! Dear%Parents/Guardians%of%Upcoming%8th%Grade%Students%at% Brookstown%Middle%Magnet:% We hope that you have enjoyed your first year experience with the Brookstown Middle Magnet Academy faculty and staff. We are still making exceptional strides, and in preparation for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year, we have new and exciting changes that will take place. To our students: You can expect a year of challenges and responsibilities with a rigorous curriculum and high expectations for academic and social growth. As always, we will provide help and encouragement for you to succeed. Additionally, you are expected to demonstrate your leadership skills. It will be up to you to set an example of quality in all areas of school life—from successful performance in your classes to respectful behavior at all times. To our parents: We look forward to continuing our partnership in your child’s education. Please contact us by phone or e-mail throughout the school year if you have any questions or concerns. Communication with you will help keep our students working towards success. Each eighth grader is required to pay a fee for school activities and attire for 2015-2016. • • • • • • PACKAGE 1 BMMA Cardigan Sweater 8th grade Spirit T-shirt Memory Book 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to pay for additional ticket) Fee%total%=%$150.00/student% • • • • • • • • • Uniforms have been modified for eighth graders! Each eighth grade student will be allowed to wear the BMMA Cardigan Sweater with a white polo shirt. **You may embroider your first name initial and last name ONLY on your cardigan. The embroidery must be placed on the opposite side of the ‘B’. ** Fittings for the cardigan sweater will be held May 13th and May 14th. pay for additional ticket) If you previously purchased the navy blue blazer, they are able to be worn by 8th graders as well. PACKAGE 3 8th grade Spirit T-shirt 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to pay for additional ticket) Fee%total%=%$100.00/student%% % L! ! IA 0 C .0 PE T S $130 N N = OU C A L DE O S T I D T O MA I R D FE E S B 5 I th ! 1 Y 2 L E $ R EA KAG IT OF y 18 a C S P A E PO EM R IF D BEFO OR PACKAGE 2 8th grade Spirit T-shirt Memory Book 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to Fee%total%=%$130.00/student%% % Choose one of the following packages. This fee will ensure that your child receives the following: Speaking of blazers… The top 20 eighth grade students will receive an additional PURPLE blazer to add to their wardrobe. Furthermore, eighth graders will participate in the 8th grade day field trip, have a blast at their very own 8th grade prom, and finish the school year with their 8th grade awards ceremony. The deadline for the 8th grade fees is November 13th, 2015. Installment payments may be made. See the installment payment calendar below. For more information or to make payment arrangements, please contact Ms. C. Williams at 225.355.6556 or e-mail [email protected]. Respectfully, Ms. C. Williams 8th Grade Sponsor INSTALLMENT PAYMENT CALENDAR May 18th, 2015 – Early Bird Special Deposit. ($25) August 31st, 2015 – Deposit payment ($25) September 21st, 2015 – Installment payment ($25) October 16th, 2015 – Installment payment ($25) November 13th, 2015 – Final Payment Due NOTE: ** IF YOUR CHILD WOULD LIKE THE CARDIGAN SWEATER PRIOR TO SEPTEMEBER 30TH, 2015, THE TOTAL FEE AMOUNT MUST BE PAID BY AUGUST 21ST, 2015.** 8th Grade Package Order Form! Place!a!check!in!a!box!below!to!choose!a!package.! • • • • • • PACKAGE 1 BMMA Cardigan Sweater 8th grade Spirit T-shirt Memory Book 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to pay for additional ticket) Fee%total%=% $150.00/student% • • • • • PACKAGE 2 8th grade Spirit T-shirt Memory Book 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to pay for additional ticket) Fee%total%=%$130.00/student%% • • • • PACKAGE 3 8th grade Spirit T-shirt 2015-2016 Class Picture 8th grade End-of-Year Field Trip 1 Prom Ticket (guest will have to pay for additional ticket) Fee%total%=%$100.00/student%% % Student!Name:______________________________________________________! % Parent!Name:_______________________________________________________! Address:___________________________________________________________! ! !!___________________________________________________________! Phone:_________________________! E>mail:_________________________! Please&turn&in&order&form&with&deposit&payment&only.&
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