Castaic Lake Junior Lifeguard Program Application Packet Instructions *Please read all Instructions before filling out Registration Packet. Please retain this page for further reference. SPACE IS LIMITED SO PAY FEES AND REGISTER EARLY TO ENSURE YOUR ENROLLMENT. • • • • • Junior Lifeguard Program Application Packet- Complete all items. PLEASE remember to sign and date. Authorization of Consent to Treatment of a Minor- All Physician and Insurance information must be complete. Only (1) parent/guardian signature is needed on this form. Press and Photo Release- Only (1) parent/guardian signature is needed on this form. Physicians Release Form- Physician MUST complete form and form must have office stamp on bottom of form. Code of Conduct- Read and discuss with participant, then sign and return. Participant AND parent/guardian must sign this form. ALL the above must be submitted one week prior to the session start date or the participant will be dropped from the program. Submit forms and payment to: Checks payable to Los Angeles County Parks & Recreation Castaic Lake Recreation Area Junior Lifeguard Program 32132 Castaic Lake Dr. Castaic, Ca. 91384 DEADLINE for submitting forms and all payment of fees is June 1, 2015 for Session 1 NO PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE PROGRAM SPACE IS LIMITED. All New Participants must pass the qualifying swim test in order to participate in the program. The test consists of a 100 yard swim in 2:30, tread water for 3 minutes, and 10 yards under water. *Checks, CC, or money orders only* Make checks payable to: Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation. ALL transactions will be processed at the park headquarters or by phone. -Please include Drivers License # and participants name on checks. PROGRAM FEE-_$_______275___________ Refund Policy: If your child is unable to participate, a refund may be available ONLY if the child has not participated in the session he/she is registered for. All refund requests must be submitted in writing and will be evaluated on a case by case basis. PLEASE NOTE: The uniform cost ($125.00) is NONREFUNDABLE. Registration is not FINAL until ALL forms, fees, and Releases are received. Applications will be processed as they are received. If you are a NEW Applicant you may turn in your forms and fees to reserve a spot on the Entry List, BUT a qualifying try-out must be taken and PASSED before you can participate in the program. Returning Junior Lifeguards may turn in Applications and pay fees as well to reserve a spot on the Entry List. All processed Applications are on a first come first served bases; once the program is at capacity a waiting list will be generated. If you are participating in both Sessions then the 2nd Session is $150.00 (BUT does not include a second uniform issue). Financial Assistance is available to those who qualify. Forms may be obtained on our web site at and must be submitted before June 1st, 2015. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has designated an ADA Coordinator to carry out this Departments compliance with the nondiscriminatory provisions of the ADA. For more information you can contact the ADA Coordinator’s office: TEL: 213-738-2970 TDD: 213 427- 6118 FAX: 213 487-0380. Upon 3-day request notice, sign-language interpreters and related materials in alternate formats (Braille-transcript, large print, audio-record, video- captioning, and live description) or any other reasonable accommodations are available to the public for County Sponsored activities and events. EMAIL__________________________________________________________________ COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CASTAIC LAKE AREA JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM (Please print clearly) Childs Name__________________________________ Session (Please circle) 1 Circle One: NEW JG RETURNING JG 2 Both _______ # yrs in program Address__________________________________________________ City______________ State_________ Zip___________ Home # ( ) _______________________ Birth Date_______/_______/________ Age ________ Gender M F Short size_______ T-Shirt size_______ Swim suit (female) ______ Sweatshirt size________ Mother’s Name___________________________ Day time # ( ____________________ ) Father’s Name____________________________ Day time # ( ____________________ ) Guardian’s Name__________________________ Day time # ( ___________________ ) In the event of an Emergency when the parent/guardian is unavailable, please provide the name and number of a reliable friend or relative that may be contacted. Emergency Contact Name____________________________ Phone ( ________________ ) Liability Waiver: In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation Junior Lifeguard Program, I do hereby, for myself, my child, my heirs, and executors, waive release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for the damages which may, hereafter, accrue to me against the County of Los Angeles and each of its officers, agents and employees for any and all injuries sustained out of my child’s association with, entry in, participation on, or traveling to and from said Junior Lifeguard Program at Castaic Lake Recreation Area. I also understand that any behavior deemed unacceptable by Instructors will result in participant being dropped from the program without a refund. No minor will be permitted to attend the Junior Lifeguard Program at Castaic Lake without a signed and completed Physicians Release Form. Signed___________________________________________ Date_____________________________ The fee for the Program is $_________. PLEASE make checks payable to Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation. Also include your Drivers License # and the participants name on all checks. Method of payment: *DO NOT SEND CASH* (check one) Check#__________ VISA_________ MASTERCARD________ DISCOVER__________________ Card Holder Signature_______________________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Amount Due $_____________ Amount Paid $_____________ Date Paid _______________________ Check #____________ Check Name_____________________ VISA______________ MC______________ Cash _________ DISCOVER_____________ PR/LACARRS__________________ Drivers License________________________ County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Junior Lifeguard Program AUTHORIZATION OF CONSENT TO TREATMENT OF A MINOR I ( WE ) the undersigned, parent(s)/guardian(s) of ___________________________________, a minor, do hereby authorize all representative’s of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation as agent(s) for the undersigned, to consent to any examination, X-ray, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care that is deemed advisable by and rendered under the general or special provision of any physician and surgeon licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act or the medical staff of any accredited hospital, but is given to provide authority and power on the part of our aforesaid agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment or hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his best judgment may deem advisable. It is understood that effort shall be made to contact the undersigned prior to the rendering of treatment to the patient, but that none of the above treatments shall be withheld if the undersigned can not be reached. This authorization shall remain effective through 2015 Junior Lifeguard Program Sessions, unless sooner revoked in writing and delivered to said agent(s). Parent’s Name (Please Print) _____________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature__________________________________ Daytime Phone#_____________________ Guardian’s Name (Please Print) __________________________________________________________ Guardian’s Signature_______________________________ Daytime Phone#_____________________ Date_______________________ IN COMPLIANCE WITH CONSENT MANUAL, CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Physicians Name____________________________________ Phone #___________________________ Insurance Carrier___________________________________ Policy #___________________________ Insured’s Name_____________________________________ Insured’s ID#______________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Please include known allergies, allergic reactions, special medications, medical problems/conditions. If none exist, please note NONE in the space below. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ *THE ABOVE MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY AND SIGNED FOR YOUR CHILD TO REGISTER AND PARTICIPATE IN THE JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM 2015 CASTAIC LAKE CODE OF CONDUCT Youth participating in or attending the County of Los Angeles, Department of Parks and Recreation, Castaic Lake Junior Lifeguard Program are required to conduct themselves according to the “Code of Conduct” that follows this introduction. The Code operates in conjunction with the guidelines and regulations of the specific event show, program, and/or activity. Program Participant Expectations: • • • • • • • • • Participate fully in the program, activity and/or event. Be responsible for your own behavior/conduct, uphold high standards for the group and accept the consequences for inappropriate behavior. Support and abide by the program’s designated Instructors/Coordinator/Director. Practice good citizenship, leadership and self-governance. Follow the direction of the staff. Demonstrate positive sportsmanship and attitudes at all times that is becoming of a leader. Show respect to others by being courteous and respectful. Use appropriate language at all times. Respect and adhere to the guidelines of the program. Behavior, Conduct or Activity Not Permitted: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unsportsmanlike, unethical, immoral conduct. Improper language(i.e.-profanity) Possession or consumption of alcohol. Possession or use of illegal drugs, including the use of tobacco. Possession or use of weapons, fireworks. Possession or use of harmful objects with the intent to harm or intimidate others. Destruction of County property (i.e. - graffiti, program equipment, etc.) Violation of established program start and end times for drop offs and pick ups. Disrespect for adults, other participants, volunteers, staff and/or those who are in a leadership position. Belittling others; putting others down and being disrespectful of individual differences. Aggressive, physical behavior (i.e. - fighting). Taking property that belongs to others, stealing; borrowing/using others’ property without permission of the owner. Other conduct determined to be inappropriate by the Program Director, Coordinator, Instructor’s and facility Management/Staff. Actions taken when in violation of the “Code of Conduct.” 1. The parent/guardian of the participant(s) involved in the violation will be notified or made aware of the violation and appropriate action will be taken by the Program staff or Director. 2. The participant(s) can/may be barred from participating in program activities for the remainder of that week or even the remainder of the program session depending on the circumstance/violation. 3. Should a violation(s) warrant an expulsion from the program for that season or indefinitely, it shall be so with NO refund of the program fees. 4. When warranted, the situation may be turned over to the proper law enforcement authorities. JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT I, ___________________________________, as a participant of the County of Los (Print Program Participant) Angeles, the Department of Parks and Recreation, Castaic Lake Junior Lifeguard Program have read the “Code of Conduct”, and agree and abide by it. I also accept the consequences for my actions, if I choose not to follow the code. _____________________________________________ Date______________________ (Participant Signature) I/We________________________________________________________ have read the “Code of Conduct” and agree and support my child’s participation in the programs activities and events. _____________________________________________ Date______________________ (Parent/Legal Guardian Signature) PHYSICIAN’S RELEASE FORM Name of Participant:_______________________________________________________ Address of Participant:___________________________________ City:______________ State:__________ Zip Code:_____________ Home Phone:________________________ TO THE PHYSICIAN: The person you are examining is a participant actively engaged in the Junior Lifeguard Program for the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation. As such, this person will be participating in physically demanding activities in a lake setting. Activities will include, but not limited to, swimming, running, boating, calisthenics, and prolonged exposure to sun and heat. EXAMINATION RESULTS: The participant named above is: (Circle one) ABLE in the Junior Lifeguard Program. NOT ABLE to participate PARTICIPANT’S CONDITION: (Check one):_____Excellent_____Good_____Fair GENDER: M F Age:_________Height________Weight________ Pulse:___________B/P:_____________Temperature:________ RESTRICTIONS (If any):_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS (If any):___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________ SIGNATURE OF EXAMINING PHYSICIAN OFFICE STAMP: (Must be stamped) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM 2015 CASTAIC LAKE DATE PRESS AND PHOTO RELEASE I understand that my child may be photographed while participating in the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation Junior Lifeguard Program. I agree to allow these photos to be used for promotional purposes without any monetary compensation and I understand that these photos will be the property of Los Angeles County. I also understand that my child may be photographed and/or interviewed by the press while participating in the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation Junior Lifeguard Program. Only one signature is required. Applicants Name (please print): Parent or Guardian’s Name (please print): __________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________ 2015 CASTAIC LAKE JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM
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