May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 520 Raymond Street • Bismarck, ND 58501 • 701-223-1033 FROM MSGR. RICHTER Friends of the Cathedral, The scale of devastation from the massive earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday is staggering. More than 5,000 people dead...and counting. More than 9,000 injured. One million children urgently in need of help. Eight million people affected across the Himalayan nation. The numbers are staggering. They need our help. Next weekend, we will take up a special, second collection at all the weekend Masses for those in Nepal. Our donations will be sent by the bishops to Catholic relief agencies working in Nepal. If you wish to write a check, make it out to the Cathedral and write in the memo “Nepal Relief.” “What you did to the least of my people, you did to me.” On behalf of the suffering Christ in the Nepalese people, I thank you for your generosity. May our hearts stay with Jesus this week! Nepal Earthquake Aftermath CLERGY Bishop........................................ Most Reverend David D. Kagan Rector..............................................Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Richter Parochial Vicar..................................................Fr. Jared Johnson Permanent Deacons.................Richard Fettig, Randal Schmidt, Ralph von Ruden, Tony Ternes, Woodie Wolf THIS WEEK @ CATHEDRAL MASS INTENTION TIME MONDAY, MAY 4 Mass..................................... +Eugene Weisbeck............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass................... Msgr. Gerald Walsh (Birthday)............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM TUESDAY, MAY 5 Mass..............................................+Harvey Wald............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................................. +Jane Nate............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 Mass............................................Craig Moilanen............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................. Duane & Doris Liffrig............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM Faith Formation Closing Mass............................................ 5:30 PM (for Cathedral Faith Formation Families) THURSDAY, MAY 7 Mass............................................. Dan Campbell............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................................Claire Boechler............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the late morning of April 25, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming thousands of lives. Our Church mourns the terrible suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by this powerful earthquake. Please join with the Catholic community across the United States in responding to our suffering brothers and sisters through a special collection for the work of Catholic Relief Services in Nepal. CRS is the official humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the U.S. and is already responding to urgent needs for shelter, water and food in Nepal. See the insert in this bulletin to read more about Emergency Relief for the Nepal Earthquake. Photo courtesy of Krish Dulal, 4-26-15. FRIDAY, MAY 8 Mass............................................Virgina Holland............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass...................................... Kathryn Schnaible............... 8:00 AM School Mass................................+William Keller............... 9:00 AM SATURDAY, MAY 9 Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass................... Kyle & Tara Newman & Family............... 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation.............................................. 4:00 PM Vigil Mass...................................+Marcella Olson............... 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:30 PM SUNDAY, MAY 10 Mass....................................... +Leonita Heilman............... 8:30 AM Mass...............................Cathedral Parishioners............. 10:00 AM Mass....Bob & Carleen Buchholz & Trevor Goldade.............. 11:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .2:00 PM-9:00 PM (+ Indicates Deceased) Welcome to all newcomers. To register or obtain additional information about the parish, contact the parish office or visit PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Holy Father’s prayer intentions for May: Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. The sick: Sharon Roach, Dee Broxmeyer, Mary Sue Lucht, Deacon Ralph von Ruden, Alex & Kathryn Bichler, Craig Moilanen, Marie Stiegelmeier, Ron Knoll, Andy Dosch, Michelle Duppong, Jeanne Karhoff, Margie Sokolnicki, Jean Weisgerber, Steve Naumann, Sky Stevens, Patricia Eysaldt, Lavina Forster, Rita Schmidt, Ernest Borr, Lucille Gustin, Gene Buen, Dianne Heen, Luke Kilzer. To obtain a prayer blanket, contact the parish office. The deceased: Anna Wikenheiser. May her soul rest in peace. NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 9 5:00 PM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Andrea Frank, Shayla Sperle, Erin Thomas Tamara Stecher Jeani Borchert, Janeen Fraser, Reinaldo Gonzalez, Christine Hogan, Dawn Mull, James Ryberg, Norma Torres Becky Deichert, Russell Hellman, Sandra Kadrmas, Dena Lenhardt, Joy Mastel, Glen Wald Tamara Stecher, Patrick Ward Sunday, May 10 8:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Comm. Hospitality Lectors Andrew Curry, Henry Fleischacker, Thomas Fleischacker Ralph Riedinger Jr. Jane Cleary, Michael Curry, Matthew Fischer, Tyler Kurtz, Michael Schwartz, Constance Schwartz, Larry Urbanec Kleber Hadsell, Teresa Hadsell, Mary Lee Hilt, Terry Hilt, Darin Morman, Jennifer Morman Randa Kurtz, James Rouse 10:00 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Jacek Dojs, Joseph Gerlach, Elizabeth Hoke Rod Kuhn Sonia Ciavarella, Paul Dieter, Carla Hixson, Maryanne Marthaller, Lyle Ripplinger, Nicole Ripplinger, Michael Schmitz, Chris Schroeder Jeffrey Gross, Connie Gross, James Hixson, Raumi Kudrna, Ryan Kudrna, Steve Windish Megan Girodat, Jason Hoke 11:30 AM Altar Servers Benjamin Ciavarella, Alexander Hilzendeger, William Lengenfelder Commentator Tom Stebner Ext. Min. of Holy Maria Gokim, Joyce Gruby, Geri McIntee Communion Hospitality Cori Flanagan, Wil Kittler, James Magelky, Joel Ross, Amanda Ross Lectors Jo Bogner, Jeanne Schnaible Please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 223-1033 with any changes. FAITH FORMATION NOTES Faith Formation Families: In thanksgiving and gratitude for all of God’s gifts to us this past school year, you are invited to join us for a Closing Faith Formation Family Mass and Dinner this Wednesday, May 6. Mass will begin at 5:30 PM, and dinner will follow in the cafeteria. We hope you will come and celebrate with us the end of the school year. Vacation Bible School - Cathedral, St. Anne and Ascension Parishes will be holding Vacation Bible School June 8-11 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM for all children entering grades K-5 in the fall. VBS will be held at St. Anne’s Church and will include a week of fun games, crafts, songs, and much more! Together we will explore how we are MANY AND ONE in our parish, our diocese, and the church throughout the world. VBS is open to children from Cathedral, St. Anne, and Ascension parishes. Registration forms are available on the Cathedral website at www. and at the entrances of the church. Please return your form and payment to the parish office or to Kathy Olson by Wednesday, May 6. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy at 222-2259. Thank you so much to all Confirmation candidates, parents, and parishioners who brought desserts, set up, served, cooked, and cleaned up during the five months that the Cathedral hosted The Banquet at Trinity Lutheran Church. The generosity of your time made it possible to feed close to 2,000 people, and we couldn’t have done it without your help. Also, a huge thanks to the musicians who provided such wonderful music and for participating in this beautiful ministry. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to New Members: (Since Nov. 2014) Angeline Gratz, Sarah Malo, Philomena Coleman, Kenneth & Christina Burns, Michael & Natalie Hickman, Jacqueline Matta, Joseph & Amanda Dosch, BJ & Pam Portscheller, Andrew & Jeanne Salinas, David & Karla Ehlis, Wayne Hilzendeger, Dustin & Valerie Bakken, Kelly Muscha, Kyle Haag/Kimmy Buechler, Nicole Vick, Perry Schneider, Kevin & Alisa Hessinger, Luke & Alyssa Dhuyvetter, Michael & Susan Ballad, Richard & Victoria Simonson, Wes & Kirsten Dickhut, Robert & Rogina Cusic, Robert & Patricia Schmidt, Mark & Genevieve Giese, Michael & Cara Curry, Joshua & Brittney Hren, Michon Mattiessen, Donald & Natalie Martinka, David Forster, Thomas & Elizabeth Seifert, Brad & Karmen Steffan, Jerry & Cheryl Seifert, David & Elizabeth Glaspell, James & Devon Goetz. God’s Share Appeal - Today is our parish’s God’s Share Appeal. Faith is expressed in so many ways. It is what you believe in your heart and reveal in your actions. The programs and services funded by the Annual God’s Share Appeal are what bring the faith to every parishioner in our diocese. The ministries that are funded by your donation to the God’s Share Appeal assure that our faith will continue for generations. Please be as generous as your means allow, so that these ministries can continue to serve every parish and every parishioner in western North Dakota. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, May 5 at Cathedral at 7:00 PM. There will be convention reports, a memorial for deceased members, and the May crowning. Guest speaker will be from our local Catholic radio. Guests are welcome. For more information, call Rita at 701-321-1211. Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM in room #3. Check out their website at to learn how you can help reach out to those in need. Lighthouse CD of the Week: For Better Forever: A Catholic Guide to Lifelong Marriage - Dr. Gregory Popcak is a nationally-recognized Catholic psychotherapist and author of eight books. He and his wife, Lisa, host a daily program on Ave Maria Radio. Drawing from years of clinical practice, he integrates proven psychology with orthodox Christianity in a way that will surprise and challenge you, whether you are newlyweds or celebrating your Golden Anniversary. Check the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosks in the church for this and other titles. Members of Cathedral Parish: In the month of May, parishioners whose last name begins with “M” will be called on to serve at funerals and receptions or to bring bars for these functions. Please be willing to help when called. Thank you from Adam Pfeifer: “I wish to express my gratitude to all the wonderful Cathedral of the Holy Spirit parishioners whose incredible generosity made my Eagle Scout project possible. I also wish to thank Monsignor Richter and Father Johnson for giving me both counsel and encouragement in my project. I sincerely couldn’t have accomplished this without all of you.” Have you signed up for Faith Direct? With the summer vacation season approaching, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Cathedral of the Holy Spirit are received even if you may be out of town. Faith Direct offers many convenient and secure ways to give including via credit card. For more information about Faith Direct or to enroll, go to our website,, and click on the “Parish eGiving” tab or call the parish office at 223-1033. COMMUNITY NEWS Light of Christ Catholic Schools has the following teaching positions open for the 2015-16 school year: Kindergarten Teacher and 6th Grade Teacher - Qualifications: Valid North Dakota teaching license in elementary education. Part-time Elementary Special Education Position - Qualifications: Valid North Dakota teaching license and Special Education endorsement in LD, ED, ID, or Strategist. Preferences: Elementary education licensure, experience in school setting, experience working with individuals with disabilities, technology skills to incorporate into instruction, knowledge of general education curriculum. To apply for any of these positions, please submit a letter of resume, college transcript, three letters of recommendation and a copy of teacher license to Kate Bleth, Light of Christ Catholic Schools, 1025 N. 2nd Street, Bismarck, ND 58501. An Equal Opportunity Employer. IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE Don’t forget about the 40% ND State Tax Credit for gifts of $5,000 or more to a ND permanent and irrevocable endowment fund. Contact the parish office for more information. Real Presence Radio Spring Live Drive: The Spring Live Drive on Real Presence Radio is coming May 13-15. Tune in and call in your support for your local Catholic Radio stations 91.3FM, 91.7FM (Bismarck/Mandan), 91.1FM (Minot), 89.1FM (Williston), 104.1FM (Tioga) and 101.9FM (Dickinson). Thank you for your prayers and support. Call 1-877-795-0122 or send your gifts to PO Box 13703, Grand Forks, ND 58208. The Diocese of Bismarck has an opening for the Coordinator of Respect Life and Natural Family Planning. Job requirements include excellent written and oral communications skills, time management, be a self-starter with the ability to work well with others. Candidates should have certification to teach or working understanding of Natural Family Planning, understand the Church’s position on pro-life and birth regulation and compatibility with the Church’s teachings as an active, practicing Catholic. Bachelor’s degree in theology, pastoral ministry, or related field, proficient in Microsoft Word and Outlook required. This is a part-time position with flexible hours working from the home. Send resume, cover letter, and three references to djordan@ Questions can be directed to Denise at 701-204-7212. St. Mary’s Cemetery Fund Drive - The annual collection to help fund the only Catholic cemetery in Bismarck-Mandan will take place the week of May 18. You will receive in your mail some updated information and an envelope to make your contribution to the cemetery. St. Mary’s Cemetery has provided 8,355 burials as of April 2015. A new section will need to be developed soon in addition to the new section for cremation burials which will be completed late this spring. Without the generous support of members of our Catholic parishes, these developments cannot occur. Watch for this mailing and help maintain this beautiful and prayerful place for loved ones. The annual service of remembrance at St. Mary’s Cemetery will take place Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. Meet near the cross and flagpole on the hill. SACRAMENTS For information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral, please go to our website,, and click on the Liturgy & Sacraments tab. CONTACT US Parish Office......................... 519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Office Hours...........................................Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Phone............................................................................. 701-223-1033 Website........................................................ Facebook.................... Fax.................................................................................. 701-223-1438 Faith Formation Office.................................................. 701-222-2259 Submit bulletin announcements no later than Tuesdays at noon via mail, fax, or email [email protected]. View our bulletin online at 222-3937 Brenda Smith, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI 226-1124 • Water & Fire Damage Carpet & Area Rug Cleaning Kevin Gilchrist, DDS 1929 N. Washington St. | Bismarck, ND 58501 t: 701.222.1213 | [email protected] Jerry Thomas 2400 Vermont Ave., Bismarck • 701-258-3777 Lavata Becker Broker Associate, CRS, GRI Oaktree Realtors, LLP 2021 E Main Ave Bismarck ND 58501 Cell: 701-527-1393 Email: [email protected] Total Tree Care Trent Schweitzer, Certified Arborist Bismarck 701-400-7111 Licensed & Insured FRONT STREET LIGHTING 907 East Front Ave., Bismarck, ND Phone: 223-2355 Toll Free: 1-888-304-0779 Fax: 223-2359 215 W. Main Bismarck 222-0000 “Tires, Brakes, Shocks, Oil Changes-With Main Street Tire You Are Good To Go!” 904 E. Front Ave Bismarck, ND Fax: 258-7419 [email protected] 701-258-2727(ASAP) 1103 Front St., Bismarck 701.224.8800 Dining Room: Lunch Tues.-Sat. 11am-3pm; Dinner 5pm-10pm Lounge: Tues.-Sat. 11am-Midnight Closed Sunday and Monday Plumbing, Heating & Air Keith Benz, Owner Mike Gietzen, Owner 2302 E. Divide Ave. Bismarck, ND 701-223-7322 2330 Tyler Parkway Bismarck, ND 701-223-1100 2510 Vermont Avenue Bismarck, ND 58504 Phone: 701.222.2155 Fax: 701.222.3422 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Childcare Pre-K to High School (Infant thru REGISTER NOW! Call 354-7067 Daniel M. Churchill, Pharm.D., R.Ph. Located inside Dan’s Supermarket NW Bismarck 701-224-0339 Dedicated to Caring Service • Premium Vitamins, Supplements & Natural Products • Weight Loss Consultation • Sports Nutrition 2941 N 11th St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Next to North Anytime Fitness, AIM Physical Therapy & Red Carpet Car Wash 701-751-6375 • • [email protected] Discover the {FULL} Life! Preschool) available at LaMere Learning Center 223-0103 3000 N 14th St • Bismarck Full-service retirement community • 701-557-9289 3000 N 14th St • Bismarck 222-4444 250-9001 “GET THE PROFESSIONAL LOOK” Tax • Wills • Probate • Real Estate Business Transactions • Personal Injury (701) 258-4000 Sean O. Smith Dave Tschider Amber Smith Heinert 1851 Revere Dr., Bismarck, ND (701) 663-1004 Emergency Relief – Nepal Earthquake Damage in Swatha Square in Kathmandu. Photo courtesy of Edyta Stepczak April 27, 2015 OVERVIEW A 7.8‐magnitude earthquake struck Nepal in the late morning of April 25 just 50 miles northwest of the capital, Kathmandu, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming more than 3,900 lives. The devastation and toll on human life is still becoming clear as rescue workers access the affected areas and populations. The earthquake struck the Kathmandu valley, which is densely populated with nearly 2.5 million people. Kathmandu’s streets and squares are covered in rubble and many are feared trapped in collapsed buildings. Many buildings, including historic sites, are destroyed or unsafe. Tens of thousands of families are sleeping outside in Kathmandu and require shelter and protection from the cold and relentless rain, which has worsened conditions. Aftershocks continue—one reaching 6.7 magnitude and another 5.4 magnitude—increasing fear, causing further damage to buildings, and interrupting rescue operations. Most markets in Kathmandu are closed. “When the earthquake happened, I was reading a book and my brother was playing on the internet. At first we thought it was the wind, then everything was shaking,” says Qurnain, 15. Adds her younger brother, Ahmed, “I felt like I was flying.” People urgently need basic essentials. Shelter, blankets, safe water, food, medical care, hygiene and counseling are priorites. Hygiene and sanitation are critical to preventing waterborne diseases. CRS RESPONSE CRS is providing 10,000 families (50,000 people) with emergency shelter materials, blankets, water treatment and hygiene kits. Given the scale of the disaster, we expect to expand relief activities to additional families. CRS is working with Caritas Nepal to identify the most pressing needs in the hardest hit districts between Kathmandu and Pokhara, and will scale our operations accordingly. Highlights of CRS activities to Date: Deployed 15 CRS emergency specialists from India and elsewhere to Nepal immediately Transporting shelter kits, blankets, water purification kits and hygiene kits for 2,000 families Flying in 3,000 additional tarps from the hub in Dubai for immediate distribution Procuring critical supplies in neighboring Indian markets to meet urgent needs on the ground A major focus of our efforts will be emergency shelter. CRS has committed an initial $825,000 from private funds to this response, and estimates that more than $10 million will be needed for long‐term recovery. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE: EMERGENCY RELIEF ACTIVITIES “We are not feeling safe inside the house, but feeling more safe outside, under this tent in the Assumption Church. We feel safe in the church premise and thankful to Caritas Nepal for the tent.” —Renuka Magdalene Thakuri, 54, Kathmandu The timeliness of humanitarian assistance is critical. In addition to catastrophic loss of life, a singular event like an earthquake, especially for those in impoverished parts of our world, can derail a family’s stability, deplete a lifetime of savings, and push them over the edge into poverty. For communities, the devastation to infrastructure, economy and reserves can set back a generation. CRS immediately launched the following activities and will expand our efforts as needs are identified. They will serve as a foundation for a more comprehensive recovery effort. We will update this information and details as our teams gain greater access to affected communities and can determine the kind of support that is most urgent and appropriate. Emergency Shelter With major devastation to people’s homes, it is urgent that families have protection. Living without shelter is particularly challenging for women and girls. CRS/Caritas Nepal will target heavily affected areas and distribute tarps and shelter materials to families living outdoors. We will assist families in constructing structures with emergency shelter kits that contain one durable tarp measuring 258 square feet, and nails for fastening it in an A‐frame design. The frame can be made from salvaged materials or lumber and the tarps are durable, long lasting and suitable for all climates. During recovery, we expect to support access to permanent housing solutions. Emergency Living Supplies People face critical needs for essential living supplies. Priorities include blankets, soap, buckets, towels, toothpaste, cooking sets and other items. CRS is sourcing key supplies largely from India because markets are closed in Kathmandu. Families lost their possessions in their homes—essential supplies are buried under rubble—and need the basics just to get by with a semblance of dignity and privacy. Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Families have limited access to clean drinking water because of damage to pipes, contamination of water sources and the loss of electricity. Hygiene and sanitation assistance is critical to preventing waterborne diseases that often occur in crises. CRS will distribute hygiene kits that include a water jug, pail with cover, and water purifying treatments. Distributions will be accompanied with information about the practices and benefits of hand‐washing, and proper handling and storage of water. SHINING A SPOTLIGHT Over the weekend, CRS provided perspective on the crisis in a number of major media outlets, including CNN, the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, Wall Street Journal. CRS is also included in several “How to Help” lists in major media outlets, including the New York Times. CRS social media outreach has produced 6.9 million Twitter impressions. Posts on four CRS Facebook pages have reached 92,000 people to date. Keep up to date with the latest updates and stories from CRS teams in Nepal at And, please keep the people of Nepal in your thoughts and prayers. Catholic Relief Services, 228 West Lexington St., Baltimore, MD 21203,, Phone: 877‐435‐7277 2
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