Dominica Your guide to Economic Citizenship 2015 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA THE CommonwEaLTH of DominiCa D ominica, ocially known as the Commonwealth of Dominica, is situated along the East Caribbean archipelago between Guadeloupe to the north and martinique to the south. The largest of the windward islands, Dominica is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea on its west coast and the atlantic ocean on the east. The island is 290 square miles (466km) 47 km (29 mi) long and 16 miles wide (25kms) and has a volcanic, mountainous landscape covered in lush, tropical rainforest. It is often referred to as the Nature Island of the Caribbean, with its 365 rivers (one for each day of the year) and numerous impressive waterfalls. In recent years, the country has become something of an eco destination for nature lovers and one of its rainforests is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dominica’s population, recorded as 71,293 in the 2011 census, is a mix of African, Carib, English and French all fully reflected in the island’s rich architecture, music and culture. The Government is a parliamentary democracy with a President as Head of State. The executive power is with the Cabinet led by Prime Minister, the Honourable Mr. Roosevelt Skeritt, Labour Party (2nd term in oce). Useful information: Capital: Roseau (on the leeward side of the island) Population: 71,293 (20 11 census) Language: English an d French Patois (or Creole) Religion: Christian (Ro man Catholic) Currency: East Caribbe an Dollar (pegged to the US Do llar XCD$2.7 = US $1.0 0) Head of State: Presiden t Head of Government: Prime Minister: Roosevelt Skeritt Dominica is a member of the United Nations, The Commonwealth of Nations, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Your Guide to Economic Citizenship 2 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA THE LEGaL BaSiS foR CiTiZEnSHiP of DominiCa DOMINICA CONSTITUTION CHAPTER VII SECTION 101 Dominica Citizenship can be granted through Naturalization if a person who has not been continually resident in Dominica for more than 5 years applies for Naturalization and pays the I prescribed fees. n 1993, the Government of Dominica amended the country’s Constitutional act and introduced the Dominica Economic Citizenship programme when it waived the 5 year residency requirement to allow investors to apply for citizenship by making a stipulated investment. The Dominica Government considers its citizenship programme to be one of its main sources of funds for the socio-economic development of Dominica. The Government directs capital from economic citizenship investments towards public and private sector projects, with an emphasis on tourism and agriculture in the private sector, and the building of schools and hospital why Dominica Citizenship? 4 The Dominica Citizenship programme enables applicants to have a second citizenship and passport with no requirement for residency. 4 Dominica Citizens may hold dual-nationality. The Dominica Government will not disclose details of its Citizens to another country so there is no need to surrender current citizenship unless there is a desire to. 4 Following the proper procedures, applications for citizenship can be processed swiftly and it is possible to be in possession of a passport within 3-4 months of applying. 4 Citizenship is permanent. Adults are granted a Dominica Passport for 10 years, Children 5 years. We can assist with all renewals. 4 Dominica has a generous tax regime with no personal income, capital gains, inheritance, wealth or gift taxes. Foreign income is only taxed if residency in Dominica is more than 180 days a year. 4 Citizens of Dominica do not require a visa to travel to the United Kingdom and proposals for visa free travel to Europe/Schengen states is now in the final stages and we expect it to take eect shortly. renovation in the public sector. Your Guide to Economic Citizenship 4 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA CiTiZEnSHiP aPPLiCaTion - THE PRoCESS Step 1: Document Preparation You will prepare the required paperwork and Government application forms as shown on the checklist at the following link. – We will link to our checklist page and application forms. We will guide you through the citizenship application process STEP BY STEP and assist you with templates for many of the necessary supporting documents. Step 2: Due Diligence The next stage of the process when applying for citizenship of Dominica is Due Diligence. Due Diligence is undertaken by independent agencies, based in the United States and approved by the Dominica Government. When we submit your application documents to the Government your due diligence fees are payable in full. The fees for due diligence are the same whether you choose donation or the real estate option. Due diligence Fees are as follows: Main Applicant $7,500 Spouse $4,000 Each child over 16 years $4,000 We will liaise on your behalf with the Citizenship by Investment Unit and keep you informed of progress and let you know if any supplementary documents are required. Once the process of due diligence is completed, the background report is sent directly to the Dominica Government for review by the committee. progress to the Citizenship Committee who will consider your application based upon the documents submitted and findings in the due diligence report. We will receive written confirmation and forward a copy of the letter to you to advise if you have been successful in your application or if they require any additional information Step 4: Payment Once your citizenship application is approved you will receive written confirmation requesting you to pay the Government Investment fee. The payment will be made directly to the Government of Dominica. For information on the fees please see the following link: Step 5: naturalization of Dominica After your investment has arrived with the Dominican bank, each family member will become a naturalized citizen of Dominica and will receive a naturalisation certificate. Step 6: obtaining Dominica Passports Upon receipt of your Naturalization Certificate signed by the Labour and Immigration Minister of Dominica, your Dominica passport application will be submitted and your Dominica passport will be issued within 7 - 10 working days. We will scan and email you a copy of your Dominica passport before delivering it with a courier. Step 3: Citizenship Committee approval There is currently no mandatory interview requirement and no requirement to visit or reside in Dominica to obtain economic citizenship. After a successful due diligence report , your file will Your Guide to Economic Citizenship 6 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA DominiCa GovERnmEnT invESTmEnT fEES Dominican Citizenship may be obtained via 2 Options: Option 1. By either a donation to the fund which is a non- refundable investment. Option 2. Through a real estate purchase into a Government approved property. Option 1. GOVERNMENT FUND OPTION • • • • USD 100,000 Single Applicant USD 175,000 Applicant and Spouse USD 200,000 Family option (includes two children below 18 years) Any additional dependents cost USD 50,000 The fees are not payable until you have passed the due diligence process. You pay the Government of Dominica citizenship account directly, after you receive approval in writing of citizenship. Option 2. REAL ESTATE OPTION In addition to the property purchase, which must be for a minimum of USD 200,000 into a Government approved real estate project, the following Government Fees are applicable. • USD 50,000 for the Main Applicant • USD 20,000 for each dependent of the main applicant under the age of 18 years. • • USD 25,000 for the Spouse USD 50,000 for each dependent of the main applicant aged 18-25 years. DUE DILIGENCE FEES The due diligence fees are applicable for either the real estate or Government Fund Option and are as follows: • • • USD 7,500- Main Applicant USD 4,000 - Spouse USD 4000 - Dependents aged 16 years and over Your Guide to Economic Citizenship 8 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA DoCUmEnTS REQUiRED foR a DominiCa CiTiZEnSHiP aPPLiCaTion 4 One complete and notarized copy of Application Forms D1, D2, D3 and D4 for all applicants, children included. 4 Two Notarised copies of Application form 12 required on each applicant, children included. 4 Letter of Employment, or if self-employed, corporate documents and your latest Audited Financial Statement. 4 Two Notarised copies of the Birth Certificate for each applicant. 4 Proof of residential address for the Main Applicant. 4 Certified Copy of Military Record if applicable. 4 Bank statements for the last 12 months. 4 Original signed reference letter from your bank, required of the main applicant. It must show you have held an account for a minimum of two years. 4 Two original personal references, required on all applicants over 18. They must be from dierent people and have known the applicant for five years. A paragraph must be included on the person writing the reference. 4 Notarized Marriage certificate/and notarized dissolution of marriage (if applicable). 4 Certified copy of Passport, driving license, residency permits and national identity cards if applicable. 4 Letter of application addressed to the Minister requesting citizenship 4 Resume or detailed background report for all working applicants. 4 Eight passport size photos. Photos must be on a white background with ears showing. 4 Notarized copies of university/college diplomas, if applicable. 4 An original letter of recommendation from the Principal/Dean of the school or university for children aged between 12- 18 years. all original documents that are not in the English language must be legally translated and notarised. we require the original and the translated copies. 4 Police record from your country of birth, and from your country of residence if dierent for all applicants over 16. Children aged 12 -15 must have a sworn adavit that they do not have a criminal record. Your Guide to Economic Citizenship 10 Dominica Visa Free List Dominica is in the final stages of approval for travel to Europe/Schengen states and this is expected to be finalised later in 2015. Visa Free Travel to the following Countries: Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belarus Belize Bhutan British Virgin Islands Brunei Burundi Cape Verde Islands Cayman Islands Columbia Comoros Cook Islands Costa Rica Dominican Republic East Timor El Salvador Egypt Fiji Gibraltar Grenada & The Grenadines Guyana Haiti Hong Kong Jamaica Jordon Korea (South) Laos Leeward Islands Lesotho Liechtenstein Your Guide to Economic Citizenship Maldives Marshall Islands Mauritius Mauritania Montserrat Namibia Netherland Antilles Northern Mariana Islands Panama Peru Philippines Samoa (Western) Sao Tome and Principe St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines Seychelles Singapore Solomon Islands Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Turkey Turks & Caicos Tuvalu United Kingdom Vanuatu Venezuela Zambia Zimbabwe 12 THE COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA wHY CHooSE CaRiBBEan CiTiZEnSHiP? C aribbean Citizenship is recognized as the leader in obtaining fast-track citizenship programmes, with no requirement for residency, in Dominica, St Kitts and nevis and antigua in just 3 to 4 months. With oces in each jurisdiction, our local lawyers and professional oshore consultants are on hand to advise you on the best programme for you to obtain an irrevocable second passport. Firstly, we will liaise with you to ensure your application forms are completed accurately to ensure a successful application and secondly, with the Due Diligence Agency and Government on a daily basis, to expedite your application. With over 12 years’ experience of successfully guiding families through what can often be a complicated process, our past clients are more than happy to be contacted by you to oer reassurance on the whole process. We understand that there are often substantial time zone dierences, particularly with the Middle East and Asia but we will always be on hand on your time to give you current updates. 13 Whether you are considering a second citizenship due to your current nationality being restrictive with issuing visas, personal security or opening opportunities for your children, acquiring a second citizenship is a wise decision and an investment for the future: Your citizenship of choice is for life, your spouse and children can be included and dual nationality is recognised. It is also an incredibly eective tool for tax planning and oering more privacy in banking and investments. The jurisdictions we oer have generous tax regimes - no Wealth, Gift, Inheritance, Foreign Income or Capital Gains Tax and No Personal Income tax. Once you have received your second citizenship we are here to help and support you should you require assistance in opening bank accounts, driving licences and other services in the jurisdictions. Your Guide to Economic Citizenship St.Kitts & Nevis: +1 869 663 4588 Dominica: +1 767 275 3295 UAE: +971 509 776 474 PO Box 874 Roseau Commonwealth of Dominica [email protected]
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