NEW SOUTH WALES Algorithms: COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 Aleks Ignjatovi´c School of Computer Science and Engineering University of New South Wales LECTURE 5: THE GREEDY METHOD COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 1 / 7 The Greedy Method Activity selection problem. Instance: A list of activities ai , (1 ≤ i ≤ n) with starting times si and finishing times fi . No two activities can take place simultaneously. Task: Find a maximum size subset of compatible activities. Activity selection problem II. Instance: A list of activities ai , (1 ≤ i ≤ n) with starting times si and finishing times fi = si + d; thus, all activities are of the same duration. No two activities can take place simultaneously. Task: Find a subset of compatible activities of maximal total duration. Question: What happens if the activities are not all of the same duration? COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 2 / 7 The Greedy Method Minimising job lateness. Instance: A start time T0 and a list of jobs ai , (1 ≤ i ≤ n), with duration times ti and deadlines di . Only one job can be performed at any time; all jobs have to be completed. If a job ai is completed at a finishing time fi > di then we say that it has incurred lateness li = fi − di . Task: Schedule all the jobs so that the lateness of the job with the largest lateness is minimised. COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 3 / 7 The Greedy Method k-clustering of maximum spacing Instance: A complete graph G with weighted edges representing distances between the two vertices. Task: Partition the vertices of G into k disjoint subset so that the minimal distance between two points belonging to different sets of the partition is as large as possible. COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 4 / 7 The Greedy Method Optimal caching Instance: You are writing a very long paper and you will need 26 books A, B, C, . . . , X, Y, Z, some of them at several times. However, the university library allows you to keep at most 7 books at each time. You carefully compile the list of books in the order you will need them: ABACBABAD..... Each time you go to the library, you return one book and check out another book. Task: Decide which book to return on each library trip so that you minimise the total number of trips to the library. COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 5 / 7 The Greedy Method Tape storrage. Instance: A list of n files fi of lengths li which have to be stored on a tape. Each file is equally likely to be needed. To retrieve a file, one must start from the beginning of the tape and scan it until the tape is fund and read. Task: Order the files on the tape so that the expected retrieval time is minimised. Tape storrage II. Instance: A list of n files fi of lengths li and probabilities to be needed pi , Pn i=1 pi = 1, which have to be stored on a tape. To retrieve a file, one must start from the beginning of the tape and scan it until the tape is fund and read. Task: Order the files on the tape so that the expected retrieval time is minimised. COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 6 / 7 The Greedy Method 0-1 knapsack problem Instance: A list of weights wi and values vi for discrete items ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and a maximal weight limit W of your knapsack. Task: Find a subset S of all items available such that its weight does not exceed W and its value is maximal. Special case: Here are just three items with weights and values: (10kg, $60), (20kg, $100), (30kg, $120) and a knapsack of capacity W = 50kg. So when does the Greedy Strategy work?? Unfortunately no easy rule... COMP3121/3821/9101/9801 7 / 7
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