EMILY M. LEVESQUE [email protected] http://www.emlevesque.com EMPLOYMENT PRESENT 2013-2015 2010-2013 Assistant Professor, Astronomy Department (University of Washington) Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Colorado) Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Colorado) EDUCATION 2010 2008-2009 2008 2006 PhD, Astronomy (University of Hawaii) Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Predoctoral Fellow (Harvard University) MS, Astronomy (University of Hawaii) SB, Physics (MIT) SELECTED PRIZES AND AWARDS 2015-2016 2014 2012 2009 2008 2008 2006 2006 Scialog Fellow (Time Domain Astrophysics), Research Corporation for Science Advancement Annie Jump Cannon Award, American Astronomical Society Robert J. Trumpler Award for outstanding PhD thesis, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholar of the Year, University of Hawaii Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Predoctoral Fellowship, Harvard University Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship MIT Alan H. Barrett Prize in Astrophysics MIT Joel Matthew Orloff Research Award for most outstanding senior thesis SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTS AS PI 2013-2015 Hubble Space Telescope GO-13481 (31 orbits, $77K) Calibrating Multi-Wavelength Metallicity Diagnostics for Star-Forming Galaxies 2013-2015 2010-2013 Hubble Postdoctoral Fellowship ($233K + pending) Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship ($305K) SELECTED TEACHING AND ADVISING EXPERIENCE STUDENTS 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 Jeffrey Jennings (undergraduate research adviser) Jack Hallowell, John Noonan, Allyssa Riley (Project mentor, ASTR 3520) Erika Zetterlund (graduate research adviser) Michelle Villeneuve (undergraduate research adviser) Michael Topping (undergraduate honors thesis committee member) Rebecca Phillipson, Rachel Plesha, Brandon Poulliot (Project mentor, ASTR 3520) COURSES/GUEST LECTURES 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2006 2005 2004 Co-instructor, ASTR 6000: Seminar in Astrophysics - Supernovae (CU Boulder) Guest Lecturer, Astro 115: Introduction to Astronomy (San Francisco State University) Guest Lecturer (5 classes), ASTR 5700: Stellar Structure and Evolution (CU Boulder) Recitation Instructor, ASTR 5120: Radiative and Dynamical Processes (CU Boulder) Guest Lecturer, ASTR 110: Survey of Astronomy (University of Hawaii) Teaching Assistant, 12.409: Hands-On Astronomy Seminar (MIT) Teaching Assistant, 8.287: Observational Techniques of Optical Astronomy (MIT) Teaching Assistant, 12.409: Hands-On Astronomy Seminar (MIT) - 1 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE RECENT TELESCOPE TIME AS PI/LEAD TELESCOPE HUBBLE KECK GEMINI SUBARU MAGELLAN APO 3.5M INSTRUMENTS COS ALLOCATION 31 orbits (SNAP) LRIS NIRSPEC 5 nights 5 nights GMOS (S) NIRC (N) MOIRCS IMACS MIKE MagE DIS ARCES TAC Hubble DATES Hawaii Hawaii, Caltech 2 nights (classical) 3 hours 4 nights 6 nights 1.5 nights 1 night 11 half-nights 5 half-nights NOAO Hawaii Hawaii NOAO, Harvard Steward Steward Colorado Colorado 2013-2014 2008-2009 2008-2013 2011 2008 2008-2009 2008-2010 2011 2011 2011-2013 2011-2015 RECENT COMMITTEES AND SERVICE MEETING ORGANIZING COMMITTEES SOC, Understanding Nebular Emission in High Redshift Galaxies, Pasadena, CA SOC, IAU GA FM 10: Stellar explosions in an ever-changing environment, Honolulu, HI SOC, IAU 307: New Windows on Massive Stars, Geneva CH SOC, Massive Stars: Alpha to Omega, Rhodes, GR Chair, SOC, The Evolution of Massive Stars and Progenitors of GRBs, Aspen, CO LOC, IAU 250: Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines, Kauai, HI LOC, Metals 2007, Honolulu, HI 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2007 2007 RECENT GRANT, FELLOWSHIP, AND TIME ALLOCATION COMMITTEES Hubble Fellowship Selection Committee Panel Member Apache Point Observatory Time Allocation Committee (University of Colorado) HST Panel Member (Cycles 19, 20) ESO Observing Programmes Committee Panel Member (P94, P95) NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship reviewer Fermi Panel Member (Cycles 6, 7) NASA Astrophysics Theory Program Panel Member 2015 2012-2015 2011 -2015 2014 2014 2013-2014 2013 SELECTED PUBLIC LECTURES/INTERVIEWS 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 Public Lecture Public Lecture Public Lecture Radio interview Radio interview Live Planetarium Shows Invited Speaker Guest Speaker Live Planetarium Show Keynote speaker Guest Speaker Public Lecture STScI Public Lecture Series (Baltimore, MD) (watch) Longmont Astronomical Society (Longmont, CO) Northern Colorado Astronomical Society (Fort Collins, CO) Quirks and Quarks (Canadian Broadcasting Co.) (listen) How On Earth (KGNU Community Radio) (listen) Fiske Planetarium (Boulder, CO) Peak to Peak Charter School (Lafayette, CO) “Sky Stories”, Aspen Center for Physics (Aspen, CO) Fiske Planetarium (Boulder, CO) Nat’l Honor Soc. induction, Boulder High School (Boulder, CO) Winter Park Star Safari (Winter Park, CO) Astronomy Day, Fiske Planetarium (Boulder, CO) OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2014-PRESENT 2011-2015 2013 REFEREE AAS Committee on Employment Coordinator, “Beyond Boulder” career seminars for physics/astronomy undergraduates AAS Communicating With Washington representative ApJ, ApJL, AJ, MNRAS, A&A, Advances in Space Research - 2 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE SELECTED PRESENTATIONS INVITED COLLOQUIA/SEMINARS 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 MEETINGS 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 Texas A&M University University of Hawaii University of California Berkeley Columbia University Princeton University University of Washington University of Chicago University of Michigan Michigan State University Southwest Research Institute Columbia University NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Virtual Institute of Astroparticle Physics University of California Santa Cruz Lowell Observatory University of Toronto Ohio State University California Institute of Technology Invited talk Invited review Invited talk Plenary talk Contributed talk Invited talk Invited talk Contributed talk Contributed talk Contributed talks Invited review Contributed talk Invited review Invited talk Contributed talk Invited talk Invited talk Contributed talk Dissertation talk Contributed talk Contributed talk Contributed talk Invited review Invited review Contributed talk Contributed talk Keynote talk Invited talk 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology San Francisco State University Space Telescope Science Institute New York University Harvard University Lowell Observatory Denver University Arizona State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Wyoming Oxford University Geneva Observatory University of Washington University of Colorado at Boulder Space Telescope Science Institute St. Mary’s University Oxford University Geneva Observatory 227th AAS, JWST Science Session (Kissimmee, FL) IAU XXIX GA, Division G meeting (Honolulu, HI) IAU XXIX GA, Focus Meeting 10 (Honolulu, HI) 225th AAS, Cannon Award Lecture (Seattle, WA) (watch) Swift: 10 Years of Discovery (Rome, IT) 2nd GMT Science Meeting on Time-Domain Astrophysics (Washington, DC) SNe in the Local Universe: 10,000 Days of SN 1987A (Coffs Harbour, AUS) IAU 307: New Windows on Massive Stars (Geneva, CN) 223rd AAS, Session #113 (National Harbor, MD) 221st AAS, Session #414 (Long Beach, CA) Betelgeuse Workshop 2012: The Physics of Red Supergiants (Paris, FR) IAU XXVIII GA (Special Session #8) (Beijing, CN) Gamma-Ray Bursts 2012 (Munich, DE) IAU 279: Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae and GRBs (Nikko, JAP) 219th AAS, Session #310 (Austin, TX) The Future of Astronomy: Fellows at the Frontiers of Science (Evanston, IL) Supernovae and their Host Galaxies (Sydney, AUS) Gamma-Ray Bursts 2010 (Annapolis, MD) 215th AAS, Session #368 (Washington, DC) The Shocking Universe (Venice, IT) Galaxy Metabolism (Sydney, AUS) Intermediate Mass Stars to Massive Stars (Strasbourg, FR) Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Formation (Pasadena, CA) Hot Massive Stars: A Lifetime of Influence (Flagstaff, AZ) IAU 255: Low-Metallicity Star Formation (Rapallo, IT) IAU 250: Massive Stars as Cosmic Engines (Kauai, HI) The Biggest, Baddest, Coolest Stars (Johnson City, TN) 210th AAS, Special Session #40 (Honolulu, HI) - 3 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE PUBLICATIONS REFEREED: 22 LEAD-AUTHOR (H-INDEX: 15) 51 TOTAL (H-INDEX: 26) * = SUPERVISED STUDENT INVITED REVIEWS (REFEREED) 2) Levesque, E. M. 2014, PASP, 126, 1; The Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts 1) Levesque, E. M. 2010, New Astronomy Reviews, 54, 1; The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants LEAD-AUTHOR REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 20) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Żytkow, A., & Morrell, N. 2014, MNRAS Letters, 443, L94 Discovery of a Thorne-Żytkow object candidate in the Small Magellanic Cloud 19) Levesque, E. M. & Richardson, M. L. A.* 2014, ApJ, 780, 100 [NeIII]/[OII] as an Ionization Parameter Diagnostic in Star-Forming Galaxies 18) Levesque, E. M., Stringfellow, G. S., Ginsburg, A. G., Bally, J., & Keeney, B. A. 2014, AJ, 147, 23 The Peculiar Balmer Decrement of SN 2009ip: Constraints on Circumstellar Geometry 17) Levesque, E. M. & Leitherer, C. 2013, ApJ, 779, 170 Modeling Tracers of Young Stellar Population Age in Star-Forming Galaxies 16) Levesque, E. M., Chornock, R., Soderberg, A. M., Berger, E., & Lunnan, R. 2012, ApJ, 758, 92 Host Galaxy Properties of the Subluminous GRB 120422A/SN 2012bz 15) Levesque, E. M. & Massey, P. 2012, AJ, 144, 2 Spectral Types of Red Supergiants in NGC 6822 and the Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte Galaxy 14) Levesque, E. M., Leitherer, C., Ekstrom, S., Meynet, G., & Schaerer, D. 2012, ApJ, 751, 67 The Effects of Stellar Rotation. I. Impact on the Ionizing Spectra and Integrated Properties of Stellar Populations 13) Levesque, E. M., Berger, E., Soderberg, A. M., & Chornock, R. 2011, ApJ, 739, 23 Metallicity in the GRB 100316D/SN 2010bh Host Complex 12) Levesque, E. M., Soderberg, A. M., Berger, E., & Kewley, L. J. 2010, ApJ, 725, 1337 No Correlation Between Host Galaxy Metallicity and Gamma-ray Energy Release for Long-duration Gamma-ray Bursts 11) Levesque, E. M., Kewley, L. J., Berger, E., & Zahid, H. J. 2010, AJ, 140, 1557 The Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts II: A Mass-Metallicity Relation for Long-Duration GammaRay Burst Host Galaxies 10) Levesque, E. M., Kewley, L. J., Graham, J. F., & Fruchter, A. S. 2010, ApJL, 712, L26 A High-Metallicity Host Environment for the Long-Duration GRB 020819 9) Levesque, E. M., Kewley, L. J., & Larson, K.* 2010, AJ, 139, 712 Theoretical Modeling of Star-Forming Galaxies I: Emission Line Diagnostics for Local and LowMetallicity Galaxies 8) Levesque, E. M., Berger, E., Kewley, L. J., & Bagley, M.* 2010, AJ, 139, 694 The Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts I: ISM Properties of Ten Nearby Long-Duration GRB Hosts 7) Levesque, E. M., Soderberg, A. M., Foley, R. J., Berger, E., Kewley, L. J., Chakraborti, S., Ray, A. K., Torres, M. A. P., Challis, P., Kirshner, R. P., Barthelmy, S. D., Bietenholz, M. F., Chandra, P., Chaplin, V., Chevalier, R. A., Chugai, N., Connaughton, V., Copete, A., Fox, O., Fransson, C., Grindlay, J. E., Hamuy, M. A., Milne, P. A., Pignata, G., Stritzinger, M. D., & Wieringa, M. H. 2010, ApJL, 709, L26 The High-Metallicity Explosion Environment of the Relativistic Supernova SN 2009bb 6) Levesque, E. M., Bloom, J. S., Butler, N. R., Perley, D. A., Cenko, S. B., Prochaska, J. X., Kewley, L. J., Bunker, A., Chen, H.-W., Chornock, R., Filippenko, A. V., Glazebrook, K., Lopez, S., Masiero, J., Modjaz, M., Morgan, A., & Poznanski, D. 2010 MNRAS, 401, 963 GRB 090426: The Environment of a Rest-Frame 0.35-second Gamma-Ray Burst at a Redshift of 2.609 5) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Plez, B., & Olsen, K. A. G. 2009, AJ, 137, 4744 - 4 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE The Physical Properties of the Red Supergiant WOH G64: The Largest Star Known? 4) Levesque, E. M. & Kewley, L. J. 2007, ApJL, 667, L121 The Host Galaxy of GRB 060505: Host ISM Properties 3) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Olsen, K. A. G., & Plez, B. 2007, ApJ, 667, 202 Late-Type Supergiants: Too Cool for the Magellanic Clouds? 2) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Olsen, K.A.G., Plez, B., Josselin, E., Maeder, A., Meynet, G. 2006, ApJ, 645, 1102 The Effective Temperatures and Physical Properties of Magellanic Cloud Red Supergiants: The Effects of Metallicity 1) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Olsen, K.A.G., Plez, B., Josselin, E., Maeder, A., Meynet, G. 2005, ApJ, 628, 973 The Effective Temperature Scale of Galactic Red Supergiants: Cool, But Not As Cool As We Thought OTHER REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 29) Richardson, M. L. A.*, Levesque, E. M., McLinden, E. M., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. E., & Xia, L. 2015, AJ, submitted High Redshift Galaxies with Large Ionization Parameters 28) Chakraborti, S., Soderberg, A., Chomiuk, L., Kamble, A., Yadav, N., Ray, A., Hurley, K. Margutti, R., Milisavljevic, D., Chevalier, R., Nakar, E., Bietenholz, M., Brunthaler, A., Pignata, G., Pian, E., Mazzali, P., Fransson, C., Bartel, N., Hamuy, M., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2015, ApJ, in press A Missing-Link in the Supernova-GRB Connection 27) Zetterlund, E.*, Levesque, E. M., Leitherer, C., & Danforth, C. W. 2015, ApJ, 805, 151 Ultraviolet ISM Diagnostics for Star-Forming Galaxies I. Tracers of Metallicity and Extinction 26) Meynet, G., Chomienne, V., Ekstrom, S., Georgy, C., Granada, A., Groh, J., Maeder, A., Eggenberger, P., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2015, A&A, in press The impact of mass loss on the evolution and pre-supernova properties of red supergiants 25) Berger, E., Zauderer, B. A., Chary, R.-R., Laskar, T., Chornock, R., Tanvir, N. R., Stanway, E. R., Levan, A. J., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2014, ApJ, 796, 96 ALMA Observations of the Host Galaxy of GRB 090423 at z=8.23: Deep Limits on Obscured Star Formation 630 Million Years After the Big Bang 24) Keeney, B. A., Joeris, P., Stocke, J. T., Danforth, C. W., & Levesque, E. M. 2014, AJ, 148, 103 Updated Models for the Creation of a Low-Z QSO Absorber by a Dwarf Galaxy Wind 23) Leitherer, C., Ekstrom, S., Meynet, G., Schaerer, D., Agienko, K. B., & Levesque, E. M. 2014, ApJS, 212 14 The Effects of Stellar Rotation II. A Comprehensive Set of Starburst99 Models 22) Margutti, R., Milisavjlevic, D., Soderberg, A. M., Chornock, R., Zauderer, B. A., Murase, K., Guidorzi, C., Sanders, N. E., Kuin, P., Fransson, C., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2014, ApJ, 780, 21 A Panchromatic View of the Restless SN 2009ip Reveals the Explosive Ejection of a Massive Star Envelope 21) Sanders, N. E.*, Levesque, E. M., & Soderberg, A. M. 2013, ApJ, 775, 125 Using Colors to Improve Photometric Metallicity Estimates for Galaxies 20) Milisavljevic, D., Soderberg, A. M., Margutti, R., Drout, M. R., Marion, G. H., Sanders, N. E., Hsiao, E. Y., Lunnan, R., Chornock, R., Fesen, R. A., Parrent, J. T., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2013, ApJL, 770, 38 SN 2012au: A Golden Link Between Super-Luminous Supernovae and Their Lower-Luminosity Counterparts 19) Milisavljevic, D., Margutti, R., Soderberg, A. M., Pignata, G., Chomiuk, L., Fesen, R. A., Bufano, F., Sanders, N., Parrent, J. T., Parker, S., Pickering, T., Buckley, D. A. H., Crawford, S. M., Gulbis, A., Hettlage, C., Hooper, E., Nordsieck, K. H., O’Donoghue, D., Husser, T.-O., Potter, S., Kniazev, A., Kotze, P., Romero-Colmenero, E., Vaisanen, P., Wolf, M., Bartel, N., Bietenholz, M. F., Fransson, C., Mazzali, P., Brunthaler, A., Chakraborti, S., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2013, ApJ, 767, 71 Multi-Wavelength Observations of Supernova 2011ei: Time-Dependent Classification of Type IIb and Ib Supernovae and Implications for their Progenitors - 5 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE 18) Sanders, N. E., Soderberg, A. M., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2012, ApJ, 758, 132 A Spectroscopic Study of Type Ibc Supernova Host Galaxies from Untargeted Surveys 17) Sanders, N. E., Soderberg, A. M., Valenti, S., Chomiuk, L., Berger, E., Smartt, S., Hurley, K., Barthelmy, S. D., Chornock, R., Foley, R. J., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2012, ApJ, 756, 184 SN 2010ay is a Luminous and Broad-Lined Type Ic Supernova Within a Low-Metallicity Host Galaxy 16) Soderberg, A. M., Margutti, R., Zauderer, B. A., Krauss, M., Katz, B., Chomiuk, L., Dittmann, J., Sakamoto, T., Kawai, N., Hurley, K., Barthelmy, S., Toizumi, T., Morii, M., Chevalier, R. A., Gurwell, M., Petitpas, G., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2012, ApJ, 752, 78 Panchromatic Observations of SN 2011dh Point to a Compact Progenitor Star 15) Georgy, C., Ekstrom, S., Meynet, G., Massey, P., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2012, A&A, 542, 29 Grids of stellar models with rotation II. WR populations and supernovae/GRB progenitors at Z = 0.014 14) Trenti, M., Perna, R., Levesque, E. M., Shull, J. M., & Stocke, J. T. 2012, ApJL, 749, L38 Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxy Surveys at Redshift z > 4: Probes of Star Formation Rate and Cosmic Reionization 13) van Dyk, S. D., Davidge, T. J., Elias-Rosa, N., Taubenberger, S., Li, W., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2012, AJ, 143, 19 Supernova 2008bk and its Red Supergiant Progenitor 12) Boesgaard, A. M., Rich, J. A., Levesque, E. M., & Bowler, B. P. 2011, ApJ, 743, 140 Beryllium and Alpha-Element Abundances in a Large Sample of Metal-Poor Stars 11) Thone, C. C., Campana, S., Lazzati, D., Fynbo, J. P. U., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Christensen, L., Levan, A. J., Aloy, M. A., Hjorth, J. Jakobsson, P., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 479 Variable Ly alpha sheds light on the environment surrounding GRB 090426 10) Foley, R. J., Berger, E., Fox, O., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2011, ApJ, 732, 32 The Diversity of Massive Star Outbursts I: Observations of SN 2009ip, UGC 2773 OT2009-1, and Their Progenitors 9) Pignata, G., Stritzinger, M., Soderberg, A., Mazzali, P., Boldt, L., Morrell, N., Salgado, F., Anderson, J. Contreras, C., Folatelli, G., Forster, F., Gonzalez, S., Hamuy, M., Phillips, M. M., Krzeminski, W., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2011, ApJ, 728, 14 SN 2009bb: A Peculiar Broad-lined Type Ic Supernova 8) Soderberg, A. M., Chakraborti, S., Pignata, G., Chevalier, R. A., Chandra, P., Ray, A., Wieringa, M. H., Copete, A., Chaplin, V., Connaughton, V., Barthelmy, S. D., Bietenholz, M. F., Chugai, N., Stritzinger, M. D., Hamuy, M., Fransson, C., Fox, O., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2010, Nature, 463, 513 Discovery of a Relativistic Supernova without a Gamma-ray Trigger 7) Massey, P., Silva, D. R., Levesque, E. M., Plez, B., & Clayton, G. C. 2009, ApJ, 703, 420 Red Supergiants in the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) 6) Graham, J. F., Fruchter, A. S., Melandri, A., Levan, A. J., Kewley, L. J., Levesque, E. M., Nysewander, M., Tanvir, N. R., Dahlen, T., & Bersier, D. 2009, ApJ, 698, 1620 GRB 070714B - Discovery of the Highest Spectroscopically Confirmed Short Burst Redshift 5) Oey, M. S., Meurer, G. R., Caballero-Nieves, S. M., Furst, E., Hanish, D. J., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2007, ApJ, 661, 801 The HII Region Luminosity Function and Diffuse Hα Emission in HI-Selected Galaxies from SINGG 4) Massey, P., Levesque, E. M., Olsen, K. A. G., Plez, B., & Skiff, B. 2007, ApJ, 660, 301 HV 11423: The Coolest Supergiant in the SMC 3) Heinz, S., Bruggen, M., Young, A., & Levesque, E. 2006, MNRAS, 373, 65 The answer is blowing in the wind: simulating the interaction of jets with dynamic cluster atmospheres 2) Massey, P., Levesque, E. M., Plez, B. 2006, ApJ, 646, 1203 Bringing VY Canis Majoris Down to Size: An Improved Determination of Its Effective Temperature 1) Massey, P., Plez, B., Levesque, E.M., Olsen, K.A.G., Josselin, E., Clayton, G. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1286 The Effective Temperature Scale of Red Supergiants: When Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 6 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE NON-REFEREED 21) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Żytkow, A. N., & Morrell, N. 2014, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 307”, in press Discovery of a Thorne-Zytkow Object in the SMC 20) Levesque, E. M., 2013, in proceedings of “Betelgeuse Workshop 2012: The Physics of Red Supergiants”, EAS Publications Series, Vol. 60, p. 269 Red Supergiants in the Local Group 19) Levesque, E. M., 2012, in online refereed proceedings of “GRBs 2012”, conf. 152, id. 137 Gamma-ray Burst Host Galaxies as Probes of Galaxy Formation and Evolution 18) Levesque, E. M., 2012, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 279”, p. 167 Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts 17) Levesque, E. M., 2011, in proceedings of “GRBs 2010”, Vol. 1358, p. 271 Exploring the host environments of long-duration gamma-ray bursts 16) Levesque, E. M., 2011, in proceedings of “The Shocking Universe”, Italian Physical Society, Vol. 102 Modeling the host galaxies of long-duration gamma-ray bursts 15) Chornock, R., Berger, E., Levesque, E. M., Foley, R. J., Soderberg, A. M., Frebel, A., Simon, J. D., Bochanski, J. J., Challis, P. J., Kirshner, R. P., Sheppard, S. S., & Simcoe, R. A. 2010, arXiv:1004:2262 Spectroscopic Discovery of the Broad-Lined Type Ic Supernova 2010bh Associated with the LowRedshift GRB 100316D 14) Boesgaard, A. M., Rich, J. A., Levesque, E. M., & Bowler, B. P., 2010, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 268ʺ″, p. 231 New Beryllium results in halo stars from Keck/HIRES spectra 13) Levesque, E. M. 2010, in “Hot and Cool: Bridging Gaps in Massive Star Evolution”, Vol. 425, p. 103 The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants 12) Levesque, E., Chornock, R., Kewley, L., Bloom, J. S., Prochaska, J. X., Perley, D. A., Cenko, S. B., & Modjaz, M. 2009, GCN Circular #9264 GRB 090426 Keck LRIS redshift 11) Graham, J. F., Fruchter, A. S., Kewley, L. J., Levesque, E. M., et al. 2009, in “Proceedings of the Sixth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium”, Vol. 1133, p. 269 Unusually High Metallicity Host Of The Dark LGRB 051022 10) Clayton, Geoffrey C., Freeman, W., Bright, S., Massey, P., Gordon, K. D., Levesque, E., et al. 2009, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 256”, p. 411 Dust around red supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds 9) Levesque, E. M., Massey, P., Olsen, K. A. G., & Plez, B. 2009, ASPCS, “The Biggest, Baddest, Coolest Stars”, Vol. 412, p. 33 The Coolest Stars in the Clouds: Unusual Red Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds 8) Massey, P., Plez, B., Levesque, E. M., Olsen, K. A. G., Silva, D. R., & Clayton, G. C. “The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants” 2009, ASPCS, “The Biggest, Baddest, Coolest Stars”, Vol. 412, p. 3 7) Levesque, E. M., Kewley, L. J., Larson, K., & Snijders, L. “Modeling the ISM Properties of Metal-Poor Galaxies and Gamma-Ray Burst Hosts” 2008, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 255”, p. 162 6) Meynet, G., Walborn, N. R., Hunter, I., Martayan, C., van Marle, A. J., Marchenko, S., Vink, J. S., Limongi, M., Levesque, E. M., & Modjaz, M. 2008, in “Proceedings of the IAU, Symposium 250”, p. 571 Evolution of Massive Stars at Low Metallicity 5) Massey, P., Levesque, E. M., Olsen, K. A. G., & Plez, B. 2008, to appear in “Proceedings of IAU, Symposium 250”, p. 97 The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants: Comparing Theory and Observations 4) Massey, P., Plez, B., Levesque, E. M., Olsen, K. A. G., Silva, D. R., & Clayton, G. C. 2007, in “Massive Stars: Fundamental Parameters and Circumstellar Interactions” 2008, Rev. Mex. (Serie de Conferencias), Vol. 33, p. 29 The Physical Properties of Red Supergiants 3) Heinz. S., Bruggen, M., Ruszkowski, M., Young, A., Levesque, E. 2008, in “Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray ASP Conference Series”, Vol. 386, p. 327 - 7 of 8 - 6/4/15 EMILY M. LEVESQUE Jet Feedback in Clusters: Simulating the Interaction of Jets with Dynamic Cluster Atmospheres 2) Boesgaard, A. M., Levesque, E. M., Rich, J. A. 2008, in “First Stars III” AIP conference proceedings, Vol. 990, p. 164 Beryllium in the Oldest Stars 1) Heinz, S., Bruggen, M., Young, A., & Levesque, E. 2007, in “Heating Versus Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies”, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 197 Simulations of Jets in Dynamic Galaxy Cluster Atmospheres OTHER 2) Levesque, E. M., STScI Newsletter (September 2015) UV Astronomy with JWST: Star-Forming Galaxies at z~9 1) Levesque, Emily, Lowell Observer (Spring 2005) Discovering the Largest Stars - 8 of 8 - 6/4/15
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