
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
Technology Test Kitchen Recipes from Cris Guenter
Three Visual Literacy Apps that offer a multitude of possibilities: ArtRage, FlipBoard & Aurasma
ArtRage $4.99
This app works well for novice and experienced artists who like to do
field sketching and painting. Since the tools mimic their traditional
counterparts, educators can demonstrate a wide range of painting
techniques and approaches. Paintings can be duplicated for trying
multiple techniques. This app is like having a painting studio with you.
Demonstrations, art assignments, and preliminary sketches and
paintings can all be accomplished with this app.
COOKING (PREP) TIME: 5-7 minutes, if needed, to explore the layout of the palette and tools,
how to adjust tools, and use built-in references
SERVES: Anyone ready to draw, paint, and create
● A canvas area that can be adjusted as desired for size, texture, and color
● A palette of tools that includes: paint bucket, eraser, oil pastel, highlighter, fine-tip
marker, pencil, oil paint, brayer, palette knife, airbrush, watercolor brush-round,
watercolor brush-flat
● Adjustment gears—for adjusting the line, pressure, opacity, etc. of selected tool
● Gallery for saving and sharing your painting
● Color palette that includes hue, saturation, and intensity choices. Metallic slider, too.
● Quick Reference – Question mark icon—easy access to information for using the app
● Layers option
● Import/take photo option
● Tracing option
● Record script feature (records the process of your painting for sharing and playback)
1. Install app
2. Open app.
3. Determine canvas layout by clicking on square icon with two arrows on mid right side of
screen. You can tap on Painting Title and pixels beneath canvas to title your work and
change the numbers of pixels listed to change the size of your canvas. You can also
change the color and grain of your canvas area. If you are just beginning, I do not
recommend changing the color or grain until you are familiar with your palette tools and
what they can do.
4. When ready, tap on the canvas to bring up the palette of tools and color palette. Tap on
the ? icon on the bottom center of the screen to see the quick references. Note there is
more information along the top of the screen in quick references to help you, if you
should need it. Click Done in the upper left corner to return to your canvas.
5. To get the feel of using ArtRage. Tap on the crayon. Then tap on the color palette. You
can tap anywhere within the color range and/or along the outside color band. The color
you have selected will show up in the lower right corner.
6. Using your finger or a capacitated stylus draw some lines on the canvas.
7. Change your color and draw some more lines.
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
8. Click on the back arrow bottom slightly left on screen to remove your last mark. Click
again to remove another previous mark. Click the redo arrow just to the right of the undo
arrow to replace your lines.
9. Now click on the two little gears in the lower left corner of the screen. The pop-up
window will show all the options you have for adjusting the crayon—size, pressure, and
softness. Make some adjustments to your crayon. Then draw some more lines next to
the ones you have just drawn. See the difference?
10. When you select a tool from the tool palette on the left side, you can adjust it by clicking
on the two little gears just below the tool palette. This is a very clean design and not
11. To save your artwork, click on the folder with down arrow in the bottom center. You have
three choices: Save, Save a copy, or Back to Gallery. If you click Back to Gallery, you
will get three options: Save, Don’t Save, and Cancel.
12. Click on Back to Gallery and then Save. This will take you to the Gallery area where you
can see all of your artwork. In the Gallery area you copy, rotate, delete and export your
paintings. You can export by sending your paintings to Photos on your device, to iTunes,
or emailing them. You can print your painting directly from your device if you have a
printer set up for that. You can also upload your paintings to Facebook, Dropbox, and
deviantArt Stash.
Let your students cook it up! You and your students can create a digital sketchbook of
artwork, complete a series of small paintings or sketches for group work, presentations,
or course projects.
Give your paintings and sketches some personal touches by importing or taking a photo
through ArtRage and using it as a reference or to trace to get your artwork started.
Use ArtRage flip your lessons and get students cooking with the material before your
contact hours to allow them to engage with the material more fully.
ArtRage has an online support site for this app and its companion computer software.
A free series of ArtRage for iPad Video Tutorials
The ArtRage Gallery
Online ArtRage member area – create free account to have your own user gallery
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine Free
Flipboard is your personal magazine, at your desk, in your back pocket
or on your wrist. Filled with stories, photos and videos on any interest,
it’s a single place to keep up with your world. It is a single place to
follow topics that interest you and share stories, videos and photos with
friends or students. You can also collect and curate information for
COOKING (PREP) TIME: 5-7 minutes, if needed, to create your account and link to your social
media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
SERVES: Anyone ready to read
● Free Flipboard account
● Digital device—smartphone or tablet
● Computer
1. Install app on your device.
2. Open app.
3. Create an account
4. To start, tap on the red bookmark icon in the upper right corner.
5. It will open up under Profile. Tap on the little gear icon in the upper right to add/edit your
profile. Click Done.
6. Tap on Following, just below Profile (still under red bookmark).
7. Tap on Accounts, top right. Here you can link to your social media sites. Flipboard
makes it very easy to read your Facebook or Twitter accounts.
8. Still under Following, you can select information you would like to follow by browsing All,
People, or Topics. Tap to the left of the Following screen to exit.
9. Also on the screen, you may see a box, which says More. Tap it to add magazine to
follow. You can search for them in the box that appears, or tap popular ones, and they
will promptly appear on your contents page. You can also drag and drop the magazines
to organize them in your Flipboard. Hold down on one of the magazines to make them
activated for deletion. (Just like you do with apps on your device.)
10. Tap Cover Stories to get an overview of information from all the topics you have chosen
to follow. You can flip through the pages, just like reading a magazine. Notice the + sign
in the lower right of each item? Good. We will use it that in a few steps.
11. You can return to the main page by tapping the arrow in the upper left corner. This is
how to view and read Flipboard.
12. You can do more, however! Using your computer, go to
on your computer and login with your account information.
13. In the upper left you will see Cover Stories, Following, and Explore—just like on your
device, you can view your Flipboard collection on your computer.
14. In the upper right you see the magnifying glass icon for search, the bell icon for
notifications, and your photo from your Flipboard profile. Click on your photo icon.
15. You will see your profile. Beneath that you will see a button labeled New Magazine. Click
it. Here you can create your own magazine for yourself or to share with others. You give
it a title, a brief description, and decide whether to have it be public or private.
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
16. Now, when you are reading information in Flipboard you can easily add, curate
information for your own magazines by simply tapping on those plus signs (+) that we
noticed earlier.
17. Your newly created magazines will show up under your profile on both your device and
computer. The editing and managing of your magazines is done on your computer at
18. To edit one of your magazines, login to Flipboard on your computer. Click on your profile
(your photo, upper right). Hover over the bottom of your magazine. You will see a chart
icon, an Edit button, and a send icon. Clicking the chart icon on the left gives you data
about the usage of your magazine, especially if your magazine is public. The share icon
(paper airplane icon) gives you four ways to share this particular magazine. You embed
the magazine on a website that you may have. You can share via Email, Facebook, and
19. Click on the Edit button in the center. Your magazine will open. Here is where you can
customize your magazine a bit. In the lower right of each article, you will see two icons.
The line with box is the icon for magazine cover. The X is for deleting the article. You
can look at all your articles and decide which one has a good image for the cover of your
magazine. Click on the icon and presto! You have a new cover.
20. Click once on a specific artcle. Then hold the cursor down and drag the article to another
place on the page to reorganize the order.
21. Look at the left hand menu. You can also invite other contributors by clicking on the +
sign. You can switch from making the magazine discoverable (public) to private. You can
view your data on the magazine. And, you can delete the magazine.
Install the +Flip It Bookmarklet (free) on your computer’s web browser toolbar. It allows
you to add webpages to your Flipboard magazines directly from your computer!
Select or include topics in your Flipboard choices that will provide information on the
courses you teach
Create a Flipboard Magazine for one or more of your courses. Curate information for the
course by simply adding articles (tapping the + sign and selecting the specific
Email the URL to your students or better yet, include it in your course syllabus.
Flipboard on your computer – login with your account information
+Flip It Bookmarklet
Flipboard Tutorials (from Flipboard)
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
Aurasma Free
Aurasma is the industry-leading augmented reality app that is changing
the way millions of people see and interact with the world. It is allowing
educators and students to create and share augmented reality
experiences in the classroom and beyond. The concept is that two
things such as an image and a video are linked using Aurasma’s online
site, Aurasma Studio. Then using the free Aurasma app on your device,
you view the trigger image and it will connect to the linked video.
COOKING (PREP) TIME: Like any good meal that “wows the crowd” this is where the time is
invested. You need three things to create this amazing augmented reality dish—an account
online with Aurasma Studio, the Aurasma app your digital device, and the content that you or
your students intend to link. Images are often used as the trigger and the auras can be images,
animations, URLs, video clips
SERVES: Anyone who has the free Aurasma app on their device and is given the URL to your
channel (collection of link items) on Aurasma Studio
● Aurasma Studio account
● Aurasma app installed on your device
● Content that will serve as trigger images
● Content that be your overlays on trigger images.
● Connecting trigger image to overlays in Aurasma Studio online creates the auras that
show up on devices once the trigger images are activated.
1. Go to Aurasma Studio online at and sign up for the free
account. Login.
2. Click on the Help link in the upper right corner of the Aurasma Studio page. View the
very clear and easy videos as needed.
3. The process is: Create Trigger Image. Add Overlay. Finalize Aura (the connection
between the trigger image and the overlay). Share.
4. Here is a nice 4-minute video clip from my friend and colleague, Theresa McGee, that
demonstrates the entire process.
5. Sharing your content is simple! After creating your Aura, you just need to be sure to hit
'Share' on the top right. This will publish your Aura publicly so that other users can
search your Account name in the Aurasma app and follow you. They can then see all of
your work that is publicly available. You can also add a hashtag to your public Aura so
that users can easily search for your Auras within the Explore tab of Aurasma Studio.
6. To share your content privately here is an article:
Create an interactive gallery of images
Enhance diagrams with labels or visa versa
Create an interactive journal or newspaper article
Group presentation—interactive poster presentation
Technology Test Kitchen
Cris Guenter – CSU, Chico
OLC/MERLOT April 2015 Dallas, TX
[email protected] Twitter: @cguenter
Interactive bulletin boards featuring specific content
Enhance assignments
Use as an artist statement or video reflection
Link videos to specific course content
Digital portfolio connections to actual materials
Aurasma App
Aurasma Studio
4-minute video clip from my friend and colleague, Theresa McGee, that demonstrates the entire
Aurasma Studio Video Tutorials
An Example: First, download the free Aurasma mobile app. Then frame this image below in
the app’s viewfinder to unlock the Aura!