Lucia Boldrini is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of
London. Her research interests include Joyce, Dante and modernist medievalism; comparative
literature; fictional biography and autobiography; and literature on/of the Mediterranean area.
Among her books are: Joyce, Dante, and the Poetics of Literary Relations (Cambridge University
Press, 2001) Autobiographies of Others: Historical Subjects and Literary Fiction (Routledge,
2012). She is a member of the Executive Council of the International Comparative Literature
Association, and has been General Coordinator of the European Network for Comparative
Literary Studies and a Trustee of the International James Joyce Foundation. She was elected to
the Academia Europaea in 2014.
Further information:
Gabriela Gândara Terenas is an Associate Professor in English and North-American Literary
and (Inter)Cultural Studies (special area English Culture and Anglo-Portuguese Cultural
Relations) at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
where she coordinates the Masters Degree in Translation in the Department of Modern
Languages, Literatures and Cultures. She has taught several first degree courses and masters
and PhD seminars, in a number of areas, including Anglo-Portuguese Literary Studies, Cultural
Theory, Translation Studies, History of England and English Literature and Culture, as well as
having supervised several masters dissertations and PhD theses. Her special area of interest is
Anglo-Portuguese Studies, a field in which she has published several works, amongst which,
her doctoral thesis entitled Diagnoses Especulares: Imagens da Grã-Bretanha na Imprensa
Periódica Portuguesa (1865-1890). 3 Volumes (2004). She is the Director of the Journal of
Anglo-Portuguese Studies and coordinates several national and international research projects.
She has published more than thirty studies in the field of nineteenth and twentieth-century
Anglo-Portuguese relations, amongst which the following books are worthy of mention: Entre
a História e a Ficção: as Invasões Francesas em Narrativas Portuguesas e Britânicas (Lisboa:
Editora Caleidoscópio, 2012) andO Portugal da Guerra Peninsular. A Visão dos Militares
Britânicos (1808-1812) (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2000/2nd edition: 2010).
Isabel Ponce de Leão – Professora Catedrática da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto.
Membro colaborador do Centro de Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos (CIEC) da
Universidade de Coimbra e membro integrado do Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e
Europeias (CLEPUL), sendo coordenadora do Polo do Porto. Sócia fundadora e vice-presidente
do Círculo Literário Agustina Bessa-Luís. Como docente e investigadora tem colaborado com
outras instituições de ensino superior, em Portugal, Brasil, e vários países Europeus e com
várias Câmaras Municipais, particularmente com a do Porto, a cuja Comissão de Toponímia
pertence. A área de investigação privilegiada é a Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea bem
como as relações que esta estabelece com as artes plásticas, a 7.ª arte (interartes) e as
ciências. Nas suas publicações inscrevem-se cerca de 25 livros e mais de 125 artigos nas áreas
acima referidas. Dedica-se ainda à crítica de arte colaborando com artistas plásticos.