edTPA Evidence The edTPA evidence begins with the CIP matrix and timeline followed up with both fall 2013 and spring 2014 summaries and data reports. Continuous Improvement Plan 3.A Yearly Goals & Objectives Goal 1: Phase out of 6 NCDPI electronic evidences. 3.G Implementation Year Candidate Requirements Review Process All candidates were required to submit 6 NCDPI evidences. EPP Faculty reviewed and approved by program. Candidate Accountability 3.D EPP Activities/Initiatives 3.F Human and Capital Resources Continuous Improvement Data 2012-2013 Objective 1: Fall 2012 Complete review of pipeline candidate evidences High Stakes: Awaited state-level Candidates required process for submission to successfully and program review complete evidences to be recommended for a NC teaching license. Human: Time required to conduct reviews by EPP faculty, KMA, OPE Capital: Our EPP was asked to house and analyze the state-level electronic evidence program reviews. OPE was one of 3 official trainers for the state-level pilot. None Pilot review by NCDPI made it clear that the capacity to review all candidate evidence throughout NC did not exist. While our candidates were successful, inconsistencies in training and evaluation made cross-program (Unit) analysis difficult and impacted reliability and validity. Objective 2: Complete transition plan for remaining candidates Spring 2013 All candidates were required to submit 6 NCDPI evidences. EPP Faculty reviewed and approved by program. High Stakes: Candidates required to successfully complete to be recommended for a license. EPP engaged in initial Human: edTPA consortium meetings and training. EPP developed a core edTPA group to begin transition KMA and OPE worked planning with programs to determine which EPP core group attended programs and consortium training candidates would begin The Core edTPA team created a transition document to share with EPP programs and faculty. An edTPA Moodle site was created to house the transition documents in addition to training materials and edTPA handbooks for edTPA implementation Financial: in Fall 2013 The EPP redesigned SAGE to Elementary MAT accommodate edTPA volunteered for presubmission (approximately pilot $25,000) Goal 2: Develop a plan for full edTPA implementation 2013 - 2016 Objective 1: Provide additional support for faculty implementation of edTPA. Fall 2013 All other programs completed 6 NCDPI evidences. Objective 2: Provide support for candidate use of edTPA. Objective 3: Implement and Programs volunteered to participate in the pilot edTPA administration (n=45). Spring 2014 All Spring completers EPP faculty, University Supervisors, and Doctoral Students reviewed edTPA artifacts developed by candidates. Low Stakes: Candidates were required to complete edTPA artifacts and successfully student teach. Introduced and trained Human & Financial: Data on the pilot was faculty on the edTPA collected and analyzed. (See process related to the EPP committed resources for an edTPA pilot evidence) transition plan. edTPA manager. ($16,000 plus tuition waiver) The edTPA manager Hired an edTPA conducted 4 candidate manager to support edTPA state consortium training sessions. faculty and candidates. committed resources for faculty and staff to attend local and The edTPA manager created Trained faculty and national edTPA training. a faculty electronic staff on SCALE local (Approximately $10,000) warehouse (moodle) to store evaluation rubric. all relevant documents, Financial: templates, and meeting Provided Candidate EPP provided resources to information. (accessible on support for edTPA purchase 100 digital cameras for site) through workshops, candidates. (Approximately website, and online $30,000) resources. The edTPA manager created Human: a candidate google site to Scored each fall store all handbooks, completer’s edTPA EPP provided 2 half day SCALE templates, webinars, and portfolio with 2 local scoring rubric trainings for training information. (See independent reviewers. EPP faculty and University edTPA evidence) Supervisors EPP analyzed fall data and EPP faculty and University created program reports Supervisors volunteered to based on rubrics. (See edTPA score edTPA portfolios evidence) Low Stakes: Candidates were Trained P-12 teachers Human: and doctoral students Each pilot edTPA portfolio was scored by 2 independent raters on the SCALE 3-point local evaluation rubrics. Our EPP used current P-12 faculty. (See edTPA Evidence) EPP provided rubric analysis by program in SnapShot Evaluate edTPA artifacts across all programs. required to complete edTPA artifacts. (n=220) teachers and doctoral students with teaching experience for edTPA pilot portfolio review. required to on SCALE local complete edTPA and evaluation rubric. successfully student teach. Provided Candidate support for edTPA through workshops, edTPA Google site, and online resources. Each pilot portfolio was scored on the SCALE 3-point local evaluation rubrics. Scored each Spring completer’s edTPA portfolio. EPP provided 1 half day SCALE local scoring rubric training for P-12 teachers, doctoral students, and University Supervisors Human & Financial: EPP provided resources to pay P-12 teachers and doctoral students to score spring edTPA portfolios ($25K) Objective 4: Transition from local scored (3 point) to Pearson scored (5 point) edTPA portfolios. Fall 2014 All completers will submit edTPA portfolios to Pearson for scoring. All completer edTPA portfolios will be scored by Pearson. Moderate Stakes: Candidates are required to complete, higher threshold for quality; Resubmission is required for candidates not meeting program specified criteria. Provide Candidate support for edTPA through workshops, website, and online resources. Financial: EPP will provide EPP will provide results from funding for the Pearson Scoring Pearson to programs through (Approximately $12k) the SnapShot Objective 5: Conduct review of 2014-15 data to determine EPP cut score. Spring 2015 All completers will submit edTPA portfolios to Pearson for scoring. All completer edTPA portfolios will be scored by Pearson. Moderate Stakes: Candidates are required to complete, higher threshold for quality; Resubmission is required for candidates not meeting program specified criteria. Provide Candidate support for edTPA through workshops, website, and online resources. Financial: EPP will conduct an analysis of completer scores along with national data to determine an appropriate cut score. EPP will provide results from Pearson to programs through EPP will provide funding for the the SnapShot Pearson Scoring ($60k) Human: KMA and OPE will work with programs to create cut score policy KMA and OPE will work with programs to determine candidate remediation procedures Objective 6: Implement EPP cutscore for licensure recommendatio n Fall 2015 Fall 2012 • Candidates complete NCDPI Evidences • State Pilot Review All completers will submit edTPA portfolios to Pearson for scoring. Spring 2013 • Candidates complete NCDPI Evidences • EPP begins edTPA review All completer edTPA portfolios will be scored by Pearson. Fall 2013 • Most candidates complete NCDPI Evidences • edTPA pilot begins HIgh Stakes: Candidates must meet EPP determined cut score for licensure recommendation. Provide Candidate support for edTPA through workshops, website, and online resources. Spring 2014 • All candidates complete edTPA Low stakes • EPP uses SCALE 3 point Local Rubric Financial: EPP will provide EPP will provide results from funding for the Pearson Scoring Pearson to programs through (Approximately $12,000) the SnapShot Fall 2014 Spring 2015 • First candidate • Candidates submit submission to to Pearson Pearson - Moderate Moderate stakes stakes • EPP creates cut • EPP provides scores score policy and to programs via remediation SnapShot procedures Fall 2015 • Candidates submit to Pearson - High Stakes • EPP analyzes results Fall2013PilotSummary The Unit implemented edTPA for all graduating teacher candidates in Fall 2013. Forty-two candidates were required to complete an edTPA portfolio in lieu of state evidences for this pilot. Each candidates’ edTPA portfolio was assigned two raters and scored according to the three point Local Rubric provided by SCALE. Each rater was required to complete a day long rubric training in order to be qualified to review. Most fall reviewers were faculty and university supervisors. An inter-rater reliability analysis using Cohen’s Kappa was performed to determine consistency across raters. Two reliability tests were conducted, and absolute score and a pass/fail score. The absolute Kappa statistic determined the degree to which raters agreed on ratings for each of the 3 levels of scores. The pass/fail Kappa statistic determined the degree to which raters agreed on passing (achieving level 2 or 3 for a standard), or failing (achieving level 1 for a standard). Both calculations showed no greater than chance reliabilities for both the pass/fail as well as the overall Kappa. The small sample size may be a factor in the analysis. Therefore, percentages were derived from the total number of reviewers on each rubric score to determine the overall decision of quality given by reviewers. The following is a summary of these percentages for each department and each rubric. Appendix A has a Unit summary table as well as an example of a program detail report. Overall, Secondary Social Studies portfolios scored the highest percentage rate for all 15 of the edTPA rubrics. Within these portfolios teacher candidates scored a 100% on Rubrics 4, 6, 9, and 11. The lowest scoring rubric within this department were rubrics 12, and 15. The Special Education department candidates achieved an 81% pass rate for all rubrics combined. Candidates achieved a 100% on rubric 11. Achievement was lowest in the Special Education department for rubrics 9, and 15. Elementary Education candidates achieved an 80% for their edTPA portfolios as a whole. Achievement for rubric 7 was the highest at 96% with rubrics 2 and 13 having the lowest achievement of 67%. English as an Additional Language department achieved a 78% on their edTPA portfolios as a whole. Rubrics 4, and 15 constituted the highest achievement at 100%. English as an Additional Language portfolios showed achievement difficulties in rubrics 6 (50%), 7 (50%), 8 (67%), 9 (42%), and 10 (58%). Many of these rubrics scored video excerpts that were unavailable, incorrectly uploaded, or unrelated to the rubric prompt for this department. Finally, the Secondary English department portfolio (2 raters for 1 portfolio), showed an achievement of 77% across all rubrics. A 100% achievement rating was given for rubrics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 15. Each rubric was given an overall percentage to determine the highest achievement areas and the lowest achievement areas as a college. According to raters, Rubric 4 was achieved by the most portfolios (92%). Rubrics 1, and 3 showed achievement of 87%. Raters determined that the portfolios were weakest on achieving the goals of rubrics 7 (71%), 9 (69%), 13 (66%), and 14 (71%). Each program was provided with a detailed summary of their rubric scores. Included in the report were percent at each level of each rubric as well as what specific “look for” items were included or omitted from the portfolio. The Unit compiled and included this information in the program reports to aid programs in program improvement. Overall, the Unit saw three areas where support is needed. First, candidates struggled with some of the technology requirements. Several video clips were not able to be viewed, had corrupt links, or were of poor quality. The Unit is providing addition technology training in digital media, compressing video files, and camera use. In addition, an assignment was added to the ED 312 (assessment course) for students to practice recording and uploading small segments of instruction. The Unit has purchased 120 small video camera for check out in METRC. Candidates can check out equipment free of charge. Second, area of support is use of academic language. Rubric data revealed candidates struggle with academic language portions of the rubric. The Unit has added more discussion and practice with academic language in the ED 204 course. This course is required of all candidates. The spring 2014 sections of ED 204 included the additional support so we should see an improvement in this area for the 2016 cohort. The third area of improvement focuses around timing issues and logistics. The Unit provided a timeline for programs to have students complete and submit edTPA documents. The 2013-2014 academic year was a low stakes year for candidates. Candidates were required to submit edTPA portfolios but results were not used for graduation or licensure purposes. Scoring for 2013-2014 was done using the local scoring rubric and candidates were not provided rubric scores. Moving forward, academic year 2014-15, all edTPA portfolios will be submitted to Pearson for full scoring. Although this academic year is still low stakes, candidates must submit documents earlier than previous years. The Unit is working with a subgroup of program coordinators to draft a semester timeline for candidates and programs so all materials are submitted before the unit deadline. Program requested more help with timeline creation and implementation. The edTPA timeline actually is impacted by the student teaching year-long placement process so both timelines are being done simultaneously to ensure a smooth transition. The following table is the Program Summary by Rubric for the Fall 2013 administration. Passing Rate for All Candidates Count of Scores at Each Level Rubric Planning Rubrics S1: Planning for Literacy Learning‐ How do the candidate's plans build students' literacy skills and an essential strategy for comprehending or composing text? Criteria Included from Score/ Criteria Not included from Level above Score Emerging Performance 81.00% 1 = 5 60% focused on practice of skills/facts/procedures/conventions. limited classroom students opportunities to develop subject specific understandings. Level 1 included: not aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). 100% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 80% consistent in content errors. 40% 40% teacher directed. % 20% 0 aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). 88% aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). 100% 100% 88% Level 2 did NOT include 2 = 8 from Level 3 sequenced in a learning progression across lessons built on skills/facts/procedures/conventions AND deep subject specific understandings across all lessons. 0 88% Advanced Performance supportive of classroom students understanding of the relationship between skills/facts/procedures/conventions and subject specific understandings. S2: Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs‐ How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to target support for students' literacy learning? 3 = 14 Level 1 included: Emerging Performance 67.00% 1 = 9 56% 56% limited or missing. did not address IEP/504 requirements. 56% 11% aligned with learning outcomes. Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 22% appropriate for the needs of the whole class. superficially aligned with learning outcomes. 38% 2 = 9 addressing IEPs/504 requirements. aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). addressing IEPs/504 requirements. designed to scaffold learning for a variety of students. 78% 91% 73% 27% 64% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 S3: Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning‐ How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to justify instructional plans? Advanced Performance 3 = 11 81.40% Level 1 included: Emerging Performance 1 = 5 Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 13 80% superficial descriptions of classroom students' prior learning 36% identifying and responsive to potential misconceptions or partial understandings. Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 superficial descriptions of classroom students' lived experiences. pervasive negative portrayals of students' backgrounds, educational experiences or family/community characteristics. concrete and specific connections between tasks and prior learning. at least surface level of discussion of theory or research. concrete and specific connections between tasks and prior learning. at least surface level of discussion of theory or research. concrete, specific connections between tasks and prior learning. 60% 0 80% 80% 92% 62% 15% 100% grounded discussion of theory or research. Advanced Performance 3 = 11 81.40% S4: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands‐ How does the candidate identify and support language demands associated with a key literacy learning task? Emerging Performance Level 1 included: 1 = 5 vocabulary that was only demand identified. Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: a mismatch between language demands and language function. a mismatch between language demands and language supports. 20% 0% 0% a mismatch between language demands and the learning tasks. 0% supports that were not included or focused on vocabulary. 80% 60% language demands including function vocabulary AND discourse/syntax. supports that generally addressed vocabulary and one other identified demand (function, discourse or syntax). 100% language demands including function vocabulary AND discourse/syntax. 71% supports that generally addressed vocabulary and one other identified demand (function, discourse or syntax). 86% Proficient Performance 2 = 13 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance supports that were strategically designed to address all language demands for students with varying characteristics and language needs. 100% 3 = 11 S5: Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning‐ How are the formal and informal assessments selected or designed to monitor students' use of the essential strategy and requisite skills to comprehend or compose text? 74% Emerging Performance 1 = 7 86% A majority of assessments were not aligned with the full scope of subject specific outcomes. 57% IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were not addressed. 29% Level 1 included: A majority of assessments provided minimal evidence of subject specific understandings. Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 11 supports generally addressing vocabulary and one other identified demands. 100% language demands including function, vocabulary AND discourse/syntax. supports generally addressing vocabulary and one other identified demands. 45% 100% Advanced Performance 71% language demands including function, vocabulary AND discourse/syntax. Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 100% supports that were strategically designed to address all language demands for students with varying characteristics and language needs. 3 = 11 Instructional Rubrics respect. 81.40% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: S6: Learning Environment‐ How does the candidate demonstrate a positive literacy learning environment that supports students' engagement in learning? 100% disrespectful interactions. 0% disruptive behaviors. 0% 1 = 5 controlling or directive environment. 0% minimal support for learning goals. 20% the majority of assessments providing evidence of subject specific understandings. 80% IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were addressed. 80% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 11 100% 36% assessments that provided evidence of the full range of subject specific understandings. 36% assessments that were used in each lesson. 9% assessments that were differentiated so that classroom students showed understandings in various ways. 82% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 the majority of assessments providing evidence of subject specific understandings. IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were addressed. Advanced Performance 3 = 13 96.20% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: S7: Engaging Students in Learning‐ How does the candidate actively engage students in integrating strategies and skills to comprehend or compose text? loose connections between tasks and the central focus. 1 = 1 0% 100% links to prior learning or lived experiences were limited. 0% classroom students were confused by links to content. 0% rapport. 100% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: mutual respect. 0% low risk. 0% Level 2 included: rapport. 92% tasks that focused on low‐level content. Proficient Performance mutual respect. 92% low risk. 100% challenge. 69% perspective. 69% 2 = 13 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance 3 = 15 surface level questions. 100% candidate talk. 25% S8: Deepening Student Learning‐ How does the candidate elicit student responses to promote thinking and develop literacy skills and the essential strategy to comprehend and/or compose text? 85% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: consistent or egregious content inaccuracies. 25% 1 = 4 Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: questions prompting some high‐er order thinking related to subject specific understandings. 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 10 100% questions built on classroom student thinking about subject specific understandings. 60% interactions among students. 50% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 questions prompting some high‐er order thinking related to subject specific understandings. Advanced Performance 3 = 15 no attempt to teach classroom students how to use the key strategy to support comprehension or composition. 67% S9: Subject Specific‐Subject‐ Specific Pedagogy‐Elementary Literacy‐ How does the candidate support students to apply the essential literacy strategy? 85.10% Emerging Performance a clear mismatch between or among strategies, skills, and students' readiness to learn. 33% significant content inaccuracies within the material that would lead to student misunderstandings. 0% modeling of the key strategy or skills without opportunities for classroom students to practice or apply them. 0% Level 1 included: 1 = 4 Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 10 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 modeling the key strategy with limited opportunities for practice. Advanced Performance modeling the key strategy with limited opportunities for practice. 100% explicitly teaching classroom students on how to apply the strategy and provide opportunities for guided practice. 43% explicitly teaching classroom students when to apply the strategy in meaningful contexts. 100% 3 = 15 S10: Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness‐ How does the candidate use evidence to evlauate and change teaching practice to meet students' varied learning needs? 85.10% Emerging Performance proposed changes that addressed their own behavior without reference to student learning. 67% proposed changes suggested "more practice" or time to work on similar or identical tasks without revision. 33% proposed changes addressed problems with classroom student behavior and how to "fix" it. 0% Level 1 included: 1 = 4 proposed changes addressed gaps in the whole of class learning/understanding. 75% proposed changes re‐reengaged students in new revised or additional task. 75% proposed changes included surface level discussion of research or theory. 75% proposed changes addressed gaps in the whole of class learning/understanding. 67% proposed changes re‐engaged students in new revised or additional task. 60% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 15 60% proposed changes that were concrete, specific and elaborated. 40% proposed changes addressed gaps in student learning for different students in different ways. 60% proposed changes were grounded in principles from theory or research. 80% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 proposed changes included surface level discussion of research or theory. Advanced Performance 3 = 10 8.25 Assessment 81.40% Emerging Performance listing correct OR incorrect answers (but not both). 20% claims that were unsupported by work samples. 60% no alignment between assessment and objectives. 40% 1 = 5 listing both correct AND incorrect answers. 80% listing some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 80% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: 75% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance listing both correct AND incorrect answers. 2 = 7 86% listing some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 57% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Level 1 included: S11: Analysis of Student Learning‐ How does the candidate analyze evidence of student learning? descriptions of classroom students' understandings and struggles citing evidence. 57% learning trends that were related to individual or group understandings/misunderstandings. 57% Advanced Performance 3 = 15 S12: Providing Feedback to Guide Further Learning‐ What type of feedback does the candidate provide to focus students? 81.40% Emerging Performance listing correct OR incorrect answers. 60% claims that were unsupported by work samples. 20% no alignment between assessment and objectives. 40% Level 1 included: 1 = 5 lists correct AND incorrect answers. 80% lists some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 80% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 11 Advanced Performance 3 = 11 82% lists some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 82% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 lists correct AND incorrect answers. Balanced specific feedback on strengths AND weaknesses. 64% Guides student self evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. 82% generic discussion for the use of feedback. 78% no discussion for use of feedback. 33% 66.60% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: no feedback given on samples. 33% 1 = 9 S13: Student Use of Feedback‐ How does the candidate provide opportunities for focus students to use the feedback to fuide their further learning? Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: explicit discussion for how classroom students use feedback to improve work. 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 9 100% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 explicit discussion for how classroom students use feedback to improve work. Advanced Performance discussion of support for student use of feedback. 22% feedback that lead to deeper understandings of current or future work. 78% 3 = 9 S14: Analyzing Students' Language Use and Literacy Learning‐ How does the candidate analyze students' use of language to develop content understanding? 70.30% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: 1 = 8 listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. 88% listing and explaining students' use of discourse or syntax. 100% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 2 = 5 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance 3 = 14 listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. 80% listing and explaining students' use of discourse or syntax. 20% 75% listing language use that was not connected to identified vocabulary or other demands. 38% listing only vocabulary use. listing and explaining vocabulary, function, and syntax or discourse used by the whole class OR students with varied needs. 80% language use that clearly supported content understandings. 80% next steps that did not make sense. next steps that were not aligned to learning objectives. 0% 100% S15: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction‐ How does the candidate use the analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction? 88.80% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: next steps that presented vague information. 1 = 3 listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. 100% listing and explaining students' use of discourse or syntax. 100% Proficient Performance Level 2 included: 2 = 14 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance next steps that generally attended to the whole class needs in relation to content. 100% discussions of research/theory that were at least surface level. 50% strategic support for individuals AND groups related to subject specific knowledge. 57% next steps that were grounded in research/theory. 71% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: 33% 3 = 10 Spring 2014 edTPA Implementation Summary The Unit implemented edTPA for all graduating teacher candidates in Spring 2014. Two hundred twenty (220) candidates were required to complete an edTPA portfolio to be eligible for program completion. Each candidates’ edTPA portfolio was assigned to a rater and scored according to the three point Local Rubric provided by SCALE. Each rater was required to complete a day long rubric training in order to be qualified to review. Most spring reviewers were cooperating teachers or university supervisors. Rubric score analysis is currently ongoing. Preliminary results indicate that spring completers are outperforming fall completers on all rubrics. It is important to note that the spring semester saw a large increase in the number of portfolios submitted. Upon completion of the data analysis each program will be provided with a detailed summary of their candidate rubric scores. Included in the report are percent at each level of each rubric as well as what specific “look for” items were included or omitted from the portfolio. The Unit compiles and include this information in the program reports to aid programs in program improvement. Attached are the program rubric summaries and a sample of a program report for spring 2014 administration. Spring 2014 Program Summary of Pass Rates by Rubric Ag Ed S1: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 93% S2: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 93% Bus Ed ESL MAT: Elem Ed Math Mid LA 100% 0% 54% 46% 60% 40% 0% 60% 87% 13% 60% 27% 90% 11% 28% 62% 87% 13% 31% 56% 100% 0% 100% 0% 87% 13% 60% 27% 78% 22% 31% 47% 82% 19% 38% 44% 92% 7% 43% 50% S3: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 85% 14% 71% 14% 80% 20% 80% 0% 80% 20% 47% 33% 89% 11% 42% 47% 56% 44% 25% 31% 92% S4: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 92% 80% 20% 40% 40% 94% 7% 71% 21% 7% 67% 27% 89% 11% 46% 43% 69% 31% 44% 25% 77% 23% 62% 15% S5: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 79% 21% 36% 43% 80% 20% 80% 0% 80% 20% 40% 40% 85% 16% 38% 47% 81% 19% 56% 25% 85% 15% 31% 54% S6: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 100% 0% 64% 36% 80% 20% 60% 20% 54% 47% 47% 7% 84% 16% 40% 44% 101% 0% 63% 38% 84% 15% 46% 38% S7: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 86% 14% 29% 57% 80% 20% 60% 20% 53% 47% 53% 0% 96% 4% 47% 49% 6% 69% 25% 8% 54% 38% S8: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 93% 7% 43% 50% 60% 40% 60% 0% 67% 33% 60% 7% 85% 16% 36% 49% 69% 31% 25% 44% 77% 23% 54% 23% S9: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 86% 14% 36% 50% 100% 0% 100% 0% 46% 53% 33% 13% 93% 81% 19% 31% 50% 85% 15% 23% 62% 7% 29% 64% 7% 29% 64% 94% 8% 69% 23% 8% 69% 23% 92% Ag Ed Bus Ed S10: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 79% 21% 50% 29% 40% 60% 20% 20% S11: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 72% 29% 36% 36% S12: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 ELSMAT: Elem Ed Math Mid LA 60% 40% 53% 7% 89% 11% 51% 38% 81% 19% 50% 31% 77% 23% 46% 31% 100% 0% 100% 0% 93% 88% 12% 23% 65% 94% 85% 15% 62% 23% 86% 14% 43% 43% 100% 74% 86% 62% S13: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 79% 21% 50% 29% 100% 0% 80% 20% 7% 67% 27% 87% 13% 60% 27% 14% 49% 37% 54% 30% 31% 23% 6% 56% 38% 88% 13% 69% 19% S14: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 72% 29% 43% 29% 100% 0% 100% 0% 74% 27% 47% 27% 82% 19% 33% 49% 57% 44% 19% 38% 69% 31% 54% 15% S15: Passing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 85% 14% 71% 14% 80% 20% 60% 20% 94% 93% 88% 13% 69% 19% 92% Pass Rate: Total Students Scored 80% 20% 7% 53% 40% 7% 67% 27% 7% 56% 37% 85.333333 82.666667 75.333333 14 5 15 6% 31% 63% 85% 15% 62% 23% 77% 23% 54% 23% 8% 46% 46% 85.4 79.333333 47 16 84.6 13 Mid Sci 91% Mid SS Sec Eng Sec Sci Sec SS 94% 90% 10% 35% 55% 90% 10% 42% 48% 0% 9% 39% 52% 90% 10% 60% 30% 90% 10% 53% 37% 87% 13% 57% 30% 75% 25% 55% 20% 82% 17% 65% 17% 82% 17% 17% 65% Spec Ed Tech and Eng 5% 68% 26% 80% 20% 50% 30% 85% 14% 21% 64% 0% 83% 17% 50% 33% 80% 20% 40% 40% 86% 14% 36% 50% 70% 30% 43% 27% 0% 94% 90% `0 70% 20% 78% 21% 64% 14% 65% 35% 50% 15% 83% 17% 53% 30% 0% 6% 56% 39% 80% 20% 40% 40% 72% 29% 43% 29% 90% 10% 45% 45% 80% 20% 47% 33% 0% 89% 11% 56% 33% 70% 30% 30% 40% 86% 14% 36% 50% 95% 90% 10% 63% 27% 0% 94% 6% 50% 44% 90% 10% 50% 40% 93% 5% 60% 35% 87% 13% 48% 39% 85% 15% 60% 25% 87% 13% 57% 30% 0% 88% 11% 44% 44% 80% 20% 50% 30% 93% 78% 22% 39% 39% 85% 15% 60% 25% 84% 17% 57% 27% 0% 89% 11% 56% 33% 90% 10% 70% 20% 86% 14% 57% 29% 87% 13% 48% 39% 80% 20% 55% 25% 80% 20% 47% 33% 0% 89% 11% 72% 17% 70% 30% 20% 50% 92% 9% 26% 65% 91% 105% 4% 79% 26% 6% 61% 33% 95% 7% 43% 50% 7% 79% 14% 7% 21% 71% Mid Sci Mid SS Sec Eng Sec Sci 69% 30% 43% 26% 85% 15% 50% 35% 70% 30% 50% 20% 0% 91% 95% Sec SS 95% Spec EdTech and Eng 6% 67% 28% 80% 20% 50% 30% 64% 36% 50% 14% 5% 55% 40% 86% 13% 43% 43% 0% 9% 52% 39% 100% 0% 56% 44% 100% 0% 80% 20% 86% 14% 43% 43% 65% 35% 43% 22% 90% 10% 60% 30% 84% 17% 57% 27% 0% 89% 11% 56% 33% 90% 10% 60% 30% 72% 29% 43% 29% 69% 30% 39% 30% 55% 45% 40% 15% 54% 47% 37% 17% 0% 83% 17% 61% 22% 90% 10% 60% 30% 72% 29% 43% 29% 91% 70% 30% 50% 20% 0% 9% 52% 39% 65% 30% 50% 15% 89% 11% 39% 50% 80% 20% 60% 20% 64% 36% 14% 50% 65% 35% 48% 17% 85% 15% 55% 30% 83% 17% 60% 23% 0% 89% 11% 50% 39% 70% 30% 40% 30% 78% 21% 57% 21% 82.666667 23 82 80.066667 20 31 0 90.666667 82.666667 80.466667 19 10 14 UG Elem World Lang 88% 13% 53% 35% 100% 0% 33% 67% 76% 24% 60% 16% 100% 0% 33% 67% 74% 25% 56% 18% 100% 0% 33% 67% 85% 15% 67% 18% 100% 0% 50% 50% 78% 22% 58% 20% 100% 0% 67% 33% 91% 9% 67% 24% 97% 67% 33% 50% 17% 4% 82% 15% 66% 33% 33% 33% 77% 24% 64% 13% 67% 33% 17% 50% 89% 11% 58% 31% 83% 17% 50% 33% UG Elem World Lang 76% 24% 56% 20% 100% 0% 33% 67% 89% 11% 53% 36% 83% 17% 50% 33% 80% 20% 64% 16% 100% 0% 83% 17% 71% 29% 53% 18% 83% 17% 50% 33% 78% 22% 56% 22% N/A 85% 15% 65% 20% N/A 82.266667 88.384615 55 6 Rubric Passing Rate Count of for All Scores at Candidates Each Level Criteria Included from Score/ Criteria Not included from Level above Score % Planning Rubrics S1: Planning for Literacy Learning‐ How do the candidate's plans build students' literacy skills and an essential strategy for comprehending or composing text? 60% teacher directed. focused on practice of skills/facts/procedures/conventions. Emerging Performance 90.00% n = 5 limited classroom students opportunities to develop subject specific understandings. Level 1 included: 40% 80% 40% consistent in content errors. not aligned with learning outcomes. 20% built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific Level 1 did NOT include from Level aligned with learning outcomes. 2: Level 2 included: 0 built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific 100% aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). 100% 91% Proficient Performance sequenced in a learning progression across lessons Level 2 did n = 13 NOT include built on skills/facts/procedures/conventions AND from Level 3 deep subject specific understandings across all lessons. supportive of classroom students understanding of the relationship between skills/facts/procedures/conventions and subject specific understandings. 0 91% 36% Advanced Performance n = 30 S2: Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs‐ How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to target support for students' literacy learning? superficially aligned with learning outcomes. Level 1 included: limited or missing. did not address IEP/504 requirements. 50% 60% 50% Emerging Performance 78.00% n = 10 aligned with learning outcomes. 10% Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance n = 15 76% appropriate for the needs of the whole class. addressing IEPs/504 requirements. aligned with learning outcomes. built on skills/facts/procedures and subject specific understandings (but may be unbalanced). n = 21 91% 73% addressing IEPs/504 requirements. 27% designed to scaffold learning for a variety of students. 65% Level 2 did NOT include identifying and responsive to potential from Level 3 misconceptions or partial understandings. Advanced Performance 24% 35% S3: Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning‐ How does the candidate use knowledge of his/her students to justify instructional plans? 89.00% 80% Level 1 included: Emerging Performance superficial descriptions of classroom students' prior learning superficial descriptions of classroom students' lived experiences. pervasive negative portrayals of students' backgrounds, educational experiences or family/community characteristics. 60% 0 n = 5 Level 1 did NOT include concrete and specific connections between tasks from Level and prior learning. 2: at least surface level of discussion of theory or research. 80% 80% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance concrete and specific connections between tasks and prior learning. at least surface level of discussion of theory or research. 95% 70% n = 20 Level 2 did NOT include concrete, specific connections between tasks and from Level 3 prior learning. grounded discussion of theory or research. 10% 100% Advanced Performance n = 21 S4: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands‐ How does the candidate identify and support language demands associated with a key literacy learning task? 89.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 5 vocabulary that was only demand identified. a mismatch between language demands and language function. a mismatch between language demands and language supports. 20% 0% 0% a mismatch between language demands and the learning tasks. 0% supports that were not included or focused on vocabulary. 80% Level 1 did NOT include from Level language demands including function vocabulary 2: AND discourse/syntax. 60% supports that generally addressed vocabulary and one other identified demand (function, discourse or syntax). 100% AND discourse/syntax. 77% Level 2 included: supports that generally addressed vocabulary and one other identified demand (function, discourse or syntax). Proficient Performance 91% n = 21 Level 2 did supports that were strategically designed to address NOT include all language demands for students with varying from Level 3 characteristics and language needs. 100% Advanced Performance n = 20 S5: Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning‐ How are the formal and informal assessments selected or designed to monitor students' use of the essential strategy and requisite skills to comprehend or compose text? 85% A majority of assessments provided minimal evidence of subject specific understandings. 86% A majority of assessments were not aligned with the full scope of subject specific outcomes. 57% IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were not addressed. 29% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 7 Level 1 did NOT include from Level language demands including function, vocabulary 2: AND discourse/syntax. 71% supports generally addressing vocabulary and one other identified demands. 100% language demands including function, vocabulary AND discourse/syntax. 67% supports generally addressing vocabulary and one other identified demands. 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance n = 18 Level 2 did NOT include supports that were strategically designed to address from Level 3 all language demands for students with varying characteristics and language needs. 100% Advanced Performance n = 21 Instructional Rubrics respect. 86% S6: Learning Environment‐ How does the candidate demonstrate a positive literacy learning environment that supports students' engagement in learning? 84.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 7 disrespectful interactions. 14% disruptive behaviors. controlling or directive environment. minimal support for learning goals. 29% 14% Level 1 did NOT include from Level the majority of assessments providing evidence of 2: subject specific understandings. 29% 71% IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were addressed. 86% the majority of assessments providing evidence of subject specific understandings. 100% IEP/504 requirements for adaptations/modifications were addressed. 26% assessments that provided evidence of the full range of subject specific understandings. 26% assessments that were used in each lesson. 5% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance n = 19 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 assessments that were differentiated so that classroom students showed understandings in various ways. 84% loose connections between tasks and the central focus. tasks that focused on low‐level content. 0% 100% Advanced Performance n = 20 S7: Engaging Students in Learning‐ How does the candidate actively engage students in integrating strategies and skills to comprehend or compose text? 96.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: links to prior learning or lived experiences were limited. classroom students were confused by links to content. n = 2 Level 1 did NOT include from Level 2: Level 2 included: Proficient Performance n = 22 50% rapport. 0% 100% mutual respect. low risk. 50% 0% rapport. 95% mutual respect. low risk. 95% 100% challenge. 68% perspective. 59% surface level questions. candidate talk. 100% 57% consistent or egregious content inaccuracies. 14% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance n = 22 S8: Deepening Student Learning‐ How does the candidate elicit student responses to promote thinking and develop literacy skills and the essential strategy to comprehend and/or compose text? 85% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 7 Level 1 did NOT include from Level questions prompting some high‐er order thinking 2: related to subject specific understandings. Level 2 included: 100% Proficient Performance questions prompting some high‐er order thinking related to subject specific understandings. 100% questions built on classroom student thinking about subject specific understandings. 56% interactions among students. 56% no attempt to teach classroom students how to use the key strategy to support comprehension or composition. 67% a clear mismatch between or among strategies, skills, and students' readiness to learn. 33% significant content inaccuracies within the material that would lead to student misunderstandings. 0% modeling of the key strategy or skills without opportunities for classroom students to practice or apply them. 0% n = 16 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Advanced Performance n = 23 S9: Subject Specific‐Subject‐ Specific Pedagogy‐Elementary Literacy‐ How does the candidate support students to apply the essential literacy strategy? 93.00% Emerging Performance n = 3 Level 1 included: Level 1 did NOT include from Level modeling the key strategy with limited 2: opportunities for practice. 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance modeling the key strategy with limited opportunities for practice. 100% explicitly teaching classroom students on how to apply the strategy and provide opportunities for guided practice. 50% n = 13 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 explicitly teaching classroom students when to apply the strategy in meaningful contexts. 79% Advanced Performance n = 30 proposed changes that addressed their own behavior without reference to student learning. proposed changes suggested "more practice" or time to work on similar or identical tasks without revision. 43% 57% S10: Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness‐ How does the candidate use evidence to evlauate and change teaching practice to meet students' varied learning needs? 89.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: proposed changes addressed problems with classroom student behavior and how to "fix" it. 14% proposed changes addressed gaps in the whole of class learning/understanding. 80% n = 5 Level 1 did NOT include from Level proposed changes re‐reengaged students in new 2: revised or additional task. proposed changes included surface level discussion of research or theory. Level 2 included: Proficient Performance proposed changes addressed gaps in the whole of class learning/understanding. 60% 80% 75% proposed changes re‐engaged students in new revised or additional task. proposed changes included surface level discussion of research or theory. 71% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 proposed changes that were concrete, specific and elaborated. 30% 67% n = 24 proposed changes addressed gaps in student learning for different students in different ways. 54% proposed changes were grounded in principles from theory or research. 75% listing correct OR incorrect answers (but not both). 20% claims that were unsupported by work samples. 60% no alignment between assessment and objectives. 40% listing both correct AND incorrect answers. 80% Advanced Performance n = 17 8.25 Assessment S11: Analysis of Student Learning‐ How does the candidate analyze evidence of student learning? 88.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 5 Level 1 did NOT include from Level listing some areas where the whole class excelled or 2: struggled. 80% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance n = 10 listing both correct AND incorrect answers. listing some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 60% 90% Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 descriptions of classroom students' understandings and struggles citing evidence. learning trends that were related to individual or group understandings/misunderstandings. 50% 60% Advanced Performance n = 28 S12: Providing Feedback to Guide Further Learning‐ What type of feedback does the candidate provide to focus students? 86.00% Emerging Performance listing correct OR incorrect answers. 67% claims that were unsupported by work samples. 17% no alignment between assessment and objectives. 33% lists correct AND incorrect answers. 83% Level 1 included: n = 6 Level 1 did NOT include from Level lists some areas where the whole class excelled or 2: struggled. 67% Level 2 included: lists correct AND incorrect answers. 90% Proficient Performance lists some areas where the whole class excelled or struggled. 81% n = 21 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 Balanced specific feedback on strengths AND weaknesses. Guides student self evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. 38% 90% Advanced Performance n = 16 S13: Student Use of Feedback‐ How does the candidate provide opportunities for focus students to use the feedback to fuide their further learning? 54.00% Emerging Performance generic discussion for the use of feedback. no discussion for use of feedback. 77% 31% no feedback given on samples. 23% Level 1 included: n = 10 Level 1 did NOT include from Level explicit discussion for how classroom students use 2: feedback to improve work. 100% Level 2 included: Proficient Performance explicit discussion for how classroom students use feedback to improve work. 100% n = 4 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 discussion of support for student use of feedback. feedback that lead to deeper understandings of current or future work. 73% listing only vocabulary use. 38% listing language use that was not connected to identified vocabulary or other demands. 75% 27% Advanced Performance n = 3 S14: Analyzing Students' Language Use and Literacy Learning‐ How does the candidate analyze students' use of language to develop content understanding? 82.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: n = 8 listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. Level 1 did NOT include from Level listing and explaining students' use of discourse or 2: syntax. Level 2 included: Proficient Performance 88% 100% listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. 93% listing and explaining students' use of discourse or syntax. 64% n = 14 Level 2 did NOT include listing and explaining vocabulary, function, and from Level 3 syntax or discourse used by the whole class OR students with varied needs. language use that clearly supported content understandings. 64% 57% Advanced Performance n = 21 next steps that did not make sense. next steps that were not aligned to learning objectives. 0% 100% S15: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction‐ How does the candidate use the analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction? 93.00% Emerging Performance Level 1 included: next steps that presented vague information. 33% listing and explaining students' use of vocabulary and related function. 100% n = 3 Level 1 did NOT include from Level listing and explaining students' use of discourse or 2: syntax. Proficient Performance Level 2 included: next steps that generally attended to the whole class needs in relation to content. discussions of research/theory that were at least surface level. 100% 100% 58% n = 24 Level 2 did NOT include from Level 3 strategic support for individuals AND groups related to subject specific knowledge. next steps that were grounded in research/theory. Advanced Performance n = 16 50% 75%
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