The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International For Key Women Educators Volume 68, Number 1 Winter , 2015 CHI STATE LEADERS ENCOURAGE MEMBERS TO ATTEND CHI STATE CONVENTION IN SAN FRANCISCO MAY 1-3, 2015 Convention Keynote Speakers Tackle DKG Membership Challenge Great minds think alike, especially when they belong to Chi State women! Add a little challenge into the equation and our members will find solutions! Here’s the challenge: our California State Organization, not unlike other DKG State Organizations, must attract new members as well as retain our current ones. It is essential that each and every one of us works together to tackle the challenge. To that end, our two keynote speakers, Sarah Sladek and Jones Loflin, will present important information about membership in today’s world and other ideas about not only sustaining our membership, but also about increasing it. Both speakers presented at the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana last summer. They will help us dig deeper during our Convention. Jones will speak to us on Friday night, May 1, and then lead us in group work to find workable solutions for our membership challenges. On Saturday, May 2, both Sarah and Jones will present two-hour workshops followed by Sarah’s keynote presentation during the luncheon. Sarah Sladek was leading the charge for organizations and companies to adapt to younger generations long before anyone else. Concerned about declining engagement in our nation’s membership associations, non-profits, and work places, she founded one of the nation’s first generation-focused companies in 2002. In fact, her company, XYZ University, remains one of the only companies in North America dedicated to helping organizations sustain by staying relevant to, and engaging the participation of, Generations X, Y, and Z. The End of Membership As We Know It: Building the Fortune-Flipping, Must-Have Association of the Next Century (2011) advises associations how to stay relevant and grow membership amidst rapidly-changing technology, demographic, and economic shifts. Her latest book, Knowing Y: Engage the Next Generation Now (2014), provides advice on how to engage Generation Y. It delves into the economic shifts that have impacted their value systems and differentiated their communication, buying, and engagement behaviors. Sarah’s expertise has been prominently featured in international media, including Forbes, Fast Company, and National Public Radio, and she has keynoted events worldwide. Backed by years of experience and supported by solid research, she remains committed to helping organizations engage every generation to thrive and prosper in the new economy. (continued – Page 3) ATTENTION, READERS: Check the yellow insert of this issue for information about Chi State Convention Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Leading Women Educators Impacting Education Worldwide PAGE 2 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 SET YOUR GPS TO EXCELLENCE By Judy Kearns, Chi State President, 2013-2015 In her book, The End of Membership As We Know It, author Sarah Sladek says, “…associations need to be able to prove beyond a doubt that membership provides a return on investment to their members.” People today seem to be busier than ever. Instantaneous communication partially contributes to this. We rarely wait patiently for a letter to arrive via the U.S. mail. Rather, we send someone an email or a text message and expect a quick reply. Time is viewed as an invaluable commodity. People don’t want it wasted. If they chose to invest their time in an organization or an activity, they expect the value of the benefit they receive will outweigh the time they give. The implication of this for Chapters is that we must offer our members, and potential members, meetings and events that help them learn personally and professionally, give back to their communities, and make a difference in their lives. These are perceived as valuable uses of their time and energies. The biggest challenge we face as Chapter leaders and members is to take time to face and accept change in how we do things. Does your Chapter use its committees productively? Or are they committees in name only? Does your Chapter use its newsletter or email to share information? Or do you have long, tedious business meetings to do this? Are your meetings innovative and do they provide opportunities for the members to learn and grow? Or are the meetings the same year after year because that’s the way it has always been done? Evaluate how you are doing things in your Chapter. If all of your members feel their time is well-spent, you are on the road to success! But if some of your members believe their time is not valued, it is time to assess and change so everyone’s perception is the time they give to DKG is a valuable part of their professional and personal lives. Chi State News (SPC1069-5023) Volume 68, Number 1 – Winter, 2015 Chi State News (SPC 1069-5023) Volume 67, Number – Fall, 2014 Send articles to: Bette4Caldwell, Editor th Send articles Bette84Caldwell, Editor 6527toWest th Street Street 6527 West 84 Los Angeles, CA. 90045 Los Angeles, CA. 90045 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Chi State News is published quarterly Chi State News is published (winter, spring, summer,quarterly fall) by By Chi State, the California organization Chi State, the California organization of TheKappa Delta Kappa The Of Delta GammaGamma SocietySociety International Annual duesInternational include $3.00 subscription Annual $3.00 subscription Chi dues Stateinclude website: Chi State website: POSTMASTER: Please send address changes POSTMASTER: Pleaseto: send address changes to: Chi State Education Center Chi 808 State Education Center University Avenue 808 University Sacramento, CA.Avenue 95825-6723 Sacramento, CA. 05825-67 The 5 W’s of Honor Chapter Recognition WHO: WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHY: Chapter Presidents/ Executive Boards Complete the Honor Chapter Form Prior to March 1, 2015 (Form is due to the Area Director by March1) Form is available on the Chi State Website and in the Presidents’ Packet To receive recognition for your Chapter in the Convention Program To receive a well-deserved certificate of acknowledgement for your efforts as a Chapter To complete a form that can be used as a good “tool” for planning/ evaluating Chapter programs and events. You do the work… share the good news!! --Marilyn Reid, Zeta Beta, Awards and Recognitions Committee WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 3 CONVENTION KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (continued from Page 1) Jones Loflin has made it his life’s work to deliver powerful ideas and practical solutions to individuals around the world so that they can achieve more of what is most important to them. His books are described as illuminating and his presentations are unforgettable. In his 20 years as a speaker and trainer, Jones’ “3 P Approach” of powerful ideas connected to practical solutions delivered with a personal approach has attracted the attention of organizations around the world. His client list includes Federal Express, Wal-Mart, Choice Hotels, Volkswagen, Bridgestone, Saudi Aramco, and State Farm as well as the United States Navy and Air Force. Looking for ways to expand the reach of his message, Jones chose to become an author. Juggling Elephants is a witty and profound parable about one man’s search for solutions for the struggle of too much to do. He is also the author of Getting the Blue Ribbon, a unique story offering simple strategies to get better results in your work and life. His newest book, Getting to It, is receiving rave reviews as a field guide to accomplishing what is most important. Prior to becoming an internationally-recognized speaker, Jones was an educator. His past work includes serving as the trainer of trainers for the best-selling book, Who Moved My Cheese? --Julie Drysdale, Eta Chi State First Vice-President OUR HISTORY ~ OUR HERITAGE “In Our Own Words” In 2012, the Education Center Management Committee began compiling speeches given by Chi State Leaders so we might appreciate and learn from their words. This project, “In Our Own Words,” will soon be available to members. Currently, quotes from some of the speeches for your use may be found at The Committee members believe this project is a valuable resource for our members’ use as inspiration in preparing speeches or informing others about The Society. These spoken words can become the stepping stones for members to gain an understanding and appreciation of the History and Women of DKG. As we grow professionally and personally, let us remember these words of three Past State Presidents: • “We have many of the most effective women leaders in our profession – women who are not just weather vanes, showing which way the wind is blowing, but mountains, determining which way it will blow – women who help determine the direction in which education will move.” --Alida (Nippy) Parker (1963) • “The nurturing environment of our association encourages all members to grow and to reach the highest level of professional and personal accomplishments that their many unique talents allow. Our programs guide and support all members committed to fulfilling their potential for greatness, for creativity, for leadership, for service.” --Mary Buckley (1988) • “At The Society’s outset, on May 11, 1929, our twelve founders took the pledge to improve themselves, to advance the best interests of the profession, and to elevate the status of women educators.” --Mary Marchi (2003) The preservation of the spoken words of our leaders provides us with a greater understanding that, indeed, Our History IS Our Heritage. --Mary Lou Willett, Iota Gamma, Chi State Archivist PAGE 4 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE AWARDS ABOUND -- APPLY! Area Service Award Recognition To qualify for Area Service Awards, members must have served in a leadership role at the Area level in two or more capacities. The areas of recognition include Outstanding Service to the Area, Career/Professional, or Public Service. These members will be recognized in the Chi State Convention Program Book. The form for selection, due March 1, 2015, can be downloaded from the Chi State website and is to be completed by the Area Director. The Area may choose members from one or all of the categories to recognize. Send the forms to Jill Swaim, Awards and Recognitions Committee. Her address is on the form. --Jill Swaim, Beta Delta Awards and Recognitions Committee Community Service/ Youth at Risk Project Awards Community Service/ Youth at Risk Projects are ways that Delta Kappa Gamma Chapters can meaningfully reach out to their communities to alleviate some of the hardships facing youth and their families today. The projects should emphasize the importance of literacy and the many forms it can take. A Chapter may apply for the Award Certificate every year for the same project. If your Chapter fills and donates Jared Boxes every year, inform the Awards and Recognitions Committee, Every Chapter does some type of community service projects, but not every Chapter completes an application. The form is available from the Chi State website and includes instructions on submission. It would be wonderful to recognize 100% of the Chapters participating in this important endeavor. Turn in the completed forms by March 1, 2015 to Karen Harmon (either electronically or by U.S. mail). Certificates will be available for pick up at the Chi State Convention. --Karen Harmon, Eta Awards and Recognitions Committee Thinking of Furthering Your Education? Are you considering attending a professional development workshop or enrolling in a class or pursuing graduate study? If so, Chi State can assist you by offering scholarships and awards to members that will help you to meet these goals. Consider applying for one of the following: • Chi State Scholarships – Doctorate ($4,000) or Master’s Degree ($2,000) • Chi State Awards § Leadership Retreat – at least the cost of registration § Legislative Study Session – at least the cost of registration § Continuing Education – at least $300 for workshops, seminars, conferences, professional training opportunities, etc. § Outstanding Student Teacher -$150 In addition, International Scholarships are available for members in good standing for at least three years. These scholarships offer $6,000 for a Master’s Degree and $10,000 for a Doctorate Degree. Information and application forms can be found on the Chi State website or email [email protected] for information. The Chi State Scholarship Committee has money to give away; be sure to submit your application. Your Chi State Scholarship Committee liaisons are listed below: § Sue Hughes – Areas I, II, III, IV, V – email: [email protected] § Margaret Crabtree – Areas VI, VII, VIII, XVII – email: [email protected] § Jeanne Gahagan – Areas X, XV, XVI, XVIII – email: [email protected] § Pat Fountain – Areas IX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV –email: [email protected] --Sue Hughes, Alpha Kappa Chi State Scholarship Committee WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 5 CHI STATE CONVENTION MAY 1 – 3, 2015 Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Francisco Airport President’s Invitation to Chi State Convention 2015 “Communicate, Collaborate, Celebrate” The Chi State Executive Committee has been busy planning the 2015 Chi State Convention. Suggestions from past Conventions were used to create an innovative schedule that provides opportunities for participants to grow personally and professionally. Take time to read all the information in this yellow “Convention” section. You are sure to get as excited as we are about this year’s Convention! • Communicate There will be plentiful opportunities for you to communicate with members throughout California. New ideas will be communicated to you through the outstanding speakers and presenters. Special pre-convention workshops are planned. One is designed to help you to better communicate and hone your leadership abilities. Another will address current issues in our profession, especially Common Core. • Collaborate You will be given the opportunity to collaborate with others in a novel approach to finding solutions to the ever-present concern of membership. Our Friday evening featured speaker, Jones Loflin, will engage all of us in a meaningful and productive discussion on how to approach this challenge. • Celebrate Just being together in the sisterhood of Delta Kappa Gamma is cause for celebration! But we will also celebrate scholarship awardees, Distinguished Service Award recipients, Road Scholar and Penne Ferrell Grants, Outstanding Chapter Members, First Timers, Golden Members, Honor Chapters, installation of new Chi State officers, and so much more! Start planning NOW to take advantage of all a Chi State Convention has to offer. Bring a friend and invite a non-member so that she can experience DKG in action. See you in San Francisco! Sincerely, Judy Kearns, Chi State President 2013-2015 AN INVITATION TO ALL CHAPTER PRESIDENTS Plan to join the Area Directors Friday afternoon, May 1, from 4:00 – 5:00 to share your Chapter’s ideas and the year’s achievements, as well as to discuss concerns you may have. Any of your Chapter officers and/or members are also welcome to participate. --Janis Barr, Zeta Iota Chi State Second Vice-President/ Area Director Coordinator GOT BOOKS? BRING books… BUY books!! The Buck-a-Book sale will be held again at the Chi State Convention. Bring books that you have enjoyed to be bought and read by others… Purchase new books for you to read and enjoy. All proceeds go to the General Fund to help balance the state budget. --Carol Carlson, Gamma Upsilon Chi State Finance Committee Chairman PAGE 6 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE CONVENTION Q & A Whether you are a seasoned Convention attendee or a first-timer, you might have some questions about the Convention. Here are some of the most often asked Convention questions and their answers: • Why should I attend the meals at Convention? The meals provide an opportunity to meet members from around the state and network with them. It is also the time when you can hear from outstanding speakers for your personal and professional growth. Scholarships, awards, and other recognitions are presented during the meal times when all Convention attendees are there to acknowledge the recipients. • Why can’t I sit with my friends? Sitting with other members offers you the opportunity to meet new people, network, learn new ideas for yourself and your Chapter, and begin to understand the broader picture of Delta Kappa Gamma. When you reach out and meet new people, you are rejuvenated both personally and professionally. • Why are the meals so expensive? The cost of meals is something over which your Chi State leaders have very little control. Meal costs are set by the hotel and an additional 35% is added for tax and gratuity. The Executive Committee works with the hotel to obtain the best possible price but banquet meals are expensive. Think of the cost as including not only the food, but entertainment and an enriching experience as well. • Can I earn professional credit for attending the Convention? Yes, you can! Professional credit will be available through Simpson University. Details will be available in the Chi State News and at the Convention. • Can non-members attend the Convention? They most certainly can and we urge members to invite non-members to see DKG in action! Use the special non-member registration form available on the Chi State website to register them. • Why can’t I use a credit card to pay for registration? That is an excellent question and one that we are working on. At this time, we are not set up to take credit cards but the use of PayPal is being investigated. It will not be available for this Convention but hopefully, by the next Convention, it will be. • Last year, I didn’t have time to shop. How is that being addressed? The Convention schedule has been totally changed for this year’s Convention. The Schedule at a Glance can be found in this issue of Chi State News (Page 16). It has been revised to allow for more flexibility in your time at Convention while also providing maximum personal and professional growth opportunities. WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 7 WORKSHOPS TO HIGHLIGHT CONVENTION PROGRAM Make the most of your Convention week-end! Come to Burlingame a little early and take in the fabulous Leadership Development Pre-Convention Workshop. Corlea Plowman, recentlyretired Executive Director of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, will lead our workshop entitled “Say ‘Yes!’ to the Quest (for Excellence).” This two-hour workshop not only builds upon previous leadership programs, but will also benefit those of you who are new to what the Chi State Leadership Development Committee has to offer, both personally and professionally. Learn how to better COMMUNICATE your ideas, how to COLLABORATE within your Chapter or group, and then how to CELEBRATE the success that follows. Those of you who have participated in our January retreats or the Leadership Planning Sessions at Asilomar can build on what you have learned. Sisters who haven’t had the opportunity to work with the Leadership Development team are in for a treat! Plan on joining us for an early-bird session on Friday, May 1 from 3:30 to 5:30. We promise to deliver a program that will inspire you and set the stage for a great Convention opening night. Pre-registration is required and the $10.00 fee must be sent separately from your Convention registration. Participants will receive a packet of helpful information and ideas to take back to their Chapters. The registration form is available on the Chi State website. --Susan Grant, Omicron, Chi State Leadership Development Committee EMBRACE PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL GROWTH AT CONVENTION Join your fellow Chi State members and guests to embark on a journey of professional and personal growth at the Chi State Convention. This year’s Convention offers a variety of experiences to enhance your learning. On Saturday, May 2, you may choose to attend one twohour workshop or two one-hour interest sessions. Brand New Two-Hour Workshops: Four two-hour sessions will be presented this year, including keynote speakers, Sarah Sladek and Jones Loflin, who will each present one of these longer sessions. Interest Sessions: In addition to the two-hour workshops, various Interest Sessions are planned for Saturday morning, concurrent with the two-hour sessions. Topics include: 10 Things Your Students with Autism Wish You Knew Attitude, Persistence and Practice: Why Teachers Continue Teaching • Bring Your Chapter to Super Hero Status • Kid Scoop: Creating a Classroom Newsletter • Making Special Cards in Your Classroom • Promoting the Common Core Standards • Road Scholar: Adventures in Lifelong Learning • The History of Spices • The Many Faces of Cinderella: Stories from Many Cultures Non-member educators are encouraged to attend. Professional development certificates and/or college credit are available to participants attending the Convention. --Daphne Cagle, Alpha Eta, Chi State Corresponding Secretary • • PAGE 8 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 EARLY DUES INCENTIVE Many Chapter Treasurers worked hard to collect dues, complete all forms, and then submit dues and fees accurately by the October 15 early dues deadline. There are 60 Chapters that met this challenge! Each of these Chapters will receive one $20 discount certificate to be used by one member of the Chapter toward the registration fee for the 2015 Chi State Convention. The certificate must be submitted with the Convention registration form. The winning Chapters include: • • • • Area I Area II Area III Area IV § § Area V Area VI § § § Area VII Area VIII Area IX § § § § § § § § § Area X Area XI Area XII Area XIII Area XIV Area XV Area XVI Area XVII Area XVIII Gamma Tau, Epsilon Beta, Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Pi, Zeta Iota Alpha Nu, Beta Alpha Delta Gamma, Zeta Beta, Zeta Phi Alpha Kappa, Gamma Psi, Gamma Omega, Delta Rho, Zeta Alpha, Zeta Theta, Zeta Psi Gamma Alpha, Zeta Chi, Theta Pi Alpha Eta, Beta Pi, Beta Psi, Delta Xi, Epsilon Chi, Zeta Kappa, Theta Iota, Iota Gamma Beta Zeta, Epsilon Xi, Eta Zeta Epsilon Phi, Zeta Nu Xi, Delta Omega, Epsilon Epsilon, Epsilon Kappa, Eta Rho, Theta Omega, Iota Alpha Beta Delta, Zeta Pi Lambda, Omega Beta Iota, Beta Omicron, Gamma Zeta, Delta Psi, Theta Upsilon Iota Omicron Beta, Rho, Beta Phi, Delta Sigma, Delta Tau Alpha Sigma, Zeta Omicron, Eta Sigma Gamma Chi, Eta Iota, Eta Tau Tau, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Zeta, Beta Tau, Epsilon Nu Gamma Theta, Delta Mu, Theta Epsilon EARLY CAREER EDUCATORS COMMITTEE OFFERS PRE-CONVENTION WORKSHOP: COMMON CORE STANDARDS The Early Career Educators Committee (ECE) is once again excited to offer a two-hour PreConvention Workshop on the Common Core Standards (CCSS). Everyone, member and nonmember, is invited to participate in this workshop to dig deeper into the CCSS implementation by learning specific strategies that support students in accessing complex text and on incorporating the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Numerous free and low-cost resources as well as professional development opportunities will be shared. As part of the $25.00 Pre-Convention Workshop registration fee, non-members will receive a pass to attend the remainder of the Convention. However, non-members who wish to attend the meals must pay for them. Simpson University provides CEU credits for the Chi State Convention. Attendees on Friday only can earn .5 CEU credits for a fee of $27.50. Those who attend 15 hours of the Convention can earn 1 CEU credit for a fee of $55.00. Applicants seeking .5 CEU credits must attend the full day Friday, which includes the Pre-Convention session, the Arts and Crafts Gallery event, the opening session with the keynote speaker, and keep a log of sessions attended. The credit also requires a short reflection on how the information would be incorporated into the person’s teaching. CEU applications will be available at the Convention. The registration form for this Pre-Convention Workshop is included in the Call to Convention materials sent to all Chapter Presidents and on the Chi State website. Be sure to share information about this exciting workshop with all educators and encourage them to take advantage of this great opportunity. Check the ECE Committee’s page on the Chi State website for CCSS and more instructional resources. --Marine Avagyan, Epsilon Epsilon, Early Career Educators Committee WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 9 CHI STATE CONVENTION TO FEATURE ARTS/ CRAFTS SHOW SHOP FOR CHI STATE INFORMATION Visit the Members’ Mall What is the role of the various Chi State Committees? How can these Committees help your Chapter? Find the answers to these questions and any other questions you may have at the 2015 Members’ Mall at the Chi State Convention. The Mall will be open for business in the Grand Peninsula Foyer Saturday morning, May 2, from 10:30 – 11:20. The Mall will feature 12 “stores,” staffed by knowledgeable and friendly Chi State Leadership Team members. “Shoppers” who visit all of the “stores” will have their names entered in a special drawing to win valuable prizes. See you there! --Daphne Cagle, Alpha Eta Chi State Corresponding Secretary Last year, something new and exciting took place at the Chi State Convention in Santa Clara – an Arts and Crafts Show featuring 27 talented member artists. The artwork displayed included paintings, drawings, photography, pottery, quilts, needlepoint, and stained glass. The gallery show was such a success that we have decided to make it an annual tradition at Chi State Conventions. The show will take place Friday evening, May 1, and Saturday, May 2. Application forms for participation will be available online at the Chi State website. In addition, we are seeking talented performance artists to entertain the DKG members on Friday evening from 5:00 to 6:30. Performers can be solo artists, duos or groups. Sign-up applications will also be located online at the Chi State website. For more information, contact Eileen Motzkin, Visual and Performing Arts Committee via email at [email protected]. --Eileen Motzkin, Epsilon Kappa Visual and Performing Arts Committee YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Due to your efforts, the 2014 Convention Non-Dues Revenue for Ads and Vendors was nearly $10,000! Celebrating our members and shopping are fun ways to generate needed funds. Additional safeguards are in place to insure that every AD submitted is carefully monitored. Watch for potential vendors (maybe you!) and also look for ladies who deserve a thank you or congratulations. Olithia O’Toole in the North and Pat Twyman in the South are looking forward to your ideas/ suggestions and to assist you as needed. ADVERTISEMENTS Be sure to honor those extra special ladies in your Areas and Chapters! Full Page (8x6) $100 Half Page (4x6)-$50 Quarter Page (2x6)-$25 (business card size) VENDORS Are you aware of someone with a super product that all of us must have? If so, read on! Vendors (non-members) Affiliate Vendors (members) Exhibitors (display only) 1 6 foot table $200 $125 $100 Each additional $200 $125 $100 table 1 3 foot table $100 $65 $50 Applications for advertisements, exhibitors and vendors are on the Chi State website. --Pat Twyman, Beta Gamma, Ad/Vendor Procurement Committee PAGE 10 CHI STATE NEWS EARN COLLEGE CREDIT AT CONVENTION! Earn .5 or 1.0 credits from Simpson University. See Pre-Convention Workshop article in this issue of Chi State News for details. WINTER, 2015 COME SING WITH US! Become a part of the Chi State Convention Choir at the Convention in San Francisco. Linda Norman, Choir Director, has wonderful and great fun planned! Application forms are available in the Call to Convention Packet and on the Chi State website. ATTEND CONVENTION ~ YOU MAY BE A WINNER! All Chi State members who attend the Convention (except those on the Chi State Leadership Team) will be entered in a drawing for a $100 certificate! By attending the Convention, you are sure to win valuable information, find new friends, and enjoy a wonderful Convention experience! The $100 certificate will allow the winner to attend the 2016 Chi State Convention at a $100 discount. Two awards will be given. Winners must be present to receive the certificate. --Carol Carlson, Gamma Upsilon, Chi State Finance Committee LIFE FOUNDATION NEWS The LIFE Foundation is excited to announce that they have received four applications for the LIFE Board of Directors. The nominees include Adele Bloom, Beta Phi Chapter; Donna Fleischer, Epsilon Chi Chapter; Lisa Jipson, Eta Zeta Chapter; and Ellen Perkins, Zeta Pi Chapter. The Nominations Committee, comprised of Adele Little, Eta Mu Chapter; Linda Chrabas, Eta Mu Chapter; Kathy Ellis, Epsilon Omicron Chapter; Dorothy Anderson, Eta Rho Chapter; Dixie Karlson, Alpha Pi Chapter; and Kathleen Heinzinger, Eta Mu Chapter, will review the applications and propose a Slate of Officers for The LIFE Foundation Board at the 2015 LIFE Annual Meeting of Members Friday evening, May 1. The general membership of Chi State will then vote on the slate. More information will follow on the Chi State website’s LIFE Foundation webpage and in the spring issue of Chi State News. --Kathleen Heinzinger, Eta Mu Nominations Committee Chairman, LIFE Foundation Board of Directors CELEBRATING THE ORDER OF THE ROSE The annual Order of the Rose Ceremony will be conducted at the May Chi State Convention for all Chapters who have increased their membership by at least THREE active members. The ceremony will be held Saturday, May 2. Please note the following guidelines: Time Line: April 16, 2014 to April 15, 2015 Absolute Deadline: April 15, 2015 Number of New Members: At least three (or more!). New members may Include initiates, reinstated members, and transferees Chapter Presidents: Are responsible for completing and submitting the Order of the Rose Qualification Form Download the Form: From the Chi State website Email the Completed Form: To Dee Simpson at [email protected] If your Chapter qualified last spring but was not honored, you may apply to be honored this year. If you plan to mail your application via U.S. mail and it may not reach Dee by the deadline, please call her so your Chapter’s name is included in the program. Consult the form for Dee’s address and phone number. --Dee Simpson, Alpha Pi, Chi State Membership Committee CHI STATE CONVENTION May 1-3, 2015 Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA 94010 Please use a separate registration for each member PLEASE PRINT (Name for Badge) LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE ( ) ZIP EMAIL CHAPTER AREA **ALL CONVENTION ATTENDEES MUST PAY A REGISTRATION FEE** Check the events you plan to attend REGISTRATION: Early Registration Fee – by April 15 Registration Fee – after April 15 $65.00 $85.00 MEALS includes 35% tax and gratuity (meals must be ordered by April 20, 2015) Luncheon Event Saturday, May 2, 2015 Banquet Event (dressy attire suggested) Saturday, May 2, 2015 Breakfast Event Sunday, May 3, 2015 $50.00 $78.50 _ $38.00 NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 15, 2015 TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Please specify SPECIAL NEEDS at meals (dietary restrictions, wheelchair access, etc.): Check all that apply: Current Chapter President Current Area Director Past Chi State President International Committee Member Chi State Officer Chi State Committee Chairman Chi State Committee Member 50 year+ Member First Chi State Convention (Office) Willing to Volunteer: Registration Information Desk Hospitality Table Hostess Vendors Chi State Store Credentialing Interest Session Hostess Make checks payable to: DELTA KAPPA GAMMA—CHI STATE CONVENTION 2015 Complete registration by returning this form and your check to the Convention Treasurer: Shirley Vernon 513 Deer Ct., San Jose, CA 95123-3233 408-578-3854 [email protected] Before mailing, copy this registration and your check for your records Do not include funds for hotel reservations with this registration. Book Hotel Reservations by April 10. Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport: 1-866-460-7456 Online Hyatt Registration: **For the group rate discount, mention Delta Kappa Gamma** PAGE 12 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES SLATE OF OFFICERS – 2015-2017 Janis Barr Daphne Cagle Marlene Daniels Janis Barr, nominee for Chi State President, earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree at California State University, Long Beach, attended the University of Uppsala in Sweden and received a Master of Arts Degree from Fresno Pacific University. She has extensive training in leadership development, curriculum and technology. Janis taught at the elementary and junior high school levels for 15 years, then became an Instructional Media Center Coordinator and a Title I Resource Teacher; she also taught at the junior college level. She was an Administrative Assistant/ Counselor at the junior high level for two years and an elementary principal for 11 years. Janis has served as Treasurer and President of Epsilon Psi Chapter in Area XVII and Vice President and President of Zeta Iota Chapter in Area I. At the Chi State level, she has been Area XVII Director, a member and Chairman of the Communications Committee, Chairman of the Bylaws Committee, Chi State Recording Secretary, and a Chi State representative to the chartering of Japan State, Chi State Second Vice-President and Area Director Coordinator. Daphne Cagle, nominee for First VicePresident, received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Speech-Language Pathology with a minor in Learning Disabilities. She obtained a Reading Specialist Certificate and Autism Certification from University of California, Davis. Daphne Janice Michaelson Sue Noyes has worked in the Sacramento City Unified School District as a Communicatively Handicapped Special Day Class Teacher and as a Speech and Language Specialist for 35 years. She serves as a BTSA Support Provider and on the BTSA Leadership Team. In 2007, she was named District Teacher of the Year. Daphne has been a member of Alpha Eta Chapter, Area VI, for 21 years. She has served as Chapter President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, and Yearbook Editor. At Chi State, she has served on the Leadership Development Committee, as Area VI Director, Chi State Convention Co-Chair, and on the Educational Law/ Policy Committee; she currently serves as Chi State Corresponding Secretary. In 2012, she attended the International Leadership Management Seminar in Austin, Texas. Marlene Daniels, nominee for Second Vice-President, attended Kent State University and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and Special Education. She completed her Master’s Degree in Special Education Administration at Kent State, then attended U.S.C. for postgraduate studies in education administration and completed her California Administrative Credential at California State University Long Beach. Marlene is currently a part-time lecturer/ advanced field work supervisor for CSULB in the Educational Specialist Program. (continued – Page 13) WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 13 NOMINEES FOR CHI STATE OFFICERS (continued from Page 12) Marlene was initiated into Eta Chapter in 1978; she served as Chapter President, First and Second Vice-President, Chairman of the Nominations Committee, and on several other Chapter Committees. She was honored with the Chapter Golden Rose Award in 2006. In Area XII, Marlene served as Scholarship Chairman, Conference Chairman, Parliamentarian, and Area XII Director. She received the Outstanding Service to Area Award in 2010. Marlene has served on the Chi State Leadership Team as Area XII Director, Chi State Ceremonials Chairman, Chi State Nominations Committee member, and Chi State Membership Committee Task Force Chairman. Marlene was the 2014 recipient of the Distinguished Service to Chi State Award. Janice Michaelson, the nominee for Recording Secretary, received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from Brigham Young University in 1979. She also studied at California State University Fullerton and Chapman College. She began teaching first grade in Sandy, Utah. Four years later, she moved back to California and taught six years at the elementary level in West Covina. She left the classroom to work for Lee Canter & Associates, coordinating workshops around the U.S. Janice is certified as a Microsoft Office Master and has been teaching computer software at law firms in Los Angeles for 20 years. Janice became a member in 1983 while teaching in Utah. Moving back to California, she has served as Chapter President, Second Vice-President, and Yearbook Chairman of Theta Alpha Chapter, Area XIII, and Gamma Iota Chapter, Area XI. On the state level, she has served as Area XI Director, and member and Chairman of the Communications/ Marketing Committee for eight years. Sue Noyes, who is nominated for Corresponding Secretary, currently serves as Chi State Executive Secretary. She was initiated as a member of Iota Zeta Chapter, Area I, in 1978; she served as Secretary, Vice-President, and Chapter President before becoming Area I Director (1995-1997). Sue was a physical education teacher and coach at Fort Bragg High School for most of her career. She also taught in the high school’s Independent Study Program for several years prior to retiring. She was an active member of the local teachers’ association and CAHPERD and attended classes and seminars to stay abreast of educational issues and trends. Since 1987, Sue has been a member of the Chi State Leadership Team, serving on several different committees: Personal Growth and Services, Leadership Development, Membership, Research, Nominations and as Chair of the Nominations Committee. In 2008, Sue moved from the Mendocino Coast and is now a member of Iota Sigma Chapter, Area II, where she has served as First Vice-President and Chapter President. NOMINEES FOR CHI STATE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE Janice Allen Sandy Carder Carol Carlson Pat Twyman DeLaine Wallace (see biographical sketches on Page 14) PAGE 14 CHI STATE NEWS WINTER, 2015 NOMINEES FOR CHI STATE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE (continued from Page 13) A native of New Jersey, Janice Allen received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and a Lifetime Elementary Teaching Credential from San Jose State University. She taught in Sunnyvale and San Jose. Janice was initiated into Alpha Kappa Chapter in 1996. She served as Chapter Newsletter Editor, Secretary, and President. Janice was Area IV Director, a “Wahine” during the 2003-2005 biennium. From 20112013, she served as Chi State Parliamentarian and was the 2014 Chi State Convention Local Arrangements Chairman. She received the Chi State Distinguished Career/Professional Service Award in 2007 for beginning her Chapter’s “Read to Your Baby” Literacy Project which currently serves “Young Mothers” Programs at three high schools in Santa Clara County. Sandy Carder taught for Marysville Joint Unified Schools for 32 years. She continues to work with the Tri-County BTSA Program as a mentor receiving further training in cognitive coaching, working with varied personalities, and meeting potential members. As a Clinical Supervisor for Western Governor’s University, Sandy has the opportunity to observe teachers in many districts. She served as Sunday School Superintendent for her church and now rotates as one of the worship leaders. In 1983, Sandy was asked to join Beta Omega Chapter. She has served as President and Co-President for her Chapter. Leadership skills continued being strengthened as she served as Area Director from 2009-2011, Executive Secretary and a member of the Nominations Committee. Carol Carlson is a second-generation Californian who was raised in Inglewood and attended Pepperdine College. Now retired, her professional career began as an elementary school teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District. She also served as a training teacher for U.S.C. and Director of the Los Angeles Teacher Center, Carol also serves as an Elder at her church. Carol, a member of Gamma Upsilon Chapter, Area XI, has worked on the Chapter, State, Area, and International levels. She was a participant in the 1984 International Leadership Management Seminar. At the Chi State level, she has served as Finance Committee Chairman for several biennia and in four elected offices, including Chi State President. She served as Co-Chair of the Southwest Regional Conference in 1995 and was California Night Chairman at the 2006 International Convention. Pat Twyman was born in the nation’s capitol and grew up in West Virginia. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree with honors in Nursing and later earned multiple credentials and a Master of Arts Degree in Education. Pat was initiated into Beta Gamma Chapter in 1977. She was actively involved in committee work and served as First VicePresident as well as President. At the Chi State level, she was Area XVI Director, as well as member and chairman of the Membership, Expansion and Nominations Committees. Pat was Chi State VicePresident, then President from 2005-2007. Her next assignments were the Finance Committee, Advertisement/ Vendor Procurer, and member of the Strategic Planning Committee. In 2010, she received the Distinguished Service to Chi State Award. DeLaine Wallace grew up in the Midwest, graduating from high school in a class of eight students. She has taught for 37 years – 12 years as a music teacher and 25 years in the classroom. She has been a BTSA mentor, director for the after-school program, and first grade teacher. At the Chapter level in DKG, DeLaine has served as President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Music Chairman, and Professional Affairs Chairman and is currently Chairman of the Educational Law & Policy Committee and Director of the Iota Xi Singers. Her Chi State involvement includes Area XV Director and Chi State Music Chairman. WINTER, 2015 CHI STATE NEWS PAGE 15 IN MEMORIAM… “Every good life leaves behind the fiber of it interwoven forever in the work of the world.” (Anonymous) …June Cameron, Eta Psi Chapter, Area VIII, June 25, 2014, Thousand Oaks …Verna M. Crookshanks, Eta Zeta Chapter, Area VII, November 30, 2014, Visalia …Alpha Lee Day, Beta Omicron Chapter, Area XII, August 2, 2014, Bellflower …Dr. Kristine “Kris” Drake, Theta Zeta Chapter, Area XVIII, September 22, 2014, Palm Springs …Mary J. Green, Gamma Theta Chapter, Area XVIII, November 2, 2014, Winchester …CleoBell Heipie-Tico, Alpha Sigma Chapter, Area XV, August 28, 2013, Upland …Jean Sollow Freshwater, Alpha Upsilon Chapter, Area XIII, June 27, 2014, Pasadena …Pattie Marie Neel LaPointe, Epsilon Nu Chapter, Area XVII, August 30, 2014, Modesto ...Dr. Susan Roper, Epsilon Delta Chapter, Area VIII, August 18, 2014, Cayucos …Rebecca “Becky” Roth, Alpha Sigma Chapter, Area XV, August 31, 2014, Pomona …Dorothy Sheehy, Alpha Sigma Chapter, Area XV, September 30, 2014, Claremont …Diane Kathryn Dewey Sullivan, Gamma Chi Chapter, Area XVI, May 1, 2014, La Jolla …Mary Ellen Hudson Taylor, Zeta Zeta Chapter, Area III, October 2, 2014, San Ramon …Dr. Anne T. Vardanian, Alpha Gamma Chapter, Area XIV, March 9, 2014, San Clemente …Madalyn Vose, Gamma Omega Chapter, Area IV, September 20, 2014, Campbell …Dr. Joan Wilkes, Eta Chapter, Area XII, June, 2014, La Palma …Ferne Young, Rho Chapter, Area XIV, April 14, 2014, Corona del Mar CONTRIBUTIONS TO CHI STATE FUNDS… Education Center/ Archives …Education Center Management Committee in memory of Kathryn Newman …Jackie Freeman in memory of Kathryn Newman and Jeanine Henderson-Hodges Educational Outreach to Other Countries …Carol and Ken Carlson in memory of Kay Newman, Marion Kraai, and Bob Case …Ellen Owens in memory of Mary Ellen Taylor Emergency Fund …Donations by Delta Mu, Zeta Omega, and Iota Xi Chapters General Fund …Marilyn Stalder-Burke in honor of the birthdays of Dorie Beaumont, Irene Kasai, Judy Kearns and Sandy Rushing …Marilyn Stalder-Burke in honor of the 55th wedding anniversary of Ken and Carol Carlson …Beta Omega Chapter in memory of Kay Newman, Chi State President 1993-1995 Hostelship Fund …Jackie Albini in memory of Marion Kraai …Carol and Ken Carlson in memory of Mary Ellen Taylor Penne Ferrell Fund … Members of the Southwest Region in honor of Heidi Chadwick …Eta Chapter members in memory of Dr. Joan Wilkes …Epsilon Zeta Chapter in memory of Olivia Dalessi …Ellen Owens in memory of Judy Kearns’ mother-in-law …Donation by Iota Xi Chapter Scholarship Fund …Beta Zeta Chapter members in memory of Irene Stockton …Gloria Bracco and Epsilon Nu Chapter members in memory of Patti LaPointe …Beta Omega Chapter in memory of Mary Seawright World Fellowship Enrichment Fund …Gloria Bracco, Paulette Roberson and Kathy Burns-Jepson in memory of Carolina Steinbeck …Donations by Epsilon Nu Chapter, Delta Mu Chapter, and Area II CHI STATE NEWS Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, California The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International — Chi State 808 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SACRAMENTO , CA 95825-6723 CONVENTION SCHEDULE-AT-A-GLANCE Friday, May 1, 2015 11:00 am – 7:00 pm Hospitality/Displays/Vendors/ Chi State Store 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registration/Information/Hospitality/Displays 1:00 pm – 8:00 pm Credentialing (required of all Convention designees) 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Leadership Development Pre-Convention Workshop 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm Pre-Convention Workshop (Common Core Standards) 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Art Gallery Gala Opening 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Grab n’ Go Dinner (available for purchase) 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Order of the Rose Rehearsal 6:30 pm –7:15 pm LIFE Foundation Annual Meeting 7:15 pm – 9:00 pm General Session I: Speaker/First Timer/Golden Member Recognition 9:15 pm – 10; 00 pm Choir Rehearsal 9:15 pm Area Networking Saturday, May 2, 2015 Breakfast on your own 7:00 am – 4:30 pm Registration/Information/Hospitality/Displays 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Vendors/Chi State Store 7:00 am – 11:30 am Credentialing 8:00 am – 10:15 am 4 Professional Growth Seminars (2 hour blocks) 8:00 am – 9:00 am Interest Session I 9:15 am – 10:15 am Interest Session II 10:30 am – 11:20 am Members’ Mall/ Arts & Crafts Gallery/Vendors 11:30 am – 1:30 pm General Session II: Luncheon/Speaker 1:45 pm – 3:45 pm General Session III: Business Meeting/ Legislative Report/ Order of the Rose Ceremony 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Arts & Crafts Gallery 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Rehearsals (Choir, Celebration of Life, Installation) 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Official Photography (by invitation) 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm No Host Reception 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Meet Past Chi State Presidents 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm General Session IV: Banquet/Installation/Awards/Entertainment 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm Lobby Sing Sunday, May 3, 2015 6:45 am – 7:45 am Choir Rehearsal 7:30 am – 8:00 am Registration/Information 8:00 am – 9:45 am Celebration of Life 9:00 am – 11:30 am General Session V: Breakfast/Speaker
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