Maria Chiricotto Curriculum Vitae Institut für Angewandte Mathematik Universität Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 294 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Office: INF 294, room 221 T +49 (0) 6221 54 5780 Í Personal information first name last name place of birth date of birth nationality address homepage Maria Chiricotto Viterbo (Italy) 08 June 1984 Italian Mönchhofstraße 38, Heidelberg, 69120, Germany Academic positions Current April 2015 – April 2016 Postdoc at the MAThematics Center Heidelberg (MATCH) - Institut für Angewandte Mathematik - Universität Heidelberg (Germany). Subject: Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer Past April 2014 – April 2015 Postdoc at the Institute für Analysis - TU Dresden (Germany). Subject: PDE and calculus of Variations. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Hornung Sept. 2012 – Sept. Postdoc at Department of SBAI - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). 2013 Subject: Free boundary problems in spreading droplets. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Giacomelli Sept. 2008 – Sept. Ph.D. Fellowship in Applied Mathematics at Department of SBAI - Sapienza 2012 University of Rome, Italy. Thesis: Multiscale model problems in strain-gradient plasticity and lubrication theory. Advisor: Prof. Lorenzo Giacomelli Sept. 2006 – Sept Master of Science in Pure Mathematics 110 out 110 cum laude, Sapienza Uni2008 versity of Rome, Italy. Thesis: Shallow water waves and Camassa-Holm equations. Advisor: Prof. Piero D’Ancona Assessment: 110 out 110 cum laude Sept. 2003 – Sept. Bachelor Degree in Pure Mathematics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. 2006 Thesis: Semigroups of linear operators and Abstract Cauchy problem. Advisor: Prof. Paola Gioia Vernole. Assessment: 110 out 110 cum laude 2003 Liceo Scientifico P. Ruffini, Viterbo. Assessment: 100/100. 1/7 Membership 2009–2014 Member of INdAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica. Group: G.N.A.M.P.A. - Gruppo Nazionale per l’Analisi, la Probabilitá e le loro Applicazioni Section: Differential Equations and Dynamic Systems 2011–2014 Member of U.M.I. - Unione matematica italiana 2011–2014 Member of S.I.M.A.I. - Societá Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale 2013–2015 Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (A.M.S.) Research Interests and Objectives Keywords Partial Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations, Applied Mathematics, Multiscale PDEs, Degenerate Evolution Problems, Free Boundary Problems, Strain-gradient Plasticity. Research interests My research interests are mainly devoted to the study of partial differential equations (PDEs), mostly of degenerate/singular character (thin-film equations, gradient plasticity theories, diffusive surface motion laws, flows at the nanoscale), calculus of variations and applied mathematics. My focus is on both their well-posedness (existence, uniqueness, regularity, nonuniqueness phenomena), the qualitative properties of their solutions (asymptotic, scaling laws, singular limits, evolution of interfaces and singularities) and interaction and feed-back with physics and modeling. In all cases, I pay special attention to the links with the physical or engineering phenomena modeled by each particular PDE and I use numerical simulation for quantitative comparison of the analysis to experiments. My research proposal brings together researchers with different backgrounds – materials science, continuum mechanics, mathematical physics, and mathematical analysis– and promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) which describes phenomena occurring at different scales (in both space and time). The task is twofold: on one hand, to make substantial contributions to the solution of concrete problems, mostly suggested by applications; on the other hand, motivated by these concrete problems, to develop new methods and more general theories for describing scale effects in nonlinear PDEs. Publications 1 Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L. Droplets spreading with contact-line friction: lubrication approximation and traveling wave solutions. Communications In Applied And Industrial Mathematics, vol. 2 (2011), ISSN: 2038- 0909, doi: 10.1685/journal.caim.388, http: // . 2 Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L., Tomassetti G. Torsion in strain-gradient plasticity: energetic scale effects, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 72 (2012), 1169–1191 [DOI: 10.1137/120863034]. 3 Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L. Scaling laws for droplets spreading under contactline friction. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 11 (2013), 361– 383. vols/0011/0002/00024241/index.html. . 4 Amar M., Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L., Riey G. Mass-constrained minimization of a one-homogenous functional with linear growth arising in strain-gradient plasticity, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 397 (2013), 381–401 [DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.07.054]. http: // 2/7 Books 1 Chiricotto, Cigliola, Bonis, De Cicco, Marconi SOS Matematica Ed. LaDotta 2013 Dissertation 1 Chiricotto M., Multiscale model problems in strain-gradient plasticity and lubrication theory. (PhD Thesis) 2 Chiricotto M. Shallow water waves and Camassa-Holm equations. (Master Thesis) 3 Chiricotto M. Semigroups of linear operators and Abstract Cauchy problem. (Bachelor Thesis) In preparation 1 Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L., Droplet spreading under contact-line friction: Existence of weak solutions. In preparation. 2 Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L., Tomassetti G. Dissipative scale effects in strain-gradient plasticity: the case of simple shear. Submitted. 3 Bui Le Thong T., Chiricotto M., Giacomelli L., Tesei A., Well-posedness, regularity, qualitative properties of solution to forward-backwad parabolic equations. In preparation. 4 Chiricotto M. Droplet spreading in lubrication approximation: Generalization of free boundary conditions. In preparation. 5 Chiricotto M., Hornung P. The Elastica Problem. A parabolic approach. In preparation. Workshops and Schools 1-5 June 2009 Fifth Summer School in Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 18-19 June 2009 The first Bicocca Junior Workshop On Nonlinear PDEs and Variational Methods, Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Universitá di Milano Bicocca. 24-26 June 2009 Perspective in PDEs in honour of Umberto Mosco, Dipartimento Metodi e Modelli Matematici per le Scienze Applicate della Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 6-11 Sept 2010 Topics in Mathematical Fluid-Mechanics, CIME-EMS Summer School in applied mathematics, Cetraro (CS). 12-14 July 2010 Evolution Equations and Materials with Memory, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 1-14 August 2010 Partial Differential Equations, Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria, Cortona. 10-12 June 2010 Meetings on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 17-21 May 2010 INdAM Workshop on Vector-valued mappings and systems of PDEs, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 30 Nov-3 Dec 2010 INdAM Workshop on Non-convex Evolution Problem, INDAM workshop, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 6-8 April 2011 School Three days in PDEs, Dip. Di Matematica, Universitá di Tor Vergata, Roma. April 2011 Workshop SIMAI Junior 2011 INDAM-SIMAI, CNR Roma. 3/7 21-25 May 2012 7th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, University of Zurich, Gaeta. 11-15 June 2012 12 International conference on Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications, Chiemesee, Germany. 25-28 June 2012 XI Congresso Nazionale - SIMAI 2012, Politecnico di Torino. 28-29 January 2013 A.MA.CA. - Analisi MAtematica al CAstelnuovo, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. March 2013 Workshop SIMAI-Junior 2013 INDAM-SIMAI, CNR Roma. 13-14 May 2013 Topics on Fluids Mechanics, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 27-29 May 2013 Mathematical models and methods for the planet earth, INDAM - Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 17-21 June 2013 Seventh Summer School in Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Universitá La Sapienza, Roma. 24-26 June 2013 ERC workshop in Variational Views in Mechanics and Materials, Universitá degli Studi di Pavia Dipartimento di Matematica 1-5 July 2013 Congress Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. On the occasion of J. Mazón’s 60th birthday. Universitat de Valencia, Spain 30 Sept - 4 Oct 2013 Workshop on Evolution Problems for Material Defects: Dislocations, Plasticity, and Fracture. SISSA, Trieste, Italy 21- 23 Nov 2013 New Trends in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, Univ. Federico II, Naples, Italy 25 Nov 2013 Haim Brezis - Henri Poincaré, a founding father of the modern theory of PDEs , Dipartimento di Matematica G. Castelnuovo, Sapienza University of Rome. 26 Nov 2013 Nonlinear problems with singular data, Lincei, Rome, Italy. 10-14 Feb 2014 Winter school in Calculus of Variations in Physics and Materials science, Wuerzburg, Germany 9-23 March 2014 Visiting position at the CRM (Centre de Recerca Matematica), Bellaterra (Barcellona), Spain 26-30 May 2014 8th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, University of Zurich, Gaeta. 2-7 June 2014 Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory, Summer School, Cetraro (CS). 22-24 Sept 2014 Variational Modeling in Solid Mechanics, Workshop, Udine (Italy). 25-29 March 2015 Conference on Partial Differential Equations. Munich (Germany) Communications in Conferences August 2010 Summer school in PDE, Cortona, “Fixed-Point Theorem and application to Elliptic PDEs. April 2011 Workshop “SIMAI Junior 2011 INDAM-SIMAI”, CNR Roma, Italy, Speed-dependent contact angles for thin-film equations. May 2012 “7th European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems”, Gaeta, Italy, Torsion in strain-gradient plasticity: energetic scale effects. 4/7 June 2012 “12 International conference on Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications”, Chiemesee, Germany Scaling laws for droplet spreading under contact line friction. June 2012 “SIMAI 2012”, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Droplet spreading under contact line friction. March 2013 Workshop “SIMAI Junior 2013 INDAM-SIMAI”, CNR Roma, Italy, Scaling laws for droplets spreading under contact line friction. 20 March 2014 Seminar at the CRM, Bellaterra (Barcellona), Spain Scaling laws for droplets spreading under contact line friction. 15 May 2014 Seminar for cycle Analysis and Stochastics Seminars - TU Dresden (Dresden), Germany Scaling laws for droplets spreading under contact line friction. 19 June 2014 Seminar at the Institute für analysis - TU Dresden (Dresden), Germany Multiscale model problems in strain gradient plasticity and in lubrication theory. 4 December 2014 Seminar at the MAThematics Center Heidelberg (MATCH) Uni. Heidelberg (Germany), Scaling laws for droplets spreading under contact line friction. 25 March 2015 Conference on Partial Differential Equations. Munich (Germany) Awards, scholarships and grants 1 Winner of a Grant fot accomodation at CIME-EMS Summer School in Applied Mathematics course on Vector-valued Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Cetraro, Italy July 8 - 12, 2013. 2 Winner of a Grant for travel to PIRE-SISSA workshop - Evolution Problems for Material Defects: Dislocations, Plasticity, and Fracture, Trieste, Italy 30 Sept - 4 Oct 2013 4 Winner of a PhD grant at the Department of Mathematical Methods and Models in applied science- University of Rome Sapienza - a.a. 2008/2009, ranked first 4 Winner of a scholarship as collaborator at the Library in the Department of Mathematics - University of Rome Sapienza - a.a. 2007/2008 5 Winner of a scholarship as collaborator at the Library in the Department of Mathematics - University of Rome Sapienza - a.a. 2006/2007 Visiting Positions February 2014 Visiting student in Wurzburg for Winter school in “Calculus of Variations in Physics and Materials science” March 2014 Visiting student at the CRM - Centre de Recerca Matemática - Supervisor Professor T. Myers Teaching Experiences 2014 – 2015 - Teaching assistant for Partial Differential Equations lecture (Master’s course) TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Mathematik. - Teaching assistant, TUDMATH WS14/15 Modul PHY Ma-II: Mathematik II/1 Physik TU Dresden, Fachrichtung Mathematik. 5/7 2013 – 2014 - Professor Mathematical - Pre-course for Engineers. - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 1 LUISS - Guido Carli of Rome, Dept. of Economy and Finance. - Professor Mathematical Analysis 1 , (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of ClinicBiomedic Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. - Professor Mathematical Analysis 1 , (Undergraduate’s course) Dept. of Enviromental Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. 2012 – 2013 - Professor Mathematical - Pre-course for Engineers. - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 1 LUISS - Guido Carli of Rome, Dept. of Economy and Finance. - Professor Mathematical Analysis 2 , (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of ClinicBiomedic Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. 2010 – 2011 - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 1 (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome 2009 – 2010 - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 1 , (Undergraduate’s course), Department of Electronic Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. - Professor Mathematical Analysis 1 , (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. 2008 – 2009 - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 1 , (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 2 , (Undergraduate’s course) Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. - Teaching assistant, Mathematical Analysis 2 , (Undergraduate’s course), Dept. of Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. Other activities 2014-2015 Participation to Dresdner Mathemathisces Seminar and to Oberseminar Analysis - WS 2014/2015 at the TU - Dresden 2013-2014 Organization of Interdisciplinary Mathematics - Material sciences seminars, Dept. SBAI Sapienza University of Rome. 2009-present Participation to Analysis Seminars at Mathematical Department G. Castelnuovo, Sapienza University of Rome. 2009-present Participation to PDEs Seminars at SBAI Department, Sapienza University of Rome. 2011-present Participation to MoMa Seminars at Mathematical Department G. Castelnuovo, Sapienza University of Rome. Languages Italian English French German mother tongue fluent (First Certificate) good (A2 Certificate) basic (A1 Certificate) . 6/7 Computer skills Programming C,C++, Fortran,Matlab, Mathematica, Maple Operating Systems Mac OSX, Linux, Windows 2000, XP Productivity LATEX, LATEXAdvanced (BibTEX, Beamer), Word Processing (Microsoft Word), PresentaApplications tion (Microsoft PowerPoint), Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) Further interests Photography (Digital and analogic), Swimming, Cinema (expecially French Nouvelle Vague and Italian neorealism movies), Reading , Music (expecially Indie), Book collecting, Travels Last updated: April 10, 2015 Curriculum Vitae of Maria Chiricotto 7/7
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