DR.ANJALI CHATTERJI REGIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HOMOEOPATHY, (Under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road,KOLKATA – 700 035. NOTICE INVITING TENDER 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 Dated 20th May 2015 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, a research institute under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH invites sealed tenders in Two-bid system, technical bid and financial bid, in INR from reputed manufacturers/authorized dealers/suppliers in India for the supply of various indigenous Laboratory Instruments / Equipment for its Virology Research Laboratory at 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata. Tender No. Description of work Tender Fee 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 Supply of various indigenous laboratory instruments/Equipment to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, for its Virology Research Laboratory at 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkatta. Rs. 500/(Rupees Five hundred only) (nonrefundable) Downloading of tender document 20/05/2015 to 19/06/2015 up to 03.00 pm. Bid Closing date 20/06/ 2015 up to 03.00 pm. Prospective bidders may download the Complete Tender Documents from the website of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi (www.ccrhindia.org) under the link “Tender Notice” within the last date for download. It can also be purchased in person or on request by post from the Officer in charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy on payment of Rs.500/- by cash/DD to be drawn in favour of “Officer in charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata.” Those downloading the tender document will have to enclose a cheque/Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) (Non refundable) with the bid as tender fee payable to Officer In charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute,Kolkata, in a separate envelope super scribing “Cost of Tender”. The downloaded forms not accompanied with tender fee will NOT be accepted. Addendum/Corrigendum, if any, to the tender documents shall be uploaded on the aforementioned websites only. Hence, the bidders may visit the same regularly till the closing date for submission of the bid. Bidders are requested to go through the complete bid documents and the eligibility criteria under the Bid Rejection Criteria, Scope of Work etc. in particular, before submission of the Bid. 1 DR.ANJALI CHATTERJI REGIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HOMOEOPATHY, (Under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road, KOLKATA – 700 035. NOTICE INVITING TENDER 01/DACRRI/Kol./2015 Dated ……………….. LETTER FOR INVITATION TO BID To Sub: Sealed Tenders for Supply of various Laboratory Instruments /Equipment for supply of various indigenous Laboratory Instruments / Equipment for its Virology Research Laboratory at 50-Rajendra Chatterji Road, Kolkata. Sir/Madam, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, a research institute under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH, hereby invites sealed tenders for supply of the above instruments /equipment. The salient features of the tender are: 1 Tender No. : 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 2 Type of Bid : 3 4 Cost of Bid Document (Non-refundable) Sale of Bid Document : : 2 Bid System (Technical Bid & Price Bid) Rs. 500.00 (Rupees five hundred only) 5 6 Date of Pre-bid Conference Venue of Pre-Bid Conference: : : 7 8 Bid Closing Time & Date : : 9 (a) Bid Opening Time, Date & Place Technical bid : (b) Presentation : (c) Price Bid : Place of Submission 2 On 20/05/2015 to 19/06/2015 up to 03.00 pm. 04/06/2015 at 11.00 am. DR.ANJALI CHATTERJI REGIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HOMOEOPATHY, 50-RAJENDRA CHATTERJEE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 035. On 20/06/ 2015 up to 03:00 p.m. DR.ANJALI CHATTERJI REGIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HOMOEOPATHY, 50-RAJENDRA CHATTERJEE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 035. On 23/06/2015 at 11:30 a.m. at the same address as above. Date and time to be announced at the time of opening of technical bid. Opening time and date shall be intimated to technically qualified bidders. 10 EMD (Bid security) : As per Annexure-III 11 Amount of Performance Guarantee to be submitted only by the Successful Bidder. : 14 Time for completion of Supply/Installation/Operationalisation/Training Quantum of Liquidated damages for default in : completion of the scope of work as per the LOA. 10% of the Contract value to be submitted within 15 days of issue of the Letter of Award (LOA). Bidders should ensure that the Performance Bank Guarantee should be valid for a period extending to 90 (Ninety) days beyond the date stipulated for completion of the contract. 90 days from the date of letter of supply order. @ 10% of the contract value or as decided by the Competent Authority. 12 months from the date of letter of supply order. 15 16. The period of validity of approval rates of the firm Other details and terms & conditions are as per the Annexure attached. You are invited to submit your bid against the above tender. Thanking you, Yours faithfully Officer-in-Charge, DACRRI, Kolkata 3 INDEX Sl. No Description Part/Section 1 Instruction to Bidders Part 1 2 Bid Rejection Criteria / Bid Evaluation Criteria Part 2 3 General Conditions of Contract Part 3 / Section I 4 Terms of Reference / Scope of Work Part 3 / Section II 5 Special Conditions of Contract Part 3 / Section III 6 Schedule of Rates Part 3 / Section IV 7 Proforma of Letter of Authority Part 4 / Proforma A (page 37) 8 Bid Form Part 4 / Proforma B (page 38) 9 Statement of Compliance with respect to BRC Part 4 / Proforma C (page 39) 10 Statement of Non-Compliance (Except BRC) Part 4 / Proforma D (page 40) 11 Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee ) Part 4 / Proforma E (page 41-42) 12 Form of Performance Bank Guarantee Part 4 / Proforma F (page 43-45) 13 Agreement Form Part 4 / Proforma G (page 46-47) 14 Application form to be filled ld by the Bidder Annexure-I (page 48) 15 BID form for Technical Bid Annexure-II (page 49) 16 EMD Annexure-III (page 50-51) 17 Guidelines for service contract. Annexure-IV (page-52) 18 Undertaking for maintenance of supplied items Annexure-V (page-53) 19 Form for submitting the AMC charges Annexure-VI (page-54) 20 Indicative list - Specifications Annexure-VII (page-1-25) 4 Salient Features of the Tender. 1 Tender No. : 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 2 3 : : 2 Bid System (Technical Bid & Price Bid) Rs. 500 (Rupees Five hundred only) 4 Type of Bid Cost of Bid Document (Nonrefundable) Sale/Download of Bid Document : On 20/05/2015 to 19/06/2015 up to 03.00 pm. 5 6 Date of Pre-bid Conference Venue of Pre-Bid Conference: : : 7 8 Bid Closing Time & Date Place of Submission : : 04/06/2015 at 11.00 am. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata.700035 On 20/06/2015 up to 03:00 pm. Officer In-charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, 50Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata.700035 9 (a) Bid Opening Time, Date & Place Technical bid : On 23/06/2015 at 11:30 am. at the same address as above (b) Presentation : (c) Price Bid : 10 11 EMD (Bid security) Amount of Performance Guarantee to be submitted only by the Successful Bidder. : : 14 Time for completion of Supply/ Installation/ Operationalisation/ Training Quantum of Liquidated damages for default in completion of the scope of work as per the LOA. The period of validity of approval rates of the firm Date and time to be announced at the time of opening of technical bid. Opening time and date shall be intimated to technically qualified bidders As per Annexure-III 10% of the Contract value to be submitted within15 days of issue of the Letter of Award (LOA). Bidders should ensure that the Performance Bank Guarantee should be valid for a period extending to 90 (Ninety) days beyond the date stipulated for completion of the contract. 90 days from the date of letter of supply order. 15 16. : @ 10% of the contract value or as decided by the Competent Authority. 12 months from the date of letter of supply order. Contd... NOTE: 5 1. Tender Document can be purchased in person or on request by post from the Officer In Charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy on payment of Rs.500/- by cash/DD to be drawn in favor of Officer In charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy or downloaded from the website of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (www.ccrhindia.org.). Those downloading the tender document will have to enclose a cheque/Demand Draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) (Non refundable) with the bid as tender fee payable to Officer In charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute, Kolkata, in a separate envelope super scribing “Cost of Tender” 2. No request for sale of Bid Document will be entertained after 3.00pm on 19/06/2015 at any cost. 3. The tender document is non transferrable. 4. The Bidder must drop the tender in the tender box personally or send it through registered post/speed post/courier. In no case the tender should be handed over to any employee/official of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata. 6 PART -1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation, submission of bid and Presentation of Technical Bid. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. A. BID DOCUMENTS 2.0 The services required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the Bid Document. The bid document includes the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) Forwarding letter Instructions to Bidders (Part-1) Bid Rejection Criteria / Bid Evaluation Criteria (Part-2) General Conditions of contract Terms of Reference (Section-I) Scope of Work / (Section-II) Special Conditions of Contract (Section-III) Schedule of Rates (Section-IV) Proforma of Letter of Authority (Proforma-A) Bid Form (Proforma-B) Statement of Compliance with respect to BRC (Proforma-C) Statement of Non-Compliance (Excepting BRC) (Proforma-D) Bid Security Form (Proforma-E) Proforma Security Form (Proforma-F) Agreement Form (Proforma-G) 2.1 The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Bid Document. Failure to furnish all information required in the Bid Documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk & responsibility and may result in the rejection of its bid. 3.0 AMENDMENT OF BID DOCUMENTS: 3.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder or as a sequel to Pre-bid conference if held, modify the Bid Documents by issuance of an Addendum. 3.2 The Addendum will be put on CCRH’s website (www.ccrhindia.org). All bidders are advised to visit the said website regularly to update themselves about modification to the Bid, if any, in order to submit their offer accordingly. 3.3 No request for the extension of time for submission of Bid will be entertained at any cost. 7 B. PREPARATION OF BIDS 4.0 LANGUAGE OF BIDS: The bid as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged between the Bidder and Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata shall be in English language, except that any printed literature may be in another language provided it is accompanied by an English translated version. The English Translated version should be used for the purpose of bid interpretation. 5.0 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID: The bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following components: (A) TECHNICAL BID (i) Complete technical details of the equipment/instruments intended to be provided against the tender as in Annexure—II Documentary evidence established in accordance with provisions of part-2 (ii) Bid Security furnished in accordance with the provisions of Part-2 (iii) Letter of Authority as per Proforma A. ( page-37 ) (iv) Statement of Compliance with respect to BRC as per Proforma-C (page-39) (v) Statement of Non-compliance as per Proforma-D (page- 40) (vii) Any other document as required as per the Bid Document. (B) COMMERCIAL / PRICE BID (i) Bid Form as per Proforma-B (page- 38) (ii) Price-Bid Format as per Section IV (iii) Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) as per Annexure VI 6.0 BID FORM: The bidder shall complete the Bid Form and the appropriate Price schedule furnished in the Bid Document. 7.0 PRE-BID CONFERENCE 7.1 In order to avoid clarification/confirmation after opening of bids, a Pre-bid conference will be held so as to provide an opportunity to the participating bidders to interact with Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata with regard to various tender provisions/tender specifications. In case, due to any points and doubts raised by the prospective bidders, any specific term & condition (which is not a part of “General conditions of the Contract”) needs to be modified, then the same will be considered for modifications. 7.2 After pre-bid conference, the specifications & other tender conditions will be frozen. No change in specifications and tender conditions will be permissible after bid opening. All the bidders must ensure that their bid is complete in all respects and conforms to tender terms and conditions, BEC and the tender specifications in-toto failing which their bids are liable to be rejected without seeking any clarifications on any exception / deviation taken by the bidder in their bid. 8 7.3 Bidders should depute their authorized representative who should be competent to take on the spot decisions. 8.0 PRESENTATION ON TECHNICAL BID: Bidders meeting the qualifying criteria of Part 2 (BRC / BEC) will be required to give a power point presentation to the Technical Evaluation Committee after opening of the Technical Bids. The date of presentation shall be announced at the time of opening technical bid. All costs associated with this presentation will be borne by the bidder. 9.0 BID PRICE: 9.1 Unit prices in INR must be quoted by the bidders, both in words and in figures. 9.2 Price quoted by the successful bidder must remain firm during its performance of the Contract and is not subject to variation on any account. 9.3 All duties and taxes including Corporate Income Taxes and other levies payable by the successful bidder under the Supply for which this Bid Document is being issued, shall be included in the rates, prices and total Bid Price submitted by the bidder. The evaluation and comparison of bids shall be made accordingly. 9.4 Taxes and other liabilities : 9.4.1 The Bid should be all inclusive i.e. it should include CST/VAT/ST/ Freight charges including Insurance (if any) / Installation/commissioning/training etc. charges, if required, as applicable. 9.4.2 In case of any change in the tax liability in future, (a) (b) Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will have no liability to reimburse the difference in the duty/ tax, if the finally assessed amount is on the higher side. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will have the right to recover the difference in case the rate of duty / tax finally assessed is on the lower side. 9.4.3 The bidders should have a valid sale tax number etc. from the concerned authorities of Sale Tax department and a copy of such certificate should be submitted along with the offer. In case the tax number certificate for the quoted category of service is not available at the time of submission of offer, an undertaking should be furnished for submission of copy of requisite certificate along with the invoice under the contract. 9 10.0 DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING BIDDER’S ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATIONS: These are listed in Part – 2. (page 17) 11.0 BID SECURITY(EMD): The EMD is required to protect the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against the risk of Bidder’s conduct, which would warrant forfeiture of the EMD, 11.1 pursuant to sub-clause 11.8. 11.2 All the bids must be accompanied by EMD for the amount as per Annexure-III: (a) A Bank Guarantee issued from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in India, in the prescribed format vide Proforma-E (page41) only will be accepted. The Bank Guarantee shall be valid for 90 days beyond the validity of the bids asked for in the Bid Documents. Bank Guarantees should be on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value, as per Indian Stamp Act, purchased in the name of the Banker. (b) A Banker’s cheque or Demand Draft drawn in the favor of Officer In-charge, DACRRI valid for 90 days from the date of issue and payable at Kolkata. 11.3 Any bid not secured in accordance with sub-clause 11.2 above shall be rejected by the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy as non-responsive. 11.4 The bidders shall extend the validity of the EMD suitably, if and when specifically advised by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy at the bidder’s cost. 11.5 Unsuccessful Bidder’s EMD will be discharged and / or returned within 30 days after finalization of tender. 11.6 Successful Bidder’s EMD will be discharged and / or returned upon Bidder furnishing the performance security and signing of the contract. Successful bidder will, however, ensure validity of the EMD till such time the performance Security in conformity with Clause 26.0 below is furnished. 11.7 11.8 EMD shall not accrue any interest during its period of validity or extended validity. The EMD may be forfeited: (a) If any Bidder withdraws or modifies their bid during the period of bid validity (including any subsequent extension) specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form, or (b) If a successful Bidder fails: (i) To sign the contract within reasonable time & within the period of bid validity, and / or (ii) To furnish Performance Security. 10 12.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS: Bids shall remain valid for 12 months after the date of bid opening prescribed by the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 12.1 In exceptional circumstances, the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of validity. The 12.2 request and the response thereto shall be made in writing (or by Fax). The EMD provided under Para 11.0 shall also be suitably extended. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its EMD. A Bidder granting the request will neither be required nor permitted to modify their bid. 13.0 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID : 13.1 The Bidder shall prepare bid clearly. The bid shall be typed or written in indelible inks and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. The letter of authorization (as per Proforma A page- 37) shall be indicated by written power of attorney accompanying the bid. All pages of the bid, except the un-amended printed literature, shall be initialed/signed by the person or persons signing the bid. 13.2 The Bid must be submitted in English preferably by the Principle supplier. 13.3 The bid should contain no interlineations, white fluid erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct/apparent errors made by the Bidder. However, such-correction shall be initialed/signed by the person or persons signing the bid. (C) SUBMISSION OF BIDS 14.0 SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS : 14.1 The tender is being processed according to a single stage – Two bid procedure. Offers should be submitted in two parts viz. Technical bid and Commercial bid (Price Bid). 14.2 The Bidder should ensure that a separate envelope is prepared, for each item for which the Bids are submitted. 14.3 The Bidder shall seal the Bid for each item as given in following paras. 14.4 The cover containing the Technical Bid should be in sealed cover bearing the following on the right hand top corner:(i) Envelope No. 1 Technical bid (ii) Item Code Number ________________________ (iii) Bid Document No. ___________________________ (iv) Bid closing date _____________________________ (v) Bidder’s name ______________________________ 11 14.5 The cover containing the Commercial Bid ( Price Bid) should be in a separate sealed cover bearing the following on the right hand top corner:(i) Envelope No. 2 Commercial bid (ii) Item Code Number _______________________ (iii) Bid Document No. _______________________ (iv) Bid Closing date _________________________ (v) Bidder’s name __________________________ 14.6 The above mentioned two separate covers containing Technical Bid and the Commercial Bid (Price bid) should then be put together in another envelope bearing the following details on the top and the envelope should be addressed to the person (s) as mentioned in the “Forwarding Letter”. (i) Bid Document No. _______________________ (ii) Item Code Number _______________________ (iii) Bid Closing date _________________________ (iv) Bidder’s name __________________________ 14.7 The offer should contain complete specifications, details of items offered together with other relevant documents. The EMD mentioned in clause 11.0 should be enclosed with the Technical Bid. The price Schedule should not be put in the envelope containing the Technical Bid. 14.8 All the conditions of the contract to be made with the successful bidder are given in various Sections of this document. Bidders are requested to state their compliance / non-compliance to each clause as per Proforma---- C&D (page-39 and 40). This should be enclosed with the technical bid. 14.9 Timely submission of the bids is the responsibility of the Bidder. Bidders should send their bids as far as possible in person or by Registered Post or by Courier Services. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall not be responsible for any postal delay / transit loss. 14.10 Tele fax / e-mail / Photocopy bids and bids with Scanned signature will not be considered. Bids should be signed manually failing which the same shall be rejected. 15.0 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: Bids must be received by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy at the address and time specified in the “Forwarding Letter”. 16.0 LATE BIDS : Any Bid received by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall be rejected. 17.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: 17.1 The Bidder after submission of bid may modify or withdraw its bid by written notice prior to bid closing date and time. 17.2 The Bidder’s modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with the provisions of clause 14.0. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by fax but followed by a signed confirmation copy, postmarked no later than the deadline for submission of bids. 12 17.3 No bid can be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids. 17.4 No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiry of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its EMD. 18.0 BID OPENING AND EVALUATION : 18.1 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will open the Bids, including submission made pursuant to clause 17.0, in the presence of Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend at the date, time and place mentioned in the Forwarding Letter. However, an authorization letter from the bidder must be produced by the Bidder’s representative at the time of bid opening. Unless this Letter is presented, the representative will not be allowed to attend the bid opening. The Bidders representative who is allowed to attend the bid opening shall sign in a register evidencing their attendance. Only one representative against each bid will be allowed to attend. 18.2 Bid for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been received pursuant to clause 16.0 shall not be opened. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will examine bids to determine whether they are complete, whether requisite EMD has been furnished, whether documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. 18.3 At bid opening, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will announce the Bidder’s names, written notifications of bid modifications or withdrawal, if any, the presence of requisite Bid Security and such other details as the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may consider appropriate. 18.4 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall prepare, for its own records, minutes of bid opening event including the information disclosed to those present in accordance with the sub-clause 18.3. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may at its discretion, ask the Bidder for 18.5 clarifications of its bid and technical presentations. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. 18.6 Prior to the detailed evaluation, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will determine the substantive responsiveness of each bid to the requirement of the Bidding Documents. For the purpose of these paragraphs, a substantive responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Bidding Document without material deviations or reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of work, or which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy right or the bidder’s obligations under the contract, and the rectification of which deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders presenting substantial responsive bids. DACRRI’s determination of bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the Bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. 13 18.7 A Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity. 18.8 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may waive minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder. 19.0 OPENING OF COMMERCIAL / PRICE BIDS : 19.1 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will open the Commercial Bids of the technically qualified Bidders on a specific date in the presence of interested qualified bidders. Technically qualified Bidders will be intimated about the bid opening date in advance. 19.2 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will examine the Price quoted by Bidders to determine whether they are complete, any computational errors have been made, the documents have been properly signed, and the bids are generally in order. 19.3 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price (that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity) the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected accordingly. If any Bidder does not accept the correction of the errors, their bid will be rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words, and figures, the amount in words will prevail. 20.0 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS: The DACRRI (H), Kolkata will evaluate and compare the bids as per Part-2 of the biding documents. 21.0 CONTACTING DACRRI 21.01 Except as otherwise provided in clause 18.0 above, no Bidder shall contact Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy on any matter relating to its bid, from the time of the bid opening to the time the contract is awarded except as required by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy vide sub-clause 18.5. 21.02 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy in its bid evaluation, bid comparison or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of his bid. (D) AWARD OF CONTRACT 22.0 AWARD CRITERIA: Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will award the Contract to the successful Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated bid as defined in the BID EVALUATION CREITERIA (BEC) in the Part II of the tender document, after obtaining approval of the Competent Authority, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily. 23.0 RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY BID: Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring 14 any liability to the affected bidder, or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder of the grounds for the action of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 24.0 NOTIFICATION OF AWARD: 24.1 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will notify the successful Bidder(s) in writing by email (to be confirmed in writing by speed post) that its bid has been accepted for supply of Instruments/Equipment. The notification of award of the job (supply of Instruments/Equipment) will also be put on the website of CCRH (www.ccrhindia.org). 24.2 The notification of award of the job will constitute the formation of the Contract. 24.3 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of Performance Security pursuant to clause 26.0, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge their Bid Security, pursuant to clause 11.0 hereinabove. 25.0 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT AND ISSUE OF SUPPLY ORDER: 25.1 At the same time as Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy notifies the successful Bidder that its Bid(s) has been accepted, the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will send the necessary documents by Speed Post/Registered Post to the successful bidder(s) for signing of the agreement, provided in the Bidding Documents, along with the General & Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Schedule of rates incorporating all agreements between the parties. 25.2 Within 20 days of dispatch of the final Agreement documents, the successful Bidder shall return the documents duly singed to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy either in person/Authorized person/Speed Post/Registered Post/Courier. 25.3 Immediately on receipt of the Agreement duly signed by the Bidder, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will issue Letter of Award for supply of Instruments/Equipment. A copy of the letter of award will also be uploaded on the website of CCRH (www.ccrhindia.org). 26.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY: 26.1 Within 15 days of dispatch/uploading of letter of award for supply of items from Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy /Website of CCRH the successful Bidder shall furnish to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy the Performance Security for the amount specified in the Forwarding Letter (and Letter of Award (LOA) issued by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy to the Firm awarding the Supply order, as per Proforma-F and must be in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in India. Bank Guarantees should be on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value, as per Indian Stamp Act, purchased in the name of the Banker. 26.2 The Performance Security specified above must be valid for 90 days after the date of expiry of the tenure of the contract to cover the warranty obligations indicated in clause 8 of Section-I, Part 3 hereof. The same will be discharged by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy not later than 30 days following its expiry. 15 26.3 The performance security shall be payable to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy as compensation for any loss resulting from Firm’s failure to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement. 26.4 The Performance Security will not accrue any interest during its period of validity or extended validity. 26.5 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of clause 25.0 or 26.0 shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD. In such an event Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata may award the contract to the next evaluated Bidder or call for new bid or negotiate with the next lowest bidder as the case may be. (END OF PART -1) 16 PART – 2 BID REJECTION CRITERIA (BRC)/ BID EVALUATION CRITERIA (BEC) I. BID REJECTION CRITERIA (BRC):The bid shall conform generally to all the scope of work and terms and conditions given in this bid document. Bids shall be rejected in case the supply of Equipment/instruments offered do not conform to required parameters stipulated in the technical specifications. Notwithstanding the general conformity of the bids to the stipulated specifications, the following requirements will have to be particularly met by the Bidders without which the same will be considered as non-responsive and rejected. (A) TECHNICAL: The bidder must meet the following criteria:1.0 EXPERIENCE: (a) The Bidder must have experience of having successfully supplied/installed equipments/instruments of similar nature to/in at least (3) (three) reputed Govt./Semi Govt. Laboratories during last 3 years ending last day of month previous to the one in which bids are invited. 2.0 Furnish average annual financial turnover for the last 03 years ending on the last day of the last financial year. 2.1 The bidder must have a project office or its Authorized representative in Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy for effective co-ordination of work with the Institute. The bidder should provide the address and phone numbers of the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy office in their bid. (Ref. Bid form at Proforma B). 3.0 DOCUMENTS: Bidder must furnish following documentary evidence along with their bids in support of fulfilling above requirements: (a) Profile of the firm indicating expertise in handling/installation of the equipments/Instruments to be supplied. (b) A brochure for handling each of the equipment/instruments to be supplied. (c) A certificate issued by a practicing chartered/cost accountant certifying the Annual Turnover and audited Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account etc. (d) Copy of the quality certification if any, received by the organization. 17 (e) Documentary proof in respect of 1.0(a) above in the form of copies of respective contract/MOU , along with documentary evidence in respect of satisfactory execution of each of those contracts, in the form of copies of any of the documents (indicating respective contract number and type of services), such as – (i) Satisfactory completion /performance report (OR) (ii) proof of release of Performance Security after completion of the contract (OR) (iii) proof of settlement/ release of final payment against the contract (OR) (iv) any other documentary evidence that can substantiate the satisfactory execution of each of the contracts cited above. Documents, if any, in support of additional experience. (f) Copy of authorization/MoU in respect of 1.0(b). (g) The bidder must have sale tax etc. and related documents must be enclosed in support of them. (h) An affidavit stating that the bidder has not been debarred/blacklisted by any State Govt. /Central Govt. or any other organization including PSUs under the control of State/Central Govt. (i) Documents in support of the experience as mentioned above at S. No. A (1) of part 2. (j) A certificate of OEM (B.) COMMERCIAL- BID SUBMISSION (a) Bids shall be submitted under single stage two bid systems, i.e. Technical bid and Price bid separately. Bids shall be rejected outright if the technical bid contains the prices. The Technical bid and Commercial Bid shall comprise all the components as per Clause 5.0 of Part I, failing which the bid will be liable for rejection. (b) Bidder shall offer firm prices. Price quoted by the successful bidder must remain firm during the execution of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. (c) EMD shall be furnished as a part of the technical bid. The amount of bid security shall be as specified in the bid document. Any bid not accompanied by a proper bid security will be rejected. 4.0 Any bid received in the form of Tele fax/e-mail/Xerox/Photocopy and bids with Scanned signature will be rejected. Original bids should be signed manually failing which they shall be rejected. 5.0 Bids shall be typed or written in indelible ink and bid shall be signed by the bidder or his authorized representative on all pages failing which the bid may be liable for rejection. 6.0 Bids shall contain no interlineations, erasures or over writing except as necessary to correct errors made by bidders, in which case such corrections shall be initialled by the person (s) signing the bid. However, white fluid should not be used for making corrections. Any bid not meeting this requirement will be liable for rejection. 18 7.0 Bidders shall bear, within the quoted rates, the charges as applicable in respect of their personnel and Sub-Contractor’s personnel, arising out of installation/commissioning/training of the equipment/instruments. 8.0 Any bid containing false statement will be rejected. 9.0 Bidders must quote clearly and strictly in accordance with the “Schedule of Rates” of bidding document; otherwise the bid will be summarily rejected. 10.0 Bidder must accept and comply with the following clauses as given in the Bid Document in toto failing which offer will be rejected(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) Performance Guarantee Bond Clause Warranty Clause AMC Clause Force Majeure Clause Tax Liabilities Clause Arbitration Clause Acceptance of Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Liquidated damage cum penalty clause Safety & Labor Law Termination Clause. 12.0 Bidders, whose proposal for technical collaboration/ joint venture involves foreign equity participation or payment of royalty and/or lump sum for technical knowhow and wherever Govt. approval is necessary are required to submit copy of Govt. approval on their application prior to date of price bid opening. 13.0 Bids received after bid closing date and time will be rejected. C. GENERAL 1.0 In case bidder takes exception to any clause of bid document not covered under BEC/BRC, then the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy has the discretion to load or reject the offer on account of such exception if the bidder does not withdraw/modify the deviation when/as advised by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. The loading so done by the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will be final and binding on the bidders. 2.0 To ascertain the substantial responsiveness of the bid, the DACRRI, Kolkata reserves the right to ask the bidder for clarification in respect of clauses covered under BRC also and such clarifications fulfilling the BRC clauses in to must be received on or before the deadline given by Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy failing which the offer will be summarily rejected. 19 3.0 If any of the clauses in the BRC contradicts with other clauses of bid document elsewhere, then the clauses in the BRC shall prevail. 3.0 BID EVALUATION CRITERIA (BEC) The bids will be evaluated on the basis/ parameters given below:- Stage-I The Envelope 1 containing the Technical Bid will be opened and will be checked for the availability of all the required documents and evaluated on the basis of submitted documents. Stage-II Bidder qualifying as per the technical evaluation criteria in stage-I, will have to make presentation on the instruments/equipment on specified date and time. Presentation should show its successful installation and performance of the items to be supplied by the Bidder before the Evaluation Committee constituted for the purpose by the Competent Authority. “The price bid of only those bidders will be opened whose presentation is found to be satisfactory by the Evaluation Committee.” Stage –III Financial bid of all those bidders, whose presentation has been found to be satisfactory by the Evaluation Committee, will be opened in the presence of the representatives of the concerned bidders who wish to be present. The price quoted by each bidder, will be announced. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy reserves the right to negotiate the rates with Lowest Evaluated Bid as specified above and also reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason. END OF PART-2 20 SECTION-I PART – 3 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1.0 1.1 a) b) c) d) DEFINITIONS: In the contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated: “The Contract” means agreement entered into between Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata and Bidder, as recorded in the Agreement Form signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein; “The Price” means the cost of the instrument/equipment (all taxes and other charges) payable to Bidder including under the Agreement for equipment/instruments supplied to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata. “The Work” means each and every activity required for supply and successful installation/operationalisation/performance of the Instruments/equipment described in Section II of the Terms of Reference. “Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy”,Kolkata, a research institute under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi-58, an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. e) “Contractor” means the Bidder supplying the Instruments/equipment under this Contract/Agreement. f) “Contractor’s Personnel” means the personnel deputed by the Bidder for supply/installation/operationalisation/training of the equipments/instruments under this Contract/Agreement. g) “Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Personnel” means the personnel to be provided by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under this Agreement. 2.0 EFFECTIVE DATE, DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE CONTRACT AND DURATION OF CONTRACT: 2.1 EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT: The contract shall become effective as of the date Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy notifies Bidder in writing (through Letter of Award) that it has been awarded the Supply Order. 2.2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT: As per Section III (Special Terms & Conditions). 2.3 DURATION OF CONTRACT: As per Section III (Special Terms & Conditions). 3.0 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF BIDDER: Bidder shall, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement: 3.1 Perform the work described in the Terms of Reference (Section-II) in most competent manner both technically & systematically and also in most economic and cost effective manner. 21 3.2 Except as otherwise provided in the Terms of Reference and the special Conditions of the contract, provide all Assistance as required to perform the work. 3.3 Perform all other obligations, work and services which are required by the terms of this agreement or which reasonably can be implied from such terms as being necessary for the successful and timely completion of the work. 3.4 Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before submitting his bid as to the correctness and sufficiency of its bid for the services required and of the rates and prices quoted, which rates and prices shall, except insofar as otherwise provided, cover all its obligations under the Agreement. 3.5 Bidder shall give or provide all necessary supervision during the performance of the services and as long thereafter within the warranty period as Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may consider necessary for the proper fulfilling of Bidder’s obligations under the Agreement. 3.6 Bidder shall ensure that the equipment/instruments to be supplied are packaged in such a manner so as to ensure their safe delivery at Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy Office/Laboratory. 4 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS : Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of this contract: 4.1 Pay Bidder in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement. 4.2 Allow Bidder and his personnel access, subject to normal security and safety procedures, to all areas as required for orderly performance of the work. 4.3 Perform all other obligations required of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata by the terms of the Agreement. 5 PERSONNEL TO BE DEPLOYED BY THE BIDDER. 5.1 Agreement warrants that Bidder will provide competent, qualified and sufficiently experienced personnel to install/operationalise the equipments/instruments and train the personnel of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy using the equipment/instrument correctly and efficiently and shall ensure that such personnel observe applicable Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and statutory safety requirement. 5.2 The Bidder shall be solely responsible throughout the period of this Agreement for providing all requirements but not limited to their transportation to & from field site, enroute/local boarding, lodging, etc. Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall have no liability or responsibility in this regard. 5.3 Bidder’s key personnel shall be fluent in English/Hindi language (both writing and speaking). 22 6 CONFIDENTIALITY, USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION: 6.1 Bidder shall not, without prior written consent of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy disclose the contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing pattern, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by Bidder in the performance of the contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far, as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. 6.2 Contractor shall not, without Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy prior written consent of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, make use of any document or information except for purposes of performing the contract. 6.3 Any document supplied to the Contractor in relation to the contract other than the Contract itself remain the property of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and shall be returned (in all copies) to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy on completion of Supply by the Bidder under the Agreement if so required by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. All information obtained by Bidder in the conduct of operations and the information provided to the Bidder shall be considered confidential and shall not be divulged by Bidder or its employees to anyone other than Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy personnel. This obligation of Bidder shall be in force even after the termination of the Agreement. 7 TAXES 7.1 Taxes and duties as applicable for supply of equipment/instruments will be included in the price bid. 8 WARRANTY: The comprehensive warranty period will be at least Three years (36 months) or the period otherwise allowed for each item by the Manufacturer, whichever is high, starting from the date of successful commissioning of the instrument. Under this warranty, upon the receipt of such notice, supplier/agent shall, within the period specified, repair/replace the defective instrument or spare parts thereof at the ultimate destination. The supplier/agent shall take over the replaced parts/goods, in the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material. In such cases, the warranty for the corrected/replaced materials shall be extended to the left over period of warranty. The comprehensive warranty includes maintenance of equipments including spare parts etc. 9 INSURANCE 9.1 The Bidder shall arrange insurance to cover all risks in respect of the Instruments/equipments to be supplied till its installation/operationlisation. 9.2 Bidder shall at all time during the transportation/installation/operationalisation and maintenance of the equipment/instrument, pay for and maintain the following insurance amongst others: 23 a) b) c) d) e) f) Workmen compensation insurance as required by the laws of the country of origin of the employee. Bidder’s equipment used for execution of the work hereunder shall have an insurance cover with a suitable limit (as per international standards). General Public Liability Insurance covering liabilities including contractual liability for bodily injury, including death of persons, and liabilities for damage of property. This insurance must cover all operations of Contractor required to fulfil the provisions under this contract. Bidder’s equipment used for execution of the work hereunder shall have an insurance cover with a suitable limit (as per international standards). Automobile Public Liability Insurance covering owned, non-owned and hired automobiles used in the performance of the work hereunder, with bodily injury limits and property damage limits as governed by Indian Insurance regulations. Public Liability Insurance as required under Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991. 9.3 Bidder shall obtain additional insurance or revise the limits of existing insurance as per the request of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy request in which case additional cost shall be to Bidder’s account. 9.4 Any deductible set forth in any of the above insurance shall be borne by the Bidder. 9.5 Bidder shall furnish to Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy prior to commencement date, certificates of all its insurance policies covering the risks mentioned above. 9.6 If any of the above policies expire or are cancelled during the term of this contract and Bidder fails for any reason to renew such policies, then the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will renew/replace same and charge the cost thereof to Bidder. Should there be a lapse in any insurance required to be carried out by the Bidder for any reason whatsoever, loss/damage claims resulting there from shall be to the sole account of Bidder. 9.7 Bidder shall require all of his sub-Contractor to provide such of the foregoing insurance coverage as Bidder is obliged to provide under this Agreement and inform the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy about the coverage prior to the commencement of agreements with its sub-Contractors. 9.8 All insurance taken out by Bidder or his sub-Contractor shall be endorsed to provide that the underwriters waive their rights of recourse on Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 10.0 CHANGES: 10.1 During the performance of the work, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may make a change in the work within the general scope of this Agreement including, but not limited to, changes in Quantity and location within the premises of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, and minor additions to or deletions from the work to be performed. Bidder shall perform the work as changed. Changes of this nature will be affected by written order (Change Order) by Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 24 10.2 If any change results in an increase in compensation due to Bidder or in a credit due to Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Bidder shall submit to Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy an estimate of the amount of such compensation or credit in a form prescribed by Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. Such estimates shall be based on the rates shown in the Schedule of Rates (Section IV). Upon review of Bidder’s estimate, Bidder shall establish and set forth in the Change Order the amount of the compensation or credit for the change or a basis for determining a reasonable compensation or credit for the change. If Bidder disagrees with compensation or credit set forth in the Change Order, Bidder shall nevertheless perform the work as changed, and the parties will resolve the dispute in accordance with Clause 13 hereunder. Bidders’s performance of the work as changed will not prejudice Bidder’s request for additional compensation for work performed under the Change Order. 11.0 FORCE MAJEURE: 11.1 In the event of either party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any obligation required to be performed by them under the AGREEMENT for supply, the relative obligation of the party affected by such Force Majeure will stand suspended for the period during which such cause lasts. The word ‘Force Majeure’ as employed herein shall mean acts of God, war, revolt, agitation, strikes, riot, fire, flood, sabotage, civil commotion, road barricade (but not due to interference of employment problem of the Bidder) and any other cause, whether of kind herein enumerated or otherwise which are not within the control of the party to the contract and which renders performance of the contract by the said party impossible. 11.2 Upon occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing within Seventy Two (72) hours of the alleged beginning and ending thereof, giving full particulars and satisfactory evidence in support of its claim. 11.3 Either party will have the right to terminate the contract if such ‘Force Majeure’ condition continues beyond fifteen (15) days with prior written notice. 12.0 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION: 12.1 All disputes or differences whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of this contract or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The venue of arbitration will be New Delhi. The award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties. 13.0 NOTICES: 13.1 a) Any notice given by one party to other, pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in writing or by e-mail and confirmed in writing to the applicable address specified below: Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road,KOLKATA – 700 035. Tele fax- 033-25100868 E-mail id: [email protected] 25 b) Contractor/Supplier 13.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date whichever is later. 14.0 SUBCONTRACTING/ASSIGNMENT: 14.1 Bidder shall not subcontract, transfer or assign the supply order, in full or any part under this contract, to any third party (ies). Except for the main services under this contract, Bidder may sub-contract the petty support services subject to prior approval of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. However, Bidder shall be fully responsible for complete execution and performance of the services under the Contract. 15.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: 15.1 Bidder shall conform in all respects with the provisions of any Statute, Ordinance or Law as aforesaid and the regulations or bye-law of any local or other duly constituted authority which may be applicable to the services and with such rules and regulation of public bodies and Companies as aforesaid and shall keep Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy indemnified against all penalties and liability of every kind for breach of any such Statute, Ordinance or Law, regulation or bye-law. 16.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DEFAULT COMPLETION OF WORKS AND SERVICES: IN TIMELY MOBILISATION AND/OR 16.1 Time is the essence of this Agreement. In the event of the Bidder’s default, in timely mobilization for commencement and/ or in timely completion of works or services within the stipulated period, the Bidder shall be liable to pay liquidated damages @ 10% of contract value if the Bidder is not able to finish the work as per scheduled timelines given by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 17.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY: The Contractor has to furnish to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy a Bank Guarantee (being 10% of Price of equipment) towards performance security. The performance security shall be payable to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy as compensation for any loss resulting from Bidder’s failure to fulfil their obligations under the Agreement. The bank guarantee will be discharged by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy not later than 30 days following its expiry. 18.0 ASSOCIATION OF PERSONNEL: Personnel of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may be associated with the work if & where required, throughout the tenure of the contract. However, the incidental expenses like travelling, boarding/ lodging cost etc. of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy personnel will be borne by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. The Bidder shall execute the work with professional competence and in an efficient and workman like manner. 19.0 LIABILITY: 19.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided, neither Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy nor its servants, agents, nominees, Manufacturer/Supplier shall have any liability or responsibility whatsoever to whomsoever for loss of or damage to the equipment and/or loss of or damage to the property of the Manufacturer/Supplier, irrespective of how such loss or damage is caused and even if caused by the negligence of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and/or its servants, agent, nominees, assignees, Manufacturers/Suppliers. The Manufacturer/Supplier shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy from and against such loss or damage and any suit, claim or expense resulting there from. 26 19.2 Neither Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy nor its servants, agents, nominees, assignees, shall have any liability or responsibility whatsoever for injury to, illness, or death of any employee of the Manufacturer/Supplier irrespective of how such injury, illness or death is caused and even if caused by the negligence of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and/or its servants, agents nominees, assignees. Manufacturer/Supplier shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy from and against such liabilities and any suit claim or expense resulting there from. 19.3 The Bidder hereby agrees to waive its right to recourse and further agrees to cause their underwriters to waive their right of subrogation against Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and/ or its underwriters, servants, agents, nominees, assignees, Contract and sub-Contractors for loss or damage to the equipment of the Bidder and/or its sub-Contractors when such loss or damage or liabilities arises out of or in connection with the performance of the Agreement. 19.4 The Bidder hereby further agrees to waive its right of recourse and agrees to cause its underwriters to waive their right of subrogation against Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and/or its underwriters, servants, agents, nominees, assignees, Contractors and sub-Contractors for injury to, illness or death of any employee of the Contractor and of its Contractors, sub-Contractors and/or their employees when such injury, illness or death arises out of or in connection with the performance of the Agreement. 20.0 INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: 20.1 Except as provided hereof Bidder agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy harmless from and against all claims, suits, demands and causes of action, liabilities, expenses, cost, liens and judgments of every kind and character, without limit, which may arise in favour of Contractor’s employees, agents, Contractors and subContractors or their employees on account of bodily injury or death, or damage to personnel/property as a result of the operations contemplated hereby, regardless of whether or not said claims, demands or causes of action arise out of the negligence or otherwise, in whole or in part or other faults. 20.2 Injury or Death of Persons - The supplier shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against any liability, loss, claim or proceedings, whatsoever arising under any statue or law in respect of personal injury or death or any disability caused by the carrying out the Works. 20.3 Damage to Property – The Supplier shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against and insure and cause any manufacturers and subcontractors to insure against any expense, liability, loss claim or proceedings in respect of any damage whatsoever to any real or personal property for any one occurrence in so far as such damage arises out of or in the course of or by reason of the carrying out the works and is due to any negligence, omission or default of the supplier or any person for whom the supplier is responsible or any manufacturers and subcontractors or person whom the manufacturers and subcontractors are responsible. 20.4 Royalty & Patents – The supplier shall pay all royalties and licenses fees for the use of any patented item, whether it may be an invention, method, arrangement, article, process or appliance used in connection with the performance of the Contract. The supplier shall indemnify and save harmless the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against any and all costs, damages and expenses of any nature or kind whatsoever which may arise out of or result from a claim by any person, firm and corporation that the manufacture, purchase use of sale of any of the inventions, method, arrangements, articles processes or appliance used in connection with the performance of this contract infringes any patent of such other rights. The Supplier shall, at the request of the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy defend the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against any suit brought to enforce any such claim at the suppliers expense. 27 In case any such patented item used on or in conjunction with the works is in suit held to constitute and infringement of its use enjoined, the supplier shall either secure for the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, the right to continue using the said item by suspension of the enjoinment, by procuring for the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, a license or otherwise, or will replace such items with a non-infringing or with the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy approval remove the said enjoined item and refund to the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy the sums paid thereof. 21.0 PAYMENT & INVOICING PROCEDURE: 21.1 Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall pay to Bidder, upon successful completion of the supply, the amount due calculated according to the rates of payment set and in accordance with other provisions hereof. No other payments shall be due from Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy unless specifically provided for in this contract. All payments will be made in accordance with the terms hereinafter described. 21.2 All payments due by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy to bidder shall be made at Bidder’s designated bank. 21.3 Payment of any invoices shall not prejudice the right of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy to question the validity of any charges therein, provided Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy within one year after the date of payment shall make and deliver to bidder written notice of objection to any item or items the validity of which Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy questions. 21.4 Bidder will submit 3 (three) sets of all invoices to Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy address given under Para 14.1 above for processing of payment. 21.5 Invoices with original supporting documents duly countersigned by the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy representative/engineer wherever applicable will be submitted at the end of completion of the Project by the BIDDER to Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and payment shall be made within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of invoice at the above office. 21.5.1 The original invoice should also accompany the following documents/details: a. Equipment to be supplied by Indian Manufacturer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Upon delivery of the Equipment to the transporters, the Supplier shall notify the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy,Kolkata and mail the following documents to both. Four copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing the equipment’s description, quantity, unit price and total amount. Supplier’s and/or Manufacturer’s warranty certificate. Factory test & inspection certificate by manufacture Insurance certificate. 28 b. Equipment of Foreign Origin: (Not applicable in the instant case) 21.6 The Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall within 20 days of receipt of the invoice notify Supplier/bidder of any item under dispute, specifying the reasons thereof, in which event, payment of the disputed amount may be withheld until settlement of the dispute, but payment shall be made of any undisputed portion. This will not prejudice the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy right to question the validity of the payment at a later date as envisaged in sub-clause 21.3 above. 21.7 The acceptance by bidder of part payment on any billing not paid on or before the due date shall not be deemed a waiver of Bidder’s rights in respect of any other billing, the payment of which may then or thereafter be due. 21.8 Bidder shall maintain complete and correct records of all information on which Bidder’s invoices are based up to 2 (two) years from the date of last invoice. Such records shall be required for making appropriate adjustments or payments by either party in case of subsequent audit query/objection. Any audit conducted by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy of Bidder’s records, as provided therein, shall be limited to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy verification (i) of the accuracy of all charges made by Bidder to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy and (ii) that Bidder is otherwise in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 21.9 For Foreign Bidders: The foreign bidders should quote the price in foreign currency. In case, they have components and services of Indian agent, the same may be quoted in India Rupees (INR) 100% payment will be released through irrevocable letter of credit in the name of foreign bidders for stores of foreign origin. 80% payment will be made on shipment of the instrument/equipments and on furnishing Bank Guarantee for 10% of the purchase order as security contract agreement valid till warranty period. For release of payment the supplier shall submit documents.20% will be released on satisfactory installation, training and commissioning of instrument/equipment. 22.0 WITHHOLDING: Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may withhold or nullify the whole or any part of the amount due to Supplier/bidder, after informing the reasons in writing, on account of subsequently discovered evidence in order to protect Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy from loss on account of :a) b) c) d) For non-completion of jobs assigned as per Section-II. Bidder’s indebtedness arising out of execution of this Agreement. Defective work not remedied by bidder. Claims by Bidder or others filed or on the basis of reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims against Bidder. e) Failure of Bidder to pay the cost of removal of unnecessary debris, materials, tools, or machinery. f) All claims against Bidder for damages and injuries, and /or for non-payment of bills etc. 29 Any failure by Bidder to fully reimburse Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under any of the indemnification provisions of this Agreement. If, during the progress of the work Bidder shall allow any indebtedness to accrue for which Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under any circumstances in the opinion of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may be primarily or contingently liable or ultimately responsible and Bidder shall, within five days after demands made by Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, fail to pay and discharge such indebtedness, then Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may during the period for which such indebtedness shall remain unpaid, with-hold from the amounts due to Bidder, a sum equal to the amount of such unpaid indebtedness. Withholding will also be effected on account of the following:i. ii. iii. Order issued by a Court of Law in India. Any obligation of Bidder which by any law prevalent from time to time be discharged by Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy in the event of Bidder’s failure to adhere to such laws. Any payment due from in respect of unauthorized imports. When all the above grounds for withholding payments shall be removed, payment shall thereafter be made for amounts so with-held. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the right of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy to withhold shall be limited to damages, claims and failure on the part of Bidder, which is directly/ indirectly related to some negligent act or omission on the part of Bidder. 23.0 APPLICABLE LAW: This Agreement including all matters connected with this Supply, shall be governed by the laws of India (both substantive and procedural) for the time being in force and shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Courts situated in Delhi. The Bidder including foreign companies, operating in India or entering into Joint ventures in India, shall have to obey other law of the Land and obtain necessary permits/ licenses etc. from appropriate authorities for conducting operations under the Agreement. There shall be no compromise or excuse for the ignorance of the Indian legal system in any way. 24.0 RECORDS, REPORTS AND INSPECTION: a) The Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, or his duly authorized representative shall have right for inspection of the instrument/equipments at premises of the tenderer. In case of foreign supply, the bidder is required to submit the certificate of testing, materials and workmanship of the instrument/equipment machineries during manufacturing process or afterwards as may be decided. b) The tenderer shall furnish complete address of the premises of his office, go-down and workshop with contact number of responsible person where inspection can be made together with name and address of the person who is to be contacted for the purpose. In case of those dealers who have newly entered in business a letter of introduction from their bankers will be necessary. 30 25.0 Clearance of consignment from Customs: (Not applicable in the instant case) 26.0 Demurrage charges: (Not applicable in the instant case) 27.0 Rejection: 1) Articles dot approved during inspection or testing shall be rejected and will have to be replaced by the tenderer at his own cost within the time fixed by the Competent Authority of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata. 2) If, however due to exigencies of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy work, such replacement either in whole or in part, is not considered feasible, the Competent Authority of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy after giving an opportunity to the tenderer of being heard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitable amount from the approved rates. The deduction so made shall be final. 3) The rejected articles shall be removed by the tenderer within 15 days of intimation of rejection, after which Competent Authority of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall not be responsible for any loss, shortage or damage and shall have the right to dispose of such articles as he thinks fit, at the tenderer’s risk and on his account. 28.0 Packaging: The tenderer shall be responsible for the proper packing so as to avoid damage under normal conditions of transport by sea, rail and road or air and delivery of the material in good condition to the consignee at destination. In the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage the tenderer shall be liable to make good condition such loss and shortage found at the checking/inspection of the materials by the consignee. “No extra cost” on such account shall be admissible. The Competent Authority can repudiate the contract for the supply, at any time, if the supplies are not made to his satisfaction after giving an opportunity to the tenderer of being heard and recording of the reasons for repudiation. 29.0 SUBSEQUENTLY ENACTED LAWS: Subsequent to the date of bid opening, if there is change in or enactment of any law or interpretation of existing law, which results in additional cost/ reduction in cost to Bidder on account of the operation under the Agreement, the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy /Bidder shall reimburse/ pay Bidder/ Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy for such additional/reduced costs actually incurred. 31 30.0 ROYALTY AND PATENTS: Each party shall hold harmless and indemnify the other from and against all claim and proceedings for or on account of any patent right, design, trade mark or other protected rights arising from any use of materials, equipment, processes, inventions and methods which have not been imposed on the attending party by the terms of the contract or the specifications or drawings forming part thereof. 31.0 WRONG/ INCORRECT/ MISLEADING INFORMATION: It must be noted that any information/ statement furnished in the bid, if at any stage, found wrong, incorrect or misleading, will attract action as per rules/ law. 32.0 WAIVER: Any delay in exercising and any omission to exercise any right, power or remedy exercisable by the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under this contract shall not impair such right, power or remedy nor shall any waiver by the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy of any breach by the Bidder of any provision of this contract prevent the subsequent enforcement of that provision by the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy or be deemed a waiver by the Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy of any subsequent breach by Bidder. END OF SECTION- I of part III 32 SECTION-II TERMS OF REFERENCE / SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK A Virology Research Laboratory is being set up at Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. The space for setting up of this Laboratory has already been identified in the existing building of the Institute. Now necessary equipment is to be installed for operationalisation of the Laboratory. This work is to be completed within 90 days from the date of issue of Supply Order. A list of equipment/instruments proposed to be installed in the said Laboratory along with specifications is enclosed at Annexure-VII. The specifications are clearly mentioned in the document and the Bidder is requested to submit Bid only if their offer strictly comply with these specifications. Please note that no deviation in the required specification will be permitted. The bidding for the instruments having different specification will be on Bidder’s risk as Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will not entertain such bids. Bids carrying the statement like “specification as per tender document” shall not be entertained. The product specifications supported by technical literature and list of users must be enclosed. Equipment/Instruments preferably having CE marked symbol wherever required, Bidder should enclose Manufacturer’s ISO, WHO, GMP compliance certificate. Bidder should provide following certificates of all equipment, wherever required. 1. Diagnostic License (Particularly for PCR instruments) 2. Traceability & Tradability Certificate. 3. Calibration Certificate. The bidder should attach a separate list for the consumable/spares required for smooth operation of the instrument/equipment at least for three years (as optional items) and two copies of trouble shooting manuals, electric circuits etc. along with the bid. The scope of work would include supply of the equipment/instrument, their installation, operationlization and providing training to the staff who will handle the equipment/instruments. Equipment/Instrument must be supplied and installed either by the principal supplier or their authorized agents within 120 days from the date of opening of LC (Letter of Credit) in case of foreign suppliers. For Indian supplier the supply/installation should be completed within 90 days from the date of issue of Supply Order. The supplier or their authorized Agent should be in touch with the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy where the equipments are to be delivered to keep them informed about the exact day of receipt of stores supplied/dispatched by them. The selected Firm(s) will have to complete the whole job as per the schedule. 33 3.1 AFTER SALES SERVICE: After sales, service is most important to be considered for comparison of the bids. Bid of those firms who do not have Indian/Local Agents to provide after sales service during warranty period will not be considered. After sales service must be provided at the premises of the Laboratory/Office of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy by the manufacturer or authorized service provide the Instrument/equipment will not be sent to the service provided for the repair. 3.0 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: The bidder should quote the charges for annual maintenance contract for next five years after completion of the comprehensive warranty period for the instrument. The guidelines for the AMC are available at Annexure IV. The supplier/manufacturer will submit the undertaking in format mentioned at Annexure V. END OF SECTION-II of Part-III 34 SECTION – III SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 Commencement of Agreement for Supply of Instruments/equipment: Commencement of Agreement will come in to force from the date the Supply Order is dispatched/put on the website of the Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 2.0 Completion of Supply Order: Supply of Equipment/Instruments should be completed within 30 days from the date of issues of the supply order. Equipment/Instruments should be delivered to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy within 30 days as per the specification of the Items mentioned in the supply order. This will include installation/operationlisation and training to the personnel handling the equipment/instrument. 3.0 Completion of Agreement: The Agreement will come to an end after 12 months or on the expiry of Guarantee/Warranty/AMC (wherever applicable) period of the equipment/instrument whichever is later. 4.0 Extension of the Supply period: will be considered as deem fit after written request of the Supplier/Bidder with sufficient justification for such extension. 5.0 Payment terms: 100% payment will be made on successful Installation/operationlisation and training of the personnel handling the equipment/instrument and certification by duly constituted Technical Committee. 6.0 Entry of contractor’s personnel, material and any other goods: The Bidder has to make all arrangements including security clearance, passes etc. for the movement in and out of the venue and obtain all necessary permissions from Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy will facilitate to the extent possible in this regard. However, the primary responsibility will be with the Bidder. END OF SECTION – III of Part-III 35 SECTION – IV SCHEDULE OF RATES / PRICE FORMAT Sl. No Name of the equipment/instrument Specifications Difference in specifications offered by from Tender the Bidder. Document, if any. Qty. Price in INR including CST/VST/any other charges. 1. 2. 3. Gross total Rs. NOTE: 1. The Gross Price is inclusive of all taxes & duties etc. No other charges will be payable by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. 2. The foreign bidders must indicate the following information in their proforma invoice along with the Price Bid separately for each instrument/equipment. a) Country of Origin b) Port of Shipment. c) Name & Address of beneficiaries Bank, Branch name with Account No. & RTGS/SWIFT No. d) Whether trans-shipment/partial shipment is required or not. e) The Indian Agent’s complete address, telephone & fax number. 3. Foreign Principles/their authorized Indian Agent shall intimate the buyer regarding the date of shipment well in advance. A copy of the invoice documents, air way bill, packing list, certificate of country of origin may be forwarded to the purchaser by fax immediately after shipment of the consignment to clear from custom authorities so as to avoid demurrage charges. The consignment is to be get cleared by supplier from custom and he will deliver the item at Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata Office/Laboratory. Authorized Person’s Signature: __________________________ Name: _______________________________________ Designation: __________________________________ Seal of the Bidder: END OF SECTION – IV of Part III 36 PART – 4 PROFORMA – A PROFORMA LETTER OF AUTHORITY To, Officer In-charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy Sir, Sub: DACRRI (H), Kolkata Bid Document No. 01/14-15/DACRRI We ______________________________ confirm that Mr. ____________________ (Name and address) is authorized to represent us to Bid, negotiate and conclude the agreement on our behalf with you against Bid Document No. _______________ for supply of equipment/Instruments as required for the Virology Laboratory. We confirm that we shall be bound by all and whatsoever our said representative shall commit. Yours faithfully, Authorized Person’s Signature: ________________________ Name: ______________________________ Authorized e-Mail id: Authorized Fax No: Seal of the Bidder: Note: This letter of authority shall be on printed letter head of the Bidder and shall be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney (power of attorney shall be annexed) to bind such Bidder. If signed by a consortium, it shall be signed by members of the consortium. 37 PROFORMA – B BID FORM To, Officer In-charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata Sub: Bid document No .01/ 14-15/ Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. Sir, Having examined the General and Special Conditions of Agreement and the Terms of Reference including all attachments thereto, the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned offer to supply the equipment/instruments and its installation/operationalization etc., in conformity with the said conditions of Agreement and Terms of Reference for the sum of __________________ (Total Bid Amount in words and figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to supply the equipment/instruments and its installation/operationalization etc., within (___________) days calculated from the date both parties have signed the Agreement. We shall perform the work in a first class workmanlike and professional manner and in accordance with the highest degree of quality, efficiency and current state of the art technology in conformity with all specifications, standards and drawings set forth or referred to in the Terms of Reference and with instructions and guidance which Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may, from time to time, furnish to the contractor (clause 6.1 of General Conditions of Contract). If our bid is accepted, we will obtain the guarantee of a bank for a sum not exceeding ___________ for due performance of the Contract. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 12 months from the date fixed for Bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive. The details of our project office in Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy are indicated in the application form enclosed at Annexure-I. The Bid form (duly completed) for which Bids have been submitted, is enclosed at Annexure-II. _____________________ _____________________ Phone No: along with name of contact person _____________ e.mail address ______________________ Dated this ____________ day of _______________ 2015 Authorized Person’s Signature: ____________________ Name :__________________________ Designation :______________________ Seal of the Bidder : 38 PROFORMA-C Sub: Bid document no. .01/14-15/ Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO BRC SL. NO. SECTION/ CLAUSE NO. BRIEF STATEMENT COMPLIANCE REMARKS We undertake that all the clauses of BRC as entered in the tender document shall be fully complied with. Authorized Person’s Signature:_______________________ Name:______________________________ Designation:___________________________ Seal of the Bidder: 39 PROFORMA-D Sub: Bid document no. 01/14-15/ Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy./ STATEMENT OF NON-COMPLIANCE (EXCEPTING BRC) SL. NO. SECTION/ CLAUSE NO. BRIEF STATEMENT NONCOMPLIANCE REMARKS We undertake that excepting above deviations all the terms and conditions in the tender document shall be fully complied with. Authorized Person’s Signature:_______________________ Name:______________________________ Designation:___________________________ Seal of the Bidder: 40 PROFORMA-E Proforma of Bank Guarantee towards Bid Security (E.M.D) Ref. No…………….. Bank Guarantee No……………………………… Dated…………………………………….. To, The Officer In-charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy Dear Sirs, 1. Whereas Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, is an Institute under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy an autonomous body established by the Government of India under the administrative control of Ministry of AYUSH, having its office at Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata (hereinafter called Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) has floated a Tender No. ___________________and M/s ___________________________ having Head office at ____________________________(hereinafter called the ‘Bidder’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean and include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) have submitted a bid Reference No………………………. and Bidder having agreed to furnish as condition precedent for participation in the said tender and unconditional and irrevocable Bank Guarantee of Rupees (in figures) ___________________ (Rupees) (in words) _____________________ only) for the due performance of Bidder’s obligations as contained in the terms of the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) and other terms and conditions contained in the Bid documents supplied by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy which amount is liable to be forfeited on the happening of any contingencies mentioned in said documents. 2. We (name of the bank)_________________registered under the laws of _____________having head/registered office at ______________(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank” which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, the amount of Rs. (in figures)__________________ (Rupees (in words)_________________________only) in aggregate at any time without any demur and recourse, and without Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy having to substantiate the demand. Any such demand made by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall be conclusive and binding on the Bank irrespective of any dispute or difference raised by the Bidder. 3. The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of the country of issue. 41 4. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be irrevocable and governed and construed in accordance with Indian Laws and subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Indian Courts of the place form where tenders have been invited. 5. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain in force up to ____________________which includes thirty days after the period of bid validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the aforesaid date. 6. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is limited to Rs. (in figures)______________________(Rupees (in words)_________________________only) and our guarantee shall remain in force until (indicated the date of expiry of bank guarantee)_____________. Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of this Bank Guarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of CCRH under this Guarantee will cease. However, if such a claim has been received by us by the said date, all the rights of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under this Guarantee shall be valid and shall not cease until we have satisfied that claim. In witness whereof, the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this ……….. Day of …………. at …………………….. WITNESS NO. 1 -------------------------- -------------------------(Signature) Full name and official address (in legible letters) Full name, designation and official address (in legible letters) with Bank stamp WITNESS NO.2 -------------------------(Signature) Full name and official address (In legible letters) Note: i. This Bank Guarantee/ all further communications relating to the Bank Guarantee should be forwarded to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy ii. Bank Guarantee, duly executed as per the above format, is to be enclosed with the Bid. 42 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE Ref. No…………….. PROFORMA-F Bank Guarantee No……………………………… Dated…………………………………….. To, The Officer In-charge, Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy Dear Sirs, 1. In consideration of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, an Institute under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, an autonomous body established by the Government of India under the administrative control of Ministry of AYUSH, having its office at 50-Rajendra Chatterjee Road, KOLKATA – 700 035 (hereinafter referred to as Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) having entered into a CONTRACT No. ________________ dated _____________________ (hereinafter called ‘the CONTRACT’ which expression shall include all the amendments thereto) with M/s _________________having its registered/head office at ________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the ‘CONTRACTOR’) which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators, executors and assignees) and Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy having agreed that the CONTRACTOR shall furnish to Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy a performance guarantee for Rupees……………………. for the faithful performance of the entire CONTRACT. 2. We (name of the Bank) _________________ registered under the laws of _______________having head/registered office at ___________________(hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include all its successors, administrators, executors and permitted assignees) do hereby guarantee and undertake to pay immediately on first demand in writing any / all moneys to the extent of Rs.(in figures)______________________(Rupees (in words)________________________) without any demur, reservation, contest or protest and /or without any reference to the CONTRACTOR. Any such demand made by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy on the Bank by serving a written notice shall be conclusive and binding, without any proof, on the bank as regards the amount due and payable, notwithstanding any dispute(s) pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority and /or any other matter or thing whatsoever, as liability under these presents being absolute and unequivocal. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall continue to be enforceable until it is discharged by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy in writing. This guarantee shall not be determined, discharged or affected by the liquidation, winding up, dissolution or insolvency of the CONRACTOR and shall remain valid, binding and operative against the bank. 43 3. The Bank also agrees that at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as principal debtor, in the first instance, without proceeding against the CONTRACTOR and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy may have in relation to the CONTRACTOR’s liabilities. 4. The Bank further agrees that Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said CONTRACT or to extend time of performance by the said CONTRACTOR(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time exercise of any of the powers vested in Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy against the said CONTRACTOR(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said CONTRACTOR(s) or for any Forbearance, act or omission on the part of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy or any indulgence by Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy to the said CONTRACTOR (S) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 5. The Bank further agrees that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force during the period that is taken for the performance of the CONTRACT and all dues of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under or by virtue of this CONTRACT have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or till Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy discharges this guarantee in writing, whichever is earlier. 6. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in our constitution, in the constitution of Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy or that of the CONTRACTOR. 7. The Bank confirms that this guarantee has been issued with observance of appropriate laws of the country of issue. 8. The Bank also agrees that this guarantee shall be governed and construed in accordance with Laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts of the place from where the purchase CONTRACT has been placed. 9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, our liability under this Guarantee is limited to Rs. (in figures) ________ (Rupees (in words)_________) and our guarantee shall remain in force until __________(indicate the date of expiry of bank guarantee). Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us before the expiry of this Bank Guarantee. If no such claim has been received by us by the said date, the rights of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under this Guarantee will cease. However, if such a claim has been received by us within the said date, all the rights of Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy under this Guarantee shall be valid and shall not cease until we have satisfied that claim. In witness whereof, the Bank through its authorized officer has set its hand and stamp on this _____ day of ____ 20___ at _____ 44 WITNESS NO. 1 _____________ (Signature) Full name and official Address (in legible letters) With Bank stamp (Signature) Full name, designation and address (in legible letters) Attorney as per power of Attorney No. __ Dated________ WITNESS NO. 2 (Signature) Full name and official Address (in legible letters) 1. The expiry date as mentioned in clause 9 should be arrived at by adding 90 days to the CONTRACT completion date unless otherwise specified in the bidding document. 45 PROFORMA-G 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 Dated ……………….. Form for Contract Agreement for Supply of ……..................................................... (Name of Equipments with Quantity and Instrument / Equipment Code No) AGREEMENT An Agreement made this__________ Day of _________ between M/s ______________________________________________________ _____________________(hereinafter called "The approved supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his heirs successors, executors and administrators of the one part) and Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi (hereinafter called purchaser which expression shall where the context so admits, be deemed to include his successors in office and assigns) of other part. 1. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi to supply all those articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract appended here with and the rates set forth in the purchase order. 2. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of __________ in _____________.Bank guarantee/ Cash / Bank Draft /Banker Cheque No___________ dated_____________. 3. Now these Presents WitnessI. In consideration of the payment to be made by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi (the purchaser) through cheque at the rates set forth in the schedule hereto appended the approved supplier, will duly supply the said articles set forth and thereof in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and contract. II. The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclosed to the Tender Notice No.01/2015, dated------------and also appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as part of this agreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreement. III. Letter No.___________________ dated____________ received from tenderer and Letter No.____________ dated_________ issued by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi and appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement. IV. (a) The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi do hereby agree that if the approved supplier shall duly supply the said articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi will through pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every consignment. (b) The Mode of payment will be as per tender document. 46 V. The delivery shall be affected and completed within the period specified in the supply order VI (i) In case of extension in the delivery period with ·Liquidated damages, the recovery shall be made on the basis of following percentages of value of stores which the tenderer has failed to supply:(a) Delay upto one fourth of the prescribed delivery period. 2.5% (b) Delay exceeding one fourth but not exceeding half of the 5% prescribed Delivery period. (c) Delay exceeding one fourth but not exceeding three 7.5% fourth of the prescribed delivery period. (d) Delay exceeding three fourth of the prescribed delivery period 10% Note:-(i) Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supply shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day. (ii) The Maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%. (iii) If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractual supply on account of occurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed the supply order, for to the immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulated date of completion of supply. 4. Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages if the delay in the supply of goods is on account of hindrances beyond the control of the tenderer. 5. Approved rates are valid for the period of one year from the date of execution of first agreement, which may be extended for another one year with mutual consent. 6. The approved supplier hereby agree to provide the service / repairing of the........................ (Name of equipment with quantity) during warranty period by his authorised dealer or by his office. 7. The approved supplier will provide the service /repairing of the ........................(Name of equipment with quantity ) through AMC / CMC after expiry of warranty period by his authorised dealer or by himself on mutually agreed rates for five years after expiry of warranty 8. All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement shall be decided by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi and the decision of the same shall be final. In witness where of the parties hereto have set their hands on the___________ Day of_________ 20 . Signature For and On behalf of the Supplier. Dated 1. Witness Signature For and On of behalf of CCRH, New Delhi Dated 1.Witness 2. Witness 2.Witness 47 Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, ANNEXURE-I 50, Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata -700035. West Bengal. (Under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi -58 An autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi.) APPLICATION FORM (To be filled by the bidder) 1. Name and full address of the: _____________________________________________ Bidder including Telegraphic _____________________________________________ Address/Telex No. and Fax No. _____________________________________________ 2. Name and designation of the _____________________________________________ Head of the Firm/supplier and _____________________________________________ his Telephone No. _____________________________________________ 3. i)In case the supplier is located out of India; specify the authorized Distributor's or Agent's Address in India, if any. ii) Name, Designation, Address ____________________________________________ Telephone & Fax Numbers of the ___________________________________________ Authorized Person who may be Contacted during the process of the _________________________________________ purchase concerned under this document(Applicable for all the suppliers) 4 Instrument item Code Number(s) quoted for: ___________________________________ 5 Whether Earnest Money Deposited: Yes / No If yes (Amount: in Rs.) ____________________________, Demand Draft No and Date ______________________ and Name of Issuing Bank _________________________ 6. Tender fees Rs. 500/- details DD / Cash receipt No________________, Date ____________________ and Name of Issuing Bank ____________________________________ 7 Income Tax Clearance Certificate: attached (Latest) with PAN Number Yes or No All the terms and conditions of the tender documents have been read carefully and are accepted. 8. Please attach the copies of CST/VAT Number. Place: Date : Legally Binding Signature with stamp 48 ANNEXURE – II 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 Dated ……………….. Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, 50, Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata -700035. West Bengal. (Under Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi -58 An autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi.) BID FORM FOR TECHNICAL BID Bid Form for (Name of the Instrument) _______________________ (Please do not write the Rate/Price in this form) Details showing quantity, specification and other details of the instruments offered (Instrument / Equipment code No.__________) (to be filled by the bidder and must be kept marked as Technical Bid" part of the Tender) Sl.No. Name of Item 1 2 The Specification offered by the Bidder 3 Difference in Specifications of tender document and that of Bid, if any 4 Quantity 5 NOTE: - If this sheet is not sufficient to accommodate the bid, the additional sheets may be used containing the same Proforma but all such sheets including this one must be signed on each sheet by the Bidder along with the seal. Separate Bid form should be attached for all equipments, quoted for. Signature with date & stamp of the bidder 49 Annexure-III List of Instrument / Equipments with code No., E.M.D and delivery destination Sl.No. Description of Instruments /Equipments Code No of Equipment/Instruments Qty. EMD in INR Delivering destination 1. Biosafety cabinet class II B1 01/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs. 12,000 2. Non refrigerated Centrifuge- table top and fixed angle Deep freeze -80°C vertical Electronic Balance pH meter Magnetic Stirrer with heating system Liquid N2 Transport container with liquid N2 cylinder Vortex Shaker Dessicators Cabinet Unit Refrigerator 280-400 Litres (Pharma type) Microscope with photo attachment Weighing machineMedia filtration system with pump Digital Water bath with shaking Centrifuge Cold (table top refrigerated centrifuge) Real time PCR system. Water Purification System with cartridge supply. (Nuclease free water for molecular biology grade RO/Nano 02/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 4,000.00 Dr.Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, 50, Rajendra Chatterjee Road, Kolkata -700035. West Bengal. -do- 03/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs 20,000.00 -do- 04/VL/DACRRI 05/VL/DACRRI 06/VL/DACRRI 02 05 01 Rs. 8,000.00 Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 400.00 -do-do-do- 07/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs. 6,000.00 -do- 08/VL/DACRRI 09/VL/DACRRI 02 02 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 400.00 -do-do- 10/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs. 2,000.00 -do- 11/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 1,600.00 -do- 12/VL/DACRRI 13/VL/DACRRI 02 01 Rs. 6,000.00 Rs. 4,000.00 -do-do- 14/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 5,000.00 -do- 15/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs10,000.00 -do- 16/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 80,000.00 -do- 17/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 10,000.00 -do- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 50 combined system) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Sonicator Magnetic Stirrer (motor less) Microwave oven 1350 watt PCR Gradient thermocycler 96X0.2ml format block Automated Nucleic acid extraction system Microscope Fluorescent with photography attachment Deep Freeze -20°C Electrophoresis Apparatus (Horizontal) Gel documentation system UV Trans-Illuminator Quick Spin Micro centrifuge Dessicator (Small) Ice Flaking machine Vertical Gel Electrophoresis with Western Blot Apparatus CO2 Incubator with cylinder Hot Air Oven ELISA Reader with washer Multichannel Micropipette set ( 8 or 12 channel) (1-10ul), (10-100ul), (20-200ul), Lyophilizer Vacuum Concentrator Digital Water Bath circulating Autoclave automated control (Vertical) 18/VL/DACRRI 19/VL/DACRRI 01 03 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,200.00 -do-do- 20/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 2,000.00 -do- 21/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs. 12,000.00 -do- 22/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 60,000.00 -do- 23/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 15,000.00 -do- 24/VL/DACRRI 25/VL/DACRRI 02 01 Rs. 2,200.00 Rs 3,000.00 -do-do- 26/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 20,000.00 -do- 27/VL/DACRRI 28/VL/DACRRI 01 02 Rs. 4,500.00 Rs. 4,000.00 -do-do- 29/VL/DACRRI 30/VL/DACRRI 31/VL/DACRRI 04 01 02 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 -do-do-do- 32/VL/DACRRI 02 Rs. 14,000.00 33/VL/DACRRI 34/VL/DACRRI 01 02 Rs. 4,000.00 Rs. 26,000.00 -do-do- 35/VL/DACRRI 02 sets Rs. 3,000.00 -do- 36/VL/DACRRI 37/VL/DACRRI 01 01 Rs. 8,000.00 Rs. 8,000.00 -do-do- 38/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 5,000.00 -do- 39/VL/DACRRI 01 Rs. 3,000.00 -do- 51 -do- Annexure-IV For Instruments and Equipment only. Guidelines for Service Contract (Annual Maintenance Contract / Comprehensive Maintenance Contract) 1. The proposals for maintenance of equipment should be submitted for 5 years (Charges per year) after guarantee/warranty period of minimum 36 months with spare & parts. The amount for the maintenance contract be mentioned for each equipment per year with tender document 2. Two preventive maintenance & at least two breakdown visits per annum as & when required will be provided under service contract. 3. The firm shall depute service engineer to attend break down calls within 72 hrs from the receipt of the call from office of the Officer In charge, Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Kolkata. In the event of failure on the part of the firm in attending to the preventive maintenance visit or in attending breakdown calls within 72 hrs, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi or an authorized officer on behalf of it will have the right to make the recovery by way of compensation @ 2% of the AMC Contract value per day. However firm shall not be responsible for delay in services due to non-availability of spares or due to any reason beyond its control & the duration of service contract will be increased /extended by such period. 4. The payment will be made on half yearly basis after satisfactory service within 60 days from the date of receipt of the bill. Notwithstanding anything here-in-above provided it will be the responsibility of the firm to see that the system including equipment as a whole (including accessories, software) is kept in well working condition during the full period of contract besides the time reasonably & naturally required in rectification / servicing etc. The points of disputes being mutually decided circumstantially on which the decision of the undersigned shall be final & binding on firm subject to arbitration. Signature of Tenderer With Date, Seal & Address Officer In charge Dr. Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, 52 Annexure-V 01/DACRRI/Kol/2015 Dated ……………….. UNDERTAKING (To be given by Principal Manufacturer) I..........................................................................................................................(Name),......................... .............................................................. (designation), for and on behalf of M/s ..................................................................................(name of the firm), hereby, solemnly affirm to give undertaking that I (we) will, after the expiry of guarantee period, if required, be responsible for annual Maintenance of the supplied item/equipment throughout its life span with reasonable charges and in any case, will not demand AMC charges higher than what we would be charging to our customers whether Govt./Semi-govt. or Private Institutions/Organizations. We also give an undertaking that we will arrange for all spare parts of the quoted model during the period of its annual maintenance and the rate of such spare parts shall not be higher than our published price list. Signatures of Authorized Signatory Designation Seal Place Date 53 Annexure-VI Form for submitting the AMC charges (After completion of comprehensive warranty / Guarantee period) Name of Equipment / Instrument (…….……………………………………………..) Equipment / Instrument code No………… The AMC charges per year Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Year I II III IV V AMC Charges per year in Signatures of Authorized Signatory Designation Seal Place Date 54
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