european senate 2015 ISSUE 1 Published by the British Senate on behalf of the Association of JCI Senators in Europe. Editor: Peter Browning. Printed by Ruddocks, Lincoln What the Duke of Devonshire’s guests enjoyed Friday 27th - Sunday 29th March 2015 Your chance to experience another Bill Preece production the British Senate Chatsworth Weekend! The programme had not been finalised yet but you know it will be good considering who is organising it – it will be along these lines:Friday: assemble for meal and socialise. Saturday: Includes guided tour of Chatsworth, light lunch at Chatsworth and stroll round the estate returning to the Hotel in time to prepare for a formal dinner in a private room at the Dome - the largest unsupported dome in Europe built by the 5th Duke of Devonshire. Sunday: Walk Visit for full details or contact BillPreece at [email protected] ASE Spring Meeting You are hereby invited to Harstad, Norway 17th - 19th April 2015 US Annual Senate Convention Rochester, Minnesota June 21-25, 2015 Experience US Senate hospitality at their main meeting of the year. The program includes:• Great River Road “Middle” Wine Trail Tour • Amish Country Tour with lunch on the farm • Great River Road “South” Wine Trail Tour • Mississippi River Valley Tour & National Eagle Center • Rochester City & Mayo Historical Tour • Trip to the Mall of America • Historic Lanesboro & Bluff Country Wineries • Hal Krekorian Golf Tournament • Daily Hospitality • Year End Banquet For more information contact Sharon Leppla at [email protected] or +01 507 359 9345 2 A small city in North Norway you can come by car, boat (www. or plane - Sadly not by train. With a long history the area has been populated since the stone ages with many stories which you might get to hear. Modern Harstad is founded on herring and ship building. I have tried to put together a programme that shows you the city where I grew up, its past, its present and its future. At the same time not filling up every minute of time, but leaving time to spend together with good friends. For 2500 NOK per person the programme will include a visit to Statoil, a boat trip to Grøtavær Brygge for dinner, lunch at Røkenes Gård, a formal dinner and of course a Senate Bar. A Special invitation to all Senate Presidents & Chairmen - I hope many will take this opportunity to meet each other and discuss all the ifs and buts! Please come and enjoy the north, its mountains, its sea view and its spirit. For more information or to book please contact Aud Schjødt Fredriksen at [email protected] Get In Touch Welcome WELCOME Peter Browning #49104 Letters to the Editor We are always pleased to receive ‘Letters’ from JCI Senators and their families with your news, views, activities or just something you want to share with your fellow Senators. Please send your letters or other contributions for the magazine to the editor, Peter Browning #49104, The Coach House, Woodhouse Lane, Marchwiel, Wrexham, Wales, LL13 0ST +44 1978 365 451 peter.browning@ Births, Significant Events & Obituaries If you have had a significant event in your life we would be very pleased to hear about it. Likewise we would like to hear from you about the deaths, engagements, marriages, births and significant birthdays of your fellow Senators. Please send details and photos to the editor at peter. [email protected] Photographs We are always looking for interesting photographs of Senators at work, rest & play so please send them to the editor at [email protected] To maintain the high quality print of the magazine we need high resolution pictures so please try to send us images taken with a high number of pixels and send them as an image file attachment. Change of Address If you have moved or changed any of your contact details please let us know by contacting Penny Gill #61930, the Database Manager by email at [email protected] or phoning +44 7765 242 517 Happy New Year and welcome to the New Look European Senate magazine. I hope it was not too much of a shock when it landed on your doormat and like the improvements/changes we have made – please tell me what you like and what you do not like! You may be wondering why the change when everyone was telling me that the magazine was very good. As you know nothing can stand still - as a professional ‘Change Manager’ and a Jaycee I thought that after almost 10 years since Gavin, Henry and I met to change from the old dull yellow paper style to a sharper white paper with a few pictures it was time to do another refresh of the design. I know that over the 8 years I have been editor we have evolved the magazine into what you have come to expect by first adding a lot more pictures, shortening the length of individual articles whilst also increasing the pagination and then introducing some colour and always tweaking the design - but 10 years of basically the same design is a long time in publishing. I also thought that as we have gone back down to 3 issues per year due to the ever increasing postage costs that we had to give you, our loyal readers, something back in return – an ALL colour magazine! This and the fact that 2015 is the 100th anniversary of JCI prompted me to decide that it was time for a redesign while hopefully still retaining the familiar look and feel of the magazine. I am sure that with this first one we will not have got everything right but let us know and the next issue should be even better. I also have to thank Jon at Ruddocks who has come up with much of the redesign from my briefing and of course I also have to thank everyone who has sent me photographs and articles which have enabled me to fill 48 pages again – some achievement considering we had a magazine in November plus one at the end of December giving a total of 140 pages in about 4 months! Please keep it up – both the individuals who send me things and the Senate Presidents/Chairmen who cajole people into sending me articles – as I frequently say the magazine can only be as good as what I am sent and I could still receive more from many of the Senate organisations throughout Europe. Pictures, which I know are very important to the readers, are often famine or feast – for Leipzig I had close to 1000 pictures to choose from while I had no recent ones of me for this editorial so I had to dig out an old one! I also sometimes only get pictures that are not really of the quality you and I expect. For example on pages 13 and 16 you will see some small pictures – that is as large as we can print them without the definition deteriorating below an acceptable print quality so please try to make sure you get high resolution images to send me – the camera has usually taken them at a suitable resolution – it is the storage and transmission methods that often reduce the resolution but please also make sure your camera or phone is set to take a reasonably high quality image. Finally imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and you will see that there are several examples in this magazine – the Danish Drumming Out, the Swedish Chain Changing Dinner (CCD) and the Turkish CCW (Chain Changing Weekend) have all spring up after the example of the British Drumming Out which has been going for about 40 years! This is also the 40th year of a bound magazine!! Slainte Mhath Peter Browning JCI Senator #49104 subscribe on line at The ‘European Senate’ magazine is editorially independent and encourages debate on matters affecting JCI Senators. Views expressed are those of the individual writers and not necessarily those of the editors, the British JCI Senate or the ASE Deadline Dates All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced without the written permission from the Editor. 21st September 2015 © The British JCI Senate 2015 Send material to [email protected] Please write to us about any topic you want send interesting stories and pictures by the Copy Dates which are:- 1st June 2015 The ‘European Senate’ is published by the British JCI Senate and is printed using bio inks on sustainable paper by Ruddocks - an ISO14001 and FSC registered printer. 11th January 2016 3 IN THIS ISSUE Articles & Features Je Suis Charlie9 Ellen Olsen Conjugated to the Past 27 Jacques Arnal A Warm American Welcome34 Russell W. Cooper World Congress Ramblings21 Senate Calendar Peter Duffy Better Late Than Never23 Neil Thomas Forthcoming Events Future Highlights 24 & 25 2, 10, 12, 13, 17, 22, 29, 34 & 44 Home Hospitality26 JCI Braunschweig Foundation35 Max Tuijtel Friedhelm Wachs All Better For It28 Marco van den Heuvel Story of the BBC T shirt39 Pauline Ashley Shadow Tours From the President Ellen Olsen 30 – 31 David Grainger All Change Ali Akal BBC News & Views39 Meet the Presidents Past and Future Senate Events A Lot of Laughter! Senate Matters Ali Akal 5 13 14 – 16 38 6–7 Margaretha Eriksson Obituaries Eric Foster #936522 Alex Burns #3941622 How to Shock a Swedish Senator! Mike O’Connell #4022522 32 – 33 Carro Rentzhog A Trip in German Time and Space Regular Features 36 – 37 Gayle & Roger Farr Boys (& Girls) with their Toys8 Elaine Senior Norwegians on Tour!18 Grave Danger Tours40 Chris Read World Congress Reflections41 Sally Fagan Charlotte Tipsmark 42 – 43 Paul Hill My personal JCI-Multi-Jubilee20 Golf in the Snow?48 Thomas Spanich 4 Rebecca von Bachellé Peter Browning Letters 10 - 12 New Views Through Old Glasses17 Ole Jacob Raad New Senators26 Aud Schjødt Fredriksen A Glimpse of A Personal Jubilee!19 The Blue Danube! Welcome3 Grave Danger Towards the End Senate Contacts 45 46 - 47 In the Next Issue44
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