:DQWDSRVLWLYH DQGSURVSHURXV IXWXUHIRU .DQJDURR,VODQG" 1RZ\RXFDQSOD\ \RXUSDUW EHFRPHDPHPEHU WRGD\ Business Kangaroo Kang Island CHART CHARTER ((objects (obj (o o jec ect cts of ass association) 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLVFKDUWHULVWRGH¿QHWKDWFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDQGLQWHQWRIWKH 7KH H SX XUS SRV RVH H RI RI WKLLVFK FKDUUWH WHU U LV VWR R GH H¿Q ¿QH H WK WKDWWF organisation Business Kangaroo Island (in no order of priority): orga ga ani n sa ati t on n known as B usiine nes ss Kan ss a ga garo aro roo Isla 1.. 1 community for Kangaroo Island as Represent the voice of the business co and opportunities of Kangaroo a positive advocate for future direction directi voice. Island, speaking in a single united vo 2. Economically focussed, particularly seeking investigated business development; improving outcomes for existing and new operators. 3. %XLOGLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJDPXWXDOO\EHQH¿FLDOnetworks (both on and off Island), that includes the timely sharing of accurate information about opportunities for Kangaroo Island. 4. Ensuring that VRFLDOEHQH¿WV are linked to any economic and business development. 5. Establish and maintain positive relationships and to work collaboratively with key Kangaroo Island organisations, agencies and authorities. Business Kangaroo Island Incorporated Mail: Web: Facebook: Email: PO Box 896, Kingscote SA 5223 www.businesskangarooisland.com.au www.facebook.com/groups/businesski [email protected] Contact: Sharon Kauppila (Chairperson) 0439 687 155 A key purpose of Business Kangaroo Island is to create a singular united voice for ALL businesses on Kangaroo Island, that positively advocates for economic and business development. Our members will include: 3ULPDU\3URGXFHUVODPEEHHIZRRO¿VKLQJHJJVJUDLQKRQH\PDUURQ Tourism Operators (attractions, experiential, accommodation, restaurants ....) Retail and Home Business Operators Services and Trades Contractor and Sole Traders Any other business operating on Kangaroo Island By becoming a member of Business Kangaroo Island you will be participating in creating a positive and prosperous future for Kangaroo Island. Working together we can create that future for our businesses, and our families. On behalf of our members we will: Regularly seek formal feedback from members mbers regarding the challenges and opportunities that they face in running their businesses. sses on Kangaroo Island. Advocate for, and on-behalf of, all businesses cal, S ca ta ate ea nd dF ed der eral al G al over ov over ernm n ents Provide linkages to the Kangaroo Island Commissioner, Loca Local, State and Federal Governments olles o n Ka ang ngar g roo IIsland. slan nd. d and other agencies and organisations thatt hold key rroles on Kangaroo th all b usin us ines e se es on K a ga an g ro oo Is sland nd d, pr p ovid ov id diin ng a Share accurate and timely information with businesses Kangaroo Island, providing reliable source of quality information. mic and nd db usiness de eve velo lopm ment en fo en forr Kangar a oo ar o IIsland. sland. Publicly support and advocate for economic business development Kangaroo itth re ele leva eva vant n o nt r anisations rg ns s, ag a enciies e a nd aut nd utth ho ori rittiies tto o Establish positive working relationships with relevant organisations, agencies and authorities enable a high level of collaboration. he eK an ngaroo Island nd dC om mmiss ss sio ioner. Provide information and advice directly to the Kangaroo Commissioner. nes esses. s. Build a network of collaboration amongst busin businesses. SDUWQHUVWKDWZL Z OOO DVVLV LVWLQ Q \RX RXUEXVLLQH Q VV RSH SHUDWL WLRQV WL 6HHNPHPEHUEHQH¿WVIURPDYDULHW\RISDUWQHUVWKDWZLOODVVLVWLQ\RXUEXVLQHVVRSHUDWLRQV To become a member of Business Kangaroo oo Island, please ec complete om mpllet ete e th the encl the en enclosed ncl c osed application form or download a copy from our website. Business Kangaroo Island is already working on making a difference We have recently held meetings, or made representations, to: John Rau, MP (Deputy Premier) Kangaroo Island Futures Authority Board Golf Course Developers (proposed project) Kingscote Ferry Investors (proposed project) Steven Mulligan, MP (Minister for Transport) We are developing linkages and relationships with key agencies, organisations and authorities that have involvement or decision making powers about the future of Kangaroo Island. We are preparing ourselves to be best positioned to provide direct information to the newly announced Kangaroo Island Commissioner. Some of the challenges and opportunities that Business Kangaroo Island may have the opportunity to collaborate on are freight and transportation costs, airport redevelopment, blue gums, power supply cable and other member initiated challenges or opportunities. Much hard work is being completed by the committee in creating an organisation that is responsive to our members, able to directly communicate timely and DFFXUDWHLQIRUPDWLRQWRRXUPHPEHUVDQGWRSURYLGHSUDFWLFDOEHQH¿WVWRRXU members for the successful operation of their businesses. Most of all Business Kangaroo Island is here to create a positive and prosperous future for Kangaroo Island. For your business. For your family. Please join us NOW in creating that future. Business Kangaroo Island - Working Committee Darren Keenan Ken Rowe (Business Consultant) (Aquaculture/Tourism/Retail) Chairperson Secretary 3XEOLF2I¿FHU Committee Member Rodney Bell Tom Fryar Graeme Connell (Farmer) (Egg Producer/Farmer) (Business Person) Committee Member Committee Member Mark Hardy Roger Williams (Quarry Operator) (Cafe/Newsagency/Wine) Committee Member Committee Member Sharon Kauppila (Builder/Equipment Hire) Deputy Chairperson Ray Wadsworth (Electrician) Treasurer Membership Application 2015 Become part of creating a positive and prosperous future for Kangaroo Island. A key purpose of Business Kangaroo Island is to create a singluar united voice for ALL businesses on Kangaroo Island, that positively advocates for economic and business development activities. BUSINESS MEMBER - $50.00 • • • • • Business that is located on Kangaroo Island. Full membership benefits of Business Kangaroo Island Accept objects of association (Charter). Paid prescribed fee (membership fee). Hold voting rights and are entitled to hold a position on the committee. Start to play your part see over page ASSOCIATE MEMBER - $ 50.00 • • • • Person OR business (not necessarily located on Kangaroo Island). Accepts objects of association (Charter). Paid prescribed fee (associate fee). No voting rights and not entitled to hold a position on the committee. Business Name: _______________________ABN #: _____________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________Mobile: _____________________ Postal Address: ___________________________________________________ Physical Address: ___________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________ Website:___________________________________________________ Please tick if you do not wish to receive marketing materials from carefully selected member partners of Business Kangaroo Island. I acknowledge that I accept the objects of association (Charter) for Business Kangaroo Island, and have made payment (by direct deposit or attached cheque). Sign: _____________________ Date: ____/____/____ TAX INVOICE (ABN: 74 646 015 210) Please retain a copy of this application form as your official tax invoice/receipt. Membership is GST exclusive. Questions or need further information? If you have any questions please contact membership coordinator Darren Keenan on 0428 716 330 or email [email protected] Payment Options: Please forward applications to: Direct Deposit Bank SA - Kingscote BSB: 105 094 Account #: 033557740 Email: [email protected] Cheque PO Box 896, Kingscote SA 5223 Post: PO Box 896, Kingscote SA 5223 Please play your part.... .... and provide us with some thoughts and info.... What do you see as the Top 3 challenges and/or opportunities for businesses on Kangaroo Island? 1. ______________________________________ challenge / opportunity 2. ______________________________________ challenge / opportunity 3. ______________________________________ challenge / opportunity Business Kangaroo Island would like to regularly communicate with our members, particurlarly receiving your views and opinions, and providing you with information and feedback. Due to the high costs of preparation and distribution, a digital solution will be byfar the most economical. By which digital method would you prefer? email Facebook website Please tick which industries you belong to (you may choose multiple options)? Primary Producer (please specify)__________________________ Tourism Operator (please specify)__________________________ __________________________ Services (please specify) Hospitality (please specify) __________________________ Trades (please specify) __________________________ Other (please specify)__________________________ How many staff members (including owner/s) do you employ? _________________________ Your business name:____________________________________ (in case page 1 and 2 become separated) Thank you for playing your part and taking the time to inform Business Kangaroo Island.
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