Subject: Kindergarten Math, Patterns and Relations Outcome: PK.1 - Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (2 or 3 elements) by: identifying reproducing extending creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds, and actions. Beginning – 1 Approaching – 2 I need help. I have a basic understanding. Proficiency – 3 Mastery – 4 My work consistently meets I have a deeper understanding. expectations. With assistance I can identify I can identify a repeating pattern. I can identify repeating I can identify repeating and nonrepeating patterns. With I can copy parts of a pattern. I sequences and non-repeating repeating sequences by assistance I can copy parts of can extend one repetition of a sequences. I can independently identifying the part that repeats. patterns. With assistance I can repeating pattern. I can create a copy a repeating pattern. I can I can independently copy and extend part of a repeating simple pattern with two independently extend repeating repeating pattern and describe pattern. With assistance I can elements. patterns by two or more the pattern. I can extend create a simple pattern. repetitions. I can create a repeating patterns and explain repeating pattern of more than 2 the repetitions. I can create elements using manipulatives, repeating patterns and describe instruments or actions. the pattern. Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators. Distinguish between repeating patterns and non-repeating sequences by identifying the part that repeats. Copy a repeating pattern and describe the pattern. Extend repeating patterns by two more repetitions. Create a repeating pattern, using manipulatives, musical instruments, or actions and describe the pattern. Identify and describe a repeating pattern in the classroom, the school, and outdoors. Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Kindergarten Mathematics.
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