Monday, June 1 7:00 PM Woodland Commons Conference Center Tickets are $5.00 Dr. Dubious is a seven piece Dixieland Jazz band playing hot jazz of the 1920s and '30s in New Orleans and Chicago styles. Their sound is based on a driving 4‐beat rhythm sec on that makes their music swing. Purchase your ckets at Box Office beginning Wednesday, May 13. Important Voter Information for Primary Election Day Tuesday, June 2 Woodland Commons Conference Center Polls are open from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM If you are a registered voter: Come vote in the Primary if you are a declared republican or democrat and choose the candidates you wish to run in November. An undeclared voter may declare a party (Republican or Democrat) and declare your party affiliation and vote. PleasecontactReginaTetensat973‐616‐1767ifyouhaveanyquestions orforfurtherinformation. A 2015 MEMORIAL DAY EVENT TO BENEFIT THE CEDAR CREST RESIDENT CARE FUND AND HOMELESS VETERANS THROUGH EMMAUS FOR VETERANS FlagPick‐UpDay Tuesday,June2,2015 10:00AM—3:00PM WoodlandCommonsCateringRoom TheFlagsofFreedomeventcouldnothavebeenpossiblewithoutallthe supportfromourresidents,staff,family,friendsandlocalbusinesses. Ifyouhavesponsoreda lagduringtheeventand wouldliketopickitup,youcandosoatthistime. Feelfreetopickuptheentire lagpoleorjustthephysical lag–yourchoice! Ifyouhavemarkedoffonyoursponsorshipformthatyouwouldlike tohavedonatedyour lagbacktoCedarCrestforfutureevents, buthavechangedyourmindandwouldliketonowpick‐upyour lag, youcanstilldosoonJune2. Ifyouhaveanyfurtherquestionsabouttheevent,feelfreetocontact [email protected]‐831‐3562. PRESENTED BY lagsoffreedom Resident Talent Show Friday, June 5, 2015 Belmont PAC 7:00 PM Acts Include: Comedy Acts Singing Instrumental Performances AND MUCH MORE! Tickets to the show cost $5 and support the Cedar Crest Scholars’ Fund. Tickets go on sale during Box Office starting on Wednesday, May 20. Pastoral Ministries Presents Thursday, June 5th, 2015 7:45 PM Interfaith Chapel Complimentary & open seating Kol Dodi Community Chorale Kol Dodi’s 60-voice community ensemble has delighted audiences throughout the New York/New Jersey area with stirring renditions of Jewish liturgical and popular pieces from Israel, America and beyond, sung in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino. Colleen’s 7th Annual Birdhouse Garden Tour & Open House On Sunday, June 7, 2015 OPEN HOUSE LOCATION: 221 Walden Place The Home & Garden of Colleen Canavan 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Tickets are $5.00 each and will be available at Box Office Ticket Sales starting Wednesday, May 20. We will be raffling off 2 free lunches to the Bistro! Be sure to check out the ‘Garden Themed: Farm2Table’ dinner menu in all dining rooms on Friday, June 12. Questions? Please call Colleen Canavan at 973-831-7827. IN SUPPORT OF THE CEDAR CREST RESIDENT CARE FUND IN HONOR OF CATHY MILLER DRIED FLOWER DESIGNER Tuesday, June 9 at 1:30 PM in the Belmont Performing Arts Center Open seating and complimentary Without ever taking one floral design class, Cathy Miller went from local garden club president to presiding as florist-in-charge for the dried flower arrangements that adorned the walls of the White House. Join us for a fun-filled afternoon, as Cathy creates a dried flower arrangement right before your very eyes and learn the secrets to how most of your garden flowers can be preserved to enjoy all year long! Questions? Please contact Kelli Bollen at 973-831-3624. IN HONOR OF GARDEN CLUB COMPETITION Wednesday, June 10 1:00 PM Outside in the Garden (by the Chapel) The winners will be announced on Wednesday, June 10 so come support your resident gardeners! Light refreshments will be served and all are welcome to attend! CATEGORIES BEING JUDGED: Best Attractive Design/Layout Best Utilization of Space Best in Show Best Use of a High Bed Most Unusual High Bed Judging will be taking place on Wednesday, June 3 by our three Judges: Ted Thiessen, Joann Knapp and Gail Bassilino Questions? Please contact Kelli Bollen at 973-831-3824. IN HONOR OF Pines Lake Flower Show Thursday, June 11 om 1 ‐ 4 p.m. Friday, June 12th om 10 a.m. ‐ 2 p.m. Woodland Commons Catering Room I Got Rhy hm! Is a small standard flower show and confor s to the standards and objectives of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Questions? Please contact Amy Wagener at 973-831-3636 Brought To You By The Bergen Bunch Thursday, June 18th 2:00 PM Woodland Commons Catering Room All are welcome! Behind Closed Doors: Health, Hygiene and Sexuality Among the Victorians Hygiene standards and developments 19th century medicine Prostitution and the treatment of women Presented by the Morris County Historical Society Questions? Call Amy Wagener at 973-831-3732 MERCYSEAT “NotYourTypicalGospelGroup” FridayJune19that7pm InTheChapel Don’tMiss TheirOnlyCedarCrestShowOfTheYear AFreeWillOfferingWillBeAccepted ~SPONSORED BY THE SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE~ Friday, June 19 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Mountainside Patio of Village Square Come and enjoy socializing with some friends! We will have a cash bar, and musical entertainment by the Gerry Gessie ‘Duo’ Show. ALL TICKET SALES ARE FROM 4:00 - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 10: Overlook Living Room of WC Thursday, June 11: Fireside Living Room of VS Friday, June 12: Oak Living Room of the Belmont Tickets are $5.00 TICKETS ARE LIMITED and will be sold on a first come first served basis. CASH BAR AND BYOB! Please call Kelli Bollen at 831-3624 if you have any questions. Wednesday, June 24 at 7:00 PM Woodland Commons Conference Center Tickets are $5.00 Back by popular demand, this group of remarkably talented musicians will provide a program of delightful music. You will hear show tunes, rousing marches, big band renditions, as well as, stirring patriotic songs appropriate for this time of year. This is a don’t miss evening. Purchase your ckets at Box Office beginning Wednesday, June 10. CALLING ALL ARTISTS! On the Crest Saturday, July 18 from 10:00 AM ‐ 12:00 PM In the Woodland Commons Conference Center (1st floor of Woodland Commons) Are you interested in displaying your artwork at Cedar Crest? If so, the opportunity is here! We are looking for artists who wish to display their photographs, sculptures, paintings, etc. in the 2015 On the Crest Gallery exhibit! This is a great way to share your gifts with the Cedar Crest Community! If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Amy Wagener at 973‐831‐3636 by MONDAY, JUNE 29. Scholars’ Ceremony ns? o te i t s rren o Que C uren 62 a L 5 tact 31 - 3 8 Con 3 at 97 Tickets are complimentary, but required. Tickets will be available at Box Office beginning on Wednesday, June 10. nts e d d u t late u 21 s t a r ong c e b ized l n l i g w reco d n a MONDAY, JUNE 29 7:30 PM BELMONT PAC Reception to follow in the Oak Room Living Room for residents, students, guests and staff. Light refreshments will be served.
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