Tehran Exhibition Catalogue

Ir a n Int e r na t iona l
Exhibitions Company
P ouy a
N e ga r
C e r a m P a r s ia n
The 22nd
& Sanitary Ware Exhibition
Date: 22 - 25 June 2014
Venue:Tehran International Permanent Fairground
Iranian Ceramic
Producers Syndicate
About Iran
The Land
Iran (officially The Islamic Republic of Iran) is a vast country in southwest
Asia. Covering a surface area of 1,648,195 square kilo meters, it is bordered by Iraq (1,609 km) on the west, Turkey (486 km) on the northwest,
the Republics of Armenia, Azarbaijan, Turkmanistan (all parts of the former Soviet Union), as well as the Caspian Sea (2,670 km) on the north,
Afghanistan (945 km) on the east, Pakistan (978 km) on the southeast,
the Persian Gulf (1,259 km) and the Sea of Oman (748 km) on the
south. The Persian Gulf is the shallow marginal part of the Indian
Ocean that lies between the Arabian Peninsula and the southwest
Iran. The sea has an area of 240,000 square kilometers from the
Arvand Rud (Shatt ol-Arab) delta to the Strait of Hormoz, which
links it with the Sea of Oman. Its linear length is 900 km, and its
width varies from a maximum of 338 km to minimum of 55 km
in the Strait of Hormoz. It is bordered on the north, northeast
and east by Iran, on the northwest by Iraq and Kuwait, on the
west and southwest by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and on the
south and the southeast by the United Arab Emirates and
partly by Oman.
The Sea of Oman opens into the Arabian Sea. It was generally thought that
the gulf extended farther north and
that sediment dropped by the Tigris,
Euphrates, Karun, and Karkheh rivers
filled the northern part of the gulf
to create a great delta. But geologic investigation now indicates that the
coastline has not moved and that the
marshlands of the delta represent a
sinking of the earth›s crust as the Arabian land block pushes under Iran.
The Islands
Regardless of Bahrain as the largest
island which belonged to Iran until the
early second half of the 20th century,
Iran has the largest number of islands
in the Persian Gulf, the most important
of which are as follows: Minoo, Kharg
(Iranian oil terminal, 6 km long, 3 km
wide, site of one of the world›s largest deep-water oil ports, and linked to
the mainland by a 40-km pipeline),
Sheikh Sa›ad, Sheikh Sho›ayb, Hendurabi, Kish (largest island of Iran in
the Strait of Hormoz, 1,300 sq. km),
Farur, Siri, Abu Mussa, the Greater
and Lesser Tumbs, Qeshm, Hengam, Larak, Farsi, Hormoz, and
Lavan. The most significant Iranian ports on the Persian Gulf
are Abadan, Khorramshahr,
Bandar-e Imam Khomeini
(former Shahpur), Mahshahr,
Deilam, Genaveh, Rig,
Bushehr, Bandar-e Lengeh,
and Bandar-e Abbas.
The Rivers
Several rivers are flowing inside Iranian mainland, the only navigable one of which is
the Karun (920-km).
Other large rivers
are: The Atrak (535 km), Dez (515 km),
Hendijan (488 km), Jovein (440 km) Jarahi (438 km), Karkheh (755 km), Mand
(685 km), Qara Chai (540 km), Sefid Rud
(795 km), and the Zayandeh Rud (405
km). During the summertime, there is little
water flowing in the mainland rivers. However, water flows underground, finding its
outlets in subterranean water canals (locally called qanats), springs, and tapped by
The Mountains
The high Alborz range in the north, the Zagros range in the west and southwest as well
as the eastern mountains of Iran, which surround the Iranian Plateau, provide Iran with
a ruggedly mountainous terrain.
According to 1992 census, some 33, 137,567
or 57.3% of the total population were living in cities and towns, while 24,972,660 or
42.97% were either living in rural areas or
GDP(ppp): 987 billion dollars (2013) & (world r : 18)
Per Capita: 12800 dollars
Export (2013) : 97.92 billion dollars
Import (2013): 50.818 billion dollars
The main export goods: Petroleum,petrochemicals, industrial
production, Agricultural products & technical services
The main Import goods: industrial materials, capital goods &
technical services
Petroleum reserves: 157 billion barrels
Gas reserves: 33.6 trillion cubic meters
A Review of the History and Evolution of the Tile and
Ceramic industry in Iran in the Course of the
Country’s Industrialization
Archeological excavations and the discovered historical artifacts
have revealed that the art of tilework in Iran dates back to about
10,000 B.C. The earliest artifacts were made from unbaked clay,
and the remaining of the earliest pottery firing kilns discovered date
back to circa 6000 B.C. Throughout its ancient history, the Iranian civilization has been intertwined with the art of tilework. This cultural-historical background in producing and using tiles in building facades,
minarets, domes, and other more ancient historical sites and artifacts
have served as a strong cultural-artistic background for development
of tile industry in the modern era. Due to the very existence of this
background, Iran has endeavored to obtain the latest technology in
tile and ceramic production so as to be able to compete at the highest
global level with regard to tile quality, variety, and design.
The first industrial tile producing plant in Iran was commissioned about
53 years ago. The industry has shown such a rapid growth that its
production capacity has increased from a mere 500 thousand square
meters in 1960 to approximately 500 million square meters in 2012,
i.e., about 1,000 times more!
As a whole, the tile and ceramic industry in Iran has developed in four
distinguishable periods:
A. The First Period: From 1960 to 1979
1. There were relative potential advantages for Iran;s entering the tile and ceramic industry due to the existence
of several production parameters including raw materials,
energy, workforce, etc.
2. Investment possibilities are on the horizon as a result
of increasing oil prices as well as prediction of a growing
trend in the Iranian economy during the later decades.
3. Investment attraction due to the emerging social developments as well as the changing production/consumption
models that prepared the ground for using better construction materials
4. Capital Transfer from the market sector for investment
in the tile production industry
5. In March 1961, the total tile production capacity was
recorded as 500 thousand square meters, and in 1979, it
had already increased to 12 million square meters.
B. The Second Period: From 1979 to 1989
1. The government included in its agenda a policy of
2. Production of goods rather than importing them was
3. Certain incentives were set forth to encourage investment, including allocation of dollars at the rate of 70
rials for importing the required machinery as well as
opening of the required credit.
4. The mean annual growth during this period was
about 8.2%.
5. The production rate was stabilized according to
domestic consumption.
6. At the end of this era, the production volume
reached 20 million square meters.
C. The Third Period: From 1989 to 2001 (The
New Policy Making Era)
1. The actual production at the end of this era
amounted to 73 million square meters.
2. As a result of the post Iran-Iraq War
flourish in economy, investment in the tile
and ceramic sector increased to respond
to the high demand for tiles in the construction sector.
3. Upon meeting the consumption demand for tiles domestically, Iran man-
‫ ساله کاشي وسرامیک ایران‬۱۲ ‫ مصرف وصادرات‬،‫آمار تولید‬
aged to export part of its production
‫ توليد‬to other
D. The Fourth Period: From 2002 to 2012 (The Investment Leap Period)
1. During this period, the number of new production units increased circa 2.5 times, i.e.,
59 new units were established and commissioned. In 2013, more than 120 active tile and
95 were identified in Iran, with more currently under
ceramic production units
Moreover, many of production
units have, in recent years, completed development proj91 5.4
ects to increase production.
1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392
Diagram showing the Growth Rate in Production, Export, and Consumption of
Tile and Ceramics in Iran between 2002 and 2013
(given data in million square meters)
91 5.4
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
An Introduction to Iran Tile and
Ceramic Producers’ Guild
Iran Tile and Ceramic Producers’ Guild was founded on November 17, 1996 by a number of the industry’s stakeholders.
Due to further investment in the tile and ceramic industry (which
had started in the 2001-2010 decade), the Guild deemed it
necessary to enhance its consistency by introducing measures
to coordinate activities between the government and industry
owned establishments in the form of strategic management
of tile and ceramic industry. Upon fruition of the investments
made by newly founded units, the ongoing interaction of the
Guild with these units, and establishing closer ties with the decision making centers in the government as well as the relevant
organizations for solving guild-related problems, more and
more companies were willing to become Guild members. In
the course of the past year alone, many tile manufacturing
companies have become new members, so that now, with more
than 88 large companies as its members, the Guild is in a
position to act as a specialized policy maker in the tile and ceramic industry and play an effective role in decision makings
related to production, control, and market management.
A Review of Iran Tile and Ceramic Producers’ Guild
A. Holding the Largest International Tile and Ceramic
Trade Fair in Iran
Iran Tile and Ceramic Producers’ Guild has acted as in-charge
for holding 21 international tile and ceramic trade fairs in
Iran, succeeding in bringing about qualitative and quantitative
developments in this regard every year.
B. Coding the 5-Year Tile and Ceramic Industry Strategic
Development Program
The Iran Comprehensive Tile and Ceramic Industry Development Program was compiled by conducting studies as well as
revisions on the status quo of the industry and the obstacles
that existed in its development. This program was the result
of continuous specialized cooperation demonstrated by the
board of directors, and was completed after 7 years of work
in 2011. Thus, the development path of the tile and ceramic industry as well as its perspective and missions was determined
in the form of two 5-year development programs aimed at
achieving a high position for Iran at a global level.
C. Establishing Specialized Committees by the Guild
Due to the importance of specialization in the Guild activities to
resolve problems in companies as well as in the industry, formation of three specialized committees has so far been approved
of by the Guild board of directors. These committees are:
1. Training and Technology Committee
2. Marketing, Sale, and Trade Fairs Committee
3. Financial and Legal Committee
D. Holding Conferences and Specialized Seminars on
Production, Marketing, Sale, and Export for the Member
Holding regular conferences on sale strategy, export, and production of tiles, as well as specialized seminars and training courses
for member companies is a regular activity in the Guild.
E. Establishing a Commercial and Trade Fair Specialized
Pooya Negar Ceram Parsian Company, founded in 2011, is a
commercial company in charge of holding specialized domestic
and international tile and ceramic trade fairs. Having a trade
fair specializing personnel in its employment, the Company has
been in charge of holding specialized sanitary tile and ceramic
trade fairs in Tehran since 2013, and intends to extend its activities to other provinces as well.
F.Management, Control, and Modification of Tile and Ceramic Market in Iran in Collaboration with the Consumers
and Producers Support Organization
Observing Article 44 of the Iranian Constitution as well as Article
102 of the Fifth Development Program for enhancement and
development of guild association participation in decision making, as well as creating further interaction between guilds/associations and the Organization, the Guild signed a memorandum
with the Organization in 2012. According to this memorandum,
pricing, market control, quality control, and market adjustment
in the tile and ceramic industry shall be conducted by Iran Tile
and Ceramic Producers’ Guild.
G.Constructive and Continuous Collaboration with
The dynamic nature of the tile and ceramic industry in Iran
necessitates close cooperation (aimed at resolving and
follow-up of problems arising in companies) between the
Guild and tile and ceramic managers in the public sector as well as legislative and industry-related centers
including the following: Ministry of Industry, Mines, and
Trade; Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines,
Trade, and Agriculture; Tehran Chamber of Commerce; provincial chambers of commerce; The Industry, Mines, and Trade Committee of the Majlis,
Iranian banks, etc.
H. Strategic Management in Industry
through Planned Sessions
The Guild holds regular sessions between
its specialized committees and board of
directors for resolving current problems in
companies as well as following up the approved cases. As an annual average, the
Guild board of directors spends more
than 1000 man-hours for these sessions.
Introduction of Iranian tile and ceramic industry
The production of tiles in Iran until 1960
was done manually in small workshops;
however, after the spread of urbanization, and the necessity of responsiveness to the needs of the growing
consumption of housing and buildings
sphere, the advent of technologies of
mass production and existing of basic
possibilities of the production such as
raw material, energy, workforce and
the more importantly the long-standing
in the production of tile and ceramic,
caused a great welcome for the mass
production and automation of tile In
1960,Then the first industrial units with
annual production capacity 110,000
square meters in the year, was utilized
in 1960. By establishment of this factory, the production of the machine
made tiles began and according to the
available information contained in the
interval 1960 to 1978, the production
volume of tile reached 12 million sq. m.
per year and after the 1979, the nominal capacity of existing units and under
construction improved increasingly. The
growth of Iranian tile and ceramic industry during (1960-2000) balanced
growth and matches the needs of the
domestic requirements and the possible
export of this industry. With the Approval
of the Third Social-Economic Development
Plan, the creation of facility of investment
and formation of foreign exchange reserves
by the government was started in 2001.the
Investment for construction of the new units,
with the issuance of the agreements by the
Ministry of industries and bank foreign exchange facilities payment network was started. In these years more than 900 million sq.
m. of establishment license issued. At present,
the installed capacity of machinery for the
production in all factories in Iran reached
over 700 million sq. m. per year. The Iranian
tile and ceramic industry with more than 120
manufacturers, and using the latest technology and specialized workforce for production
of wall tile, floor tile, the porcelain and granite tile with variety of designs and sizes is
among the first four countries in the world; in
respect to the capacity of production.
Introduction of the international
exhibition of tile, ceramic and
sanitary ware in Tehran (Cerafair)
Since the international exhibition of tile and ceramic was held by the Iranian
ceramic producers syndicate, parallel to its qualitative and quantitative growth
and development that occurred in the tile and ceramic industry in Iran, this
exhibition has also enjoyed considerable growth and has moved step by step
along with the growth of the country’s production and exports. The approach of
Iranian ceramic producers syndicate in holding the exhibition has been based
on export promotion, development of domestic products instead of imports,
empowerment of companies, making available the chains of production like
machinery,spare parts and material suppliers and finally a place for competition with high quality products, in order to respond to the needs of consumers
Iranian Statistics of tiles and ceramics in 2013
Rankd in the
1 Production
500 Million Square Meter
2 Consumption
350 Million Square Meter
3 Export
114 Million Square Meter
4 The Value of Exports
455 Million Dollars
5 The Investment
More than 3.6 Billion Dollars
6 The Number of Production Unites
More than 120 Unites
7 Direct & Indirect Employment to Work
More than 380 Thousand People
8 Nomination Production Capacity Installed
700 Million Square Meter
Covered pavilions in the past periods of the exhibition (sq.m)
Indicators of international exhibition of ceramic tile and
sanitary ware of Tehran has held courses (2004-2013)
Description /Year
Total Area Halls (Sq.m)
28743 31682
Useful Area Halls (Sq.m)
15614 18128 17895.5
Number of Total Stands
Number of Domestic
Number of Foreign
Number of Tile Ceramic
Number of Bathroom
Number of Foreign
Introduction of Pouya Negar Ceram
Parsian company
Executer of 22nd international Tile-ceramic and sanitary ware Exhibition of Tehran (cerafair 2014)
Pouya Negar Ceram Parsian Company is established as an exhibition and commercial company in
2012 in order to hold specialized exhibitions of tile and ceramic at home and abroad. This company by technical and specialized support of Iranian ceramic producers syndicate makes the best
use of the valuable experience from more than 21 international exhibitions of tile, ceramic and
sanitary ware of Tehran for holding 22nd international exhibition. This company hopes to hold an
exhibition in dignity of tile and ceramic industry of Iran. The information of this Company is as
Address: Unit 9,5th floor, No. 16, Zayandehrood St., North Shirazi Ave, Mollasadra Ave.,
Vanak Sq., Tehran–Iran phone: (+9821) 88214264 -5
fax:( +9821) 88214564
Website: www.cerafair.ir
E-mail: [email protected]
Introduction of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran
The successful experience of the world's leading countries in the economic sphere is the result of their strong focus on
the export promotion and development of foreign trade. TPOs functions including; promotion, facilitation, information,
and administration, and also providing support for the business community. The three core functions of trade policy,
trade promotion, and trade facilitation will provide support to build productive capacities, upgrade industrial and
agro-technologies, and expand exports and markets. In pursuit of those objectives and in view of the leading role of
TPOs in preparing new policies and providing supporting facilities needed to develop a comprehensive infrastructure
for the foreign trade, the Export Promotion Center of Iran (EPCI) with nearly four decades of hands-on experience
in promoting the Non-Oil Export was restructured in 2004 and took up its new Mandate as “Iran Trade Promotion
Aims & Objectives
Foreign Trade Development of Islamic Republic of Iran
Developing Export Markets for Iran's Goods & Services
Enterprise Development and Competitiveness
Market and Product Development
Upgrading the knowledge and culture of the export and foreign trade