ABOUT June 7 - August 8, 2015 CAMP During camp we explore: VISUAL ART PERFORMANCE SCULPTURE ARCHITECTURE TEXTILES WRITING AND MORE... Weekly Themes inspire our campers’ creativity. Past themes include: Transformation Geology Collaboration Circus Communication Humor At the end of each week, our discoveries culminate in an art performance and exhibition created by the students and facilitated by the teachers. We have up to 45 students during the week 3 teachers and 2 teaching assistants as well as helpful interns. WWW.CFAER.ORG 2 Camp Introduction The Arts Camp at Center for the Arts Eagle Rock is available to children who are between the ages of 6 (or have completed Kindergarten) and 12 years old. Physical, social, and emotional maturity varies for each child, so campers will be grouped according to teacher/assistant assignment. This allows us to provide activities suited to the entire group. Friend preferences will be taken into account, but there are no guarantees that friend groups will be assigned together. Group changes can be made at any time by teachers to better serve the group’s art experience. Our three classes are Art, Pioneering, and Movement. In Art, campers will sculpt, paint, draw, and collaborate, while learning about a variety of historical art movements and building skills and artmaking techniques. In Pioneering, campers will participate in gardening, fort-building and its histories, and cooking projects. In Movement, campers will collaborate to create, practice, and present a performance piece using playwriting, costuming, theatre techniques, and interpretive movement. Registration Policies Parents may enroll their child(ren) from the beginning of registration (April 1, 2015), until all sessions are filled. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Director of Education reserves the right to cancel future reservations if behavioral issues become an issue, or for non-payment. There is a maximum of 45 campers per week, which are split into 3 groups of 15 campers. All forms and tuition are required to be completed and submitted to the Director of Education to reserve enrollment. Parents/guardians must disclose any special needs or behavioral issues in forms and paperwork. Failure to do so will result in the child being immediately sent home, and all tuition paid will not be refunded. Tuition Policies All payments for reserved spaces are due at the start of each weekly session. Enrollment fees are due by the last day (Friday) of the weekly session. The Director of Education reserves the right to alter the schedule of payments with families, on a case by case basis. Enrollment fees (Fees are per one week): Center for the Arts Eagle Rock Members Non-members 250.00 (family membership is $75 annually) 275.00 **ALL CAMP FEES ARE REFUNDABLE UP TO 2 WEEKS BEFORE YOUR CHILD’S FIRST DAY OF CAMP.** NO REFUNDS ARE AVAILABLE AFTER THAT DATE. ALL REFUNDS PROCESSED ARE SUBJECT TO A 20% ADMINISTRATIVE FEE. Parking Center for the Arts Eagle Rock does not provide parking for parents, but parents may park on the side streets surrounding the Center without being ticketed for up to 2 hours. Center for the Arts Eagle Rock is not responsible for parking fines or damages, vandalism of, or theft of automobiles or other personal property contained within the automobile while it is parked near the Center. WWW.CFAER.ORG 3 June 8 - August 7, 2015 Typical Daily Schedule 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:15 9:15 - 12:00 10:00 - 11:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 - 2:40 2:40 - 3:10 3:10 – 5:00 3:40 - 4:40 5:00 – 5:30 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:15 9:15 - 12:00 10:00 - 11:00 12:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 2:40 2:40 - 3:10 3:10 - 5:00 3:40 - 4:40 5:00 - 5:30 WWW.CFAER.ORG Camper Drop-off Campers will be allowed to free play. Games will be provided, and group games will be initiated by teaching assistants and interns. Group Circle First Class The group will be split in three, with 15 campers in each class (Art, Pioneering, Movement). Staggered First Break / Snack Time Each group will go on break separately, and the 20 minute breaks are staggered by class. Please include at least 3 snacks and lunch in your camper’s lunchbox. LUNCH All of the campers will enjoy a 30 minute lunch together in the main gallery. Please provide a nutritional lunch for your child. Do not include fast food in your child’s lunch or overly sugary snacks. Second Class The groups will rotate to the next activity, either Art, Pioneering, or Movement. Group Second Break / Snack Time All of the students go on break in the main gallery. Games will be provided, and group games will be initiated by teaching assistants and interns. Please include at least 3 snacks and lunch in your camper’s lunchbox. Third Class The groups will rotate to the next activity, either Art, Pioneering, or Movement. Staggered Third Break / Snack Time Each group will go on break separately, and the 20 minute breaks are staggered by class. Please include at least 3 snacks and lunch in your camper’s lunchbox. Free Draw Murals / Camper Pick-up Large butcher paper and drawing supplies will be provided for an end-of-the-day group mural. Camp Times Camper Drop-off Group Circle First Class Staggered First Break/Snack Time LUNCH Second Class Group Second Break/Snack Time Third Class Staggered Third Break/Snack Time Free Draw / Camper Pickup 4 June 8 - August 7, 2015 Check-in / Check-out Your child’s safety is our top priority here at Center for the Arts Eagle Rock. Our policies regarding drop off and pick up by a designated parent or caregiver whose name is on file are not subject to change. If there are extenuating circumstances and an alternate is designated, please communicate with the Director of Education to make necessary arrangements prior to the start date of camp so that these arrangements can be documented in your child's camp file. To gain the full, enriching experience of our camp, it is important that campers arrive no later than 9:00 am daily. Campers may arrive as early as 8:30 am. The daily activities planned are scheduled to take place in three parts. All of our curricula is cumulative, so it is imperative that the camper be punctual. A late pick-up fee will be charged to parents who do not pick up their child on time. The fees for late pick-up are as follows: (5:31 - 5:40) 1-10 minutes late – $10.00 fee (5:41 - 5:50) 11-20 minutes late - $20.00 fee (5:51 - 6:00) 21-30 minutes late - $30.00 fee All fees are due and payable before the child will be allowed back to Camp. Parents should drop their children off at the front desk at the Center for the Arts Eagle Rock and check their child into camp. To pick their child up, the parent, guardian or authorized person must present valid identification before the child will be released. The authorized person must be on the camper enrollment form, or the parent/guardian must write the authorized person’s information on the sign-in form and notify the Camp Director via email ([email protected]). The parent or guardian must walk into Center for the Arts Eagle Rock to pick-up their child. The camp faculty is not authorized to escort any child to a parent waiting outside. Daily Camper Supplies Each day, the child should bring the following items to camp: • • • • • Non-refrigerated lunch (please use an ice pack to keep lunch cool as needed). There is also no microwave available for camper use. 2-3 healthy snacks Backpack (to store items not being used) Change of clothes Prescribed medication in original packing The camp staff requests that no additional items or toys are brought to Camp, only the essentials should be packed daily with the child. Camp Attire • • • • Clothes that can get dirty (i.e., paint, clay, cooking, etc) Tennis shoes and socks (no sandals, please) Bicycle shorts or leggings must be worn under skirts and dresses for movement. Sunblock WWW.CFAER.ORG 5 Camper Illnesses In the event the camper becomes ill, the Director of Education will notify the parent or guardian through a phone call. There are circumstances when the Director of Education and Camp Teachers will not allow the camper to further attend camp for the week or the camper must be picked up early from camp. No refund will be offered due to camper illness. These instances will include: a camper who has two or more episodes of diarrhea, a camper who is running a fever of 100 degrees or more, a camper who has thrown up or the combination of any of the above symptoms. If your child is suffering from any of these or other symptoms (such as pink eye or other contagious illnesses), please call the camp to alert the staff and do not bring the child to camp that day. For minor accidents/illnesses, the camp staff will provide appropriate basic first aid (cleaning and bandaging of minor cuts/scratches) and provide the parent/guardian with a copy of the accident/injury report form. If a camper is feeling slightly ill, Camp Teachers will provide a rest area for the camper and monitor the camper until they feel like either rejoining activities or calling their parent for early pickup. Camper Emergencies For camper emergencies, the Director of Education or Camp Teacher (only in the event that the Director of Education is unavailable) will notify the parent or guardian of the situation. If the parent/guardian is unavailable or cannot be reached, the Emergency Contact will be notified. If the Emergency Contact is unavailable and/or if it is deemed appropriate by the Director of Education and Executive Director, qualified medical professionals will be contacted, including but not limited to your child’s primary care physician and/or emergency medical services. If a child is transported by emergency medical services, the authorized emergency contact will be immediately notified. In the event emergency medical treatment is necessary, the physician is authorized to provide necessary medical care as needed unless otherwise indicated on the child’s Health History Form. If the parent or guardian has an emergency and needs to contact their child or a camp staff member, the parent/guardian should contact the Director of Education at 323-226-1617 x 221 or the General Info Line, 323-226-1617 x 223. Camper Medication If a camper is required to take any form of medication during the day, the Health History section on the registration form should contain the information. Each teacher and teaching assistant will have access to a copy of the registration form. The parent/guardian of the camper should provide the Director of Education with the medication in a clearly labeled container with exact directions for administration. Asthma inhalers and injectable medication must be provided by the parent/guardian and will be under the direct supervision of the Camp Teachers. Campers will self-administer inhalers, prescription medication, and apply sunscreen and bug spray when needed unless the parent has made a prior arrangement with the Director of Education. For safety reasons, campers may not maintain possession of their medication while in camp; the Director of Education will hold the medication in the CFAER office. WWW.CFAER.ORG 6 Behavioral, Social, or Emotional Situations There will be times during camp when it becomes necessary to address various social issues with a camper. The methods this camp uses are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Speak individually with the camper(s) involved. Mediate the situation between the camper(s) involved. Remove the camper(s) from the activity for a short period of time (to cool off). Camper(s) meet with the Director of Education to resolve conflict All disciplinary action taken will be filled out in an Incident Report form. If any child accrues more than three Incident Reports in the same week, the parent/guardian will notified. If the issue persists during the week, under extreme conditions, the parent will be called to pick the child up early from camp. We ask that the parent/guardian speak with the child to better understand the cause of the issue as well as help the child come to a solution. If a child is sent home early from camp there will be no refund of enrollment fees for the camper. If a child threatens the safety or well being of other campers or staff, the child will not be allowed to return to Art Camp. WWW.CFAER.ORG 7 ABOUT US CENTER FOR THE ARTS EAGLE ROCK Our goal in educational programming is to inspire a passion for artistic expression in participants by expanding their concept of what can be considered art. Our teachers combine art history, play-based learning, and their own studio practices to create curricula that give students a place to explore artistic boundaries and establish community. MISSION Center for the Arts Eagle Rock’s mission is to be innovative in providing multidisciplinary, artsinclusive programming to the diverse communities of northeast Los Angeles... and beyond. REGISTER NOW @ CFAER.ORG PLEASE RETURN REGISTRATION TO: ATTN: Laura Marchetti Center for the Arts Eagle Rock 2225 Colorado Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90041 [email protected] WWW.CFAER.ORG 8
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