Local Development Scheme March 2015-2018 Introduction The purpose of this Local Development Scheme (LDS) is to identify new and revised planning policy the Council is preparing to form the Local Plan. Under planning regulations, the Council is required to regularly update this document and post it on its website. The Chorley Local Plan includes all of the local planning policies for Chorley and any planning applications have to be decided in line with it unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The current system was put in place by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 where Local Plans were previously known as Local Development Frameworks. Within this area there is joint working with the Central Lancashire authorities (made up of Chorley, Preston City and South Ribble Borough Councils). This work has included the adoption of a joint Central Lancashire Core Strategy in July 2012 as well as a variety of Supplementary Planning Documents, which form part of the Local Plan. Purpose of the Document This document covers the three year period between March 2015 and March 2018. In relation to Chorley, it supersedes the previous LDS which was published in April 2014. The LDS includes the following information: Local Plan documents to be prepared from March 2015 onwards; and a timetable for their preparation. Details of the progression of the Chorley Local Plan 2012-26 to adoption. The proposed Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan. Proposed SPDs - Ecology SPD, Householder/Housing Design Guidance SPD A list of remaining ‘saved policies’ from the Chorley Local Plan Review (2003). Resources available within Chorley to prepare Local Plan documents. Potential risks to the timely achievement of the work programme set out in this LDS and how these risks are to be managed. Hierarchy for Existing and Proposed Planning Documents National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) (March 2012) Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (March 2012) Lancashire Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (adopted 2009) Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocations DPD (adopted September 2013) Central Lancashire Core Strategy (adopted July 2012) Chorley Local Plan Review (adopted 2003) Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 (Partial Report November 2013) Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule LDD (adopted July 2013) Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) (emerging and adopted) Development Plan Documents (DPDs) have the greatest weight in local planning policy. They form the development plan. However, in respect of the Chorley Local Plan, until the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 is adopted, some policies from the Chorley Local Plan Review (2003) that comply with the Framework will also remain in use. Local Plan Documents – Update Central Lancashire Core Strategy DPD The Central Lancashire Core Strategy July 2012 is the strategic document of the plan and covers all three Central Lancashire authority areas – Chorley, Preston City and South Ribble Borough. It sets the overall strategic vision for the area, including issues such as setting housing requirements and principles for infrastructure. The need for a review of the Core Strategy will be considered in early 2015. Chorley Local Plan 2012-2016 Each Central Lancashire authority is producing a separate Local Plan. The Local Plan sets out development management policies, and allocates or protects land for specific uses, such as housing, employment or play space. Chorley and South Ribble received their Partial Interim Reports from their inspectors in November 2013 following examination and consultation on the Inspectors Minded Main Modifications. The Chorley examination in public took place in April/May 2013. The Planning Inspector considered all of the modifications presented during the hearings and a further consultation on the Inspectors Minded Main Modifications took place in July/August 2013. All representations received were forwarded for consideration by the Planning Inspector before the Partial Report was issued. The Partial Report covers all matters other than those relating to Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. This matter was examined at a reconvened hearing on 23rd September 2014. The Inspector has indicated that she intends to produce her draft report w/c 13th April 2015. A timetable for the progression of the Local Plan is included in Appendix 1. Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Local Plan A Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) was published in January 2014 which identified the need for 5 permanent pitches in Chorley and a transit need of 15 pitches across Central Lancashire. No need for a Travelling Showpeople site was found. In light of this the Council will allocate a site for a minimum of 5 permanent residential pitches in the Local Plan. The Council is committed to producing a separate Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Local Plan jointly with the neighbouring authorities of South Ribble and Preston which will address the transit need and address any further need identified in further work on the GTAA. The Council recognises that the Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople population can be hard to reach when undertaking GTAAs and that there may be a need resulting from overcrowding on existing sites, concealed households or those living in bricks and mortar which the January GTAA has been unable to identify. A timetable for the production of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Local Plan and additional GTAA work is included in Appendix 2. Saved Policies from Chorley Local Plan Review (2003) A full list of policies saved from the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review (2003) to be replaced by the Chorley Local Plan 2012-26 can be found in Appendix 3 of this document. Appendix 4 lists all those that were replaced by the Core Strategy. Other Documents Statement of Community Involvement The Council’s Statement of Community Involvement was adopted in September 2014. Supplementary Planning Documents Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) offer local planning authorities the opportunity to add guidance on specific policy areas. The purpose of SPDs is to provide guidance on the interpretation and implementation of relevant planning policies, particularly those in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy. They form part of the Local Plan. The following Central Lancashire SPDs have been adopted: Affordable Housing – Oct 2012 Controlling Re-Use of Employment Premises – Oct 2012 Rural Development – Oct 2012 Design Guide – Oct 2012 Access to Healthy Food* – Oct 2012 Open Space, Sport and Recreation – Sept 2013 The following Chorley SPD has been adopted: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy SPD The following SPDs are proposed: Ecology SPD Householder/Housing Design Guidance SPD Information on the content of these SPDs and proposed timescale for completion is set out in Appendix 5. *The Access to Healthy Food SPD was adopted in October 2012, however, after consideration at the Chorley and South Ribble Local Plan Examinations, the SPD and proposed Local Plan policy with their references to a 400m exclusion zones was not considered robust and the SPD has been suspended pending a review which will inform whether it is revised or withdrawn. Annual Monitoring Report Chorley Council produces an annual monitoring report. The latest report was produced in November 2013. It is intended that this will be updated in June 2015. Resources The following in-house resources will be made available: Planning Manager Team Leader Principal Planning Officer 2 x Planning Officers 1 x Planning Assistant In addition, joint working between the Central Lancashire teams is coordinated through a Central Lancashire officer working group. There is also a Joint Advisory Committee made up of members from the three Central Lancashire authorities and Lancashire County Council. The Planning Policy team can draw on additional resources from other teams within Chorley Council for expertise on areas such as; Housing Neighbourhood management Environmental health Economic development Property services Sports development Parks Corporate policy Lancashire County Council has a strategic planning function. Chorley Council can draw upon their expertise in the following areas; Transport and highways Ecology Minerals and waste Cross-boundary issues Health Education Consultants are engaged on specific projects where there is a lack of expertise or capacity in-house, for example the production of evidence base studies such as the GTAA. Risk Assessment of Delivering LDS Programme In preparing the LDS, the main risks to programme slippage are: • Staff turnover/absence – This potential problem has been mitigated by the allocation of responsibility for production of the LDF to all members of the planning policy team, to allow for cover if required. Also the authority has established good working relationships with consultants with a view to employing them from time to time, subject to mutual agreement and financial arrangements. • Political delay – The potential for delays due to the political process is increased by the requirement for joint/aligned documents (such as some of the SPDs) to be endorsed by the relevant decision-making structure of each Central Lancashire authority. This has been mitigated by involving Members from all three authorities in a Joint Advisory Committee informed by LDF working groups in each district authority enabling Members to be fully involved at an early stage. • Joint Working – Although there are considerable benefits in joint working, there are risks in terms of programming work and political decision making. The three authorities are minimising this risk through a memorandum of understanding. • ‘Soundness’ of DPD – Joint and independent working, this risk will be minimised by liaising closely with relevant partners and agencies, neighbouring authorities and having regard to the soundness toolkit and procedural implications. • Changing Legislation – The risk of changing legislation during the preparation of the LDF is a challenge. This impact will be minimised by attending events, liaising with the relevant Government department, keeping up-to-date with new policy and legislation and assessing how this may impact on the LDF. This is largely out of the authority’s control. • Finance/Resource Availability – Finance and resource availability will be a significant challenge in the forthcoming years. This will need to be considered by the authority and assessed on an annual basis. The risk of lack of finance has been mitigated by advance budgeting and joint working savings. Appendix 1 Timetable for progression of Chorley Local Plan 2012 – 2026 Task Local Development Framework Members advised of revised timetable for progression of Chorley Local Plan and Preferred Site Selection of permanent sites. Central Lancashire Joint Advisory Committee advised of revised timetable for progression of Chorley Local Plan. Chorley Council endorsement of preferred permanent sites Public Consultation on preferred permanent sites including Main Modifications. Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment Supplement of any alternative sites suggested through consultation process Results of consultation and preferred site/s for allocation to Council Submission of results of consultation and preferred site/s for allocation to Inspector Reconvening of Local Plan Examination Hearings Consultation on Inspectors Minded Modifications Re-Consultation on Inspectors Minded Modifications Results of consultation submitted to Inspector Inspectors Draft Report (2 weeks for fact checking before finally issued) Inspectors Final Report Adoption of Local Plan Timescale 12 March 2014 26 March 2014 3 June 2014 4 June – 16 July 2014 By 23 July 2014 21 August 2014 onwards 2 September 2014 23-24 September 2014 17th October - 3rd December 2014 12th December - 6th Feb 15 10th Feb 2015 W/C 13th April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 Appendix 2 Timetable for the preparation of a Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Local Plan, including Transit Site provision and additional GTAA work Task Prepare tender brief details for additional work on Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Study/ GTAA Tender process Commission additional GTAA work Consultants to undertake additional GTAA work Results of additional work on GTAA Begin process of DPD preparation 6 week consultation on Issues and Options and call for sites process at same time Review Issues and Options stage and prepare responses to representations/preferred options stage 6 weeks consultation on Preferred Options Review preferred options consultation stage and prepare responses to representations/publication stage 6 week consultation on Publication DPD Review publication stage and prepare responses to representations/ prepare for submission Submission to SoS Pre-Hearing Meeting with Inspector (8 weeks after submission, 6 weeks before examination) Examination Inspector’s Report Adoption of DPD Timescale April - May 2014 May - June 2014 June 2014 – March 2015 April/May 2015 January 2015 May – July 2015 July – August 2015 Sept – Nov 2015 Nov – January 2016 Feb – March 2016 April - May 2016 July – August 2016 September 2016 October/Nov 2016 December 2016 January 2017 Appendix 3 Saved Policies from Chorley Local Plan Review 2003 to be replaced by Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 Local Plan Policy no. GN1 GN3 GN4 GN5 GN9 Local Plan Policy Title Settlement policy: main settlements Development in Eccleston Development in various settlements Design and impact of development Transport accessibility DC2 Open countryside DC3 Safeguarded land DC4 Rural infilling DC5 Rural affordable housing DC6 Major developed sites in Green Belt DC7A DC7B DC10 Rural conversions in Green Belt Rural conversions elsewhere Rural replacement dwellings and extensions in the Green Belt Rural replacement dwellings and extensions elsewhere Rural community facilities HT7 Conservation areas HT8 Control of demolition in conservation areas HT9 Trees in conservation areas HT10 Locally important buildings HT11 Archaeological sites HT12 Sites of regional importance HT13 Historic parks and gardens DC8A DC8B and local archaeological EP1 Sites of Special Scientific Interest EP2 County Heritage Sites and LNRs EP3 EP4 EP9 EP15 EP20 EP21A HS1 Nature geological sites of local importance Species protection Trees and woodland Unstable land Noise Light pollution Housing allocations Superseded by Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 V2 – Settlement Areas V2 – Settlement Areas V2 – Settlement Areas BNE1 – Design Criteria for New Development BNE1 – Design Criteria for New Developments. BNE2 – Development in the Area of Other Open Countryside BNE3 – Areas of Land Safeguarded for Future Development Needs HS7 – Rural Infilling HS8 – Rural Affordable Housing – Rural Exception Sites BNE5 – Redevelopment of Previously Developed Sites in the Green Belt. HS9 – Conversion of Rural Buildings in the Green Belt and Other Designated Areas HS5 – House Extensions HS6 – Replacement Dwellings HW6 – Community Facilities BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE10 – Trees BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE9 – Biodiversity and Nature Conservation BNE8 – Protection and Enhancement of Heritage Assets BNE9 – Biodiversity and Nature Conservation BNE9 – Biodiversity and Nature Conservation BNE11 – Species Protection BNE10 – Trees BNE7 – Unstable Land BNE1 – Design Criteria for New Development BNE6 – Light Pollution HS1 – Housing Site Allocations Local Plan Policy no. HS6 HS9 Local Plan Policy Title Superseded by Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 Housing windfall sites Residential extensions in settlements excluded from the Green Belt BNE1 – Design Criteria for New Development HS5 – House Extensions Removal of agricultural occupancy conditions HS10 – Agricultural Workers Dwellings in the Countryside HS20 Public open space requirements in housing developments Ornamental open space requirements HS4A – Open Space Requirements in New Housing Developments HS21 Playing space requirements EM1 Employment land allocations Development criteria for industrial and business development HS16 HS19 EM2 EM7 Employment development in residential areas SP1 SP2 Locations for major retail development Retail allocations SP4 Primary shopping area SP5 Secondary shopping area SP6 District, neighbourhood, local shopping areas SP10 TR3 TR13 TR14 Shopfronts Road schemes Rail facilities Rail electrification and improvement TR17 Cycle routes TR18 Pedestrian and development TR19 Improved cycling and pedestrian facilities TR22 Development Access Points cycle facilities in new LT2 Leisure allocations LT8 LT9 LT11 LT12 LT13 LT14 LT15 PS6 PS7 PS11 Valley Parks Leeds and Liverpool canal Allotments Outdoor sport and related development Playspace allocations Playing fields, parks and recreational open space Amenity open space Primary school allocations Further and higher education facilities Crematoria and burial facilities HS4B – Playing Pitch Requirements in New Housing Developments EP1 – Employment Site Allocations EP3 – Development Criteria for Business and Industrial Development EP4 – Employment Development in Residential Areas EP5 – Retail Site Allocations in Chorley Town EP5 – Retail Site Allocations in Chorley Town EP6 – Chorley Town Primary Shopping Area, Primary and Secondary Frontages EP6 – Chorley Town Primary Shopping Area, Primary and Secondary Frontages EP7 – Development and Change of Use in District and Local Centres. BNE1 – Design Criteria for New Development ST3 – Road Schemes and Development Access ST2 – Rail Facilities, Electrification and Improvement ST1 – Provision or Improvement of Footpaths, Cycleways, Bridleways and their Associated Facilities in Existing Networks and New Development. ST1 – Provision or Improvement of Footpaths, Cycleways, Bridleways and their Associated Facilities in Existing Networks and New Development. ST3 – Road Schemes and Development Access HW1 – New Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities HW2 – Protection of Existing Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities. HW3 – Valley Parks HW4 – The Leeds and Liverpool Canal HW5 - Allotments HW1 – New Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities HW2 – Protection of Existing Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities. EP10 – Primary School Allocations EP11 – Further and Higher Education Facilities. HW7 – Crematoria and Burial Facilities Appendix 4 Saved Policies from Chorley Local Plan Review 2003 to be replaced by Core Strategy August 2012 Local Plan Policy Local Plan Policy Title Relevant Core Strategy Policy 1 GN1 Settlement policy: main settlements GN2 Royal Ordnance/ Buckshaw 1 GN3 Development in Eccleston 1 GN4 Development in rural settlements 1 GN5 Design and impact of development 17 GN6 GN9 Priority urban fringe areas Transport accessibility DC1 DC2 Green Belt Open countryside DC3 Safeguarded land DC4 Rural infilling DC5 Rural affordable housing Major developed sites in Green Belt Rural conversions in Green Belt DC6 DC7A DC7B Rural conversions elsewhere Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy Partly, but GN1 settlement boundaries required until SADPD adopted Partly, but GN2 settlement boundaries required until SADPD adopted Partly, but GN3 settlement boundaries required until SADPD adopted Partly, but GN4 settlement boundaries required until SADPD adopted + SADPD will provide further advice on acceptable development. Rural SPD not yet adopted Partly – but provides a lack of clarity in terms of separation distances (in Appendix 2 of Design Guidance). Proposed to be covered in SADPD. No Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG No Decision Retain GN1 No Retain GN2 No Retain GN3 No Retain GN4 Yes – Design Guidance SPG (2004) No No No No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. No No Retain GN5 & Design Guidance SPG Retain GN6 Retain GN9 Retain DC1 Retain DC2 No Retain DC3 No Retain DC4 No Retain DC5 No Retain DC6 Yes – Conversion of Rural Buildings SPG Yes – Conversion of Rural Buildings SPG Retain DC7A & SPG No Retain DC7B & SPG Local Plan Policy DC8A DC8B DC9 Local Plan Policy Title Relevant Core Strategy Policy Rural replacement dwellings and extensions in the Green Belt Rural replacement dwellings and extensions elsewhere Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. Yes Landscape character areas Rural community facilities 21 25 No – Partly covered by Policy 25 and proposed to be covered in SADPD HT7 Conservation areas 16 HT8 Control of demolition in conservation areas 16 HT9 Trees in conservation areas Locally important buildings Archaeological sites No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD Partly, but EP1 boundaries required until SADPD adopted Partly, but EP2 boundaries required until SADPD adopted Partly, but EP3 boundaries required until SADPD adopted No – not currently covered in SADPD but policy requested by DC Yes No DC10 HT10 HT11 HT12 HT13 EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP7 16 16 Sites of regional and local archaeological importance Historic parks and gardens 16 Sites of Special Scientific Interest County Heritage Sites and LNRs Nature geological sites of local importance Species protection 22 Wildlife corridors Agricultural development 16 22 22 22 18 & 22 Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG Yes – Householder Design Guidance Yes – Householder Design Guidance Decision Retain DC8A & SPG Retain DC8B & SPG No Delete DC9 Yes – DC10 Protection of Community Facilities in Rural Areas No Retain DC10 & SPG Retain HT7 No Retain HT8 No Retain HT9 No Retain HT10 Retain HT11 No No Retain HT12 No Retain HT13 No Retain EP1 No Retain EP2 No Retain EP3 No Retain EP4 No No Delete EP5 Retain EP7 Local Plan Policy Local Plan Policy Title Relevant Core Strategy Policy Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy EP8 Development involving horses No EP9 Trees and woodland EP10 Landscape assessment No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD Yes EP11 Structural landscaping belts Environmental improvements Under-used, derelict and unsightly land Unstable land EP12 EP13 EP15 EP17 EP18 Water resources and quality Surface water run-off EP20 Noise EP21 Air pollution EP21A Light pollution 21 Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG Yes – SPG on Development Involving Horses No No No No No No No No No No 29 Yes No 29 Yes No No – although Policy 17 has provisions to avoid harm to surrounding land-uses and occupiers and to protect occupiers of new development, this relates to the design of buildings rather than the use proposed. SADPD proposed replacement for EM7 covers these issues for small scale employment development. No - although Policy 17 has provisions to avoid harm to surrounding land-uses and occupiers and to protect occupiers of new development, this relates to the design of buildings rather than the use proposed. Policy 30 aims to improve air quality through additional initiatives, but it does not provide a policy basis for considering applications that may lead to an increase in air pollution. No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No 30 Decision Retain EP8 & SPG Retain EP9 Delete EP10 Retain EP11 Retain EP12 Retain EP13 Retain EP15 Delete EP17 Delete EP18 Retain EP20 No Retain EP21 No Retain EP21A Local Plan Policy Local Plan Policy Title Relevant Core Strategy Policy 27 Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy EP22 Energy conservation EP23 Energy from renewable resources 28 Yes – although there is no SPD to provide practical guidance on the application of the policy Yes – Sustainable Resources DPD & SPD EP24 Wind farms 28 Yes – although there is no SPD to provide practical guidance on the application of the policy Yes – Sustainable Resources DPD & SPD HS1 Housing allocations No HS4 Design and layout 17 HS5 Affordable housing 7 HS6 HS7 Housing windfall sites Redevelopment for housing Local needs housing within rural settlements excluded from Green Belt Residential extensions in settlements excluded from the Green Belt No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD Partly – but provides a lack of clarity in terms of separation distances (in Appendix 2 of Design Guidance). Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Yes – Affordable Housing SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted No No HS8 HS9 HS10 Multiple occupancy HS11 Flats above retail and commercial premises The inclusion of flats in retail and commercial schemes Protection of existing flats and the potential for flats Removal of agricultural occupancy conditions HS12 HS13 HS16 Yes – although there is no SPD to provide practical guidance on the application of the policy Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG Yes – Sustainable Resources DPD & SPD Decision Delete EP22 and cease to use our SR DPD & SPD Delete EP23 and cease to use our SR DPD & SPD Delete EP24 and cease to use our SR DPD & SPD Retain HS1 No Retain HS4 & Design Guidance SPG No Delete HS5 No No Retain HS6 Retain HS7 No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No Retain HS8 No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD Yes – Householder Design Guidance No Retain HS9 & SPG No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No No No Retain HS10 Retain HS11 Retain HS12 No No Retain HS13 No No Retain HS16 Local Plan Policy Local Plan Policy Title Relevant Core Strategy Policy 17 HS17 Special needs housing HS19 Public open space requirements in housing developments Ornamental open space requirements 24 HS21 Playing space requirements 24 HS22 Established residential areas Employment land allocations Royal Ordnance/Buckshaw HS20 EM1 EM1A EM2 EM3 EM4 EM4A EM5 EM6 Development criteria for industrial and business development Diversification of the rural economy Protection of employment sites in rural settlements Additional employment in rural areas Extensions to rural enterprises Financial and professional services 24 Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy Partly - although Policy 17 has provisions to avoid harm to surrounding land-uses and occupiers and to protect occupiers of new development, this relates to the design of buildings rather than the use proposed. Partly but detail proposed to be covered in SADPD. SPD also proposed. Partly but detail proposed to be covered in SADPD. SPD also proposed. Partly but detail proposed to be covered in SADPD. SPD also proposed. No Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG No Decision Retain HS17 No Retain HS19 No Retain HS20 Interim Planning Guidelines for New Equipped Play Areas No Retain HS21 & Interim Guidelines Retain HS22 Retain EM1 Delete EM1A No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD Partly – The CS includes a Strategic Site Boundary for Buckshaw Village but EM1A boundaries required until SADPD adopted No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No No Retain EM2 13 Yes No 10 Yes 17 Partly Yes – Proof of Marketing: Policy EM4 Protection of Employment Sites in Rural Settlements SPG No Delete EM3 Delete EM4 & associated SPG 13 Partly – but also proposed to be covered in SADPD No 1&9 No No No Retain EM4A Retain EM5 Retain EM6 Local Plan Policy EM7 EM8 EM9 Local Plan Policy Title Employment development in residential areas Redevelopment of identified employment sites Redevelopment of employment sites for non-employment uses SP1 Locations for major retail development SP2 Retail allocations SP4 Primary shopping area SP5 Secondary shopping area District, neighbourhood, local shopping areas Local shops on housing development sites Shopfronts SP6 SP9 SP10 TR1 TR3 TR4 TR13 TR14 TR17 TR18 TR19 TR22 Relevant Core Strategy Policy No Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG No 10 No No Retain EM8 10 Yes Delete EM9 & associated SPG 11 Partly, but SP1 shopping centre boundaries required until SADPD adopted No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No Yes – Proof of Marketing: Policy EM9 Redevelopme nt of Existing Employment Sites for NonEmployment uses SPG No Retain SP1 No Retain SP2 No Retain SP4 No Retain SP5 No Retain SP6 No Retain SP9 No No No - No Retain SP10 Retain TR1 No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD Partly - not currently covered in SADPD. Partly – but also proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No Retain TR3 No Retain TR4 No Retain TR13 Retain TR14 Retain TR17 Retain TR18 No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No Major development tests Road schemes Highway development control criteria Rail facilities Rail electrification and improvement Cycle routes Pedestrian and cycle facilities in new development Improved cycling and pedestrian facilities Development Access Points 3 Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy No No No No Decision Retain EM7 Retain TR19 Retain TR22 Local Plan Policy LT2 LT3 LT4 Local Plan Policy Title Leisure allocations Small scale tourism and visitor facilities Caravan and camping sites Relevant Core Strategy Policy 11,13, 17 13 LT5 Farm based visitor attractions 13 & 17 LT6 Visitor facilities at historic buildings 16 LT7 Historic Parks and Gardens 16 LT8 Valley Parks 18 LT9 LT10 Leeds and Liverpool canal Public rights of way LT11 Allotments 23 LT12 Outdoor sport and related development 13 LT13 Playspace allocations LT14 Playing fields, parks and recreational open space LT15 Amenity open space LT16 Dual use of education facilities Hospital land allocation PS1 PS2 Community centres and village halls 24 25 Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG No No Retain LT2 Retain LT3 Partly. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. Partly - Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance although not yet adopted. No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 16 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 18 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 23 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 13 and proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD No – Partly covered by Policy 24 and proposed to be covered in SADPD. Open Space SPD proposed. No – Proposed to be covered in SADPD. Open Space SPD proposed. No No Retain LT4. No Retain LT5 No Retain LT6 No Retain LT7 No Retain LT8 No Retain LT9 No Retain LT10 Retain LT11 No, but boundary retained until SADPD adopted No – Partly covered by Policy 25 and proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance for rural areas although not yet adopted. Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy No Partly. No Decision No Retain LT11 No Retain LT13 Retain LT14 No No Retain LT15 No No Retain LT16 Retain PS1 No Retain PS2 Local Plan Policy Local Plan Policy Title PS3 Community facilities change of use PS4 Pre-school playgroups and nurseries Nursery education Primary school allocations Further and higher education facilities Chorley Town Hall extension Crematoria and burial facilities Utility services development Hazardous installations PS5 PS6 PS7 PS10 PS11 PS12 PS12A PS12B PS13 Development near hazardous installations Travelling showpeople PS14 Gypsies and other travellers PS15 Church and related uses Relevant Core Strategy Policy 25 8 8 Relevant adopted Chorley DPD/SPD/SPG No Retain PS3 No Retain PS4 No No No No Retain PS5 Retain PS6 No No Retain PS7 No No No No No No No No No No No – Core Strategy Policy 8 sets out criteria for applications for Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites. Following publication of a GTAA, the Local Plan will include a policy allocating a site for permanent pitches. A separate Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Local Plan will also be prepared which will address transit need and any further need identified in further work on the GTAA. No No Retain PS10 Retain PS11 Retain PS12 Retain PS12A Retain PS12B Delete PS13 Delete PS14 Policy wholly superseded by Core Strategy No – Partly covered by Policy 25 and proposed to be covered in SADPD. Rural Development SPD will also provide guidance for rural areas although not yet adopted. No No No Decision Retain PS15 Appendix 5 Schedule of Content for Proposed SPDs Title Core Strategy Policy Relevant evidence National policies Existing local guidance Anticipated form and content of consultation Envisaged timescale for completion Outline of scope Lead author(s) Title Core Strategy Policy Relevant evidence National policies Existing local guidance Anticipated form and content of consultation Envisaged timescale for completion Outline of scope Lead author(s) Biodiversity and Nature Conservation SPD Policy 18: Green Infrastructure Policy 21: Landscape Character Areas LCC ecological network maps National Planning Policy Framework None Engagement with LCC, Wildlife Trust and other statutory consultees, developers and agents. Adoption July 2015 This SPD will assist in the interpretation of Core Strategy Policies 18 and 21 and Local Plan Policy BNE9: Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. The purpose of this SPD is to explain the councils approach as local planning authorities towards encouraging Biodiversity. Stephen Lamb Householder/Housing Design Guidance SPD Policy 17: Design of New Buildings Quality Reviewer: Appraising the Design and Quality of Development Proposals, HCA, 2010 Landscape Strategy for Lancashire, 2000 National Planning Policy Framework Householder Design Guidance SPD, February 2008 Central Lancashire Design Guide SPD, October 2012 Engagement with developers and agents. Adoption July 2016 Local Plan Policy BNE1: Design Criteria for New Development provides further guidance to that contained in Core Strategy Policy 17. This SPD will supplement Policy BNE1 and provide further information on local design issues as well as issues relating to householder applications. Its aim is to encourage high quality design. Peter McAnespie
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