Allergy Basics

Allergy Basics
This handout describes the process for adding and removing allergies from a patient’s chart.
Accessing Allergy Information
Recording a New Drug Allergy
Adding Optional Fields
Removing No Known Allergies (NKA)
Display Filter
Recording Other Allergies
Removing an Allergy
Labeling No Known Medication Allergies
Removing No Known Medication Allergies
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Accessing Allergy Information
The easiest way to access patient’s allergy information is by viewing the Blue banner bar.
Allergies are listed below the patient’s name. This text also is a
link to the allergies section. Clicking this link is the fastest way to
update a patient’s allergies.
Another way to access allergies is through the menu.
Select Patient Information from the menu.
On the Patient Information Tab, Select Allergies
Select Allergies from the Patient Information Tab.
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Recording a New Drug Allergy
Clicks add to enter a new allergy.
All listed allergies will appear in this box. This patient has no
allergies, so the code NKA appears for No Known Allergies.
1. Type the partial or full name of
the substance in the search field
and click search or press Enter.
3. Click Select to move the
item to the substance
4. Click the drop down arrow:
Select a Category
Note: All Yellow Fields are required fields.
Fill out any other fields as needed.
2. Select the desired
substance (e.g. doxycycline)
from the list.
6. Click Ok when all
allergies have been added.
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5. Click Apply and New to
add multiple Allergies.
Adding Optional Fields
Reaction Type and Symptoms
3. Click Select to move the
reaction to the Reaction
Symptoms Field.
1. Click the drop down arrow
to label the reaction type.
2. Type the reaction in the
Search field. Press Enter or
Click Search.
4. Click the free text button
to type in a reaction
symptom. When done,
Click the Add Free Text
Allergy Status, Severity, Info Source and Onset
1. Click the drop down to select the
Active status.
2. Click the drop down to select the
Severity Level.
3. Click the drop down to select the
Info Source. If the source is a physician,
the record on behalf of field can be
used to select the physician name.
4. Click the drop down to indicate when
the Onset of symptoms occurred. Be as
specific as possible.
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Allergy Comments
1. Click the Add comment
button to add a comment.
2. Type a comment and click ok. The
date/time is displayed to the left of the
Removing No Known Allergies (NKA)
When saving an allergy to a chart that
previously had No Known Allergies (NKA)
charted, this pop up box will display. Adding
an allergy will cancel the NKA designation on
this patient, because an allergy is being
Display Filter
Click Yes.
Click the Drop down arrow to select a filter.
Active = All current allergies
Inactive = All historical allergies, which are no
longer current
All = All allergies (both active and inactive)
In the main allergy window the view is set to All.
NKA is still shown, but with a red line through it,
indicating it was canceled. Doxycycline shows
above it with the completed details that were
filled in for the allergy.
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Recording Other Allergies
The steps for recording other allergies are identical to recording a drug allergy.
For this example, honey has been
added as an allergy. When inputting
allergies that are not on the Multum
Drug list, which can be many allergies
that are not drugs, the system is
unable to do a drug allergy check.
That is indicated by the red circle with
a white X on it.
For this example, food is the
category. Be sure to select
the appropriate category for
all allergies.
Removing an Allergy
Right-click on doxycycline to remove
the drug from the allergy list of this
Click on Cancel doxycycline
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The status of the drug is now changed
to Canceled. A Comment can be left to
note why the allergy is being canceled.
Labeling No Known Medication Allergies (NKMA)
Click No Known Medication Allergies,
to update the patient’s record.
No Known Medication Allergies will be
labeled when the patient has a food or
environment allergy, but no
medication allergies.
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A box pops up where the description
of NKMA is automatically displayed.
Click OK in the bottom right corner to
apply NKMA to the patient’s chart.
Removing No Known Medication Allergies
If a medication allergy is added when
NKMA is currently on the patient file,
this warning will display. To continue,
it will require approval for removing
NKMA from the profile.
Click Yes.
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