Roche Bros. PER MARKETS fffi Milliston Common Route 109 Millis, MA. Friend & Neiahbor Seiving Our Community llnur I Snt' * FlnppF Su*r^! Rov S. Kellev J d*i.ti. Diredor Donna Chaff Will your current portfolio address your needs in retirement or to finance a college education? And what are the tax implications of your present investments? lf you're not sure, it may be time to consider an objective evaluation. Our investment guidance is tailored to help you reach your goals, both now and in the future. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation. ROBERTA, MATSON, CLU, CHFC Registered Principal 333 ORCHARD STREET Sl t-Pt- Fin:rnci;rl MILLIS, MA 02054 (508) 376-2009 rurw-1p]-ssmlrBbed. m a!ss! A Registbied lhvestrnent Advisor robert" [email protected] Membar FlNRAil$lPC wffi ROBERT A. NIATSON, CLU, ChFC Clmrteretl Fin anc ial C' ons ultunt P.O. Box 605, 333 Orchard Strcct. Millis, MA 01054 Tel: 50tt-376-2009 Securities offered through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC Fax: -50ti-376-23i9 robert. [email protected] */ii\* OH SsP146g'i Silt & PRSP"IA|NW "YourTotal Home Comfort Company" ,lttleboro Ollice 50tt-6.t]{t.}.} Boston {)tfice 279 South ['lain Streei Attlcboro, N{A 02?03 8fi8-6,+.j-.1LI8 One (lenler Pl;wa greg leerrl)gregleelarv.ccrrn * ww. greglccIaw. wwlv.rt Also rtccepting Business l\,!;rtt{irs Land Use LandlordrTenant Sinple Esta{es Personal Iniury 9n lunmnru4 roitlt oilh {}rirnda {, railnmsu Ceneral Itactice : irss lirm i l.v cr-nrr Concentrating ln Family Law Divorce lv{ediation f)ivcrcc L.itigation & Trial Child Suppcrt o (lustcdv Visitation r Alimony Propcfi Divisios Cuardianships our customers deserve, and the products and services that fulfitl all your comfort needs" l&tu u.lan 40a nsad ua qont con{onf i^a oun rsnronn! Wp'hp ahttaaa Automatic Delivery Propane & FuetOit * Coat& Diesel * * Heating System Sales. lnstallation . Service Soprano Soloist, Voice and Piano Lessons * Oitto Propane Conversions 508-56 I -4899 Remote Fuel Monitoring :t Central& Ducttess \\,1\,14/, * Air Conditioning Service & Budget Plans Sates . lnstailation' Service rebecc aj waters, c 0m 69 Lavendu St. il{illis. hIA02054 ff mei&r,"t $@t$ 22(.) la*,-in lir Serving satisfied customers since 1954, with the attention * Suite Bus;ton. ]\,tA 02108 Or.e.r ?0 Years of Ilrlrerience Sliding Scale and Reduced Rater Available F lexible Appointtn€nts Wal*n^.u On behalf of the mernbers of the Charles River Chorale, I welcome vou to our special spring concert. The Chorale is celebrating its 30th season of sharing the gift of music r,vith our neighbors. We have had a n'onderful time preparing the music ibr this concert. trVe are certain you will enjoy it too. This will be our last concert with our founding director, Roy S. Kelley. He inspires us at every rehearsal and encourages us all to be the best singers we can be. Our lives have been greatly enriched by the joy of music he has shared r,vith us. In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Chorale, Roy has chosen favorite pieces that the Chorale has performed over the years. You will enjoy classical rvorks, jazz pieces, aud many popular tunes. I am pleased to annclunce that the Chorale has selected Ashley F. Nelson to serve as our new director. We look fonvard to singing with her this fall and presenting our l'roliday concert to you next December. The Charles Rirzer Chorale supports music outreach in the local community, including the Charles River Chorale Children's Choir. Please support the Charles River Chorale and the Children's Choir by purchasing raffle tickets. Prizes include a VISA gift card, a gift card for Roche Bros., and gift cards for popular restaurants. Winners will be drawn at the end of the interrnission. As Chairperson during this special l'ear, Il'rave been fortunate to receive wonderful support frorn all of the Executive Committee members. Many are long-standing members r,vho continue to perform the behind-the-scenes work thev've always done, and some are new members stepping up to serve the Chorale. Thanks to them and to all of the Chorale members who strpport the organization through their donation of tirne and talent. I invite you to sit back and enjoy this special evening of music. After the concert, please join the Chorale mernbers in the cafeteria for refreshments. Tl'rank 1'ou for celebrating 30 years of music with us! Doa*t* K. Kel.rlhr\g Chairpcr.son, Charles I{iver Chorale Welcome to the Charles River Chorale's zor5 Spring Concert. This evening will make history. Why, you ask? lt's my 3oth and final spring concert with this organization - a night for me to remember for a long time. It doesn't seem like 3o ),ears have gone by - a Christmas Concert in December a Spring Concert in May - but it has. There are too many memories for me to mention on this page but I'll give a few. We've been present at most of Millis's Memorial Day exercises over the 3o years singing our patriotic songs (and you'll hear some of that tonightl!). The chorale has continued to grow during that time. We've been a bright spot in the area - so that when new people came to sing with us in the fall, to see how we operate, they're pleasantly surprised - and after giving themselves about 4 weeks to become comfortable with the music for the season - they find themselves being lifted out of their comfort zone - and come on stage for a concert not being as neryous as they thought they would be. ln my closet at home are the many vests that I used to wear for the second half of the program. Most of them don't fit any more. I wonder whylllll There sure was a lot of bling! The interesting part of the 'vests' is that the chorus never knew what I would be wearing for the second half of the program until I walked on stage. I was able to slip into the vest between the time they got on stage and my entrance! And then there was the time I couldn't get one of tlrem buttonedllll! Yes, rnemories. I can remember a Christmas tree lighting in the town when the wind was really blowing hard - sideways - making it very difficult to keep hold of our carol bookslll The many, many laughs heard during rehearsals - all the baked goods for the reception after any concert - the silent auctions - the raffles - Pride Day - the Christ Church Cafe - a surprise for many in that the 'cafe' brought us closer together during our rehearsal breaks. And on, and on, you can think of a few - if you've been coming to our concerts for that many years!!!! There are too many people to thank, so l'll iust say it here - THANK YOU - for all the years of support - from the membership - those who have come and gone as well as those on stage tonight - and all the outside support with ads and donations. You've made my Tuesday nights a pleasure - even when we were working our way through some difficult sections of a certain piece - and succeededllll That was the best part - the successlll My wish is that the chorale will continue to grow under new leadership and bring the present membership and new members out of their comfort zones while they continue to entertain their families and friends with a Christmas concert in December and a Spring concert in May. So, sit back, relax and enjoy. Peace, Roy @C nnnlE s RTvE RC HoRAI,E &Lr- Accompanist DonmaCLtuff Donna Chaff is thrilled to be returning to the Charles River Chorale for their 30th season. She began her musical career at the age of 5 taking piano lessons from her father and has performed in many concerts, musicals and recitals here in the US as well as Austria, ltaly and Greece. For the past 25 years, Ms. Chaff has been an Elementary Music Specialist for the Town of Wellesley. Donna was the 20L1 Massachusetts recipient of the Society for General Music "Excellence in General Music" award. She has a BA in Music Education from University of Lowell, her Masters in Education from Cambridge College and her Masters + 60 credits from Brandman University. Donna holds a Master's Certificate in the Orff-Schulwerk method - where she met Roy as one of her students in class! Currently she substitutes as a church organist in various venues, has two children in college and a cat named "Candy." 51". 5 Lws,.*h, o Clnire Bsin Lnurie Collins Trish Crocker Debornh Gately Gloria Gelineau Ssbine Goldman Hodgman lohanson leanne lohnson Kathy lohnson Karen Maloof Knthy Maloof Sherry Manning Anne McKee Laura Merriam Lynne Narum Meaghan Quilop Leslee Susan 5.*-* Lee Gregory Leist Greg Qtrilop Sandra Szoanson Nancy Carroll Ruth Chick Mary Connor Helen DaIy Karen Gehm AIIyson Hamnt Leslie Heffernan Beth Hilliard Mary Cntherine Hubbard Fran Hutton-Lee Donna Keeslittg lennine Kelley Charmagne Laprise Kristin (s'iffiil C nnntu s Rrvt nC pg{tr# ExECurrvF BoARp OFFtcERS I,4 Ho nnrr F['IFFRS-AT- LARG E DoNNA KEESLING, CHAIR LAURIE CoLLINS, VIcE CHAIR TERRY ARMSTRONG MEAGHAN QUILOP. TREASURER GREGoRY LEE, SECRETARY JAYNE TARASKI, PUBLICITY SABINE GoLDMAN JEANNE JoHNSON BRooKs CoRL JEAN LYNCH MARY-LoU NoRTHGRAVES Chorale Support Program ,l:i;,!1,";1,, Mnry-Lor.r Northgraaes Sue Barbsrn Rice Tina Robinson Susnn Scnles leanne seyfarth lean Sniffin Subscriber: A Gift of $25.00 Donor: A Gift of $50.00 Patron: A Gift of $100.00 Sponsor: A Gift of $200.00 Benefaclor: A Gift of $500.00 Winslow g *r, Ed Batrer PauI Benoit Craig Lee Burket R. Brooks CorI Daaid Hart PauI Eaerard Huggan John Kearns Bob LaPointe Jnck Maloof Jim Rynn Bob Sniffin LeVie Gsil Luck Bob Waters <frtjqltrc 4-.;S- -rr**- E Terry Armstrong Rosemary Burr Kristin Stnshenko Barbnra steele KnthY steaens Rebecca stocker layne Tarnski Alexis white lonnnn Wronn Crnnr,rsRrvERCHoRALE Tharks: 'I'he Church of Christ, lVlillis Irirefightcrs, tr{illis IIigh School & N'lillis School Conrnrittcc fbr rhcir continucd supportl May z, zot5 C nnxr,E S Rrvg nC u o nnr,r 9. Chorles River Childnen's Choir: Directed by Lelia Tenreyro-Viana Presents the 3OS Annual Spring Concert -Martin Charnin & Charles Strouse Hard KnOck Life The "Elephante" SongTraditionalspanish Song So Long; Farewell from"TheSound of Music" \ arr. by Alan Billingsley Raye Rristen Kelley Chace O'Connell Glicerio Quilop Kabhryn Quilop Scarlett Ruggeri Joaquim Viana Abigale J Rogers & Hammerstein James Van Heusen & Johnny Burke 1o-. Armed Forces Salute arr. by Pete King 3. And AIIThat Jazz arr. by Joyce Ellis The Caisson Song (Army) - Semper Paratus (coast Cucrd) - rll,rrine's Hymn (Mcrines) The U, 5. Air Force (Air Force) - Anchors Aweigh (Ndv, Fred Ebb & John Kander arr. by Kirby Shaw from Chicaso 4. ShenAndOah 11. Look traclitionalsea chanty AtTheWorld arr. by Alan Billingsley arr. by Donald P. Moore 12. Harlem Kind 5. The Roving 6, Choral Fantasv Nocturne Earle Hagen & Dick Rogers arr. by Michelle Weir tessie cavanaugh & Arnold Stanton Soloists: opus8o Ludwig Van Beethoven 13. Gershwin Showcase Karen Cehnr, Leslee ]lortgnun, EyeravdHuggan, Soloists: George & lra Cershwin arr. by Carl Strommen Fran Hnttotl -Lee, Greg Qgilop, Pau[Winslow, Joanna \,Vi-ona 7 . Rhythm Of Life Dorothy Fields 14. One Of Those Songs arr. by Mac Huff 15. Aauariusl Let T he Sunshine ln James Rado Jerome Ragni & Galt lvlacDermot & Cy Coleman arr. by Richard Barnes 8. ONE from '?Chorusline" Marvin Hamlish & Edward Kleban arr. by Anita Kerr D:ncers: Terry Annstrong, Claire lJain, Sabine Golclman, Leslic ]tffbrnan, lVtarylGy lIu.bbarcl, XirthyJohnson, Kristin LeVie, Meg Q$itop, IJarbaraltice, Tina Ttobinson, Kristin Stashenho, Alexis White, .]oannaWrona i Arlistic Director Accompanist RoY S. KELLEY DongNA CHAFF J Please Join Us in the Cafeteria lmmediately Following For Refreshmenbs & Conversation Please Support the Chorale with a Raf{le Ticket the Concert Purchase .::,: I Proud To Support Music Licensed&lnsured f,,*/ & Arts In The Community! Phone: 774-244-7027 @ Johnson Construction & Remodeling Additions - Roofing - Decks - Porches New Construction - Replacement Windows Structural Repairs Ihe '}- . Mi ''o [email protected] llis Charles LiverBank 70 Main Street, Medway, MA Walter J. Fu n d (508)533-8661 Wasnewsky '#i{i "N The f ei ghbors He lpi ng N o, Srlfe & IIa,ppy I'Iolidu."v! L.S. Jack Insurance Agency '." '' ""*,H,t,*,-*:;:,",*" 1..- " '.":*i llut:t: Auto - Home - Business - Life ' Village Street Medway, MA 02053 Tel: 508-533-6572 185 ei ghbor s" ltillis Fund has helped over 300 families cope with inancial emergencies since its' f ounding in 1994 Donations are welcome any time at: 142 Exchange Street, lvlillis, MA Fax: 508-533-2977 [email protected] OFFICE HOURS BYAPPOINTMENT 508-376-08S8 To ltoy Kelley, Thomas P. A. Carchidi, D. M. D. Best wishes 30years conducting the Charles River 167 Village Street Medway, MA02053 Chorale is quite an accomplislrnrent. Tue-bVeds S-Sgm Thurs-Fr$',S"?ssr 'r' .: r ! .::::. ' :: !: $ai..7:30t3$m : .:::::: ' ,:. 0l1urr! rrf (!!rirt PHONE:508 533-6400 (IONGIiIjGi\I'ION,\L !1II J,IS FAX: 508 533-6400 Han-y T. Johr-rson s08-8 I 6-0092 foryour retirement! III 109 ._ .:d I !F-:-''l' #+ c F1 iil '.",1#ii r|ffi.+i llolliston Strcet Mcdway,IvlA 3$'Hxchange St . t; i-l l1 ICl ue Millis, MA San*s tsarbershsp L, ( )I\ S'l l{ t I {.,_l"IQL Licensed & Insr"rred harrythomas.iiii( The BE$T haircuts for men of all ages. ,__rr;ii,i,#$ffi Randy S. Weinet DMD FA'qff;lr:|i,ffi Fel low, American College of Dentisi$,;::lr,'ii,'rl iii;ii'i Cosmetic and Family Dentistry BOB' S FAI\,IILY RESTAURANT breakfast served all day 1115 Main Millis,MA02054 Congratulations.... GnmrurE's RESTAURANT 320 Village St. Medway, MA * BREAKFAST - * DAILY SPECIALS * LUNCH SPECIALS HOMEMADE DISHES * ANTIPASTO * DELI PLATTERS " On Another Great Pedormance 508-359-1 1 00 * '*,$iksr f" S e*e d # ${ sfl &{r"r Bead Addiction LLC LydiaMuy,, Manager 508-528-3600 $$ *cg .& sax #'':":{{,,.i;'n'i''r'"n . Complete Bindery Services lRANKl.lN . promotional ltems Greylock lnformation Seryices is a Massachusetts-bas€d company specializing in GIS (Geognphic lnformatlon Systemsl seruices including Cartography, Research, Data Analysis and Presentation. (Pens, Bags, Calendars, etc.) * .jl i $.,:' OAKDALE Wffi&fl-TH N&NEffi ffift$ffiNY r:d*p*vr$s*t SiF!*$1*B*f WI*r:nfr *g rl*p:s, .Ba116dilry-Frerries Vsx..e Tel. DrI9IjlII:IfL ft)m;jtrffiffKffi*k$'''- uffi, r{. ffi 14 North Meadow Rd. Medfield, MA 02052 .'14iu**!. ffrrr:ari, ^ i-i&'$! iJr{ltd,rl{ " Graptric Design Services 279 South Main Street, Aftleboro, MA 02703 RE/MAX Executive Realty +ffi5t#Wis,ffi* a{S{ta6et Bw{s, ,5ffr{{ffrf. Ioitr?, Phone: 508-369-7619 E-mail: [email protected] Mail: 508-376-861 5 Charalampos Manarolis Facebook.comlbreakfast20 Quality Results. Fast Service Fw,#'r ffrdess Fran V. Hutton Lee, Principal William Wright It/rt tlTfr$; St. rcs O'Keeffe, 730 Main Street, Suite Millis, MA 02054 PFS lC Tel. 508-376-8811 Fax.5o8-376-2211 the [email protected] [email protected] This is a very special "ThanhYou" to Fax. 508-520-1290 Rcy Ke{lq, and a[[ themembers,past and FRANKLIN SHEET METAL WORI(S, INC. Commercial Steel Fabrication and Welding fred C. Baglioni Peter A. Baglioni 231 Coftage Street Franklin, MA 02038 presart, ofthe Charles River Chora[efor HnsunnID DENTAL Cmn - Personalized Comfortable - Dryrn Hrnsuunll, DMD 'The j\'traic, The T\tagic & The l\4emories" Claire Bair,, Soprano/ z/Treasurcr/rtlto Street Medfield, MA 02052 50 North 508 359-8822 Fax: 508 359-5214 h'LrnyYears oJFunl #sharp i lw Loting wv?/wwA af ouw y>red'otW la*w Unti( we see gou again Love atwags Movvt, Dad, & Cavn fu.r$] h" fntroducing Our Newest Endeovor 116 d+ s.aFlffi Bcst Bluelserry i|{ulJins Siuce Jordan \1.n.-Srt. lrlarsh! (ram-(rnrn Sun. 6,rnr--lpnr 508-533-6(155 mu {ltnh ous ccal-e (a) gmail. c orn " fr}liilr:'i;l & i\"1il$ It tuffi "$"*t'il 50 Teminal Street Building 2 "["hE effifugW W#&*ffiree ffi+;i:**q*+l=u:,-:"ffi Ssvid l-{arrls** Assusiates Love of Music The Charles River Children's Choir 43C Frarklin Vilieqe Drve :'lvin t l(1 (Sa;;' HR Cj Sons F"ar<lirr. IJA C2C38 ll^JACoil lier € n iitilrai sUS-341 -9290 fehsite ffivffil,Vf_]i{Ks a/ Amy [-en"is, { tct't:;,r.i At ;t t' t i cit * .B o ; ti (iptt,.i.rri ;('rl )irljoa;r ;r' i .e r tii i*l 508-376-0800 l8 ]vlilliston Road N{illis, NIA 02054 Mike Heffernon Lown Monogemenl Corporolion ln Loving Mernory of S ohn &- &tnoy f.. Tro,"y PO Box 812281 - Wellesley, MAA2482 F ffailers, ts Bookleis, F Lswn Siqnr, ts Mnqneti,' ] Lob"els, ts Decqls, ts Promotionsl products ] Boolis, F Bcnners. F Pcslers. ts Slueprints&|orge undmorr.... ropie s. -,*:*** nUr eass"{$sffis PronrOtional saw .N ffi Prmt,F*te*ff *p.;ir#3 Producrsratalog ,.)ffi .i5 rrn {iur t7-337-,5805 Mi ke@lown monogemenl.nel AIIysurprnrfirry nseds nt oneploce Chee k Otti 6 N'{A 0: 129 CrbLir Qot*l,t 2299 Businels ccrds, [nvelopes, Note pads, $usiness forms, Flyers&Brochutes, Pcsf eords, l4 Chariestown, A Across from Dairy Queen www. 5Og 733 emaii: mtbv@" ts -s ernail : infb(arcambriclgeselect.ccrtn Possing Along The 0G&cG Exploring St. Milford, MA !.etterhetds, Suite ['- 781-235-86 OF BT-{CKSTONE VAI-LEY Class Location: 189 West t L Quality Cleaners Thank you Roy for these thirry years of MAGICAL MUSXCAL MEN,{ORIESI -, '.ri-'i l! iraii:c ae'i€t t\4a!. ii,eir, r,1qi,r3,. l,{.4 iii-i.3 wrww.adori nEonline.corn Cheers, N1[ary.L.ou %A"*h Wtu {a4, 2gt/2 Wo* aP si,ng,in4., anl, !.eouti,ng p.Leau,ue-'. 7 ur,is/t,i.t, rcwr.e, d W tL,e Aost, to y,ct !an|nv! UTBRAII w,'Ko,t/rltr, 3 tpl*'-* a*slvlnrii ''+o t'o ff $"ar' l r "r,) "o*r'ow F \" A^l J'aJtrLilE CHnRI, ;.1::r.:l*; r.',i.$ &,,r4 RTvER CHORAI,E - CrmnrrsRtvEnCrromrt ALTO-Claire Bain, Laurie Collins, Irish Crocker, Deborah Gately, Gloria Gelineau, Sabine Goldman, Leslee Hodgman, Susan Johanson, Jeanne Johnson, Kathy johnson, Karen Malool, Kathy Maloof, Sherry Manning, Anne McKee, Laura Merriam, Lynne Narum, , Meaghan Quilop BASS-Ed Bauer , Paul Benoit, Craig Lee Burket , Brooks Corl, David Hart, Everard Huggan, Snillin John Kearns, Bob LaPointe, Jack Malool, Jim Ryan, Bob TEN0R-Gregory Lee, Sue Leist, Greg Quilop, Sandra Swanson, Bob Waters, Paul Winslow S0PRAN0-Ierry Armstrong, Rosemary Bun, Nancy Carroll, Ruth Chick, Mary Connor, Helen Daly, Karen Gehm, Allyson Hamm, Leslie Hellernan, Beth Hilliard, Mary Catherine Hubbard,Fran Hutton-Lee, Donna Keesling, Jeanine Kelley, Charmagne Laprise, Kristin LeVie, Gail Luck, Jean Lynch , Margaret lVlay, lVlary-Lou Northgraves, Barbara Rice, Tina Robinson,Susan Scales, Jeanne Seyfarth, Jean Sniffin, Kristin Stashenko, Barbara Steele, Kathy Stevens, Rebecca Stocker, Jayne Iaraski, Alexis White, Joanna Wrona Charles River Chorale thanks Roche Bros., Park Street Books & All Chorale Members fbr tlteir rulfle prize doncttiorts & all those who donated to our Christmas Raffle & Silent Auction Ad/hab; /6/t/4tiro /enw4e Paoew*. /.4r* 7",,"41" 8t lro, Ln", ,ny plroruru to sinq *itl" tl," 9lroroln onJ proriJ, on ilentity b th.e group over tLe past tg years. 8 *;k &"on onJ nil nr"*L"r, o L"ouri{ul ,ong o, tlr"y go to sing t'orruorl--- gt years! fiornn Sonorl; .l{ouu .A S"fu WonJurf"l ummerlt
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