Carmel Valley Community Chapel THE GOOD WORD – June & July 2015 FROM THE PASTOR This summer promises to be a unique and meaningful experience for me as I leave for the first half of my sabbatical. I am so very grateful to the chapel for granting me this opportunity, and the renewal, inspiration, and growth it will bring. It also looks like it will be a unique and meaningful experience for CVCC as you gather for worship this summer to hear both some new voices and some familiar ones. You will also enjoy some really marvelous guest musicians, courtesy of Hidden Valley Music Seminars, that will inspire and move you as much as the guest preachers will. And there is a network of local religious leaders who are available for any emergency pastoral needs that may arise while I am away. Just to bring everyone up to speed, this first half of my sabbatical this summer begins on June 15 and ends on September 1 (the day I will be back in the office). During that time I will be attending the EAMA summer music composition program in Paris, France in July, and spending the month of August composing music, working with Carleton Macy, a retired professor of music composition, and attending a few concerts at the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. The major thrust of my time in Paris will be educational, adding some new tools to my music composition tool belt. I already have been given my “homework” and am working on a new setting of one of the Odes of Solomon, and a movement of a string quartet. This time away also offers me some much needed time for reflection and renewal, along with all the challenges and stimulation of being in a foreign country. I will also be sending some emails and photos back, as opportunity allows, so that we can have some sense of connection during our time apart. While I am away on my sabbatical you will be gathering weekly for the Sabbath. Wayne Muller describes Sabbath as “a period of time to listen to what is most deeply beautiful, nourishing, or true. It is time consecrated with our attention, our mindfulness, honoring those quiet forces of grace or spirit that sustain and heal us.” (Muller, SABBATH: FINDING REST, RENEWAL AND DELIGHT IN OUR BUSY LIVES) I certainly feel that is an important part of the creative process; whether we are creating a work of art, of music, or the life we want to live. It has also been said, during their many centuries of exile, and long years of occupation, that it was not Israel that kept the Sabbath, but the Sabbath kept Israel. So both you and I will be kept by Sabbath. Last week as I walked the labyrinth during the wonderful workshop led by Kristin Ramsden, I was deeply moved by the spirit of peace, compassion, and confidence that I felt. It felt as if the center of the labyrinth was holding me and my journey, even during the times when it seemed like I was walking around, or away from, but not toward the center. Gravity, too, has a way of holding us just as surely when we resist it as when we surrender to it. So I wish us all a summer of peace, compassion and confidence; a time of growth, renewal and learning; and a growing mindfulness of the center that holds us all in an irrevocable bond in which we are eternally held and kept in the Divine Center. Your partner in our shared ministry, Rick Yramategui In our Prayers Ania Malkowska Leek as she recovers from surgery. Susan Estes as she recovers from surgery. Bob and DeeDee Baronian as Bob recovers from a broken hip. PASTORAL ROUNDS IN MAY PASTORAL VISITS: 7 (Pastoral visits include home visits, office visits & hospital visits.) Attended meetings of Monterey County Composers Forum, Friends of Rippling River, Lectionary Study, and led worship at Carmel Valley Manor and Memorial Service for Dennis Thush. De’ Cabral and her daughter Angelique Cabral as they mourn the loss and celebrate the life of their father/grandfather Dennis Thush. Emergency Pastoral Coverage Graduates While Rev. Rick is away this summer Diane Olivier (Wed. & Thurs.) and Karen Turner (Fri. – Tues.) will be the people to contact if you, or someone in our community, needs to speak to a pastor. They will be able to put you in contact with the minister on call. David Warner: Graduating from Carmel High School Julie Warner: Graduating from Carmel High School Meagan Pellet: Graduating from Middle School Trinity Terranova: Graduating from Tularcitos Eliza Fletcher: Graduating from Tularcitos CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR GRADUATES WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! Thank You: Karen Turner and Elizabeth Carlson for helping at the reception for Dennis Thush’s memorial. June Birthdays Megan Pellett Marge Brett Erika Pellett Moya Meckel Anna Davidson Joan Hopkins Daniel Simpson Allie King July Birthdays 14 17 17 22 24 25 28 29 Christine Sandin Fletcher Michael Terranova Ilisabeth Pellett Rick Yramategui David Pellett George Wilson John Thompson Rich Cheatham June Anniversaries Lauren & Lurena Brubaker-Gerbrandt Rich & Linda Cheatham Larry & Harriet Busick Tom & Christine Lawson 10 16 24 25 1 15 19 28 30 30 31 31 UP COMING EVENTS! Sundays at the Chapel June 2015 ________________________________________ June 7 Worship and Communion with 10:30am Rev. Rick Yramategui Text: 2 Cor 4:16 - 5:1 Theme: “What Is Seen” Music: A Salute to Graduates Lay Reader: Peter Meckel Deacon: Harriet Busick Greeter: George Wilson Refreshments: Ania Malkowska Leek Sundays at the Chapel July 2015 _______________________________________ July 5 Worship and Communion with Rev. Arthur Latimer 10:30am Text: TBA Theme: TBA Music: Madeline Borquist, piano Lay Reader: George Wilson Deacon: Jennifer Garbarino Greeter: Ann Wilson Refreshments: Susan Estes ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ June 14 10:30am June 21 10:30am June 28 10:30am Worship with Rev. Rick Yramategui Text: 1 Sam 15:34 – 16:13 Theme: “Anointing David” Music: Traditional Blues Lay Reader: George Wilson Greeter: Ken Morley Refreshments: Jennifer Garbarino Worship with Jennifer Garbarino Text: TBA Theme: TBA Music: Madeline Borquist, piano Lay Reader: Ania Malkowska Leek Greeter: Kathy Little Refreshments: Marge Brett Worship with Rich Cheatham Text: TBA Theme: TBA Music: Traditional Favorites Lay Reader: Rich Cheatham Greeter: Carolyn Rice Refreshments: Faye Morley ______________________________________________ July 12 10:30am July 19 10:30am Worship with Tom Lawson Text: TBA Theme: “A Prophet-able Experience” Music: Special musical guest Lay Reader: Ania Malkowska Leek Greeter: Kathy Little Refreshments: Linda Cheatham Worship with Rev. Kate Latimer Text: TBA Theme: TBA Music: Latin selections Lay Reader: Arthur Latimer Greeter: Carolyn Rice Refreshments: TBA July 26 10:30am Worship with Rev. George Wilson Text: TBA Theme: TBA Music: Music of summer Lay Reader: Peter Meckel Greeter: Ken Morley Refreshments: Jennifer Garbarino ___________________________________________ New Book Group Begins Thursday Sept. 10 at 7:00 p.m. START WHERE YOU ARE: A GUIDE TO COMPASSIONATE LIVING by Pema Chodron. Please mark your calendars, buy the book and R.S.V.P. to Diane at [email protected] or call 659-2278 FROM THE DEPARTMENTS… FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dear Friends and Members of the Chapel, Welcome to Carmel Valley Summer! My goodness, it’s been cloudy a lot. Isn’t it wonderful to see that sun break through that fog? Happy New Season, whether it’s summer in this hemisphere, or winter down yonder, Holly and John. Just around the corner here in the Valley, Rick will soon leave on his sabbatical to Paris and environs. We wish him well and look forward to his return in September. In the meantime, there’s that wonderful menu of Chapel guest speakers to anticipate. What an incredible lineup of inspiring and unique people. Our next board meeting will be July 15th, in case you’d like to participate. Remember the Thrift Store as you’re looking to do some meaningful labors for the community and Chapel and enjoy the recently maintained Chapel gardens and labyrinth when you need a place in which to contemplate this wonderful Valley. Happy Summer. John Archer, President and author of this piece Karen Turner, Vice President Rich Cheatham, Secretary Marge Brett, Member Peter Meckel, Member __________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday School will be taking a summer break and returning in September. FROM THE DEPARTMENTS… June News Thrift Shop This is the time of year when people are clearing out and cleaning up and the new book about the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up has added to the frenzy. The donation door has been overloaded with stuff and we are thankful for the bounty we receive and can share with others. That said; we need a lot more help to realize our goals and support me with some willing hands to do some basics. We are wearing out the Queen of the Volunteers, Karen Turner! Any day of the week, especially after the weekend, this is what greets me and only me. This takes two hours minimum just to clear the gate. Granted, there will be some good things in here when I dig through-about 75-80% is unusable by us and the rest needs to be processed in some way. Washed, hung up, carted upstairs for off-season sale or repaired if salable or packed nicely for Salvation Army. Last week we had some extra helpers; Faye and Ken Morley arrived and made such quick work of sorting the many bags of clothes hangers we had received the week before. Our super volunteers then sorted the massive number of bags of clothing that had been on those hangers. Lynn Archer, Kristen Calcatera and Kate Latimer came in too. They finished so fast that they got the opportunity to start the sorting of shoes with the help of Patricia Taylor. We need to have a giant shoe sale to reduce the numbers. Patricia did her part in starting the shoe sale with her own bag. There is still a lot to do in that department. Linda Cheatham also came in and brought Richard as her Muscle! The Archers are on vacation, so that leaves a big hole in our processing and organizing. When John shows up with his gloves in hand, I know something wonderful is going to happen and things will be looking and feeling so much better. Before clearing the gate on Tuesdays, I also put out the recycling. Boxes fit inside each other, large cans wheeled out and excess collected all over. On Thursdays, the trash needs to be put out and then boxes and bags need to be packed up and ready for the Salvation Army truck. Cookies need to be ready for these guys who do the heavy lifting and keep us as one of the only thrift stores to get pick up service. We know that together we can create something greater than what one could do alone, but cooperation still seems to be one of the greatest challenges people face. We don’t always agree on how goals can be reached. Our priorities may be different, or our methods, but in the end, cooperation offers the best chance for success. Please join in. Mardelle June 2015 Calendar Carmel Valley Community Chapel 1 2 7:00 pm Meditation 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 8 - AA 10 10:30 Service 7:00 pm Meditation 14 15 16 8 - AA I-HELP 17 18 19 20 26 27 10:30 Service 1:30 FORR ? Bon Voyage Potluck for Rick following the service 21 10:30 Service 8 - AA 22 23 24 8 - AA 28 10:30 Service 29 30 25 July 2015 Calendar Carmel Valley Community Chapel 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 8 - AA 5 6 7 8 10:30 Service 8 - AA I-HELP 12 13 14 15 10:30 Service 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 1:30 FORR ? BOT 6:30 pm 8 - AA 19 20 21 22 10:30 Service 8 - AA 26 10:30 Service 27 28 29 CARMEL VALLEY COMMUNITY CHAPEL P. O. Box 224 • Paso Hondo and Village Drive Carmel Valley, California 93924 • (831) 659-2278 The Good Word -- June/july 2015 Chapel Directory Bulletin Board Paso Hondo and Village Dr., Carmel Valley CA 93924 Web-site: Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 831-659-2278 Office Hours: Tuesdays by appointment, Wednesdays 10 – 4 pm Thursdays 10 – 4 pm CVCC Thrift Store Phone: 659-3030 Thrift Store Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 12 – 4; Wed. 12 – 5; Fri. 11 – 4; Sat. 10 - 4 Chapel Minister Board of Trustees Rev. Rick Yramategui John Archer Marge Brett Karen Turner Peter Meckel Rich Cheatham Music Director Administrative Assistant Thrift Shop Manager Tom Lawson Diane Olivier Mardelle Milton Mercurio
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