Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS Running changes for: o UPC Box Label Placement now bottom LEFT corner - page 2 o Wide Calf Labeling – updates in new Sourcing Guide section # 14 Wide Calf Boots Follow for o NATURALIZER OUTLET STORES #8005000 & BROWN RETAIL OUTLET #8005215 NATURALIZER CONCEPT #8000000 & BROWN RETAIL CONCEPT #8005214 – Footwear, handbags & accessories finish goods o Overseas, Domestic or landed buys o Internal or External Vendor/Supplier o Follow for all brands being bought for these customer #’s When o Merchandise bought & paid for on Brown Shoe’s Wholesale (SAP) Purchase Orders o Shipping to either o Brown Shoe Retail Tejon Ranch/Lebec CA Retail Dist Center for # 8005000 o Brown Shoe Retail Perth Canada Retail Dist Center for # 8005215 Standards 1 - Also use generals standards in Vendor Portal: 10 Lasting Tacks 11 Product Markings 12 Mold Prevention 13 Stuffing 14 Wide Calf Boots 15 Shoe Boxes and Labels 16 Case Standards 17 - Quality – Packing Accuracy 30 PO to Invoice Process Steps – now a separate section March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 1 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS 2 - Shoe Box Labeling A. Wholesale Shoe Box label from Avery Dennison (411/16” x 1½”) B. Brown Shoe will automatically tell Avery the appropriate Label code a) Example (same for Tejon, Chino, Perth): (V or SR) V Label used for Naturalizer Retail Concept SR Label used for Naturalizer Retail Outlet To order Shoe box labels: o See Sourcing Guide # 15 Shoe Box Label Align the shoe box UPC bar code label to bottom left corner of box base March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 2 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS 3 - Case Label – Naturalizer Retail ships to either Tejon (Lebec, CA) or Perth A. Tejon (Lebec, CA) Case Label Supplier buys Tejon case labels from Avery Dennison with form on page 5 Example b) Perth (Canada) Case Label For shoes - printed at Perth and mailed overseas to the supplier. For handbags - ordered by customer from Avery Dennison and sent to factory Only with special BWS approved, Perth send case labels for hand bags to factory Note: to enable quicker DC receiving, Perth still require two case markings: Cust. PO # and Qty. size/width (see case markings, page 6). Example c) Case Label Placement (Tejon and Perth) Must be packed in corrugated cases with minimum burst strength of 14 kgs/scm (200 lbs) and minimum edge crush test of 9kgs/scm (128 lbs). Only 1 purchase order number may be packed in a case Shoebox end & UPC label must be exposed when the top of case is opened. March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 3 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS Sourcing Guide Cases must be sealed with BWS tape on the top & bottom (see image below). Do not staple the corrugated case closed. Do not glue the top closure. Do not use straps or bands to secure cases. Do not tape or label over any case markings and/or labels. Do not double stack shoeboxes. If case exceeds below dimensions, contact Packing Dept before case is made. If leftover room, you can mix pack different sizes of the same pattern or use empty boxes marked “EMPTY”, but do not mix pack different colors. Must follow these dimensions Length Width Height Weight Minimum 13” 8” 7” 10# (4.5 kg) Maximum 38” 20” 17” 50# (22.5 kg) Top Opening Top Opening side Case Markings main Case Markings Place Case Label Here Height Width Place case label 2.5 cm up from the bottom and 5 cm from right edge Length BWS tape on top and bottom of package March 18th, 2015 To order Case Labels: o Footwear & accessories: For Tejon shipments, click on this link and use the second tab to order additional Case labels (see image below). For Perth shipments, email Pat Hewitt at [email protected] to order additional Case labels. o Hand bags: For Tejon & Perth hand bags, click on this link and use the third tab to order additional Case labels. SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 4 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS Case label order form for Tejon footwear & accessories 4 - Case Markings / Shipping marks: A. Tejon/ Lebec a) No case markings are needed since all information is included on case label. B. Perth – on both main panels in ½” or bigger letter a) (Naturalizer) Cust PO # b) Quantity by size & width March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 5 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS 5 - To order hang tags: A. For Wide Calf Boots factory can source from Nanchieh Packaging Group. B. For hand bags click on this link and use the third tab to order additional Hang Tags. 6 - Water Resistant Shoes a) Naturalizer and Natural Soul water resistant hangtags should be applied when requested by division. Naturalizer image March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 6 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide March 18th, 2015 NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS Natural Soul image SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 7 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS 7 - Domestic/Landed Routing Instructions For questions regarding routing For Tejon/Lebec, CA DC the Retail Logistics Transportation planner 615-443-8045 or or e-mail [email protected] You must receive authorization for routing product from the Brown Shoe Retail Logistics Transportation Department for all domestic agent/vendor shipments before shipping. a) E-mail Brown Retail Logistics the following info to effectively plan & transport product o Contact information for key routing routing/dispatch/warehouse personnel o Full name and phone number o e-mail address o Domestic location address where product is available o Secondary/back-up routing/warehouse contact or group e-mail address for team o Naturalizer Retail Purchase Order numbers with associated case and pair quantities. o Total estimated weight and volume (cubic feet) of each purchase order ready for shipping. o The date that all product will be ready for loading/shipping. o Retail Logistics will use this order information to determine the most efficient, cost effective method to transport your product (in combination with multiple other vendor pick-ups throughout the country). b) When transportation/routing for your product is tendered to and accepted by a carrier you will receive an e-mail from our Transportation Management System (TMS) detailing carrier information and purchase orders they expect to pick-up from your location. Then carrier will contact you to schedule actual facility pick-up appointment. c) When a Retail Transportation specified truckload carrier is used, Brown Shoe Retail will not pay any accessorial charges (i.e. detention, driver assist, vehicle dispatched-not used, etc.) associated with the loading or pick up of a shipment unless previously authorized. Vendor will be responsible for any unauthorized carrier accessorial charges incurred. d) If a carrier other than one specified by the Retail Transportation Load Planner is used, Brown Shoe Retail will not be responsible for product lost or damaged in transit, irrespective of the F.O.B. terms specified in purchase order. e) Brown Shoe will not be responsible for product or transportation costs for product released to a different Brown Shoe Retail facility than the one specified by Brown Shoe Retail Logistics Domestic Logistics Planner. March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 8 ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property Sourcing Guide NATURALIZER RETAIL EXCEPTIONS f) Vendor must ensure all loaded trailers are sealed (full and partial loads). Vendor is responsible for providing seals. The seal number must be noted on the bill of lading. When a trailer arrives at the vendor’s facility with a seal already intact, the vendor must break the seal in the presence of the driver and reseal the trailer with a new seal after loading. The original seal number and the new seal number must be indicated on the bill of lading as follows: “Broke seal #______, replaced with seal #______”. The vendor and the driver must initial the seal notation. g) Loading of all domestic shipments is to be performed by the vendor and designated Shipper Load and Count (SL&C) on the Bill of Lading. h) Cases must be packed according to the specifications indicated on the purchase order. Pre-pack orders must be shipped prior to or in the same container or trailer with solid pack orders when orders are for the same item code and are scheduled to ship in the same fiscal month. i) All shipments must be floor loaded unless otherwise authorized. Brown Shoe Retail does not participate in any type of pallet exchange program. We do not allow our shipments to be shrink wrapped or banded, but under certain circumstances may approve their use. Contact the appropriate Domestic Logistics Planner at 615-443-8045 for Lebec CA loads. You can also e-mail the Logistics Inbound Planners at [email protected] for prior approval. Brown Shoe Retail contract carriers/drivers do not have authorization to approve palletized or shrink wrapped shipments. Any pre-approved palletized shipments must be shrink wrapped or banded to insure that the pallet units arrive intact at our distribution centers. 4 - Violations: Every purchase order and routing guide violation per shipment will result in a charge back. Charge backs will include an administrative processing fee of $200, unless otherwise indicated, in addition to the violation charge noted below: Non-Compliance Violation Case label/markings missing/wrong or inaccurate Concealed shortage Mis-pack Case dimensions standards not followed March 18th, 2015 SG – EX - Naturalizer Retail & Outlet - Page 9 Violation Charge $2.50 per case in rejected batch $2.50 per case in rejected batch $2.50 per case in rejected batch $2.50 per case in rejected batch ©2015 Brown Shoe. Inc. - Confidential Property
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