Free & $5 Classes FIRST SATURDAY SAMPLER & FIRST SATURDAY SAMPLER ON FRIDAY: Started in September continues through August. Fri., Apr. 1, May 6, June 1, July 1, Aug. 5 8:30am to 9:15am Sat., Apr. 2, May 7, June 2, July 2, Aug. 6 8:30am to 9:15am Sylvia’s Scribblings… Dust off your sewing machines and craft drawers and dig out some of your calico stash ‘cause our talented teachers have come up with 16 new classes! They’re on the first two pages of this schedule so read on, check your calendars and call, click, or come on in to sign –up. Quilt camp is starting its’ 24th year with a totally new pattern for this years campers. The model will be done soon; maybe by the time you read this. Another advanced camp is on deck with a quicker quilt than last year so the students will have time to learn a bit of machine quilting, and, of course we have the ever-popular classes for the even younger sewers. In case you were wondering, Patty Korn won the $110 gift certificate from our 110th Anniversary Sale. We really have fun in the Forest; our next event is the hanging of the Hoffman Challenge. We will have these 36-40 Sylvia’s Scribblings continues on p. 7 FUN eVeNTs, MarCH-aUGUsT 2011 saVe THe DaTes ___HOFFMAN CHALLENGE, MARCH 3-15 ___Our SPRING RETREAT, March 31-April 3 ___LOVEY’S BIRTHDAY PARTY, Thurs., April 14 ___BOOK SIGNING WITH ARLENE SACHITANO, Author of quilt mysteries, newest book, QUILT BY ASSOCIATION, Sat., April 30, 11am-3pm ___DOGS NIGHT OUT, First Wednesday in June, the 1st ___ QUILTS OF VALOR, June 25 ___BUS TRIP TO THE SISTERS OUTDOOR QUILT SHOW: July 8th-9th FIVE BUCK FINISH: Gather up your Frog Prince or Saturday Sampler blocks from months... or years.. past, and spend a fun evening in a whole class effort to decide your best layout, accent and addition or elimination options. You’ll look at options in sashing, fuller blocks, on-point or not on-point, and what-the-heck to do about borders. Inspiring to see others’ blocks, fun to compare similar blocks with your own, great to get ideas on how to beautifully tie everything together; a great way to spend five bucks. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Mon., May 2 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Great Sets GIFTS TO MAKE: Join us for a free make-and-share class! Make a gift for yourself, and then another for a friend. Choose from the 10-minute blocks, curved valance, little wallet, fortune cookie bag, flip flops, smart bag! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney FREE with RSVP AND purchase of supplies or materials kit Tue., April 12 6 to 8 pm – Curved Valance Tue., April 26 6 to 8 pm – Fortune Cookie Bag Sat., May 7 2 to 4 pm – 10-Minute Blocks Tue., May 24 6 to 8 pm – Flip Flops Sat., June 4 3:30 to 5:30 pm – Little Wallet Sat., June 18 2 to 4 pm – Smart Bag Tue., July 26 6 to 8 pm – Flip Flops Tue., Aug. 2 6 to 8 pm – 10-Minute Blocks Suggested Patterns: 10-minute blocks, Curved Valance, Little Wallet, Fortune Cookie Bag, Flip Flops, Smart Bag LET’S GET STARTED: This class is about beginning basics, rotary cutting, achieving the perfect 1/4” seam, squaring up and pressing, but if you feel like you’ve missed some of this along the way, come make a patch or two! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney FREE with purchase of supplies and a RSVP Mon., April. 18 6 to 8 pm Suggested book: Start Quilting with Alex Anderson Overnight Bus to sisters show The question is: can you talk, stitch AND ride a bus at the same time? Join our quilter’s ride to the Sisters’ Quilt Show— gab, gobble and even sew over mountains... Sigh! Life is rough! Overnight in Bend with stops at a couple of quilt shops. This bus leaves at 9 am Friday, July 8 and returns to our shop at 5 pm July 9. (Two to a room— includes dinner-- assigned bus seating) $159.00 each ___THE OREGON STATE FAIR, August 26- Sept 5 ___GREEN WITH ENVY QUILT CHALLENGE quilts due September 24, hanging in the Forest during Quiltopia ___JUNE 2012, TRAVEL WITH US TO THE INTERNATIONAL QUILT FESTIVAL IN IRELAND MORE INFO ON PAGE 6 Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973 or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 Receive 2 flyers mailed to your door for the bargain price of $1.00 Add it to your next shop purchase, mail a check, or sign-up on line at our Classes page, OR TELL US TO SWITCH YOU TO (E) FOR ELECTRONIC And we’ll send it to your e-mail box at no charge. 1 NeW Classes APPLIQUÉ CLUB: Appliqué away with Janae as your gracious guide. Choose your Piece o’ Cake from My Whimsical Quilt Garden or the New Applique Sampler and perfect your curvy curves, your delicate points, lacy leaves and perfect petals. Janae will help you wield your appliqué needle with new skill and polish, and for only $10 a class or three for $25, you’ll have a once-a-month wonder to cherish. Instructor: Janaé King Tuition: $10 each or all 3 for $25 paid in advance Sun., April 3 1 to 5 pm Sun., May 1 1 to 5 pm Sun., June 5 1 to 5 pm Suggested Books: The New Applique Sampler or My Whimsical Quilt Garden AWESOME ANGELINA SAMPLER: Angelina isn’t a gal; she’s a gal’s magical pal of sparkle, whisp and light that comes in a tiny packet of luminous fiber. In two three-hour classes Joanna will help you create a nine-block “sampler” that lets you dabble in all the things you can do with Angelina fiber—paint, fuse, melt, meld and more—a sparkling blast of art and play! Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Thurs., April 7 6 to 9 pm Tue., June 7 6 to 9 pm Suggested Books: Between the Sheets with Angelina GRAND CENTRAL: You’ll know it when you see it— Nancy did—that incredible piece of whole cloth that wants to be your central picture. Then Nancy will get you set you on your way for the slickest, quickest most efficient and accurate piecing ever for creating all those spin-wheels… Two three hour classes: a lifetime of wallhanging paradise. Instructor: Nancy Ingerson Tuition: $45 LP Tuition: $35 Thurs., April 14 & 21 6 to 9 pm Suggested Patterns: Grand Central HOT RIBBON: Whether you’re off in your Hot Air Balloon or hanging on the farmyard with your fiery bantam, you love the results you’ll get with this pliable, fusible, twisty-turny ribbon that gladly takes the shape you want. A crystal here, a button there, and you’ll have a lively and colorful and wonderfully dimensional work of art! Instructor: Cheryl Dorland Tuition: $39 LP Tuition: $29 Sat., April 9 10:30 am to 3:30 pm Suggested Patterns: Hot Air Balloon or Roosters LETS TWIST: Join Sally for three sessions of puzzle piecing fun: you’ll create whirling blocks that seem to magically interlock and then dance their way across you quilt, leaving you wondering how that could have been so easy. Perfect for petite prints, solid wannabes and high contrast colors. It’s all in the special twist and the secret turn of the wrist... just ask Sally! Instructor: Sally Blankenship Tuition: $49 LP Tuition: $39 Thur., May 5, 12, 19 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Let’s Twist. Notion: Twister tool 2 FRENCH GARDEN: Make the new “French Garden” or go with French Braid, Capriccio, Twinkle or Flamenco, and enjoy the incredibly easy techniques that result in absolutely “Wowsome” quilts. The secret—which Sally generously shares—is in the illusion created by color choices and placement, which render quilts of movement and joy—both of which the quilters will personally experience! Instructor: Sally Blankenship Tuition: $49 LP Tuition: $39 Wed., April 6, 13, 20 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: French Garden GELATIN PLATE MONO-PRINTING: Joanna will be bringing the Jello: a thick, sturdy brick of gelatin, upon which you, with unbelievable skill, will paint a charming design. Using advanced techniques such as your finger, a paper doily or maybe a strip of paper, you will modify your image a little, press a piece of fabric onto your gelatin, and voila, you have the start of an dreamy, suggestive art piece that will love your additional stitching, tinting and appliqué. Mmmmm, pretty tasty! Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Sun., April 10 1 to 4 pm Sun., June 26 1 to 4 pm HUMMINGBIRD VINE PLACEMATS: Hovering among shadows and light, delicate hummingbirds ply gently drooping flowers. Lisa suggests the placemats, but welcomes the wallhanging, too, as you use simple fusible techniques with continuous machine appliqué to create dreamy-creamy nature scenes; fast, easy, with amazing results. You’re going to set a plate on that?! Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Sun., April 17 12 to 3 pm Sat., June 11 12 to 3 pm Suggested Patterns: Hummingbird Vine, Tide Pool, Covey of Quail, Surprise Packages LACE GARDEN: Stack and Whack magic minus the stress of matching those pesky points and corners! Pick yourself a lovely flowery fabric, and Lisa will teach you how to repeat it into Queen Anne’s Lace type flowers framed by easy-applique leaves and stems. Matching your background and sashing fabric to your floral background gives you the additional illusion of lace and “see-through” flowers. Cool! Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $45 LP Tuition: $35 Tue., April 19 & 26 6 to 9 pm Tue., Aug. 2 & 9 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Lace Garden LEAVES: Recycling at its best: instead of tossing that “left over” when you cut your pattern from fabric A, it becomes the negative to the positive of fabric B! And that’s way easier than it sounds! Join Pam as you create an autumn’s worth of leaves that share and trade and steal and copy colors and patterns from one another. Fusible appli-play at it’s best! Instructor: Pam Greer Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Wed., April 6 6 to 9 pm Sat., June 11 1 to 4 pm Suggested Pattern: Leaves MOre NeW Classes KIDs & TeeNs: MCKENNA MEETS ANGELINA: Take the wonder of Mckenna Ryan’s amazing fusible appliqué land- and seascapes and embellish them with the sparkle and light of Angelina fibers, and you have the miracle of what actually happens in nature—things glow in the dark, sparkle and scintillate iridescently. Thing is, it’s easier to do with these paintable, fusible, bendable-blendable fibers than it is with DNA! Lotsa fun; lotsa sparkle. Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $45 LP Tuition: $35 Wed., April 27 & May 4 6 to 9 pm Wed., July 13 & 20 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Beach Walk series by McKenna Ryan QUILT CAMP FOR KIDS: Drop the kids off for four days of quilt-making magic— in four 4-hour days we cut and stitch our way to a fabulous twin sized quilt; all supplies included except for backing. Our 10-16 year-olds delight in the skill they learn (“I can sew better than my mom!”)— as they enjoy snacks, drinks and laughs along the way. Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $139.00 Tue. – Fri., June 14 - 17 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., June 20 – 23 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., June 27- 30 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., July 11 - 14 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., July 18 - 21 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., July 25 - 28 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 1 - 4 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 8 - 11 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 15 - 18 9 am to 1 pm Mon. – Thur., Aug. 22 – 25 9 am to 1 pm Suggested Pattern: Disappearing Nine Patch PAINTED BIRD: Join Lisa for three hours of painting pleasure: learn the tweets and twitters of painting on muslin with acrylic paints as you create a songbird worth singing about… Needless to say there’s more to this bird than meets the eye—you’ll have a tiny Vogelbird ready for lace, ribbon and tantalizing techniques for turning it into a ready-to-frame piece of art. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Sun., May 1 1 to 4 pm Suggested Book: Nature Inspired STACK THE DECK REVISITED: Choose any of the quilts from Stack the Deck Revisited and Karla will verse you in the slickest steps in town to making fast, fun, financially stable quilts. You’re free to change your mind or your fabrics, you get to piece like mad, and you’ll learn nifty new ways to interpret color, tone and pattern. Instructor: Karla Alexander Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Tue., April 12 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Stack the Deck Revisited STASH BUSTER QUILTS: Three light fat quarters, three dark fat quarters, three hours with Karla. You’ll learn to think outside the block, to blend and lend and mix and unmatch to create blocks unique and cool, easy and fun, that can lead to all kinds of creative release. Instructor: Karla Alexander Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Tue., April 5 6 to 9 pm Suggested Books: Any Karla Alexander pattern STYLISH SWEATSHIRT: Fits and flatters: disassemble a sweatshirt, then rebuild it anew sporting its freshly quilted surface. These are fun and fast, fit really great and can be made to suit any season; a Quilted Forest Classic brought to you by our classic teacher Barb. Instructor: Barb Fraiser Tuition: $49 LP Tuition: $39 Sat., April 16 10 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Pattern: Stylish Sweatshirt SUMMER BREEZE TUNIC: Long and lean and full of grace. Come enjoy this great combination of piecing and garment construction under Sylvia’s tutelage. Two lengths to choose from, and Sylvia has added some of her own ideas to the piecing process. Fun to wear something so forgivingly flattering! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $49 LP Tuition: $39 Wed., June 8, 15, 22 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Summer Breeze Tunic QUILTS OF VALOR: Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Free with RSVP See Fun Events below. Sat., June 25 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Kit available to purchase ADVANCED QUILT CAMP FOR KIDS: ‘Been coming to camp since you were a little kid? Made every “kids camp” quilt we have ever offered? Then this is the class for you. Now is the time to challenge your quilting skills with something new and more advanced. For Ages: 13+ Quilt fabric & supplies not included. Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $65 LP Tuition: $55 Mon. – Thur., June 20 – 23 2 to 6 pm Mon. – Thur., July 18 - 21 2 to 6 pm Suggested Pattern: Hot Shots Prerequisite: Must have completed 3 of the GQF Quilt Camp for Kids CELL PHONE TOTE: If you’re 7-10 years old, join Jeanette for three hours of phone tote making fun—Do 7 yr. olds carry phones? Give it to Mom or a big Sis. Customize it or make it quick and easy, you’ll have a good time. Instructor: Jeanette Pitallo Tuition: $25 LP Tuition: $15 Fri, July 15 10 am to 1 pm Suggest kit: Quilt Smart Cell Phone Tote KID’S DESIGNER PILLOWS: 5-to-8 year olds are invited to make a can’tmess-it-up star or heart filled pillow. You’ll love the fuzzy edges, and the cool stack and clip techniques, plus the nifty envelope back, that add up to a great pillow for yourself or a best friend. Make one in class; make lots more at home! Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Price: $25.00 LP Price: $15.00 Sat., June 18 10 am to 1 pm Sat., Aug. 6 10:30 to 1:30 pm Suggested Pattern: Stars & Hearts TABLE RUNNERS FOR TEENS: Whether they’re Quilt Camp graduates or not, your talented teen will have a blast with Jeanette learning new techniques on a small, frustration-free scale, as she (or he?) creates a tasty little table runner. Come look at some of our tuned-for-teens runners! Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $39.00 LP Tuition: $29.00 Fri, June 24 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Book: On the Run TEEN TIME: MONDAY NIGHT QUILT CLUB: New teacher, same great fun! Thirteen to nineteens are invited to join Heather Costello (practically a teen herself) two Mondays a month for 2 1/2 hours of stitching fun. You can pick from the project du jour—such as a simple table runner, a snappy and fast pillowcase, a tasty tote—or you’re welcome to work on your own project. Beginners, ‘tweens, advanced all invited! Sign up soon—class is limited to 12! Instructor: Heather Costello Tuition: $7.00 each day Mon, April 11 6 to 8:30 pm Mon, May 23 6 to 8:30 pm Mon, June 13 6 to 8:30 pm Mon, July 11 6-8:30 pm 3 BeGINNING Classes BEGIN WITH SMALL QUILTS: …then, we don’t care if it’s yours, your daughter’s or neighbors: make one of these wonderful “beginning” quilts”. The designs are fast and doable—it doesn’t matter if you’re an advanced quilt maker, or “just a baby”—you’ll have a blast with Janae’ during this less-than-9-months Saturday workshop creating one of these fetching, drool-free designs. Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $45 LP Tuition: $35 Sat., April 9 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Books: Start Quilting, Baby Wraps, Still Crazy for Baby BEGINNING BAGS: If you’ve never made any kind of bag or tote before, working in “3-D” can seem pretty intimidating. Come sew with Janae’, a professional bag designer and maker, and she’ll take the mystery out of it for you. Choose from four easy but eye-catching bags, and come learn the tricks of the trade for custom bag making pleasure! If you’re not a beginner, choose a different bag from the supply list. Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $45.00 LP Tuition: $35.00 Sat., May 7 10:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Patterns: Aimee Bag, Lavendar Patches, Trendy Tote & more! BEGINNING NINE PATCH OR MODERN LOG CABIN: Simple and sweet, easy to complete. From cutting to strip piecing to triangle corners, this is a great introduction to the wonderful world of quilting, and your lap will be eternally grateful, too! Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $59.00 LP Tuition: $49.00 Thur., Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 6 to 9 pm Tue., May 3, 10, 17, 24 6 to 9 pm Thur., June 2, 9, 16, 23 6 to 9 pm Thur., Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern: Nine-Patch Hourglass or Log Cabin Book BEGINNING PAPER PIECING: We’ve picked a pretty little pattern that should be just your cup of tea for learning the nifty techniques that make paper piecing the perfect art that it is. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sat., Apr. 16 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Suggested Pattern: “Cups! Cups! Cups!” BEGINNING FUSIBLES: Whether you’ve never worked with fusible web before or it’s left you plain confused, come spend some time with Lisa working with one of modern technology’s great gifts. Come learn all the sticky little secrets behind this super technique! Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Tue., May 3 6 to 9 pm Suggested Patterns: Any Elegant Garden block in the shop BORDERS & BINDINGS: Never again have a quilt left undone because you were intimidated by these two important finishing steps. Fix it, rescue it, renew it, enhance it. Your quilt will be all the better for having learned from Sylvia whose motto is “It doesn’t have to be hard in order to be good!” She’ll prove it with her outstanding finishing techniques. Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sat., June 11 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Suggested Book: Baby Wraps or Color Shuffle Daytime Students: Remember we’re in a 2 hour parking zone. Stop briefly in the alley to drop off your machine, then park in the “free all day” Chemeketa Parkade touching the North side of our building. 4 Classes ACCIDENTAL LANDSCAPES: Cool. You can’t make mistakes. But what you can do is capture the feeling of a favorite spot--creating lakes or streams, mountains and sunsets, summers or winters, with this easy-to-follow technique for free-form layering and top-stitching. And their diminutive size--typically under 14”--makes them great for framing and gift-giving. Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $39.00 LP Tuition: $29.00 Sat., May 14 12 to 5 pm Suggested Book: Accidental Landscapes APRONS: Pick fabric for two or three aprons and get to class! So many aprons, so little time! Great class – come share your stories while we make some American classics – fancy or frilly, basic or silly, they’re still ours! Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $39.00 LP Tuition: $29.00 Sun., April 17 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Any apron pattern in the shop COLOR ADDED TO COLOR: Paint ‘n’ color expert Terrie Kygar is offering an advanced degree in coloring on fabrics. Join her class in which you’ll use crayons, “Paintstiks,” fabric markers, and Pigma pens to learn Terrie’s Melt’n’Blend technique. You’ll color your way to a stunning heirloom with Terrie’s expert guidance & the ease of fusible web. Instructor: Terrie Kygar Tuition $41.00 LP Tuition: $31.00 Sat., April 2 10 to 5 pm Sat., June 18 10 am to 5 pm Suggested Patterns: Peace in the Garden, A Bird’s Eye View DYNAMIC DAHLIA & MORE!: The folks at Quiltsmart have taken the stress out of traditionally difficult patterns with their wonderful fusible foundation. The lines are there for you to fold, sew and cut on, and your accuracy is unparalleled because nothing shifts out of place. Marvelous control adds up to fantastic results, along with a huge amount of piecing pleasure. Instructor: Lisa Encabo Tuition: $39.00 LP Tuition: $29.00 Sat., April 30 12 to 5 pm Sun., June 12 12 to 5 pm Suggested Pattern: Quiltsmart’s Dahlia, Ohio Rose and more. DOUBLE DIAMOND TABLE RUNNER: There is just something magical and intriguing about three-dimensional quilts, and the woven side sashing on this knockout table runner is no exception. The trick is in the ruler, the clever use of fusible web, and followed by a nice simple fold-and-sew method that all add up to amazing and beautiful. Marlys will show you the magic behind the Double Diamond Ruler, and your clever construction of “double-sided fabric” will result in a show-stopping table topper fit for your finest buffet. Instructor: Marlys Sanford Tuition: $39.00 LP Tuition: $29.00 Thur., May 5 & 12 6 to 9 pm Suggested Pattern & template for Double Diamond Table Runner The Winner of this quarter’s filled punch card $75 gift certificate is Roberta Lippert. Call or come in by March 31, 2011 to claim your prize! eVeN MOre Classes FABULOUS FABRIC & THREAD PAINTING: These are a few of Joanna’s favorite things. They will be yours, too, once you’ve experienced the wonder of this combination of painting on fabric to create an ocean wave, a snowy mountain or a blushing sunset with stitches that enhance, deepen and add motion to your paint, along with the perfectly chosen fabrics that reflect the Earth, sky and water surrounding us. The cool part is that these techniques will enable you to tell your own story of land and landscape; you can transform your treasures from your travels into your own work of art that makes the memory permanent. Instructor: Joanna Price Tuition: $45.00 LP Tuition: $35.00 Wed., May 11, 18, 25 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Fabric + Paint+ Thread = Fabulous KARLA’S CURVES: So many rulers; so little time. Pick any of Karla’s four rulers then just TRY to decide on one of her patterns. In three hours she’ll teach you to curve like you never have before, as well as throwing caution and most rules of quilting to the wind as you get a start on a fabulous curvalicious quilt. Instructor: Karla Alexander Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Tue., April 19 6 to 9 pm Suggested Book: Color Shuffle or any of her 10 newest patterns designed for her Creative Grids rulers. MACHINE QUILTING FOREST STYLE: Why break the rules when you can make them? Join Jeanette and discover the REAL secrets behind the tools, techniques and “rools” of machine quilting—you’ll gain the confidence and skill to obtain professional strength results at home. Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sat., May 14 10 am to 1 pm Tue., June 28 6 to 9 pm Sun., Aug. 7 2 to 5 pm Suggested Book: Machine Quilting or Machine Quilting Made Easy NAPKIN NATION: Going greener: learn how to set your serger for perfect rolled hems, and make a boatload of napkins that you wash instead of toss! Bring your serger manual if you can—the first part of class will be setting your serger—and then Jeanette will show you the little tricks to making restaurant quality rolled edges napkins (and how to fold them!!); you’ll have time to make at least four 18” square (hey, how about some octagons?) napkins! Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sun., June 12 1 to 4 pm Required equipment: Serger with rolled hem capability. POTLUCK PIECING PARTY: Pick your Friday night, whip up a batch of Grandma Susie’s Slice & Dice Wasabi Frito Pie, gather up your quilting gear and fabric stash, and get on down to the Quilted Forest for four free-style hours of quilting fun: finishing the old, starting the new, stitching, stuffing, and munching all night long! And you get a FREE fat quarter for bringing something yummy to share! Instructor: Nancy Ingerson Tuition: $10.00 Fri., Apr. 8 6 to 10 pm Fri., May 13 6 to 10 pm Fri., June 10 6 to 10 pm Fri., Aug 12 6 to 10 pm Suggested Pattern or Book: Any project you want to work on Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973 or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 QUILT AS YOU GO: SIZZLING CIRCLES AND FUN AND DONE: If you want to shout “Bam!” every time you finish a block or circle, you go girl. These quilt-as-you-go techniques are fascinating, satisfying and hot-hot-hot when it comes to making a quilt that’s done when the blocks are. Choose from any of Sizzling Circles six lucious designs, or any of the Fun and Done patterns and templates, and Jeanette will guide you through the magic behind perfection. Instructor: Jeanette Pitalo Tuition: $49.00 LP Tuition: $39.00 Sat., May 21 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Patterns: Sizzling Circles or Any Fun & Done Quilting patterns and Template RAG QUILTS -- FUZZY AROUND THE EDGES: Master quilt designer Karla Alexander has created some of the best Rag Edge quilt designs on the market. Join Janae’ and choose any of Karla’s patterns, and come learn this marvelous piecing technique that results in the ultimate comfort quilt— heavy, cuddly, extra warm, and fuzzy all over! No more winter chills at your house! Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $45.00 LP Tuition: $35.00 Sat., June 4 10:30 am to 5:30 pm Suggested Patterns: Old Saint Nick, Frosty, Lazy Daisy RUG HOOKING FOR QUILTERS: Join Lorraine for this fun 3 hour class, to hook you on hooking! You’ll learn a nifty no-sew technique for turning your fabric into continuous long strips, and all the little ins and outs of looping a lush and sturdy rug as scrappy or patterned as you like. (Ratted hair optional!) Instructor: Lorraine Sherman Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sat., May 21 10 am to 1 pm Sat., Aug. 13 2 to 5 pm Suggested Book: “The Happy (Rug) Hooker 3” or “Hook, Loop & Lock” TWO HOUR TULIP BAG: You’ll have four sizes to choose from—grapefruit to basketball—and three hours to make this little knockout that amazes with its speed of construction belied by its wonderful shape, storage capacity and sturdiness. This is the type of bag that’s great for gift giving or fundraisers: fast, easy, affordable and filled with “wow,” even when it’s empty! Come open up a shop model, and you’ll see what we mean! Instructor: Sylvia Dorney Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Sat., June 4 12 to 3 pm Suggested Pattern: Two Hour Tulip Bag IT’S A WRAP: Chunky chic or sleek and neat, either fabric wrapped vessel is fun and easy to complete. Wrap and weave by hand around chucky cording to make great baskets for storage. Or wrap and sew by machine around sleek ¼”cording to make great basket or tote. Either is a great way to use up extra project strips. Instructor: Janae’ King Tuition: $25.00 LP Tuition: $15.00 Thur., June 30 6 to 9 pm Sat., Aug. 13 10 to 1 pm Suggested Patterns: Nested Boxes, Bali Bowls, Bali Bags Create your own “Day Camp!” Grab a friend and sew in our classroom. Call for availability: 503-363-7973 5 FUN eVeNTs – saVe THe DaTe (cont.) ___HOFFMAN CHALLENGE, MARCH 3-15 36-40 Original Wall Hangings from around the world ___Our SPRING RETREAT, March 31-April 3 More info to the right ___LOVEY’S BIRTHDAY PARTY, Thurs., April 14 She’s 7, so besides the cookies for you and your pup, everyone gets 7% off their purchases and we’ll punch your card! Your quiet, on leash dogs are welcome. ___BOOK SIGNING WITH ARLENE SACHITANO Author of several must-read quilt mysteries. Her newly released book is, QUILT BY ASSOCIATION. She’ll be signing, Sat., April 30, 11am-3pm. And, since it Dog and quilt theme, we’ll have ideas and info about making dog quilts for our June First Wednesday event. ___DOGS NIGHT OUT, First Wednesday in June, the 1. Come bid on quilts made for dogs. The proceeds will go to Fences for Fido. Last year we raised enough for a fence, this year the quilts will be in the Forest and our immediate neighbor’s businesses. Make a quilt to donate or come and bid. ___QUILTS OF VALOR a fun new event Saturday, June 25, where non-quilters and experienced quilters can get together to sew quilts for returning wounded solders. Kits will be available for sewers, the more experienced and some of our staff can help any beginners. Experienced quilters can sign up to be sewers or helpers. Reserve a spot now. Whitlocks Sew & Vac will provide an embroidered American Flag, “Thank You for your Service” label for all our finished quilts. ___BUS TRIP TO THE SISTERS OUTDOOR QUILT SHOW: July 8th-9th Leave the driving to us, join our fun group of travelers, visiting quilt shops, eating dinner in Bend, staying overnight and returning to Sisters early Saturday to enjoy this phenomenal outdoor show. $159 (two to a room.) ___THE OREGON STATE FAIR, August 26- Sept 5. Enjoy the quilts hanging in the Americraft Building. We have a booth and present demonstrations, both Saturdays and Red Hat Tuesday. Much more info closer to the event. ___GREEN WITH ENVY QUILT CHALLENGE, quilts due September 24, Hanging in the Forest during Quiltopia No Smaller than 36” side, larger than 54” That’s it, simple rules. Quilts will hang from Sept 29- October 5th, entry form in the shop and on the web ___JUNE 2012, TRAVEL WITH US TO THE INTERNATIONAL QUILT FESTIVAL IN IRELAND Print out calendar pages for May - August from our web site: Go to the top of the home page and click on the “Calendar” button. Then click on the pdf file for Spring-Summer 11 classes. 6 reTreaTs Do You Need A Weekend Away? How does a relaxing weekend trip to the coast or the forest sound? Interested? It’s easier than you think. Join us on one of our quilt retreats. Spend 3 days sewing in a spacious, peaceful environment. Enjoy spectacular settings surrounded by fresh air, delicious food and most importantly, good company. Sign-up today to reserve a spot. Spring at Camp Cascade, Mill City March 31, April 1, 2, 3, 2011 Price $315 (4 days) with Karla Alexander & Sally Blankenship Sisters Bus Trip July 8-9, 2011, Price $159 Overnight trip to the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show. Tour includes, overnight double occupancy hotel accommodations, Friday night dinner, stops at four quilt shops. Lead by Jeanette Pitalo. Fall at Camp Cascade, Mill City Retreat #1 October 7, 8, 9, 2011 – with Sally Blankenship & Karla Alexander/ Sylvia Dorney – Price $239 Retreat #2 October 20, 21, 22, 23, 2011 - with Karla Alexander & Sally Blankenship – Price $315 (4 days) Nestled under giant Fir Trees in the foothills of the Cascade Range, this popular small retreat includes all meals, overnight accommodations and fun mini classes. Winter at the Newport Shilo January 20, 21, 22, 2012 – Price $263 Oceanfront at the Newport Shilo – This retreat features several groups of “snap-shot” classes with demonstrations of some of our newest hottest shop classes and classic requested techniques. Sign-up soon; this retreat fills early. $263.00 (Includes Saturday night dinner) CLASS POLICY: Please Pre-Register for Classes 503-363-7973 or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233. Payment of fees assures a place in class until we reach the maximum # of students. Phone orders will be gladly taken with a credit card. Full refunds will be given for cancellations received seven days prior to the class UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON SUPPLY SHEET. If we cancel a class, refunds will be promptly made. Our fabrics, supplies, products and classes are backed by our expert advice, service and guarantee of quality! We cannot guarantee your quilt or class satisfaction if you purchase supplies elsewhere. Our loyalty discount class price is for those students purchasing or bringing class supplies purchased here in the Forest. = OK for beginner = OK if you’ve made 1 or 2 quilts = Intermediate Dont’ Forget... The parking is hassle FREE at the Chemeketa Parkade — the entrance is just north of our shop on Commercial Street. You can drive through the alley and stop briefly to unload your machine from the back before parking, unless you have one of our rolling totes, then you’ll want to roll it great distances! There is an elevator on Commercial St. so park near it on the 2nd or 3rd level! Sylvia’s Scribblings continued original wall quilts up for your viewing from March 3rd until the 15th. And, of course, Lovey’s birthday party (shop dog) is a big event with discounts and dog and human treats. If you enjoy the gratification of making something that raises money for a cause we’re doing “dog quilts” again. They’ll be hanging as a silent auction in the Forest and it’s neighboring shops most of June. The money made goes to Fences for Fido, purchasing supplies for building fences for chained dogs. And, on to a new event, Quilts of Valor. Catherine Roberts, whose son was deployed in Iraq in 2003, started quilts of Valor. She remembered that returning Vietnam War vets of her generation had often been treated poorly and she wanted current returning combat vets to be received differently. Catherine started by simply making a quilt and giving it to a soldier. Now the QOV Foundation, a nonprofit, has presented more than 34,000 quilts. Several fabric companies are creating Americana themed fabrics and they’re on their way into the Forest. More info on kits for quilts as the fabric arrives. Save June 25th and plan to come sew a quilt for a wounded soldier. Beginners and more experienced welcome, sign-up like a class to reserve a space. Our bus trip to the Sister’s Outdoor Quilt show in July is always a hit, jump on board. Quiltopia in early October will give you a chance to show or sell a quilt. We have chosen the theme for our Quiltopia shop challenge, GREEN WITH ENVY, start creating early and strut your stuff. We’ve moved our trip to Ireland to June of 2012; more time for you to plan to travel with us and, the opportunity to attend the International Quilt Festival in Galway. Our weekly e-club will keep you up-dated on all these happenings and the latest fabric arrivals., click on the “email” button at the top of the home page. So much new fabric and fun new books, I have to stop scribbling and sew. We’d really love to see you in the Forest, but if you can’t make it in, remember to visit our web site, we have free shipping on most items. Keep on Quilting! 10% off Just Beginning? Look for one thimble ( ) classes. Early Bird Class Registration Fee Greenbaum’s Quilted Forest Please Pre-Register for Classes ____________________________ Signature 503-363-7973 (Limit 2 Classes) or Toll Free 1-877-700-2233 Valid until March 31, 2011 One use per person! Classes that include supplies, Celebri-Quilters, Bust Trips & Retreats Excluded 15% off If you are downtown more than 2 hours, remember to use the regular priced item in store. ChemeketaOneParkade. Greenbaum’s Quilted Forest ____________________________ It’s free all day! Signature One use per person! Valid until March 31, 2011 CaN’T lIVe WITHOUT ‘eM NOTIONs STEAM-A-SEAM-2 ¼” x 40 yards $4.99 Sticks temporarily (both sides) when applied, bonds permanently when ironed. My favorite must-have use is; the final step of binding, fusing it permanently to the quilt, finish by hand or machine. Works great for quick hems too. TURN-IT-ALL $9.99 No more safety pins, just remember to sew across one end of your tube and use one set of these tubes and sticks to quickly turn your item with no-ooo frustration. Hand bag, flip-flop, even spaghetti straps, doll parts, quilting decorations and more. Easy to follow directions included. ADD-A-QUARTER RULER with its specially designed ¼” lip. $6.99 Don’t even try paper piecing without this tool. Great instructions for its use in foundation piecing included with the ruler. THE SNAP SETTER $9.99 The snap setter is just so much fun, take out your aggressions and snap up your totes, little wallets or even clothes. It’s easy to use, and comes with some practice snaps and easy to follow instructional pictures. “KARLA’S RULERS” from $18.99 to $33.99 made by Creative Grid, designed by Karla Alexander, you’ll want all four. They come with little instruction packets, but also go with many of Karla’s “Saginaw Street” quilt patterns and her COLOR SHUFFLE book. Look for the fun models we’re making using these tools. Sylvia 7 8 APRIL 2011 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 SPRING QUILT RETREAT 8:30-9:15 First Sat Sampler 8:30am-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 3 4 5 6 7 10am-5pm Color Added to Color 8 9 SPRING QUILT RETREAT 6-9pm Leaves 6-9pm French Garden 1 6-9pm Stash Buster Quilts of 3 1-5pm Appliqué Club 10 11 12 13 6-9pm Awesome Angelina Sampler 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-1 14 10am-5pm Begin With Small Quilts 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 10:30am-3:30pm Hot Ribbon 15 16 Lovey’s Birthday Party! 6-9pm Stack the Deck Revisited 1-4pm Gelatin Monoprinting 6-8pm Gift-Curved Valance 6-8:30pm Teen Time 17 18 6-9pm French Garden 2 of 3 19 20 9:30am-12:30pm Beginning Paper Piecing 6-9pm Grand Central 1 of 2 10am-5:30pm Stylish Sweatshirt 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-2 21 22 23 MID-VALLEY QUILT GUILD QUILT SHOW, POLK CO. FAIRGROUNDS 12-3pm Hummingbird Placemats 6-9pm Karla’s Curves 12-5pm Aprons 6-8pm Let’s Get Started 24 CLOSED EASTER 6-9pm French Garden 3 6-9pm Lace Garden 1 of 2 of 3 25 26 27 6-9pm Grand Central 2 of 2 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-3 28 6-9pm Lace Garden 2 of 2 6-8pm Gifts-Fortune Cookie Bag 6-9pm McKenna Meets Angelina 1 of 2 29 30 11am-3pm Book Signing with Arlene Sachitano 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch A-4 12-5pm Dynamic Dahlia MAY 2011 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 3 Thursday Friday 4 Saturday 5 6 7 8:30-9:15 First Sat Sampler 1-4pm Painted Bird 6-9pm Beginning Fusibles 1-5pm Appliqué Club 6-9pm 5 Buck Finish 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-1 8 9 10 6-9pm McKenna Meets Angelina 2 of 2 11 Closed Mothers Day 6-9pm Double Diamond Runner 1 of 2 12 8:30am-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 15 16 17 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-3 22 23 24 6-8pm Gifts-Flip-Flops 6-8:30pm Teen Time 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-4 30 31 Memorial Day Closed 9 6-9pm Awesome Angelina Sampler 6-9pm Fabulous Fabric & Thread Painting 1 of 3 18 6-9pm Fabulous Fabric & Thread Painting 2 of 3 25 6-9pm Fabulous Fabric & Thread Painting 3 of 3 6-9pm Double Diamond Runner 2 of 2 19 2-4pm Gifts-10 Minute Blocks 13 14 10am-1pm Machine Quilting 6-9pm Let’s Twist 2 of 3 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch B-2 29 10:30am-5:30pm Beg. Bags 6-9pm Let’s Twist 1 of 3 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 12-5pm Accidental Landscapes 20 21 9:30am-5:30pm-Quilt as You Go 6-9pm Let’s Twist 3 of 3 26 10am-1pm Rugs 27 28 10 JUNE 2011 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 3 4 8:30-9:15 First Sat Sampler 12-3pm 2 Hour Tulip First Wednesday Dog’s Night Out 3:30-5:30pm Gifts-Little Wallet 8:30am-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-1 5 6 7 8 9 10:30am-5:30pm Rag Quilts 10 11 9:30am-Noon- Borders & Bindings 6-9pm Summer Breeze Tunic 1 of 3 1-5pm Appliqué Club 12 13 14 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-2 15 16 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 17 12-3pm Hummingbird Placemats 1-4pm Leaves 18 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 10am-1pm Kids Designer Pillows 12-5pm Dynamic Dahlia 1-4pm Napkin Nation 6-9pm Summer Breeze Tunic 2 of 3 6-8:30pm Teen Time 19 20 21 10am-5pm Color Added to Color 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-3 22 23 2-4pm Gifts-Smart Bag 24 25 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-6pm Advanced Quilt Camp FATHERS DAY 6-9pm Summer Breeze Tunic 3 of 3 26 27 28 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch C-4 29 30 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 1-4pm Gelatin Monoprinting 6-9pm Machine Quilting 6-9pm It’s a Wrap 10am-5pm Tablerunner for 9:30am-5:30pm Quilts of Teens Valor JULY 2011 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8:30am-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 3 4 5 6 7 2 8:30-9:15 First Sat Sampler 8 9 Sisters’ Quilt Show CLOSED INDEPENDENCE DAY 9am Sisters’ Quilt Show Bus Tour 10 11 12 13 14 5pm-Return Sisters’ Quilt Show Bus Tour 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 9am-1pm Quilt Camp Shop Open 10am-5pm Salem Art Fair 6-9pm McKenna Meets Angelina 1 of 2 6-8:30pm Teen Time 17 Salem Art Fair 18 19 20 10am-1pm Kids Cell Phone Tote 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-6 pm Quilt Camp 6-9pm McKenna Meets Angelina 2 of 2 24 25 26 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 11 31 6-8pm Gifts- Flip Flops 27 12 503-363-7973 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 AUGUST 2011 Wednesday 2 Thursday Friday 3 Saturday 4 5 6 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 8:30-9:15 First Sat Sampler 6-9pm Lace Garden 1 of 2 6-8pm Gifts-10 minute Block 7 8 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch D-1 9 10 11 8:30am-9:15am First Sat Sampler on Friday 10:30am-1:30pm Kids Designer Pillows 12 13 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 2-5pm Machine Quilting 6-9pm Lace Garden 2 of 2 14 15 16 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch D-2 17 18 6-10pm Potluck Piecing Party 10am-1pm It’s a Wrap 2-5pm Rugs 19 20 26 27 9am-1pm Quilt Camp 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch D-3 21 22 23 24 25 9am-1pm Quilt Camp OREGON STATE FAIR 6-9pm Beg. 9-Patch D-4 28 OREGON STATE FAIR 29 30 31 240 Commercial Street NE Salem, Oregon 97301 We inspire creativity ED T C E THE SEL OF ONE S T PS O H BUIE S T Q L CANADA US & ★ ★ ★ ★ RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALEM, OR PERMIT # 106 Visit our website: Spring/Summer ClaSSeS 2011 BOOK reVIeWs STACK THE DECK REVISITED by Karla Alexander $18.99 So you have Karla’s first book, so what, or maybe that should be sew what? You’ll need this one too. The updating is so complete with new ideas and designs you’ll want to make most of the quilts in this book. Karla uses the stacked crazy quilt block from her first book, but each of these 11 new beauties takes a charming turn of it’s own. At this writing we have the cover quilt hanging in our center window, come see. 10 MINUTE BLOCKS by Suzanne McNeill $16.99 Even faster than “Quilt in a Day”, these Texas quilters really know how to trot. And, the finished quilt appears to have curved seams, creating the image of hours of labor. Suzanne shows samples in large and small prints and there is a YouTube video of the process incase you go there. Sylvia is teaching this method in one of her free, two hour Gift classes, so if you’re really (really) focused, you could make 12 blocks! Great for quick gifts, donation or college quilts even if you like more intricate work THE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO PATCHWORK by Elizabeth Hartman $24.95 If you need a beginning, “tell you everything to purchase and make a quilt book”, this is it, plus it’s beautiful. Elizabeth’s models use clear bold designer fabrics, mixed with just enough creamy white to create the “Modern Look” that has recently immerged. Most of her charming designs are beginning, with a few intermediate, but they’ll draw you in with their color and simplicity. A fabulous gift for a new quilter, maybe even you. • HOUrs • Monday • Friday • Saturday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday 9:30 am to 8:00 pm Sunday Noon to 5:00 pm 240 Commercial Street NE 503-363-7973 • 1-877-700-2233 E-mail: [email protected] Web: 13
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