Chepstow Methodist Church This Week 14th-20thJune Minister: Rev Andrew Webster Sunday 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. Monday 10.00 - 11.15 a.m. Parents and Toddlers Tuesday 10.00 - 11.15 a.m. 10.00 - 12.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. Parents and Toddlers House Group at 37 St George Rd No Wesley Guild til September FYI Wednesday10.00 - 11.15 a.m. 2.45 p.m. 6.30 - 8:00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Parents and Toddlers Women’s Fellowship Boy’s Brigade House Group at 47 Wyebank Rd Thursday Bible Study – Youth Room Prayer Group Mid Week Worship Lunch Club Dynamic Prayer Parents and Toddlers Food Co-op Friday 9.30 a.m. 11.00 - 11.30 a.m. 11.45 - 12.20 p.m. 12.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 10.00 - 11.15 a.m. 10.30 - 11.30 a.m. Albion Square Mount Pleasant House, Mount Pleasant, Chepstow NP16 5PS Telephone: 01291 622100 E-mail: [email protected] Church web address: Sunday 14th June 2015 C Church web address: 9.000 9.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. Welcomers 9.00a.m. 10.30 a.m. Readings 9am 10.30am Worship Today Rev Andrew Webster Rev Andrew Webster HC David Evans Karen and Julian Acts 9: 1-9 Samuel 3:1-10 We extend a very warm welcome to all who join us in worship today. If you are a visitor or have recently moved into the area, Please make yourself known to the Minister, a Steward or the Person sat next to you. Tea & coffee will be served, in the hall, after the 10.30 Service; Large print books and a hearing loop are available. Please ask a steward The Beacon Coffee Shop Open: Monday – Wednesday & Friday 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. All activities at Albion Square unless otherwise stated. ` Call to Worship 0 Worship Sunday 21st June 9.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. Welcomers 9.00 a.m. 10.30 a.m. Rev Andrew Webster Rev Andrew Webster AAW John and Cynthia Giles Betty Bastin and Leslie Finnie It is good to give thanks to the Lord TO SING PRAISES TO THE LIVING GOD The works of the lord gladden our hearts WE SING FOR JOY AT THE WORKS OF YOUR HAND (psalm 93) Please remember in your prayers this week all who are housebound and no longer able to worship with us….Grace Chapman, Margaret Turner and Anne Cooke Long-term prayer concerns will be covered by the Church prayer groups. If anybody requires prayer after either service, for themselves or for another, please ask a steward, who will arrange it for you. This week’s Church Flowers Cleaning Mr J Cooke and Mrs C Cooke Thank you from Eileen for all the cards, flowers and get well wishes from the church family. Saturday 27th June - 7.30pm - ACTION FOR CHILDREN concert A Variety Concert will take place in the Church - commencing at 7 p.m. featuring music, song & hilarity! Concert includes a light buffet supper to be served part way through. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US! "TICKETS PRICED AT £5 (INCLUSIVE OF LIGHT SUPPER) ARE ON SALE NOW! See MICHAEL BALE or any other Committee member for your ticket(s)" We are appealing for RAFFLE PRIZES as we plan to run a raffle at this Event. If you have something to donate please either bring it to Church on a Sunday morning or hand it to an AFC Committee member! MANY THANKS! Average weekly offerings - average for the 8 months to 30th April 2015 was £1,089 (approx. £1,050 required to cover our costs). We give thanks & trust in God’s Provision. For further information on Church finances please contact Sue Chimes (Treasurer). Boys Brigade kindly request your generous catering offerings for their annual camp on 10th July. They are looking for a good selection of biscuits and cakes, apple pies, apple and fruit crumbles together with a selection of pasta dishes such as macaroni cheese and pasta bakes. Please contact Lisa Abbott on [email protected] or 07715 161582 for further information and to let her know if you are able to provide any of the above. Zambia Visit - Please can you pray for the Zambia visit from 20th July to 4th August; pray for the team Penny, Fran, Tom, Isobel, Vera & Brian; the Alpha training we are running, prison & orphanage visits and for Paul Swala & his Church in Lusaka. Chepstow foodbank - Our new Distribution Centre, 11 Thomas Street, is now open - A recent stock take shows we are very low on certain foodstuffs: Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned Meat, Sugar, Long-Life Milk, Coffee, Rice Pudding, Pasta Sauces and Rice.....also all sorts of toiletries eg. Shower Gel, Toothpaste, Toilet Rolls.- Our summer collection at Tesco is being held on Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd, and Saturday 4th July, 10am - 4pm So...we need for some extra volunteers for our Monday Distribution Centre, donations of food and toiletries, volunteers to help out during our Tesco collection - this need only be for just 1 hour over the 3 days. For any offers of help please make contact with Sarah Coleman via one of the following: 07931911869 or or [email protected] Is anyone willing to give a lift for two passengers from Tutshill to Lesley's at Itton on Saturday 20th June. If so please ring Sandra. Thankyou. Notice…Bev has handled the Beacon accounts for 7 years and has decided its selfish of her to keep the fun to herself. She will be stepping down at the end of August, so if you think this is something that you would enjoy doing, then please let her or Andrew know. Otherwise they will be forced to ask people to volunteer. Full training with as much cake as you can eat will be given. Bev The Summer Envoy is now available in the Church Hall. It would be helpful if deliverers could collect their copies and distribute them as soon as possible. Thank you. Beryl and Terry Quinlan Diary Dates Wednesday 17th June - London. A mass lobby of MPs is being organised by the climate coalition of which Christian Aid, Green Christian and Operation Noah are all members. The aim is for people from every constituency to lobby their MP to ensure that action on Climate Change is seen as an urgent priority. Our MP is not committed to action on climate change preferring to believe that human actions have little or no impact on the changes we are seeing; unlike 97% of climate scientists. So, it would be great to see him and find out why he takes the stance he does and explain why we think he is wrong. If you are interested in joining me please let me know by Tuesday 19th May, if you want to travel on the train together. Otherwise as soon as you know. Details can be found at "I'm delighted to say that David Davies has agreed to meet me (and others) Tuesday 23rd June @ 7pm - Roughshod Theatre present IRRESISTIBLE at St on the 17th June and that Pam has made some beautiful bunting that I can take with me. Ken from the Triangle Project has sent a moving email about how climate change is affecting communities in Kenya. After church today, you have an opportunity to add to the bunting with things that you love that are threatened by climate change or you can write a message for David Davies. If you prefer you can email me your personal messages for David Daives on [email protected]. And please pray for all taking part in the lobby and that it results is more urgent action on climate change." Christopher's Church, Bulwark. All tickets £5 - Tickets direct from Mandy, Mike or Jean, on 01291 425613 or (it is not a TSS aware event but the site is set up for e-tickets) Wednesday 17th June- 7.00pm Women’s Fellowship AGM Wednesday 17th June – 7.30pm – Churches Together AGM at The Rainbow. Everybody welcome. Thursday 18th June – 7.30pm – Dynamic Prayer - All welcome. Thursday 18th June - 9.30am - Bible Study - In the youth room. All welcome. Friday 19th June – 10.30-11.30am – Food Co-op Scheme. Collect and order your next bag of veg &/or fruit &/or salad) for the following week. For more information please speak to Lesley Finnie or Pauline Davies. Saturday 20th June 10.00 - 4.00pm Garden Open Day - Lesley and Paul Kelly invite you to their Garden Open Day at Woodhaven, Itton in partnership with Itton Village Hall Art and Craft Exhibition. Entrance £2.00, all proceeds from refreshments, plant and cake stall at the garden to go to Leukaemia and Lymphoma research. Any contributions of cakes, scones, plants etc. gratefully received there will be a box in the rear foyer for these on Thursday and Friday. Many thanks for all your support Lesley Kelly Saturday 20th June at 7p.m Mathern Ladies choir in church. Proceeds to Diabetes Uk Tickets at £5.00 are available and again some assistance in selling in advance will help a worthy cause, they are also available on the door. Some help will be appreciated in stewarding and assisting with interval refreshments. Thanks Ron Evans Sat. 27th June, and 5th July Please be advised that our July bi-lingual Cymanfa Ganu will be on a different format this year. The reason being, that the Monmouthshire and District National Eisteddfodof Wales is to be held at Abergavenny in August 2016, and as part of the proclamation celebration (Proclamation Ceremony takes place at 3pm on Saturday 27th June at Caldicot Castle) wishes to incorporate our Cymanfa Ganu as part of the festivities. The Proclamation Cymanfa Ganu will be held at St.Mary's Church in Wales, Chepstow on Sunday July 5th at 7.30pm. The service will be recorded by Avanti, and transmitted at a later date on S4C's Dechreu Canu Dechreu Canmol. The Gymanfa will be conducted by Marc Jon Williams, who successfully conducted the Gymanfa last year, I have been invited, and have accepted to be the organist for the occasion. You are all invited to attend the Gymanfa, and there are two English Hymns on the programme, Cwm Rhondda and Blessed Assurance, with the remainder to be sung in Welsh. Meurig Should you require any further information about the Eisteddfod visit There are some interesting leaflets in the vestibule explaining a bit more about the National Eisteddfod, and the events that can be arranged to raise the necessary funding. You are invited to, if you wish, to take one. Thank you Meurig Saturday 4th July - Midday - Tintern Fete Bake off. Bake a Cake with the Theme American Independence day and win a prize. Contact Hermoine Ford for More Info If you have anything you wish to be included on the notice-sheet, please contact Helen Painter preferably by e-mail [email protected] By Wednesday 6pm Follow us on Facebook or use the web page to keep up to date.
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