Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224 We are thrilled that you are interested in being a part of Boot Camp, Student Leadership. We believe Boot Camp will help you become the leader God wants you to be, and has the potential to change your life! If you are interested in the challenge, please complete the following application and return to Sheryl W. INFORMATION: WHAT IS BOOT CAMP? BOOT CAMP IS COMMITTED TO THE FOLLOWING: Building a community of students who desire to grow deeper through biblical leadership skills. Developing servant-leaders with an “others first” and “quiet leadership” mentality. Helping students develop their influence in the world in which they live and in the people they come in contact with. Leadership is influence and we want to see students bring impact and influence everywhere they go. HOW WILL BOOT CAMP DEVELOP SERVANT-LEADERS? BOOT CAMP is committed to creating an atmosphere that offers challenging and fun opportunities for students to explore leadership within our church. We are excited to incorporate the following in our development of servant-leaders: 1. Developing their ability to make decisions and keep commitments. 2. Building confidence and self-esteem sufficient to enable them to face a society that focuses on “tearing” them down. 3. Teaching them they all have special God-given gifts that the Lord will use to build His kingdom. 4. Providing opportunities for critical thinking and leadership reflection. 5. Engaging atmosphere. WILL THIS INVOLVE A HUGE TIME COMMITMENT? We know you are already stretched in many different directions. Sports, school, friends, family, church, and the community all take your time and attention. We totally recognize this! That is why we have done all we can to make the time commitment minimal for BOOT CAMP. Here is what we ask of you: Attend no less than 75 % of classes Active participation in program Exercise and continue to develop personal leadership skills Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224 HOW TO GET INVOLVED IN BOOT CAMP: Step 1 – Pick up an info packet (great job, you’ve done Step 1!) Step 2 – Fill out the application in it’s entirety and follow directions. Don’t leave any blanks! Step 3 – Turn in your application & permission form filled out in FULL to Sheryl W. (Please answer all questions on the application with thought and in a legible manner. ***STUDENTS & PARENTS, PLEASE PRAY AND CONSIDER STRONGLY WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CAN COMMIT TO. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP FOR BOOT CAMP IF YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETINGS. ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT. *** BOOT CAMP MEETINGS & DATES: Monday, June 15rd Tuesday, June 16th Wednesday, June 17th Thursday, June 18th Sunday, June 21th BOOT CAMP (5:00- 8:00pm) BOOT CAMP (5:00- 8:00pm) BOOT CAMP (5:00- 8:00pm) BOOT CAMP (5:00- 8:00pm) GRADUATION 10:00 a.m. ***If you have any questions about BOOT CAMP, feel free to contact Sheryl W at [email protected] or (517) 629-6469*** Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224 APPLICATION: Name_________________________________ School ___________________________ Phone # _______________________ Grade _______________ Email__________________________________ Instagram_________________________ Parent Name____________________________ Parent Phone #_____________________ Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper 1. When did you become a follower of Christ and what influenced you the most to make that decision? 2. How do you think/hope BOOT CAMP will benefit you? 3. How do you think you will benefit Caring Community Church by being a part of BOOT CAMP? 4. What are some goals you’d like to reach by being a student leader? 5. If you could do anything in the world, without any limitations, what would you do and why? 6. What are your greatest strengths? 7. What are your greatest weaknesses? 8. What does it mean to be a leader? Why do you want to be one and learn more about leadership? Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224 Parents I will: Will bring student to class in a timely manner. Review and discuss homework. Oversee completion of homework. Continue to use the curriculum to grow my leader after completion of course. Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Student I will: Attend 75% of classes or more. Complete homework and make up homework if absent. Be engaged in curriculum presented and look for ways to apply to my life. Follow classroom expectations that will be set up at first class session. Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Church We will: Provide an engaging and safe atmosphere. Provide opportunities for critical thinking and leadership reflection. Provide all classroom materials. Provide a completion certificate and graduation ceremony. Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224 Caring Community Church Photograph Release Form (FOR USE BY PERSONS GIVING PHOTO RIGHTS TO CARING COMMUNITY CHURCH) LICENSE I give to Caring Community Church a non-exclusive right to use the photograph(s) and any other artwork that I have provided to be used in any media form and type of publication, including website, social media, annual reports, and newsletters, and grant to Caring Community Church any and all rights to said use without compensation. I certify that I own the copyright to the photograph(s) and any artwork and release Caring Community Church from any claims resulting from the unauthorized use of photograph(s) and artwork by parties not covered by this Release. An original or photocopy of the photograph(s) and artwork discussed above are attached hereto and initialed by the undersigned. Date: ____________________ Signed: __________________________________ Caring Community Church 1015 Irwin Ave. Albion, MI 49224
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