VOCE DELLA FESTA “Voice of the Italian Festival” 2015 Official Festival NEWSLETTER - June 2015 Stark County Italian /American Festival Stark County Fairgrounds - Canton, Ohio July 9, 10, 11, 2015 29th Anniversary Festa Something For Everyone THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Last year the Italian Festival Board of Trustees adopted a new three day schedule for the Festival. Following a detailed review, the Board discovered that the new schedule of THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY was popular with Festa goers. Festival dates are set for Thursday, July 9, Friday, July 10 & Saturday, July 11. As always...each date promises to offer exciting and entertaining events. Festival admission remains the same at $5.00 per person. Children 3 Years & Under - FREE Admission. Dominic Bagnoli Pix on File from Last Year STARK COUNTY ITALIAN FESTIVAL DOMINIC J. BAGNOLI Sr. AWARDS BREAKFAST Last year the family of Festival Founder/Past President, DOMINIC J. BAGNOLI SR. came forward in a gesture of honoring the legacy of their father. The family offered to become a major contributor of our Awards Breakfast. We are honored to name the Awards Dominick J. Bagnoli Sr. Breakfast in his name. In life, Dominic J. Bagnoli Sr. was a determined & enthusiastic leader of our Festa. His legacy continues. We appreciate the gesture of the BAGNOLI Family. Our Awards Breakfast will be held on Friday of our Festa week-end. We will be returning to the beautiful PIAZZA Room at LA PIZZARIA Ristorante (3656 Dressler NW in Canton) As always, LA PIZZARIA sets a beautiful table/delicious breakfast menu. The Awards Breakfast will proudly introduce: Scholarship Recipients - Volunteer Service Awards - Recognition Award - Festival Dedication Recipient * Join our 29th Anniversary Dominic J. Bagnoli Sr. Awards Breakfast. * A Breakfast Ticket Order Form/Information is conveniently located in this Newsletter. * Please note: Happy to announce - NO INCREASE in our Breakfast price. * Mail your order form soon. * Don’t be closed out! Hint: We SOLD OUT last year. Dominic J. Bagnoli Sr. Awards Breakfast - Friday, July 10th - 9:00 AM WIN A CHANCE TO DRIVE HOME A NEW 2015 “FIAT 500 POP” AUTOMOBILE ITALIAN FESTIVAL RAFFLE $10.00 per Ticket (Maximum Tickets Sold 3500) (Festival Admittance of $5.00 is not waived with the purchase of this ticket) Drawing: Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM: Festival Main Stage (Winner need not be present - Winner Must be 18 Yrs.) To Purchase Raffle Tickets Contact A Festa Board Member OR email: [email protected] ** 2015 I T A L I A N F E S T I V A L D E D I C A T I O N ** Our Festival Board is charged with the honor of dedicating our Festival to individuals who they feel have distinguished themselves by giving time and service toward the betterment of our Stark County community. The list of past Festival Dedications is impressive. We proudly Dedicate the 2015 Festival to the honorable: * David & Steve DiPietro * The Dedication presentation, as with all Award presentations, will take place at the Awards Breakfast on Friday, July 10th. We invite you to join us in honoring David and Steve DiPietro. “PAPA BEAR’S” BOCCE ADDS A 4TH COURT It has been said that our Festa Bocce Courts are the “best in the area”. For this, we give credit to our Bocce Chairman, Tony DeSarro and his outstanding crew. Many hours are spent in manicuring, leveling and setting the courts for tournament play. The end result has been amazing! THE PAPA BEAR’S Bocce Tournament promises to be a big hit again! To accommodate even more teams, a 4th court was added last year. Our Bocce Committee promises that the Courts will be up & ready in prime condition for the first “PALLINO” to be tossed on opening day of the Festa - THURSDAY, JULY 9th. Our Bocce area becomes a hot-bed of excitement. Be a part of the excitement this year. Register your 4-person Team. Both Men & Women Tournaments will be scheduled. Team Playing slots are limited on a “First come, first served” basis! Call: TONY DESARRO (330) 323-0193 (or) MARK CAPUANO (330) 417-5843 ***REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 30TH *** Championships are up for grabs. Don’t be closed out! FESTIVAL A D M I S S I O N POLICY! Our Festival Admission Policy is a real Family Summer BARGAIN! ADMISSION TO FESTIVAL GROUNDS - $5.00 Per Person. * Children 3 Years & Under - FREE Admission * The Admission Price Includes: * FREE Parking * * FREE Amusement Rides ALL DAY * * FREE Entertainment * FESTA WEBSITE Our webmaster, Paul Talbott, has designed a user friendly Website. Use it to find Pictures, Schedules and updated Festival information. Do all of this with a simple “click” at…. www.CantonItalianFesta.org FESTA ATM MACHINE Festival-goers asked us to have an ATM placed on our Festival grounds…..DONE! We are pleased to announce that we have contracted to have an ATM Machine on the Grounds for Patrons attending the Festa. We appreciate the suggestion! 2015 FESTIVAL CRAFT SHOW Craft Show Chairladies (Dawn Huntsman & Michelle Armentano) have some GREAT surprises planned for Festival goers this year. Craft Dealers from past years will be joined by a wide array of new/exciting crafters. The Craft Hall offers a fun browsing/shopping area on Via Festa. Craft Show Hours: *Thursday, July 9th = 4 -10 PM *Friday, July 10th = 4 -10 PM *Saturday, July 11th = Noon 9 PM ENJOY FREE ENTERTAINMENT AT 2015 ITALIAN FESTIVAL Avanti - 4 pm Fri. Anima E Cuore - 6:30 Sat. Gene Fiocca - 8:30 Thurs. Good Fellos - 4:30 Fri. ITALIAN CAR SHOW The Ferrari Club of America has partnered with us to display a number of Ferraris and other Italian vehicles at our Festival on Saturday, July 11, 2015 Noon to 3 PM Don't miss this opportunity to see a collection of sleek, sporty and rare vehicles up close on our Festival grounds . WOW! Faiella’s - 1:30 Sat. PROGRAM BOOK & SOUVENIR BOOTH Festival Souvenir Program Books featuring Pictures, Schedules, Patron & Memorial Listings & other highlights make a wonderful “Keepsake” Souvenir of the Festival. * Complimentary Program Books are issued to all who attend the Dominic J. Bagnoli Sr. AWARDS BREAKFAST. The Books @ $1.00 are available at the Craft Hall Souvenir Booth and at Festa Headquarters. * VISIT OUR FESTIVAL CASINO * Our Festival Casino will again be located on the Main Midway of VIA FESTA (Robertsville Grange Bldg.) This location has added more excitement/visibility for our Casino. Stop by for games of Black Jack, Poker & other games of Chance. You may go home a Festa WINNER! One thing is certain, win or loose, you become a Festa benefactor as funds from our Casino & the entire Festa, go to Scholarships for High School Graduates. Casino Hours Thurs: 5:30 - 10:30 PM *Fri: 5:30 - 10:30 PM & *Sat. 2:00 - 10:00 PM 2015 HOF QUEEN A BIG Congratulations to Sofia Pileggi who was named the 2015 Football Hall Of Fame Queen. The daughter of Joe & Lucia Pileggi. Sofia was the Recipient of our 2010 Italian Festival Scholarship! Do we know how to pick them or what! * HANDICAPPED PARKING * We are happy to offer Handicapped Parking to patrons who need the service. Please note: Handicapped Patrons must enter the Wertz Ave (Main Gate). A HANDICAP sign must be displayed in your car window. Just another service offered by your…... CANTON/STARK COUNTY ITALIAN FESTIVAL. 29th A N N I V E R S A R Y P R O G R A M B O O K PATRON & MEMORIAL PAGE SPONSORS Our Annual Festival Program Book serves as a wonderful ITALIAN FESTIVAL SOUVENIR. Each year our Italian Festival publishes a very popular PROGRAM BOOK. Our 29th Anniversary Souvenir Book is sure to be especially popular as a keepsake. The Program Book features Festival Highlights, Pictures of Past Festivals, Entertainment Schedules, Past/Present Festival Award Recipients, Pictures of Scholarship Recipients and a host of interesting and informational materials. A definite highlight of the book each year has been the listing of people who wish to be named as Festival Patrons as well as a Memorial Page that Honors Deceased Friends, Relatives or Family Members. We invite you to list YOUR Name as a Festival Patron. We also invite you to honor the name of a Deceased Family/Friend in our Program Book. Simply complete the Regular Patron or Memorial Patron Form below and mail all materials to our Bob Meeker. Please note: All Patron Forms and Payments MUST reach Program Chairman - Bob Meeker - Postmarked by June 30th 2015 to meet his Print Deadline. * * YOU ARE INVITED * * Become a part of our 29th Anniversary Festival Program Book by adding a listing to our Patron or Memorial Pages. (Your Listing gives support to our Scholarship endeavors) Cost of each PATRON or MEMORIAL listing: $5.00 (Check made to ITALIAN FESTA) * Use these Convenient Order Forms for your selected Patron Listings * REGULAR PATRON FORM MEMORIAL NAME LISTING 2015 - 29th Anniversary ITALIAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL CANTON, OHIO 2015 - 29th Anniversary ITALIAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL CANTON, OHIO REGULAR Festival Patron *MEMORIAL Festival Patron Listing for Program Book (Please Print Clearly) 1.____________________________________ 2.____________________________________ 3.____________________________________ ($5.00 per Name/Line Listing) Make Checks Payable: Canton Italian Festa Purchased By:__________________________ Phone: _______________________________ MAIL TO: Italian Festa - Patrons C/O Bob Meeker 107 - 5th St NE Massillon, Ohio 44646 Listing for Program Book (Please Print Clearly) 1.____________________________________ 2.____________________________________ 3.____________________________________ ($5.00 per Name/Line Listing) Make Checks Payable: Canton Italian Festa Purchased By:__________________________ Phone: _______________________________ MAIL TO: Cut Out and Return with Payment Check by: June 30, 2015 (In Honor of A Deceased Family Member/Friend) (NL) Italian Festa - Patrons C/O Bob Meeker 107 - 5th St. NE Massillon, Ohio 44646 Cut Out and Return with Payment Check by: June 30, 2015 (NL) FREE AMUSEMENT RIDES Festival-goers of all ages will enjoy the rides, games & carnival foods of BATES AMUSEMENTS. One of the “premiere” ride companies in the United States, BATES Amusements prides itself with a reputation of maintaining a clean and safe operation. A wide array of amusement rides awaits thrill seekers of all ages. Hold on to your hats and enjoy the exciting rides at the Canton Italian Festival! All Amusement Rides Are FREE! All Day! Every Day! All Rides are Included with $5.00 Admission Price to Festa Grounds. *A Real Family BARGAIN at Your….STARK COUNTY ITALIAN FESTIVAL! THREE TRADITIONAL ITALIAN FESTIVAL FAVORITES The Frank Gallo Band I Campagnoli Lowellville Italian Concert/Marching Band 2015 FESTIVAL SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Forty-five requests for Scholarship Applications were received from Stark County High School Seniors. The Committee had the task of selecting the top recipients who would each receive a $2,000.00 Italian Festa Scholarship. To date the Festival Foundation has awarded a total of $210,000.00. The Scholarship recipients will be introduced and will be awarded their checks as part of the Dominic J. Bagnoli Awards Breakfast on Friday, July 10th in the PIAZZA ROOM of LA PIZZARIA RISTORANTE. Scholarship funds are made possible thru proceeds of our annual Italian Festival. Breakfast Order Forms are available in this newsletter. You are invited to join the Breakfast Festivities to applaud the following 2015 Recipients Rachel Maioriello Sandy Valley HS Nick Ginella Central Catholic HS Sarah Bowe Marlington HS Nick Storey Jackson HS Claudia Benincasa Jackson HS Our 29th Anniversary 2015 Scholarship Recipients Be Sure to Meet and Congratulate Them at the Awards Breakfast Join us for our 29th Anniversary STARK COUNTY ITALIAN FESTIVAL DOMINIC J. BAGNOLI SR AWARDS BREAKFAST FRIDAY, July 10th - 9:00 AM At LA PIZZARIA’S “New” PIAZZA BALLROOM * We will Dedicate our Festival to this years honorees: DAVE and STEVE DIPIETRO. * We will Salute ANDREW PILEGGI - Our Recognition Award Recipient. * We will Award Volunteer Service Awards to: * ASSUNTA FIERRO * LISA FRANK * COURTNEY STOREY * You will have the opportunity to Meet our 2015 Italian Festival Scholarship Recipients* * Claudia Benincasa * Rachel Maioriello * Nick Storey * Sarah Bowe * Nick Ginella Jackson Sandy Valley Jackson Marlington Central Catholic * During Breakfast we will salute Our Major Sponsors, Special Guests and Much More. “Louie” Mattachione (Voice of The Italian Festival) will serve as your Master of Ceremonies Our Annual Awards Breakfast has become a very popular event for our Italian Festival. Our Breakfast site: The PIAZZA BALLROOM will offer wonderful accommodations with close-in parking, airconditioning, comfortable seating and excellent viewing of the Program Events. Use the convenient Form below to order your Festival Breakfast Tickets. * Join us - It’s a Grand Experience - Our Italian Festival Breakfast * ITALIAN FESTIVAL DOMINIC J. BAGNOLI AWARDS BREAKFAST * TICKET ORDER FORM * Yes, I want to attend the Friday, July 10th - 9:00 AM - ITALIAN FESTA AWARDS BREAKFAST Please send me (no.)_______Tickets @ $15.00 (Please note: No increase in price from last year) RETURN THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT CHECK by June 30th **Please INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (So that we may mail your ordered Breakfast Tickets to you) Mail To: FESTA AWARDS BREAKFAST C/O Nancy Coletti - 5200 Gardendale Ave NE - Canton, Ohio 44714 Name (Please PRINT Clearly)________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City______________________ State____ Zip___________ Phone________________ Enclosed is my Check (Payable to: Canton Italian Festa) To the amount of $______For (no.)___Tickets. (Please note: Order Deadline - Postmark - June 30th ) (Don’t be CLOSED out!) 2015 FESTA EnTERTAinmEnT…. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE LAFLAVOUR Piazza Stage - Saturday 8:00 PM **FREE** LaFlavour has been pleasing area audiences for years. From 1973 to 1988, they toured the major cities across the country, having made many appearances at Harrah’s in Atlantic City. Currently the band has cut down on their travel by playing high profile engagements around the Akron/Canton - Cleveland area. The band is widely known by its trademark original song Mandolay which was a huge national and international hit, reaching number 7 on the Billboard Chart LIGHTS OUT Tribute to Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons Piazza Stage - Friday 9:00 PM **FREE** Lights Out is a four part vocal tribute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. This popular talented group has been entertaining audiences for years by focusing on the art of harmony and the pure sound of voices. Lights Out incorporates acapella, a Journey Through Musical Time (hits from the 50's thru the 90's), and, of course, the sounds of Frankie Valli into an exciting show that has audiences dancing, singing, & laughing throughout the show. With a lead singer whose voice is virtually identical to Frankie Valli himself, the group's infectious personality and fully choreographed show leaves audiences wanting more even after the curtain falls. THE POP TARTS Piazza Stage - Saturday 3:00 PM **FREE** Get ready to Twist, Jerk & Swim! Shine up your peace signs, slip on your go-go boots and head back to the 60's for some groovy retro entertainment featuring The PopTarts. In retro 60's fashion, movement and perfect harmony, The Pop Tarts perform a decade of top hit favorites from the best of the 60’s girl groups and female pop singers. Their retro look & sound are a blast from the past, sure to delight audiences of all ages! THE LEGENDS Roma Hall - Friday 7:30 PM **FREE** Spend an evening with the Legends and experience a musical getaway of all your favorite feel good oldies performed just right by these personable, talented and professional performers. SHOWTIME AT THE FESTA FRANK TRACE - LINE DANCE PARTY **FREE**: Frank Trace has made quite a name for himself in the world of line dancing. He has been teaching for over 19 years. He has choreographed many successful dances including Duck Soup, Happy Radio, Fun In The Sun, Love Letter Waltz and the international three time award winner, Mamma Maria. His local Line Dance Classes are very popular at several area School District Adult Ed Programs. Frank hosts monthly Line Dance Parties at the Richville Park Hall in Massillon and the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in N. Canton. His Dance Parties are open to the public attracting a large following of Line enthusiasts. Frank's Line Dance Party has become one of our most popular events at the Italian American Festival. It’s fun to dance….it’s fun to watch. For more information: www.franktrace.com Roma Stage - Saturday 6:30 PM CHANCE Piazza Stage - Friday 6:00 PM **FREE** Chance is a 9 piece band that gives interactive musical entertainment for audiences of all ages. Born over 25 years ago as a force on the live circuit of the Rock/Roll Capital, Cleveland. Fans in many venues of live entertainment, including intimate rock, jazz & dance clubs. Their repertoire has a unique sound of covering several decades of popular music, bringing the old with the new in a hip fashion. CHANCE members have lead vocal capabilities. Band members have known each other for years, going back to their high school days. The guys clown around while singing four part harmonies on songs like Games People Play by the Spinners, Little Bitty Pretty One and the timeless crowd pleaser, Hello Young Lovers by the Mills Brothers. MICHAEL SONATA - SINATRA IMPERSONATOR Roma Stage - Saturday 4:30 PM **FREE** Born/raised in Canton, Michael Sonata has always been active in the arts. He pursued acting in theatres in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee & Chicago. In 2004, Michael auditioned for a role in a local murder-mystery play called The Contraltos which led him to reinvestigate Sinatra's style of singing. Weeks of research & rehearsal enabled him to create a life-like recreation of "Old Blue Eyes" himself. Expanding his repertoire of Sinatra he worked up a one-man show. Michael's Tribute to Sinatra created very appreciative audiences. His repertoire of 90 songs continues to grow, keeping the show fresh and allowing him to often take requests from the audience. REX TANERI ORCHESTRA Piazza Stage - Thursday 4:00 PM **FREE** The Rex Taneri Orchestra was formed in 1977 and has played all over Northeast Ohio and Western Pa. for the past 34 years. They entertain with a wide variety of music including Big Band, Swing, Ballroom, Old Standards, and classic Rock and roll. They also play Polkas and Waltzes along with your favorite Italian Music. 2015 FESTA ENTERTAINERS (All Entertainment - FREE with Festival Admission) GLI ITALIANI BAND Italian Pavilion - Saturday 6:30 PM **FREE** Gli Italiani is a group of young energetic Italian guys doing what they do best, playing music together. They play a wide variety of music including old Italian folk songs, newer Italian hits, popular American music and more. They will surely have a crowd dancing and having fun all night long. The band members are a close group of longtime friends including Andrew Pileggi on Accordion, Keyboards, and Lead Vocals, Collin Mikeska on Bass and Vocals, Matt Strobelt on Guitar and Vocals, and David Wilson on Drums and Vocals. Don’t miss them. They have become a Festival Favorite! JEFF POULOS BLUES REVUE Roma Stage - Thursday 8:30 PM **FREE** For more than forty years this veteran blues guitarist has played throughout northeast Ohio, entertaining audiences with his blues and soulinspired voice and guitar playing, which have sometimes been compared to the late B.B. King. Jeff has opened for artists such as Robert Cray, Albert Collins, the Fabulous Thunderbirds, the Nitehawks, and Southside Johnny, just to name a few. His band, the Jeff Poulos Blues Revue – (Scott Grewell, Jim Patterson & Eugene Opryszko) local veterans as well, provide Jeff with a steady groove and vocal harmonies. Jeff and his band play not only old school blues, but a variety of blues-influenced classic rock and Motown. CAVALIERI REALE Italian Pavilion - Friday 8:00 PM **FREE** The Cavalieri Reale Band has been together for nearly 35 years and has become one of Cleveland's foremost Italian-American bands. The group consists of Paul Mucciarone and his three nephews, Donato Cristillo, Mike Zappitelli & Al Zappitelli. The band recorded 5 albums of Italian music and their fans anxiously await the release of a new album. The sound that this family-oriented band creates instills traditional Italian folklore along with today's contemporary hits. Whether it is an Italian Folk song, a Neapolitan love song, or today's contemporary hits, the Cavalieri Real Band will surely have you up singing and dancing with style. Come take a musical journey through Italy as they promise to make you proud to be an Italian. DOMINIC TOCCO & BROTHERHOOD Piazza Stage - Thursday 8:30 PM **FREE** Dominic Tocco has performed throughout the U.S. and Canada for many years and continues to remain on top by using the very best musicians. He has been voted Reader’s Choice "Entertainer of the Year" many times. The group performs a variety of over 400 selections, including many Italian favorites, Sinatra classics, beautiful love songs, memorable oldies and the latest in top-40 dance music. First class entertainers. Enjoy the fun! THURSDAY July 9, 2015 FRIDAY July 10, 2015 SATURDAY July 11, 2015 4:00 PM - 11:30 PM 4:00 PM - 11:30 PM 12:00 NOON - 11:30 PM 4:30 Frank Gallo Show Band 4:30 Goodfellows Show Band 8:00 Gene Fiocca 8:00 Cavalieri Reale 1:00 Lowellville Italian Marching / Concert Band 3:30 I Campagnoli 6:30 Italian Dance Party with Gli Italiani & Anima E Cuore Bands 8:30 Jeff Polus Blues Review 7:30 The Legends On The Midway 4:00 Rex Taneri 8:30 Dominic Tocco & Brotherhood On The Midway 4:00 Avanti 6:00 Chance 9:00 "Lights Out " Tribute To 1:30 Jim Frank Trio 4:30 Michael Sonata 6:30 Frank Trace & Ohio's Largest Line Dance Party On The Midway 1:30 The Fiallas 3:00 The Pop Tarts 8:00 La Flavour Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons These dates and times reflect our current entertainment schedule. Some changes may occur ITALIAN FOOD & PASTRIES - FESTIVAL CLOTHING BOOTH - FESTIVAL CASINO REFRESHMENTS - "SPECIAL WINES BOOTHS" - BOCCE TOURNAMENTS AMUSEMENT RIDES - JEWELERY & CLOTHING BOOTHS EXOTIC ITALIAN CAR SHOW - DINING & DANCING AREAS SOUVENIR BOOKLETS available at Souvenir Booth - Festival Headquarters - Volunteer Headquarters For a list of area hotels log on to: AREA HOTELS & MOTELS Patron and Memorial listings for the Festival www.hotelsstarkcountyohio.com Program Book are available at $5.00 per listing. (Deadline JUNE 9). Use order form in this newsletter WELCOME On behalf of all the officers and hundreds of volunteer workers of our Festival, we wish to welcome each of you to our 29th Annual OFFICIAL CLOTHING BOOTH Italian American Festival " BENVENUTO " BUS GROUPS FREE BUS PARKING:For all Pre Registered Bus Groups. If NOT pre registered, a $25 Parking Fee will be charged. To register call: Susie Leon (330) 477-9781 FOOD & REFRESHMENTS A wide selection of all types of food and refreshments will be available: ABSOLUTELY NO COOLERS, FOOD OR PROGRAM PATRONS Items with Offical Festival Logo can be purchased at this booth located in the Craft Hall on Via Festa. "SPECIAL WINES" BOOTH If you enjoy fine wines visit our "Special Wine Booths - open Thur - Fri - Sat BEVERAGES WILL BE PERMITTED TO BE BROUGHT INTO FESTIVAL GROUNDS FESTIVAL HOURS & ADMISSION Thur. 4:00 PM - 11:30 PM Fri. 4:00 PM - 11:30 PM Sat. 12:00 Noon - 11:30 PM ADMISSION $5.00 / Person Includes Parking - All Rides & Entertainment Children 3 and under - Free HANDICAPPED PARKING INSTANT BINGO Available on Via Festa, the Midway in the and in the Casino SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS CASINO located on Via Festa Thur 5:30 - 10:30 PM Fri 5:30 - 10:30 PM Sat 2:00 - 10:00 PM BATES AMUSEMENT RIDES FREE with paid admission At Wertz Ave (Main Gate) with OFFICAL PERMIT ONLY CRAFT SHOW INFORMATION Call: Dawn Huntsman (330) 837 3254 Michelle Armentano (330) 837 9772 APPEARING ON FESTIVAL GROUNDS Festival Calliope VOLUNTEER WORKERS $10.00 per day (parking only) $12.00 per day (parking plus electrical and water hook-up) - limited availability Call: Margaret Storey (330) 936 3057 To be a volunteer worker contact Debbie D'Orazio 330 316 8835 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.CantonItalianFesta.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Margaret Storey Vice President Debbie D'Orazio Treasurer Matt Carona Rec. Secretary Paul Talbott Corr. Secretary Susie Leon Past President Gary Petersen TRUSTEES Ron Leon Andrew Pileggi Dia Geis Louie Mattachione Lucia Pileggi Frank Trace CLARK HAYMAN OVERNIGHT R/V PARKING VENDOR BOOTH RENTAL Call: Margaret Storey (330) 936 3057 MARGARET STOREY President - Festival Chairman Join Us For Next Year's 30th Annual Festival June 23 - 24 - 25 , 2016 FESTIVAL CHAIRMEN & CO-CHAIRMEN Michelle Armentano * Matt Carona Sam Coletti * Nancy Coletti * Francesca Cumo * Tony De Sarro * Fred D'Orazio Sam Ferruccio * Nick Fierro * Dia Geis Dawn Huntsman * Ron Leon * Sue Leon Louie Mattachione * Bob Meeker * Matt Palumbo * Gary Petersen * Andrew Pileggi * Lucia Pileggi * Dr. Mike Shreffler * Margaret Storey * Duane Storey * Nick Storey * John Talbott Paul Talbott * Frank Trace JULY 9, 10, 11, 2015 STARK COUNTY ITALIAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL FOUNDATION, INC PO BOX 9345 CANTON, OH. 44711-9345 FESTIVAL INFORMATION LINE (330) 45 FESTA (330) 453 3782 Will be active June 12 thru July 12 all other times call (330) 494-0886 SPONSORS NEWSLETTER ROMA HALL SPONSOR If you wish to receive our yearly MAY NEWSLETTER, Fred Olivieri Construction FESTIVAL BOCCE To Register Call: Tony De Sarro (330) 323-0193 or Mark Capuano (330) 417-5843 Complete & Mail this Form to the address shown below. (Please Print) Do not mail if you are already receiving our Newsletter. Name ITALIAN PAVILION SPONSOR Address 2014 MEN’S BOCCE WINNERS Joe Davide Fausto Gioiello John Gianfagna Craig Wagner City State Zip 2014 WOMEN'S BOCCE WINNERS Mandie Contini Karen Monteleone Suzie Swartzmiller Sara Wicker Cicchini Enterprises - McDonald's AWARDS BREAKFAST SPONSOR Dominic J Bagnoli Sr. Memorial THE ITALIAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL FOUNDATION IS A NON PROFIT CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION CONTRIBUTORS Mail to: Italian American Festival Newsletter PO Box 935 Canton, OH 44711 CO-EDITORS Sam Coletti “Louie” Mattachione
© Copyright 2025