Event Information - Columbus DanceSport Classic

Event Information
Contact Information, Hotel and Event Details, Vendors, Tentative
Schedule, Advertising, Sponsoring, etc.
About Your Organizers
The Columbus DanceSport Classic is owned and organized by David Butcher, Linda Carpenter, and Ron Clark.
Prior to the competition they can be reached by calling Dance Plus Ballroom at 614-486-0471 or by fax at
614-486-0472. You may also email them at [email protected]. During the competition, the emergency number to
call for last minute information or assistance is 614-560-5546 (Linda).
Hotel and Event Details:
The Columbus DanceSport Classic takes place at the Crowne Plaza Columbus North. Special hotel rates have been
reserved for the competition and must be booked by April 4, 2015 to receive the special rate of $109+ tax.
Arrangements can be made for a late 6:30 check out. Use the link below to reserve your rooms.
Crowne Plaza Columbus North
6500 Doubletree Avenue
Columbus, Ohio
Special room rates available!
Saturday, April 18th & Sunday, April 19th
The Columbus DanceSport Classic competition takes place at the Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza Columbus North;
Doors and registration open at 8:00am on Sunday, April 19th, 2015. There is plenty of free parking.
Dressing rooms are available during the event for those not staying at the hotel.
© 2014 Columbus DanceSport Classic, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be duplicated in any form without prior written consent.
1255 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212, (p) 614-486-0471, (f) 614-486-0472
www.cdsclassic.com e-mail: [email protected]
The Columbus DanceSport Classic is proud to present some of the most respected vendors in the ballroom business.
This list is not complete and is meant to offer competitors and professionals a general outline of the types of
vendors we are offering for the competition. For additional questions, please contact us directly at
[email protected] or 614-486-0471.
Hair and Make-Up:
 Mariel Viggers
 Katt
 Katie Mumford
Costumes/Practice Wear/Jewelry/Shoes:
 Ballroom Bling
 Dore Designs
 Lucky Charm Custom Jewelry
 Next Level Dancing
 Tom Wehrung Photography
Educational Dance Resources:
 Next Level Dancing and The Ballroom Dance Coach
 Move Like a Champion and Teach Like a Pro by Diane Jarmolow
© 2014 Columbus DanceSport Classic, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be duplicated in any form without prior written consent.
1255 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212, (p) 614-486-0471, (f) 614-486-0472
www.cdsclassic.com e-mail: [email protected]
Tentative Schedule of Events
9:00am – 6:30pm
International Ballroom & American Smooth
 International Ballroom Single Dances and Championships (Pro/Am and Am/Am)
 American Smooth Single Dances and Championships (Pro/Am and Am/Am)
 International Ballroom & American Smooth Solo Presentations and Formations
 International Ballroom & American Smooth Closed Scholarships
 Open American Smooth Scholarships
International Latin & American Rhythm
 International Latin Single Dances and Championships
 American Rhythm Single Dances and Championships
 International Latin & American Rhythm Solo Presentations and Formations
 International Ballroom & American Smooth Closed Scholarships
 Open American Smooth Scholarships
6:30pm – 8:00pm in the Pavillion
Cocktail Hour
8:00 in the Ballroom
General Dancing
Professional Show Dance Lottery
© 2014 Columbus DanceSport Classic, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be duplicated in any form without prior written consent.
1255 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212, (p) 614-486-0471, (f) 614-486-0472
www.cdsclassic.com e-mail: [email protected]
Do you want to advertise your business? Do you want to tell someone, “GOOD LUCK”?
Place an advertisement or “Good Luck” message in our program!
FULL PAGE B&W (8.5”x11”) - $175.00
HALF PAGE B&W (8.5”x5.5”) - $100.00
Email your ad to:
[email protected] (.jpg or .pdf files only)
If you would like us to create your “GOOD LUCK” message for you, just email
us the information and any pictures you would like to have in your message.
(Additional $5.00 charge)
Interested in marketing and promoting your business or supporting dancesport because you love it?
Consider sponsoring a scholarship, top teacher/student award, or the professional show.
Email us at [email protected] to find out how you can help support this amazing event.
© 2014 Columbus DanceSport Classic, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be duplicated in any form without prior written consent.
1255 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212, (p) 614-486-0471, (f) 614-486-0472
www.cdsclassic.com e-mail: [email protected]