AFRICAN UNION UNION AFRICAINE االتحاد اإلفريقي UNIÃO AFRICANA CAERT, B.P 141 Bureau Poste El-Mohammadia Alger, Algérie, Tel : +213 21 52 01 10, Fax:+213 21 52 03 78 E-mail :[email protected] ACSRT Thursday, 19 March 2015 ACSRT Daily News Highlights 19 Mar 2015 07:55 Edition N°746 Delivered by: African Union EAST AFRICA Kenya Somalia Sudan CENTRAL AFRICA Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Democratic Republic of Congo WEST AFRICA Côte d'Ivoire Ghana Mali Nigeria NORTH AFRICA Algeria Egypt Libya Tunisia INTERNATIONAL America Asia Europe Oceania International Organisations African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT) Centre Africain d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Terrorisme (CAERT) Contact: Contact us to obtain specific press articles Links: Realtime news from Africa NewsBrief African Union EAST AFRICA Kenya New Shebab attack in northeast Kenya kills four Four people died in a gun and grenade attack on Wajir town in northeast Kenya, the latest in a series of cross-border raids by Somalia's Shebab militants, officials said on Wednesday. Security sources said a group of at least four armed men threw a grenade at a small shop in the town on Tuesday night. They also opened fire before escaping on foot. The attack is the fourth in five days in Kenya's remote and increasingly lawless northeast, which borders wartorn Somalia. "The assailants killed four people and wounded three others who were inside the shop at the time of the raid," said county police commander Samuel Mukindia. timesofindia 18 Mar 2015 Quatre tués dans une nouvelle attaque shebab Quatre personnes ont été tuées mardi soir lors d'une attaque revendiquée par les islamistes somaliens shebab dans la localité de Wajir, dans le nord-est du Kenya, à une centaine de kilomètres de la frontière somalienne, a annoncé mercredi la police kényane. Les assaillants ont jeté des engins incendiaires sur un magasin et ouvert le feu sur les clients, tuant quatre personnes et en blessant trois, a déclaré à l'AFP le chef local de la police, Samuel Mukindia. Le commando comprenait entre quatre et six hommes lourdement armés selon les témoins, at-il ajouté. romandie 18 Mar 2015 Three Somali nationals charged in a Nairobi court over Mandera quarry attack The prosecution said they carried out the atrocity, jointly with others not before the court, resulting in the death of 35 innocent Kenyans. The quarry attack was barely two weeks after 28 commuters were ambushed and killed while travelling from Mandera to their upcountry homes for the December holidays. The quarry miners were shot dead and others beheaded at Koromey in Mandera when armed assailants suspected to be Al-Shabaab insurgents raided the camp. “To date the situation in Mandera County is still volatile, some witness have expressed fear in giving evidence against the respondents due.... DailyNation 18 Mar 2015 Somalia Al-Shabaab claims Kenyan attack deaths Somalia's al-Shabaab Islamic extremists claimed responsibility Wednesday for an attack that killed four people in Kenya's volatile northern region, bringing to 12 the number of those killed by the militants since Friday. Kenyan officials said that four people were shot dead in a shop and their bodies burned in Wajir town on Tuesday night by unknown gunmen who wounded three others. Kenyan Interior Minister Joseph Nkaissery said the motive is unclear and the attackers are not known. iol 18 Mar 2015 Al Shabaab cleric gives Daesh stamp of approval Pro-Al-Qaeda and pro-Daesh factions within Al-Shabaab fought each other recently. By Yassin Juma. NAIROBI A top cleric affiliated with Somalia's Al-Shabaab militant group has given Daesh and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, his stamp of approval. "Any emirate in the world that opposes it [Daesh] and opposes the caliphate under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is unlawful," Sheikh Hassan Hussein Abu Salman said in an audio that has yet to be authenticated. He said he had no objections to Al-Shabaab declaring allegiance to Daesh, which now controls large areas of Syria and Iraq and commands the allegiance.... aa-en 18 Mar 2015 Sudan Sudan pardons five rebel leaders convicted of death penalty APA-Khartoum (Sudan) Sudan’s president Omer Al-Bashir has pardoned five rebel leaders convicted of death in the country, reports said on Tuesday. According to a presidential decree issued on Tuesday, five rebel leaders from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), who belong to the faction which signed a peace agreement with Khartoum led by Bakheit AbdulKarim Dabago, have been pardoned. The JEM prisoners were sentenced to death for participating in an attack on Sudan twin capital of Omdurman in 2008 before the split in the movement. The splinter faction signed a peace agreement with the.... apanews-en 18 Mar 2015 CENTRAL AFRICA Burundi Conclusions du conseil des ministères des affaires étrangères de l'UE sur la situation politique au Burundi L'UE qui a été un soutien engagé de ce processus, comme l'indique le communiqué, compte le rester en travaillant étroitement avec ses partenaires, en particulier l'Union africaine, la CIRGL (Conférence Internationale sur la région des Grands Lacs) et les Nations Unies dont la mission électorale (MENUB) doit pouvoir jouer pleinement son rôle. D'après l'UE, le prochain cycle électoral de mai à août, constitue un enjeu majeur pour consolider les progrès accomplis et contribuer à la construction d'un avenir plus solide. Le pays ne peut pas manquer cette opportunité au risque d'un retour en arrière, indique-t-elle. apanews-fr 18 Mar 2015 Cameroon Boko Haram: deux officiers français au Cameroun Deux officiers de l'armée française seront déployés à partir de demain à Maroua, capitale de l'extrême Nord du Cameroun, dans le cadre de la lutte contre Il s'agit du premier déploiement de militaires français au Cameroun depuis que les soldats camerounais ont été envoyés dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord en août 2014, pour faire face à la multiplication des attaques de Boko Haram dans la région. Du 3 au 13 mars, des instructeurs français ont par ailleurs dispensé à Ngaoundéré (nord du Cameroun) une "formation avancée au tir de combat" à des soldats camerounais. lefigaro 18 Mar 2015 Renseignements sur Boko Haram : la France appuie le Cameroun Dans un communiqué publié mercredi, l'ambassade de France à Yaoundé précise que ‘'ce détachement est mis en place dans le cadre l'Accord de partenariat de défense entre la France et le Cameroun, avec le plein accord des autorités camerounaises''. Le détachement de liaison et de contact, apprend-on encore, travaillera en lien avec la Cellule de coordination et de liaison basée à N'Djamena (Tchad), où collaborent également des officiers camerounais, nigériens et tchadiens dans le domaine du renseignement et de la planification opérationnelle. Par cet acte, la France met ainsi en œuvre sa.... apanews-fr 18 Mar 2015 Central African Republic La Minusca renforce sa présence dans les 3e arrondissement après le retrait de l’EuforRca Le Commissaire de la Police de la Minusca Luis Carrilho a déclaré pendant la conférence de presse hebdomadaire de la Minusca qu’une présence est renforcée dans le 3 e arrondissement après le retrait de l’Eufor-Rca. Il n’a pas manqué d’indiquer que la Police de la Minusca, en collaboration avec la Sangaris, la police et la gendarmerie nationale ont aussi renforcé leur présence dans le 4 e arrondissement ainsi qu’au Pk12 et ses environs. Selon Luis Carrilho , l’ouverture du Commissariat du 3 e arrondissement est un début de soulagement pour la population. centrafrique 1:04:00 AM EAT Des centaines de personnes séparées par le conflit En quête d’un lieu sûr, forcées de se déplacer à l’intérieur du pays ou de chercher refuge dans un des pays voisins, de nombreuses familles sont dispersées. Des enfants et des adultes ainsi séparés des membres de leurs familles sont souvent sans nouvelle de leurs proches durant de longs mois. Cette incertitude est cause de souffrance, rendant le quotidien encore plus difficile. La séparation brutale a des effets négatifs aussi bien pour la personne disparue que pour le reste de la famille. Plus le temps passe, et plus le désespoir et l’angoisse augmentent. temoignages 18 Mar 2015,81968.html Democratic Republic of Congo Arrestations en RDC - inquiétude de la communauté internationale La communauté internationale ne cache pas son inquiétude après la vague d'arrestations de militants pro-démocratie en RDC et ce à la veille d'un cycle électoral crucial pour l'avenir du pays. Après la vague d'arrestations ces derniers jours en République démocratique du Congo, les réactions se multiplient qu'elles viennent des ONG ou des Etats. Pour le responsable Afrique de la FIDH, Florent Geel, cette vague d'arrestation est un mauvais signal à double titre. Kinshasa utilise, comme tous les pouvoirs qui tentent de réprimer, les accusations de terrorisme, d'atteinte à la sûreté de l'Etat pour.... allafrica-fr 18 Mar 2015 Mass Arrests of Activists - Crackdown On Free Expression Raises Election Concerns The arrest of at least 26 activists and others in Kinshasa on March 15, 2015, raises serious concerns of a broader crackdown on free expression before the 2016 Democratic Republic of Congo presidential elections, Human Rights Watch said today. The arrests, including of foreign journalists and a United States diplomat, followed a news conference by the prodemocracy youth movement Filimbi, organized with support from the US embassy in Kinshasa. On March 17, 2015, the authorities arrested and roughed up at least 10 Congolese activists in the eastern city of Goma during a.... allafrica 18 Mar 2015 Les militants sénégalais et burkinabè arrêtés seront expulsés Les militants pro-démocratie sénégalais et burkinabè arrêtés dimanche à Kinshasa, accusés de préparer des actes de violences en République démocratique du Congo, seront expulsés du pays et déclarés persona non grata, a annoncé mercredi le gouvernement congolais. Ils vont être expulsés du pays. Ils sont en train de recevoir une déclaration de persona non grata. C'est la meilleure solution que nous avons trouvée, a déclaré à l'AFP Lambert Mende, porte-parole du gouvernement congolais. Il a ajouté que, concernant les militant congolais également arrêtés dimanche, ils attendrons une.... romandie 18 Mar 2015 Libération des militants arrêtés à Goma et d'un journaliste à Kinshasa Une dizaine de militants du mouvement Lutte pour le changement (Lucha) arrêtés mardi à Goma, dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo, ont été libérés, a-t-on appris mercredi de source officielle, ainsi qu'un journaliste congolais à Kinshasa, selon sa chaîne. Les militants de Lucha avaient manifesté pour demander la libération d'activistes africains arrêtés dimanche à Kinshasa lors d'une rencontre sur la bonne gouvernance et la démocratie. "Ils sont venus assiéger le siège de l'ANR (l'Agence nationale de renseignement)" qui les a "interpellés" mais après "vérification par les.... leparisien 18 Mar 2015 Detained DR Congo Protesters Released Rights activists arrested this week in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo during a protest outside local intelligence headquarters have been released, officials said on Wednesday. The nine protesters had been arrested on Tuesday in the city of Goma as they demonstrated against the detention of another set of pro-democracy activists in the capital, Kinshasa, two days earlier. Sunday's arrests, which included foreign journalists and a U.S. diplomat, have sparked international concern over freedom of expression in the central African country ahead of 2016 presidential elections. naharnet-en 18 Mar 2015 WEST AFRICA Côte d'Ivoire Après le Nigeria: Boko Haram menace toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest Le chef de l’Etat, Alassane Ouattara, lors de la conférence de presse de clôture de la visite d’Etat qu’il a effectuée du 4 au 8 mars 2015, dans le Bas-Sassandra, a fait état de cette menace terroriste qui plane sur le pays. « Evidemment, cette menace terroriste ne se limite pas seulement aux pays voisins du Nigeria. J’espère que dès ce mois de mars, nous pourrons organiser un sommet Afrique centrale-Afrique de l’ouest pour être un peu plus précis sur les modalités de contribution des uns et des autres », a dit le numéro 1 ivoirien. Qui a ajouté que si son pays venait à être sollicité dans le cadre de l’envoi de 10. linfodrome 8:19:00 AM EAT Ghana Chadian president confers with president of Ghana over Boko Haram President Idriss Déby of Chad arrived in Ghana on Wednesday to discuss with his Ghanaian counterpart, John Dramani Mahama, issues of security in the Central and West Africa region. The talks will essentially focus on the fight against Islamic militants Boko Haram, said an advisory from the Ghanaian Presidency. The visit by Déby, who is also Chairman of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), is a follow-up to last month's meeting between him and Mahama, Presidents Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, and President Dennis Sassou-N'Guesso of the Republic of the Congo. xinhuanet_en 1:19:00 AM EAT Central, West African leaders to meet over Boko Haram in April Central and West African states will hold a summit next month to agree a common strategy to combat the Boko Haram insurgency, their leaders said on Wednesday. Armies from Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger have launched an offensive to end the Islamic militant group's six-year campaign, which has killed thousands in northern Nigeria and spilled over into Cameroon and Niger. Ghana's president John Dramani Mahama and his Chadian counterpart Idriss Deby told reporters in Accra that the April 7-8 summit, for which the host country has yet to be chosen, was needed to sustain the regional offensive. trust 2:59:00 AM EAT Mali Touaregs: Bamako met fin aux discussions Le gouvernement malien a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il ne participerait pas à de nouvelles discussions avec les insurgés touaregs sur l'avenir du nord du Mali. Après plusieurs mois de négociations à Alger sous les auspices des Nations unies, Bamako a signé le 1er mars à Alger un accord préliminaire que les rebelles ont finalement rejeté en réclamant de nouvelles discussions. "Il n'est pas question que nous reprenions les discussions car cela n'aurait plus de fin", a dit le porte-parole du gouvernement malien, Choguel Kokala Maiga. Le Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) avait demandé mardi la reprise des pourparlers. lefigaro 12:14:00 AM EAT Mali Government Refuses Further Talks on North's Future Mali's government said on Wednesday it would not participate in further talks with rebels seeking autonomy for northern Mali, leaving the future of a U.N.-brokered peace process in question. A collapse in peace talks could leave the question of north Mali's political status open indefinitely, a factor that may be exploited by Islamist militants active in the region. Mediators have been working for months to facilitate talks between a group of Tuareg-led rebels from the north and the southern government in Bamako aimed at ending decades of northern uprisings. voanews 1:37:00 AM EAT Mopti sous la menace terroriste Il y a un an, le maire de Mopti, Oumar Bathily, était venu à Mortagne, accueilli par Joseph Aubert et Jacki Desouche, alors maire-adjoint. LA tension est montée d’un cran au Mali ces derniers jours et à Mortagne, les membres du jumelage avec Mopti suivent l’actualité au jour le jour. Inquiets pour leurs amis Maliens. Pour être inédite, l’attaque perpétuée vendredi 6 mars n’en était pas moins crainte depuis 2012, année où le nord du Mali était tombé sous la coupe de groupes djihadistes liés à Al-Qaïda. Menace invisible. Vendredi 6 mars donc, un attentat contre un restaurant de Bamako (capitale.... le-perche 18 Mar 2015 Nigeria Gunmen Kidnap Rector in Benue Unknown gunmen on Wednesday kidnapped the Rector of the College of Education, Katsina Ala in Benue State, Mr. Hans Senwua. According to a source, the gunmen came to the Rector’s residence at about 10p.m. after he had closed from work and was resting with his family, and took him to an unknown destination. The kidnap of the Rector caused a major protest from angry students of the college who thronged to the major streets in protest against the kidnap, burning vehicle tyres in the process. This made hoodlums in the area to take advantage of the students’ protest to shoot sporadically to cause.... thisdayonline 7:37:00 AM EAT UN seeks to endorse military action against Boko Haram The draft was circulated as the Nigerian military, bolstered by forces from the neighboring countries, has regained towns and cities held by Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria. Chad has circulated a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that would endorse military action by a five-nation African force against Nigeria’s extremist group Boko Haram. The draft was circulated as the Nigerian military, bolstered by forces from the neighboring countries, has regained towns and cities held by Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria. The militant group killed an estimated 10,000 people last year. khaleejtimes 6:22:00 AM EAT§ion=international Chibok parents task Jonathan on 2 LGs still held by B’Haram Members of the Chibok community, yesterday, sent a delegation to President Goodluck Jonathan to urge greater government efforts at re-taking the remaining areas of Borno State still held by Boko Haram, with the hope of rescuing their daughters who were abducted from the Government Girls Secondary School , GGSS, Chibok, last year. The delegation was led by Malam Dunamo Mpur Chibok, Chairman of the Parents-Teachers Association, PTA, of the Government Girls Secondary School, GGSS, Chibok. “We are concerned that the military said that they have not got information about our daughters in the areas they have recaptured. vanguardngr 4:37:00 AM EAT Muslims Condemn ISIS/Boko Haram, Declare Holy War Against The Extremists In The Name of Allah (The God), The Most Merciful, The Most Forgiver. Assalamualaykum (Peace be upon you) We the Muslims Against Terror organisation totally condemn the killings and attacks of the extremist Takfiri group IE the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS and “BOKO HARAM”) affiliates and partners to al-Qaeda terrorist organizations in the world. We totally condemn them and urge all Muslims to equally condemn these Takfiri groups and join the Holy war against them in any way they can and with any means at their disposal. This Extremists groups (ISIS/BOKO HARAM) are terrorist.... onlinenigeria 18 Mar 2015 Vers la fin de Boko Haram ou énième effet d'annonce de l'armée ? Le chef d’état-major des forces armées du Nigeria a annoncé, mardi, que les combattants de Boko Haram avaient été repoussés de la quasi-totalité du nord-est du pays. Serait-ce encore un nouvel effet d’annonce de l’armée ? Une fois de plus, l’armée nigériane annonce avoir pris le dessus sur les combattants de Boko Haram. Le chef d’état-major des forces armées a en effet annoncé à la presse, ce mardi 17 mars 2015, que les combattants de Boko Haram avaient été repoussés de la quasi-totalité du nord-est du pays. Alors qu’au début de l’année, le groupe armé tenait une vingtaine de districts.... afrik 18 Mar 2015 NORTH AFRICA Algeria Travaux de la réunion du comité ad-hoc sur la mise en place du mécanisme AFRIPOL Alger Les travaux de la 3ème réunion du comité ad- hoc sur la mise en place du mécanisme africain de coopération policière (AFRIPOL) ont débuté, mercredi à Alger, et seront consacrés à l'examen des statuts et des textes réglementaires relatifs à la création de ce mécanisme. Coprésidée par l'Algérie et l'Ouganda, la réunion de deux jours se penchera sur l'examen du projet de budget d'Afripol, actuellement pris en charge par l'Union africaine (UA). Dans une allocution prononcée à l'ouverture des travaux, le Directeur général de la Sûreté nationale, le général major Abdelghani Hamel, a salué les.... allafrica-fr 4:12:00 AM EAT L'Algérie condamne énergiquement L’Algérie a condamné « énergiquement » l’attaque terroriste perpétrée, hier, contre le musée du Bardo à Tunis et exprimé sa « solidarité absolue et inconditionnelle » avec ce pays voisin. L’Algérie « suit minute par minute et avec une profonde inquiétude les informations en provenance de Tunis sur l’attaque terroriste lâche qui a ciblé, hier après-midi, le musée du Bardo dans la capitale tunisienne dans lequel d’innocentes personnes ont été froidement assassinées », a précisé un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères. horizons-dz 18 Mar 2015,61781 Algeria “strongly” condemns terrorist attack on Bardo Museum Algeria has condemned “with force” Wednesday’s terrorist attack that targeted the Bardo Museum, expressing its “full and unconditional solidarity” with Tunisia. “Algeria, which strongly condemns this despicable criminal act after this desperate operation which, in no case, will never achieve the goal set by its authors and instigators and will never undermine Tunisia’s security and stability or discourage members of the unified Tunisian civil society,” said a press release from the Algerian Foreign Ministry. “Algeria, which has never failed to stand with Tunisia to help it.... ATAP-en 1:00:00 AM EAT Maine-et-Loire. Victime du terrorisme, elle brise le silence Les événements rapportés dans le témoignage se sont produits dans un village de la région de Sétif, à 300 km d’Alger. Victime des exactions du GIA à la fin des années 90, une musulmane souhaite réagir aux propos tenus par un ancien terroriste dans nos colonnes et plus largement, à la montée de l’intégrisme en France. De la colère, de la rage. Beaucoup de peine aussi. C’est ce qu’a ressenti une habitante d’Angers à la lecture de l'article paru dans nos colonnes le 26 février dernier. Lire aussi : Maine-et-Loire En résidence surveillée, un ancien terroriste témoigne Placé en résidence.... courrierdelouest 18 Mar 2015 Egypt Five civilians injured by three blasts in Egypt's Fayoum Five civilians were injured by three blasts in Fayoum city in Upper Egypt on Wednesday, AlAhram Arabic news website reported. All improvised bombs exploded in the same area near Ahmed Shawqy Street. Those injured were soon transported to the Fayoum general hospital. No deaths were reported. A health official in Fayoum also said that all injuries were not serious. Recently, local and foreign business interests, including mobile phone service providers, fast food chains and foreign banks have been targeted with small bombs reportedly by anti-government Islamist militants throughout the country including Cairo. ahram-EN 18 Mar 2015 Egyptian security forces charged over killing of Brotherhood member, protester An Egyptian policeman was charged on Wednesday with murdering a suspected Muslim Brotherhood member and two members of the security forces with concealing evidence in the death of a protester, judicial and security sources said. Judicial actions against members of the security forces are rare in Egypt, where the police have reasserted powers that eroded during and after the 2011 popular uprising that ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak. Critics say the police now act with impunity, an accusation the Interior Ministry denies. Judicial and security sources said a public prosecutor in.... thestar-my 18 Mar 2015 Entretiens des attachés militaires en Egypte avec le grand Imam La délégation des attachés militaires des pays arabes, africains,asiatiques, européens et américains accrédités en Egypte ont salué le rôle d'Al-Azhar dans la propagation du centrisme et de la modération. Les membres de la délégation ont affirmé, lors de l'entrevue avec le grand Imam, Ahmed El-Tayeb, la solidarité de leurs peuples avec l'Egypte dans sa lutte contre le terrorisme. Le cheikh Al-Tayeb a de son côté indiqué que les principes de l'Islam n'avaient rien à voir avec les actes terroristes et les agissements takfiris. Le Premier ministre Ibrahim Mahlab a lancé mardi le 17 mars 2015.... allafrica-fr 18 Mar 2015 Libya 12 Militiamen Dead in Libya Clashes with IS Jihadists At least 12 militiamen in Libya were killed Wednesday in clashes with jihadists of the Islamic State group near the central city of Sirte, sources said. The two sides have been engaged in sporadic fighting since Saturday around the city, home town of slain longtime strongman Moammar Gadhafi, whose regime was toppled in a 2011 NATO-backed revolt. "Twelve heroes of the Libyan army have been killed treacherously at Noufliyeh", a stronghold of the jihadists, who have controlled large areas around Sirte since February, said authorities in Tripoli. That was a reference to the Fajr Libya alliance,.... naharnet-en 12:27:00 AM EAT 12 morts dans des combats entre jihadistes de l'EI et miliciens Au moins douze miliciens antigouvernementaux ont été tués mercredi dans des affrontements avec des jihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI) près de Syrte dans le centre de la Libye, ont rapporté une source locale et les autorités basées à Tripoli. Des combats par intermittence opposaient depuis samedi des miliciens à ces jihadistes de la branche libyenne de l'EI près de Syrte, une ville côtière située à 450 km à l'est de Tripoli. Les douze miliciens antigouvernementaux ont été tués dans la localité de Noufliyeh, fief des jihadistes qui contrôlent depuis février de larges pans du territoire.... slateafrique 3:50:00 AM EAT In Libya, Clash With Islamic State Militants Kills 10 Troops A Libyan official says fighting between Islamic State militants and forces loyal to the government based in the country's capital, Tripoli, has killed 10 troops. Ismail al-Shukri, says Wednesday's clashes took place near the town of Nofaliya, close to the country's main oil terminal overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. It's the latest in a deadly campaign by IS extremists targeting Libya's lucrative oil facilities. The militants have already overrun several oil fields and control the city of Sirte, near Nofaliya. Al-Shukri says that along with the 10 killed, four troops were wounded in the fighting. ABCnews 18 Mar 2015 Army Ready for Libya Says New Chief of Staff Should the government opt for military intervention in Libya, the army is ready. Although, as General Danilo Errico points out, “diplomatic initiatives are under way, the situation is complex, an international consensus is being sought and any decision will depend on that consensus. But, I repeat, if the government gives us the green light, we are ready”. Sixty-one year-old Errico is Turinese by birth, a Bersagliere rifleman by training and an unrepentant biker (he keeps his hand in on a 1200 cc BMW). Since 27 February, his epaulettes have borne the four stars of the army’s chief of staff. corriere-en 18 Mar 2015 Kidnapped Ukrainian Doctors Released -- But Can't Leave Libyan Town A group of 15 Ukrainian doctors captured by Islamic State (IS) militants in a hospital in the Libyan city of Sirte on March 16 were released a day later, on March 17, according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. The 15 Ukrainians were part of a group of 20 foreigners who were captured when 30 gunmen where they work. According to CNN, the 20 workers were waiting for a bus to take them from Sirte to Tripoli, Libya's capital. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website that the 15 Ukrainian doctors had been leaving the city because of the deteriorating security situation. rferl 18 Mar 2015 Italy to do its part in Libya within UN: Italian FM Italy is ready to do its part in supporting decisions taken by the United Nations (UN) in Libya, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Wednesday after meeting UN Secretary- General here. Ban Ki-moon "Italy is ready to do everything possible to support decisions taken by the UN, after an agreement reached by the sides in Libya, to maintain results obtained on the ground," Gentiloni told a joint press conference at the foreign ministry in Rome. Gentiloni said his country was pushing "all sides and countries in the region to contribute to good results that are not taken for granted. xinhuanet_en 18 Mar 2015 Tunisia Carnage dans un musée à Tunis: 22 morts, dont 20 touristes parmi lesquels des Français Vingt touristes étrangers dont des Français et deux Tunisiens ont été tuées mercredi en plein Tunis dans une attaque d'hommes armés contre le musée du Bardo, la première à viser des étrangers depuis la révolution tunisienne de 2011. Cette "attaque terroriste", selon le ministère de l'Intérieur, touche le pays pionnier du Printemps arabe qui, contrairement aux autres Etats ayant vécu des mouvements de contestation en 2011, a jusqu'ici échappé au chaos et à la répression. "L'opération est terminée", a annoncé le porte-parole du ministère, Mohamed Ali Aroui, vers 15H00 GMT, soit environ quatre heures après le début de la crise. lamontagne 6:36:00 AM EAT Au moins 22 morts, 3 des assaillants toujours en fuite Les autorités tunisiennes ont affirmé que 20 touristes étrangers figuraient parmi les 22 tués lors de l'attaque d'un musée dans la capitale Tunis. Un policier et un civil tunisiens ont aussi été tués lors de l'attaque de mercredi au musée du Bardo par cinq hommes armés. Au moins 22 morts, 3 des assaillants toujours en fuite. Au moins 22 morts, 3 des assaillants toujours en fuite. Au moins 22 morts, 3 des assaillants toujours en fuite. Les forces de sécurité tunisiennes ont tué deux des assaillants, mettant fin à une impasse et libérant les otages détenus dans le musée. Trois des assaillants se sont enfuis et sont toujours recherchés. cctv-fr 6:16:00 AM EAT At least 22 killed in Tunisia's museum attack: official At least 22 people, including 20 foreign tourists, were killed when gunmen attacked a museum in Tunis, Tunisia's interior ministry said on Wednesday. Ministry spokesman Mohamed Ali Aroui said that the 22 victims included 20 South African, French, Polish and Italian tourists. Previously, Tunisia's Prime Minister Habib Essid said that at least 21 were killed in the attack, including 17 tourists. "Seventeen tourists, a civilian, two gunmen and a policeman were killed in the attack on Bardo Museum," Essid said in a televised speech following the attack. xinhuanet_en 1:19:00 AM EAT «Une guerre sans pitié» contre le terrorisme «Je veux que le peuple tunisien comprenne que nous sommes en guerre contre le terrorisme (...). Je veux que le peuple tunisien se rassure (...) ces traîtres seront anéantis», a également lancé le président, Béji Caïd Essebsi, dans une allocution télévisée mercredi soir. Plus tôt, il avait dit à l'AFP que les autorités faisaient tout pour éviter qu'un tel "désastre" ne se reproduise. L'attaque, qui a duré environ quatre heures, n'a pas été encore revendiquée. Deux assaillants ont été abattus et une opération des forces de sécurité était en cours pour rechercher d'éventuels complices, selon les autorités. lematin-CH 9:41:00 AM EAT Tunisia vows 'merciless war' on terror AS the international community denounced Wednesday's assault on the Bardo Museum in Tunis, which also left more than 40 people wounded, President Beij Caid Essebsi vowed Tunisia would fight "to our last breath". "I want the Tunisian people to understand that we are in a war against terrorism and that these savage minorities do not frighten us," said Essebsi, who visited some of the dozens being treated for wounds in a Tunis hospital. "We will fight them without mercy to our last breath." The gunmen, dressed in military uniforms, opened fire on the tourists - including visitors from Australia,.... news_com_au 7:41:00 AM EAT «Trop de jeunes chômeurs sont tentés par le djihadisme» Akram Belkaïd est choqué, mais pas surpris. Spécialiste du monde arabe et de ses enjeux économiques, établi à Paris, il craignait depuis longtemps une contagion djihadiste depuis la Libye. Un chaos dont l’Europe s’est lavé les mains, dit-il. Tout comme elle s’est abstenue de financer un Plan Marshall pour stabiliser la région. La Tunisie a certes fait des merveilles sur le plan politique, réussissant une transition délicate de la dictature vers la démocratie. Mais le Printemps arabe n’a pas permis d’améliorer les conditions de vie. Or, nombre de jeunes au chômage tombent dans les filets des.... 24heures 12:24:00 AM EAT Attentat en Tunisie : «la Libye voisine est devenue l'épicentre du terrorisme» L'attentat contre le Musée du Bardo à Tunis est l'attentat le plus meurtrier dans ce pays depuis plus de dix ans. Pour Jean-Charles Brisard, président du centre d'analyse du terrorisme, la Tunisie, qui partage sa frontière avec la Libye en proie au chaos, est devenue une cible de choix pour les djihadistes. LE FIGARO - Pourquoi avoir visé le Musée du Bardo, en plein centre de Tunis? Jean-Charles Brisard Le Musée du Bardo, haut lieu du tourisme tunisien, n'était pas forcément la première cible. Il semblerait que les terroristes visaient en premier lieu le Parlement, situé juste à côté, et où.... lefigaro 18 Mar 2015 Tunisia terror attack undercuts hopes of Arab Spring In October 2013, a Tunisian suicide bomber blew himself up outside a beach hotel in Sousse, killing only himself. Another was arrested in Monastir before he could blow up his device. The two had reportedly tried to travel to Syria but had been persuaded enroute by Jihadis in Libya to bring Jihad home. In 2013 two secular Tunisian politicians were assassinated by Islamist extremists. The United States said Ansar al Shariah was implicated in the attacks. In the last two years, Tunisian security forces have increasingly cracked down on Ansar al Shariah, but the movement still has a significant following. cnn 4:28:00 AM EAT INTERNATIONAL America US Pentagon confirms airstrike kills major planner of Westgate Mall attack A militant leader who allegedly helped mastermind the 2013 Westgate Mall attack in Kenya was killed last week in a U.S. airstrike, the Pentagon confirmed in a statement on Wednesday. The statement said that Adan Garar, believed by the U.S. military as a key operative responsible for coordinating Somalia-based militant group Al-Shabaab's external operations, was kill on March 12 in a drone strike. "The attack was a success and resulted in the death of Garar," said the statement, describing the deadly attack as "another significant blow to the AlShabaab terrorist organization in Somalia. xinhuanet_en 5:11:00 AM EAT Les Etats-Unis ont tué un shebab lié Les Etats-Unis ont tué par une attaque de drone le 12 mars en Somalie un responsable des islamistes shebab, Adan Garar, "lié à l'attaque du centre commercial Westgate" à Nairobi en 2013, a annoncé mercredi le Pentagone. Selon la déclaration du Pentagone, Adan Garar était membre des services de renseignement et de sécurité des shebab, affiliés au réseau Al-Qaïda. Il s'occupait de la "coordination des activités extérieures" du groupe extrémiste. Le 12 mars, sur la base de renseignements "opérationnels", "les forces américaines utilisant un drone ont frappé un véhicule transportant Adan Garar",.... slateafrique 3:50:00 AM EAT Asia Afghanistan Suicide car bomb kills 8, wounds 46 in S. Afghanistan At least eight people including the bomber were killed and 46 others sustained injuries as a suicide bomber blew up his explosive-laden vehicle in southern Helmand province on Wednesday, deputy to provincial governor told reporters. "Seven persons, all civilians, were killed and 46 people wounded as a terrorist exploded his explosive-borne truck near the provincial council building at 10:50 a.m. local time today," Mohammad Jan Rasoulyar told reporters. The bomber was also killed in the blast, the official added. Several houses and buildings were also destroyed or.... xinhuanet_en 18 Mar 2015 Afghanistan not to allow proxy war on its soil: president Afghanistan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani said Wednesday that his government won't allow proxy war on its soil. "We will not allow any country to conduct its proxy war in Afghanistan," President Ghani in his speech in the graduation ceremony of more than 500 officers at a military academy here. The Afghan government is committed to the ongoing peace process and would spare no efforts to achieve lasting peace in the country through political means, the president said. President Ghani, since assuming office last September, has been striving hard to bring the Taliban.... xinhuanet_en 18 Mar 2015 EN ATTENDANT LA PAIX, REPRISE DE LA “SAISON DE LA LUTTE” Il ne fait aucun doute qu’à l’instar des années passées, les activités des miliciens connaîtront un nouvel élan avec l’arrivée de la chaleur et la fonte des neiges dans de nombreuses régions du pays, a déclaré aux médias locaux Khan Mohammad Daneshjo, expert de l’Afghanistan, qui a fait observer que les récents enlèvements de voyageurs sur les routes pourraient marquer le début de la reprise des attaques des talibans, maintenant que les mois froids de l’année sont passés. Le printemps et l’été sont malheureusement connus depuis longtemps en Afghanistan comme les “saisons de lutte”. Selon M. misna-fr 18 Mar 2015 Pakistan FC Balochistan arrests six terrorists Frontier Corps Balochistan has arrested six terrorists during search operation carried out in different parts of Balochistan including the provincial capital Quetta. A spokesman for FC said on Wednesday that acting on a tip-off, FC teams launched search operation in Eastern Bypass area of the metropolis Quetta and arrested six terrorists. He said meanwhile, FC recovered weapons and explosives from Sakran area. “Following a tip-off, FC conducted raid in Sakran area and recovered weapons and explosives including 10 automatic weapons, rifles and three kg explosives,” he said. thenews-pk 7:15:00 AM EAT Palijo backs Karachi anti-terrorist operation, wants patrons exposed President Ayaz Lateef Palijo has appreciated the law-enforcing agencies personnel for launching raids on hideouts and arresting terrorists from Karachi and urged to expose the political forces patronising criminals. He said in a statement on Wednesday that it was time to keep Karachi clean from criminals. He said the law-enforcing agencies should arrest those involved in massacres of May 12, May 22, Nishter Park, Karsaz, Abbas Town and murderers of Abdullah Murad, Munawwar Suharwardi, Dr Pervez Mahmood and others, who became victims of such terrorism in the city. thenews-pk 7:15:00 AM EAT,-wants-patrons-exposed Security forces kill 10 more terrorists in Tirah, raising toll to 44 At least 34 militants were killed in an early morning strikes launched by Pakistan Air Force in Tirah valley, Khyber Agency on Tuesday. According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) branch of the Pakistan Army, strikes were launched against camps of proscribed Lashkar-e-Islam and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. Eight hideouts were completely destroyed while multiple militants were also injured in the strikes. Later, 10 more terrorist, all belonging to Lashkar-e-Islam, were killed in a ground offensive, security sources told Geo News. geo-tv 18 Mar 2015 34 djihadistes tués (armée) L'armée pakistanaise affirme aujourd'hui avoir tué 34 rebelles islamistes lors de nouvelles frappes aériennes dans les zones tribales du nord-ouest. Ce refuge taliban frontalier de l'Afghanistan et interdit aux journalistes étrangers est pilonné depuis plusieurs mois par les militaires. Les frappes se sont concentrées dans la vallée de Tyrah de la zone tribale de Khyber, en partie contrôlée par le Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, les talibans pakistanais (TTP) et leurs alliés locaux du Laskhar-e-Islam, un groupe islamiste armé mené par le commandant Mangal Bagh. lefigaro 18 Mar 2015 Counter terrorism operations must continue fearlessly: COAS Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif on Wednesday said that the army remains fully committed to cleanse Pakistan from all kinds of terrorism. Visiting the newly established National Counter Terrorism Training Centre at Pabbi Hills, the COAS said that counter terrorism operations must continue fearlessly. General Sharif while commending the first batch of mixed law-enforcement agencies (LEAs) trained by the army said that the army is doing its best to train all LEAs and build their capacity to chase terrorists out of their hideouts whether from urban or remote lands. geo-tv 18 Mar 2015 Iraq Iraqi Militias Destroy Civilians' Homes Following Operation Against ISIL Iraqi security forces and allied militias destroyed houses and other property of civilians following an operation to liberate a northern Iraqi town from Islamic State (ISIL) militants, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report issued Wednesday. Last September, Iraqi military forces, alongside pro-government militias, started a ground offensive to liberate the northern Iraqi city of Amerli from ISIL extremists. The report titled "After liberation came destruction," based on the watchdog's analysis of satellite imagery and field visits, found that pro-government forces destroyed.... rian-en 18 Mar 2015 Iraq Sunni Province Key to Taking Mosul From Islamic State Iraq's Sunni province of Anbar is key to launching the long-awaited operation to retake the city of Mosul from the Islamic State group, the country's defense minister said Wednesday. Khalid al-Obeidi's remarks reflected the challenges Iraqi forces, backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes, face as they try to claw back territory captured by IS militants. They also indicate the operation to take back Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, may come later than expected. At the moment, Iranian-backed Iraqi soldiers and allied Shiite militias are fighting to retake Islamic State-held city of Tikrit,.... ABCnews 18 Mar 2015 Three killed in rare south Iraq bombing near port Basra--A rare bombing in mainly Shia southern Iraq killed at least three people and wounded four others near Umm Qasr port on Wednesday, police and a hospital source said The bomb exploded at about 9:00 am (0600 GMT) in an area where trucks wait to enter the port near the city of Basra to pick up goods, hitting a vehicle belonging to a transport company South Iraq is usually spared the deadly violence that has plagued Iraq, especially since the Islamic State jihadist group spearheaded an offensive that overran large areas north and west of Baghdad last year Iraqi forces backed by a US-led.... thepeninsulaqatar 18 Mar 2015 Syria Syrian army takes control of strategic village north of Aleppo Syria's military took control of a village north of partly insurgent-held Aleppo on Wednesday, state media and a monitoring group said, giving it increased control of an area which armed groups have used as a supply route into the city. The army, backed by militia, took Handarat after 10 days of fierce fighting with al Qaeda's Syrian wing and other Islamist brigades, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which tracks the war using sources on the ground. The army closed in on Handarat and other areas north of Aleppo late last year in a bid to cut off supply lines. jpost 18 Mar 2015 Bachar mieux que l’Etat Islamique Ce qui paraissait jusqu’à très récemment impossible devient désormais acceptable de la part des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. En effet, la Maison Blanche accepte enfin de négocier avec és de Damas. les autorit Il vaut mieux tard que jamais diront certains. Surtout au regard des 215 000 morts enregistrés en 4 ans de guerre en Syrie, des dégâts matériels inestimables et des limites d’une rébellion fortement armée et soutenue par la coalition internationale. Entre Bachar El Assad et l’Etat islamique, il y’a un moindre mal qu’il faut choisir. Et c’est ce que les Etats Unis d’Amérique sont entrain de.... aminata 18 Mar 2015 Lebanon Support Lebanon to fight extremism: MP Helou MP Henry Helou said Wednesday that the international community would benefit from supporting Lebanon as extremism grows in the region. “The international community will likely be interested in supporting [Lebanon] and upholding it as an example of moderation and sectarian coexistence in a region where extremism and violence are taking root,” he said in Egypt. Helou, a candidate for Lebanon’s presidential candidate, congratulated Egypt on the final outcome of its Economic Development Conference which took place in Sharm el-Sheikh last week, and expressed his hope that the loans and.... dailystar-LB 1:22:00 AM EAT Assyrians struggle in Lebanon after fleeing IS Waiting in an aid line outside Lebanon’s capital Beirut, Assyrian Christian Francie Yaacoub remembers the well-stocked home she left behind in Syria as she fled advancing Islamic State group Jihadists. “We left behind a house full of everything. Why do we now have to stand at the church door?” she asked quietly as she waited to receive aid at the Assyrian diocese of Sid al-Boushriyeh. She is one of hundreds of Assyrian Christians who have arrived in Lebanon in recent weeks after IS Jihadists stormed their villages in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakeh. thenews-pk 7:15:00 AM EAT Saudi Arabia Saudi Forces Wrap up Major Exercises on Iraqi Border Saudi security forces on Wednesday ended a weeks-long exercise on the Iraqi border where three troopers died in a January attack blamed on "terrorists." Border Guards and other interior ministry units have been conducting daily training as part of the "first joint tactical" exercise north of Arar city, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The exercises began late last month. SPA said that one scenario involved repelling an attempt "to storm the border with vehicles." That exercise included 1,500 men from the Border Guards, the high-tech command and control center, customs department and other agencies, SPA said. naharnet-en 18 Mar 2015 Bangladesh Bangladesh court indicts 8 in killing of atheist blogger A court in Bangladesh’s capital today (March 18) indicted a leader of a hard-line Islamist group and seven students for hacking to death an atheist blogger two years ago. The Metropolitan Sessions court issued the indictments after accepting the police investigation into the killing of blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider in front of his house in Dhaka’s Mirpur area. The indictments mean a trial will begin for Mr Mufti Jasimuddin Rahmani, head of the Ansarullah Bangla Team, and six students at North South University who earlier confessed involvement in the killing. A seventh student said to have planned the attack is in hiding. todayonline 18 Mar 2015 Philippines Deadly Filipino anti-terror raid bittersweet for US forces American involvement in a recent Philippine assault that is believed to have killed a top Southeast Asian terror suspect but left scores of Filipino commandos dead is a bittersweet finale to a decade-long U.S. battle against terrorism in the country’s south. The U.S.-backed Philippine police commando raid on Jan. 25 reportedly killed long-wanted Malaysian militant Zulkifli Bin Hir in the marshy outskirts of Mamasapano town. A month later, the American military deactivated an anti-terror task force that oversaw what has been seen as a relatively successful 13-year.... washtimes 18 Mar 2015 Yémen Vols suspendus à l'aéroport d'Aden en raison de violences Le trafic aérien à l'aéroport international d'Aden, principale ville du sud du Yémen, a été suspendu jeudi en raison de violences dans les environs entre partisans et adversaires du président Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, a-t-on appris de source aéroportuaire. "Le trafic aérien à l'aéroport d'Aden a été suspendu et des vols ont été annulés", a déclaré cette source à l'AFP, alors que de violents accrochages opposaient des unités des forces spéciales, dirigées par un officier rebelle, et des membres de comités populaires, qui défendent le président Hadi. lyonne-republicaine 9:43:00 AM EAT Japan Japan confirms 3 nationals among 19 killed in Tunisia museum attack Japan has confirmed the deaths of three of its nationals in the attack on tourists in Tunisia. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters in Tokyo on Thursday that three other Japanese were injured. Nineteen people were killed by two militants who burst from a vehicle and began gunning down tourists getting off buses at a museum. The Tunisian prime minister said five of the dead were Japanese. A Japanese official quoted by Japanese broadcaster NHK said the government is aware of the reports of five deaths, but that after checking them, it found that some of the names were overlapping. japantoday 6:37:00 AM EAT Europe France Attaque terroriste à Tunis: deux Français parmi les tués au musée du Bardo L'Elysée a annoncé la mort de deux Français dans l'attaque qui a fait 19 morts au musée du Bardo à Tunis, ce mercredi. Sept Français sont par ailleurs blessés dont un reste dans un état grave, ajoute la présidence de la République dans son communiqué. C'est un assaut de la police qui a mis fin à l'attaque par des hommes armés contre le musée du Bardo de Tunis, a annoncé la télévision nationale Wataniya1, assurant que tous les visiteurs avaient été évacués. "Fin de l'opération sécuritaire aux abords de l'Assemblée des représentants du peuple, deux terroristes ont été tués et évacuation de tous.... lindependant 3:29:00 AM EAT,2005318.php#xtor=RSS-5 L'attaque de Tunis, "acte lamentable" condamné de Washington à Paris L'attaque sanglante perpétrée mercredi au musée du Bardo à Tunis a été vivement condamnée par Washington, Paris ou Bruxelles, qui ont réaffirmé leur soutien à l'essor de la démocratie "au pays du printemps arabe". - Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry a condamné dans un communiqué "avec la plus grande fermeté l'attaque terroriste meurtrière" de Tunis et a salué "la réponse rapide des autorités tunisiennes face à la violence gratuite", soulignant que "les Etats-Unis continuent de soutenir le gouvernement tunisien dans ses efforts pour faire avancer une Tunisie sûre, prospère et démocratique". lyonne-republicaine 9:43:00 AM EAT Une loi pour "renforcer" la lutte antiterroriste au risque d'écorner les libertés Le gouvernement français présente jeudi un projet de loi renforçant les moyens des services de renseignement face à la menace jihadiste, au risque d'écorner les libertés individuelles dans le pays encore sous le choc des attentats de janvier. Selon le texte, les services pourront ainsi infiltrer et surveiller les "terroristes" potentiels grâce à des autorisations administratives, sans l'aval préalable d’un juge. Anticipant des critiques sur les libertés publiques et la vie privée dans le pays des droits de l'Homme, les autorités assurent que tout sera "encadré" et que la surveillance concernera uniquement ce qui a trait au terrorisme. lyonne-republicaine 9:43:00 AM EAT Two months after attacks, France bolsters law on survei... Paris--France's government is due to propose a raft of measures on Thursday aimed at improving the surveillance of potential jihadists, two months after gunmen killed 17 people in Paris The draft legislation will allow French authorities to watch over people suspected of preparing "terrorist" acts without prior authorisation from a judge The proposal has already sparked outrage from those who see it as an attack on individual freedoms, in the country that sees itself as the cradle of human rights The office of Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who is presenting the draft law in cabinet on Thursday,.... thepeninsulaqatar 18 Mar 2015 France to step up fight against financing of ‘low-cost’ terrorism France to step up fight against financing of ‘low-cost’ terrorism. France will step up the monitoring of cash payments, withdrawals and small bank accounts in efforts to fight the financing of terrorism, Reuters quoted Finance Minister Michel Sapin as saying on Wednesday. It is necessary to “fight against the use of cash and anonymity in the French economy,” Sapin said, just over two months after Islamist gunmen killed 17 people in attacks in Paris. “It’s a terrorism that is low cost to carry out but has major impact,” Sapin said. “This low-cost terrorism feeds on fraud, money laundering and petty trafficking. rt 18 Mar 2015 Bosnie Herzégovine Massacre de Srebrenica : 8 arrestations La police serbe vient d'arrêter huit hommes soupçonnés d'avoir personnellement participé en 1995 en Bosnie au massacre de Srebrenica lors duquel des milliers d'hommes et d'enfants ont été assassinés. Tous arrêtés en Serbie, ils sont accusés par la justice serbe d'avoir exécuté plus de 1000 musulmans bosniaques dans un entrepôt situé en périphérie de la ville. Au total, plus de 8000 personnes, hommes et garçons, ont été tués dans ce massacre, qualifié de génocide par la justice internationale, après la chute de cette enclave musulmane aux mains des forces bosno-serbes en juillet 1995. lefigaro 18 Mar 2015 Sweden At least two dead after pub shooting in Sweden; police suspect attack 'not linked to terrorism' At least two people have been killed and eight others injured in a pub shooting in the western Swedish city of Goteborg, police say. Police said there was no indication that the assault in Sweden's second biggest city was terror-related. They said at least one gunman with an automatic weapon opened fire inside the Var Krog och Bar late on Wednesday. "There was a shooting in a pub," police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm said. "There have been several fatalities and a number of the injured have been brought to hospital." An eyewitness said two people entered the pub in the suburb of Biskopsgaarden with.... radioaustralia 9:42:00 AM EAT Plusieurs morts dans une attaque en Suède, la piste du crime organisée privilégiée Deux hommes ont attaqué un pub près de Göteborg, en Suède , à l'arme automatique. Dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, ils ont fait irruption dans l'établissement de Biskopsgaarden, et ont ouvert le feu. "Nous étions assis en train de regarder le match de foot quand les tireurs sont entrés", a relaté un témoin au quotidien suédois . Selon lui, il s'agissait de kalachnikov. Plusieurs personnes ont été tuées, mais la police locale n'a pas donné plus de précisions. Le quotidien GT indique que huit personnes ont été transportées à l'hôpital en ambulance. lexpress 9:45:00 AM EAT Ukraine More Civilians Killed in Cluster Munition Attacks Government and Russia-backed rebel forces repeatedly used cluster munitions in eastern Ukraine in January and February 2015, killing at least 13 civilians, including at least two children. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the weapon’s indiscriminate nature and may constitute a war crime. (Berlin) Government and Russia-backed rebel forces repeatedly used cluster munitions in eastern Ukraine in January and February 2015, killing at least 13 civilians, including at least two children, Human Rights Watch said today. HumanRightsWatch 7:39:00 AM EAT Oceania Australia Aussie killed in museum massacre named “I can’t rule out that there will be more dead or injured,” the minister said at a press conference broadcast live on television. An Italian Foreign Ministry official said another six Italians were injured in the attack and said the families of the victims had been notified. Some of the Italians at the museum were also passengers on a cruise liner, the Costa Fascinosa that had docked in Tunis while on a seven-day tour of the western Mediterranean. The cruise ship company has said 14 passengers have not yet returned to the ship following the attack. news_com_au 7:41:00 AM EAT International Organizations UN Condemns Tunisia Museum Attack The UN Security Council has condemned the Tunisia museum attack, saying no terrorist action can reverse the country's path toward democracy. Seventeen foreign tourists and two Tunisians were killed when gunmen stormed the Bardo museum inside the heavily guarded parliament compound in central Tunis on March 18. Security forces later killed two militants in an operation to free captives inside the museum. At least two militants reportedly escaped. Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi said in a televised speech that Tunisia is in a war against "terror." U.S. rferl 7:35:00 AM EAT Situation in CAR fragile but shows "encouraging signs", says Security Council The situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) is fragile but showing what UN Security Council members have called "encouraging signs". Council members recently visited the country during with the goal of assessing the situa tion on the ground. The French and Angolan ambassadors shared the Council's conclusions. Stephanie Coutrix reports. It was the first time the UN Security Council visited the Central African Republic, which has been mired in sectarian violence between Muslim and Christian militias for the past two years. Council members spent two days meeting with different groups,.... unmultimedia-en 18 Mar 2015 “Disclaimer: Any views or articles presented in this email are solely those of the media source and do not represent those of the African Union”.
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