Chichester District Council Planning Committee Wednesday 27 May 2015 Report of the Head of Planning Services Schedule of Planning Appeals, Court and Policy Matters This report updates committee members on current appeals and other matters. It would be of assistance if specific questions on individual cases could be directed to officers in advance of the meeting. Note for public viewing via Chichester District Council web site To read each file in detail, including the full appeal decision when it is issued, click on the reference number (NB certain enforcement cases are not open for public inspection, but you will be able to see the key papers via the automatic link to the Planning Inspectorate) WR H I ( ) * – – – – – Written Representation Appeal Hearing Inquiry Case Officer initials Committee level decision 1. NEW APPEALS Reference/Procedure Proposal CC/14/02551/FUL WR (C Boddy) Land Adjacent to 1 Kings Avenue Chichester West Sussex PO19 8EA - Proposed 2 bedroom detached house. * EWB/14/01806/OUT I (J Bell) Land East of Barton Way Clappers Lane Earnley West Sussex - The erection of 110 residential dwellings, new vehicular access, open space, and other ancillary works. SI/14/04214/DOM WR (M Tomlinson) Bird Pond Cottage Selsey Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NF- Erection of outbuilding comprising double garage and workshop with games over. SB/14/02843/OUT WR (V Colwell) Land East of Breach Avenue Southbourne Hampshire Development of up to 34 dwellings, access, retention of orchard, public open space and other associated works on land at Breach Avenue. SB/14/03611/DOM WR (M Tomlinson) 1 Kings Court Emsworth Hampshire PO10 8FD - Open glassroom and open glazed canopy. SDNP/14/05301/HOUS WR (C Cranmer) Petworth 4 Wellfield Cottages Tipper Lane South Harting Petersfield West Sussex GU31 5QN - Loft conversion with rear dormer and front porch amendment to refused application SDNP/14/ 03063 rear dormer reduced in size. 2. DECISIONS RECEIVED Reference/Decision BO/14/02085/DOM Pheasant Lodge Old Park Lane Bosham – proposed entrance WR (S Locke) porch. ALLOWED "...The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for an entrance porch at Pheasant Lodge... The main issue is the effect of the proposed porch on the character and appearance of Pheasant Lodge and the setting of Church Farm (now Field House) which is listed grade II. Pheasant Lodge is a residential conversion of a former cart shed...lightweight construction with fully glazed windows and doors... no significant detrimental impact on the modest rural character of the building that is an important element of its heritage significance and the contribution it makes to the setting of Field House... adverse impact on the natural beauty of the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the rural setting of the listed farmhouse...conclude that the proposed development would preserve the character and special interest of the cart shed and preserve also the setting of Church Farm (now Field House)..." PS/14/03297/OUT WR (F Stevens) ALLOWED Bradstow Lodge The Drive Ifold Loxwood Billingshurst Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 3 no detached dwellings. "...The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 3 No detached dwellings at Bradstow Lodge, The Drive, Ifold, Loxwood, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 0TE... The main issues are the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area and whether it would be likely to adversely affect protected wildlife species...The proposal would clearly increase the density of development on the plot but it would still be of an acceptably low density comparable with recent housing schemes in the area and would not result in an over development of the site. All the new houses would have good sized private gardens, similar to those of the dwellings in the more recent backland developments. The parking and access arrangements, whilst different from that on the linear plots in the area, would be an appropriate design solution to this triangular shaped corner plot. The proposed new houses would not be particularly prominent given their modest height and the retained landscaping screen, despite the site's location on the corner of the two roads. Their scale and density would be in keeping with recent development in the area. I therefore conclude that the proposed development would not harm the character and appearance of the area... The Council considered the appellants' initial biodiversity survey to be deficiently lacking in detail, a view with which I concur. However, they have submitted as part of this appeal a full preliminary ecological appraisal or Phase 1 Habitat Survey1. This concludes that whilst there are likely to be bats on-site a detailed mitigation strategy would be devised as part of a Phase 2 summer dusk emergence Survey. It also suggests ecological enhancements for the benefit of wildlife... I consider this can be adequately tackled by a condition requiring such a Phase 2 survey prior to development commencing and the putting in place of an appropriate bat mitigation strategy should such a survey reveal roosting bats... I therefore conclude that, subject to such a condition, the proposed development would not be likely to adversely affect legally protected wildlife species..." Reference/Decision TG/14/03166/COUPJ WR (S Harris) DISMISSED Lincoln House City Fields Way Tangmere Chichester Change of use of existing building 2 storey office building, Class B1, (approx. 672 sqm) to Class 3, 8 no units comprising 4 no 1 bed units and 4 no 2 bed apartments TG/14/03148/COUPJ WR (S Harris) DISMISSED Exeter House 220 City Fields Business Park Tangmere Part 3, Class J: Change of use of existing building (approx 816 sqm) from Class B1 (offices) to Class C3 (dwelling houses), 12 no apartments comprising 2 no 1 bed unit and 10 no 2 bed apartments (6 units on each floor). TG/14/03149/COUPJ WR (S Harris) DISMISSED Salisbury House Tangmere Chichester - Change of use of existing building (approx 1055 sqm) Class B1 offices, to Class C3, 11 no apartments comprising 1 no 1 bed unit and 10 no 2 bed apartments. "…There separate applications were submitted in respect of adjacent buildings and this has resulted in three appeals being lodged. The Council refused all the applications for the same reason and evidence presented on appeal, by both parties, is the same in each case. I have found no reason to reach a different conclusion in relation to any of the schemes and so I have issued one comprehensive decision. The proposals seek to make use of the permitted right conferred by Part 3, Class J of Schedule 2 to the GPDO. Subject to the exceptions set out in paragraph J1., Class J provides that development consisting of a change of use falling with Class C3 (dwelling houses) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order (UCO) from a use falling within Class B1(a) (offices) of that Schedule is permitted development...the applications are refused on the basis that Condition of the original grant of planning permission for the buildings effectively removes permitted development rights rendering the prior approval regime nonapplicable. The Council makes this case in light of Article 3(4) of the GPDO, which states that "nothing in this Order permits development contrary to any condition imposed by any planning permission granted or deemed to be granted under Part III of the Act otherwise than by this Order"... the main issue in all three cases is whether Condition 9 of the original grant of planning permission is effective in removing permitted development rights under Part 3, Class J of Schedule 2 to the GPDO... In respect of the issue of whether the condition acts to prevent the exercise of permitted development rights, the Council has drawn my attention to an appeal decision concerning a proposed change of use from offices to residential under Class J in Bosham, Chichester. In that case, a condition of the original grant of planning permission read" the premises shall be used only for the purposes within Use Class B1 as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987", with the reason being "to comply with the area". Referring to the Judgement in the case of the Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited v SSCLG (2013) EWHC 3597, the Inspector concluded that the condition before him did go far enough in restricting the use of the land so that a change of use to residential would be contrary to Article 3(4) of the GPDO. In putting the contrary argument that the wording of Condition 9 now at hand does not withdraw permitted development rights, the appellant refers to an appeal decision in Oxford in which the Inspector found that a restrictive condition acted simply to specify the use granted by the original planning permission.... Clearly then, the appeal decisions upon which the parties rely appear to conflict and in determining the relative weight to be given to them, I have considered the London Mutual Judgement it in its entirety... In the case before her, Mrs Justice Patterson found that the use of the phrase "shall be for" was prescriptive; and that the word "only" precluded uses other than the bulky trades specified (paragraph 28)... she regards the use of the word "only" as emphatic, because when given its plain and ordinary meaning, it means solely or exclusively...Therefore, following the Judge's reasoning in respect of the condition now before me, I consider that the use of the words "shall be used", followed by the word "only" in relation to Use Classes B1 and B8, clearly impose an enduring restriction on the use of the appeal premises for any other purpose... For the reasons given above, I conclude that Condition 9 of the original grant of planning permission is effective in removing permitted development rights under Part 3, Class J of Schedule 2 to the GPDO. To grant approval in this case would therefore be contrary to the terms of Article 3(4) of the GPDO and so the appeals should be dismissed..." 3. OUTSTANDING APPEALS Reference/Status Proposal BI/14/23356/PLD WR (F Stevens) In progress Martins Lea Martins Lane Birdham Chichester, PO20 7AU Construction of driveway to Lock Lane, in connection with additional hard surfacing. BO/14/03124/OUT WR (P Kneen) In progress Ruddles Sunnyway Bosham Chichester, PO18 8HQ Construction of chalet bungalow in part of garden. *CC/14/02201/FUL WR (P Kneen) In progress Garage Compound South of 39 to 45 Cleveland Road Chichester West Sussex - Proposed residential development to form 3 no 3 bedroom detached houses with associated gardens and garages. *CC/14/02308/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress 36 Stirling Road Chichester West Sussex PO19 7DT Replacement of redundant old garage with a single dwelling of chalet design. CC/14/03359/PDE WR (H Chowdhury) Awaiting decision 18 Juxon Close Chichester West Sussex PO19 7AA - Single storey rear extension (a) rear extension - 4.0m (b) maximum height - 3.7m (c) height at eaves - 2.3m. CC/14/03646/TPA WR (H Whitby) In progress 7 Donegall Avenue Chichester West Sussex PO19 6DE Fell 1 no Lime tree (tag T642) within Group, G1 subject to CC/06/00025/TPO. CH/13/03978/FUL WR (S Harris) In progress Land on The East Side of Cot Lane Chidham - Residential development comprising 25 no. dwellings, change of use of land to form area of off-site public open space and associated work. CH/14/01342/FUL I (N Langford) Buildings B C and D Lion Park Broad Road Hambrook Chidham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8RG Development of 25 no dwellings (4 no 1 bed and 21 no 2 bed) with associated parking and amenity space, in place of commercial blocks B, C and D approved under 09/04314/ OUT and 11/01764/REM (resubmission of 13/00984/FUL). CH/14/02138/OUT I (V Colwell/J Bell) In progress Land East of Broad Road Hambrook West Sussex Residential development of 120 single and two storey dwellings comprising 48 affordable homes and 72 market price homes, garaging and parking together with retail unit, sports pavilion, community facility, new vehicular and pedestrian access to Broad Road, emergency and pedestrian access to Scant Road West, sports facilities, 2 tennis courts, football pitch and 4 cricket nets, children’s play area, public open space and natural green space on a site of 9.31 ha. Reference/Status Proposal *SDNP/14/01085/FUL WR (D Price) Ebernoe In progress Wassell Barn Ebernoe Petworth GU28 9LD – Replacement dwelling. SDNP/14/03530/HOUS WR (C Cranmer) Furnhurst In progress Baldwins Ropes Lane Fernhurst Haslemere West Sussex GU27 3JD – Erection of detached outbuilding. * LX/13/03809/OUT I (N Langford) Public Inquiry to be held 8-11 Sept, CDC Com Rm 2 at 10 am Land South of Loxwood Farm Place High Street Loxwood – erection of 25 no residential dwellings comprising of 14no private residential dwellings and 11 no affordable residential dwellings, associated private amenity space and parking. LX/14/01214/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Brewhurst Mill House Brewhurst Lane Loxwood Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0RJ - Part conversion of Brewhurst Mill to dwelling. LX/14/01215/LBC WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Brewhurst Mill House Brewhurst Lane Loxwood Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0RJ - Part conversion of Brewhurst Mill to dwelling. SDNP/14/04890/HOUS & SDNP/14/04891/LIS WR ( C Cranmer) Lurgashall In progress Wheelwrights House Hill Grove Lurgashall Petworth GU28 9EW - Demolition of existing two storey addition and conservatory; erection of two storey extension and conservatory at rear. SDNP/14/02271/HOUS Midhurst WR (M Mew) In progress The Old Cottage Bepton Midhurst GU29 0JB – Conservatory Linked to SDNP/14/02272/LIS. SDNP/14/02272/LIS Midhurst WR (M Mew) In progress The Old Cottage Bepton Midhurst GU29 0JB - Conservatory Linked to SDNP/14/02271/HOUS. SDNP/14/03765/FUL WR (M Mew) Milland In progress Fairleads Wheatsheaf Enclosure Liphook Hampshire GU30 7EJ - Replacement dwelling substituting existing 4 bed house to create a 5 bed home. SDNP/13/04972/FUL Northchapel H (J Saunders) In progress Hillgrove Stud Farm London Road Northchapel West Sussex GU28 9EQ - Retention of agricultural workers mobile home for temporary period of 3 years. Reference/Status Proposal SDNP/14/00373/OPDEV WR (R Hawks) Petworth In progress Stillands Shillinglee Road Shillinglee Northchapel Godalming West Sussex GU8 4SX - Creation of a bank. PS/14/01968/OUT WR (P Kneen) In progress Land West of The Lane Ifold Loxwood – residential development comprising 4 dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping. Formation of new access from The Lane. PS/14/02579/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Kings Copse Loxwood Road Plaistow Billingshurst RH14 0PE - Construction of tennis court with 2.7 m high chain link fence. SDNP/14/04194/HOUS Rogate WR (M Mew) In progress Tollgate Cottage Durleigh Marsh Petersfield Hampshire GU31 5AX - Single storey rear extension and various works. Linked to SDNP/14/04195/LIS. SDNP/14/04195/LIS Rogate WR (M Mew) In progress Tollgate Cottage Durleigh Marsh Petersfield Hampshire GU31 5AX - Single storey rear extension and various works. Linked to SDNP/14/04194/HOUS SI/14/00012/CONMHC WR (R Hawks) In progress Willowdene Fletchers Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7QG – Mobile home. *WE/14/00911/FUL I ( J Bell) In progress Land on The North Side of Long Copse Lane Westbourne West Sussex - Erection of 16 no dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, car and cycle parking and landscaping WH/14/03736/LBC WR (S Locke) In progress 6 Old Place Lane Westhampnett Chichester PO18 0NL Proposed 4 no Conservation rooflights along with minor alterations. WW/13/00232/CONCOM WR (S Archer) In progress Bramber Plant Centre Chichester Road West Wittering – Portacabins being used as office – appeal against Enforcement Notice. WW/14/03344/FUL WR (P Kneen) In progress 34 and 34A Marine Drive West Wittering Chichester West Sussex PO20 8HQ - Demolition of existing residential property (two flats) and erection of 2 no 4 bedroom dwellings. WR/14/01365/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Winterfold Durbans Road Wisborough Green – replacement dwellinghouse to copy existing building with original external finishes (as amended by granted WR/13/01722). Reference/Status Proposal WR/14/01765/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Westholme Farm Newpound Wisborough Green Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0QJ - Removal of condition no 7 of application 05/04886/FUL. WR/14/02859/FUL WR (M Tomlinson) In progress Roosters Store Durbans Road Wisborough Green Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 0DG - Removal of condition 4 of planning permission WR/99/00567/FUL. 4. VARIATIONS TO SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS NONE 5. CALLED-IN APPLICATIONS Reference Proposal Stage NONE 6. COURT AND OTHER MATTERS Injunctions Site Breach Stage Land at Premier Site Birdham Road Stable and other preparatory works in the AONB without planning permission. Affidavit and application lodged for initial consideration by court, hearing date requested. Site Breach Stage Nell Ball Farm Plaistow Failure to comply with planning enforcement notice Prosecution was prepared, but due to the ill-health of the defendant the matter was suspended. A planning application has now been refused and legal instructed to prosecute. Final warning issued. Compliance not achieved by 5 May 2015 as required. Prosecution proceedings under way. Prosecutions Prosecutions Site Breach 11 Milland Lane Liphook Section 43 Listed Building Compliance works started. Court Act breach proceedings prepared, Court trial date set to 5 June 2015 for trial but matter withdrawn as compliance achieved to satisfaction of client department. Dean Ale and Cider House West Dean 12 Second Avenue Emsworth Failure to comply with planning enforcement notice Failure to comply with section 215 notice. 2 Whitehart Cottages Failure to comply section 215 notice Kellys Farm Bell Lane Birdham Land at Brackenwood Fernhurst The Barnyard Stage Court proceedings prepared and authorised, Court hearing 22 May 2015. Court proceedings prepared and authorised, court hearing 22 May 2015. with Court proceedings prepared and authorised, adjourned for committal hearing on 8 July 2015. Failure to comply with Court proceedings prepared and planning enforcement authorised, Court hearing 22 May notice 2015. Failure to comply with Court proceedings prepared and planning enforcement authorised. Defence statement notice obtained from Defendant and new planning application made. Prosecution initially suspended pending further consideration of case. Prosecution withdrawn as planning application submitted and accepted by authority. Display of unauthorised Court proceedings prepared and adverts. authorised. Court date requested. Hearing 22 May 2015. High Court Site Matters Prohibited by the Stage Order Planning injunction: NONE Magistrates Court Site Breach 2 White Hart Cottages Appeal against section 215 First appeal hearing held. Application notice by subject of that statements lodged with Council 17 notice. March 2015. Following exchange of evidence case postponed until July as undertaking given to comply. 7. POLICY MATTERS NONE Stage
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