Term 2 – Week 2 Edition No 5 KEY DATES Thursday April 23 - TOMORROW ‘Dress Up In Sports Gear Day’ – Gold coin donation Monday April 27 – Wednesday April 29 Year 5 Camp Tuesday April 28 SCHOOL Yr 4 Bluearth Incursion ASSEMBLY FOR Junior Assembly – 1A : Hall 3.00pm TERM 2: Wednesday April 29 Mondays 2.50pm Yr 6 Parliament House Excursion Thursday April 30 Yr 1 Dinner: 5.30 – 6.30pm Cyber Safety Parent Info Night – 7pm (Details in this edition) Tuesday May 5 School Tour (New Enrolments) – 10.00am LUNCH ORDER DAYS Junior Assembly – 1C : Hall 3.00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Wednesday May 6 LUNCH ORDER LIST CAN BE FOUND IN Lunchtime Sausage Sizzle CURRENT NOTICES SECTION ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE Thursday May 7 Mother’s Day/Special Person’s Day Stall Introduction to Italian Parent Session – details in this newsletter Tuesday May 12 - Thursday May 14 Junior Assembly – 2A : Hall 3.00pm NAPLAN (Yr 3 and Yr 5 students only) : Tues12th May: Language Conventions / Writing, Wed 13th May: Reading Thurs 14th May: Numeracy Sunday May 17 Working Bee (Details in this edition) BOOK FAIR : Monday May 18 – Friday May 22 (Details included in this edition) Monday May 18 Tuesday May 19 Friday May 22 8:30am - 9:15am 8:30am - 9:15am 8:30am – 9:15am 3:20pm – 4:15pm 3:20pm – 4:15pm Pack up (1hr) Wednesday May 20 Thursday May 21 8:30am - 9:15am 8:30am - 9:15am 3:20pm – 4:15pm 3:20pm – 4:15pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm OPEN NIGHT Tuesday May 19 Junior Assembly – 2B : Hall 3.00pm Wednesday May 20 School Tour (New Enrolments) – 10.00am OPEN MORNING 9AM – 10AM OPEN NIGHT 7- 8pm Saturday May 23 Prep Information Session and School Tour – 9.30am (New Enrolments) Tuesday May 26 Junior Assembly – 2C : Hall 3.00pm Thursday May 28 – PA Event Girls’ Night Out: 8pm – On Top Bar, Ormond (Details in this edition) 22nd April 2015 Wednesday August 19 (Term 3) School Concert UNIFORM SHOP HOURS: Every Tuesday 8.30am – 9.30am UNIFORM ORDER LIST CAN BE FOUND IN CURRENT NOTICES SECTION ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE SECONDHAND UNIFORM SHOP HOURS: Term Dates 2015 Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December Every Monday 8.45am – 9.30am ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Drum Corps Event Last Thursday evening Year 6 members of the C.S.P.S. Drum Corps were invited to perform at the opening of the WW1 Centennial Photographic Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. Dignitaries and His Excellency, The Governor General of Australia, General Sir Peter Cosgrove, were in attendance. Our Year 6 drummers played flawlessly and must be commended for their preparation and delivery. Thanks go to Mrs Hoffman for attending the event and Mr Hood for again producing such inspiring performances. Our best wishes to the Drum Corps for the annual Anzac Day Parade. Cyberbullying C.S.P.S. Parent Information Nightwww: Wondrous, Wannabees and Wrecking Balls! Being a parent of digital aged citizens can at times be quite a challenge. What do you say to your children and how do you manage situations? C.S.P.S. is pleased to announce a forthcoming parent information night on Thursday April 30th at 7pm. Our presenter, Donna Dalling (The School Whisperer) has extensive experience in working within the Central and Regional Student Wellbeing policy and program areas of the Education Department. She led the development of the eSmart (cybersafety initiative) roll out to all government schools with the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. Donna provided specialist advice to Minister and senior officials in cyber bullying, bullying, and drug education and the respectful and safe schools policy and programs. Please read the attached flyer with further information about this important event and Donna’s background. Bookings can be made through Try Bookings for a subsidised cost of $8 onhttp://www.trybooking.com/132932 What Kind of Parking Role Model are You? The truth is that your children learn more from your behaviour than you think they do. Positive role modelling by parents of 5-12 year olds has the potential to have a huge influence on their child’s future behaviour. Whilst it’s the TAC latest campaign and the next stage of their long-term Parents and Road Safety Strategy I am using as a reference, Caulfield South P.S. would like to take this opportunity to remind parents about their parking protocols. As mentioned last term, we have had cause to ask parents to respect the traffic signs, pedestrian crossing and neighbours’ driveways. They are not areas to park in! As the surrounding streets become extremely busy during ‘peak periods’ it is not a reason to say “ I was running late’ or ‘But it was raining’. Thank you for being considerate to the community we all live and work in. The goal is to keep it a safe and respectful environment for our children. Are you encouraging your child to be a bully? We can often ask ourselves the question, “Why can some children be bullies and others aren’t?’ We want our kids to grow up happy and successful, but putting happiness and success before caring is raising a generation of bullies. Not all the time. Not most of the time. But some of the time. Bullying starts and ends with an imbalance of power. Too much or too little, the results are often the same: bullying behavior is simply a means to gain more power. So how do you make sure you’re raising a kind child, and not a bully? You’ve heard all the usual talk about what causes bullying – overly permissive parenting, violent video games, abuse. What might surprise you is how even the best-intentioned parents – parents just like you – are unknowingly sabotaging their efforts to raise kind, caring kids. Here are the first 4 ways you may be unknowingly encouraging bullying. (the next 4 will be published next fortnight) 1. Gossiping If you wouldn’t include your child in a conversation, you shouldn’t have it within earshot of them. Kids hear everything. Catty comments are no better than outright bullying. It’s indirect bullying, and many of us do it all the time. At some point in your life, someone probably decided you weren’t “cool”, and you didn’t get a say in the matter. Didn’t feel so good, did it? Remember that feeling. Then do your best to shut off your inner gossip, especially in front of your kids. 2. Being too busy to show you care You love your family. When was the last time you told your partner or family members that you loved them? In front of your kids? Not, “I love you, but…” but just, “I love you.” Positive displays of intimacy in the home are the basis for our kids’ relationships. You’re busy, but a simple hug and kiss for each family member on the way out the door in the morning is a great start towards teaching healthy intimacy. Show them you care, so they can show others they care. 3. The “I hate my…” You hate your job. Those last few pounds you struggle to lose, or dealing with that messy house– your attitude reflects how you view the world. And when we act like we can’t change the outcome, we act helpless. How you feel about life has a longlasting impact on your kids. Save the negative talk for after the kids go to bed (or better yet, channel your frustration into a hobby you love). 4. Mini-me syndrome Kids today are ever more mature at an ever younger age. Current culture encourages us to treat our kids like mini-adults. Fully disclosing financial burdens, family illnesses, and work issues just adds layers to our kids’ stress. And an outlet for stress? Bullying. For the full article go tohttp://www.smh.com.au/comment/eight-ways-you-may-beraising-your-child-to-be-a-bully-20150311-141qa3.html Gill Bartholomeusz Assistant Principal DRUM CORPS DRUM CORPS PRACTICE EVERY MORNING THIS WEEK – 7.50AM ANZAC DAY – Saturday 25th April Drum Corps are to meet at St Paul’s Cathedral (Cnr Flinders and Swanston Sts) at 8.30am sharp! JUNIOR SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS Dress up in your Favourite Sports Gear Day On Thursday 23rd April, we will be holding a 'Dress up in Sports Gear' day. A gold coin donation will support the Red Cross and half the money raised will be used to purchase supplies for the outdoor play shed for our own children. Also ANZAC Day badges to support Legacy will be available for sale at the office. Prices range from $2 to $5. Thanks from Junior School Council. ACCIDENT INSURANCE REMINDER: Parents/guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. However, parents/guardians may wish to purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers. Parents/guardians and staff should all be aware that the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property. SCHOOL COUNCIL AND SUB-COMMITTEES 2015 REMINDER: Parent Payments 2015 All parents are encouraged to finalise any remaining payments due as soon as possible. Part A: Essential Educational Items are the compulsory payment that must be paid for each student as part of their ‘instruction’ in the standard curriculum program. Part B: Voluntary Financial Contributions are much needed to support our school but these are paid entirely on a voluntary basis. Grounds Maintenance Contributions - A single voluntary contribution per family. In lieu of making this payment, parents may opt to be rostered to perform specific duties to improve the school environment for the benefit of all children $40 New equipment (Resource Contributions) e.g. take-home readers, maths and science equipment, library books - $65 When paying on Qkr, please note Grounds Maintenance is one payment per family. ITALIAN WORD / PHRASE OF THE WEEK L’AUTUNNO – AUTUMN Grazie, INTRODUCTION TO ITALIAN PARENT SESSION THURSDAY 7th MAY 2015 Dear Parents, On Thursday afternoon in WEEK 4, (ie. in a fortnight) I will be offering an Introduction to Italian session for parents. This session would be useful for anyone who would like to have a better understanding of how they can assist their child/ren at home to further improve and/or enhance their skills in Italian. This class will take place upstairs in the ITALIAN CLASSROOM, room 16, from 2.30 -3.30. Any further sessions will depend on the level of interest and the number of parents who attend. THERE WILL BE NO COST FOR THIS. I look forward to meeting as many of you as are free/interested in attending. Ci vediamo giovedi`! (See you on Thursday!) Sophie Bilionis (Italian teacher) The new School Council for 2015 has now met and the work for the year is well under way. The 2015 sub-committees have been established and conveners have been appointed to organise these. The sub-committees meet between each School Council meeting ie twice per term. I thank all members of School Council for their commitment to our school and those additional community members who have joined these subcommittees that perform such an important and integral role in the governance and maintenance of an excellent school. The energy and generous spirit of these parents and teachers is much appreciated. This year we have a new School Council President, Jason Perlstein, Vice President, Steven Parolin, Secretary is once again Andrew Davis, Treasurer is again Miron Meydan with Steve Parolin Assistant Treasurer and the Executive Officer is always the School Principal. Other Council parent members this year are: Christine Cananzi, Rosy Renwick, Andrew Ryan, John Wayne (one seconded member still to be confirmed) and teacher members are: Gill Bartholomeusz, Justin Cole, Prudence Herron and John Rice. 2015 Sub-committees: Finance Treasurer/Convener: Miron Meydan, Assistant Treasurer: Steve Parolin Members: Gayle Yardley, Gill Bartholomeusz, Jason Perlstein, Margaret Salvatore Policy Convener: Gill Bartholomeusz Members: John Rice, Jan Minette, Christine Cananzi, Justin Cole Facilities Convener: To be confirmed at first meeting. Gayle to liaise with members to arrange date. Members: Lubana Squire, Andrew Ryan, Stacey Fallon, John Wayne, Gayle Yardley, Labreni Pappas Community Engagement Convener: Rosy Renwick Members: Gayle Yardley, Gill Bartholomeusz, Bronwyn Fensham Fundraising Liaison: John Wayne Student ICT Focus Group Convener: Justin Cole Members: Andrew Davis, Miron Meydan If any other parents would like to join any of our subcommittees, I encourage you to contact the school office or email [email protected] Gayle Yardley Principal YEAR 6 TRANSITION NEWS MCKINNON SECONDARY COLLEGE Information Evening: Tuesday 5th May: 7pm in the School Assembly Hall Tour Dates: Thursday 7th May and Tuesday 12th May 9.15 am – 10.15am PHYSICAL EDUCATION DISTRICT TENNIS & STATE SWIMMING Well done to Marisa F in Yr 6 for competing so well in the District Tennis Trial last week! She placed 2nd in her pool. Jordana M also placed 7th in breastroke at the State Swimming Trials last Wednesday at MSAC! Congratulations Jordana, we are very proud! DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY The DXC is scheduled for May 5 at Caulfield Park. All district runners (including emergencies if they desire) are encouraged to attend training sessions at Princes Park leading up to the event. I will require some parents to help with supervision at the park so if you are keen to help or join in please come down. If it is raining, training will be cancelled. Training dates are as follows: Thursday 16th April - 8am Tuesday 21st April - 8am Thursday 23rd April - 8am Tuesday 28th April - 8am Thursday 30th April - 8am Please bring a drink bottle & your asthma puffer if required. See you at the park! Heath Gibson PE Teacher STAY ACTIVE! 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – SCIENCE *Attention parents of Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 students* Dear Parents, The 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Science, is now being offered for interested students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The competition takes place each year in schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, the Pacific region and South Africa. ICAS-Science is an initiative of the Educational Assessment Australia (EAA) of the University of New South Wales. Students will be sitting for the test at the school on Wednesday 3rd June. There are 30-45 individual items in each paper depending on the year level which require students to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding across five skills areas of observing/measuring, interpreting, predicting/concluding & investigating and reasoning/problem solving. The tests are an excellent preparation for National tests and the student report is useful for highlighting your child’s strengths and weaknesses in this area. All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly, as well as their score compared with the rest of the students tested. The certificate and individual student report are also suitable for your child to include in a portfolio. Students are eligible for awards including High Distinction, Distinction, Credit and Participation Certificates. Further information can be located on the website www.eaa.unsw.edu.au If you would like your child to participate in this competition, please fill in and return the form below with the entry fee of $8.80 per student, by Friday 1st May. The entry form and fee should be returned to your child’s classroom teacher. Due to the strict closing date set by the University, late entries will not be accepted after this date. Yours sincerely, Terri O’Neill (ICAS Testing Coordinator) ……………………………………………………………… 2015 ICAS SCIENCE COMPETITION I give permission for my child ………………………………………...…………….….……… Grade ……………………….…, to participate in the 2015 ICAS Science Competition. Enclosed is $8.80 for the entry fee. Parent/Guardian signature …………………………………….…………………... Date ………………………..….………….. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD (Details located beside the double glass doors – near Prep A) BECOME A VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILY information on noticeboard STUDENT EXCHANGE is looking for host families across New Zealand to welcome overseas students into their home. Visit: www.studentexchange.org.au/host-a-student or call 1300 135 331 for more information BERRY STREET - We never give up Thinking of becoming a Foster Carer? Information on noticeboard GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL – PARENT INFO SESSIONS Transitioning to primary school for children with a disability Thursday April 30th – Glen Eira Town Hall: 7.30 – 9.30pm IMPORTANT SCHOOL WORKING BEE Call for helpers to work on our front garden PA Events & Organisers Date LUNCHTIME SAUSAGE SIZZLES Steve Feder Wed 6 May Wed 5 Aug MOTHER’S DAY STALL Miriam Wynne Hedva Barel We are holding a working bee on Sunday 17 May 2015 from 10 - 1pm? for any volunteers who are willing to help begin the work of renovating our front garden. This will be done under the supervision of Lubana Squire who is one of the members of our School Council Facilities Sub-committee and we are lucky that she has the skills required through working in this industry. Lubana has already volunteered a great deal of time to help improve our school grounds and she is very willingly continuing this, but your help is much needed to support her efforts and it will be greatly appreciated!!! With the agreement of School Council, Lubana is organising the purchase of plants and materials but we need the parent labour to get the work completed. This is a great opportunity for new parents to also attend as it is a terrific way of getting to know others in our school community while performing a wonderfully purposeful task for our school. The Facilities Committee is hoping that, through a number of working bees, we will be able to transform the front garden! This is stage one. On the day, you will just need to wear some old clothes and bring some gloves. The school has some gardening equipment which will be available. If any specific equipment is needed we will put a call out nearer the time. We are looking forward to seeing many willing helpers on this day! (We appreciate that some people prefer to participate in a working bee in lieu of the voluntary grounds maintenance contribution and we are grateful for this.) Thank you in anticipation, Andrew Ryan and the Facilities Committee Dad of Ashlee (2A) and Blake (4B) …………………………………………………………………… WORKING BEE – Sunday 17 May 2015 10am – 1pm I/We will be attending the working bee as follows:Name of Parent/s: ……………………………………………………….. Name of Child/ren ………………………………………………………. Grade/s ………………….. Thurs 7 May BOOK FAIR Rachelli Sack 18 May – 22 May MOTHER’S EVENING Donna Sceney Maria Giannopoulos Thurs 28 May SCHOOL DISCO Melanie Gordon Sat 8 Aug FATHER’S DAY STALL Louise Bloom Thurs 3 Sep FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Jackie Phillips Fri 4 Sep WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY Kerry Perlstein Mon 5 Oct SCHOOL FETE Cindy McClure Tracey Swiatlo Sun 25 Oct MANGO FUNDRAISER Chrissy Cananzi Kerry Perlstein End of Term 4 MOTHER’S DAY/SPECIAL PERSON’S DAY STALL We need your help! This year, the Mother’s Day/Special Person’s Day Stall will be held on Thursday 7th May 2015. To ensure the stall runs smoothly, we rely on parents to help work on the stall and pack up afterwards. So even if you can only spare an hour on Thursday 7 May, we’d love to hear from you. Times slots and tasks to choose from Day Time Slots Task (in Library) Wednesday 6th May Thursday 7th May 1:00 – 3:15pm Stall Setup No.of people required 10 8.45 – 10am Manning the stall 10 8.45 – 10am Money counting 2 10.00 – 11am Manning the stall 10 10.00 – 11am Money counting 2 10.45 – 11.30am 10 10.45 – 11.30am Manning the stall during recess Money counting 11.30 – 12pm Stall pack-up 10 2 Name: ………………………………………………………… Contact Phone No. : ………………………………………… Email : ……………………………………………….…………….……… Class of eldest child at school: ……….…………….……… INSTURCTIONS FOR REGISTERING YOUR HELP ONLINE ON NEXT PAGE Something new is coming to our school this May....... CAULFIELD SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL BOOK FAIR Education Week : Monday 18th – Friday 22rd May (Includes our CSPS Open Night on Wednesday 20th May) INTRODUCING BOOK SUPPLIERS AN AUSTRALIAN COMPANY FOR AUSTRALIAN SCHOOLS As Victoria's biggest school library supplier, Lamont know the books that our students love. As they are independent of all of the publishing houses – they can include the best and biggest range of titles from all publishers in our Annual Book Fair This is always a popular & fun event for which we’ve previously had a great little group of volunteers to help it run smoothly. Your involvement can be for one session (or more) & the time needed at each session is no more than 1 hour. We always have a good time and this year it promises to be even easier to run on a new paperless system with fully automated check in/check out systems which keeps track of the books that we sell!! If you can assist with any of the times listed, please send a message directly to Rachelli on 0412 719 482 or via email to [email protected] (Pls do it Now!!) A roster will be drawn up & you will be notified in person ☺ SIGN ME UP TO HELP AT THE BOOK FAIR! VOLUNTEER ONLINE BOOKINGS – INSTRUCTIONS NEXT PAGE Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………… Contact Phone No. : ………………… ……. Email : ……………………………………………………………………………. Class of eldest child at school: ……………………………………………….…………….…………………. Friday 15th May Setting up the book Fair 1 hour: 2:30 – 3:30pm Monday 18th May Tuesday 19th May 8:30am – 9:15am 8:30am – 9:15am 3:20 pm – 4:15pm 3:20 pm – 4:15pm Wednesday 20th May 8:30am - 9:15am 3:20pm – 4:15pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm OPEN NIGHT (please note that we always roster on enough people to ensure you have sufficient time to visit your child’s classroom/s) Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May 8:30am – 9:15am 8:30am – 9:15am 3:20pm – 4:15pm Pack up (1hr) 9:15am – 10:15am Many thanks Rachelli Sack (Book Fair Co-ordinator) WEDNESDAY 6TH MAY EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AT CSPS Information / Registration forms are available either outside the school office or on the CSPS website CLASSES COMMENCE WEDNESDAY 29TH APRIL CAULFIELD SOUTH CHESS CLUB - CHESS IDEAS TERM 2 REGISTRATION FORM AVAILABLE VIA THE LINK BELOW, FROM THE SCHOOL WEBSITE OR OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL OFFICE More information / Payments can be made online www.chessideas.com.au
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