THE BULLETIN CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA) 1404 NORTH BOULEVARD ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 (864) 226-3468 WEB ADDRESS: WWW.CENTRALPRESBY.COM Published Weekly by Central Presbyterian Church (except for week of Christmas) Periodicals Postage Paid at Anderson, SC 29621 USPS-552480 Postmaster: Send address changes to 1404 N. Blvd, Anderson, SC 29621 VOLUME 46, NUMBER 17 May 3, 2015 David J. Bailey Chris Cole Pastor Organist Carrie Pannell Director of Christian Education for Youth & Young Adults Allyson Helvie Mandy Keathley Parish Associate Director of Music Amy Rawlings Director of Christian Education for Adults & Children Ministries FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER A Pilgrimage In the beginning, From the beginning It becomes very clear this is not a journey we take on our own: Someone brought or carried us, Someone soaked us (Gasping, cold, wet!) We welcome you — someone said — into the LORD’s family. From the beginning — one LORD, one faith, one baptism — From the beginning It was made very clear This is not a race but a pilgrimage, not a biathlon, but a cropwalk, Hand clasping hand. From the beginning It becomes very clear this is not a journey we take alone but a journey we take all one. ~Susan Palo Cherwien WITH PEOPLE ’NEATH THE STEEPLE Please remember in your prayers: Ashleigh Cole, Jim Helvie, Roger Mudd, Bob Collier, Margaret Thrasher, John Clark, Jerry Lane, Philip Campbell (brother of Madeline Cape), Totsey McMahan (mother of Becky De Palma), Shirley Jones (Susan Willis’ mother), Jody Moesley, Aaron Johnson (Brian Johnson’s father), Scott Stewart, and Ann DeVilliers. The flowers beneath the cross are given to the Glory of God and in honor and appreciation of Mandy Keathley. Sign-ups are available for flowers in the sanctuary for June, July and August 2015. Please call Jean Wachs at 231-7343 or email [email protected] or Sandy in the church office. NEW SABBATICAL POLICY This morning in worship Jon and Emily Marr will present their daughter, Clara Ann Marr, for Christian Baptism. An Evening with Mac Frampton Benefiting the Greater Anderson Music Arts Consortium (GAMAC) will be held in our sanctuary Thursday, May 7 7:30 pm The Session has approved a Sabbatical Policy for those church employees whose jobs include working Sundays/weekends and most holidays. The policy provides for a one month sabbatical for rest and renewal after each seven years of employment, which can be combined with vacation/study leave if desired. Mandy Keathley, who will complete eight years of service at Central on May 31, will be taking a combined sabbatical/study leave/ vacation from late May through early July, following her wedding on May 23. WANT TO JOIN CENTRAL? Tickets: Adults $35.00 Students $25.00 Call: 864-231-6147 for tickets and information Mac’s father, McLeod Frampton, was pastor of Central Church in the 1950s when the current building was constructed. Mac is an amazing pianist and entertainer and you will thoroughly enjoy his performance. There will be a meeting to receive new members this morning at 10 a.m. in the Session Room. MOTHER’S DAY Next Sunday the Mother’s Day offering will be received, which is used to help residents of South Carolina Presbyterian Communities who have outlived their funds. Also, some of our ladies plan to wear hats to honor their mothers who always wore hats to church. Feel free to join them if you wish. Wednesday KIDS Programs Sunday, May 3 6:00 - 8:00 PYC Small Groups Sunday, May 10 No PYC on Mother’s Day. Sunday, May 17 5:30 pm All Youth Families invited to the end of the year party. Mark your calendar. May 14 - Montreat Day Trip. 8:30 am - 6:00 pm. Cost $20 includes Lunch Buffet. Three spots left. Please look for your copy of the Newsletter in your email!! Please let Sandy know if you are not getting it. Central is now being broadcast on Charter Channel 98 Thursdays at 7 pm. The service that is seen will be a week delayed. The video is also available on the website under Worship/Resources. Dec 10th - Pageant Practice (all children’s choirs- from 3:30-6:00 pm SUMMER FUN! Jesus Birthday Party 6-6:30 pm June 16th July Dec 17th - Jan 7th - No23rd Classes or There aren’tChoir many spots left, registration is still open! Payments are due May 17th. STOCK DONATIONS SCHOOL If VACATION you wish to BIBLE donate stock before July 27th 31st the end of the year, please remind Register forthat VBS our website: your broker allon stock transfers must be to the church’s broker by childrens/vacation-bible-school/ December 15th in time for them to liquidate and send the check to us for receipt by December 31st, for the donation to be properly credited to CHRISMONS 2015 your 2014 contributions statement. CHANCE TO ORDER! If LAST you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call Cherylare in Beautiful, hand-made Chrismons the churchfor office at 864-226-3468. available purchase through May 11th which will be used on our sanctuary Chrismon tree in honor or in memory of someone special. Catalogs and order forms are available. The links are also in the church newsletter. Please call Sandy in church office for information. MARY CIRCLE The Mary Circle will be meeting Monday, May 4, 2015 at 1:30 in the Fellowship Classroom. Please come prepared as we will be studying Chapter 6 in our Billy Graham "Angels" book. We will also study Chapter 7 if time allows. I look forward to seeing everyone - Judy USHERS Maureen Dorin Tom Hinchman Bill and Mary Ann Reno GREETERS Dicky & Elsie Anderson REPRESENTATIVE Eric Michael ACOLYTES Nancy Huff & Emma Corley CHILDREN’S CHURCH SHEPHERD Dana Butdorf HELPERS John Waters Leslie Michael Rich & Amy O’Leary HANDBELL RINGERS Amy & Olivia Cianciolo LITURGIST May 3 - Henri Baker May 10– Chris Romansky SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT May 3 - Rick Anderson PYC SUPPER May 3– Henry/Lee May 17– End of Year Party Hayes/Cleveland/Lindley Roberts/D. Francis THIS WEEK AT CENTRAL SUNDAY, May 3 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 6:00 pm PYC MONDAY, May 4 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 1:30 pm Mary Circle 5:30 pm Children’s Comm. .Mtg. 6:30 pm Grief Group TUESDAY, May 5 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 6:00 pm Preschool/Kindergarten Open House 6:15 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Scout Troop 84 WEDNESDAY, May 6 6:30 am Men’s Group 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out 6:00 pm Adult Handbell Choir 7:00 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY, May 7 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten 10:00 am DYOT 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Group 7:00 pm Service televised on Charter Channel 98 7:30 pm Mac Frampton Concert FRIDAY, May 8 9:00 am Preschool/Kindergarten Mother’s Morning Out Baccalaureate Sunday Our annual recognition of graduates will be on May 17. We would like to recognize all high school, college and post graduate students who graduated in the 2014-2015 school year. Please contact Carrie Pannell with your information. The Baccalaureate Breakfast is at 8:30 am and open to anyone who would like to attend. This will include a detailed recognition of High School Seniors as well as others along with a breakfast prepared by Josh and crew. Breakfast is at no cost but donations will be accepted. COMMITTEE MEETINGS All church committees will meet on Wednesday, May 13. A meal will be served by the Outreach/Commitment committee at 5:30, followed by meetings at 6:00. Baccalaureate Breakfast Reservation Family Name:_________________ # Attending:_____________ Sunday, May 3, 2015 – 10:30 am. Fifth Sunday of Easter Large print Bulletins and Hearing Amplification Devices are available. Nursery provided for infants through 2-year-old children. THE PREPARATION OF GOD’S PEOPLE PRELUDE WELCOME - ANNOUNCEMENTS INTROIT Henri Baker Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Gerhardt/Hemy * CALL TO WORSHIP One: Christ Jesus is the true vine All: and we are the branches. One: God is love; abide in God, All: and God will abide in you. One: Let us worship God. * HYMN 301 Let Us Build a House TWO OAKS * CALL TO CONFESSION One: We cannot come before God unless we are first honest with ourselves about who we are, about the mistakes we make, and about how well or poorly we care for others. In this spirit, let us offer our prayers to God, first using the corporate Prayer of Confession, followed by a time of personal, Silent Confession. Let us pray. * PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: God of all hope and joy, we confess that we continue to live in fear. You make us branches of your vine, but we fail to abide in you. You extend your promise to all, yet we seek to cut off and exclude. Forgive us, God of grace. Sanctify us in your perfect love, the love that casts out all fear, so that we may truly love one another; through Jesus Christ our Lord. * SILENT CONFESSION * ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: Amen. Christ is our peace; those who are divided he has made one. He has broken down the barriers of separation by his death and has built us up into one body, with God. To all who repent and believe he has promised reconciliation. So live as people reconciled. All: Thanks be to God! *Those who are able, please stand. * CONGREGTIONAL RESPONSE - Gloria Patri #581 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM INVITATION TO THE CHILDREN Jesus Loves Me PRESENTATION OF THE CHILD Jon and Emily Marr THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Clara Ann Marr THE BAPTISMAL PRAYER HYMN 486 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise KINGDOM (During the hymn, children ages 3, 4, and 5 may leave for Children’s Church) THE PROCLAMATION OF GOD’S WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION All: Lord God, you have declared that your kingdom is among us. Open our eyes to see it, our ears to hear it, our hearts to hold it, our hands to serve it. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. GOSPEL READING, p. 109 John 15:1-8 ANTHEM Alleluia EPISTLE READING, p. 241 SERMON Ed Harris 1 John 4:7-12 The Future of the Church Dr. Bailey THE RESPONSE OF GOD’S PEOPLE * STATEMENT OF FAITH — The Apostles’ Creed, p. 35 * HYMN 286 Breathe on Me, Breath of God TRENTHAM PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER MOMENT FOR MISSION Bob Holcombe, Mother’s Day Offering PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY * RESPONSE, page 606 The Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH * PRAYER OF DEDICATION * HYMN 450 Be Thou My Vision SLANE * BENEDICTION * CHORAL RESPONSE * POSTLUDE Jesus, thy Boundless Love to Me Hemy
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