new art laboratories NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Immunological apid ests for oint of are Diagnostics Drug Rapid Tests Medical Rapid Tests Laboratory Diagnostics Laboratory Service onsulting & Service nal von minden our artner in rofessional Diagnostics Competent and innovative The nal von minden all-around service For over 30 years, highest product quality and an e cellent service are the main characteristics of our enterprise. Our innovative product range includes rapid and laboratory tests for drug analytics and medical diagnostics and is continuously improving and enlarging. ur international teams located in Regensburg, Moers and Den Haag serve customers from all across Europe and strives to consistently improve the customer service of nal von minden GmbH. Our products are improved and manufactured according to highest quality standards. They are proven to achieve the highest performance standards on the market over the past few years. To emphasize our philosophy of quality, we are certi ed according to IS Our in-house laboratory located in our Regensburg o ce is e uipped for comprehensive support of single test results and individual consulting in assaying and interpretation of test results e o er an all-around service which includes comprehensive and individual consulting an easy order process and fast delivery. On request, we are happy arrange a visit and provide you ith on site consulting and product presentations We will use our abilities, our knowledge and our experience to work with you, our customers, to continually improve the service e provide As your long-term partner we want to be the best – to not only satisfy you, but inspire you. The Management Team of nal von minden (f.l.t.r.): Sandra von Minden, Roland Meißner and Thomas Zander Regensburg, Germany 2011. our partner in professional diagnostics page 2 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Content 6 Infectology, Pediatrics and Autoimmune 7 8 9 10 14 18 Streptococcus A (Strep A) Astrovirus Bence-Jones-Protein Celia cs Disease r reactive rotein epatitis HIV (AIDS) In uenza & B Mononucleosis (EBV) Norovirus Rheumatoid Factor Rota- and Adenovirus S espiratory Syncytial irus Thyroid (Tg, TSH, TPO) Tetanus Tuberculosis (TBC) Tropical Medicine & Parasitology Malaria 11 CCA (Bilharzia, Schistosoma) Chagas Chikungunya Cryptosporidium Dengue 12 Filariasis Giardia 13 Leishmania Leptospirosis Typhus Gynaecology PROM (premature rupture of membranes) 15 FSH hCG (Pregnancy test) hL vulation 16 Streptococcus B (Strep B) S D Se ual ransmi ed Diseases 17 Vaginal pH-value Oncology B B Bladder ancer ntigen Hemoglobin) Bladder Cancer 19 AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein) E arcino embryonic antigen FOB (Fecal occult blood) / Colon Cancer Hb/Hp (Hemoglobin/Haptoglobin) Colon Cancer H.Pylori (Helicobacter pylori) S ntigen for rostate ancer 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 Cardiology Troponin I 21 Cardiac Combo MB reatine inase r high sensitive D-Dimer 22 h-FABP Myoglobin Urology eactif rine nalysis Strips rine nalyzers Microalbumin rine Strips Roche Combur-Test®, Siemens Bayer Multisti and atisbonne rine Strips Specific Bacteriology Legionella 27 Borreliosis Clostridium difficile E. coli O157 Diabetes 29 Blood Glucose Meter Blood Type Detection Latex-Agglutination Tests Index pageSeite 3 3 nal von minden Brochure Overview new art laboratories new art laboratories Drug-Screen Scanner RSS II ltimatives nalysesystem für moderne Sofortdiagnostik N A DA L ® M ed i cal Rap i d T es t s Immunological Rapid Tests for Point-of-Care Diagnosti cs Drug Rapid Tests Schnelltests Medical Rapid Tests Laborprodukte Laboratory Diagnostics Laborservice Laboratory Service Beratung & Service NADAL® DRUG MEDICAL Consulting & Service Drug-Screen Scanner RSS II Drug-Screen Drug new art laboratories L U C IO ® -DRU G E IA Enzymatische Immunoassays für die Drogenanalytik Schnelltests Drogen Laborprodukte Medizinische Laborprodukte Laborservice Beratung & Service Medical ELISA Drug EIA Drug ELISA new art laboratories In addition to our brochures, comprehensive product-flyers are available. new art laboratories Get in touch! Infrastruktur Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf! nser Marketing und ertriebsteam verteilt sich auf die auptstandorte egensburg D Moers D und Den aag L hrend die rodukte in unserem Logistik entrum in Moers eingehend geprü erden bevor sie von dort aus an unsere unden elt eit versandt erden udem ist unser eam multi lingual und kann Sie in verschiedenen Sprachen beraten labservices nal vonminden com Our brochures are available in the following 12 languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Czech, Finnish, Portuguese, Swedish and Danish. Unsere rodukt und Servicemanager erreichen Sie telefonisch per E Mail oder auch gerne per a nser Marketing und ertriebsteam verteilt sich auf die auptstandorte egensburg D Moers D und Den aag L hrend die rodukte in unserem Logistik entrum in Moers geprü er den bevor sie von dort aus an unsere unden in ganz Europa versandt erden udem ist unser u endienst direkt vor rt in Deutschland in den iederlanden in Belgien in rankreich und in olen nal von minden GmbH arl eschken Stra e Moers Deutschland esch sführung riedenstra e egensburg Deutschland on a info nal vonminden com nal vonminden com esch sführer Sandra von Minden oland Mei ner homas ander egistergericht leve B Steuer r S ID r DE Sparkasse egensburg to BL Entdecken Sie unser umfassendes Angebot! lle rodukte und euheiten auf! L ab o ranal y s en nvm Berater Magazin Webservice (Trainig) facebook? Haar-, Urin- und Speichelanalysen auf Drogen, Alkohol und Medikamente Schnelltests Schnelltests Laborprodukte Laborservice Beratung & Service Laboratory Analysis Brochure Overview - Test Principle page 4 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Unternehmensprofil 2011 Schnelltests Schnelltests Laborprodukte Laborservice Beratung & Service Company Profile Test Principle Test Strip Structure old on ugated ntibodies against target antigen Sample Pad ntibody on ontrol Line ntibody against target antigen bsorption ad on ugate ad lastic arrier T-Line (Test Line) C-Line (Control Line) The principle of the NADAL® rapid tests is based on an antigen antibody binding he patient sample is collected on the sample pad and is moved along the test strip by capillary action In case of a positive sample antigens are recognized and bound by gold con ugated antibodies his antigen antibody gold particle comple then reaches the testing region here antibodies against the same antigen ere immobilized and for that reason can bind the complex. Gold particles accumulate on the line and create a red line indicating a positive result Nitrocellulose Membrane If no antigens are present in the sample the free gold con ugated antibodies move across the test line without binding to it. In any case, gold con ugates reach the control region here they are bound to the membrane by antibodies herefore gold particles al ays accumulate on the C-line causing a red control line to become visible Depending on the issue the positioning for antibodies and antigens on the test strip can vary, however, the principle itself will remain the same at all times Dr. rer. nat. Torsten Winkler Chief Product Manager - Laboratory Diagnostics nal von minden GmbH page 5 Infectology / Pediatrics / Autoimmune Infectology belongs to the interdisciplinary sciences. Key topics include the investigation and treatment of viral bacterial and protozoal infections ithin humans In the eld of infectology, a fast and clear diagnosis is crucial to minimise the risk of infection and to provide e ective treatment Diagnostic tools are especially important ithin the eld of pediatrics since children are o en unable to properly de- scribe symptoms. In many cases, more serious diseases can be e cluded through diagnostic tools so that the patient can be provided ith the most optimal treatment option In particular the key aspects of infectology lie ithin the diagnosis of signi cant diseases such as I IDS epatitis and Tuberculosis. NADAL ® Strep A Rapid Test Instant diagnosis of Scarlet Fever/ Strep A Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specificity: Throat swab 5 minutes 97.6% in comparison to blood agarculture 97.5% in comparison to blood agarculture vailable as est Strip or est asse e Streptococcus A (Strep A) apid ests for detection of antigen of group Product NADAL® Strep A Test Strip NADAL® Strep A est asse e NADAL® Strep A Comfort est asse e Streptococci Sample Product Code Test/Pack Throat Swab 221001 40 Tests Throat Swab 222001 20 Tests Throat Swab 222006 25 Tests Infectology / Pediatrics / Autoimmune page 6 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Astrovirus apid est for the detection of strovirus antigen Enterogastritis Product Sample Product Code Test/Pack NADAL® Astrovirus est asse e Feces 850001 10 Tests Sample Product Code Test/Pack rine 860001 20 Tests Product Code Test/Pack Whole blood 790001 10 Tests Whole blood 790002 10 Tests Product Code Test/Pack Bence-Jones-Protein apid est for detection of Bence ones rotein Product NADAL® Bence-Jones-Protein Test Strip Celiacs Disease apid ests for the detection of eliacs Disease Product NADAL® Celiacs tTG est asse e D L eliacs t & liadine est asse e heat Intolerance Sample CrP (C reactive Protein) apid ests for the detection of r Product Sample NADAL® CrP Test Strip Whole blood 311001 20 Tests NADAL® CrP est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 312001 20 Tests Product Code Test/Pack 622000 30 Tests 622008 25 Tests 622009 25 Tests 622012 25 Tests 622021 5 Tests Hepatitis A, B & C apid ests for the detection of epatitis Product D L epatitis IgM est asse e I nti Bs epatitis B est asse e I Bs g epatitis B est asse e I epatitis est asse e ra uick epatitis est asse e incl an oral spatula B& Sample Serum, Plasma Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Saliva, Whole blood, Serum, Plasma page 7 HIV (AIDS) apid ests for the detection of I antibodies Product Sample Retrocheck HIV 1 HIV 2 est asse e INFO HIV 1/2/0 est asse e OraQuick ADVANCE ® HIV-1/2 est asse e incl an oral spatula Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Saliva, Whole blood, Plasma Product Code Test/Pack 452009 25 Tests 452007 25 Tests 452008 5 Tests NADAL® Influenza A + B Rapid Test Instant diagnosis of viral In uenza and H5N1) and B Sample: Test Time: Sensitivity: Specificity: in particular Swab (Nasal, Throat, Nasopharyngeal) or S rinsing uid 10-15 Minutes 91.8% compared to cultures or RT-PCR (subtypes A H3, A H5 and subtype B) 98.9% compared to cultures or RT-PCR (subtypes A H3, A H5 and subtype B) Available as test strip. Influenza A & B apid ests for the antigen detection of viral In uenza Product &B Sample D L In uenza Test Strip B D L In uenza est asse e B Product Code Test/Pack Swab (Nasal, Throat, Nasopharyngeal) or NPS 241011 241005 241006 5 Tests 10 Tests 25 Tests Nasal Swab 242001 10 Tests Product Code Test/Pack Mononucleosis (EBV) apid ests for the detection of antibodies against Epstein Barr irus EB Product Sample NADAL® Mononucleosis est asse e NADAL® EBV-IgM est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 252001 20 Tests Serum 252003 25 Tests Product Code Test/Pack 920001 10 Tests Norovirus apid est for the antigen detection of orovirus Product Sample NADAL® Norovirus est asse e Feces Infectology / Pediatrics / Autoimmune page 8 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Rheumatoid Factor apid est for the detection of heumatoid actor Product Sample Product Code Test/Pack NADAL® Rhematoid Factor Test Strip Serum 600001 50 Tests Product Code Test/Pack Rota-Adenovirus apid ests for the antigen detection of ota denovirus Product Sample NADAL® Rota-Adenovirus est asse e Feces 481015 10 Tests NADAL® Adenovirus est asse e Feces 481016 10 Tests NADAL® Rotavirus est asse e Feces 481017 10 Tests Product Code Test/Pack RSV (Respiratory Syncytial-Virus) apid ests for the detection of S antigens espiratory Syncytial irus Product Sample NADAL® RSV Plus Test Strip asal s ab secretion NPS, culture supernatant 491000 10 Tests NADAL® RSV Test Strip NPS (Nasal, Nasopharyngeal) 491003 25 Tests Thyroid (Tg, TSH, TPO) apid ests for the detection nti hyroglobulin ntibodies g and nti hyropero idase antibodies hyroid Stimulating ormone S Product Sample Product Code Test/Pack NADAL® Thyroglobulin (Tg) Test Strip Serum 580002 10 Tests NADAL® TSH est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 580004 25 Tests NADAL® TPO Test Strip Serum 580003 10 Tests Product Code Test/Pack 542005 25 Tests Product Code Test/Pack 322003 30 Tests Tetanus apid est for the detection of antibodies for etanus Product Sample NADAL® Tetanus est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Tuberculosis (TBC) apid est for the detection of uberculosis antibodies Product Sample NADAL® Tuberculosis IgG/IgM est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma page 9 Tropical Medicine & Parasitology ropical Medicine is the medical eld dealing ith the control prevention and epidemiology of diseases that occur exclusively or predominantly in tropical and subtropical climates or worldwide spread. Medical arasitology deals ith the prevention diagnosis and treatment of parasitic diseases ectoparasites orm infections and infections caused by protozoa NADAL® Malaria 4 species Rapid test Instant diagnosis in case of a suspected infection with Malaria Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Whole blood 15 Minutes 99.7% at P. f. in comparison with Microscopy of a thick blood lm 99.5% at P. f. in comparison with Microscopy of a thick blood lm Detection of the Malaria species lasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae via HRP II and pLDH Malaria apid est for detection of Malaria antigen istidine ich rotein II Product Sample NADAL® Malaria 4 species est asse e Whole blood ropical Medicine & arasitology page 10 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests II and pLD parasite Lactate Dehydrogenase Product Code Tests / Pack 472003 472008 25 Tests 10 Tests CCA (Bilharzia, Schistosoma) apid est for the detection of Product NADAL® CCA (Bilharzia) est asse e antibodies irculating athodic ntigen Sample Product Code Tests / Pack rine 612001 25 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 652001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 682001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack Chagas apid est for detection of hagas antibodies Ig anti Trypanosoma cruzi) Product Sample NADAL® Chagas est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Chikungunya apid est for detection of hikungunya antibodies IgM anti I Product Sample NADAL® Chikungunya est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Cryptosporidium apid ests for the antigen detection of ryptosporidium arvum Product Sample NADAL® Cryptosporidium Test Strip Feces 511004 10 Tests NADAL® Giardia - Crypto Combo Test Strip Feces 521007 10 Tests NADAL® Dengue Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of a suspected infection with Dengue virus . Samlpe: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 15-20 Minutes 99.7% in comparison with Dengue IgM ELIS irst infection IgM b 97.67% in comparison with Dengue Ig ELIS irst infection Ig b 96.55% in comparison with Dengue IgM ELIS irst infection IgM b 55.56% in comparison with Dengue Ig ELIS irst infection Ig b Dengue apid est for the antibody detection of Dengue Ig and IgM Dengue antibodies Serotypes Product Sample NADAL® Dengue Virus est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma and Product Code Tests / Pack 532001 25 Tests page 11 NADAL® Filariasis Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of suspected Filariasis/Filariosis Elephantiasis Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 15 Minuts IgM Test: 95.8% compared to the clinical status acute lymphatic ilariasis IgG Test: 92.3% compared to the clinical status (chronic Filariasis) IgM Test: 100% compared to the clinical status acute lymphatic ilariasis IgG Test: 100% compared to the clinical status (chronic Filariasis) Filariasis apid est for detection of Ig and IgM nti Lymphatic ilariasis antibodies Wucheria Bancrofti and Brugia Malayi) Product Sample NADAL® Filariasis est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Tests / Pack 672001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack Giardia apid ests for detection of Giardia Lamblia ysts antigens Product Sample NADAL® Giardia est asse e Feces 521006 10 Tests NADAL® Giardia Crypto-Combo est asse e Feces 521007 10 Tests ropical Medicine & arasitology page 12 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests NADAL® Leishmania Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of suspected Leshmania. Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 15 Minutes IgM Test: 91.2% L. donovani IgM EIA IgG Test: 92.9% in comparison with L. donovani IgG EIA IgM Test: 99.5% in comparison with L. donovani IgM EIA IgG Test: 99.0% in comparison with L. donovani IgG EIA) Leishmania apid est for antibody detection of Leshmania Ig & IgM of Leishmania donovani) Product Sample NADAL® Leishmania est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Tests / Pack 662001 30 Tests Leptospira apid est for antibody detection of Leptospira interrogans Ig & IgM of Leptospira interrogans) Product Sample NADAL® Leptospira est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Tests / Pack 702001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 692001 30 Tests Typhus apid est for antibody detection of yphus Ig and IgM of Salmonella Typhi) Product Sample NADAL® Typhus est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma page 13 Gynaecology ynaecology deals ith the health of the female reproductive system or gynaecological diagnosis e o er rapid tests for the detection of various infections such as hlamydia Syphilis and onorrhea e also o er a range of regnancy tests and vulation tests to serve as support for family planning. NADAL® PROM Amniotic Fluid Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of a suspected increased risk for premature births or ruptures by detection of amniotic uid I B in vaginal secretion Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Vaginal Secretion 10 Minutes > 99% compared to the rapid test of a competitor 91% compared to the rapid test of a competitor PROM (Premature Rupture of Membranes) apid test for the detection of amniotic uid I Product NADAL® PROM Test Test Strip B Sample aginal Secretion Gynaecology page 14 in vaginal secretion nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 431001 431000 431003 20 Tests 10 Tests 3 Tests FSH apid test for the detection of the follicle stimulating hormone in urine Product NADAL® FSH est asse e Sample Product Code Tests / Pack rine 172001 10 Tests NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Rapid Test Instant diagnosis for the determination of a pregnancy Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: rine Serum Minutes ml ml Minutes ml ml > 99.9% compared to other rapid tests (urine and serum) > 99.9% compared to other rapid tests (urine and serum) he D L Early regnancy est can detect a concentration of already ml mL ca he D L Standard regnancy est sho s positive results starting at a concentration of a er conception days a er conception ml mL ca days hCG (humanes Choriongonadotropin) apid tests for the detection of h Product regnancy ests Sample Product Code Tests / Pack NADAL® hCG Early Test ml ml est Strip rine 141000 143003 50 Tests 25 Tests (Tube) NADAL® hCG Early Test ml ml est asse e rine 142000 30 Tests NADAL® hCG Early Test ml ml est asse e rine Serum 152000 30 Tests NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Test ml ml est Strip rine 141002 143004 50 Tests 25 Tests (Tube) NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Test ml ml est asse e rine 142002 30 Tests NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Test ml ml est Strip rine Serum 151002 153003 50 Tests 25 Tests (Tube) NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Test ml ml est asse e rine Serum 152002 30 Tests NADAL® hCG Pregnancy Test ml ml est asse e rine 144001 10 Tests hLH (humanes luteinisierendes Hormon) apid ests for the detection of the se hormone hL Product human Luteinising ormone Sample Product Code Tests / Pack D L hL vulation ml ml est Strip rine 165001 50 Tests D L hL vulation ml ml est asse e rine 166001 40 Tests D L hL vulation ml ml Stick rine 164001 7 Tests page 15 NADAL® Strep B Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of a suspected infection with Group B Streptococcus (GBS, Streptococcus agalactiae). Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: Vaginal or Rectal Swab 10 Minutes 88.8% compared to LIM+SBM cultures 97.8% compared to LIM+SBM cultures Streptococcus B (Strep B) Rapid Test for the measurement of Strep B Product Sample NADAL® Strep B est asse e Vaginal or Rectal Swab Product Code Tests / Pack 232001 20 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) apid ests for the detection of Se ually ransmi ed Diseases Product Sample NADAL® Syphilis Test Strip Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 201001 40 Tests NADAL® Syphilis est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 202001 20 Tests NADAL® Gonorrhea est asse e ervical & urethral swab 611001 10 Tests WiduMed Chlamydia est asse e ervical & urethral s ab rine male samples) 212004 20 Tests Trichomonas Vagnialis est asse e aginal Secretion 840001 20 Tests Gynaecology page 16 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Adjuva pH - Control® Rapid Test Instant diagnosis for the determination of the vaginal p value ithin the scope of pregnancies and intimate hygiene. Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: aginal Secretion 10 Seconds pH 4.0 – 7.0 Determination of Vaginal pH Rapid Test for the measurement of vaginal pH Product d uva p Applicator Sample ontrol aginal Secretion Product Code Tests / Pack 194001 50 Tests Stay healthy through pregnancy with pH-Control ® Ca. 15-20% of all pregnant women are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV). That increases the risk of: a premature birth a chorioamnionitis infection of fetal membranes a premature rupture fever during birth of endometritis post partum in ammation of the endometrium a er birth a bacterial infection of the fetus With the help of a regular self-monitoring of the vaginal pH-value, pregnant women can reduce the risk of infection he measurement of the vaginal p value is an integral part of the program for avoiding premature birth according to Prof. E. Saling. page 17 Oncology It is estimated that more than one in three people ill develop some form of cancer during their lifetime herefore early detection is important Our immunological in-vitro rapid tests serve as a quick and reliable, help for the diagnosis of common cancers such as bladder, colon, or prostate cancer. NADAL® BCA/HB Bladder Cancer Rapid Test Instant diagnosis within the scope of the bladder cancer screening. Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: rine 9 Minutes 97.1% compared to Biopsy linical sensitivity B B 72% compared to Biopsy atient group previously diagnosed with bladder cancer) These rapid tests detects simuntaniously the Bladder Cancer antigen hc rp and emoglobin BCA/HB (Antigen for Bladder Cancer/ Hemoglobin) apid est for the detection of Bladder ancer antigen and emoglobin Product NADAL® BCA/HB est asse e Sample Product Code Tests / Pack rine 562003 10 Tests Oncology page 18 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein) apid est for the detection of antigen Product Sample NADAL® AFP est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Tests / Pack 712001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 722001 30 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack CEA (Carcino-Embryonic Antigen) apid est for the detection of E antigen Product Sample NADAL® CEA est asse e Serum, Plasma FOB (Fecal Occult Blood) / Colon Cancer apid ests for the detection of ecal ccult Blood Product Sample NADAL® FOB plus est asse e Feces 272016 25 Tests NADAL® FOB est asse e Feces 272001 20 Tests Roche hemo FEC® Tests Feces 272003 50 x 3 Pieces NADAL® FOB Feces Collector - 272004 20 Pieces NADAL® FOB est ubes for Sample ollection - 272007 1 Piece Product Code Tests / Pack Hb / Hp (Hemoglobin/Haptoglobin) Bladder Cancer apid ests for the detection of antigen antibody to ylori Product Sample NADAL® Hb/Hp Complex Kit est asse e Feces 272011 25 Tests NADAL® Hb/Hp est asse e Feces 272015 25 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack H.Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) apid ests for the detection of antigen antibody to ylori Product Sample NADAL® H.Pylori est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 262001 20 Tests NADAL® H.Pylori Feces est asse e Feces 262002 20 Tests Product Code Tests / Pack 602002 20 Tests PSA (Antigen for Prostate Cancer) apid est for the detection of rostate ancer Product Sample BGT ® PSA est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma page 19 Cardiology cute and chronic cardiovascular diseases are a ma or factor of morbidity and mortality eart a acks are one of the most common cardiovascular diseases and an early diagnosis is crucial for the prognosis. nly si hours a er the onset of the infarction the damage to the heart muscle is irreversible. In most cases a fatality can be prevented with early treatment. This highlights the importance of an early and accurate diagnosis. NADAL® Troponin I Rapid Test Instant diagnosis in case of a heart a ack emergency Sample: Test time: Cut-Off: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 15 Minutes 1.0 ng/ml Troponin I apid est for antigen detection of roponin I Product Sample NADAL® Troponin I est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Cardiology page 20 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Product Code Test / Pack 282001 282000 282015 20 Tests 10 Tests 5 Tests Cardiac Combo apid est for the detection of antigens of roponin I MB and Myoglobin Product Sample NADAL® Cardiac Combo Trop I, CK-MB, Myoglobin est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Test / Pack 282003 5 Tests Product Code Test / Pack 302001 5 Tests Product Code Test / Pack 312002 20 Tests CK-MB apid est for antigen detection of MB reatine inase Product Sample NADAL® CK-MB est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma CrP high sensitive apid est for antigen detection of Product D L high sensitive r est asse e reactive rotein Sample Whole blood, Serum, Plasma NADAL® D-Dimer Rapid Test Instant diagnosis for the exclusion of embolisms or thrombosis. Sample: Test time: Cut-off: Whole blood, Plasma 10 Minutes 80 ng/ml (validated with DIMERTEST Gold ELISA) he detection of D Dimer the cleavage product of ibrin supports the diagnosis of Disseminated Intravascular oagulation disorders DI Deep ein hrombosis D and ulmonary Embolisms E D-Dimer apid est for the detection of D Dimer antigen Product Sample NADAL® D-Dimer est asse e Whole blood, Plasma Product Code Test / Pack 351003 5 Tests page 21 NADAL® h-FABP Rapid Test Instant diagnosis of myocardial infarctions with time advantage. he rotein h B heart type a y cid Binding rotein is e istent in a su cient concentration and detectable already minutes a er the beginning of an infarct. Sample: Test time: Cut-off: Whole blood, Serum, Plasma 10-15 Minutes 6.5 ng/ml he detection of h B can provide a reliable assessment of the e tent of the infarct in a very early phase of the tissue necrosis as long as no skeletal muscle damage or renal insu ciency is present h-FABP apid est for the detection of the comple h B Product Sample NADAL® h-FABP est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Test / Pack 900001 10 Tests Product Code Test / Pack 292001 5 Tests Myoglobin apid est for detection of Myoglobin antigen Product Sample NADAL® Myoglobin est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Cardiology page 22 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Concentration in the blood liquid Development of Important “heart markers” in Case of a Heart Attack Troponin Decision limit for the diagnosis of a heart attack CK-MB (Mass) Myoglobin 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Days after the presentation in of the symptoms of a heart attack er a damage of the heart occurs hours a er the pain sets in roponin I is set free in the blood. The release of cardial Tnl is similar to that of CK-MB; however while CK-MB is reduced to its normal level already a er hours the roponin I level remains increase for up to days. herefore it provides a greater time frame for the detection of a heart damage page 23 Urology Today, urine test strips are a modern medical tool which are easy to use uncomplicated and uick rine test strips are an ideal tool for the targeted diagnosis and e ective therapy of various disesases. The test strips are designed so that even small pathological changes in the urine are detected through distinct colour changes in the test elds his enables determined diagnostic and e ective therapies of a variety of disease pa erns Ratisbonne 10 M Urine Test Strips rine test strips Parameters: Bilirubin, Blood, Glucose, Ketones, Leucocytes, Nitrite, pH, Protein, Speci c ravity robilinogen scorbic Acid Evaluable manually or automatically rology page 24 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Urine Analysers utomatic nalysis of rine Strips of eactif rine nalysis strips series Product Performance Product Code Tests/Pack eactif nalyzer Output max. 120 per Hour 41000 nit eactif nalyzer Output max. 500 per Hour 41001 nit Reactif Urine Analysis Strips Rapid Analysis of urine Produkt eactif Parameters rine est Strip eactif rine est Strip eactif rine est Strip eactif rine est Strip eactif B rine est Strip eactif SL rine est Strip eactif M rine est Strip A Product Code Tests/Tube G 41010-L 100 Tests G 41020-L 100 Tests G pH 41030-L 100 Tests Bl G pH 41040-L 100 Tests Bl G K 41050-L 100 Tests Bi Bl G K L N pH P pH S 41101-L 100 Tests Bi Bl G K L N pH P S 41110-L 100 Tests A= Ascorbic Acid, Bi= Bilirubin, Bl= Blood, G= Glucose, K= Ketones, L= Leucocytes, N= Nitrite, pH= pH, P= Protein, S= Speci c ravity robilinogen Microalbumin Urine Strips apid est for detection of Microalbumin Product Sample Range Results Product Code Tests/Pack NADAL® Microalbumin Test Strip rine 20 mg/l 20 mg/l ualitative ualitative 331001 333001 50 Tests 25 Tests (Dose) BioNexia® Microalbumin Test Strip rine 0-100 mg/l semiuantitative 331002 20 Tests Roche Combur Test®, Siemens/Bayer Multistix® and Ratisbonne Urine Strips Rapid Test for Analysis of urine Product Parameters Roche cobas® Combur9 Test® Bi Bl G K L N ph P 37090-M 50 Tests Roche cobas® Combur9 Test® Bi Bl G K L N pH P 37090-L 100 Tests Roche cobas® Combur10 Test® Bi Bl G K L N pH P S 37100-L 100 Tests Roche cobas® Combur10 Test® Bi Bl G K L N pH P S 37100-A 100 Tests L N K L N pH P Siemens Multisti ® 5 Bi G Siemens Multisti ® 8 SG Bi G Siemens Multisti ® 10 SG atisbonne atisbonne M P S Tests/Tube 40050-M 100 Tests 40080-L 100 Tests Bi Bl G K L N pH P S 40100-L 100 Tests Bi Bl G K L N pH P S 42100-A 100 Tests nalyzer Bi Bilirubin Bl Blood robilinogen Product Code Output max. 120 Strips per hour lucose etones L Leucocytes itrite p 42000 p nit rotein S Speci c ravity page 25 Specific Bacteriology In bacteriology the term bacteria is traditionally used for all microscopic, mostly unicellular organisms that have no real nucleus. They belong to the prokaryotes group of organisms. Pathogenic bacteria can cause a variaty of diseases. A delayed treatment due to a late diagnosis can cause a dramatic or even fatal ethiopathology hus an early and quick diagnosis is crucial for a good prognosis. NADAL® Legionella Urine Antigen Test Instant diagnosis in the case of a suspected infection with Legionella pneumophila Sample: Test time: Sensitivity: Specifity: rine 15 Minutes 90.5% compared to cell cultures 90.5% compared to cell cultures Legionella apid est for antigen detection of Legionella neumophila Product Sample Product Code Tests/Pack rine 552005 552006 10 Tests 5 Tests 552007 1 Kit (2 x 1ml) NADAL® Legionella est asse e NADAL® Legionella Control Kit - Speci c Bacteriology page 26 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Lyme. Borreliosis apid est for antibody detection of Borrelia Borrelia burgdorferi, B. garinii and B. afzelli) Product Sample NADAL® Lyme. Borreliose est asse e Whole blood, Serum, Plasma Product Code Tests/Pack 870001 10 Tests Product Code Tests/Pack 582003 10 Tests Product Code Tests/Pack Clostridium difficile apid est for the antigen detection for Clostridium difficile toxins A and B Product D L lostridium Di cile o ins &B est asse e Sample Feces E. coli O157 apid est for antigen detection for the bacteria Escherichia coli O157 Product Sample NADAL® E.coli O157 est asse e Feces 501004 10 Tests Dehydrated Difco EC Medium (available only with the 501011) - 501010 1 Pack Difco ntimicrobic ovobiocin Supplement (available only with the 501010) - 501011 1 Pack page 27 Diabetes Due to the modern way of living, more and more people su er of Diabetes mellitus type II In contrast to Diabetes mellitus type I which manifests itself during childhood and youth type II o en occurs at an older age treatment of the disease requires a regular measurement of the blood glucose level for either of the two types. Our blood glucose meters are handy reliable and e act In addition there is the possibility of monitoring the long-term development of blood sugar levels by use of our HbA1c analyzer. Easy to use measurement of the blood sugar levels, reliable and affordable. Several possible testing areas of the thumb and forearm. ngertip ball ode hip for automated calibration Measurement in only two steps End ill strips ith moisture regulation to simplify the application of the blood through a simple contact of the blood sample with the test strip. recise results a er only seconds Diabetes page 28 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests e uires only L of blood Safe testing by sampling ithout contact ith blood or needle he strip e ector allo s for an uncomplicated e ection of the various strips and avoids contaminations he lancet e ector as created for a comfortable and easy to use e ections of the lancets Measurement of the blood sugar levels Blood glucose meter for the treatment of Diabetes Produkt Bestell-Nr. Packungsgröße atisbonne B M Blood Sugar Starter it 760001 1 Kit atisbonne B M Blood Sugar est Strips 760002 50 pieces atisbonne B M Lancing Device 760003 1 piece atisbonne B M Lance es 760004 100 pieces atisbonne B M lucose ontrol Solution 760005 2 x 2 ml Test Procedure 1 Insert lancet Remove the cap from the lancing device and insert a sterile lancet. 5 Sampling of capillary blood from the finger Press the lancing device on the desired puncture site on the lateral ngertip and push the release bu on 2 Preparation of the lancet urn o the safety cap from the lancet and remove it a er ards 6 Start the device ake a testing strip from the dispenser box and put it in the according slot. his causes an automatic start of the blood glucose meter visible on the display. 3 Preparing the lancing device (1) Screw the cap back on the lancing device. Set the desired puncture depth at deep on the se ng ring 7 Prepare the device n the display a ashing test strip and blood drop symbol becomes visible a er inserting the test strip correctly. Collect the blood drop on the anterior edge of the sampling eld on the test strip. 4 Preparing the lancing device (2) Tighten the chuck at the upper end of the lancing device until it doesn t go any further, release it and let it go back. 8 Measuring of the blood sugar level The device counts from 5 to 1 and then displays the measuring results. page 29 Blood Type Detection ithin the scope of surgical operations a rapid easy to use and reliable blood group typing of the patient is crucial. Our Bedside cards for rapid blood grouping show 4 or 6 dents that are separated in the middle to allow a separate testing of patient and preserve he dents are the reaction chambers sealed ith transparent lm Each of them con- tains l nti Serum blue monoclonal nti Serum BI M yello monoclonal nti B Serum LB colorless monoclonal nti D Serum M Easy documentation he label on the cards is a copy label simply remove it from the card and stick on e g the transfusion protocol. ABO-trol ® forte Bedside Test Cards Instant diagnosis for blood group typing Sample: Test time: Blood ith anticoagulants native blood, concentrated red cells 10 Seconds Available as a double test card for ABO and ABO+D. Blood Type Detection page 30 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Blood Group Typing apid est for the Detection of the B or B Product D compatibility Sample Blood with anticoagulants native blood, concentrated red cells Blood with anticoagulants native blood, concentrated red cells ABO-trol® forte II Test card for ABO ABO-trol® forte plus Test card for ABO +D Product Code Tests / Pack 820001 50 Cards 820002 30 Cards Test Procedure 1 Packaging Content 50 separable cards ABO (=100 tests) or 30 separable cards ABO+D (=60 tests) 2 Required for Testing Separable test cards and standard syringe for blood sampling. 3 Test Procedure uncture the reaction chambers with the syringe and add small blood drops. 4 Interpretation of Result In the e ample ositive for nti le gglutination visible and negative for nti B right no gglutination visible page 31 Latex-agglutination he ell established diagnostic via Late agglutionation tests provide fast and cost e cient results in a broad range of applications Innovative parameters such as the M S test for the detection of Multi esistant Staphylococcus Aureus are important parameters in clinical diagnostics Further products are available from the following areas: Gastroenterology Autoimmune/Rheuma Syphilis Infection In ammation eart irculation Late page 32 gglutination nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Latex-Agglutination Tests Product Sample Product Code Tests / Pack NADAL® ASO Latex Test Detection of nti Streptolysin Serum Serum 795002 795003 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® CrP Latex Test Detection of reactive rotein Serum Serum 795005 795006 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® RF Latex Detection of heumatoid actors Serum Serum 795008 795009 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® RPR Latex Test Detection of T. pallidum (Syphilis) Serum Serum 795011 795010 50 Tests 100 Tests D L D L gglutination est Detection of D L ntigen Serum Serum 795015 795016 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® Waaler Rose Latex Test Detection of heumatoid actors Serum Serum 795017 795018 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® IM Latex Test Detection of heterophilic antibodies against Epstein-Barr-Virus (agent of I.M.) Serum 795024 50 Tests NADAL® TPHA Microplate emagglutination est Serum Serum 795027 795028 100 Tests 200 Tests NADAL® Rose Bengale Latex Test Detection of antibodies against Brucella Human and Animal Serum 795030 100 Tests NADAL® SLE Latex Test Detection of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Serum Serum 795032 795033 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® Staphylococcus Latex Test Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus Colonies Colonies 795034 795035 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® E.coli Latex Test Detection of E.coli Serogroup 0157 Colonies Colonies 795037 795038 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® Rota Virus Latex Test Detection of ota irus ntigen Feces Feces 795039 795040 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® D-Dimer Latex Test Detection of L D Plasma Plasma 795041 795042 50 Tests 100 Tests NADAL® Strep Latex Test Kit Identi cation of Streptococcus Mutans Colonies 795043 6 x 50 Tests NADAL® MRSA Screen Test Detection of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus S. aureus colonies on agar plate 495001 50 Tests page 33 Index Adenovirus ........................................................................9 AFP ..................................................................................19 Alpha-Fetoprotein ...........................................................19 mniotic luid ..................................................................14 ntigen for Bladder ancer B B ..............................18 ntigen for olon ancer B ........................................18 ntigen for rostate ancer S ....................................19 nti Bs epatitis B ..........................................................7 ASO Latex .........................................................................33 Astrovirus ..........................................................................7 B B ntigen or Bladder ancer .................................18 Bence-Jones-Protein ..........................................................7 Bilharzia ...........................................................................11 Bladder Cancer ................................................................19 Blood Glucose Meter ........................................................28 Blood ype Detection ......................................................30 Borrelia burgdorferi .........................................................27 Brugia Malayia .................................................................12 BTA ...................................................................................18 arcino Embryonic antigen .............................................19 CCA ..................................................................................11 CEA ..................................................................................19 Celiacs Disease ..................................................................7 Chagas .............................................................................11 Chikungunya ....................................................................11 Chlamydia ........................................................................16 CK-MB ..............................................................................21 lostridium di cile ..........................................................27 Colon Cancer ...................................................................19 reatine inase ...............................................................21 r reactive rotein .....................................................7 r high sensitive ............................................................21 CRP Latex .........................................................................33 Cryptosporidium ..............................................................11 D-Dimer ...........................................................................21 D-Dimer Latex ..................................................................33 Dengue ............................................................................11 Diabetes ...........................................................................28 E. coli O157 ......................................................................27 E.coli Latex .......................................................................33 EBV ....................................................................................8 Epstein-Barr-Virus ..............................................................8 Fecal Occult Blood ...........................................................19 Filariasis ...........................................................................12 FOB ..................................................................................19 ollicle Stimulating ormone ..........................................15 FSH ...................................................................................15 astroenteritis ...................................................................7 GBS ..................................................................................16 Giardia Lamblia ................................................................12 Gonorrhea .......................................................................16 H.Pylori ............................................................................19 Haptoglobin .....................................................................19 epatitis .................................................................7 Hb ....................................................................................19 Bs g epatitis B ..............................................................7 hCG ..................................................................................15 epatitis ..................................................................7 eart a ack .....................................................................20 Helicobacter Pylori ..........................................................19 Hemoglobin .....................................................................19 epatitis B & ..............................................................7 h-FABP .............................................................................22 HIV (AIDS) ..........................................................................8 hLH ..................................................................................15 Hp ....................................................................................19 IM Latex ...........................................................................33 Infarction .........................................................................20 In uenza ............................................................................8 In uenza .........................................................................8 In uenza B .........................................................................8 Legionella ........................................................................26 Legionella Pneumophila ..................................................26 Leishmania .......................................................................13 Leptospira ........................................................................13 Leptospirosis interrogans ................................................13 Leshmania donovani ........................................................13 Lyme Borreliosis ..............................................................27 Malaria ............................................................................10 Mononucleosis ..................................................................8 MRSA Screen ...................................................................33 Myoglobin .......................................................................22 Norovirus ...........................................................................8 Index page 34 nal von minden GmbH · NADAL® Medical Rapid Tests Plasmodium falciparum ...................................................10 Plasmodium malariae ......................................................10 Plasmodium ovale ...........................................................10 Plasmodium vivax ............................................................10 Premature Rupture ..........................................................17 Pregnancy ........................................................................15 PROM (Premature Rupture of Membranes) ....................14 PSA ...................................................................................19 Trypanosoma cruzi ..........................................................11 TSH ....................................................................................9 Tuberculosis .......................................................................9 Typhus ..............................................................................13 atisbonne .................................................................24, 25 eactif ..............................................................................25 espiratory Syncytial irus ................................................9 RF Latex ...........................................................................33 Rheumatoid Factor ............................................................9 Risk of Premature Births ..................................................14 Roche Combur-Test .........................................................25 Rose Bengale ...................................................................33 Rota Virus Latex ...............................................................33 Rota-Adenovirus ................................................................9 Rotavirus ............................................................................9 B gglutination est ......................................33 RSV .....................................................................................8 Rupture of the membranes .............................................14 Waaler Rose .....................................................................33 Wheat Intolerance .............................................................7 ucheria Bancro i ..........................................................12 rine est Strips ...............................................................24 Vaginal pH ........................................................................17 D L gglutination test ...................................................33 Salmonella Typhi .............................................................13 Scarlet Fever ......................................................................6 Schistosoma .....................................................................11 Siemens Bayer Multisti ................................................25 SLE gglutination..............................................................33 Staphylococcus Latex .......................................................33 Strep B .............................................................................16 Streptococcus A .................................................................6 Streptococcus Latex .........................................................33 Streptococcus pneumoniae .............................................27 Syphilis .............................................................................16 TBC ....................................................................................9 Tetanus ..............................................................................9 Tg .......................................................................................9 hyropero idase ntibodies ....................................9 Thyroglobulin .....................................................................9 hyroid Stimulating ormone ...........................................9 TPHA Microplate ..............................................................33 TPO ....................................................................................9 Trichomonas vagnialis .....................................................16 Troponin ..........................................................................20 page 35 Order and Contact Details Order by telephone Order by fax Our team is happy to support you under the following numbers: Fax your order anytime within Germany and other countries. Moers: Regensburg: +49 2841 99820 0 +49 941 29010 0 Moers: Regensburg: +49 2841 99820 1 +49 941 29010 50 Internet-Shop Order your products online: or via e-mail: [email protected] You will then receive your goods and invoice per mail. WWW [email protected] Information sub ect to change DISCOVER OUR WIDE PRODUCT RANGE! evision status D All products and news on Drug Rapid Tests Laboratory Diagnostics nal von minden GmbH Carl-Peschken-Strasse 9 47441 Moers Germany Friedenstrasse 32 D-93053 Regensburg Germany Laboratory Service onsulting & Service Tel.: +49 941 29010-0 Fax: +49 941 29010-50 [email protected] Directors: Sandra von Minden Roland Meißner Thomas Zander Commercial reg.: HRB 5679 VAT-ID-Nr.: DE 189 016 086 Tax-No: 244/133/00130 IBAN: DE98750500000840017073 BIC: BYLADEM1RBG Bank: Sparkasse Regensburg
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