CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 19076 Monrovia Road * 540-672-9041 Affiliated with the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia Church email: [email protected] Church Web Site: Follow Pastor Richard on Twitter @RichardGoble Follow Calvary on Twitter @CBCOrange Pastor ................................................................................Dr. Richard Goble (Home) 540-661-1074 * (Cell) 540-661-2213 * (Kay’s Cell) 540-661-2308 Keyboard ....................................................................... Mark Throckmorton Keyboard ....................................................................................... Kay Goble Children’s Ministries Director ...................................... Mark Throckmorton Youth Directors.............................................................Ben & Kelley Hobbs Deacon of the Quarter .......................................................... Barry Pendleton The Lord’s Day July 5, 2015 Kidz Praze! Worship in Song - Congregation #562 Be Thou My Vision Invocation Prayer Worship in Song - Congregation Shout To The Lord Missions Prayer Schedule of *Regular Services Sunday: Sunday School…………………………………………………. ..... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................... 11:00 a.m. Discipleship Training ................................................ 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: Fellowship Supper…………………………………………… ..... 5:30 p.m. Kidz Praze!............................................... ..... 6:15 p.m. Prayer Time & Bible Study………………………………. ..... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Supper Please Join us @ 5:30 p.m. We suggest a gift of $3 per individual or $6 per family, but everyone is welcome to join us. Weekly Budget need - $2,154 July No board meeting this month. The next board meeting is scheduled for August. 7/26-Worship Service at Dogwood Village Upcoming Summer Events! Kidz Praze Events Summer Picnic -August 15 Orange Street Festival Offertory Hymn - Congregation #520 The Longer I Serve Him Worship Through Tithes and Offerings Worship in Song - Congregation #79 My Jesus, I love Thee Message - Celebration Preparing For The Revival: Will You Welcome Revival? Invitation and Reflection #389 Spirit of the Living God Benediction Prayer The Family of God Nursery Workers Today ............................................................ Hilda Altman & Stacy Southard Next Sunday ...................................... Brenda Throckmorton & Kelley Hobbs Trip to Kings Dominion! For Youth fest on July 18th, 2015 The cost for youth members will be covered. If you would like to bring a friend, their cost will be $34.99. Everyone is responsible for their lunch/ dinner. (You can bring your own food or money to purchase food.) Please sign up on the sign up sheet so we can get a head count for those going. Also, if you have a Season Pass, please let us know. For more information please contact Kelley Hobbs at(703)-898-0199 Calvary’s Sacrificial Giving Thank you for your generous support of these ministries. To begin the prayer chain please call…. July 7 Ronnie Aylor Family of Priscilla Breeden June 17 Lauren Eppard June 10 Carolyn Heath Andy Ours Needs Tom & Debi Adams Linsey Adams Willie Amos (cancer) Elena Blackman Krystle Beard Ada Blankenship (heart) Teresa Blankenship Bobby Blanton Reva Breeden (leukemia) Otis Brookman Larry Carpenter Margie Carpenter (eyes) Linda Castro (cancer) Samantha Clark (missing) Joe Crews (Ann) Hazel Davis (Alzheimer's) Raymond Davis Bobby & Sandy Duff Eric & Judy Dyer Jessica Eller Nancy Embree Jimmy Estep Marlene Gallihugh Melvin Garrison Lisa Gentry Jean Goble Kay Goble Joyce Haney Shannon Haney Earl Hellems Ben Hobbs (work) Lois Holland Terri Holland Bernice Jenkins Andy Knighting Ruby Lamb Skeeter Lutz Norene Mallory (UVA) Steve Mallory Lisa Murvin Randy Newberry Kayla Nicholson Kenny Nicholson Dale Pendleton Josh Pritchett Jesse Roberts Cathy Smith Dianne Smith Kelly & Stacy Southard The Strachan Family Delores Weikle Johnny Weikle (cancer) Charlotte Whitbeck Becky Zunt (cancer) SBCV Officers/Leaders Brian Autry, Exec. Dir. Darrell Webb, Church Health Strategist Dogwood Village Nancy Huffstickler Hazel Kennon Hazel Kube Lucy Napier Harriet O’brien Fred Sherman Alice Yancey Gordon House Bill Breeden Mountain View Gerald Rollins NH in St. Petersburg, FL Paula Gemell Missionaries Pat & Jeannie Hartsfield Morgan Long Hannah Sterling Military Personnel Protection for Military Bases Families of those who are deployed Zach McClanahan Special Needs American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Pastor Saeed Abedini Camp Red Arrow Children's Bible Ministries CROSS NEEDS Destruction of Isis Discipleship Training Families in Crisis Good Hope Baptist Church Health Care Issues Homecoming and Revival Immigration Issues Israel/Middle East Kidz! Praze Law Enforcement & Families National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Orange County Schools Our Community Our Country Our World Peace of Jerusalem Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia Student Ministry Unspoken prayer requests for our church VBS 2015 Thank you for informing us of your prayer concerns. Requests will remain on the list for 3 weeks unless otherwise requested. Richard/Kay Goble 661-1074 (home) 661-2213 (cell) 661-2308 (Kay’s cell) 2014 V.B.S Missions Offering - $967.73 Love Offering for Band of Brothers - $538 2014 Vision Virginia Offering - $525.41 Love Offering for McClanahan Family - $1000 2014 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering - $1679 2015 PCCV Life Offering - $1400 2015 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering - $1301 Mark/Brenda Throckmorton 672-4547 Mike /Ricki Strachan 854-5333 894-3768 Stewart/Tina Morris 672-5130 Eric/Judy Dyer 434-953-3994 (cell) 434-953-7170 (cell) Shelby Morris 308-7630 Butch/Dianne Smith 672-2464 Jennifer Shelton 540-219-3965 (cell) Kelly/Stacy Southard 854-6955 Hilda Altman 854-4348 Steve/Joanne Matthews 672-3396 Joyce Haney 672-5620 Eugene Byram 672-1574 Bob/Frances Racer 672-1158 Charlotte Whitbeck 672-4236 Andy/Jami Ours 672-3271 (home) 540-395-5575(cell) *If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please see Jami Ours. Sunday Evening from 6:00 to 8:00 Featuring the video sessions of Dr. David Platt President of the International Mission Board Discipleship Training Resumes July 19th Wednesday Night Bible Study This intriguing Bible Study clearly shows the significance of each Feast of the Lord-and how they all point to Jesus. We will see the unity found in God’s unfolding purposes for His people, be they Jew or Gentile, the new birth found in Passover and the Crucifixion, all the way to entering God’s rest found in the Feast of Tabernacle and the Second Coming. We have 638 friends on Facebook. Have you prayed for them today? North American Mission Board International Mission Board MORNING: Miracles Make a Difference EVENING: Desperate Needs (North Africa) A Christian worker in North Africa reports being able to share the Gospel with a small group of Muslims. An elderly woman, in particular, showed much interest. When this woman had a stroke that left her partially paralyzed, Christians began to pray for her. The next week, it seemed as though a miracle had taken place. The worker prays that miracles like this will turn hearts to the true Healer. Thank you for giving through the Cooperative Program to support the miraculous work of God. (Maryland) RON LARSON is Send City coordinator for Baltimore and church planting catalyst for three associations surrounding this 20th largest metropolitan area in America. In a city with increasingly high rankings in crime, poverty and the spread of diseases like HIV, the need for the Gospel is increasing. In an effort to see new works started and existing works supported, Ron works to mobilize church partners and planters through Send North America: Baltimore. Your gifts through the Cooperative Program help make that possible. Pray for the people in Baltimore to seek Christ. Pray about partnering in introducing Baltimore to the Savior they so desperately need. Uganda : Inviting Word Recently, VOM workers distributed Bibles to people living in some of the poorest areas of Uganda. In one remote village, they met with a teenager named Okware Martin. The 17-year-old boy told workers that he had heard about God, but he admitted that he was not living a good life. Though there are churches in given two hours later. this area, few have access to Bibles because of extreme poverty. Martin has had When they had finished the Bible distribution and meeting with Christians there, schooling and is able to read, and after a heartfelt discussion with the workers, they went to say goodbye to their new friend Martin and encourage him. He he committed his life to Christ. said, “I can’t stop reading. Every word I read invites me to read more. I pray I The VOM workers gave Martin a Bible and showed him Psalm 1. He had just come to know more about this God.” More than six hours had passed, but begun reading the first verse when he told the workers, “I cannot read with dirty Martin was still reading. hands, allow me to wash and return.” He washed up and then finished reading Martin now has a Bible teacher and a fellowship group, and he continues to read the psalm. from the Bible he was given. Over the past year, VOM workers have distributed After encouraging Martin, the VOM workers moved to the next house. Martin approximately 3,000 Bibles in English and various dialects into parts of Uganda stayed where he was and continued reading the Bible that he had been given. As where there are Christians and Muslim background believers they continued going from house to house, one of the workers noticed that Martin was still in the same place and still reading from the Bible he had been Homecoming & Revival July 12-15 at Calvary Baptist Monday-Wednesday Services will start at 7:00 p.m. each night Schedule Sunday, July 12 Services will start 1/2 hour later than normal. Sunday School - 10:15 Morning Worship - 11:30 Potluck Dinner to follow Special Music beginning around 2:00 p.m. Rev. Joe Groux Guest Speaker Bob Stone and the Virginia Gospel Singers Bluegrass Gospel Band Homecoming and Revival - July 12th - 15th Our guest speaker this year will be Rev. Joe Groux, and special music will be provided on Sunday by Bob Stone and the Virginia Gospel Singers Bluegrass Gospel Band. Make your plans now to be here for every service. And please remember to pray that God will send the Holy Spirit with power from on high so that we may have a genuine revival.
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