April 2015 THE DAY OF PINK 2015!!!! 575 Cameron Street, Collingwood, Ontario L9J 2Y4 Telephone: (705)445-2902 Fax: (705)445-9811 CAMERON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL Principal: Sheri McHardy Vice Principal: Lisa Saunders Senior Administrative Support: Jan Plyley Website: cam.scdsb.on.ca Spring has finally sprung, and with that the promise of wonderful things and moments of new discoveries. Here at Cameron Street, we are lucky to see this each and every day in our classrooms as more and more students and staff share their mastery of Google documents or new strategies for solving that math problem that used to be so hard. Fantastic things are happening here, and the learning continues to grow and grow! This month, we take time to truly let our students’ talents shine as we celebrate with spirit days, watch students become business owners, honour our athletes with their team photos, hold talent show auditions, promote inclusiveness with Raise the Flag for Autism Day, and celebrate with other local schools in the Day of Pink that our Anti-Bully Team has created and will lead. It promises to be an inspired month for us all! -Ms. McHardy and Mrs. Saunders The day is almost here Cameron Street! Our AntiBully Team has been excitedly finalizing all the details for the event occurring on April 8th. Beginning at 9:30am with Opening Ceremonies, we are thrilled to have intermediate students from Mountain View, Nottawa Elementary, Admiral Collingwood and Connaught join us as we say no to bullying and promote student voice and selfconfidence! Taking part in a scavenger hunt and ending the event with a very special musical number on the main street, this day promises to be something Collingwood has not seen before! For more details, including information on the Art Projects all schools have created for the gardens on the main street, the storefronts turning pink to show their support, and a schedule of the day’s events, please visit our website at cam.scdsb.on.ca and click on ‘Students’ then on ‘Day of Pink’. Also, follow our lead up to, and the day of, by following our Twitter page @CameronStPS and the hashtag #cwoodpink. April 1 Grade 7/8 Business Fair today! Wacky Day! April 2 Raise the Flag for Autism APRIL 3 GOOD FRIDAY (no school) APRIL 6 EASTER MONDAY (no school) April 8 DAY OF PINK April 9 Grad Photos— Grade 8 and SK April 17 Sports Jersey Day April 21-24 Dairy Presentations April 22 Lights Out Canada April 24 Team Photo Day April 30 Family Movie Night BUSINESS FAIR IS COMING TO CAMERON STREET!!! On Wednesday April 1st, our Grade 7 & 8 students are holding their annual Business Fair. For only $0.25 a ticket, you can choose from wonderful food items like cupcakes and burgers, to games of chance and fun, to handmade products such as dolls and face painting fun! Please join us from 9:15am to 2:30pm that day and see what our students have for you!!! FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Our Builders Club are pleased to present Family Movie Night on Thursday April 30th. Showing the movie Big Hero 6, the event begins at 6:30pm and students are encouraged to wear their pjs! Students are to have a parent accompany them, and a free will donation will be accepted with proceeds going towards the Club’s project for Cameron Street’s 50th Anniversary in 2017! Hope to see you all there! DANCE A THON THANK YOU!!! A huge thank you to all the students, families and staff for their very generous support and spirit for our Dance A Thon last month! We were able to raise almost $6000. and reached our goal of one iPad per classroom!!! We could not have done this without all of you, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Also, thank you to our DJ—Shawn Chartrand—for providing his music services to make our day of dance we won’t forget!!! GRADUATION PHOTO DAY On Thursday April 9th, our Grade 8 and Senior Kindergarten students will be having their Graduation photos taken by Edge Imaging. Order forms have gone home with students, and families are reminded to return them by the due date noted. Any questions regarding Photo Day, please contact the school office. EDUCATION WEEK—CELEBRATING PUBLIC EDUCATION Education Week, May 4 to 8th, is a province-wide celebration of student achievement and excellence in education. It is an opportunity to recognize the work and accomplishments of Ontario’s publicly-funded schools. Many schools host special events during Education Week. Watch for notices and our school website to see how Cameron Street plans to celebrate!!! RAISE THE FLAG FOR AUTISM On Thursday April 2nd, Cameron Street students and staff will raise the flag for Autism. A day to increase awareness, we look forward to celebrating World Autism Awareness Day together! Parents are welcome to join us at 12:30pm for this special event! CHILDRENS MENTAL HEALTH WEEK Children’s Mental Health Week is May 3rd to 9th. One in five Ontario children and youth struggle with mental health concerns—that’s about 500,000 kids. Children’s Mental Health Week is about promoting positive mental health, increasing the awareness of signs related to children and youth struggling with mental health problems, decreasing stigma and understanding how to access community supports that are available to improve well-being. For more information, visit http://www.kidsmentalhealth.ca/. DATES TO NOTE… As we approach the last few months of our school year, there are some special dates to note now for your calendars… Talent Show Wednesday May 6th Grade 7 & 8 Ottawa Trip—May 11 to 15th Track and Field (Grade 4-8 students) Wednesday May 20th EQAO occurring May 24th to June 4th for our Grade 3 & 6 students PD Day Friday June 5th (no school for students) Carnival Thursday June 11th Graduation!!! — Kindergarten Monday June 22th and Grade 8 Tuesday June 23rd Last day of school is Thursday June 25th GET READY AS WE GENERATE SOME EXCITEMENT! The Simcoe County District School Board has partnered with AMP Solar Group and Potentia Solar to install solar panels on the rooftops of 41 schools across the County, generating over 4mW. Forty-one schools—including Cameron Street P.S.—were successful applications approved by the Ontario Power Authority as part of the Feed in Tariff (FIT) program, producing renewable energy to fee the provincial energy grid. As part of this partnership, students will be able to monitor the energy produced at their school and compare it to other schools in the County as well as other schools in Ontario. Students will have access to real data that can be used in the classroom. Also, students will have opportunities to engage in solar and renewable energy workshops and presentations at our school. The preparation for construction commenced last month, and will be fully operational by the end of July 2015. Revenue generated through this program will be used to enhance environmental learning opportunities for staff and students, and expand on energy conservation efforts in our building. For more information, please contact the SCDSB Environmental Systems Coordinator, Jessica Kukac, at 705-734-6363, ext. 11514. CIRCLE OF LEARNING PARENT ACADEMY—FREE WORKSHOPS TO BOOST YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development. Upcoming workshops include: April: Math 101—all parents can support their children in math May: Resilience—nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at www.scdsb.on.ca/circleoflearning. The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. HOMEWORK HELP FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 7 TO 10 Homework Help is a free online math help resource for students in Grades 7 to 10. Homework Help provides free, live one-on-one tutoring from Ontario teachers Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 to 9:30pm. The program is funded by the Ontario government and administered by TVO’s Independent Learning Centre. To log in, students will need to register with their Ontario Educational Number (OEN), found at the top of their report card near their name. For more information, visit https://homeworkhelp.ilc.org/. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ONTARIO COLLEGE OF TEACHERS The Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) is the regulatory body for Ontario’s teaching profession. The organization’s goal is to ensure everyone teaching in Ontario’s publicly-funded elementary and secondary schools is qualified and worthy of the trust placed in them by their colleagues, students and parents. The College licenses, governs and regulates Ontario’s teaching profession in the public interest. There are many tools and resources available at www.oct.ca, such as: Find a Teacher—learn about your children’s teachers’ qualifications Professionally Speaking—quarterly magazine that keeps members informed on issues that impact teachers and students in and out of the classroom The disciplinary process—the OCT investigates and resolves complaints about College members; hearings are open to the public and full decisions are available online Parents are also welcome to subscribe to The Standard, an enewsletter for parents: http://www.oct.ca/public/publicenewsletter. SOCIAL MEDIA SAFETY, CYBERBULLYING & DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP EVENT FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS On Thursday April 30th, all Simcoe County District School Board parents and students are invited to attend an evening event with Chris Vollum. Chris, a well-known speaker on the topic of social media, and who presented to our students and parents here at Cameron Street in September, will speak about the potential of online communication among youth and how to use it for positive and meaningful connections. His talk will help parents develop the skills to communicate with their children and minimize the risk of bullying, cyber-bullying and loss of reputation. He will highlight opportunities and platforms with which students may build a positive social presence and reputation. The event will take place from 7 to 8:30pm at Nantyr Shores Secondary School, 1146 Anna Maria Ave. in Innisfil. If parents and students are not able to attend in person, the presentation will also be livestreamed via the following link: https://plus.google.com/events/cs0u4bms6ofivnft85phtt7o88c. This event is brought to you by a Ministry of Education’s Parents Reaching Out Grant to support parent engagement. PRIMARY SWIMMING Please note that our Grade 3 students will be participating in the Swim to Survive program this month on the following Tuesdays: April 14th, April 21st and April 28th. Permission forms can be found in the school office and/or the school website (www.cam.scdsb.on.ca) under the ‘Forms’ section. Pizza/Sub Orders for May and June Order forms for our last orders of this school year will be coming home mid-April with students. Please watch for the order forms, and remember notices and the forms will also be posted on our school website under the ‘Forms’ section. LIBRARY NEWS CAMERON SPIRIT NEWS Who has spirit??? Cameron Street does, and this month, we are giving our students a lot of opportunities to show it!!! On Wednesday April 1st, we show our crazy and fun style as we celebrate Wacky Day! Hair...clothes...we cannot wait to see how our Comets shine! On Wednesday April 8th, we support our Day of Pink Intermediate event by turning Cameron Street pink! Wear your best pink clothing, and let’s show that we say no to bullying! Do you have talent? Of course you do, and it is time once again to try out for our Spring Cameron’s Got Talent Show happening on May 6th. Try outs begin on Thursday April 16th, and continue on Friday April 17th and Monday April 20th. Our last show was a huge success, and we encourage one and all to try out and share your gifts! Finally, on Friday April 17th, it is Sports Jersey Day! Time to find that special jersey or team shirt you love and wear it with pride! Remember, spirit points are always up for grabs on spirit days and are a great way to support your House Colour Team! A REMINDER ABOUT GETTING OUT THE DOOR ON TIME IN THE MORNING We continue to experience challenges with respect to late entries here at Cameron Street. It is imperative that students arrive on time, before the entry bell. Late entries to the classroom interrupt learning that is already in progress and is disruptive to the teacher as well as all the students that arrived on time. A school day consists of only 300 minutes of instructional time, and any time that is lost, can impede learning of routines, expectations and most importantly, work assignments. On April 14th, Mr. Potter’s Grade 4/5 class will be meeting Canadian author Terry Lynn Johnson virtually via Skype to discuss the writing of her new book ‘Ice Dogs.’ The CamiCon boys comic club is meeting weekly and look forward to sharing their comic book creations later in the Spring. Finally, remember to visit the library to see the many new titles that can be found on the shelves! Also the Book Fair returns in June to Cameron Street so watch the website and newsletter for the dates and times! RECOGNIZE A STAR AT OUR SCHOOL! Our employee recognition program, SCDSB STARS, provides the opportunity for members of the school community to nominate an outstanding teacher, custodian, educational assistant, early childhood educator, administrator, office staff, etc. who has done something wonderful to support students in our system. We have recognized over 100 SCDSB STARS so far, and our very own Madame Martin was recognized last month at our Spirit Assembly! Felicitations Madame!!! Nominees will be informed of the nomination and the staff person will receive a personalized thank you card and commemorative lapel pin from our Director of Education. It’s just one way to recognize shining stars in our education system who make a difference every day in our schools, facilities and classrooms. Nominate an outstanding staff person by visiting www.scdsb.on.ca and clicking on ‘Staff’ then ‘SCDSB Stars.’ It is our expectation that all students arrive, ready to learn, at or before our 8:55am entry bell. As always, if your child is going to be late or absent, please call Safe Arrival (705-445-2902) which is available 24/7 to let us know. DENTAL HEALTH This month, we focus on ‘Healthy Mouth, Healthy You’ with our Grade 3 and Kindergarten students. Christine Tjeerdsma, our Public Health Nurse with the Health Schools Program (SMDHU), will be leading workshops for our these classes on April 23rd and 29th, sharing key messages related to oral health. We look forward to hearing what she, and Alex the Alligator, have to say! Attached to this month’s newsletter is a Monthly Brushing Chart that we are asking students to complete and return by the end of the month. Let’s see how many of our Cameron Comets are doing the 2 for 2—brushing 2 times each day for 2 minutes each time! THE DAY OF PINK IS ONE WEEK AWAY!!! Our Anti-bully Dream Team have been very busy the last few weeks finalizing the activities and art projects for the Day of Pink that will be occurring on Wednesday April 8th in our beautiful downtown area! We are thrilled that the intermediate students from Admiral Collingwood, Connaught, Nottawa Elementary and Mountain View will be joining us in a special day of activities as we come together to say no to bullying, find our voice and promote self-confidence and acceptance. It promises to be an event that will create memories to last a lifetime! As we lead up to the big day, our Anti-Bully Team head to the Rotary Club of Collingwood on Tuesday March 31st to share their event plans with local community partners, Ms. Fedorco and two of the team members head to 97.7 on Thursday April 2nd to be on the radio at 8:50am, and the art projects that the local schools have been given and that were designed by Mr. Vancise’s Grade 11 art class from CCI are installed in the downtown gardens beginning April 2nd. Local businesses will also be turning pink to show their support the week of April 5-10th, and we encourage all to view them as some include facts from the Student Voice Project on bullying. Finally, you can get involved too by wearing pink that day, checking our school website (cam.scdsb.on.ca) for the latest updates and news, following us on Twitter @CameronStreetPS and/or following the hashtag #cwoodpink that day to see some of the events and students involved! CAMERON COMETS—don’t forget to wear pink on April 8th also to turn Cameron Street 100% pink!!! Let’s show we care and we STOP, WALK AND TALK!!! CHILD CARE OPTIONS IN ONTARIO The Ontario government recently launched an advertising campaign to raise public awareness about child care options in this province. The campaign’s objective is to support and empower parents, so they can choose child care that suits their family’s needs. It provides information about different types of care, and indicators of quality in child care settings. For more information and resources about child care options in our province, visit www.ontario.ca/childcare. For more information about child care in our schools, including before– and after-school care options, visit SCDSB’s public website at www.scdsb.on.ca and then click on ‘Schools’-’Before and After School Care.’ PACK A RAINBOW IN YOUR KID’S LUNCH! The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit would like to remind parents about the importance of a school lunch full of colourful veggies and fruit. Try some of these tasty kid-friendly ideas to ensure they will eat what you pack: Add grated carrot to egg or tuna salad Use a shake of cinnamon on cut fruit if it tends to turn brown—they will enjoy the new flavor to their favourite apple or banana pieces Pack veggies or fruit in small bite size pieces for easy eating Prepare veggies and fruit with different tools that change the shape and add interest to your child’s lunch. Use melon ballers, vegetable crinkle cutters or even an egg slicer to make some great shapes If your kid is a dipper, add a small container of yogurt or their favourite pudding for fruit dipping or cottage cheese or even hummus for veggie dipping For more information, you can call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-5720 and speak with a public health nurse or visit the health unit website at www.simcoemuskokahealth.org. CAMERON CLUBS Our After School Numeracy Club began last month for Grades 4-6 students, and is off to a wonderful start with Mr. Haydu and Ms. Nicholls. A reminder that this program for registered students runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm. Also we are pleased to be running the CamiCom Boys Comic Club every Tuesday and Thursday at 1st recess and the last 100 minutes of every Friday. A group that meets to create comics, they will be sharing these later in the Spring! Finally, don’t forget Art Club for Grades 4-8 students Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30pm and our newest club—the Clean Up Team— that has just begun at recesses to help keep Cameron Street’s outdoor yards clean for all! What a great time to get involved Comets! OUR CHARACTER TRAIT FOR APRIL IS… APRIL 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 5 EASTER 6 EASTER MONDAY After School After School Numeracy Club WaCkY dAY!!! Raise the Flag for Autism Pita Day 12 13 Sub Day School Council Meeting 7pm 19 14 After School Numeracy Club 20 Talent Show Tryouts 26 21 Dental Checkup Week 22 EARTH DAY (Lights Out Canada) Art Club Grade 3 Swimming 17 18 Talent Show Tryouts Grade 8 Swimming Sports Jersey Day! 23 Pizza Day Grade 3 Dental Visit 24 Grade 8 Swimming Team Photo Day After School Numeracy Club Pita Day 28 After School Numeracy Club 11 After School Numeracy Club Dairy Presentation Week After School Numeracy Club Art Club Grade 3 Swimming 27 Sub Day 10 Grade 8 Swimming 16 Pizza Day Talent Show Tryouts Art Club Grade 3 Swimming Sub Day 9 15 Pita Day 4 (no school) Pizza Day Grad Photos-Grade 8 and SK After School Numeracy Club Art Club 3 GOOD FRIDAY 8 Numeracy Club (no school) 2 Grade 7/8 Business Fair! 7 Saturday 29 30 Pita Day Family Movie Night! Kindergarten Dental Visit Pizza Day 25
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