in the summer term where they can meet staff
and discuss their child. Parents are encouraged to join the
Parent/Carer Forum for support and to ensure that parent
training and learning events are well matched to your needs.
For further information, please email our Parent Coordinator, Cathy Lewsey at [email protected]
The school tracks and monitors pupil progress each week and evaluates progress half termly, which informs
the provision. .
Well Being
Holistic Provision and Well Being
In addition to academic progress, other areas of the pupil’s progress are tracked and monitored, including
behaviour, social and emotional development. Brantridge has a registered school nurse who oversees
physical and mental well-being, coordinates dispensing of medication, provides training to staff and supports
the curriculum in relevant areas.
The school has an effective behaviour procedures and teaching and learning policy. All staff members are
trained to manage behaviour through MAPA (Managaing Actual or Potential Aggression) which is a nonconfrontational approach which focuses on prevention and de-escalation of behaviours. Where necessary a
Positive Behaviour Support Plan is put in place. The school recognises that all behaviour is communication and
has the additional strength of having three MAPA instructors on the staff. Staff members also fulfil the role of
Behaviour Leads throughout the day so that they are able to address and support difficulties when they arise
by removing the barriers to learning. The pupils
contribute to their termly reports, their annual review
meetings, and their ICEP target setting and reviews.
Pupils also elect representatives for the School
Council, who meet regularly to discuss school
Our specialist services and setting
Our specialist services and setting
We employ experienced SEN teachers, a Speech and
Language Therapist, an Occupational Therapist,
qualified Residential Care Staff, and registered nurse
who is able to access other services including a local
GP, opticians, dentists and CAMHS.
Staff Training and Continuous Professional
Staff Training and Continuous Professional Development
There is an on-going programme of In Service training for all staff,
including safeguarding, MAPA, medication, understanding and managing
behaviour, autism and how to remove barriers to learning. External links
to training include attending conferences and training programmes, such
as NAPLIC, and NASS.
Education outside the classroom
Education outside the classroom
The school’s approach to learning includes a comprehensive programme
of additional activities that are held after school. Pupils are strongly
encouraged to participate in a variety of activities each week. School
visits and visitors are an integral part of the waking day curriculum. Residential trips are offered to all pupils
every year at Brantridge School. Homework is set twice a week on Monday and Thursday and pupils are
encouraged to read every evening, whether they are day or residential pupils.
Our Environment
Our Environment
Brantridge School is situated in a beautiful rural location and has extensive facilities within the grounds. These
include lawn areas for games and free play, a hard play surface for ball games and wheeled toys, an allweather sports pitch, adventure trail and a playground.
There are 2 house groups for residential pupils each with its own play area, bathroom and lounge for
socialising. The younger children benefit from a social games room. The older children and young people have
quiet study areas and a fully fitted kitchen and dining room allowing them to develop their independence and
life skills.
Transition and Future Planning
Transition and Future Planning
The first introduction a young person has to Brantridge may well come through viewing our website. Viewing
the photographs of our extensive grounds, the activities available, and the pupils who come here, can be an
ice-breaking introduction to the school undertaken from the safety of their own home.
Pupils may join Brantridge School at any time throughout the
academic year, subject to a position being
available. Before joining the school a number of visits are
arranged so that pupils develop confidence, start to get to know
other pupils and staff and learn their way around the building so
that they are excited and positive about joining us.
Parents or carers of our new pupils automatically become
members of our parent/carer forum. They are given the
opportunity to share contact details with each other, so that
children in the same class, residential house group, or even taxi,
can make arrangements to meet up with each other, both
before the new pupil starts, and as a continuing contact in
order to help foster friendship groups after school or through
the holidays. Each new pupil is assigned a Key Worker.
How do we allocate resources to the pupils’
special educational needs?
Hoo we allocate resources o the pupils/students special
educational needs?
Our blended approach to learning and close working between
all departments combined with the continuous internal
knowledge sharing of SEN and individual pupils’ needs by our
staff ensures we are well positioned to make informed decisions on the allocation of resources.
Proposed outcomes are monitored and reported to the Governing Body on the allocation of pupil premium.
Pupil portraits which are updated each half term help to inform us of the level of support required by
individual pupils and the level of intervention required to meet the pupil’s or student’s needs. The Senior
Leadership Team meet every six weeks to review the academic progress, behaviour and well-being of each
child and adapt provision and strategies accordingly.
Our Wave One provision is blended teaching and therapy which is common to all pupils and students. All
pupils will have one teacher and one teaching assistant per class in each lesson, using core resources for each
curricular area. All pupils will work on their therapy targets within the classroom setting.
Our Wave Two provision is complementary teaching and therapy which includes interventions which are
additional to Wave One. This means that teachers will deliver a targeted programme designed by the
therapists and possibly use additional staff and resources to meet the needs of pupils.
Our Wave Three provision is distinctive from Wave One and Two. Pupils are identified as requiring more
individual programmes delivered on a 1:1 basis. This may be identified in Part 3 of the statement in the
provision to meet objectives, or may have been identified by the professional judgement of the teaching and
therapy team.
The experience of our multi-disciplinary team shows that the impact of intervention offered through the
provision at Brantridge enables pupils to make progress and, therefore, levels of support are not static and
change over time. The high level of support does not remain constant as
the success of interventions mean the pupils’ progress is de-escalated
through the waves. At each annual review, progress is reviewed against
provision and the level of support reassessed.
Parental involvement
Parental involvement
Parents and carers are actively encouraged to be involved in the life and
learning here at Brantridge. Parent/carer forum meetings and events,
annual reviews, sports day, fund raising, open days and Christmas
celebrations are some of the opportunities available for parents and carers
to be involved in the life of the school and to see and celebrate the work of
the school and the excellent outcomes for our children and young people.
Who can you contact for further information?
Who can you contact for further information
Please contact the relevant member of staff below through the school office or email addresses can be found
on the staff contact list.
Visiting the school
Education Queries
SEND Queries
Therapy Queries
Pastoral care
Suzanne White, School Business Manager or Gina Wagland, Headteacher
Mark Warner, Head of Education
Mark Warner, Head of Education
Dafydd Roberts, Senior Leader
Carole Johns, Head of Care
Carole Johns, Designated Senior Person, Gina Wagland, Headteacher or
Mark Smith, Deputy Head of Care.