Newsletter Apr 28 2015 - Chilwell Primary School

Chilwell Primary School No. 2061
“Learning for Life”
Gavan Welsh - Principal
313a Pakington Street, Newtown, 3220.
Telephone: (03) 5221 2738 Fax: (03) 5221 8191
Office Hours: 8.30 am. to 4.30 pm.
Admin Email: [email protected]
Web site:
School Council Email: [email protected]
Out of School Hours Child Care Program Coordinator (0417 014 973)
NEWSLETTER No. 1 1 – 28TH APRIL 201 5
Apr 27-Jun 9
Apr 29-May 1
May 1
May 4
May 5
May 6
May 8
May 10
May 11
May 12-14
May 14-15
May 15
May 18-22
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 26
May 27
May 28
Jun 1
Jun 2
LSL Helen Jellett
Gr.5 Maldon Camp
Year 1 walk to Barwon River 9.15am.
Prep Expo. 5-6pm. & BYO picnic tea
Grs.3-6 Chilwell Athletics – Landy Field
Network Meeting - Gavan
Gr.3 Bollard Walk
Mother’s Day (brekky in bed for Mum)
Council Meeting 7pm.
NAPLAN – Grs.3 & 5
Prin Conference. Gavan & Scott
Report Writing Child Care booking form due
Education Week
2016 Prep Enrolment Week
2016 Prep Tour 9.30-10.30
2016 Prep Parent Information Evening 7-8pm.
Winter Lightning Premiership – Footy & Soccer
Preps Grandparents/Special Friends Day 9-11am.
2016 Prep Tour 2.30-3.30
Numeracy session 2.30-3.30
Whole School Open Session 9-11am. Numeracy focus
Division Cross Country (venue to be announced)
Winter Lightning Premiership – Netball & T.Ball
(NOTE CHANGE OF DAY) !!!!!!!!!
School Photos
Preps visit Stinton Ave shops – 11.30-1.30pm.
Grs.3/4 Badminton Clinic
Dear Families,
 Welcome - Italian assistant: Last week we welcomed our Language
Assistant to our school. Manuela Lazzari will be with us for the remainder of
the year. She will be assisting in our school's Italian program. See more
details later in the newsletter.
 ANZAC Day: What a wonderful and respectful commemoration the year 6's
organised last Friday. The number of families, Grandparents, Great
Grandparents, relatives and friends who took the time to join us was fantastic!
Congratulations to Peter Dearnley and Stephanie Walsh ( Year 6), Matt Fisher
and Rohan Perrott ( Choir) and Deb Fisher (Art work) along with our Year 6
children- a very appropriate commemoration to our ANZAC tradition. We were
also fortunate to have our local member, Richard Marles, attend and speak.
Earlier in the day the school leaders and I represented our community at the
ceremony for Geelong schools held at Johnson's Park. It was gratifying to see
so many schools representing their community on the day.
 ANZAC Statue: At the assembly last week we welcomed our commemorative
statue to our school. Victor Cebergs spoke at the ANZAC Ceremony about the
work he had undertaken with our year 6 children in readiness for our statues
arrival. This will be a permanent reminder of the respect our community has for
those before us who have made sacrifices so that our country is such a great
place to live. This area will also have a pine from Gallipoli donated by the
Phung family planted nearby. Thank you!!
We still have some work to do around our statue, when this is completed we
will "officially" open the area.
 Thank you to Peter Kanellos: At very short notice Peter was able to organise
and provide the base for our statue. His flexibility and commitment to our
school is another example of why our community is so supportive.
Thank you Peter.
 Year 5 Camp: All the best to our campers who leave tomorrow for Maldon.
The 3 day camp is a wonderful mixture of new experiences and challenges
which will be remembered by the children for many years to come. Thank you
to Sarah J and Matt Limb who organised the camp and to Simon Jarman,
Melissa Temple, Georgia Flanders and Chloe Hadley who will also attend.
 Phones at school: The school discourages children to have mobile phones at
school for a number of reasons. If your child has the need to bring one to
school we ask that it be held at the office for safe keeping and collected at the
end of the day.
 Leave: At this moment our office staff is one down in numbers. Helen Jellett
has taken some well-deserved leave to do some travel with her husband.
While Helen is away we will have some relief staff in to assist Lesley but please
understand that it is impossible to seamlessly replace any school office staff.
 2016 Enrolment Week: Strange as it seems we are approaching Enrolment
Week. This is an opportunity for families to have a look at our school and
others before making a decision on which school is a "fit" for their child and
If you have a child, neighbour or relative that has a school aged child for next
year please make them aware of our Enrolment Week.
Eligible children need to turn 5 next year before April 30.
Tour Times:
Tuesday May 19:
9.30 - 10.30
Thursday May 21:
2.30 - 3.30
Evening Session Tuesday May 19:
7.00 - 8.00
Currently our Enrolment policy is:
 Siblings and those residing inside the zone (available on our home page)
are enrolled first.
 Any "vacancies" are then allocated to families outside the zone based on
distance from the school. Most years a number of positions are available to
those residing outside our zone.
Please make all aware that living outside the zone does not necessarily mean
there is no chance of enrolment.
 Mothers’ Day: All in the family are aware that this important day is fast
approaching. Now what to give Mum for all those years of support?
The 2015-2016 Entertainment Book has just been launched and is for sale
through the office NOW.
For those of us who have purchased previously, we are aware of the savings
on cafes, restaurants, hire cars, accommodation etc. If you are not aware of the
range of benefits, we have a display copy of the book in the foyer.
Wet Weather: As we approach the Winter months we need to remind our
children of a few issues.
 The traffic may well increase especially at the 8.45 and 3.30 times. Traffic
supervised roads are the best to use but if this is not possible then traffic
lights provide assistance.
 Walking is still ok during Winter but remember that umbrellas are very useful
to have in the bag.
 Unfortunately we do have days when it is not possible to get out to have
recess or lunch. We all need some time out from our rooms and if this is
possible we get out for a play. Assembly is also sometimes a victim of the
conditions. Where this occurs please feel free to come into the staff room
and wait for the 3.30 bell.
 Birthdays. Happy birthday to the following students who celebrate their
birthday next week.
Thurs 30th Apr
Fri 1st May
Sat 2nd May
Sun 3rd May
Mon 4th May
Tuesday 5th May
Charlotte C
Imogen W
Daniel J
Audrey D
Jordan B
Louis P
Amity J
Lucinda B
Oscar C
Sarah C
Auemn K
Additional calendar dates:
Jun 3
Jun 4
Jun 8
Jun 11
Jun 15-19
Jun 17-23
Jun 19
Jun 24
Sept 15
Nov 2-4
Network Meeting - Gavan
Grs.3/4 Badminton Clinic
Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Grs. 3-6 Cybersafety session – am.
Grs.5/6 Badminton Clinic
Planning Week
Life Education
Mid-Year Reports home
3-way Interviews (Teachers, Parents, Students)
(advance notice)
Gr.4 Lady Northcote Camp. (advance notice)
For sale – left over from the Food Fair.
Enquiries to the office.
Gavan Welsh, Principal
24 cans/slab
24 cans/slab
Cans of soft drink.
Kilts update…….
We have been advised that the kilt order will be delivered to
school later this week.
Library update.....
Student Library Committee. A big thank you to the hardworking members of our
library committee for their unswerving commitment to the cause! These Year 6
pupils volunteer their lunchtimes each Wednesday to help out with a variety of
tasks. They recently organised some displays of work completed mainly by junior
students during library sessions. These displays are now featured in the Russell
St. Library. It is a pleasure to work with you, Sophie, Meg, Alex and Charlotte.
Scholastic Book Fair. As part of our Education Week activities, the Scholastic
Book Fair will be returning to Chilwell in May. More details to follow.
Thank you! Earlier this year we managed to take advantage of a closing down
sale at a local book outlet. We were fortunate to purchase a large number of
books at significantly less than cost price. This was a great result for our library's
stocks. However, the books all needed covering and we are extremely grateful to
Imogen and Will Farnell's grandma, Annette Drummond, for volunteering many
hours to help out with this time consuming task. Thank you, Annette.
Library program. This Semester the 8 classes in the Junior School have
participated in weekly library sessions of an hour. All lessons reflect the specific
grade level English outcomes of the National Curriculum with their literary content.
There is also a skill component to each lesson which aims to improve the
children's efficiency in library usage. Part of each session is also devoted to
borrowing. Students in Years 3 - 6 have borrowing time each week in the library
with their classroom teacher.
Author websites. As part of our library lessons, we often explore websites of
favourite authors on the iPads and on the interactive whiteboard. Some fun ones
with a range of activities for younger students to explore, once you by-pass the
obligatory merchandising links, include:
(Dr. Seuss)
(Ted Prior) ( Clifford the big red dog by Norman Bridwell) (Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown)
(Hairy Maclary by Lynley Dodd) (Mr. Men/Little Miss books by Roger
Books of the Year - Australian books shortlisted for this year's awards have
recently been announced. Winners will be revealed in August during Book Week.
For further details visit the Children's Book Council of Australia website:
Book Club. The next issue of the Scholastic Book Club will be sent out in several
week’s time. Ordering is now entirely online. Follow the step by step process
which we will publish in the newsletter when the brochures are dispatched to you.
We had mostly positive feedback from parents about the Term 1 issue and it has
certainly simplified the process from the school's point of view.
Rosemary O'Donnell, Librarian.
Gardening Help………….
Dear Parents
The student Environment Committee is looking for advice and help from parents
who have knowledge and skills in the planning, design and implementation of a
garden area. The new ANZAC statue is in need of support and we have been
asked to help in develop this area. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact me if you are able to help.
- Jeff Smith, Environment Committee
NAPLAN Implementation 2015
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for
the Years 3 and 5 students will be conducted in two weeks. The results of the
tests will provide information for teachers and parents about a child’s performance
in Literacy and Numeracy and will be used, in conjunction with our school based
assessment, to support our teaching and learning programs.
As detailed below the tests have to be conducted at specific times and it is
essential that the children in Grades 3 & 5 arrive at school promptly at 8:55am to
allow adequate time for the introductory activities and the test itself. Children who
arrive late to a testing session or are away will be required to sit the test at
another time during the week.
Tuesday 12th May
Between 9:00–1:30
Wednesday 13 May Between 9:00–1:30
Thursday 14th May
Between 9:00–11:00
Language Conventions & Writing
If you have any concerns with regard to this information could you please contact
either Gavan or me as soon as possible.
Jason Cole - NAPLAN Co-ordinator
Art Matters – Anzac Day
Well done to the Grade 6 cohort for making the school such a visual
tribute to the Anzac Day celebrations. It just highlighted how
powerful the Visual Arts can be to communicate and express a
The 142 portraits of the ex-Chilwell students who fought in the First
World War will continue to be on display for a couple more weeks
around the school. The Grade 4-6 put in their best work for this and is well worth a
The handmade poppies looked beautiful on Friday and a special thankyou to Prue
Nadorp for organising the donation of so many of them from The Geelong West
Community Group. Thank you also to all the Grade 6 students who came in at
lunchtimes to thread the poppies for the display. All your hard work was worth it.
- Deb Fisher
ANZAC Day Ceremony at Johnstone Park
Anneliese and I hopped out of Mr Welsh’s car and started walking down the street
toward Johnstone Park. I felt nervousness and excitement morph into one, like
two ingredients of a cake. We arrived at Johnstone Park and looked out at the
huge crowd; Anneliese and I scurried through the crowd until we found a decent
spot to sit. We sat in a crowd of students and waited for the ceremony to start.
The ceremony began, the room fell silent and someone introduced people from
the Geelong City Council, people that worked for the Victoria Police and other
people who worked for the Geelong council. Speeches were said and the Last
Post was played, followed by one minute’s silence, after which all the students
came and lay wreaths of flowers and said “Lest We Forget”.
After the ceremony, we enjoyed morning tea in the city hall where we ate
sandwiches, cakes and drank lemonade. After a while the Mayor (Darryn Lyons)
came in and gave a speech about the importance of ANZAC Day and thanked
everyone for coming to the Ceremony.
The ceremony gave me a real insight into what ANZAC means and I will never
forget this experience.
By George Chomley 6SW
Parent Contribution
A reminder to parents that this payment was due in February.
Statements were sent home last week. It would be appreciated if
outstanding amounts could be paid as soon as possible.
Thank you to the families who have already paid.
(If you are experiencing difficulty with payment, contact Gavan on 52212738
to discuss payment options)
Community News
1. Bond Street Kindergarten. We currently have a vacancy in our 4/5 year old
program. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please contact the
enrolment hotline on 9513 0490.
2. Come and Try Baseball. Kids aged from 6-16 to play this winter season.
Deakin Baseball Ground. Tuesday 28th April 6pm. Nicol Drive North. Deakin
Contact Nathan Warren. E: [email protected] Ph 0490340770 or simply
turn up at the Deakin ground on the day!! Season starts May 2 and runs until
end of August.
Canteen news……. NEW OPTIONS FOR TERM 2 – see below
Orders must be into the office by 3.30 pm. Thursday – no late orders will be
accepted. Lunch will be provided on Friday.
Lunch options are as follows :
OPTION 1 Pulled chicken, lettuce roll, chips, apple, chocolate donut
OPTION 2 Ham, lettuce & chutney roll, chips, apple, red jelly delight
OPTION 3 Cheese & Bacon Roll, chips, apple, chocolate crackle
Each option $5.00
Canteen Roster – Fridays – 1.00-1.30 pm.
Fri 1st May
Fri 8th May
Fri 15th May
Fri 22nd May
Fri 29th May
Fri 5th June
Fri 12th June
Fri 19th June
Fri 26th June
Sally Stansmore
Rick Brown
Sam Visser
Sally Cullen
Carolyn Wells
Kirsty McColl
Kirsty McColl
Sam Visser
Please try to arrange a swap if you cannot attend on the day rostered & let office
know of swap.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canteen Helper – Fridays 1.00-1.30pm.
Name ________________________________________ Ph.________________
Dates NOT available _____________________________________________
Celebrate Education Week at Chilwell
17th – 23rd May, 2015
2:30 – 3:30 Thursday 21st May
Numeracy Information Session
How is Numeracy Taught at Chilwell?
Focus on: Place Value
Tables Facts
Other Areas
9:00 – 11:00 Friday 22nd May
Whole School Open Morning
Numeracy Focus
Special Invitation
You are invited to attend a Numeracy Information Session on Thursday21st May
to learn how Numeracy is taught at Chilwell. This session will attempt to share
updated and modern theories in teaching Numeracy.
Please indicate below if you will attend this session. If you have a question that
you would like answered please write it below so this question can be answered.
Please Return by Monday 18th May
I ________________________________________ will attend the Numeracy
Information Session on Thursday 21st May.
I would like to know _______________________________________________
Congratulations to the following students for receiving the ‘Shining Star’ Certificate
during the Junior School Assembly.
Jolea Shand, Will McColl, Violet Gilby, Jake Royce,
Jasper Nicholls-Blackney, Olie Nicholls-Blackney, Tia Wynter,
Olivia Atkins
Congratulations to the following students for receiving a YCDI award for
Lily Keenan
Claude Haebich
Max Biskup
Evan McKirdy
1AE Aisha Kerr
1WH Lucy Stephens
Emmaline Beaufoy
Lachlan Eggins
Ineka Jarvis
Coco Warita
Dani Budge
Calum Dell’Oro
Izaak Van Gaalen
Charlotte Casboult
Jamie Renshaw
Max Temple
Prep Grandparents/Special Friends Morning
On Thursday 21st May, the Preps are inviting their Grandparents or a Special friend
to come and visit any time between 9am and 11am. The Preps are looking forward
to showing their loved ones their classrooms and the great work they’ve been
doing. Hope to see you there!
2015 School House Athletics - For Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6
On Tuesday 5th of May, the school will be holding its School House Athletics
Carnival at Landy Field, from 9:00am. to 3:00pm.
The cost of the bus fare and hire of Landy Field for the children will be $6.00 per
child – permission form will go home next week.
Parents and guests are warmly welcome to come along and see all the action
throughout the day. Please check next week’s newsletter for the timetable of
Important information.
• Clothing. This is a HOUSE sport so house colours should
be worn if possible. This adds to the spirit of the day.
• Be prepared – warm clothing (tracksuit), coat (wet weather), T.shirt/shorts for
• All children are expected to participate and all will earn valuable points for their
• Please ensure that your child brings a cut lunch, snacks and drink.
• Children who suffer from asthma are expected to have and be responsible for
their inhalers.
• Correct footwear ie. sports’ shoes (no spikes).
Please feel free to come and watch to help and encourage your child efforts
during the day’s activities.
Traditionally, hot soup and slices have been supplied by a team of
wonderful parents for the staff and helpers on the day. It would be very
much appreciated if someone could take on the co-ordination of this task
this year. Please contact the office ASAP if you can help.
Thank You - Peter Blackall (Physical Education/Sport)
House Colours.
Balyang: Blue
Riversdale: Yellow
Athletics day - 2015 time table – Tuesday 5th May at Landy Field
9 girls
9 boys
10 boys
9 girls
9 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
9 boys
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
9 boys
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
11 girls
11 boys
9 boys
11 girls
800m run in age groups - anyone can enter and earn a point for their house.
9 boys
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
9 boys
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
9 boys
11 girls
11 boys
10 girls
10 boys
9 girls
House Relay Teams
Parent Helpers Desperately Needed!
The success of our Athletics Day is entirely dependent on parental assistance and we
are still in desperate need for parents to help with the running of the day. Please
complete and return the slip below ASAP if you can help.
Thanks for your support - Peter Blackall (P.E. & Sport)
Athletics Helper – I Can Help. (Please Return to office ASAP)
Yes, I can help out at Landy Field on Tuesday 5th of May.
Name: ________________________________ Contact No: _____________________
Child/ren’s name ___________________________ Grade/s: ____________________
Last year I helped with __________________________________ and would be happy
to do it again.
I can help between
(tick your preferred times)
9:00 -12pm
12pm -3:00pm
9:00 -3:00pm
slice and soup team
Chilwell P.S. Outside School Hours Care
Term 2 – April 2015
To book or cancel care please call Chloe on 0417 014 973
Wednesday 29th Apr
Thursday 30th Apr
Friday 1st May
Monday 4th May
Tuesday 5th May
Circus games
Dot painting
Modelling clay
Dress ups
EFTPOS facility is available – for payments over $10.00.
Form available at the office or from the OSHC.
All accounts should have been finalised and must be $0 or in credit by
end of term 1 otherwise placement of your child in term 2 will be
suspended until the account is fully cleared.
IMPORTANT!!! We encourage families to keep their account in credit.
Just a reminder to all those who have a permanent after school booking. If
unable to attend please cancel before 2.30pm. to assist staff and avoid session
fee. Thanks – OOSHC Staff.
In readiness for the PTO logon to secure an interview, if you have
changed your email address since February – please complete the
form below & return to the office asap.
Parent Name _____________________________________
Email address _______________________________________________
Grade 4 Thoughts About Anzac Day
I see everyone thinking hard remembering the young, brave soldiers that fought
for us. The lives that were lost, the injuries that came but still they fought on, our
brave Australians. 90,000 people but not a single peep, not even a bird made a
tweet! They were all respectful.
The players and the crowd were all silent. I looked up into the sky as I was
remembering the diggers that gave us the country we wanted. The people around
me said not a word. As our minute almost finished the rain came down with a
frosty breeze. As many went to Gallipoli and gave us our freedom, I think our
soldiers did us proud.
I could feel my heart miss a beat as I stared into the roasting flames. I could see
smoke rise from the sticks. I could taste gooey, mooshy, hot, roasted
marshmallows. I could hear crackling sounds. I imagined fields and fields of
poppies. I felt my heart collapse as I thought of my great grandpa who fought in
World War 1.
I hear the choir singing the songs. I have emotions in my eyes as we sing the
National Anthem. I can see the vast sea of red poppies. Then suddenly I hear
dead silence! It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I see all the grandparents
having a glistening tear drop in their eyes. I could almost picture in my head what
it would have been like in Gallipoli.
I hear the trumpet sound and I stare at the flag for a minute in silence. I can smell
the sweet smell of rosemary. I can see a sea filled with bright, red flowers and
colourful medals. I look down at my own silver medal sparkling in the sun. I hear a
sniff of someone around me and I fill with thought, interest and emotions as the
silence ends. Later on I bite into a round object and chew, a burst of flavour hits
me as it crumbled in my mouth. Lest we forget.
“Georgia, Hannah, come and help me!” shouts mum from the other side of the
room. Me and Hannah rush to see what’s going on. I smell something that seems
to be familiar to me. I instantly know what’s going on. I stir the mixture slowly then
use my hand to shape them into balls. Finally, I put them into the oven and wait.
As mum takes the golden Anzac biscuits out of the oven I smell the freshly baked
biscuits coming out. I take my first bite. It is delicious.
Entertainment Book - $55.00.
Valid from June 1st 2015 – May 31st 2016
Great Mother’s Day Present. Get your copy now.
A display book in the office foyer for interested families to peruse.
Please enquire at the office to purchase a book.
2016 Prep Enrolment Week
Monday 18th May-Friday 22nd May 2015
Interested prospective Prep parents are welcome to visit and see Chilwell in
action at any time. However, during Enrolment Week we have organised an
informational tour program.
Tuesday, 19th May
9.30-10.30 am. Tour
Thursday, 21st May
2.30-3.30 pm. Tour
TUESDAY, 19th May
7.00-8.00 p.m.
Venue – Prep Rooms (follow the signs)
The assembly point for these tours
is the foyer.
Entry is via the front door facing
Pakington Street.
Mr Gavan Welsh, the School
Principal accompanied by some of
our senior students, will conduct the
Mr Gavan Welsh and the Prep
teachers will explain the Prep
programs and procedures.
The session will be followed by
Question Time.
You are then welcome to stay and
join us for supper.
Eligibility for school:
Children are eligible for enrolment if they turn five (5) years of age on or before
30th April 2016. At Chilwell, we will accept enrolments at any time during the
remainder of the year if places are available. To assist with planning for 2016
(particularly grade and staffing arrangements) we ask that parents wishing to enrol
their child call into the school between 9.00 am. and 4.00 pm. during Enrolment
Week. We require proof of age (eg. copy of Extract of Birth Certificate) for your
child and a completed Immunisation Certificate (available from the City of Greater
Geelong Offices or Medicare website).
Year 2016 Enrolment.
Return only if this affects your family.
Family Name _____________________________________________
We will not be at Chilwell in 2016.
Sibling enrolling in 2016. Child’s Name _____________________
Name of Pre-School/Kinder ______________________________________________________
Chilwell Primary School
Child's Name:……………………...………..……………………………………………………Date:…../…../…..
Size Quantity
Polo Shirt – Short Sleeve (Royal Blue with White Collar)
Child - size 6 to 16
$ 26.00
Adult - size 16 to 26
$ 30.00
Polo Shirt – Long Sleeve (Royal Blue with White Collar)
Child - size 6 to 16
$ 28.00
Adult - size 16 to 26
$ 33.00
Crew Neck Windcheater (Royal Blue - Round Neck)
Child - size 6 to 16
$ 27.00
Adult - size 12 to 26
$ 36.00
Rugby Top (Striped with Piping & White Collar)
Child - size 6 to 16
$ 50.00
Adult - size 16 to 26
$ 57.00
Polar Fleece Vest (Navy Blue)
Child – size 6 to 16
$ 38.00
Adult – size 14 to 20
$ 38.00
Track Pants (Navy Blue with Pockets & Double Knee)
Child – size 6 to 16
$ 22.00
$ 28.00
Track Pants (Navy Blue - Boot Leg)
Child – size 6 to 16
$ 27.00
Adults – size 14 to 26
$ 34.00
Shorts (Navy Blue - Twill)
Child - size 6 to 16
$ 26.00
Adults - size 14 to 26
$ 26.00
Shorts (Navy Blue - Rugby Knit Unisex)
Size 6 to 26
$ 21.00
Hats - (Navy Blue Wide Brimmed + Logo) Compulsory - Sunsmart Policy
Size: Small - Medium - Large
$ 11.00
Reader Bag - (Compulsory for Preps)
$ 10.00
School Bag - Back Pack
$ 43.00
Make cheques payable to: "Chilwell Primary School"
1. Navy Cords and Girls blue & white check dresses can be purchased from retail
2. Parents are encouraged to donate second hand uniforms to the Uniform Shop.
3. A kilt order is issued early in Term 1 - samples will be at the office.
Pupil-Free Day Child-Care Program – Report Writing Day
THURSDAY 28TH MAY - 9am. – 3.30pm.
At Chilwell Out of School Hours Child Care Venue
NOTE: Normal Before School Care – 7.30-8.45 am.
After School Care 3.30-6.00 pm. will operate –
NORMAL RATES & Child Care Benefits APPLY to these sessions
CCB does not apply to the day session
Activities include :
Cost - $35.00 per child – 9am. to 3.30pm. care.
Please ensure you return the booking form below by Friday 15th May.
Payment for the Report Writing Day must be paid prior to accessing the program.
If you have not used the Out of School Hours Care Program before, you must
complete an OOSHC enrolment form. Please see Chloe for further information.
Phone 0417 014 973. Please return this slip along with payment. Thank you.
Parent’s Signature ........................................................ Amount paid $____________________
Child’s Name
Person picking up child
Special dietary requests. __________________________________________________________
Payment by Credit Card (for amounts $10 & over)
 Visa  Mastercard
$ …………….
3 digit Security Code:
Card Number:
Cardholder’s Name:………………………………………………… Expiry Date :
Cardholder’s Signature:…………………………………………………………………….
Reason for Payment ………………………………………………………………………..